ppm any / ewer In employed, , or'property within it'll* of say Rail-way e ehigiaei aunt TUD, nor within one bemired yards Ottnini•ipagise, Kill be in- Agin of Comphene. Pine said ' extra Ausurdow tad miles, lamps and other t by'glaiiilainerise, tbro' --ins„ r.mant 'not otinstant- • tt-boneeti, bone and A# aterriont up and bleeping of sevaden tome 4 in buildings in ti indlepetsbly acts of "gross "dist in s case of damage+ by red party : may be pat to the onus ebliption of proving) tbst- the latteuriginate from any A these repre ', ItierzeMsable practices. ~.... _" ..J . 46 . aof the Society is. by the 4enforeeltient of stringent pre .... 11.410% . 10 11 INIAICA as pissible to ill -7 *1 Aimee* of fires °conning from - nom. and to conduct the bust .' .on theme , * eimnsnoical plan: the OS.* ',ageing any remuneration fur 64111 - . is the Beetetary. . ..,' • . esin Nomads to any of the ()S -..° ...7" lien's Surveyors and Agents. *-11111.1.Jan D. Lionalecur ; ~ George Throne; Secretary, .41 ... ; k tesident, Jacob Fulweikr : John Throne; Joseph Mittel ; aM ,fitia Ili WA' of Straben ; Tobias Boyer, j A 1 Peteriihnit; Abraham 'Lie ; s e 4.,...... , l ilitialltabfigiJedy 19, ISSR. esw.it --4*- 0 1P-' , ssr- , • r ;,:-..- -+--- ,-- -- *a /4241gOtiee to Teachers. I lege . patios to all persons in to teat* in the public arthoi,ls of lia t daring the - eorrnne fall and win . "it held an ifiIiTiTUTE, fur the Allehltalinst 41 ail earth tesehirry, in the It V ; itattesiaara, commencing on Now d , drafr ~ardor next.. and con 1114adayilt. All smelters are urged Jo Ma !mutate, as I will grant no alc ta intrtilloiti emitter, in itter, except at that %/v.—. . PriV aitilitiiii. Aftapoffice, must he dose row vend ail who do not attend ' titiPliadll.lo wit! nut be examined anywhere ski& *dole, requires that the examine \ *id illiallilve oundoeted hi the presence of I /filid, Viscond others, and it is high time 4111114111111sefloanty. as in other Counties, the 441011001' iid he rigidly ndhered to. - W. L. CAMPBELL, ;1838, 3t Co. ~' Sa l ,. .._ ..... J. .Lawrence Hill, At D. HAS office ono OglatetE door west of .1.1,,e • 'Lutheran church irk • .4W, mid ~ppnaite Pickiag's ! t i t c irisbidgto have any Den. Sal S• • tinned are respectfully otr.Net4: Dr. 11. Horner, D, Rec. If. L BauAher, I). y, Prot 3f. Jacobß, Prnf. .y . .; IGettysturs, April 11,'6 L. 3. a "* " - D. MeCortanghy, A l l l #llAter AT LAW, (Ace one arbor 4 4 2 . weit o Buehler's drug and boot store, C C berg - street.) ArtoaxEr am) So- Lsei . , 041 PATZA TS AN D l'exs;oss. Bounty • Sktrilitot. "Back- pad atipantle,l Claitm., ar, claims against ilia Government at ttn. P. C ; also American Claims is . _ rsnd Warrants located and actajor bcxritit, an d liiglurst prices 6i t P R.- Acisip 3n . r•etio beating warrants in Jowls, Ulf , - .. other western States. Sar•Apply to b piiiimaally` or by letter. r. •, rit, Nev. iN, 1833. :Edward IL Buehler, Attr°,,,.." KY Al' LAW, will faithfully and to . 2 ,„li k jr . a poo tte ito nd t to be a c il e b r u ta i o iti o es to 3 n e g n uo tr z us e tad ._ *Jew y lace. in ,South Baltimore a ner sit r ost ur4 4 ; zi s e d g r ier ug ,o ato sto re ro , e and nearly t berg, March 20. • !Wm. a McClellan; LA.W.--Offtee on the l e a 4144 9tthe public square, 2 cluort V Sentinel office. g, August 22, 1853. . , Fire . Insurarcoe. • Mutual pre ineur t n e e Ossoissup-.Capital $130,, &—effects in ept/ow is =any part of the State, against boob" per, prudently adapts its operations W Um reel:Hams; affords ample indemnity, uuldhMtiLs4jus4 its loess*. ty is represented in the Board IWigur7 - t by Bon. Mous McCut - A - hiseLEAN. Aqnst. , 011osistS.* w•Josal•aarG•mptgift• 1840, PlollB lo =.-Aworge and 'leafy Wsfapter armee Spotdigg end pat up the shiplint.l4* eh& or`reanterproduee. Far -5101*• *N. Shan whelping their houson, ih t t* hphotod. would do well to giall A. & 11. WAMPLEIL Alet 114. tBS3. $t lIRIC.—M li use Louisa sta Lima item so inform the ladies of Suitt and auesery v Oisst•aitis is stow ad to execute 41441irepimali iMbr ieh io , Ar est Moidie slaw s isle, sissies tail.iw Mr. thorge Little's ik duos cltaxpier than el's:where is smm: nesse call sad see. apr. 21, '36, dili,4llfiatlr;ou waits' , 4044t, * IN/444 Mr 1 . 11 ° 7 li m rl s YP a Z ‘r.' rt. mlNNiuffe. at . - . tt 3 , 1 . " icaltarki i t „telpitij"., • • • *NWT", ' ' tarkpot, 511,411. S 4a- iiiiimssMOAL. &IT R Er aad mob, before Ist. plosion, 23. That they emit No Olfestsies Odor whits horniag. 31. That they are ve7 easily trimmed. 4th. That they are wily regulated to give ji t morass. Ilia ' ht. " sth. TWA - ey bartv eitlrerl free ' from staile.44* • ._, ' ' - , . 646,- q light Is 'at least in per cent: eheakr than any otbei. light Wow In common MSC mi.. Laiircio ars'arlaslzahly adapted for the nee of &adents, Mechanic'', 'Seamstresses, Ilstla:Chtlitifee, tto re+, Hotels, and are high ly reenostuetided for Family Use. ToriIOPISITMCISPIIIIIIIIM*. - June 14, 1838. 4 . lirpnlited with of Old the • • Removal. qIM salweriber tins removed Ms Ploti;11 and Machine Shop from the Foundry building w Railroad street,' onp mite Tate's Blacksmith shop, beak of the Bugle Hotel, where heir better prepared then seer to at. tend to customers. Ploughs always on hand and made to artier at the shortest win*. and Machines, Reapers. repairel. Aloft he wilt Miami chirmng and repairing Clucks. May 10. • DA VI It WARREN. Just Arriving! vr,w0101.14 01, J. LIASP & Vl° Atir —.Giveeries, piees, Costootiinut Fri3its, &t., L. Belliug eh.aper than *vet lii~r Ns * Also, the Joe', Patent COAL OIL LAMPS —ttietresteet ttuprureatetat ut the •ge. Jens 7, Ia:AX TOHN L. tiUilliktEATOLI, ESt/..'S ES " TATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of John L. llubernatur, Esq., late of Cunovragu towttaktitsw Ada4l4 giUunty. deceas ed. Esivitag been screutesl to the audersigned. be betel es notice to 4r persons in debtest to paid estate to make immediate payment, and tho4e hnring cams against the same to present them properly authenti cated fur settlement—ln L OrIIKKNATOR,Jr.. AdmaY. Or st the Store of Roi ly & SJeeringer, in liciliferyst•rice. Jtax gti,.lrl;)6. Gt R. Linn, • NEW VILLS, PA., C EN? for 4f , Cu.'* limprovol ' ifELOI)EON.S. Itiirluxtrumeutsdelivered to afi7 aeldrems at Manufacturers' Trrler4. lier•E'rery irudru went warranted. BijrStud lur s circular. July 12., !KN. 3u.1" pint Railreal wilt without doubt be finish ed J- to Gettysburg by the first of October next, and it is confidently expected that the board of Directors will gives, free " blow-out" on that great day. Meantime Picking would ,moat respectfully inform those 500 men who purchased their Overcoats from hilt, last fall, and dose 499 who hare already procured I their Sumner Chlithing. and dee public gen erally. that be has jest tithrWail from the city with another beautiful assortment of WATS, consisting of Cloth, Caasioiere, Caslausase‘ Italian cloth, Ducks, Linen, frosk. *auk and raglans. PSSTS of every possible deseription, and at prices that can not fail t please the roost BetilsoluitiLl pur chaser. VESTS that will compete in make and style with the beet custom work.— ' Thanktul for the put eucouragemeut, 1 hope by a desire to please, it Strict attention business, and by giving yi u all good and cheap elottung, to merits vuutiuuanceof your patronage,. Remember the place, Chaml,ers burg street, opposite' the English , Lutheran Church. - " P. B. I'ICKING. Gettysburz, July 19, 1858. A NB VENDCE CRIER.—The subscriber, " respectfully informs the public, that he continues the business of Crying, Veridue.., l Auctiutui, itc., on the very lowest ter,..— }'rum hie experience and. a determinstiou to do the best for the interests of his cog ?MUNI he flatters himself that he will he able to render full satisfaction to thelsiwho may see proper to employ him. His residence is. en Reading township, Adams noway. , one mire below Stambaugh's Mill, on, Big Conowago creek, ontlmfarut of the Widow Neidich.— Give eitow a trial at a /tale. . GEO. F. Wit:UR. *EirLetters tube addressed to Oxford P. 0., Adams county, Pa. July 5, 1858. 3m • John W. Tipton. , "Atocirr„:', ; (10 to Tipton's--Ao to 'L ! ipton's-- 1 -A Uo to Tipton's in the cornea-- 4 In the corner In the Diatnond— In theDiamonCriesr If you want your hair dressed llnelv•?-- If you want your face shared awoo(hly. Bachelors who never knew it— , Tip's the fellow that tan do it-- Du it is the !Attest fashion— Do it quick and do it assay, And improve pour fine losiks grectlY, Make you look so young and sprightly, Make you feel more young and bricititlf, • lita ke•t(t .you tel going, nightly njsott 'tome pretty damsel -' Who before wontd not look at you, At yob is you pasted hbk. Daily on the public street. ~ '- And young men who wear moustaches, Who want some one to sew patches— Patches wherejour brooches tear—: - Tip's the boy to make) up matches— Diteltellv . itit souse Itly re2artiplin Shop, 71 1 0 Urt and Fop. r • • • 1 4 11 1 1 0— • ie "" * ' Illinea Wear. JL. pc:rug Korival4,l*44 thatittsittion of • bayeA to Ids large stuck ni Fine rhino, 4 Apra be . Maim 4 , ,Nialbi, all osidti maaaractalett WORE haw la, adwrioldjithiviikaisils siOar — sl?,,,Pr in. • Oily thew a tall;sprev sue. tishanst, in etwabsentou 104' &AN' 4Atitn, iinKbext4assni in* prea ta ' fir vly.rlA4are , 1. 1011 :Y w• so cuxii OM mow Administrator's Notice. THE BEST IN THF. WuRLDI Also, the world rewlwned CIiIeKERING PIANOS. Particular Attention ! Autioneer . • -- -••-',P - .. , ialltforsaa s wear ling. ^ Tleili'dlato eat 'a soUraacy Shleta.p silk and cot. Irdkeirillift,klifil .ko. 'laving tilitww, law; timr edlib ;Art seir •viiiiltestinria vets trela—.4frateel• Cup . r , '.' .. 4 , - ri.4 4 .4 0 1 0, 40 1, 0 , '- t ir lp,l /, ware •- -le .4 ,e - .) .. all ,l iihiS ..f weed Nieto *Cell oißta. tLitigil . ilt s _ • ' OM '4l Waal, 1 i. ww SelkortioW6' 14 11111 11anks i ! ) , IlLlluti - -4;torl; PairJoZZgeiatiWag. Lathe. ratings,' 41. and Csineterj * Tenciug made - ,lACOB AULABACGIM, I pat up e dispatch: 1 New Orford, June 28, 1858. .11 orders will be &treaded to promptly ; but beteg without capital, and lioney being! Lumber and Coal. , necessary to earry MI Orli bdeheesit, 1 Will Ilw t min eubecti*. infertile the p4lic that he coat led to sell " °sell , bet on all eeentrYl.," coutiseal t&I Lumber and C al busineth *ore Arr netts . will ite dedoeSed. Suitable. at T a t rualltarg . Adam, county, an a t axer trod* tw taken, trdsuyered at the tirmi , „„,,,ast ;ide o s e -e ts b etr i ng whi te . pi ne ! of •- - ' - Givgns a cell . !• - 441' lt m. VATCREY. ' num A, ttit. In , rtim i tneStlfti ring- esNahrt?fas,"Priisirie d &f.;l t • ,Jeast 1, 1837 , i with all kinds of State, Limeburnerve and; wis.eiaaeseuto , mitotr . rnewas. Blacksmiths' Coal. Yard . near th e Dep6t. l , - He invites the calls of the public , a will FIIIMAY Gr0C5 .. 1 . 111141 PrOViSio2ll , e 4 ea 6, 0 , ae h 1 an , a t tor owest. h I JOLI/ff MILLER' " ('iILLESPIEN & Irihr.Hrff i•eapectfalllr itl-3 ' A r ita re.letse. ly r • ,- r ‘ .. ..forre etterimpleeiGettyibues and the f public G enerally , - thee they hin'e jest retains- l i '-A `- - 'o s "' ed front thesty with's genets, asahotterent of NrEsier nom klegaer elooDS!-,Li t goalie GROCERIES, PROILSIONS and VEGETA- 3 , ill ../A Dui). 'titre removed their merch ant ßLEß, which thee are prepared to 'tell sr( low' TaiThrlog'Eitalliahuselit to the splendid new as the loweet. ' rLOVIII ' l e d ilgpalwe•Te on' three-story house on he north side ofeham heed, sued sold At primal ptuflte.' , _ i hers hu re street. adjoining Bei rigman & A ugh- Srore on York street, tele door east of Wat- , i Z nh aug 1 C s, where they will minimise bueitnett thee Hotel. 1 on n larger Peale than ever. Getteesbarg, Aug. 3 ; 1857. 1 Their mock of Cl9ilis, emeinaereerC.tssi , To Get ‘ nets, Veltines, &c., Lc., has been largely la. anti the y • I , . eresmeti, P .a. lipEufrt worth of it o ,„ ur d7. o m n ,, e ,L 7 1 4 - 3 41 ` 1 ,, t a h :r i n n n g r ,! ' as the boortt- delving all competition.' (live them a call, and iseimine tlitkAnaorttnen't be- Boots, .9 toes, Hate, ('up.. Trunks. Cloeks, fire purchasin. elsewhere. No tronble to Vielins, and lelorytiiine *lse in the r,,rietg , show gooti.l. line,-at . '" S.IXISON 'S. March/See. t> Chelan: made tap on ehort notice and in _ the very best and most tasteful winner.- liamoval.With their i -ng practical experience in the lautiness and a .Idire to please, they hope to ILEX. FIU Writelt k Clock Maker, .' . . i . li pe able to ive satir, :Deem i n a cases. btu removed. hie shop to Chatithersburgt . P enis.: 0 t AR) Atli street, oppoaita the Lutheran Church. wherei (. I, tte , T „ xf , ieeh e 0 . „... 1 8 59. he will always be tiappy to attend to floa t _ . 7 '' J -' cello , ' of custemers. Thankful for past revere, Afinillery Removed. he hepes, by strietattentien to business and j s C. HOWARD , would respectfu lly . inform a desire to plesiee, to merit and receive th e f 1 • t h e Lauber of Gettysburg and its vicinity, patronage of Alia public. _ Gettysburg, .3liirc I that they will Bud her in Chambersburg , .., .li Fr, 18:18. , ;tweet. at the residenee of Mi. Samuel Herbst, • npposite Mr. Tate 's Hotel. l Fine Old Brandies. i Ladies can be accommoileted with reinte r-1111F, stubscilliers. Importers and Dealers in , male 'B O N NETS; i lloko a TRTiotY of Streir a. WIAWS & LIQI 01:S, would Le g horn, an d e ll kinds of Milline;y Iles„ is of most re- Apectfully call the attention of purchasers tu ; 11 ,, iftt"t sty le, L Oh, w ill do we ll to ea u their Ohl ilstablisteneut, No. 5 North Froot awl gee fur i' hr „i se i, ei. Street, Pialaplelphia, where they have " i n. '" e t April 5, Witt. ' . ' assortment of Wines and Liquors of the. • cheat eat brands and qualities. !laving maile e The Swan Hotel. arrangements with 'true of the first temeee in , rie ) THE Tit AV E 1,1 Vfl, pen, jc . __Th e Cognac and Michelle, enabler( them to furnish , 1 subscriher would most respectfully an to their coat. mere, upon the most liberal flounce that he has taken the Hotel fatele term , , rho fulfuu ingbrands of Cognac and j kept tic'lsreel Y mot. in Fre,leriek street, in Rochelle i the Borough of HANOVER, where tie is pre- i BRANDIES; O'ond, Mon , . y, rat•rgi'on, pared to aceorom oboe, in eleganrite)geefrev- . Pit4ei,Casidli,in ..J..l.l),Fruy & Co.,T. Unites, eller.> and others visiting the place. 11 - le ' Ce•NV : . Slagle fic Co., A. Sargnetteeelertel, .Ilerett, Sc. Sc., of tit 1 1 t • le , p ~ ,si ense , that nothing shall be trAnt rious brands and rtalitles, ine t,,meke his House it pleasant and e „ .seN , CI u eieIIIISSION 'AND P - ROD,CCE 3IER-, WISES; elserieiti"e• -V 01 .'ira• Lis/' "0 .I able hello! to ell who ni iv an d high their! CH A N"l'S, A . Q4. ILe n nit 14 Nvrl.ls strret, 01kI (I:.orto:rcsvri4re, Ilnequioly, IL,rk custom. -, lins custom. The hou s e it lark nini con venient, ; Boeitanrc.-Beitte estnlillslied in the Corn eae Claret. Seerry, and AhlOya Wines. snit will always i.e provide 1 with attentieeleiiesion business for a numeer of ;reuse they Reiland Gin, Schiedam Seletapps,Jantibsale en esti e s and a faithful and honest Ostler. / solicit consignment", and pay particular at- Spirits, Scotch Anil frith Whiskey, Peach,' The Bar and Table are supplied with the ! tention te the sale of GRAIN of all kinds, Apple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and ' Clover Seed, Whisky and Country Itaspberry Brandies: Cordials, \Ville Bitters, 'l ) ,' e e4 f t „ t o h n e e m t , a , t h k e ct e w , t i l l , i , n y ir ,,',i r t il t ,, R is n ,: f i b t l li e s e b ,V, El :4 t w to ` w li . 11 .11 tIO l d ir tnse generally. We remit proceeds Amsterdam Bitters, 3:e. In everything pertaining to a first rate house' Pr"nlPo7•4' Tracks from the Northern Ceti- Ales. Agents and Site Proprietors of the t h e suh , q,,riher Is determined out to tie Rite- I tral ' Realm:nil run into our 'Warehouses. Old Wheat Whitskey. Constnntly on band passed tiv nny one. Just give hum a trial- Itttrcie.E. B. Buehler, E.s., Gettysburg. an extensive "'took of fine old Monone-ahele,: N oil will always tied old Dave shout, . •- tr ain" -21 ; -158 . 4 Rye and B ,urban Whiskey, of various grades, , There is a fine Yard attached, and :Rattling ' The Liver Invigorator, s ime of which are guaranteed to lie superior' suf.s.l.•nt fur °5 ur 3 1 1 !terse.. - - Ito any in the country , all of which are leek; D.l\ - ID NEIVCONIMF.R. pRF.DA RED by Dr. SAN FOlteecompounded Valuable Real Estate ty improved by age. t ITaner , er, MAN- ln. 185°. tf entirely from GC Itl. i s . toe of the best 1•i- - PRIVATE ' SAT,P,.. I -The nrolereizned From our long ex perience in the liesinters. • - —-- ___ - - _ ____._________- Pureeittt e tied Liver el , lic-nes now before .1-1. offers at Prirate Sole, all his Real Estate and a thorough knowledge of the tastes of . Co-Partnership the public, that acts as a Cefhateie, easier, ai„ follows: . . tie onmtnnoitY• we !latter noreelree to bo\e", 3T1T.!?..-The undersigned have associtt- milder, and mere effectual than any other No. 1.-My late residence th Gettysburg, Able to ti ll Ail orders that - may be entrusted II ted with them in the Lumber tereltiess, medicine known. It is nut only A Cathfrrtie, frenting 39 feet on Claim bersburg street. with to as. ; Brick Dwelling, Stable, and o th er improve ' .E. C. DENtteR. Thee le mid theref ere give no. ; bet,. Lieer, retnely, acting first on the Lieer talents. Orders trona the entintry (which are most' e„ t h at ttfe bwinf.„ I to eject ite nvirbid 'matter, then on the stout- I hereafter will he c on- ' and bowels to carry off that matter, thus I respectfully soli c ite le w ill b e promptly at- ; ducted wider the arm of ....zit it..t., BENI.C.R & Ni'. 2.--I,st adjoining afore on the West, teeelrel le.' ' Co.. and they hope. he strict ettentinn to ' aeco mpliShieg two purposes effectually, with• / 1 frorieirig 211 feet on street. with Stable, &c. Stii - Oreat care taken in reeking nod ship - linsiiiesi and tin - PllllPsi desire to leltie 10 cut e ," 7 of the 'painful fordinge esiperienced ' Ni. 3.-Lot adjoining No. 2, fronting 3 3 p , ping. ' merit a continuation of the liberal patrontereof inert Oath artree It'' lin ttie tilleratiosta in . . tteet onetime street, with large Coach Shop, Stir' A 1 1 goods sent from one establishment • eeeeeifere Lesetyce.l upon them. ' I strengthens the system et the same time that > and 40„, improvements. aro miaratiterel to gi, e eat isfacttoti, with the I KILL! AN 531.1. LT, t CO. lit pa e ges it; tied when taken deity in mothi No. 4 .- Lit adjoining N.). 3, fronting 29 privilege of beintreturne , ts i emit!, doses, will strengthen and build up feet, with double Brick Dwelliter„ Smith , E. P. MI DI II,ETON st TIRO., 1 Lumbcr Yard, ; w tin unusual rapidity. ' Shoe, &e. Ne. e N irtli Front St., Philarlelphia. ' se sie it is. . ~ . , ~ •, i The LITER is G11V...; of the principal regu- No. 5.-Let west of the Foundry with March 22, 1868. 6m "' n " ' - ' n ' 'l' . "'''' "'' lr if ' . 11 ' 1 "'' c ' a t i ' i 1 got a of the h ... te i t whet, 't• . ' , YORK, PA. " 3 . 1 " . " "9 l en' en ' ! Strom Saw and Crest Mill. 4 I eerfernis it funetinase.: - ., well. the powers of , i No. 6.-La a d j oining No. 5, containing • Sunbeam - Gallery. Bea vv. ellil invite the attention of .II ellen , - , the system are fullys,e developed. The f l oor -1 about 3 Acres. . j est , B e uel er s, anti others, to our large a nq i A • 1 • most entiro„,--4 l v denendent an the N„ -Three Lots fronting midi 30 feet TllF..oh....riher wool.irespeethilly annoence well seleeted shiek of Lr.ll//Ell, consiitine.if cc 15 a i ' ' 4 ' i to the citizens of Gettystrre, and the pule. 1 7 0 , heelthy action of thece Lire,. for the pre per , ~ ehalthersimt . g. , street. every steseri emit of Villite fiat B iards lie generally, tlarit lie h.ri p'QVillf` I liirnsodf ('lank. Joist! Scantling -aml Fencin g. Abu) f perfortaniceof its foike-Z tioDS; When 111C40113•: No. 0.-Tract of Lind in Tramiltemban with an entire's - enervative - splendid SKY-LIGHT ach is act fault, theee bowels ere at fault, , towleslitp, lying tat Marsh creek, containing Pine an d Cliesnut Shingle% L ithi7 . Piekets' t ANIBROTV PE ROJOAI, at his residence in m„,...,,i ii„„,.j ui , a ,,1 freiteeee, oiling, I land the whole spittle!' euffersinconsequence ,ii .leres , nart cleared and part in first-rate } ee'.; I I - • vie s e 4. • '' ' . Went Middle street. one Setters west or ? Si,l;n. &e. We - are repare,l to CI•T f: c0 1 " f nue o rgan - t 3 ~.., • vms " i., ea t im be r . Fahnnrock's Store where Inc is prepared to Ott I)Eit i th ir si„. qu P aniite and (petits, of ! ed toile its duty.- For the dims:tees o f lc. No. 13.-Coach Establishment in Shep t at or ;rem) -retie ot theme pyomieti MS VIR4II}T , • , her,l4town, Va., with geed wilt. &e. The L.- furuislt And , ro, Iftetteso, Estereei oad P10.h.)- , r , 1 ri , L , ,„. _ , ~ ' . . ~, Elf„ h 1 L.\ L ti; v.l h. Lc, I? -12 - it bas Stud ,in spree... a:, ;ice ut more than -0 grapia l'iriwres in every stele of the art, " I cation is an admirable one fur business, and which he will warrant to give entire satin- at the shortest notice. and have it delivered i years,, to fuel wee>. remedy wherewith Lel improvements in good order. faetlon, and isprepared to accoront e erlate all to any point acceseible by Railroad. We I counteract the mane,l derangements to Sfrir Titles goed and terms es snit parches , with 048111 PICTURES, either single or in also wnefacture and keen on hand a gene- which it is Battle. , eers. Enquire of D. A. 13CETILER, Esq., Get- group+. Ile aist has a number of spoeimene ral assortment of To prove that title remedy is at last t „,,b,,, x, or th e aod era i g ned.re s ali ng ii%aiu t p.,, at his room in Ceamberiburg Street, a few SAS 11 , I) 0()11 S , fund, any' pereonrle truuteed with lave*, h - ,,, 14 ,„., , 1-11. C. IV. HOFFMAN. '-, • doors West 'if Bringinan ..4. Culp's Siete Sta r e. S'Autierg, Illeods, ll7.efeit- ,F,wei c e iiiii Door' Cite realer. in any 0f...„ De forms, bee Luti llarch 15; etcteB., _ where he still continues as formerly to take Prote•s. • -Y" ito try a bottle, Heide--; conviction is certain.' - .._ __ .. - _ ___ _ pieturee. ' ' ; se7-Irders for any tete., not on hand filled ' 'Those Gams re- - ..e,` inure all morbid or , New Firm. All who desire a correct likeness of them-, with dispatch. . tai! matter front tler:le sentare. supplying iii ' el TIOCEIIIES AND DRY GOODS.-J. C. ~ Li s:ltteistfrignds, will du we ll t o g i ‘o me it Lar't.)ur stock anti assortment is equal (a> their, place a flew of P . , bile, invigorating the Getex & Renee's* have taken the store l 1 item reduced my pri c es to suit the any o th ers, and we are determined to sell at stomecli f eauslngToed`l to digest well, /Ten' lof John 1 I oke, on the North West oornee of present hard times., the lowest market prices. I rviee tug tii.oiio, giv-ce ing tone and health I ' the De tmea d, wh e r e they.wi ll ve nd ee . t h e . Picture, copied from rile speei mene of a ll air All orders ant commnnicatinns ad- to the whole elachineres removing the cause, Dry Goode and Grwery business „ n a n en ds;kin &so, ineertexl in Lockets, Breast Pius,' dreseiel to the undersigned , at York, Pe., will of the disease-e ff ecting it radieol curer !large+) scale. They will constently keep nn Finger Whip . tee, 'receive prompt attention. ! themes ATTACKS are cured, AND, wet IT IS i hand a large and varied assortment of every • The subocriberbelngthankful to his friends l SNIALL, BENDER & CO. ! ECTTKR. PRIVIST&D, ley the oceasioual use uf ' thing in their line. Tliey have just laid in and the public in general fur past patronage, York, May 24, 1858. ly• the Liege. INVIGORATOR. 1 a laves and splen4/1 stock of S e e/valid Sere wishes them to continue it. and assures them. - ! One dose after eating is sufficient to relieve nirr 'Golds, and Nre new opening them for that eaheretofure, they shall not bediseati•fied. Wile Win R3fllllo the stomach rilpreeent the first from rising the inspection of the nub il e. We cordially . .... . . . . SeereChargee from - 51 costa to $lO. II oursTHE wort 4 of their_ ntolte,y and * riehl and souring.' . invite the citizens of liettynburg and vicinity for operating from BA.M. to 4 I'. el. Gold' . 1 . change hark? i Only one d two talon befbee retiring, Tire-t to give us a call, and eeronine fur themselves, Locketa, 8.-eaetpiue, suitable fur miniatures, . NORIO; .11e &. MATtTIN'S is the place to t 'Vents Ninnl'etel• Ito we fee) satisfied they will want no other, always on hand, at the very lowest price,. : get it, whore they sell all kinds of Groceries, I ' Only one dose taken at night, loosens the recommendation to induce them to buy. We I Ifeif 4 .3leildren will nut lee taken fur leas , Confectionaries, ant Fancy Articles-in 4 , bowels gently, and cures Cosetytegss. are determined, to keep nnthing but good than St 00 • f word, everythi n g belo ng i ng t o a fi rs t- e l an . i One dose taken after each meal will mite i Goodeiterd to sell cheaper than the cheapest Wrlr.tmbrotypee taken for fifty cents and Grocery. 31 Sasses of seven different kinds. ! Drlsr'lrm - e e- fur the cash. Give. us a call, no trouble to upwards, sad in the best style. from 40 cents up to 73 per gallon ; Sugars, I Stiff• One time of two teriepexinthls will al- show goods. S.I3ILIEL WEAVER. six different kind'', from 8 sects sp to 14 per ways relieve B.l ek lir" 'el" If lb.; Coffee, five kinds ; Tens, Chocolate, Rice, I One dose taken fur Bennie obstruction rel= i April 0, 1858. - - fCraclierre lea Cakes, Bottled Pie Fmk, moves the enuei , of the diseases andatakes a i Cheese, ffisli, Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard.' perfect cure- -+' * - I,AS 3 New Goods, • May 24, Itliti. i Only ore dose immediately relieves Cuotto, *A T the new firm of PAXTON & McIL while -ice' - HENY, at Ike Smik-East Colter of Col, ' • , NOW Store. • • - One dose often repealed is a sure curd far , ire .91; t 44. READY-MADE CLOTHING; lad C o shi ng Cuotaaa Moises, sad a preventive of i The sobecribere would trepectfullv inform, Made to Orsiler.--4helindersigned has the Cnoteas. . ' • i the citiseniof Oettyeburg andtheptthlioge& pleasure of an nouneingto the public that he t, lIIITOnIy one bottle is needed to throw out erally,that they have just received, and are has ripened a New Clothing liletablishment, in the system the effects of medicine ate , now opening, a very choice selection of Hats Carlisle street, West vide, a few doors from! a long sickness. • - se . and Caps consisting of Oakford'a Philadelphia the Diamond, where he is prepared to At out ' Orirarra butditabeit gAPZAVTUDICZ removes Spring Style, M tleskin Dress II: As, tumor gentlemen in the latest and best style. Ile all sallowness or unnatural eater from the,' passed for neatness of shape and' elegant* of has just received from-the eity oven select , 'shin. I finish ; „Pelt, Fur and Wool Hate, of all before . ed stock of goods, embracing everything du V" One dose takee a.abirtilai• beftn:a eating ' -•---- 1 __- gentlemen's wear, which were bought at such gives vigor w siiiiiippatita, and realms food did prices - as wilt liiiible hitti eel offer greatel gest wail. •.' bargains than have ever been offered iw LlOef Ona•dose often repeated cares Coteau), tyaburg. He will, oiastantly,keep, l on hand Diananats in its worst forma,. while Seeman i a stock of Ready-trelffe thittilug,iettd if ,no ' and Iktasz. courapildnts yiahl. ainiust , to.sba beiag able to lit,taianis win ba aide t.. 1. ordhi Vim dose. .44,0. I. ' 4V. • , , SI. • f.. IR she "holiest socks, which /moot fed in ••• 4 Onaite,Mme .dosaa iasniattado caused by At. Limit%tied 'to heeptnotMig. tat Worms ierChiltimek; Jimmie In, surer, safer, tuod ( goods ; aeli ellialpertbint. er speedier remedy in the werld v Ike it newt • &airport, ha' releslibersdisharat Ails.- Of itutilitipatroaagete4e , et: #r • -, - mara few,bottler ittifelkeorit by exciting -1 ---eb .1' - -sot , --41.A.00 illB l / 1 1ISIGER.' tt•fllee_rbouta k . •.. i - ~ ••••54. , ~ .. , stiraffer* iis,rlw, ~. ~. , " - -Juneakt ,lo sB.; - •• '-salt..• '- , • - • • 4 ' ''' " 1 W. talli - 4= lll 'ricomovolos 44 4l inni • flllll.ll l WATCULS.k ./EWEtdrir, erfclis. . ad 'hi boa From andAntred %.J "team . alma. . Webt•ib . New Blarbl.ellitabliashment .an r j.s. avu, awl all resia, of et 0 4001 and Jba•ftrir ti ttl i V lgii7Skiontik. 'AV. 110X111011Aniadd meet respectfully Tyre. lastparsitansurtainty, and thou. " n i t earner rr egab T , the a wu . _ . • • inform Ms friends and, ths*.ublie sands.ansogaiing.weigifl i khile ,I , P4derful • Uold ;i , . ' 4 jilifilebd o rs - alost, erspV4 lo sor e ttr nsratarh(a. and viSargs.. hie". - . ..... , 1 r-_•st , • ille: 10 oirat.ll24l)o; at XC ed "." ll ' 7 " ere , A 4 v 40,101 4 a t e rat%V* r ttlia?liet°l° Sit van s 110;11brer U.. he wiltdozaktekirall , Soidetor wok INN& Mai lasing us as favor. I• - '-; pl pi ' ' • ,$r„00/ illegalise; seeltut 11011iVillitilltirlrOMS Aribtarla-die stioatriiritla Um ra-1-tiord Mitt $11 5 4 4 H4iLlild 11.44 pftibl,llllr neatens seal II rataiy and elfaikriabillsligethar. vine. sLh _ ag itie Amens. f-rs dints a "•, Oft u miu 41,0 6..... C" , AF • _ . • mom Amity ! „a l / 4 4 - Rift Ors ..„ 4 „ 1 " 6 „ 4, 44 ., / *4, re si es. -w e ..4, .40. - ~_ 5 oile2Vit-1... ••• 1 , April 26, ISM Fresh Fruits, ac'erit lES. NOTIONS, G *Fruits.' Fruits of every description, as • f 1114mi-445er Itsitiris, Figs, 'l/ 1 .„ . „ 'Oranges, Lemon,'. that% P I IIM *eilottlun, Filberts, hard and paper I *- - " • ;bell Almonds, Pea Nuts , le. Gra:nisi . A good assortment of Stigars— , • , Loaf Brown. l'swilerett and Crushed, C. free. N. 0. Id dassee, • Syrups ortLe beat tiliolity, Rive, " Soda, Swell, Teas, Cinnamon, Urouucl sad ungrouud, )Cluttuk, ' Mustard. ao, #Piorfabiar, ujettry 'description. / which Will be rid loft fur Caib.] LettsuaStnip,A.lttrze . lotjuit received.—Any' iia'o4tielpleaaan t tbj~rin vn+t du well brirtroultaing this Sy rug.. • I mhos • h.riout kiwis Of Tabta•j tigati anti Snuff', fur milt . Witt. !opt k Son.. Wellftl_p pod 10.47 1 iti till ‘ will afiftio litai Med it. 4 rile:mat 'midi irraugautatta i liirreebwhattly on band itaititeA r trllich we will =l l, fiettleparlor quality, Seen as cannot tail '961; *TAR 4 sox.. ADMIX 1 iSR, * • KAOI3-diti r bilteelikhair Jte litutaullift".llitoi;_biiiraielltancomsk; T and In! akar CaulandivLonabss Tanilonn V 0 v. 4111 v =ittoteint _Shlre4 , the. NA& Oak sera Cook " 1116" 1 0 41= 11 t ry etutsvesennin pniteme immunkhoks. pagkep mos* riur .141 oduisi= 111 4 11 ): 1‘ . Kr !tar_if 00 11 06 0 41 41 ' 14 , Oita . 1 1 - 'Or op.• ar►.w Si s* - Vire #fitimorga,,.— rDRAW W. -FIJIYMINIO, . alit_ .4-0 • b Icii""ll64""f t i t - ok "A t a kr slllß.•• , . 41- 40. , ~,•. 4, w•-, .1 . „ fast. . . i . . . w - -. . ~ ..1 IC 8. I IL. jik, . sgd 7 ,, tfX bsir e v in A id V „ e s. in East Jo .004 - Gimityotoorg, Pe.. hasd adirstriate lot of Ivo% and lei, .110 put up so order whatever may desired , bs his line, vis:—Rnekaway and Boat-Body Carriages; Rock away & Totting Bwggies, 01M , tarfigoste, and good materials. he et* wurk to he or tee best quality etirprl,as are moat the lowest. ht Wort notice, and at le rates. Country produce taken in oesehaege for work. Call ! JACOB TROXEL. lone 15,-1R57. Cl. IThetittl & 'Buehler • Trivoi nortahatly t n'hand, at their yard 4, 4 o l. 4obiagt•asead ita*ed, streets, "'anyii.riety 'of River and Mountain B LUMREE,—White _Pine. Hemlock, E Parlay, Ash,' &al...reeds, Plank, • *Toter. Scantlin.A and Studdin , r. They :are read.' je 111,1 nklor4Ars, at [Le short est notice, for any amount. or pur poses. at prices which dill surprise thoy who way fryer the,rn with • call. They hare also on hand a hit or worked Fl,lnring, Win. dow Sceh, Pilings for fencing, Plastering and Shingling Laths: &c. • tiettystiurg, May 3, IS3S. _ Now is the Time! rpriE ombscriher vinald inform thepuhliethat he be dpentql a.NA C 11 E 8110 P, in ch d ,,,th ers g urg s treet, ttev i sstnarg, Heat the Foundry, where he will nave 'strives *lnds of Machines on hand at any time hereafter, such as 7' hrerking Slurl.iwu, C ,, rn netters, l'orlfotbier Cullers, Clorerserd Ilullrrs, Straw Cutlers, and Hance /intern of different kinds, —two, folly or six-horse, to suit poach:titers; —indeed all each as can be had at Hanover or Littlestown. Abio, .4furliriny Mucilages, for house carpenters, pat up in the very best and most substantial manner. Cribbing Screws or long Bolts, an, kind or size less than eleven feet in length, always attended to, as well As Dorsally in iron, casting or wood. Also al( kinds' of Tter timixo on Ma. chincry, dressing-up Mal ipinclies, dons on the shortest notice. I hope that,all in . want or,nnytilitt7, in my Lino jri4 cell st.tny.Sliop Lerore going else ] where,. I will warrant all my work to give eatisttetion to percitneere. STERNER. 11.~retj ly • • ~ = K - ~~ r : I9 11 ,11 110 , 1 "9.. PA. t: o. o ) L AjkiloAWit*fliier 4 rivPreior• 60011 104en9zlock. A. M. -:Periaii4i# 1 to comp**. immediately after. ma CM PRIG OF ADMISSION. Adults. '4 • FRU.' Children. (under 12 rears of age,) Half Price. GRAND COMPLINIF.NTARY BENEFIT TO TUE PUBLIC! The subscriber, thankful for past favors, respo:tfully informs the inhabitants of Get tysburg and surrounding country, of Ito WS that he has justreceired from-the New York Auctions a SI'LENDID STOCK OF GOODS! which he is determined to violist astonishing ; ly kw rates for cAsn. In return for the al Patronage hestoired" spot hint, ho will give a Grand Complimentary gOneet, on which oc casion will he presented TWO MA GYIFICEXT PIECES! Oa icedneaday. October '2.8, and every day until further entice, 'will be prerented the very popular Tregedy , of GOOD FITS! with the following unrivalled east t—Fashion nl,ll. Clothing, tram the finest to the lowest prised qualities. Gentlemen's Furnishing Good., in great enriety. •Boots, Shoes, lints, Caps, &c., to suit nil tastes. An Intermission of Ten Minutes. to' allow those making large purchases time fur Lunch. etc., &c. The whole to erinclefie with M. Sanison's sae (4110\11 Play, obnfitted VARIETIES! the beauty of which will eI%IIPP - gront ereite ment amane the Ladies anti Gentlemen. Get. 26, 15.57. if Adams County Mutual F IRE INSCII.kNCF, COMPANY.—Incor- Nrated March IS, 1831. OF Ftrzßq. President rge K wope. • ! - ire President—S. IL Russell. • Seerrtary—D. Iluchler. Teen en rer M'Creary. .E.zerut ire Committee —ltuhert Ito Curtly, Andrew tleintzelman, Jacob King. M AG ER I.—George S woke, D. A. tueliTer, R. !Wearily; Jaenb - King. A. Ileilitzelthan, 23rereary, J. J. X err, M. Viebelbergoli. R. 'Haagen, A. 13. Kurtz, Andrew—Polley, 8. Faline.dock, Wm. IT. Wilson, 11. A. Picking , 4"Wtamikavo Julia Watuz.4l. lL.li. Mc- Creary, John Horner, E. V. Stialle, Augh inhanigh. Aleliel P. past 4 iltrThis Conipany is limited - in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in sneeetisful operation fur more than six years, nil in that period has paid all losses and ex pnses, without any ismie.unteilf, having also a largo surplus capital in the Treasury. The Company 'employs no Agents—all business 1 being done by she Managers. whonre annual ;lv eie,!tetl by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an - Insnrance can apply to any of the i above named Managers for further infor m‘tion. ftir'The Exerntive Committee meets nt the office of tho Comp Any on the last Wednesday in every month, at P. 3!. Supt. 28, 1557. • 'Mont of Men's andlleyss, Vag. which they wareasit to,bs of, the best material alai Of t most Tashionible Styles,lrettlEit y loll be offetlit " iosi" Stave goods dreyers variety and yllo; • " 1111110/tO '4oods wore - eirefiaTirshlbeted andlooiletifor cash; which Wilt enable them to salt !Veer, low' prices. — ' : - glisycet alifdliamar sr ty 10,,1848, " ""' WM J. C. GUINN & BRO Clear the.W -- - AMR THE NEW Fl 1, l e 2 and 4 . Riding aid 0 " 4 .. Trotting, Bova a , ness, Bnggy, Carriagey, M u : \ g, and einnmun Collars. 'lt' Bridles, Martingale, &Item • ,t' e and Fly Nets of every desalts r ti Ac.. *A :mired end. for pale I low. as BRINGMAN Jr, (111 1 4"4414 1 4IF "1110 13QQT." Cliamberalaus elimet.,' May 10, 11q8. R. RUEARg. Lumber, Coal and Stoves. • .NE F I It AL . S undersigned respectfully annerince. to - 8 - the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that they have entered into a co-partnership. and intend opening a COAL & FARA on Washington street. in the rear of the Eagle lintel, where they will be hippy to rep all who may favor them with a call. They will furnish every variety of store. Blacksmith and Li r» 1)H rltPr a C .1 L. at the lowest portai• ble wholesale rates, in order to introduce it into general use. They also intend keeping a full and general a..aortment of LUMBER. IS anon as the Railroad is completed. They w;11 keep constantly on hand every variety of COAL and WOOlk STOVES, among which are the celebrated William Penn. Noble Cook, Royal Conk and `ea Shell Cook Stoves. Also the Chirm, Capitol, Victor. Planter, Premium and Parlor Cook Stoves, Air-tight, star. Franklin, Hot-sir Grate, Lady Washing,ton, Oak, Magnolia, Union. Air-tight Hare Cylinder, Tropic and Harp Cannon Stoves. Persona wishing to examine their stock will please call. at their Stove Ware Ro tin. on West 'Middle street, it the residence of Robert Sheads. [l2Orders prompilv 'Attended to. SHEA Dq. C. /It:NUT BUEHLER- Gettysburg. Aug. 1857. Ready-mule Clothing, LEO. ARNOLD has now on liana dui largegt stock of Ready-made Clothing is town, dorn:iriaing every variety nod size. a ll o f I l k own manufacture, whi h will h e warrantea we ll T ri l ,4l(l, having hand+ conetantly employ• ea cutting nut anti making up. If cannot at ru with a garment ready male, VW will You the god., take your amettarre,, land make you up a garment on the rtutrtest no• tice. name call at the Clothing Emporium, where you will ti la Mr. Culp always on hand, bright and tiecommodating. Our Rtnek ig largo, well selected, and will Le euld cheap for Cavil. Gettygt)r,?, , , March 20, 1838. Two Daily Linea. XTRA ACCONINIODATIONS..-The on. E dersigned retort's his thanks to the-rublio for the encoursgement heretofore extended to him, and takes pleasure in announcingthet be has completed ainngements by which TWO DAILY LINES of . 1-to Coaches will ron between Getty*. burg and Hanover. to connect with the trains to and from 13altivnore, York-, Ilarei, , ,burg, Philadelphia, &c. Persons desiring tickets or information will mill on the onderigned, or on Commits TATe, Ticket Agent, at the Eagle Hotel, in Chambersburg street. 13:7'Special attention given to all picks,,,wes, tic. l or other business entrusted to the under• signed between Gettyhblirg and Hanover, which - will Le promptly and carefully attend- ed to. a7"The undersigned has elm effected ar. rengetneme by w loth hewill beitirlutoeuipply Couches. Fasces, &c., for Funerals 4ind *thee occasions, it Itlederatt IllhantlN . • • WEANBR. GettysbuirApril 111:4867. PlKinetic Cement Rootingr filt siiteeriber LitrOib+ed ititlentritet and , Fat On at, die thortat n0t1ee.W.43. - Ceill Cti4.1 1 11144 ' Play . Wid - IreflOt 'Pirf *Must to remeoi ileilag.' /4 is pa&may.Fire.snd.lfates).ptoat. and 4 , paisuf.durbility is equalifjptioperiur. to low Uetelm, .11,00fing„ It i lattiii)pit oa Ares„ttek fur, ire°. Pr ebllitee. rgoffp ?uwe r " fat otrlfte 4 R Ilkfttrs, be in p 'hit or reetsting,tlio . elements of firo and materimothing- has yet beam discovered' Vb.!:the Emetic Cement. who-bssve used it 4, bare Minified that it is the verylperfection of Roofing. and that k ,tetre is no farther room for issprovenveot..... 'Nu iletemill wet think ofnvi ptdanibintles , wheit' 0.04 C tteinentelte be 'bid mach less lad' wilt • entices?' flier ogle toots. ;hie 4lt tellittarted•ss *proven ted. he Memo, Ceuseni is_ lil tie eticer4 4'ilk — Nat ' ted - _ • r. rt. nucitt.Ett.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers