E "I gbe Compiltr. Letter from the West. CtITIATILLI, Wayne co., ind.,l June 2S, 11358. MIL stunt—Dear Sir:--As we are again so far oe our way home, I will give you at idea of oer trip. We left here on the 16th inst., for Illinois, by way of Indianapolis and Terre Haiti. There we crossed the Wabash (or rather the back water of it) on a boat, the trestle-work of the road hating been washed away on the west side of the river. We cross ed farm land on the boat. We continued on to Pans., a station on the Illinois Central road, thence on said road to Hudson, 8 miles north of Bloomington. There I left my company, and took the cars north to Laselle, then along the Illinois rirer to Lacon ; returned to Hud son, then left for Chicago, thence to Michigan city, Ind., and thence - by way of Lafayette and Indianapolis to this place. We got through safely, but saw some freight cars lying wide of the road that' had tumbled over by the road giving way under the weight. If you have never been through the "prairie world," I think it would interest you no little. But if you do go, take a "double barrel" along, for,l did in reality see wild deer on the prairie between Pane and Bloomington as we passed along in the cars. I also saw prairie chickens close to the road; and wild pigeons are very plenty in Illinois. I saw thousands. If I'd only had mj double-barrel! ♦s to the crops, the prospect for corn is poor. Farmer. could not get it in in time; the/ were still planting. The wheat has sat f7red in places very much from the abundance of rain that fell, and from present appearances the rust is doidg considerable damage south 6.1 this, or rather south-west. The weather is now, and has been for the last ten day, clear and warm The town of Cairo, at the south end of the Illinois Centred Railroad, is in a great port swept away by the flood. Michigan city reminded me of the accounts I have read of the Arabian Deserts, the surface of the earth being nothing but a white sand blown to and fro by the wind ; but the Lake is a very handsome bed of water, in which Ahey catch very nice white fish, as large as our Sus quehannah shad, and which are salted down for future use as the shad are. Hoping to see you soon, I am Yours respectfully, Pact and Fancy. " TUR WORLD II • RUT SEILLL." The St. Louis Democrat says there were two eases of cholera in that city last week.— But It is not spoken of as an epidemic. Col. Alex. Ward was •hot and kilted lut week in Smyth county, Va., by Mr. Cren shaw, his brother-in-law. A difficulty about their fatber's.will led to the act. Geo. Zenner was found dead In the sfreek at Wheeling, Va., on Monday. It is sup posed he was murdered. Henry Brooks, the first officer of the Kane expedition to the Arctic regions, died of sunstroke at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, on Tues day week. The only officer of the expe dition now surviving is Dr. llays. the surgeon. The public debt of Great Briteiu on the 31st of March, 1458, amounted to £779,22:000 —the interest on wiich is 12.3,383,000, or about 3116,000,800 of our money I A Sad Story.—Margaret Tracey, a pret ty Irish girl of 17, drowned herself in the bay at Memphis,.Tenn., on Sunday. 27th.ult. She had been engaged to be married to a country man named Stokes, but when the wedding day arrived be positively refused to fulfil his part of the agreement. ......Sad Catastrophe.—Miss Laura Fowler, daughter of Col. S. Fowler, of Port Jer via, N. Y., went with her sister and a rervant girl to bathe in the Navesiuk river, on Monday even ing, and all three were drowned. A little boy, aged three years, son of Mr. Martin Morgan, who resides on the Brush Mountain, some three miles from Hollidays burg, Pa., came to his death from the bite of a topper-head snake the other day. The roliferees appointed by tbl Demo crats of Washington, Fayette and Green, met recently and nominated William Montgomery for re-election ......Salt Lake is about three hundred miles in circumference, and has two large mountains in its centre. It is saltier than even "the salt, salt sea," for two quarts of its water will yield a pint of salt. One may go into the excava tions in the immense hills, and cut out, as if it Were lee, large lumps of fine white salt The distance from Salt Lake City to Fort Leavenworth I, 1131 miles. From Leavenworth to Fort Laramie, 619 miles, while Fort Bridger is only 113 miles on this side of the Mormon capital. Jewels tor the Mermnids.—lt hes been computed that there Are eight hundred millions is geld and jewels at the bottom of the sea on th• route between England and India. gentleman who ascended Mount Wil ley, from the White Mountain Notch, in New Hampshire, a few days ago, writes to the Hos toe Transcript that ho found patches of snow eighteen inches deep on the top of the mountain. This la quite unusual for that neighborhood so Late in June. • Two Cures for lioven.—Make a rope of straw. Pat one end of it into the animal's SI a th. Tie the other over the top of the head behind the horns. Let the animal loose. In its efforts to get off the rope it will throw the bead up, and the gas will escape. The second cure is to give the animal one or two slices of fat salt pork.—[Ohio Farmer. A. Rotating Ilarrow.—We perceive that • newly Invented rotating harrow, called the Reekeys, is in market. It is. claimed that wills It grinds the surface soil Into a well palletised state, it is not liable to clog or be choked ap with roots or other substances. lberville, Louisiana, at a public sale recently, a free negro became the purchaser of I a nicar plantation in that parish, at the price of $340,000, making him the owner altogether of 4,500 acres of land and 200 negroes. State Department has received dis patches from Minister Reed announcing his in valided resignation and return from China. statement about Bonita Point, and tke inteetion of the government to buy It at a great seue (orate site of a fort, is contradicted by the MINA, which states that no such pur chase has been made or is contemplated by the gsvinarament. ....It is • pretty well established fact that sPPL• trses--aud we would add pear treat-- praised from the middle of Jaly to the middle at ARipast, Sustain the operation with much won advantage than it pruned at any other period of the year. If pruned at this time, the wood will heal over, and make, what surgeons egigitil say of a properly amputated arm or leg, ibiliabonle stamp. So says the Gsrumuttowa TAINIFOO4 • ..::..:among the mines mentioned toi the Gorernorehi; of Virginia are the Hon. John Letcher, lion. Paulus Powell, lion. George W. Hopkins, Hoe. Win. Smith, end Green B. Sam- 1 • uels, of Shanandoah. 4, Free Lola Itailroad.—ln the last thir ty days no less than nineteen wires, eying from MARRIED, their hushaacti l le "' lied over the " tan" On the 24th tilt., by Rer. C. A. Deininger, end State Line Railroad . So says a Buffalo ., JOSATRAN FREY to MATILDA SHETTLE, , paper. i both of Conewego township. _ . _ A waggish friend says if your wife is everlastingly complaining of beits„.eick, just let her catch you Lis4ing the servant girl, and' l an instant cure will be effected. lie has tried "Like learns on Own tb• nee of ma Is food . Noir_glnen la youth, now • ttb•rrag en tbegrosuro the experiment, and the result was that lie has ntrei had to pay a cent for " help" since. Aa infamous old bachelor being asked j On the 4th of Jolt, near Baltimore. 'Md.. Mr. LEWLS 04:11RYCtrIC. eon of Jacob Schreock, if he had ever witnessed a public eieention, deceased, OrFrederick county, Md., andfor replied, "So, but I once ssw a marriage." for merly of this place, aced about 25 rears. A traveler announces that he once be -1 In Carlisle, on wedeesd„, June 23, wir, held people "minding their own business r LIAM H. TROUT, Esq., in the 44th year of I s This happened at sea—the passengers being age. too sick to attend to each other's concerns. On Tuesdiy last, at the residence r. Francis Build i s, n Mnuntplcasant tosruslii i Mr EPHRAIM RIDDLEMOSER, in the 28th year A Disgusting .Spectacle.—The late re- of his age. Jo ; fully he went to his reat in volting assemblage of one wing of the Jesus. Abolition-Republican army, at Rutland, ; F O ci n oTfhtluorsui'ilatyPleeayslint gto la w s n t, si l l l . p EN this R N R u E u lT. t Y, Vermont, where the advocates of WO- Tln"M.ldisoncountr, Ohio, on th i e . 2oth oflun - e, man's Rights, Free Licentiousness and Mr. JOSEPH WALKER, formerly of Tyrone Free Negr2cs, expounded their atroci- township, this county, aged 81 years 10 months ous doctrines in the plainest posß ibi e and 14 days. tßitt terms, was, immeasurably ( . .isgraceful to oho o IiG N A TA R T E T i ' M t* ( i ) n N r ' W e ?f " e n;r :n . t m he rs t:, MARGARET the country and to the age. The vilest Ur. John Monfort, formerly of this county trod most indecent sentifnents were ut, tered by the fernalc fanatics without a biush—they are past all that. The coarsest advocates of infidelity, in its lowest and most revolting forms, took a leading part in the proceedings.— We have glanced over the published ac count of this saturnalia of iniquity, with equal astonishment and disgust. Even the editor of the New York Tribune is half inclined to disown his leg*imate offspring. Even Horace Greeley shrinks back appalled at the natural result of his Fourierism and community princi ples, which lie has so zealously advoca ted for years. No man has done more to produce this wide-spread fanaticism and demoralization, than the editor of the Tribune aforesaid. Tho poison shrub he planted is beginning to yield its bitter fruit —Philadelphia Argus.' Hard to Beat.—Mr. Frederick Kis sel!, residing in St.. Thomas, this coun ty„has a cow of the common species, from whose milk his lady churned thir ty pounds of butt& in two weeks. We wnsider this hard to beat, and if any of our farmer friends thinkit can be done, we wish they would let us know.— Chambersburg Spirit. lerEloven removals have been made in tne Boston custom-house, per or dora from Washington, to reduce ex penses. Eiiirlgnorance and conceit are two of the worst qualities to combat. It is eap.ier to dispute with a statesman than a blockhead. Vireo!. Fremont is proposed far President by a Boston paper. as - Do you want to save Fifty Dol lars in the purchase of a Carriage? If you do, inqulre at The Compiler office. 117 . A CALM AMA TRU SIMItY.—TM whirl or •telte meat incident to the celebration of the Pourth of July haa antiselsil, and the calm of traoinility has succeeded the storm of excitement. News Items are always scarce after this great snood rurh chips," and we hare plenty of time to perform a "tabor of lore," to .11: to commend the mactillleant garments made ma void at Ow Brava Auer eflthlug Hall or Roekhill k Woos, Nos 6C3 anJ 606 Clieetant Bt., alee Slath, Philadelphia. [Ja..l2. lea. ilrlfams Da. Lawn; or Vann or.—lhari *ten, %t., Nov. 12, 1144 --Gentlemen : I am plow/ to elate, that I hue tried the Oxygenated Bitters for lndigesalua and a•d Woof immediate relief from nein oely • part of a bottle. 1 Imre the greatest coal lime la Ito • mare for Dyepepsia ant Gem,: al Debility, and recommend It with much pleasure to all penmse Lsboring ender those diseases:. are at liberty. to !se this se pee think proper, to promote the sale of this rerelisot losilisiee. Tours. he., JAN=B UAL& The Oxygenated Bitters give a healthy taste to the Stousath and Digsdise Systole. awl eel as the eared pro aorntive against /ever and Ague, ea well as other lase doom diseases. Se-re W. Fowls I Co., 138 Washington street, Balton, Proprietors. Sold by their wow everywhere. A. D. DczeLes, Gettys burg. July 12. 2w ID HOLLOWAY'S OIITURIT AND PILLS-711 tens .—There are DO frauds so execrable as those which Imperil health and life. Therefore the late attempts to dissuade/Le counterfeits of the above-named great balsamic remedies are Indnitely more detestable than the operations of the common forger. The victims of scrofula, ereptlone, can cers. tutn,irs, sore legs, etc. etc , iliroegbout the Colas, look to the Ointment se the only elcnent of mire. Buffer from df*PcPtia, biliotta disorders, affections of the bowels, etc , hare as equally Era relies°, at the Pills.— What, thee, should be the punishment of the miscreant who oars a penucioes salve le We pigs of the one, and • elle drastic ocunixmod underthe name of the other ? In order to be sure you have the genuine article, see that the avatar-:ark. Holloway, New Tork and London," le on every leaf of the book of directions enclosing each. [lol"'Tne ORZAT RINIDT !—St JANES CLARICE'S C Fultz Pitt./, prepared from • prescription by Sir J. Clarke, It. D., PiThiCLUI Extraor dinary to the Ciao... This wall known MediCUM/Lino bat a sure and safe remedy for Female Dillmaltiee and Obstruction•, from any cause whatever; and althosgb a powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the Dunstan hon. To 31 altalit. LLD'S/ It le peculiarly se I led. It will, in a abort time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pill, have never been known to fall where the directions on Al page of pamphlet are well observel. for farther particulars get a pamphlet free of the agent. N. 13.—51 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any author. lust agent, will insured bottle, contalalui over 60 pills, by return T. W. Dyott It Son, Wholood• &pots, Philtotolphla . A. D. Ittobblor, Avast, Gott:stow/. Nay 17, WA. ly [Soo adrortimmoont of Dr. flanfonPo lavas Litriaos- Arm, to lloothor colas:tn. igo-ket '-Reports. tha Latest !Wu 12:10."1. York az Lbw:over pipers Baltimore—Friday last Flour, per barrel, $4 25 ® 4 37 Wheat, per bushel, 1 00 ( . 4 1 35 Rye, 70 75 Corn, 44 74 80 Oats, 35 Beef Cattle, per hnnd., 6 5 0 ( - ,g) 8 0 0 Hogs, 5 50 (4 6 00 Hay, per ton, 9 00 (05 00 Whiskey, per gallon, .23 4 25 Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 60 00 Hanover--Tkursday Last. Flour, per , bbL, from wagons, it 0 0 Do. ' from stores, 462 Wheat, per bushel, 90 @ 100 Rye, " 63 Corn, . " 62 Oats, ad 31 Cloverseed, " 4 00 Timothy, " 160 Plaster, per ton, 6 00' Fork—Friday /a4t. Flour, per bbl., from wagons, $ 4 3 87 Do., " from stores, 75 Wheat, per bushel, 85 ® 1 00 Rye, 46 63 Cord; 41 . 64 • 41(htto, 44 31 Cloverseed, "4 .eo risiNhy. 44 . : aOO Pisstar, per ton, 6 50 lite alio% writes Num the will Lather. epee sleet ow sone sewn We'll stand br S. other Larne, It blew," TO lohib. DIET) W. R. Linn, NXWVILLE, PA., A GENT forPrin‘Y a, Co.'s Improved ELODEO . TUE BEST IN' TilE WORLD! Also. the world renowned . CFI ICKE,RI _VG PIANO.* ettrlnstruments delivered to any a rens et Manufacturers' price+. ina-Every instru ment warranted. gir.Send fur a circular. July 12, isss. 3m' Pamphlet Laws. T TIE PAMPHLET LAWS of the State have heen received at chi* Office. and are now ready fur distribution among those entitled to re,,,eire them. JACOB BUSHEY, Proaey. Protbonotary'R (ACP, Getty.- I burg, July 12, 1 8 58. 3t f Auditor's Notice. TILE ondersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Adams county, to report distribution of the balance remaining in the hands of Atm T. Vi r atour, Adminis trator of the estate of Lswts Nut.t., late of Menallen township, Adams county, to and amongst the parties entitled thereto, will at tend to the duties of said appointment at his office, in Gettysburg, on Wednesday. Me 4M day of August nest, at It) o'clock in the fore noon of saitl day, at which time and place all par ties interested may.attend. E. B. WEIMER, Auditor. July 12, 1858. Statement Or the Bank of Gettysburg. as required by the 241 section of the Act of the General Assembly of this Communwealth, approved the 1Z th 'day of OztA,her A. D. 1857. 129373 Loans and discounts, $260,52.7 93 Stock of the Commonwealth, 24,18) 70 Specie, ' 63,789 23 Due by city Banks, $96,821 18 " country " 8.030 05 Notes of other Banks, 2,62.0 00 107,471 23 Miscellaneous Stocks, 966 74 Judgments, 22,249 69 Bonds, 6,295 38 Real estate, 9,825 00 LIABILITIZS Circulation, Depositee, Duo to other Rinke •I, T. D. Carson, Cashier of the Bank t•f Gettysburg. being affirmed, depose and say,. that the above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. D. CARSON. Gettysburg, July 3, IgsB. Affirmed before me, this 9th day of July A. D. 1853. Geo. ARNOLD, J. P. Dissolution OP PARTNERSIIIP.—The Co-partnership existing between the subscribers lies bsen dissolved this day by mutual ,consent. We are much obliged to our friends and the pub lic fur the liberal support. extended to us.— Oar books are placed in the hands of Geo. E. Brinkman for collection, 'and we earnestly request those indebted to us to call and make immediate psyment;as we desire to settle die business of the firm without delay. GEO. E. BRINOMAN. AUGIIINBAUGH. April 19, 1858. CllO. Z. DIIINON•N.1 New Firm. B RINGNIAN & CULP, Successors to Bring man & Aughinbaugh. Manufacturers and Dealers in HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SIIOES; Trunks. Borne's, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Umbrellas. Canes, &c., Le. having com menced business at tho well known stand of Bringman & Aughinbaugh, (Sign of the Big Boot) we invite all who desire anything in our line of business, feeling confident that we will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. Boots and Sines made upon the shortest no tice, as lieretotore. Also, Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Trunks. &c., and all kinds of repair ing done at the s hortest notice. Come ono! C one all ! Remember the place, Chambersburg street, sign of the Big Boot. Gettysburg, April 26, 1858. A Card. THE subscriber having disposed of his in tereAt In the store of Bringinan & Augh inbaugh to John Cuip, respectfully asks the continuance of his friends and customers to patronize the ilea firm of Bringman & Culp. HENRY AUGIIINBAULIII. April 26, 1858. Shawls? AT SCIIICK'S. Printed Cashmere Sliawls, Thibet, Crape, De!nine. April 5, 1858. VESTS--such as Satin, Italian Cloth, Buff I and White Menailee, Linen, German, &c., at PICKING'S. 50 SEGARS, of various brands, ,000 direct from the importers, and fur sale cheap, vshrilesale and retail. Duu't forget to call at the cheap liwre of June 7. FAHNESTOCK SHIRTS, Colars and 'Bosoms, wool and cot ton Under-Shirts and Drawers, Husiery, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Um brellas and Walking Canes—not to be beat in quality or price. Call at SAMSON'S. aROCERIES.-If you want q good assort ‘- )1 meat of Groceries, each as Syrups, Mo lasses, Sugar and Coffee, you will do well by examining the assortment at 11. S. & E. H. Mnonans'. FRUITS and Confections, nice and fresh, jut frau the citl, to be had at T1103115'. CIGARS & TORACCO.—A largo supply of all kinds, just received at J. C. GUINN it BRO.'S. 2 00 0 PI . ECILS of %Vali Paper just re ) calved and fur sale at A . .prit 5. PAXTON & NA I OZE4, Sash's is store and for ask '' ,116 0 11103 st the store of 7 AILWESTOCK BROTHER& Notice . of Inquest. voiles is hereby giren to all the heirs LI and legal ropresentati 01 of Mrs. S.l RAM ARMSTRONG, late of the Borough of Get. tyaburg, in the county of Adams, deceased, to wit: Margaret McConatietv, Janes Ewing, Margaret Ross. Ann Ewing. Enna Ewing, Mary Camat, Nancy Hersh and Margaret Elie, that an INci II EAT Will j>B held on the following property. Ti?.: A certain Meese:tag° or House and Lot of Gronnd, situ ated in the Strough of Gettysburg, being the west half of Lot No. 70 in *aid Borough, adjoiairg lots of Rev. Charles r, Slieffer on the west and C. W. LIME:Jan on the east, and fronting on Charnbersburg street in said Blr , eelt on the south. and In alley on the north, together with the Dwelling Or-vie and appurtenaneer, nu Seurday. ~ 1440Pal"P' _____.........ssower: on snip, pretnises, to make parts "tirrim thereof. to and arriontst the heirs and legal renre..entalives of said de‘•eto.ed, if the wine , A all Admit of pinion without prejnili,• to or en min t ; the whole thereon', hut if the ..aine will not ad mit of such partition, to inquire how tinny of said heirs it will convennmtly a.c mil/io date, arni.part and divide the sante to and amonz, as many of them as the same will accommodate ; but if the same will not ad roit of division at aliviltirciat prejudice to or spoiling the whole there 4, then to value mid appraise the same, whole and undivide I— whereof all persons -interested are hereby notified. ISAAO untrrxrit, shrrifr: sh,rar. Utz —.0.4 18. . A F . lass F rm, t DJOININO CETTYSBURci.I . I , II S ktr.. I '- 1 At an Orphan's Court held at -LI- —The undersignedakr. , at Pi in. , ! ''''''' t lit:s• Gettysburg, in and fur said Colo. his FARM, situ in - liFtr.th in tr : : ,} ty, on the 19th day of April, A. situ il Adam county, Ilai.ove r r „ a l, , 1- i ''' . 7. , ' I).. 18:.S, before the Honorable joiiiiig the (lei rz It it oi•.:ti hi.e. The ' Robert J. Fisher, President , arid farm conmins 'l') A-res, en , r.. . r l-“, the lt inid Zi'egler nod Isaac E. Wierman, Ems., land being of the best qu il , y, mu h of ' As-iociatit, Judges, duly assigned, lc. •• granite"--with fair p- ,, p , rtp.ms .t ii,ead Oa motion the Court grant, a Rule upon and tiwi,er. Fences :. , ,w•1 and the -. it in ex. Ow heirs and legal Representativei interest eelleut cultivation. The improve.t• 1 • , 1 ,n the e4tate of DAv ID Dirzi.sa, late of &r -e-. meat, aro a comfortable Steno 1 .. NN . li k(0 , 71 . 111 p: decease l d,tobe and ( appear tl at Dwelling HOUSE, Ilaak Barn, ;. • . .; :1.1 1 . . [,, •1!) A Court, to re bell at It :Is Arg. l Wagon Shed. Corn crib, ..tc.—tirs.. •: -. -4 . .. , . on t i n ' ,;d Monday of August next, 1818, and rate Apple Orchard, a never-foiling well 0 1 u..cept or refuse to accept the Real Estate of Water at the door, and a number of spring 4 tile de..edent at the valuation, or client cause upon the tract. It is certainly one of the why the! said Real Estate ur any part thereof most desirable farms now in market in tas should riot be- sold in ease they or any of county, and demands the attention of capi- them should neglect or refuse to take and no• talists.cept the same. Personal notice to be given .. .. .. . . . Persons wishing tl view the property lire requested to call upon the under•igned, resid ing thateon. DANIEL lIENNER. July 5, 1858. 3m AT the solicitation of !limy persons deAirous fur the improvement of the C onruou Schools in this county, the subscriber is in duced to open a School in this place, during his summer vacation, and to continue it ten weeks, provided sufficient or.courixgement it given. Persons wishing to attend. will re ceive a circular giving full particulars by applying to the County Superintendent, IV. L. Campbell, EN. R bort Lyttle, or . the sub scriber. The clam will not he limited to those merely woo are intending to teach. but a good opportunity will be anrded to any I) there w4Bhing to pursue the common or higher English studios. The session towns , tnence the 19th of July next. • fit S. CONTEItgE, Principal of Public School Gettysburg, June 2s, 1858. 31 Notice to Teachers. WOULD respectfully call the attention of the Teachers of the county to the card of If. S. Convicts', A. M., published in the pa pers of our county, proposing to form a "normal class" in this place, to continuo some ten weeks. This enterprise, on the part of Mr. Corn erse, meets my mie.: cordial approbation, and I would urge upon the teachers the importance of forming a class under his instruction, and thereby !meowing better qualifie I for the rep maible they hold. Mr. Conversc is a ge.a t leman of high literary and scientific acquirementg, has had the charge of a normal school in New York for several years. and our teachers would find it of great advantage to themselves to attend his class. Mr. Converse will send a circular to every teacher iu the county, containing a statement as to terms, eum inenceinent of session, 1,.t. 495,213 90 280,530 00 24,115 27 3,522 35 308,157 62 ...,.......":..= CAM PBUL, Cu Gettysburg, June 28, l;s:P er .litutuudeut. TUE undersigool, intending to relinquish the Lumber business, (to open a Hard ware Store in New (Mont) now offers all kinds of LUMBER at reduced prices. Cell and judge fur yourselves. The stuck em braces a full agsortment. Boards, Plank, JJists, Scantling, Lithe: Palings, A. % JACOB AULABAUGL New Oxford, June 28, l 818. REMAINING in the Post Office, at Gettys burg, July 5, 1858. • Ambrose J. M. Myers 11. M. 2 Arnold Ales. Miller John Boar' Abrs'iarn Mell vain Aissßeh'caJ. Recker Jamb MeCallion Martha Bucher Isaac Itly.:rs I) iniel, Jr. 1 Butler Lewis Major John Cary William Porter Isaiah J. 1 Clinton Joseph J. Reed Win. . Casley Henry Robertson Mrs. Mary Duval Eugen Svrarts A. (printer) 1 Fuliwoor David Stuart Wm. Gerr/ James Solladay S. 11. Guttman Arnold ShriVer John N. Ileaghy Wm. H. Shaffer Daniel Hessler Mrs.Catbarine Weaner Henry R. IJolsnson Alex. lYierman Missllannah 1 KitsmillerJacob Wolf W. W. • Livah Mies Catharine I.IEORGE GEYER, P. MI ifirPersons calling for letters in the above list will please say they are kilt ertisetl. lifirSpauilh quarters, levies and fips not received in payment of poste r,e. [JOHN CULP (ORE NEW GOODS!—JACOBS 8110. have just returned from the city, with u very large assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Summer Goods, and everything else in the men's wear line. They alb° offer plain and fancy Shirts, Collar., sill: and cot ton Handkerchiefs, ZSuspenders, Having bought unusually low, fur the cash, they are enabled to sell cu Ev eta Tlloi EVER—an excel lent full cloth suit, made up, fur $l3, fur in stance. Gil e them a call, at their new estab lishment, in Chamberslairg street,a few dour, west of the Court-house, before purchasing elsewhere. play to. THE subscriber has removed his Plough and Machine Shop from the Fuuudry building to Railroad street, opposite Tate's Blacksmithishop, back of the Eagle Hotel, where he is better prepared than eier to at tend to customers. Ploughs al% aye on hand and made to order at the .hortest notice, and Machines, Reapers, Scc., repaired. Also lie will attend to cleaning and repairing Uloeke. May 10, DAVID WARREN. Hanover B. Railroad, TRAvis over die llauol er Branch Baiiroad 11 now run as fullovrs ; • First Train !tales Hanover pt 9 A, a, with passengers fur Baltimore by Express Train, also passengers fur York, liarruiburg,Oulum bia. and Philadelphia. Second Train waves nanover at 1 P. X. with passengers fur lialumure and interme diate points. TRONE, Ticket A.gent. Hanover, Juue 28, 1856. Flour and Food. SUPERFINS and Xxtra Flour. Corn, Onto and Chop. White Corn Meal for milli. nor's out. NOR, BECK 4 MARVIN. May 2.4, 1858, t ------ ►jtl sp. of -every leeofi_pkee Sto • sp. ter salle-pt GZO. 04414141 4 Chem bersliuri Street. Normal:Class. Lumber at Cost. List of Letters Cheap ! Cheap ! Removal. ' ; rpriNgtia • - W. siagie Co., CoMiltg3loll AND PRODUCE IflEß- ClLthill.Kos.llBmal 133 :Vora +tract, Ballistorti—Being established in the Com mission business toe is nnnitoer of years, they solicit consignments, and pay particular at tention to the male of GRAIN of all kinds, Flour, Clover 8a0..1, Whisky and Country Pruden.° :generally. We remit preeeedy promptly. Tracks from the Northern Cen tral Railroad run into bur Warehouse 4. Refer 40 E- IR. goal*, Es*, Gettysburg. June Is, 1858. ly, • To Bridge Builders. I EALED proposids i trill be received the office of the Col6tnissioners of Athorns untrt Tfr,v,lny, the COLA of July next, or building a Wooden bridge aerogs Minay Branch, on the road leading, front Fairfield to Nuiietnakerlii Mill. The Bridgo is to be built niter the style of Burr's patent, one spun 75 feet long. 10&-Planit and specifications for the Bridge con b goen by persons wishing to bid on the dory of letting, or by application to J. M. Wavrzs, Clerk to the Cornmiggioners. • HENRY A. PICKTNO, JOSIAH BENNER. J.1C03 RAFFENSPERGtR, Coosmi4/10)%eii. ttect—J. WALTER, Clerk. Julie '2B, 1115 t. Adam's County, ss. ..., to all the Heirs and legal Representatives re siding within the County of Adams twenty days prior to the holding of said Court, and to those Heirs residing out of the County of 4110 , Adams by publication in newspaper pub lished id the County oft , for three suc cessive weeks and by men g Nempor direct ed to them at their nearest kouwii Post Office. , By the Court, II EN RY 0. WOLF, Clerk. ISAAC LICH TNER, Sheriff. June 28, IBSB. 3t Adams County, as. AT an Orphan's Court. held at Gettyebur . g.in and fur said county, ".. •,, .on the 24sh day ut 5.1.1 y.. A. D., '77;!..2- - 11358. before the 11 J nairahle Robert J. Fisher, Ptesident, and Isaac E. NViertnan, Esq., Associate, Judges duly as signed,'&o. On motion the CJurt grant a Rule upon the Heirs and legal Representatives interest ed in the etude of Joett Kmer. late of Fe.sd ing towsuship, 418~404 to be and appear at an Orphan's Court, to be held at Geuysburg. on the 3d .Ifouday of August next, 18513. and accept or refuse to accept the Real Estate of the said deceased at the valuatiou. or sbew cause why the said Read Estate, or any part therecf should not be sold in case they or any of them should neglect or refuse to take and accept the same. Personal notice to be given to all the Heirs and legal Itepresenta tares residing within the ()Andy of Adams, twenty .tlays prior to the holding of said Court. and to Heirs residing out of the County of Adams by publication in one newspaper published in the County of Adams. fur three suceessite weeks, and hy, sending a paper directed to than at their nearest known Post Wive., By the Court, ILENIiX O. WOLF, Clerk. ISAAC LIGHTNER, &writ. June 28, 1858. 8t 11111111T11} DANCRIt. WAYRRIGHT 11101.1ta New Firm—New Goods. THE undersigned have entered into part nership in the lIAB D WARE & GlW CEBrjiumiinemp, at the uld stand of Danner 1 Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under tho name. Style and firm of Denser .f Zieg Jr.., and ask. and will ' endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the ,patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new` custom. They have just returned from the cities with an immense stuck of Cloods—consistiug in pert of' Building Materials, such as nails, screws, hinges,s Letts, lucks, glom, kx. Tools, including edge toole of every de seriptit saw.. planes, ohisele, gouges, bra ces and •tts, augers, squares, gusges, ham mers, Blacksmiths will llnd anvils, vices, rasps, files, horse shoes, horse-shoe nail., oto., with them, very cheap. - Coach Piadino, such as Eth, canvass. damask, fringes. cottpu, m'llks, oil cloth, springs, axles, hubs. spokes, felloes, bows, poles. shafts, &a. Shoe Findings, Tampico, brush and french morocco, linings, bindings, pegs. lasts, boot trees, 1.2., with a solvent' asst mont-of *bun maker's tools. C-ibiaset Ifahcr's 'Mots, a . general assort, ment=also varnish, knobs, &c.. /fouseleepers will also find a largo assort ment of knives and ftirks,brittanniri, al bate and silver-plated table and tea spoons, candle sticks, waiters, shovel and tongs, sad irtml, enamelled and brass kettles, pans, tubs, churns, oar! eting, Also a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all si‘es and kinds; cast, shear and blister steel, which they will sell as cheep as the cheapest. Groceries, a full and general assortment. such as erii.lied, pulverised, clarified and brown sugars; New Orleans, West India and sugar house molasses and syrups, suttee, spiees„ch,,culate, fine, coarse and 'dairy salt; linseed, fish and sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, tic.; a Atli assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the !lard vare, Conde Finding. She Finding, Housekeeping, Black smith. Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, tilazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are de termined to sell es low fur CASII as any house out of the city. FIENItY B. DANNER, WAYBRIGHT ZIEO LE IL Gettysburg, May 24,.1..58. Notice. THE undersigned having retired from the Mercantile business, the same will here after be continued at the old stand, in Balti more street, by their sons, Henry B. Danner and WaybrighaZiegliw, under the name and style of Danner and Ziegler. Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would hespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general. Having retired from the Misr:antile busi ness, it it necessary that our old business should be settled up. We. therefore, notify all those indebted to us eitbaf by Judgment, Note or littok Account:. to call and settle the same without delay. The books will be found the tad stand. J. D. DANNER. DAVID ZLI4DIjia. 61ay•24 1 1R58. :list Arriving ! VENWOODS at G I LLESPI E THOMAS'. Al —Groceries, Fish, Spices, Confections, Fruits, ha., Ic. WWI, cheaper than ever, Give us a call. Also, the Jews Petent Qom, OIL LAMPS --the greatest latpeoeitoteat of the age. Juno?: 16584 prt i I, l 4 i di rroes ismAjj via tamILIZ 746 Y to b: To thi Country,Good Now& I HAVE rented the Youndry fur the cam ing year, and late prepared to make the different kinds of Castings uqually made at n Foundry. I will keep cnnetantly on hand the different kinds of PLOUGIIS, Points. Shares, Cutter., iket,; Pots, Kettles, Pan., Washing Macbinee, ac. ; Skives and Machinery; Por ches, Veraettah'seettl Cemetery Fencing made and put up with diapatok. All order. will bo aftendel to promptly ; but being without cap:tal, and money being necessary to carry on the business, I will be compelled to cell fur cash, but on all country work 3 per cent. will Le deducted. Suitable bade will be taken, if delivered at the titne of purchasing. Give us a call. E. M. W.UUtEN Gettyaborg, June 1. 18.7. - - lamialstrator's Notice, p ETE It 11 1V E!tS COCK'S ESTATE.—Let ters of administration on the estate of Peter linverstock. lace of Mountpleviant township, Adams e. 1., deed., having been granted to the undersigned, residing iil Strahan township, he hereby gives notioo to all persons indebted to mid estate to make itutno,liate payment, and those havin claims against the 1441.11 C to present them properly nuthentienteil fur b etrime i ,r, „lAD )13 11.11*EILSTOCK, June 21, A(I lie r - - - - - --- Admintstratrix's Notice. F rtAxeLi ESTATE.—Let tern of administration on the estate of Francis Clirisiner, late of the Borough of Get tysburg, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing, in Mountpleasitnt township, sho hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to snake immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properlf authenticated for settlement, it to L CIIIIISI.I.F.R, :Wm's% Or for the convenience of persons interested in the estate to her Attorneys, 11. 1 W. NlXtLes, Gettysburg. June 14,1858. Gt. The Swan Hotel. Ta •TIIE TRAVELING PUBLIO.—The apbscriber would most respectfully err nuance that •be has taken the hotel lately kept by Israel Yount. in Frederick street, in the through of HANOVER, where he is pre pared to aceoiniuodate, in elegant style,Trnr. ellera and others visiting the place. lle Pledges himgelf that nothing shall be want ing to make his house a pleasant and agree able home to all who may give him their custom. The house is large and eonveniont, and will always be provided with attentive Domestics and a faithful and honest Ostler. The Bar and Table are supplied with the e market will afford, and his beds will cid to be in the but possible eonditioa. rytbing pertaining to a first rata house the subscriber is determined not to be cur. paned, by any ono. Jost give him a trial— pa will always find old Dave about. Thom is a fine Yard attached, and Stabling sufficient for 25 or 30 hereto. DAVID NEWCOIIIIER. Hanover, May 10. 1858. tf . New Store. READY -11 ADE CLOTHING, and Clothing Made to Order.—The undersigned has the pleasure of announcing to the public that ho has opened a New Clothing Establishment, in Carlisle street., Wes , t ride, a few doors from the Diamond, where he is prepared to fit ont gentlemen is the latest and best style. He has just received from the city a. well select ed stook of goods, embracing everything in gentlemen's wear, which were bought at such prices as will enable him to offer greater bargains than have ever been offered in (hyt tyshurg. He will constantly keep on hand a stock of Ready-made Clothing, and if not being able to fit, a suit will be made t..% order on the shortest notice, which cannot fail to fit. Having determined to keep nothing but good Goods, and to sell cheaper than the cheapest, ho expects to receive a liberal share of public patronage. JICOB REININOER. June 21,1858. Greatest Improvement ()VMS MIL.--Jomes' Patent KEROSENE or COAL OIL LAMPS, unrivalled in Beauty, Siniplieity,. Safety or Economy.— Every person desir i ng to obtain the eery best mad deaperl portable light within their reach, should call and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, for the reason. Ist. That no accident can occur by ex plosion. 241. That they emit No Offensive Odor while burning. 3d. That they are very , easily trimmed. 4sb. That the y are easily regulated to give more or less right. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. Gds. That the light is at least 50. per cent. cheaper than any other light now in common Use. • These Lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Students, Slechaniot, Seamstresses, Halls. Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are high ly recommended for Family Tire. For sale by GILLESPIE & THOMAS. J.tue 14, 1858. Autioneer AND VENUE CRIER.—The subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he continues the business of Crying Vendues, AuetiOne, &e., on the very lowest terms.— From his experience and a determination to do the best fur the interests of his cu -tuners, he flatters himself that be will he able to render full satisfaction to tho:e who may see Proper to employ him. His residence is in keading township. Adams county, i.ne mile below Stanihnogb's Mill, on Big Conowng.) ereek, on the farm of the Widow Neidich..-. Give Heorge a trial at a sale. GEO. F. MILLER. Jul 5, 1858. 3m • Pay Up ! PERSONS indebted to the late Firm of ItitisomAx & ALAIIINCIAUGII. are hereliy notified to wake paynien , to Geo. E. Bring. man. on or before the 24th Jay of July, as .f• ter ;hat date all claims due and u•ipaid will be put in suit for immediate collection. BRISI ;.11 A N & AIJGIIINBA.UGII. July 5, 1858. 3t sHEADS & BUEHLER have, at their Stove Ware Room, in IVest Middle street, T and at their Coal and Lumber Yard. on O Washington and listilraol streets, four ✓ varieties of Cooking Stoves, embracing E the Noble Cook, It,yal Cook. William S been and Sea S ell. Theis` Stoves are of Philadelphia manufacture, hate been recently r ateuted, and have lien thor• oughly tested. They ate pronouuctid supt. , rise to all others in the gountry, for Cool or Wood. They will be tlawered aayicitere in the county, if desired. Geuyshurg; Maya. Chap Groceries, GOOD Brown Sugar at 61 at, per lb. Fatly Pounds far 25 cents. Falinestock Brothers have just reeeived an unusually large tut of Grot uric', to which tIlEv invite the attention of the public. Brown Sugar at GI, 8 and 9 cents, per lb.--cheap. Prime Rio Coffee, at 13 and 14 eta. per lb.l More Carpeting. Primo 44- rimo N. 0. Molasses and the best Syrup I NOTIIBB lot of Carpeting just reeelte4, —also, Spices, to be had at 'sensually low which added to our former arrival frofw rates, Call early and secure bargains at Auction, wakes our's the most essiapiels.as• FAIINESTOCK BRO'S. sortment out of the cities. Coins sad buy ltlay 31. 1258. some very FALINESTOCILE cheap carpets at VISS AIoCREARY has just returned fro June 7. 4 ' 4 the city with a fresh assortment of N • New Goods. politan, English Straw and Colored Strawrpng c h ea p es t i n t ow n. C a l? an d odogbp is , Bonnets. Call and see show. April 5,1858. t. , en, if ILLINSI ; Y.—Odra LotYrs3, Kars latrt.it 414 wishos to intorm the livlioi of town and Gauntry, that elle is now prepared cos.:mote *Mosul in all its branches, in Westllid4ile street, a few doors belaw Mr. George Little'd Own. Work done cheaper Clan elsooliore in tents: alessioeoll sari btu. Pip r. 2i, 060. A LI. Wad{ Qt cedar and Wlatraviare, f o r iihrtine OtIAAMPIG & THOUS. TheJitikeY'lleraitr I _t:114441 . .irAOlOlll and Illitd 'Trid. Holloirs o . iixtpank s T H E free a de/lesions of all Nations. sta.soll 1 as the verdiet of the leadiospoapitals of the Ohl no well as the iNve World. maiieEthis p iwerful remedial Arent as 14 heallm preparatimi ever hat trtai dn feting man. Its runrrarrrre ifrahoefillio more than weayst.toeNtinsettah Um VoilPiridd orifices of the skin; invisible to shit 411111114 eye, it reaches the seat of the imernat,iiiir ease; and in all external affections ihi,faillk inflammatory and healing virtues imp anything else on roeurd`„ and is N • _. 4 greet Hilt. ERYSIPELAS AND SALT fitlififil , * two of the mist common and virologist 41i. orders prevalent on this cont 4 neat. Ile , tants the Ointment it especially antagodiallesitil '. modes operandi ' is first to eradicate tits venom and then complete the cure. .; 1W) LEGS. OLD SORES AND ULNA —Cases of muny years etanding that pertinaciously refused to yield to any 'ellift remedy or treatment, have invariably %oil combed to a few applications of this plIWIllf• ful unguent. ERUP f lONS ON T TIE SKIN, arising" fits" a bad state of the 1,10..1 of chronic diseasoiteo eradicated, and a clear and tratispaiertli it i tt fire re4aincri by the restorative Action oft Ointment. It surpasses many of the. oestaio• tics and other toilet appliances id its prime to dispel rashes and otbur disfigured:male di the face. PILES AND FISTULA.—Every form . r a . re tture of these prevalent and stubborn orders is era licated locally and entirely b the use of this emalient ; warm fotnentatio "should precede its aprflication.• Its heath* qualities will be found to be thorough aid invariable. .• . ' Both the Ointment and Pills should be Wed iii the following eases: . 1111010€111, Rhlkometleat, Bore Throe*. • Uorne. 111Ingerorm, &rem of ill Walk Chapped Beads, Belt Moue, !peal us, . Clnlblalue, fic2l.le, Stiff Joints, fistula, Skin DISPIIMPS. Tatter, ;4' Bout, bwelled Giulia, Ulcer*. . T.ninbagn. Sore Lege Venereal Bee., liecterial troptfoos, Sore Breasts, ill evade se ail klimii, Palo, Bore Heads. I Caution !—None ern gennine onkel the words "Holloway, Yew York and Loil don," are discernible ets it water mark in diet, leaf of the book of directions around each pet or box the same may he plainly seen by holding the len/ to the tight. A handsomtre i ward will be given to any ono renderingesieb information as may lead to the detection .at any party or parties counterfeiting the mod eines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. *.*5.)1,1 at thn Manufactories of Professor Holloway, SO Maiden Lone, New York, and by all ?evadable Druggists and Desloge its Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world. in pots at 2k cents. G 3 cents, and $1 each. A. D. Buehler. Gatti* burg. OirThere is a considerable dosing by taking the larger sizes. N. Dm—Directions for the guidance of pa tients in tniery disorder are affixed to eash pot. ' [June 14, 183 k. eowly. The Only Safe PREPARATION that does not Dye, but will *restore GRAY HAIR to its original color, liv Nature's own nrocess. in Profesaor 0. J. Wood's celebrated . 11A111 RE51 . 0111.4- TM7I. In prilbf of the above assertion, read the following testimony from distinguished per sona from all parts of the country : lion. Solomon Mann, Anu Arbor, DEA.. says his wife, whose hair had become very thin, and entirely white, was restored to its original brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and en tirely over, the head. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative with the happiest effects. lion. Judge Breese, Ex-Senator of Illinois, says my hair was prematurely gray, but, by the use of Wood's itestorative,it has remmed its origine color, and I have no doubt per manently so. lion. H. I. Stewart, says, my hair wai very gray, .bet after using two bottles, it re- stored it to its natural color. Rev. J. K. Bragg, Brookfield, Mass., says it has removed from my head inflammation, dandruff, and a constant temimey to itching, and restored' my hair, which was grays %to its original color. J. W. Davidson, 314nrrantb, 111.. soya, ray hair was two-thirds gray, or rather white. but, by the aiiplicatior of the Restorative as directed, it bas resumed its original color. Dr. G. Wallis, Chicago, says, after using a great many other preparations, all to no ef fect, I used one bottle of your Hair Reskwa tire, which has cured a humor in my head of two years' standing. Benjamin Lougridge, .2..slSeventh Avenue, New York, says, baying lost my hair by the effects of the Erysipelqq, whcu it began to grow, instead of black, as heretofore, it was well mixed with gray. Having tried many preparations to restore the color without ef fect, I Was inducel to try y .un, and in spite of all my doubts has had the desired effect. 11. L. Williams, M. D.. Pockenswille. Ala.. says, I have u4ed your Restorative, and And it all that it is recommended to bc. 1 have trip.l it for Totter and find it a certain cure. W. M. Woodward, M. D., Frankfort,. Ky., says, he recominendm it in his practiee as the best preparation for the hair now.in tae, Edward Walcott, says, three months atm my hair was very gray, it is now a dark brown, the original color, smooth and glossy, all lor the ii4e(.f ‘Vood's Restorative. Wilson King, says, one month's proper ap plioation will restore nny persou's hair to its originnl color and texture. J. P. floes. Bay', a few nprdieations &sten cd my hair firmly, it began to grow ou&sn4 turn black. original color. Betsey Smith, - Northeast Pennsylvania, says that-bar hair had, for a number of years, been perfectly white, but now it is raptured t o its youthful color, soft and glossy. - Dr. J. W. Bond, St. Paul, say* that his hair is strong, thick end black. although w 'Wort time since ho was both bald and gray. The• people hero B.lv(7ts effects and have Mildl4.lloo in it. Morris Gosling, M. D., St. Lnuis, says that after trying many other preparstions, ye to no effect, lie used two bottles, whielt savored his head with a now and ♦igurans grosrsh Ut hitir and invites all to coin, and see IL - Sarah J. 6: own, says her hair was tickllal./ gray, but so thin that she feared its re loss—but after using two bottles It_ both the color and growth. Prepared by 0. J. Wood k Co.: • ket street,St. L mis, and 312 Broad 4 York, and sold by all Druggists • Medicine Dealers: also, by all Fan L Toilet Goods Dealers in the United Strivell4 Canada. May 24, 1858. 3m For the Ladies. SILK MANTILLAS! —Just receive' dirpot from Auction a large assortment of beta tiful Silk and Moire Ant,qcse /I.tntillangaiNf price from $1 7.5 to $5 On, to wallah+ we call Wtontion of ladies. IfFw Wish cheap and pretty Mantillas call ear at dune 7. FAIINEST CKS. CLOT _TtlBl l '! tali eut V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers