LT .1. • ..1 Sht etimpiter. MONDAY MORNINO, MAY 3, 1858 Total) & eogir4i ftff4its. The Prod* Yes Date. We are informed by Mr. Stumm the proprietor of the largo peach orchard near this place, that the peach buds were not materially affected by the re cent cold nights, and that the prospect so far is fair for a heavy yield of this delicious fruit. The apple, pear, cher ry, &c., also blossom unusually full. With the suspicions appearance of both fruit and grain, the"year 1858 promises to be one of "great plenty." Nsultiat Skop. Mr. DAVID STERNER has commenced the Machine business, in Chambersburg street, two squares west of the Court house, near the Foundry, where ho is prepared to manufacture It reshing Ma chines, Corn Shelters, Clorersecd Hul lers, Cornfodder Cutters, Horse Pow ers, &c., and do Repairing and Turn ing. With all the requisite machinery, and a number of excellent workmen in the different branches, he is enabled to fill ers at the shortest notice and in the most satisfactory mAnner. Mr. S. is an experienced and reliable mechanic, and hence wo confidently commend him to the patronage of the public. Give him a call all ye who are in want of any thing in his line. Spring. The season of spring-time, of frogs, and horse-radish,shad and garden mak ing, White-washing and white hats, has again come around. Sow activity reigns anicii.g the industrious, and little boys like to go barefooted; now the poor .cows nip are, tender grass, and light fabrics are purchased to be manu factured into expansive and expensive . dresses; now the farmer is busy in his field, and terrapins, snakes and prin ters, ha7e a desire to crawl out into the sun. And the same sun shines pleas antly on all—on the freshly disturbed earth, warming and preparing it fur the fruition of vegetation—on man and beast, bird, insect and reptile. Soon summer will succeed spring,' and so with the endless round. The Garden. Farmers—speaking in a general sense —should enlarge their gardens. If they would reflect a moment, they would find that there is no part of their prem ises half so profitable as the garden, or as contributing half so much to the com fort and health of tilt! family. Instead, as many do, of having but a dish or two of peas, green beans, beets, sugar corn, radishes, lettuce, &e., &c., as tho pro duct of a single planting, they should put in a succession of crops, so that, through the whole season they could enjoy these des:rable necessaries of lite. Try it—enlarge your garden—dovote a day or two extra to your garden now and then,—do not depend entirely up on the females of the family, who nsn ally have hard duties to perform dur ing the growing season—and having once tried it, no good husband or fath er would ever again show any short comings in this 'respect. Wives and .daughters would often find that a little coaxing would do a great. deal in behalf of carrying out their wishes in this respect. The Cash Systeme. The newspapcl. publishers of Lehigh .county have held a meeting, end unan imously resolved to require payment in advance from all subscribers to their several papers, on and after the 4th of August next. This is a reform ir. the right direction, and one which we must all adopt sooner or later, if we ever ex pect the printing business decently re munerative. ser We are requested to state that there will be a Congregational Meeting at the Associate Reformed Church, in this place, on Saturday, the Bth of May,. at 10 o'clock, A. IL *SrOn Friday week, the installation of the RO7. Mr. WARNER, as Pastor of the Conowngo and Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Congregations, took place in the Conowago church. The charge to the pastor was delivered by lk.v. Mr. Henderson, of :siewville, and the installation sermon and charge to the people was delivered by Rev. Mr. Van Wyck, of Gettysburg. The exercises were deeply interesting and impressive! Bar A Protracted Quarterly Meeting commenced in the Methodist Church of this place on Thursday. The Presiding Elder, Rev. Mr. Sargent, was present and preached, yesterday. b ' The Union Prayer Meetings have been discontinued. se-B. M. Farm has been appointed Poetnituitor at Hunterstown, this wan _ ty, in place of Simon Melhorn, deed. Four beautiful oil Paintings were drawn by Mr. Csentas IL Tarry of this place, from the Cosmopolitan Art Association, at the late Distribution of works of Art. They are valued at scresty dollars. M - To got the worth of your money with ilve hawked per wet. added, ad- vertise in The Complies. Everybody yowls tho paper, and, of 00111110, every ,body see* the advertisements it oon -*dna. ‘."? - 4The new Liquor Law will be n 4 on tin! first pegs of thia-peter• of WI kinds to be bed at oMea. • ..., BEd oe4 A cylindrical vessel is to be constructed of tin, to contain exactly ten gallons, wine meas ure. Required its height and the diameter of its base fb order that the least possible quanti ty of material may be sued la its construction. Hanover, April 28, 1858. A. 11.3. grants, Esq.—My answer to the "rorr- Ic" question in your last paper is: The tract of land would be 18} miles square, containing 174.240 acres and that number of rails.—The •acne pf the land at S5O an acre would be SB,- 712,000. April 28, 1858 Irsa t sk Eorroa: I have tried my hand at the Question famished by S. last week, ind God the answer to be as follows: Contents of the field 174,240 acres. Value, at SZ , O dollars per acre, $8,712,000. A. lianoycr, April 28, 1857. bcrc TIN Coopller. G esummuslas Les I =Tai. I am composed of 24 letters. My 21 12 is an adverb of negation. 7 13 is a preposition. 24 18 16 19 is an auxiliary of the potential mood. 22 12 is a verb in the imperative mood. 20 11 22 is a conjunction. 8 9 19 is a conjunction. 3 12 is a verb. 7 10 is a neuter verb. 1 7 14 is an auxiliary. M. STAHL! :—The answer to the Enigma by R., in last week's issue, is--" Speak the truth and shame the devil." To the one by It. S., "J. Sherry's tanned peaches." M. April 27, 1858. Thursday last the people of West minster, and vicinity, were greatly ex cited and shocked by one of the most fiendish, and remorseless inurlors. ever perpetrated in this community. The subject of this tragic occurrence, was a small black boy, about twelve years of ago, bound to Mr. William H. Orcndorff, who lives about a mile from Westmins ter, and in whose barn ho was found murdered, in a most brutal manner.— Ilit;.throat was cut, his bowels cut out, and he was bruised:and cut, and man gled about *to head, in a most savage manner. A. jury was summoned by Justice Iroppe, and as far as wo could learn, the following facts were elicited. Mrs. Orendorff was from home on a visit to her father's; Mr. Orendorff was out in the field, some distance from the . house, at work; a black girl about 19 years old belonging to Mr. Orendorff was the only person about the house.— She came to the field some time in the forenoon and told her master that a man was running after the boy, and she was afraid he would kill him. Mr. Orcndorff came home, and found the boy in the barn murdered, as above described. Oh examination before the jury the girl said IN she was going out to cut greens, a German came along and asked if the mistress of the house wns at home, and said he wanted something to eat. She told . him she could giro -him something, find did so. On leaving the house, the boy laughed nt him, and ho attempted . to catch the boy, who ran, and ho ran after him—then she went to the field to tell her master.— It was however found that she had changed her dress, and had-taken off her shoes, and they were found to be bloody—on cross examination, she ae cor.nted for these things, by saying, that her nose had bled when she was milking, and that in her fright sho had torn her dress at the door latch and her shoes hurt her feet, and she took them off, that sho might run the Niter, to inform her master. She however could not show where her noso had bled, when she was milking. The knife she had used for emitting greens,oll - it was washed, and in 'the drawer, had some little blood dear the handle. The girl was committed to jail. The jury rendered a verdict that the boy Caine to his death by the hands of some person 'unknown. siEirA mysterious ease of murder was brought to light in Philadelphia on Thursday week. The dead body of the victim, a young man named John E. Clark, who was missed since the 3d of April, after being foully dealt with, wns thrown into the Schuylkill, and was found floating near the Market street bridge. The blow faits terribly upon a young wife and aged mother. The de ceased on the day of his disappearance, left his store with 8400 in his possession, and was not seen alive afterwards. The money was not found upon his person, and it is therefore supposed he was murdered for the purpose of robbery. /bYSuoiv full fur two hours at Nor folk on Tuesday, and on the same day they were shipping green peas to Balti more. siiirOn Sunday last four inches of snow fell at Fincastle, Va., and two inches at Florence, S. C., on Tuesday. °mooted treat lb. latest Ltaititnore. York & Ilamover papers York—Friday last. Thor, per bbl., from wagon% $3 $7 Do., " from store*, _.: 4 75 Wheat, par basket, . : , 1116 .4it 106 06 Rye, 4, -Corp. ill 36 Oats, . " 34 I C, " 400, " 400 ''' • , Nr, pee Wa s .:-. • , • 650 El C 03011•00 FAzmici. 24 2 is s pronoun. 17 23 G is a verb. 4 5 is a pronoun. My whole is s Latin phrase. W. S. E April, 1858. from tho Wootmlagter Dmonerat of Woln/why lug Shocking Murder. ~ja~•~e~ i~e~o~f~. Baltimore—Friday last Flour. per barrel, $4 37 ® 4 50 Wheat, per bushel, I 04 ® 1 33 Rye, " '7041 i 75 Corn, 58 64 Oats, ~ 31 4O Clover Awed, "4 00 ( . 4 4 50 Timothy-seed." 200 2 2.5 Beef Cattle • hued., 800 950 te, per hand., Hogs, .. 700 7 54) Hay, per ton, 10 00 (418 00 Whiskey, per gallon, 21 ® 12 Guano, Peranan, per ton, 50 00 Hanover— Tkisrerlay last. Flour, per bbl., from wagons, $4 00 Do. " from mores, 4 62 Wheat, per bushel, ST @ 100 Rye, .. 63 61 Corn, 1,6 Oats, 11 31 Cloyereeed, " 4 00 Timothy, '6 150 Plaster, per ton, 6 00, ISM Ber-The Fie° SebOohs of this • Bor ough will open in tho now School build ing to-day. Per Iris Odisidet Marne pleasure party which is to leave New York about the first of May, in the steamer Ericsson, for the Medi terranean, is said to bo made up. The party will stop at Gibraltar one day, at - Malta two days, at Alexandria eight days, at Jaffa (where pamsengyrs usually disembark for Jerusalem,) fifteen days, at Constantinople six days, at Athens three days, at ;Naples five days, and at Marseilles four days. The fare for this extended pleasure trip, which will be made in six months, is fixed at $750. Nor rem" Coespl tar /or Tbs C.i.sMr 1117"exe6 xxxxxx Dirr , an te Elmore —h.w Ye• L DoollUle, a highly reepect.ble Clergyman : Hear IHr•—Abocit too years Mame made use of a few bottles of your Oxygenated Bitters, fora stomszh com plaint, which um at that time neheved. Fines my stay la Lozlsoi and Frame, I haus Irees4 my old enmity, irrit•tillity of the ■tomxl, rstumm; again. I emild not dad any preueription to afford me relief, sad I made inquiries in Loahm for your Oxygeottel Bitters, but could not dal ear. I write so. to bel you will do me the favor to send by the embed t stemma to Havre, hull • dosen bottles. An old fricat of mine in England. Captain Jackie.. ol the British Army, I found. en my arrival, suffering f um Asthma, manifestly the result of dyspepsia. /tend ■n ad ditional LW a domm Mittlwit, I ahould like to batik the Captain try the medicine lam not aware thlt my nlnle Is known to you I have been the resident Clergvinee fur some twenty-three years, In @ berbrook mid Canada East, to which charge I hope to be able to return in the spring. I rentain, dear sir, your obedient servant. L. I.H.IOLIIITLE. Barn W. Fotri.E Llg street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agents everywhere. A. D. Brzticsa, Gottyr burg. :May 3. 2w Ifrr The Complier "Theo CMIN the wild heAtiler, corn* .feet or ennui soew; staal by w.r.h utitor huaerr[ it W.f.." On Thursday host, by the Rey. Mr. Van \Vyck, Mr. J. 9..\. YtirsG, of Mountjoy town ship, to Miss SABAH McALISTEIt, of Com berlAnd township. On toe evening of the rah ult., by Rey. J. Oswald, Col. W. Q. SHAY, Elitor of the York Republican, to Miss ANNIE I:PP, only ditogh ter of tke late [leery Up, El.q. all of York, Pa. Oli tii•:Bttt ult., by IteY. Deatkiager, r. SAM UEL ILCENFI:ITZ. o f llcrlin, Adams co., formerly of York, to Miss AMELIA lIILDE BRAND, of the former place. “Ulm lowma mottoes this mew of man in-foooi ; Nnw gloss Is youtk, owl, withering on tim grnuel.” - - On Wednesday Inst, KATE LOUISA, daugh ter of llr. Wm. titeinour, of this plate, aged rears 5 months and 13 da‘s. On the 29th ult., LACILA 1.30P111A, daughter of Mr. John Hoover, of Heachers‘ille, aged 7 months and 27 dap. On the 2Sth nit., JAMES voltam. ~.ou or John Porter, dee'd., of this . ylace, aged 3 )ears 1 month and 17 days. Our dear little one has bid us farewell, And gone up to !leaven, where bright spirits dwell ; liis mourning is o'er and hushed are his sighs, On the wings of a seraph he has soared to the skies. 0 darling, we tutss thee, then dear little dove, But sweet is thy memory embalmed in our love : Good bye, then, dear little one, so blest in the skies, Enraptured in glory, with joy and surprise. A. E. F. Coluniankated On Wednesday last, JOHN FItANCI, only son of Junn S. and Ulotilila M. IVeieick, aged I year 10 ontha and 18 dp3 s. We 113143 thee sadly, l•rother, dear, We never can forget thee—never; Thy name oft calls the itarting tear, 'Twas hard such ties as ours' to sever. Andltow we're left a broken band, Our home is lone Without thee. We may nut clasp our brother's hand, Ilia happy smile no more may see. That loving heart cold anti still, Our parents mourn their darling John, Yet feel it was the Saviour's a ill, Who called him hence in young worn We miss thee, oft we seem to hear Thy foot-fall as iu days gone by, And gentle voice, and smiles of cheer, We could but mourn that thou didst die. We miss thee sadly, yet we know Thy soul still lives forever blest, And there where healing water fl a w, We hope to meet when we're at rest. THE Board of School Directors of Franklin township will meet at the house of IleNar Atwitter. in Ca%ht .wn, in said township. on Saturday, the sth dagof Jane next, at I o'clock in the afternoon, fur the purpose of letting. to the lonest and hest, bidder, the building of a BRICK SCHOOL HOUSE. in the vil large of Mointnamburg. Plans and specifica tions can be seen by calling on the first na-n -ed of the Committee, in said village. SAMUEL HART,. SAMUEL LOUR, E. W. STAULE. May 3,1858. tl Comm Wee. Election. VOTICE is hereby ~•, i ven to the Stockhold ers in the Gettysburg Water Contpanv, that an "Election for five Managers of said company will ho held at the house of George IV. McClellan, in Get() 'burg. on Saturday, the 22A1 day of .Wily 1'11.4.. between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. M. By order of the Board. S. Sec'y. May 348.58. to 1 VALUABLE MON & BRASS FOUN- Tarsday, Ike 25th of mtiy, at 1 o ' clock, P. M., the undersigned, Assignee under n deed of v.dtintary assignment. fur the benefit of creditors, by TIIO3IAS *RES & Wars. will sell at puldlc sale, on the prem ises. in Gettysburg, the following valuable prorwrty, viz: TWO LOTS OF GROUND, fronting on Rsilroad street, on which is erected a valua ble Iron and Brass Foundry, known as the "GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY," with all the nery apparatus, Steam Engine, Floats, PaMits, Tools, &c. The Foundry is now in running order and doing a good business. There will also be sold a good IRON SAFE. Stir Attendance will be given and terms made known by SAMUEL WEAVER, Azaiynee. May 3, IS.:)8. is SIIKADS & BUEHLER hare, at their Stove Ware Room, in West Middle street, T and at their Coal and Lumber Yard. on O Washington and ILtilr std streets, four ✓ varieties of Ctfro4 ing S'orex-, embracing E the Noble Cook, Royal Cook, William 3 Penn and Sea Ettell. These Stoves arc of Philadelphia manufacture, hate been recently patented. anti have been thor oughly tested. Tney a:e pronounced supe rior to all others in the country, for Cool or Wood. They will be delivered anywhere in the county, if deriretl. Gettysburg, May 3. .3fILLINEItY.—Miss Louise. KATI LILTLE wishes to inform the ladies of town and country, that she is now prepared to execute Millinery in all its branches, in West Middle street, s few doors below Mr. George Little's atm. Work done °beeper than elsawherein loin. Please call and see. fapr. 21, 'A. WANTED IMMEDIATELY.—A Goof journeyman S'auemaker. The highest wages will be paid. Esquire at AIRINGMAN & CULP'S. POR BALICIOIIIA3 ,A low prised MARE. O. ARNOLD. Pasts, Yor•mler 1, 113:d. Ile i.Ollll-. MAIIRIED, De loyitb. Commanleitod To Contractors. Assignee's Sale! .Itiotioe . of Inquest NOTICE is hereby given to all the heirs and legal representatives of JOHN *.NOP, late of Heading township, Adams ;county. deceased, to wit:— let. The issue, eight in number, of Mary, a sister, intermarried with Henry Myers, both deceased, to wit : Mary Myers, whose residence it unknown; Jacob Myers, whose residence is unknown; Sasannals, intermar ried with Michael Riekenbrod, whose real ' dente is unknown; intermarried with John Bright, whose residence is unknown; Henry Myers, Samuel Myers, the last two named of Elkhart county, Indiana, (Mt. 0- ' live P. 0.); David Myers, whose residence ' is unknown: and Joseph Myers, whose resi dence is unknown. 2d. The issue, four in number, of Jaooli Knop, a deceased brother, to wit: Eliza, both, intermarried with John Sours, of Ber. j wick township, Adams county, Pa.; Henry Knop, of Putuam county, Ohio; Anna, inter married with Samuel Burkholder, of Lati more township, Adams county, Pa.; and j Mary, intermarried with Jacob George, cfj Reading township, Adams county, Pa. 3d. The issue, seven in number, of Esther, a sister, ititermarricd with Andrew Utz, both deceased, to wit : Daniel Utx, of the county of Seneca, in the State of Ohio, (Tiffin P. 0.): Anna Mary, intermarried with Christian Brilhart, ut Cantun, Stark county, Ohio; Lydia, intermarried with J.teob It. Myers, of Elkhart county, Indians, (near Goshen); John Ut', of Greensburg, Summit county, Ohio; Andrew Utz, of Travis county. Texas: Sarah, intermarried with Peter Brilliart, of Crawford county. OhiJ). (Chatfield P. 0.) and Samuel Utz, of lisrdiu county, Ohio, (Tren ton P. 0.) 4th. The issue, fire in nnniber, of N.incy, s sister deceased, intermarried , sith M e~w ell !tleM ester, to wit: William McMaster, of York county, Pa. (Hanover P. 0.); Samuel McMtotter, of Carroll county. Maryland, (New Windsor I'. 0 ): Andrew MeMaster,of Butler township, Atlanta county, Pa.: intermarried with Jacob Sloop, and Mar Ann. intermarried with Solomon Hawkins, the last two named both of York county, Pa., (Hanover P. 0.) sth. Stroh, a sister, intermarried with John Bucher, your petitioners—ell of the above named heirs being of full nee. That an INQUEST will be held on the bel lowing property, to wit: Four certain Lots of Ground, situate in the town of Hampton, in the ti.wballip of iteadit g and county of Adams afiressit, on nve of which, bein r g a corner of the public square in said town. are erected a largo double house, with two kitchens; two stables, and with two pumps of water, and ion. occupied as a public h fuse; throe of said" lots are bounded by an alley and in part by lot Noel, the fourth lot bounded by alleys and hit of the Misses Patteraon„ and fronting on the Hun terstown road;—on Afeedism, the 241 h dne Jtf May insiaat, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on - said premises, to male partition thereof, to and amongst the heirs and legal representatiyoi of said deceased, if the same will admit tif partition, without prejudice to or spoiliug the whole thereof; but if the same will nit admit of such partition, to inquire how malty of said heirs it will conveniently auciimino date, and pert and divide the same to and among Rs many of them of the same will ar isitutuodate ; (Alt if the same will nut adapt of division at all without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof, then to value and appraise the same, whole and undiyide'l4— whereof all persons interested are hereby notified to utteml. ISAAC LIMITNER, Sheaf Sheriff's Office. Gettystburg. t May 3. MIS: ti Shea& & Buehler T. llnve constantly on hand, at their yard /1 on Washington and Railroad streets, it Any variety i.f River and 31.,untniin B LUMBER--Whito Pine s Hamlin*, E Poplar, Ash, Lc.—Boards, Plank, B Joist. Scantling and Studding. They aro ready to fill all orders, at the short est notice, fur any amount. fur ‘J tinning pUt• poses, at prices which will surprii-e those who may favor them with n earl. They have also on hand a lot of worked Flooring:, %Ur (low Sash, Palings fur fencing, Pinet and Shingling Li:h.. &c. - Gettysburt, May 3, 1858. Public Sale. rp F, subscriber will offer nt Public Sale, tin 'A" the preiiiipe., no Stittrchty. the - 15M (Arm Mu next, 3 LOTS OF GROUND, situate in the town of Minumiudoirg, Adams enmity, ndjoining lute of -;;-' Uri Abraham Hart, having thereon et tf 11 ime and a half story LOO HOUSE, - Log Stable, Well of water and fruit trees. ilfalrSiale to com mence at I o'clock, P. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by CHRISTIAN SIIIFFERER, April 26, 1553. td Cabinet-making. TTILE undersagued has wunuenced the Cabi -- net-making business, in Mountpleasint township, Adanoi county, nn the road loading from the Two taverns to !humor, about a quarter of a mile northeast of Sheely's store, where ho has now on hand, and will niacin facture to older, Bureaus, Bed4teatts, Tables, Rawls, and every other article in his line, put up•of the best materials, and in a work 's/anti-1m manner. 1/iireiffins made at the shortest notice, and trimmed to order. 110 is provided with a first rate new Hearse. lie asks a share of public patronage, and will endeavor, (by strict attention to business, with goid work and low charges,) to de serve it. JOSEPH 13ELiERMAN'. April 19, 1853. 3mn Sunbeam Gallery. VIE subscriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub lic generally, that he has peovided himself with an entire new and splendid SI( Y-I.l(firr AMBItOTYPE ROOM, at his residence in West Middle street, one Square weNt of Fahnestoek's Store, where he is prepared to furnish ..-finbio, .11e/iii,, Enamel and Photo graph Pictures in every style of the art. which he will warrant to give entire satis faction. and is prepared to accommodate all with GOOD PICTI. RES, either single or in lie also his a number of tlocimens at his room in Chambersbiirg Street, a few doors West of Bringinan & Culp's Shoe Store. where he still continues as formerly to take pictures. All who desire a correct likeness rf them selves and friends, will do well to give MO a rail, as I have reduced my prices to suit the present hard times. Pictures copied from old specimens of all kinds; also, inserted in Lockets, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, &c. Thesubscriber being thankful to-his friends and this public in general fur past patronage, wishes them to continue it, and assures them, that as heretofore,they shall not Le dissatisfied. kir Charges from s') cents to all. II ours for operating from 8A.M.t04 P. M. Gold Lockets, Breastpin., suitable for miniatures, always ott hand, at the very lowest prices. OirChildren will not be taken fur less than $1 00. birAnibrotypes taken for fifty cents and upwards, and in the beet attrie. 813113 EL WEAVER. Aprzl 26, 1858. tf VESTS--each as Satin, Italian Clotb, and White llamalee, Linen. HOUSE SPOUTING AND TIN promptly atteuded to by . GEO. E. ROCKS, Su; ponders, Crania 14 . ) chiefs, at ALMOST &Whin you real cheaper time eleewhc PLY NlCT&—llost of Ply Nets at New Goods, iiminumst.9ll.:-.p. A. a - O. F. ECKENRODZlutrirjest, retuzned from the eastern cities with w large stock of Dry litymis, Groceries, and all hinds of klardseare kept in country stores. They hare splendid articles of Sugar for 7, 8 and 9 cents, and Mokasims in proportion. They hare on hand also`4 large assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats, C'upc - 1. c., the latter articles all bein kept up stairs, as they hare not room be lo w in the store. All god bought of them in the 31on's Wear line will be cut free of charge. Tai-; loriuy clone wit!) neatness, durability and diftp3tch, by J. A. Braichner, Tailor. Goode bought elsewhere will be cut or made up at' the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Give us a call before purcliaginz elsewhere. , P. A. & G. F. ECKENRODE. lluidleraburg, April 26, 18;8. The 500 People r IIO bought their Winter Clothing from 11 FRANKLIN B: PICKING, are all com ing back, and bringing with them the i r friends.tind rcq uaintancea, to examine his X LNT .a..nortment of Spring and Summer Clothing. just opened at his new Clothing establishment in Chnruhersburg street, op pusite the Lutheran Church. They will hale the cheapest and best assortment of Goods to select from ever brought to Gettysburg.— They will find every style of Summer Cont., Pantaloon., Vest., Raglan Coati of every quality, Frock Coats of Italian Tweed, Cash meres, . Linen, CheA; Luck Coats, &o.— Pant. of lil.tek and fancy Cri...imeres, Tweeds, Jeans, Linen, Duck. Cotten, FRANKLIN B. PICKING. April 26, 1858. Spring Millinery. DIIS McCREARY has just returned from I"- the city, and is now opening a beautiful assortment of Milliatry awl Fancy Goods, of the latest styles, which she will sell at the lowest cosh prices, and which she invitee the ladies Co call and examine. 31iliciters who wirh to buy Goods to sell ag:titt, Kilt find it much to their nilvantageto give her n eiil, as she keeps mine but the fas!tion:ibto goods. .11)61 Er, 1838. 3m Fresh Fruits, aIIOCF:ItIES. NOTIONS, ‘- A I.Y..tahl. Fruits of every description. as . fol levr s— Lay er Raids: P, Figs. Oranges. Lemons. llutes, Palm Nuts. - Filberts, hard and paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts, &e. Groceries. A r' n'oodassort men tof Sugars— - Loaf, Brown, Powdered and Crushed, C.,ffee, N. O. Alolasses, syrup. of the best quality, Rice, . ' Soda, BArch, Teras, Cinnamon. (ground and unground,) Cloves, Idustard.*.c. Perfumery. Perfumery of every description, which will be sold low for Cash. LCIIiON Syrup : A large lot just received..—Any one desiring a cheap, pleasant and healthy drink will do Kell by p imitating this Syrup. 7bbatio. All the Yuri kinds of Tobac. co, Nara Ma Snuff, for sale by Wm. Boyer & Son. rineyar. We hate a good quality. as all will sly who have tried it. Flour& Feed. We hitt made arrangements to have , constantly on hand Flour ind Foal, which we will insure to be of superior quality. and at each prices as c..unot fail to please. NY.II. BOYER & SON. April 1858. Register's Notice. i"XTOTICE is hereby gives/t. , all legatees and L'' other persons concerned that the 44linin istnition accounts hereinafter mentioned will presented at theOr . phan's Court of Adam. , nts• for confirmation and allowance, on lay, Me 2:514 day of May otezi, at 10 o'c , A. M., viz: . • 3. ; The second account of Gco. Mock ,lo, , ley, ((tie of the Administrators of John Flick, nivr, deceased. 34. The first account of John Nano :nal:or 'and William A. Grayson, Exec utors,of the last Will and testament of John'Nimemaker, Sen., deeeti-ted. WI Tito' second aceonnt of Cornelius IICR and Joseph nese, Executors of the will of Isaac lless;decoased. 36: The account of Peter Wolford and Samuel Arnold, Administrators of the estate of Johit Arnold, late of Road , ing.towitaltip, deceased. 37. The first account of Jacob A. .Myers and John ;B. McCreary, Execn -1 i ors of George Deardorff, deceased. 33, The acooiont of Martin Get; Administrator of jibe estate of Abraham Kitchen, deceased. 39 The first akeonnt of 'rabies Boy ler, Executor of thu last will and testa ment of Henry Shroeder, deceased. 40, Tito first and final account of John ; 13. Galbraith, Administrator of the estate of Margaret Galbraith, doc'd. i 41. Thu first and final account of I John B. Galbrith, Administrator of the i estato of Ann Galbraith, dec'd. 42. The first and final account of John B. Galbraith, Adminktrator of the estate of Jane Bull Galbraith, dec'd. 43. The second account of Emanuel ' spatigler, Administrator of John Spang ' ler, tato of Berwick Boroti , li t deceased. Boron, 141. The first and final account ofJohn !Arendt, surviving .Ailii Li ist ra tor c. t. rt. I of the estate ofJohn Irate! t, Eig., doc'il. 45. 'fite.first and final accouut, of .11i chael Fiscel,. Executor of the last will and je4tatnent of Hannah Fiseel, deed. 46. The first and final account of Ja ' cob A ulabatigh, Ad miuistrator of Mary i ; Summerville, ilee'd. 47. The second and final account of John Mellvain, li:•=il., Executor of the , last -will and testament of 31bees Mcll coin. deceased. 1 4K The first account of Joseph J. i Smith, accountiit Executor of the last ; will and testament of John Howler, Sen.; late of Mountploaaant twp., dec'd. 49. The first account of Abel T. j Wright, Administrator -of Lewis Null, ilate of 3fentillen township, deceased. ZAOHARIAH MYERS, Regi.der. Register's Office, Oeftys- I burg, A pril 2G,1858. J Hunterstown fiLESICAL INSTITUTE.—The Summer ‘- 1 Session of this Institution will open on Munday, the 3d day of Mlty, and continue tiro months. The course of instruction embraces all the branches necessary to prepare the pupils for business pursuits, for teachers, or fur ad mission into advanced classes in College. Tuition pr. session frum - $9 to $l3, payable half swain ? in advance. For furtker par ticulars address, J. K.' NaILHENY, Principal. April 19, 1858. 3t • - Chan' Robes. MHZ third •rritari Rubes by express.— The - Vd t Ahrild is- DisAkuticnk CIF PARTNERBIIInss.The Co-partherahip existing between ttie subscribers has been dissolved this dni by mutual consent. We are much obliged to our friends and the pulp lie fur the liberal support extended to us.— Our books are placed in the hands of Geo. E. Bringman fur 'collection, and we earnestly request those indebted to us to call and make immediate payment, as we desire to settle the business of the firm without delay. GEO. E. BRINGMAN. IL AUGIIiNtIACLIEL April 19, 1858. GEO. Z. BILINGMAN.I Nei,' Firm. BRINGMAN & CULP, Successors to Bring man4-1 & Aughinhangh, Mannfacturers and Dealers in HATS, CATS, BOOTS. SIIORS, Trunks. Harness, Saddles, Bridle., Collars, Umbrellas, Canes, Lc., &e. Having com menced business at the well known stand of Bringman & Aughinbaugh, (Sign of the Big Boot) we invite all whe desire anything in our line of business, feeling confident thnt we will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor us with their pate rage. Boot. nod B:toes made upon the shortest no• Lice, as heretotore. Also. Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Trunks, &0., and all kinds of repair ing done ut the shortest notice. Lome one! C ono all I Remember the place, Chantbersburg street, sign of the Big B • th•tty.burg, April 2G, A Card. TII E subscriber tinting (lisp - Aged of his in terest in the store of 11:ingionti k Augh inbettigh to John Culp, respectfully asks the cc.ntinuance of his friends and customers to patronize the new firm of Bringniso & Culp. HENRY AU,iIIINBAULILL April 2G, 1553. Now is the Time! TUE subscriber would inform the public- that he has opened a MACIIINE SHOP, in Chambersburg street, Gettyshurgonear the Foundry, where he will have various kinds of Machines nu hand at any time hereafter, such as 7' kresliiiiy Corn Sheller*, Corstrod.ler Cutters, elocerseetl Hullers, Prate Cutters, and Horse Puteers of different kinds, —two, four or six -horse, to snit purchasers ; —indeed all liudi as can be had nt 11/mover or Littlmitown. Also. .It,rtiding fur house carpenters, put up in the very best and most substantial manner. OW, Jig Screws or long Bolts, any kind or sixeless than eleven feet in length, always attended to, as well as Turiiiisg in iron, casting or wood. Also all kinds of ItErAtstxc on Ma chinery, dressing-up Mill Spindles, done On the shortest notice. I hallo that all in want of anything in my line wiU null at my Shop before ping else where. 1 will warrant all my work to giro satiefactien to puroha.ors. - DAVID STERNER. March 29, 1858. ly C. 11. McCormick's RE PER AND MOW EIL-1 still have the Agency for C. 11. 314Corrnick's Reaper and Mower, and will offer to the Farmers this year two machines, the two-here ma chine and the four-horse machine—and will guarantee fair chances and full satisfa stion to any person who may want to purchase a machtite. Any man purchasing a machine from me may wotit the machine against any other tnischiue during hay-making and har vest, and if it does nut give better satisfac tion thin any other machine with which it may lie worked. they are at liberty to return it. Farmers will send in their orders to my self, at Fairfield; David Schwartz, at Littles town ; or Franklin Hersh, at New Oxford— as early as possible, and say which sized machine they want. as we are taking in or dere uuw fur the coming season. J. S. WITIIEROW, Are., ut fur Adams county. April 12, 1853. 53 Borough Account for 1857. -Lb• (1. M.CHEAItY. Treasurer, in Account . with the Borough of Gettysburg: DR. To bal. ig hands at last settlement. 401 051 " Outstanding in hands of Hoary Brinkerhoff; Collector, 143 27 " Aeased for 1857, 1150 30 " C ali received for Tools sold, 150 " Fin sand Licenses, 9 35, $1735 472 • comas. CR. , By orders paid election officers, 5 00 " " " fur Blank book, .25 " " administering oaths, 62/ " " Sundry persons for work, 623 70 " " " carting and work, 321 ST " ". care of Engines. 37 50 " Of Town Clock, 18 00 " " Police services, 148 91 Interest on Loans, 118 8) ' 6 ' 4l ' Water Rent, 7 50 " Mason work, 32 OJ 44 14 Smith work, 21 16 " " Brick and San I, 23 91 .6 66 stone, 3 00 . Timber, 1 50 " Printing, 20 50 " Toots, 4 62 " " Taxes and Quit Rents, SGO Engineering, 25 00 " Clerk_and Treas. salary, 30 00 " " Burgess k Town Council, 35 00 " C-Illectors fees, 49 00 " Releases on Dup., 1F57, 31 00 44 14 Do. " 1855, 550 " " Outstanding tax, 1F57, 8) 79 ai 1856, 28 47 Balance in hands of Treasurer, 41 23 The undersigned. Town Council of the Borough of Gettysburg. hare examined the fiareping aoceent of Robert (1: McCreary, Treasurer of said Borough, and fiud it cor rect. and that there is a balance of Forty-one Dollars and Twenty-three Cents in the hands of said Treasurer. JOIN OILT:1:11T, 1). KENDLEUART, ROBERT COBEAX, WM. B. MEALS, II K Ily COMFORT, JOIIN RUPP. April 19. 19. 8, New Spring Goods! j L. SCHICK has just received and offers vo • fur male the mot t desirable assortment of DRY GOODS ever brought to Gettysburg, consisting in part of Spring Slks, Plain Black do., Foulards, Cash Robes a'quille, • Lawn do. do. Stm O n i t e D iatta Also, Bombazines, Alpacas, De Degas, Gingham. Lawns, Brilliants, Shepherd's Plais. Crepe De lespange,Tissne Baresesote. April 5, 1858. Lumber and Coal. subscriber informs the public that be amtinues the Lumber and Coal business at Ltritssrows. Mama county, on a larger scale than ever—embracing White Pine Boards and Plank, Scantling f Framing Stuff, Plastering Lathes, Shingles, Palings, Lc., with all kinds of Stove, Limeburners' and Blacksmiths' Coal. Yard near the Ho invites the calls of the public, all it vrill sell as low as the very lowest TREE', VERY iiiTt*W. GO4lO NEWAt 0000 szwAr The Kansa, DiSeellp lettle4 - WAstttNntos, April 30, 185.14.,- - Dear Oimptier:—Your readers Mill glud to learn that the Conretvw4lel I'm the admission of 1c Union has passed both Huesca etton gross, and that, it will eertulnly-tiegiv.., the sistiatUre of President Buett.tsAN. The question is thins taken nut of national politics, and will . no luogs:r disturb the Union. • • 1J011:1 ccLr The'llouse today passed the Extmotti 4 Litt by - tt vote of 112 yeas . to PA nnyi,;“ and the Senate did the sante thing by yeas 31 to nays 22. Your Ileinkibona five in the llodso, Mr. lizita.v; voted for it. Tho Black Republicans of coitr.4o - savagely-at the loss of this...kna . of contention, but the country is tlis _ gainer by the operation, and will re ceive the news of the cessation•of thu struggle with profotitclAuttisfuellitn;,--_ Cannon wore fired at Washington on Friday over the passage of the ENtimon bill for the admission of Kansas, and a grand salute in the Park in New York doubtless came off on Saturday evening. Everywhere the news is received with the liveliest demonAtra dons of satisfaction. Black nepnbli camsm has received a terrible bluw. The Harrisburg Telegraph says the bridge on the Northern Central Road, near New Cumberland, between Harris burg and York, took fire on Wednesday night, and was almost entirely eon sum .d. rp HE undersigned, liming been appointed A- Assignee under a Deed of Trumt for ben era of ereditorm or L. FRANKLIN MYERS and WIFE, of Reading township., Adams county, notice is hereby given to all rrsons knring themmelvem indebteml to said 'Myers, to make immediate payment to the under signed, residing in Latimer° township; and those having claims against the same to pre sent them properly authenticated fur acute- Lucia. JOIIN lIENRY MYEIIB, Assiymee. April 19, 1858. tit rpflE undersigned, having been appointed 1 Assignee under a heed of Trust for ben efit of creditors of WARNER TOWNSEND and WIFE, of Iluntingaitownship, Adonis county, notice is lierehrgiven to all knowing themselves indulged to said Town send, make immediate payment to the ini• dersigned, residing in Reading township. and those having cl.iims against the same to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. -JAMES TOWNSEND, April 5, 185t 4 . GC Administratorre Notice. ENRY ESTATE.—Lat ters ut administration on Wei:Witte of. ry Eiching,er, late of Butler township, A ennaty, de.,eased, having been granted to Me undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons in debted to said estate to 'make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly autlien thmted for settlement. 1117RIWART WEItT, Ad tre March 23,1858. Gt GEORGE NEWCOMER'S ESTATE.-Lm. tern of administration on the estate i.t' George Newcomer, late of Menallen township, Adams county, deceased, having been grant ed to the undersigned, t rcedding in the 1.1010 township, she hereby gifes notice to all per sons indebted to said estate to make immedi ate payment, and those haling claim. against the same to present them properly authenti cated fur settlement. • EVE NEWCOMER, Executrix. ANIOS SCHLOSSER. Also/ For the nine, of Lleoalleo tolvoinhip. April 2G, IS-58. Gt Or to Administrator's Notice. cR IST I A N IV AGO AM AN'S EST AT E.— ‘-) Letters of administration on the estate Of Christian Waggaman, late of Ilitmiltoni,an township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Quincy township, Franklin county. lie hereby gicea notice to ail persona indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those hating claims against the same to present theta properly authenticated for settlement. IVALTtat IV ABU All AN, March 22, 1858. Gt - Afiner. IN LITTLESTOWN.—MARY M. 11*".IT LElt would respectfully inform the Ladies of Littlestown Alld vicinity, that she has commenced the Millinery basineis at . the residence of Wm. 11. Lani.inger, in Freder ick street, where she will keep on Imnil for sale, at the lowest profit:, BONNETS. Fan cy Ribbons, Flowers, 13andlrises, Straw, Leghorn, and other Millinery Clouds, of the newest styles. MEM ehrf•Bounet making and trimming attend ed to with dispatch, in the latest fashione, and cheaply. April 5, 1858. Millinery Removed. T • C. HOWARD would respeetftil/y inform I ' 2 - the Ladies of tiett;,sburs and its vicinity, /hat they will find her in Chambershurl, street, at the residence of Mr. Samuel Herbst, , pposite Mr. Tate's Hotel. Ladies can be accommodated with really. made BONNETS; also a variety sit Straw Leghorn. and all kinds of Millinory G mils of the latest styles. La lies will do well to tail' and see for themselves. April 5, 18;8. INIIE undersigned Imre entered into part nership in tho Flour, Feed, Grocery and Pilbrision business, at the nil staind of the former, at the northwest corner of Baltimore and High streets. They will txnuttantly keep on hand a larse, se yof Flour, reed, Gro ceries, Previa &atm la., k. and will sell at t Hying Erolits. and judge for you J•-• They will rasa at Atwpay the each. at the best market rates, ft - Anima and Feed. • JACEIS 40fiftEflii, WM. J. MARTIN; April 5, 1858. New . Goods ! lIE AMR TRAY EVER l—Pobna*tnek .Rrothers have just received a lama im- Aortment of Ladkiti Dress Goods, inich a* Decals, Challis Detains*, Rnbee si (NH*, Chiutx, 'Lawn*. Gingham*, 11 which rte invite the attention of linseng. 7 : Our stook oomprieingevere variety of idyls and pattern, and having been- selected trial cave and p imbued low, witearrnfor ihdaramente to those wishing ran not be hod elsewhere. • - '2-• April 12.1838. TRE eheapsetis wwu. PiliiouNlitaltpre, mt. the *tomtit ow : April 508511. MILLER liE N ItrerT Iratift of Prune." AF liekknip; MOM* . , order at Sinai. Rejoicing, 11=1:=1 Bridge Burned. Assignee's Notice. Assignee's Notice. AUtinistretor's Notice. New Millinery, New Partnership. X. Y; X.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers