ESE ERN x qtßi ,gt01110i4 • - .ilte wits by the 14oigt-w9414 thrive, ilitheolfelfredolllegr hold or drive." - illailek - Tait Trees. Is thilargt MOM. s 1 PitntiOgi Aseh traajohtid bitei i good pale/nag, extre4imailteast two fret from the stem alleioin . IL.- This mulching may DO of grass—which wo Inco very mueb—flno aberinge, likbt long manure, hay, saw dest or spent tan. This mulching eboniti bo renewed. Apply It early--.-it should be done 2 10 W, and repeated whenever it may be come necessary through the season. When grass is used, it, will require to be renewed several times. The mulch log and roots of the tree should be moistened once a week In the absence of rain. A little salt mixed with the water—a pound or two to the bucket ful!, will be au advantage. Pry sum mers are very destructive to young trees atoll kinds, soles well mulched; and Wbou this Is properly done, not one in a hundred—other conditions being right —will fail to grow.—Germantoiria Tie graph. Gran Around Fruit Trees. No ono who has the least knowledge of.the cultivation of fruit, will allow grass to grow around his young trees. is a great drawback upon their growth and health. For several years, at least—and we would recommend it stall times—the sal should be kept pul verised around the trunksof fruit trees. Only give your trees as much attention as you give your cornfield, or your cab bage bed, and there will be no secret in the raising of superior crops of good (not. Clover as a Manure. "A., crop of clover is worth a great deal Triore for manure to plow it under than it is to feed it to stock. Every animal eating a ton of clover keeps back a large portion of it in bone and muscle, and converts much of it into carbonic Avid gas, all of which would otherwise bo retained in the soil. Tron3 this we conclude that ono of the best modes of 'enriching a soil•is to plow in green crops, especially_elover. It shoujd be done when the clover is ripe, as it is worth more at that time. It saves barns, carting and ro-carting and keeps the st;il in a healthy condition, very much like now soil. If you lot the clover ripen, the ground will be so plen tifully filled with seed that it will not feed re-stocking. We glorify men who build expensive barns and cellars in which to save manure, when we ehbold glorify the man , who has no bairn at all." So says a New. York farmer. Feeding Horses. The following facts from a gentleman of Buffalo, N. Y., who seems to be fa miliar with the facts, may be valuable, in a general sense :—" The towing of boats on the Erie Canal is done in part by horses that-are taken along with the boats, and partly by towing companies whd keep their horses at stations about twelve miles apart alorg ;he whole length of the canal. There are three of these towing companies, and they , employ about 1,400 horses. They have found, after great experience, that the most economical and best feed for their horses is a mixture composed of equal parts, b - measure, of corn meal stud mill teed (bran or shorts weighing &boat twenty pounds to the bushel,) mixed up wet with cut bay, and they seeordingly feed this altogether." • Black Teeth in Pigs. . many of our farme ir' are not aware of tho disease that destroys at least one-eighth of young pigs, I will give a description of the disease and of the'enre. Symptoms.—The hair stands out, with a slight cough, lank in ap pearanee, and do not eat well; as the cough increases, they grow stupid, have the scours, and die in fits. Cure.— Catch the pig, and you will find just biik of the tusks a small black tooth (similar to the wolf-tooth in the horse,) set in.the jaw. Take a hammer and a punch, and- break the tooth loose, and with a pairof,zippers take out the tooth or tooth; and if the tusks are black, break them off also, and give the pig a little sulphur with his feed.—Corrca-- . poadent of Seto York Observer. To sake Excellent Spruce Beer. Two quarts of boiling hot water; vet quarts of cold water. In the hot w.tter add twenty-five drops each of the oils of sprnce, sassafras, and wintor. green; three cent's worth of yeast; ,three quarts of molasses; mix it and let it stand all day, then ligittle it. Put the molasses in the cold water after the oils Are all well mixed in the hot water; • 0 , 114j ... 5i1l to the sweetened water; last of sit jvid the yeast. If made in the morn , taiet be bottled at night. Half -.4lgottlyt of dock root boiled to the water ~ Domestic Ginger Beer. • . ; Ter**Lions of- ginger beer may be "iiiitifirif fellows :—Put two gallons of ,ejeidiedker into a pot upon the fire; add . to itiiew MOONS of good ginger, and - -. ,:..ds of White or brown sugar. :;-:- r: it this some to the boil, and eon. ItidiSil hoar. Then skim the ~ _...= per is labs jar or tub, f:• • one INC* *Won, sad hsif 4...f-,":'000, :tetiliOst Or :tsitsw. Wben ..,, '-'- 1 - 1 :-. , . . illt..Tiol,* .' Cll'7 4* - ' The beer '• 1 14 /. ' 4 - - - - Asys, - atasia satilatilar it forl a o . ..liii... Tieshewolts down firmly. lir ....?" . .•-ov*"l'. .. . , 11 0 1g ie c' -- - Nottoo Of Inquoilt.' i NeVOO63. & Lankier tut. • : •. . . . NOTICE is hereby given to all **Wet IA T Writ °stmts. Almon Comm Pa.— NTaTlOils. is betsislgiven all . *a, and legal representatfres of JOEFN : ka• resat:tax Mums ems roe:sired ald will 1 other that. • ' KNOP, late of Reading towis4lo, - Adams eon stanfly keep oo trawl. a large and wel/ ow. t istretiommoosovettebereinelter mead will ' county, deceased, to wit :-... - ' looted suseartatent ofLUMREIt and *superior tbe presented ei tbe Orphan's; Coact ofUltdammi Ist. Theis:aye, eight in nmalsor, of "Mary, ',article of COALlusitabk-for (easily purposes. i eountv fur confirmatiOn and allowance, on a sister, i n termarried with Henry filyen, ;Also, Bleclutmitfi's Coal of the bust quality. Tuesday, the 25tit tierof May ace, at 10 both deceased, to wit i Mary Myers, whose All order* for sawed lumber can IA filled at lo'clodt• A. K., viz : residence is uq,knuwit; Jacob Myer*, whose ; the shortest notice. i 89. This second account of Geo. Meok. residence is unknown; tasentsah, interwar- ' FRANKLIN nEnsu. I ley one of the Administrators of John pied with Michael ßiokenbrod. whose reel - ; New Orford. Feb. 8. 18511. tl Flfcittter, deceased. dence is unknown; Sally, intermarried with • John Bright, whose residence is unknown; DCKLOP rsx•ros. rotas". Witsexr., .14 The :firlit account of John Nano- Henry-44ms, Usual Myers, the last two ' New Firm. - maker and William A. Grtyson. Exec. / named of Elkhart county, Indiana, (Mt. 0- ' F'AXTON & MeILIIRNY. ' uteri of the set will and testament of, , live P. 0.); Darfd Myers. whose residcuee ! (Successors to C,bean if Pa.rfoa,) John Nunernaker, Sen., deceased. is unknown; and Joseph Myers, whose reel-, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 35. The' second account of.Cornolius l deuce is unknown. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, & STRAW Hess and Joseph Hess, Executors of the' 2d. The issue, four in number, of Jacob ' GOODS. Alan. will of Isaac Hess , deceased. Koop, a deceased brother, to wit : Eliza' , ball Paper, iFiad,te Shades, -, Trunks, Car- 86, The account of Peter Wolford both, intermarried with Sours, of Ber- I pet Bays, L'Abrellas, Casys, - and Samuel Arnold, Administrators of wick , township, Adams contif, Pa .; Henry Tobacco awl .S.'jarli, !the estate of John Arnold, Lao of Road- Knop, of Putnam mlty, Ohio: Anna. inter- VUTLIZ ROCTII.LAST CURNIR or CENTItt SQVAIII, married with Samuel $ urkholder. of Lati- t G..ityrburp, :Ida.a.l Coualg, Pa. ' ing township, deceased. more towubhin, Adams counts, Pa.; and : March o - ' ISSs. tf 1 87. The first account of Jacob A -3lstry, intertiiarried with Jacob George, cf . Myers and John B. McCreary, Execu- Beading township, Adams county, P. I The First of the Season! tors of George Deardorff , doeonsed. , • of E. ' 33. The itome, seven in number, of Esther, x sister, intermarried with Andrew Utz, both deceased, to wit : Daniel Utz, of the county of Seneca, in the State of Ohio, (Tiffin P. 0.): Anna Mary, intermarried with Christian Brilbart, ut Canton, Stark county, Ohio: Lydia, intermarried with Jacob R. Myers, of Elkhart county, Indians, (near Goshen): John Ur, of Greensburg, Summit county, Ohio; Andrew rtz, of Tra% is county. Texas: Sarah. intermarried with Peter Brilhart. of Crawford countv.Ohin, (Chatfield P. ) and Samuel Utz, of Ilardin county, Ohio, (Trizn tn P. 0.) 4th. The issue, 6re in number, of Inner, s sister deceased, intermarried with M tcwell McMaster, to wit: William McMaster, of York county, P.t. (II ants er P. U 1. Samuel McMaster, of Carroll county, Maryland. (New Windsor P. o ), Andrew McMaster, of Butler township, Adams county. Pa.: Eliza, intertnarried with Jacob Shut p. unit Mary Ann, intertna:r.ed with Solomon Hawkins, the last two named both of York county, Pa., (Hanover P. 0.) sth. Sarah, a sister, intermarried with John Bucher, your petitioners—all of the abote named heirs being of full age. That an INQUEST will be held on the fol lowing rrurerty, ti.; wit: Four certain Lots of Ground. situate to the town of Hampton, in the too nehip of Rending and county of Adam. aforesaid. on one of which, being a corner of the public square in said town. are erected a large double house, with two' kitchens, two stables, and with two pumps of water, and long occupied as a public' hause; three of said lots are bounded by an alley and in part by lot of William Noel, the ' fourth lot bounded by alleys and lot of the Misses Patterson, and fronting on the Hun terstuwn road ;—on .i(unday, the 24th day of May instant, at 10 o'clock, A. M., un said premises, to make partition thereof, to and amongst the heirs and legal representative• of said deceased, if the same will admit of partition, without prejudice to or Pip/iiing the whole thereof; but if the lame will not admit of such partition, to inquire how many of said heirs it will conveniently accommo date, and part and divide the slime to -and among as many of them as the same will ac commodate ; but if the same will not admit of digisiun at nit without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof, then to value and appraise the Same, whole and undivided— whereof all persons interested are herd)) notified to attend. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Sheriff. Sherifrs Office. Gettysburg, May 3,185 S. ti A VALUABLE IRON (I. BRASS FOGS DRY.—On Tuesday, the 25111 of May, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the undersigned, assignee under a deed of voluntary nssignment, for the benefit of creditors, by Tana AS WAR/MX Wire, will sell at public sale, on the pretn ises, in Gettysburg, the following valuable property-, vie: TWO LOTS OF GROUND. fronting on Rnilroad street, on which is erected a valua ble Iron and Brass Foundry-, known rut the "GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY." with all the necessary apparatus, Steam Engine, Flasks. Patterns, Tools, de. The Foundry is now in running order and doing a good business. There ' , A ill also be sold a good IRON SAFE. SW - Attendance will be given and terms made known by yOTICE is hereby given to the Stockhokl -11 01'8 in the Gettysburg Water Company. that an Election for live Managers of said Company will ho hold at the huuseof George W. McClellan, in Gettysburg. on Saturday, the 22d day of May OW., between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. M. By order of the Board. S. R. RUSSELL, &c'y. May 3, MM. to Fresh Fruits, GROCERIES., NOTIONS, &e.— Fruits. Fruits of every description, its fulloirs---Lare; ICtilt-Ins, Figs, - Ornnges, Lemons, Dates, Palm Nuts, Filberts, hard and paper shell Almonds, Pen Nnts, &c. Groceries. A good assortment of SuLmr,..— Loaf. Brown, Powdered and Crushed. Coffee, S. 0. M Syrups of the Lest fluidity, Rice, Sotl4, Starch, Teas, Cinnamon, (ground and unground„ Cloves, Mustard, I,:c. Rrfumery. Perfumery af every description: which will be s.ild low for Cas h. Lesion Syrup. A large lot just received.—Any one desiring a cheap, pleasant and healthy drink will do well by purchasing this Syrup. All the various kinds of Tobac- Tobacco. he Wm. Boyer 41. Son. Vinegar. We have a good qualit•, AS all will say who have tried Flour d• Feed. We hare made arrangements to have constantly on hand Flour and Feed, which we will insure to lie of superior quality, and at such prices ns cannot fail to please. W.M. BOYER & SON. A nit 26, 1858. TEM third arrival of Robes by exprcss....• A ' The prettiest styles yet offered to the la dies, and from which they cannot fail to please their tastes. Come immediately ifyou want pretty and cheap goods. The latest styles and patterns of sib stripe robes just received at FAHNESTOCKS'. April . 26, 1858. N EW OXFORD, Adams county, Pa. , Pro duce. Forwarding and COMMlSSlolllWare house ; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Gro ceries; constantly on hand, Ilsk, Sall, Plat ter, Graeae. *c. FLOUR, WRZAT, Colts. Ars, OATS, CLOVIR and Tiscrror Sent, bought at all times, for which the highest cash prices are paid. Feb. 13.1838. Gm 11125. T HAVE a few Hathaway COOK STOVII3, whiutk I will sell fur 125 cash. March 15. 020. ARNOLD. puma ead PIMA of the beta quality. el ways ea baud, sad told acute smallest profit*. $$ . If NUM 4-11..iirtures. Gt LOTUS . Caeximoms, . and groovy aktiele or Men's Wear, avid aid p at lT C. Q, - 1; CILOTUS, Combat Ili:wirer Catki' A g a •114airrerr variety swum draw , goods fir oteilied LayerhaToe et Watnraseueae. .f=tat Ailleawthete, Ikkeitaol- beak rom A* • ;So bettit • • - • PIZ k MAW% Tim 4 , • 4 I - ; - _,Eim, — jatiir i a= U 111 — eikten all eralktili we' at tedeeett pekes: • H. P. k E. IL NTIV,P*II7. Assignee's Sale! SAMUEL WEAVER, Assignee May 3. 04:04. Election. co, Cigars and Snuff, fur sale Challi Robes. Bastrese & Winter, SAMSON has just received from • the New York Auction Sale., a large lotof READY-MADE CLOTIIINO for spring and summer, which he is tilde to sell at prices unprecepentedlv kw. The, new arrival con sists of Frock, Sack and Raglan Coats, with Pants and Vest,4, in great ran.•ts, new styles and patterns—for Men and }toys. Call and examine the large assortment before pur chasing elsewhere. Gooda will be received from New York et err few weeks throughout the !Reason.— Inducements to purchase such nn cannot be offered by any other e4tablialnuent in the county are now, and will continue to be, offered, at SAMSON'S, March 29, '3 . i. Opposite the Bank Dissolution OF Ci-partner.hip existing between the subscribers has been dissolved this by mutual consent. We are much obliged to our friends and the pill lie fur the liberal support extended tn us.— Our books are placed in the hands of Geo. E. Bringman fur collection, and we earnestly request those indebted to tis to call and make immediate payment, as we desire tu settle the business of the Erm without delay. GEO. E. BItINCIMAN, 11. AlltilliNßAUtill. April 19. ins. cr.°. r. neisux ix.) [JUAN CCILP New Firm. pRINGMAN & CULP, Successors to Bring man & Aughinhaugh. 3lontifurturers and Dealers in HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Trunks, Ilarness, Saddles, Bridles, Collar', Umbrellas, Canes, &c., &e. 'lluving eotn aseuceikhusiness at tho well known stand of Bringman lk Anghinbaugh, (Sign of the B i g Boot) we invite all who desire anything in our line of business, feeling confident that we will be able to give entire ratisfactiun to all who mar favor us with their patrinage. Boots and Slmesi made upon the shortest nu lice, as heretofore. Also. Smidlea, Ilarneis, Bridles, Trunks, he., and all kinds of repair ing done at the shortest notice. Conte one! elute all! ltetnentl , er the Chautbersburg street, sign of the Big )01. Getty.htir;r o April 25, I.FO A Card. THE subscriber bating disposed of his in terest iu the store of B ingnian & Augh inhangh to John Culp. respectfully Asks the ectitinuanee of his friends and customers to patronise the nen firm of Bringman & Culp. HENRY AUGIIINBACL;II. April 26, 1853. C. H. McCormick's REAPER AND NIOWEIL still have the Agency fur C. 11. McCormick's Reaper and Mower, and will offer to the Farmers this year two machines, the two-horse ma chine and the four-horse machine—and will guarantee fair chances and full satisfaction to tiny person who may want tO porelime a machine. Any man purchasing, a tura hlne (rum me mny work the machine against any other machine during bay-making and har vest, and if it does nal give better satisfac tion than any other machine with which it may be worked, they are at liberty to return it. Farmers will send in their orders to my self, at Fairfield; David Schwartz, at Littles town ; or Franklin Ilersh, at New azford— as early as possible, and say which sized machine they want, as we are taking in or ders now fur the coming season. J. S Agent for Adams county. April 12, 11+551. $3 Cabinet-making. TLIE undersigned has eJminenced the CALl net-making business, in Mountpleasant township, Adams county, on the road leading from the Two T,t erns to Itunorer, about a quarter of a mile northeast nrSlieel,'l4 store, where he has nnw un hand, and will manu facture tuoirder, Bureaus, BeaxteadA, 71161e.t, &ands, and every other article in his line, put up of the befit materials, and in a work manlike manner. SAY C .ffinn made at the ‘horteAt notice. and trimmed to order. Ile ie provided with a fir.t rate new Ilearz,e. lie asks a share of public patronage, nr'l Rill endeay. , r, strict attention to business, with go,,d work and /ow charges.) to de ser% e it. JOSEPH BEDERMANt April 12, Ms. 3m New Goods ! CIIEAPER TItAN EVER !—Fahnestoek Brothers have just received ft large as sortment of Ladie.l' Dress Coda, such ss Dueals, Challis, Dentine., Robes a Quilla, Silks, Chintz, Lau ns, Gingliams, which we invite the at , en tion of buyers. Our stock comprising et cry variety of style and pattern, and hating been selected with care and p irchn.ed low, 'l4 e can offer inducements to those wishing Spring GJods such us can not be had elsewhere. April 12, ISSS. Lumber and Coal. THE 3 üb4criber informs the public that he 11 continues the Lumber and C ud business at Lirrlisrow N. Adams county. on a larger scale than ever—embracing White Pine Boards and Plank, Scantling, Framing Stuff, Plastering Lathes, Shingles. Palings, itc.. withall - lands of Stove, Limeburners' and Blacksmiths' Coal. Yard near the Depot.— He invites the calls of the public, and will Ban us kw as the very low eat . April %IL Mg. ly Shawls ! A T SCHICK'S. - 41 `' - Printed Cashmere Shawls, Thibet, Crape. Delaine. April 5, MS. New Lumber Yard, -L-A-T NSW OXFOAD.—.The undersigned would inform the peblie that be has ?paned& LUMBER YARD, on a large stale. in the town of New Oxford, Adams county, to which the Gettysburg Italbruad has been al ready talpailal lita sesortiront renhnuses slll'll'4s diatimimw--Panislaint and Sawed oouteaul and Culling B oard s, Pint and &mead Ouninton and Cuning Mask. Manslook Faatilag Beards, Utrialook Jvista, &audits, Plastering Lath, headed and plain Paling. ke.. &a: . Bs imosites eallo from those is wont of Lumber. holies sossred that is quality or pries his stock caw': so. woe. Ho war en . 4sret, to &eerie a *go share of pohlip 06. tronags. JACOB AOLARAUQ JL - Feb. 1, 1858. MOORSTEIL., O: CoIria, lifulaanss arid 'all kis& of, $ : and wary article in to grveryAsa,.: • . alp aid gnat at tba 'new Drylllod and Groner, Stara or Li. O. GUINN /Iv BRO. Artakitinda tof Cedar and Willow‘witre.l; - 44 - minion by OMLPIIPIN & TISOMAS. 38. The ac,2ount of Martin Getz, Administrator of the estate of Abraham Kitchen, dcceased. 39. The first account of Tobias Boy er, Executor of the lust will and testa ment of Henry Shroeder, deceased. 40. The first and final account of Jahn B. Galbraith, Administrator of the estate of Margaret Galbraith, dec'd. 4L The first and final account of John B. Galbrith, Administrator of the estate of Ann Galbraith, dec'd. 42. Thu .first and final account of John B. Galbraith, Administrator of the estate ofJanc I3ell Galbraith, dec'd. 43. The second account of Dnanuel Spangler, Administrator ofJohn Spang ler, late of Berwick Borough, deceased. 44. The first and final account ofJohn Arandt, surviving Administrator c. t. a. of the estate ofJohn Arandt, Esq., deed. 45. The first and final account of Mi chael Place], Executor of the last will and testament of Hannah Fiscel, dec'd. 40. The first turd final account of Ja cob Aulabaugh, Admiuistrator of Mary Summerville, dee'd. 47. The second and final account of John Mellvain, Esq., Executor of the last will and testament of roses Moil vain. deceased. • 48. The first account of Joseph J. Smith, accounting Executor of the last will and 'testament . of John Header, Sen., late of Moumpleasant twp., deed. 49. The fi rst acroant of bel T. Wright. Administrator of Lewis Nall, lato of Menallen townshipp, deceased. ZACHARIAH MYERS, Reyiger. Register's Oitiee, Gettys- t burg, April 2G.1858. J. Lawrence Hill, X. D. •It2obrivii•e°3ll: once the Lutheran one e Lutheran church in Chambersburg street, and 'opposite Picking's store, where those wishing to have say Den tal Operntiun performed are respectfully invi ted to call. Runtimes': Dr. D. Horner, Rev. C. P. Kruth, D. D., Rev. 11. L 'laugher, D. D.. Rev. Prof. M Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Stoner. [Gettysburg, April 11,18. MITE Perry Comity Mutual Fire Insurance Company—Capital sl39,sB6—cfracts in suraneeA in any part of the State, against loss by tire; prudently adapts its operations to its resourceitj affords tunple and promptly adjusts its losses. ` Aitami county ig repreurente.l in the Board of Manazere by 11.m..Nlosts N..1.....^ 14 LZA N. NI. NfrELE AN. A Init. 011eo of 11. & W. Meet's*, t►.ttrpbirt. May 28;1836. ATTORNEY AT LAW, (office one deny west of BJohler's drug and book store, Chainher6burg street,) Arronesr smo •Su. LICITOR TOR PATES:TN AND PENSIONS. Bounty Land Warrants, Back-pay au:specla(' Claim, anti all ~that claims against the 41nrernment at Washington, D. C ; also American Claims in England. Land Warrants located and sold, or bought,%and highest Tricot Oven.— Agent/ engaged in locating warrants IR lowa, Illinois and other western States. IfirApply to him personally or by letter. Clettystrurg, Nur. 21, 1853. Wm. B. McClellan, A TTORNEY AT LAW.—Oahe on the 1 * south side of the public square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel office. Gettysburg, August 22,1863. TTORN EY AT LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. Ile speaks the German language.— Office at the saine place, in South Baltimore street, near Forney's drug store, and nearly op Danner Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, March 20. A LEX. FRNZER, Watch & Clock Maker, 11 ' has removed his shop to Chambererhurg street, opposite the Lutheran °boreal, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful for pa.srfavors, he hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to pkase, to merit and receive the patronage of the puldie. Gettysburg, March 8, 18F8. New Firm. GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS.—J. C. Guik BitoYnxa have taken the store of John !Like, on the North West corner of the Diamond, where they will continue the Dry Goods and Grocery business on an en larged scale. They will constantly keep on hand a large and varied assortment of every thing in their line. They have just laid in a large and splendid stock of Spriivand Sum mer Goods, and are now opening them for the inspection of the public. We cordially invite the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity to give us a call, and examine for themselves, OA we feel satisfied they will want no other recommendation to induce them to buy. We are determined to keep nothing but good Goods and to sell cheaper than the cheapest for the cash. Give us a call, no trouble to show goods. April 5, IRSR. JOUN MILLER HAVING disposed of my store to the Messrs. " Guinn, I would recommend the new firm to the confidence of the public, and hope they will receive a large share of the public patronage. JOHN MORE. April 5,'1£58. GEORGE NEWCOMER'S gSTATIL—Let- Uf ters of administration on the estate of George Newcomer, lat e of Idenallen tows& p. Adams county, deceased, having been grant ed to the unthwelgotai r 'resitibig in the same township, sho hunter gives settee to all per. sons indebted to said estate swastika immedi ate payment. and those havingolaiam • t the same to promo them properly sutheati. toted for sett/entent, EVS WSWCOMER. Avesdrix. Or to . AMOS 00 1 14083 KR. AO* lot tie sups, of lioaallea April 26, 18.58. 61 Cl If you sessiasi pal assort ••4 1 .iimist• of Grodsviss, such sr Syrups, Mo. bums, Bsgar andOsirse, you will do well by examakiimg the asiosttsent at IL 8. I EL lifutiresiC. - ' • Clestbizip ',- •- - ' i ' 'bat glettliaLL Mkt tliCillei a l i g `torni. ;04114,01iNioreook, stab. t Nesintisii . ot • - • - DEO. ARNOLD, April 5, DM, Fire Insurance. D. McConaughy, Edward B. Buehler, Removal. J. C. GUINN ik BRO A Card. Adratoistrator's Noties. M=EM New lipejtqiiCloodsl JI L. EMMA has jeetertmielvist and offers • • litersale the mod destriblelissortasenter DRY 000118 ewer brought to Gettysburg, ettasisting in part of Spring Sib*, Plain Black' do., Foulards, thalli Robes aNnille, Writ do. do. Siring Detainee, • thieptal Lustre*. Aljin. Bonsbeeines, • Alpsecias, De Begs., Ginghaut4 Law's, Brilliants, Shepherd's Plaids. Crepe De Espange,Tissite Baregesohe. Aprils, 185 R. To the Farmers. Cseibiaed Reapiag and Mowing 41 -L- Machine rah Wood's Improvement.— The undersigabd, having been eppointed Agent fur the sale of Manny's Combined Reaping and Mowing Machine, with Wood's Improvenient, fur Mains county, offers them to the pultlic, knowing them to be the best combined machine in use. It has been suc cessfully introduced into different parts of our Sutte, anti. I sold thirty-four last season, in Adams county: ail rendering ■atisfaction.— The machine received a silver medal at the State Fair--also, the first Premium at York, Cumberland, Centre, Huntingdon, and other county Fairs, where it was exhibited. Far mers needing a Heaping Machine, will please call upon the undersigned, before purchasing, as he always takes great pleasure in Elbowing the Machines. Early orders are solicited, as the mitulter received from the manufacturer will be in proportion to the demand. SAMUEL HERBST, Agent, Opposite the Eagle Hotel, Gettysburg, Pa. March I, 18LS. Valuable Real Estate A T PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned " 71 - offers at Private Sale, all his Real Estate as fulhicrs: No. I.—My lite residence in Geltyliburg, fronting 30 feet on Cliarabersburg street, with Brick Dwelling, Stable, and other improve ments. No. 2.—Lot adjoining above on the West, fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, &e. adjoining No. 2, fronting 32 feet on same street, with large. Coach Shop, and other improvements. No. 4.—Lot adjoining No. 3. fronting 2') feet, with double Brick Dwelling, Smith • Stop, !Lc,. Nu. 5.—L it west of the Foundry, with Stencil Saw and Grist Mill. No. G.—Lot adjoining No. 3, containing about 3 AcreA:. No. 7.--'Three Lots fronting each 30 feet on Cliambersburg street. Nu. 9;—Tract of Land in flarolltanban toirnsl4, lying on Marsh creek, tiontsiaing 51 Acres, part cleared and pact in srst-rste timber. . No. 11.--Coach Establishment in Shop herdstown, Vs., with good will, &o. The IL- I:salon is an admirable arts for btseitstead improrementaln good order. T4les good and terms v suit purcha sers. EAquire of P. A., Esq. ' Get tysburg, or the undersigned residing inSltep herdst,nrn, Va. C. W. 1101PFMAN. March 15, 1858. The Grand Show! • 4T GtrITSISLTRO, ra. if. Samson, Afartager if Proprietor. Doors open at G u'Auek, A.M.—Performance te cumaecce immediately after. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Adults, Children, (under 12 years of agc,) Half Price GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO TLIE PUBLIC! The subscriber, thankful fnr past favnrs. respeztfully informs the inhabitants of Get tysburg and, surrounding country, of the feet that he has just received from the New York Auctions s, SPLE.N'OID STOCK OF GOODS! which he is deverrainetl,to sell at astonishing ly low rates fur cssu. In return for the liber al patroba,ge bestowed upon him, he will give a Grand Complimentary Benefit, on which oc casion will he presented TWO ALI GNInCENT PIECES! On Wednesday. (X•tniher 2S, and evel.y day until fdrtlier notice, will be presented the very p3pnlar Trngedy of 000 1) FITS! with thtl following unrivalled cast :—Fashion olds Clothing, from the finest to the lowest %milled qualities. Gentlemen's Furnishing (Jowls, in grout variety. Boots, Shoes, flats, Caps, &L . ', ttl suit all tastes. Ax Intermission of Ten .ilinute.t, to &Mir thcate making large purchases time fur Lunch. be., &c. The whole Lacs - include with M. Samson's suc cessful Play. entitled VA RIE TIES! the beauty of which will cause great excite ment amen?: the Ladies and Gentlemen. 0ct.:26, 1857. tf S POL I TING.—George and Henry Wampler will make !louse Spouting and put up the same low, fur cash or country produce. Far mers and all others wishing their houses, barns, &c., spouted, would do well toive them a call. G. & 11. WAMPLE It. April 18,1853._ tf Removed to Hanover. IRANCIS J. WILSON, late of the Wash ington Howie at Abbottstown, has taken HERSHEY'S OLD AND Pt,) , k PULAR STAND, in Hanover, where he will'be happy to enter tain all who may patronize him. His Table is sopphed with the best the market and gar den can afford, and his Bar with the choicest of liquors. Ills 'tables are comtuodious,and attended by careful Ostlers. Give hitt' a call. You will a:ways find FRAME. on the spot, ready and willing to make everybody coin forte b [April 27,1857. To the Country, Good News. I 11.1.:VE rented the Foundry for the ensu ing year, and am prepared to make the different kinds of Castings usually made at a Foundry. I wilt keep constantly on hand the different kinds of PLOUGIIS, Points, Shares, Cutters, &c.; Pots, Kettles, Pane, Washing Machines, kc.; Stores and Machinery; Por ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing nude and pdt up with dispatch. All orders will be attended to promptly; but being without capital, and money being necessary to carry on the business, I will be compelled to sell for cash, but on all country work 5 per cent. will be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at the time of purchasing. Ikea as a call. E. 31. WARREN • Gettysburg. June 1. 1857. WM. OILLAISIM. nasal . THOMAS. Family Grooery and Prcrvimion Store. G6:II.CESPTIS,4 TUOMAS respeafnlly . form the peopli Gettysburg a y the pablie den ,-that thty hate pia rmarn ed Irvin %hitchwith a general assottniontnf OR • RIES.PII,QYISIONS and VEGETA- B J.: whit% *O l ark prepare& to sell as low as tb Invent. r 4 WIII and FRBDalwaya on hand,,ood old at small mats. &bre on York saw* one door east of Wat t/ex' ItioteL Genlislarg* ; Ads. E. 1837. _Maas. • 1 i 2 4' 4 . 11"1 1 1 1 "4 1 * 0 ll: m 1"111%1e.6lA 'ee f t ti %e s 7E sad taading . township. A da m . 4= let ohnaiiityiipa. Ilasiaaira=44lol= tollso ander 'llowisakkrumA ‘lst , tV sayt . . 44 i, ' fL 7 :OW= adadti 3 . • • 4 . NR RIM Assirike. April Ilk IbilL ft ESE rwzw.wwfwffmimm . FREE l idi/1111 0014L * I VIRE . COMPANY.lno6r possed March is, 1851. OW:Mt ILS. Pre-eldest-418one Swope. Vial Presielent--$. R. %melt. . Secretary—...D. A. Bashlei.. Treustirer—Darid M'Creary. Executive absntatee— &xil McCurdy, Andrew Helots.lmam. Jacob King. - Msrsons.--Overge Swope, D. A. Buehler, It. Ml:lardy, leech' King. A. Heintaeltaan, D. M'Creary, J. J. Kerr , M. Eicbelberger, S. R. Russell, A. B. Kurt:, Andrew Polley. S. Fahnestock, Wm. B. Wilson, 11. A. Picking, Wm. B. M'Clellan, John liolford, W. G. Mc- Creary, John Horner, E. Yr . Stuble, J. Augh inbaegh, Ahdiel F. Gift. This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in successful operation for more than six years, and in that period has paid all losses and ex penses. without any assuantenl, having also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Company .employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annual ly elected by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers fur further infor mation. ihay- The Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company on the lust Wednesday in every monthAt 2, P. M. - Sept. 28, 18.i7. White Goods t ND EMBROIDERIES.-4. L. SCIIICK -LI- would invite the Ladies to examine his large variety of new style Brilliants, Cam brics, .T.soonets, Plain Cambries, Linen, Col lars, Handkerchiefs. 3,:0t Ltpril 5. To Get T ILE full worth of your money. ninke your purchases of Ready-wade 11.)ots. S iues, Huts, Caps, Trunks, Clu,k7, Violins, and everything else in the variety line, at SAMSON •S. M.►rch 29, 1818. Wanted. ACHEAP, small FARM. nn a main mail near the county town, witlt description, location, price, &c. Address, U. L. ASH MEAD. 270 8 iuth Fourth street, Philadelphia April 12, 1858. 4t Important • Discovery. CONS I.IIIPTION and all Diseases of the Lunge and Throat are positively Cured by Inhalation, which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the nil plumage». and coining in direct cola lot vi ith ! the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy eX - pectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the , bloon.imparss renewed vitality to the nervous system. giving that tone and energy so it'd's- ! pensable fur the restoration of health. To he able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of : unalloyed pleasure. ft is as much tinder the control of medical treatineut as any other for-' welsh', disease: ninety oat of every hundred 1 cases can be cured in the first stages, and fifty i per cent, in the second : but in the third stage 1 iit is impossible to save more than five per' cent , for the Lungs are so cut iip by the dis ease as to bid defiance to medical skill.— l Even, however. in the last stages, Inhalation I nerds extraordinary relief to the suffering attending Ole fearful scourge. which annually destinies ninety-fire thousand persons ir. the United States alone: and a correct calculation I shows that of the present preptilatiod of the 1 earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive's *rave. , Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so ! fatal as Consumption. In all ages. it has' i been the great enemy of life, for it spares 1 neither age nor sex, but. /s weeps Off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful and the Rifted. By thi help of that Supreme Being from whom cometh every good and perfect gilt, I sun enabled to offer to the afflicted a • permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. i he first cause of -tubercles is from impure blood. anti the immediate effect produced by their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the ! free admission of air into the air cells, 101 hick 1 canoes a weakened vitality through the entire 'system. Then study it Is moterntional to es pect !greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than front those sainin istered through the stomach : the patient ail! t always find the lungs free and the Lae:alma; !easy. after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Ink i la lion is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts consti•utionally, and with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the I stomach. To prove the powerful and direct 1 influence of this mode of administrat on, i chloroform inhaled will entirely i pestioy sen , i• bility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may he ant imitated without the slightest pain : inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. - The inhalation of ammonia a ill rouse the system when . fainting or apparently dead.— The odor of tunny of the medicines is percepti ble in the skin a few minutes after being in haled. and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the convti• tutional effects of inhalation. is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul air—M not this positi , ,e evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and jediciously administered through the lungs should pro duce the happiest. results? During eighteen years' practice. many thousands suffering • from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and [ have effected many remarkable cures, even afar the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages. which fully satisfies me that cousumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of con sumption is original, and founded on long ex pel ience ands thorough investigation. 31y ' perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber cles, &c., enables me to distinguish readily, the various forma of disease that simulate con sumption, and apply the proper remedies, rare .ly being mistaken even ins single case. This familiarity, in connetinn with certain patho logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con tracted chests, to enlarge the chest., purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Canadaa by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the care would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable one to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. G. W. 01IA1IA.11, M. D., Olice,ll3lFabert ..9.,(01d No. 10, )14.10 10124 h, PHILADMI.PIIIii, PA. July 20, 1867. ly Freight • RETWEEN. PHILADELPHIA k N. OX FORD.—The isadersigaed has made ar rangements with the Pennsylvania Raiivoad Gimpany to run their ears to Wrightexille, where' (iaods can be transhlipped inter the can of the Northern Central -Railroad The presoak rated of Freight 4istireitu Phil adelphia and lifew Oxford ere— On ter CLASS, 40 eta. per 1(00 lbs. 2. 4 4 * 40 0 0 0 1 34 l 34 .4 gr 4 t h 0 2 0 .4 44 .4 Goods for the present time will bi shipped only girlie a week from Philadelphia--on Wednesday.. Set ihmr will : be shOped telly whenever there 'id as aeouren- Wm" e 491000 or woad*. RE.NRY: KAUPFELi'. Wrightsville. Marsh 16,1858. 4a-- - New . Ckoods. - Irtut io fora. Altantitittreein, 0e 'otOro of .O.Ep., ARROW). "API/ 3 , lam; itr i TacAl i ff:. B •7o944oo‘ 14 _ 0 ! 14. * 1 411 4 : # 46- 77:77, 4if#X, • - 14Amme anything yon wantons = ehtepor than ohowhore, at Fah WNW e' tr i gr il e "ll4: fiIiiIiMPLICE/LAt • ..._), V SAFES, with- Hall's Patent: POWDER, MOH. LO.CK.S.7 - :lNiiiitts- A Mg ll ,llllo, Maksia, 34' widas Street, below &fond, PAVa l tiVarLagelWrosztverent sam if 800 ofate .OubtiO top ill, uze num, certain ty frinst• Ate lir .valeirbbe.•yisperi,ini - Bonds, Mortgagee, Deeds , Note. a n d 8 00 of Accounts, thlin the ordinary Safes hereto fore in use afforded. induced tfiokattenteos to devote a. large portion of their %pee for the last foorteen years t in maiingl.discoreries . and itapsonspseate for thlb ottieot, the result of whieli is"the unrivalled Herring's Patent Multi' a Full' Premium FIRE PROOF SAFA'S, universally acknowledged - as the Cuseriom SAFI Or an. 11110ALD ! Havin,, ,, been awarded Medals at both the World'i Fair. London, 1851, and Crystal Palace, N. Y., 1843, as superior to all others, is sow undoubtedly entitled. to that spoliation, and secured with Hall's Patent Powder-proof Locks—which were also awarded separate Medals, (its above)—forms the most perfect Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ever yet offer ed to the public. Nearly 300 ''Herring's Safes" have been tested during the past 14 years, and more than 16,000 have been sold and are now in actual use. Also on hand or manufactured to order, all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors. Money Chests for Brokers, Jewellers, Railroads, private families, &c., fur Plato, Diamonds, and other valuables. Nlv. 23, 184. A ND Furniture Estahlishmer. in Baltimore -LI- MATH rors G.IY WAREBOWIS No. 25 21'9) th Gay street, near Fayette, where are kept always on hand. or made to order, every style of k rench TETE-A-UTES, Plush, ILtir, Cloth or Broc.ttelle. French Full Stud" and Medallion Parlor ARM CIIALRS, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Brocatelle. French Full Stuff Carved PARLOR CHAIRS, in sets, witli Plus Cloth ur 3riwatelle. SOFAS, half French Spring llnliognny, and Walnut Parlor CHAIRS, in Hair, Cluth or Plush. ROCKING ClEURS—various designs, in hair, CIA) and Plush. Stuff Spring LOUNGES-1 large assort ment alwaym 1.11 hand, or any pattern wads or covered with any goods to order. CHAMBER SUITS—in Mahogany or Walnut. complete, from $34 op. CANE C 11.111153 and Rorkiag do.—the laryte.t agsort went ready made iti ally one hut's(' in the L'alited 51ilte4—frum $l2 a ME Bar Room, 016 , P and Dining CHAIRS, hi Oak, Wahint or Mahogany, with Cane, IVia).l or Stuffed Snot.--.ln umsortment embracing over SU dozen. W pool se!it Cll.lllts anti SETTEES and Rocking: Chnin.--over IWI dozen. Mav lit. !Rig: • Good and Cheap! initicr.i , :neti , amilti inform him friends 1 nal th nnl,lir c•micrally, that he con tinuo' the t'AIiIII.I6E • MAKING BUSI NESS, in all its bra,icitv., at hi. meta, in Ett.t Middle Street, (mar the ea.t end, i:ettpttairg, Pa., tll et che ham rot hart a first-rate lot of work, and. ie Ftegusetl to htit up to order witettei er may he de.irc in his line, viL :—ltttek aw ay and Boat-Betly • ("grringes ;llihg-Thp, Rock a Pea y d• Thltti !Ey Btlyylett, Jeozey frayone, (cc. With good workmen and good materials, he can plodge his work to he of the best quality —•urrt his price+ are among the lowest. taritepairing done at short notice, and nt retutonable rate.. Country produce taken in exclmtsge for. work. Call ! JACOB T ROX June 13. 1857. JEW ELM", Watches, Pistols, Violins, Hui tars, Accordeon., H I nnanicans, eight:day Thirty-hour and Alarm Clocks. at all prices to Ito had at SAMSON'S. it. SIIMADs. Lumber, Coal. and Stoves. NEW FIR-V! "VHS oadersigued respectfully sosoonee to the citizens of Gettysburg ana that they here entered Into a colartwessibtp. and intend opening a COAT 6 LOllB4ll Y.ARD, Washington street, in the nar of the Eagtb Llutc • - see all who ma; will Width evi nut&Lievehitrem ble, wholesale into general is If &Wand ism MOO as the A Will Iteep coast COAL and _ are the celebrated Cook, - Stools. Royal Aka Plotter. Preili Air-Vt. Star e rife, Lidz.. Uttirs!:AicpuOit The Largest Chair A. mATinoT, 25 North Gay Street, near Fayette street. H. 11111COLZIL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers