iiii a 1, Aloe by ?Wail 'would *dye, • 4 "" 4 =-11•111111t nest +hier bold or drtn." 41; # • lima the offerawatewa Telegrapb. : 1513 POTATO MOP: - ,Aissiroptumi lugions East, North, and West sloolerstmimms ore cultivated almost universal i4ll, imaged of the row, as it is done an .!a tl blpiilfro Pennsylvania. Those who adopt ',Tee, argue that while the yield may Villitliwmater than when grown in the row. Albs IfaiMma is less troublesome and more etfec -4100."A ream, • farmer, formerly residing in Illsigliborhood, who came from Michigan, #1110,441. his prrviout life planted his potato crop it as kill, informed us, that the row .#6144111r he thought ITMI rather more produc al/* and required less labor and expense, both is ol j aa;ing and harvesting. isuveral of our agricultural exchanges, the poste culture has this winter occupied more lbws usual attention, in consequence of the par tial failure of the crop last year, and we should i iiiilpleased if some of our correspondents would )ants the subject and let us hare their Maw. The following we find in the COCXTRY -tisitssaxas, from sir. li. McMahon, pf Milford, My plan has boon for the last eight saws, to change my see 4 as often as eaatse Jo every two years, even if plant Mile. saute sort. I have for the last six rant taken the trouble to send from 5 to 150 miles for my seed, and think that I have been paid for it in a tenfold proportion. The sorts that 1 have been moot successful with are the Prince Al bert or white Napoleon, the Irish him. pees and the Peach Blows. These three •Wsa never have showed any synlptol4ll pt the blight in this section of the coon- 47v, while many of my neighbors have he . pt their old sorts, and have lost all or nearly all, the two past seasons. -1 _ Planted in May last, 240 rods ofground _with white Na_poloons, and gathered orur three hundred and seventy-live hellhole in October last, as nice pota toes as ever any man l imed look at.— 'They are- admired by all; they are very white and smooth; many of them mea sured from eight to ten and a half inches In length; the tops all remained in a perfect state of health until they were cut otf by the frost. The tops on the Porch-blows do the same. ' •• My plan of cultivation is to take stalk ground or else plow it in the fall. I geherally select the smallest ones that I raise for my own use to plant—cut each potato, be it over so small. I sel dom ever use over four and a half or Ave.bushels of seed to the acre. ".Method of Cuftivation.l generally use about 20 loads of coarse straw ma 'Ours to the acre—spread and plow in --then plant my seed three by three 'lad a half feet apart; when the plants begin to show themselves use a top drussingof hen manure, plaster of Paris, and leached ashes, mixed together, a full hand to the bill, which I Euove found to be a groat benefit to me." Io the Clato Cr Immo*, Ur. Robert Starers, of Oskaloosa, lowa, begs to be heard. He says: " Permit me to add my experience in the cultivation of potatoes, as additional evidence in favor of the fact, that we are only just now, in the nineteenth ceiftury, beginning to learn how to cul tivate potatoes. It seems a little' strange, too, that the discovery of eer. thiti fixate in relation to this matter, ap pears to have beeicsimultaneous in dif ferent and distant plaoos. "Last spring 1 took one pock of Pea potatoes, and cut them into very small pieces, containing, some two, but moat n! them only one eye in each hill. I planted them in hills about 31 Poet apart each way, putting only one piece in each hill, and from that peck I deg and - measured 25 bushels of good pota- VAIN after throwing away some 4 or. 5 bushels that were affected with rot.— The ground occupied was a little over S tiquare rode, and was cultivated tol erably well. " Your correspondent, W. C. John eon, says : am of the opinion that it la a loom to plant 2 or 3 whole pota toes in a hill.' I add, there is not, only loss of potatoes planted, bat an actual damage is done to the coming crop, for I am convinced that mere and larger po tatoes can be raised by planting one eye In each bill, than ciin be raised by patting 2 or 3 whole potatoes in a hill. more- seed you put in a hill, the mare entail potatoes you will have to proportion to tlie number raised." A GOOD COW. Boa. Z. P. lemillogton, of Fall Wirer, Maas., owns a eow, it is stated, that Ms gives dwing past year 4,704 giserte of milk, a is an average of 19-365 quarts per day for the entire year. This milk was sold at six cents per quart, and amounted to 1E.V35 84. The oviginal cost of the cow was $74, and the cost of keeping $124 45, making 0198 4S, while the milk of one year sasoantod to S S 7 39 more than both the *rat cost and feed. This is certainly a remarkable cow. 14w Counterfeits.—'l'w. wore new counterfeit notes have made their ap peltrzxice in Philadelphia. One is a $2.0 note purporting to have been issued by the Sdhthwark Bank. It is a good im itation of take gonnine. The other is on the State Bank of Ohio. It is a genuine $2 note, altered to a 420. Three men have been arrest= ecl - 4m, the charge of passing the last Darned counterfeit. They were com mitted to _sumer-- eur, ieue Accideat.—A few days since a lad • pitied Edward West, employed in ths betel of Mr. Buchanan, at Broad sad prime street, Philadelphia, met wig' a singular accident, by which ono of his eyes was nearly cut out and his lira ekidsingerod. It appears that the beylrear - Inkahing a shell, ender which %herd was a nambur of bottles of tither, ;,p alga, whey pmtsof the bottles ex *, add a sharp piece of the bottle lillal/,,striking the lad in the eye. ~impertinentectitor in Aloha= 14411srlial,) Waatel , `42,. -tios *ilea to po • vrf Wei.** inclined lei , lithos nature gni "'# be o nies. imujeirt *sift Ow a ion** , MSS enbeetilsero. iseemebst to digest:diner/ ICCITIOS is .bessfi la all the heirs! Q.t. . ,IT ARAN/ Cloe— R. fermatas. win te em 411 =tat Wel -9.„ond A / of. DAN ID' " This lasi derseitila. for re do euest , fi t elanslitnniouf Maim ; rirrage l 7.7lhitk tairnsisip. Alltlel which it payables:cast as fsUolnst oonnty. 6 miles westof Ostritshlorr o fil w hirl th- 1 ass _ county. deceased. to wit : Wary Dita - I For over 10 months. 4 per ant. par anima. of In one mile the Stone Charsth,ms day, lee, witkiw,—Jaeleb Ditaler , David flits-; For 3 and not over 10 months. 3 per cent. t.te 27th day of Pebruary heat, the owing' ler, John Y. Ditiler, George Dialer, per annum. For tranaient depositts. stollen personal property. viz : 3 heed Of Horses. Samuel Ditzler, Elizabeth, widow of John than 30 days, 2 per cent. per annum,payable 10 Cows and Young Cattle, 12 lbga, 17 ' Bates, Susannah Ditsler. Mary Ditzler, Re- on demand without notice. Steer', broad tread warm. Play Carnage.ibecca, intermarried with Samuel Little, i /1 joint fund (capital) of $lO,OOO has been Wood Ladders, 5 sets of Gorse Gears, Blind Catharine, intermarried with Daniel Goover. I paid in. Bridles. Collars, Bolters. 4fth chain. 2 sets Juliann, intermarried with Daniel March, and j For loans apply on Wednesday. spreaders, butt chains, ploughs. double and S trah. intermarried with John S. Reisinger— 1 Sums received on deposits as low as a single shovel ploughs, harrow, 2 cultivators ,' all reside in said county of Adams, except- ' dime. Interest to be allowed whenever tho winnowing mill, cutting box. rakes, forks. ing Jacob and Elizabeth, who reside in Car-' deposites amount to 35,00. and on each ad barrels. boxes, 160 locust posts for post fence, ml county, Md., near Manchester, and Sarah ditional $3,000 and cpsrards. 50 do. fir hoard fence. corn by the bushel, Reisinger and husband, George Ditzler and O ffi ce in South West Corner of Public straw by the bundle, 2 grain shovels. crow 1 Rebecca Little and husband reside in and Square, next to George Arnold's store. Open bar, double and single trees, and many other near Galion, Crawford county. Ohk, and daily from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M., and for rector. articlee. too numerous to ment on. •Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Feb. 8. is JANES S. IVIT,S')N. Public Sale. THE subscriber, intending to remore, will sell at Public Ssle, at his residence, in Monntjny township, Adams connty, three miles from Gettrsbnrg, on Wednesday, the 24111 day of Fe b ruary next, the following property, viz : 4 /1011SES, 4 Mitch Cows, (two are expected to cal% e before the sale.) 1 Durham Bull; Young Cattle, and ll,gs ; one narrow-tread three-horse , Wagon. with Stone lied, liar Ladders. Ploughs and Cultivators, Winnowing 3LII, Horse Gears, and other farming implements. Also, a Sleigh, Grihd stone, hc., together with Household and KitAen Furniture, such as Cupboards, Bed steads, Iron Kettles, and other articles, too numerous to mention. -Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. X, on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by HOSES SC 14 IVA RTZ. 111111. 25,1858. to Public Sale. THE subscriber, intending to quit farming, will sell at Public Sale, at hie 111411011410, on the read leading from MeSherrystown to the York Terepike, about If miles from the latter, on Thursday, Me 2Sti of February west, the fulkoiring property. via: 3 HORSES, Cows and Young Cattle, Those-home Wagon, li.sree Gears. Ploughs and narrows, Cultiva tors, Winnowing Mill, 2 Grind Stones, (.I.iw Chains, Rakes, Forks, &c. Also. lloasehold and Kitchen Furniture, such as Table/. Chairs, Bureau, Stoves, Sedstrails and *ti ding, Chests, Stun, Gun, and many other ar ticles, too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. i oa said slay, when attendance will be glycol and terms made known b• EMANUEL GOLDEN. Jan, 1.8. 1858. ts Mill and. Farm for Sale. W11,,L sell at Private Sole, my MILL AND FARM, situate in Germany township, Adams *minty, within one mile ind a half of the Littlestown Railroad, and when the Railroad is extended to Tatierown it will in all probability pass close by. The farm con tains 371 Acres, more or less. 10 to 12 acres is heavily timbered and about 10 acres of good meadow bottom, the land is mostly of the slate soil and vet/ ansceptitile of a high state of cultivation. Lima acts well up on it, and imestone is near by. Pusgesltion given first of April next. GEO. ARNOLD. Jan. 15, 1858. 6t ifir James Stable who is in possession of the property will show it. Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE.— fhe undersigned °Ears at Private Elle, 41 his Real Estate as follows : No. I.—My late residence in Gettysburg, fronting 30 feet on Chautbersburg street, with Brick Dwelling, Stable, and other improve ments. Nu. 2.—LA adjoining above nn the West. fronting 9 feet on street, with Stehle, /sc. No. 3.—Lot adjoining No. 2, fronting 32 feet on same street, with hirge Coach Shop; and other improvements. No. 4.—Lot adjoining, N ., . 3. fronting 2) feet, with double Brick D.roUing, Smith Shop, ihe.; No. s.—Lot west of the Foundry, with Steam Saw and Grist Mill. No: 6.—Los adjoining No. 5; containing about 3 Acres. No. 7.—Three Lots fronting each 30 feet on Chambersburg street. No. B.—Lot in B.►ltiim.we street, with Log Dwelling, Ito. No. 9.—LA northeast of town, containing about 4 Acres. No. 10.—Tract of Land in Ramiltonben townsb,p, lying on Marsh creek, oontaining 51 Acres, pan cleared and part in first-rate timber. Nu. tl.--Conch Establishment in Shen herdstown, Va., with good will, dc. The lo cation is an admirable one for business, and improvements in good order. sirTitlee good and terms to suit ruche sere. Enquire of D. A. Buseuta l Esq., Get tysburg, or the undersigned residing in Shep kieribitown, Va. C. W. MOFFMAN. N. 11.—If not sold by the Ist of March, the above properties will be.for Rent. Jan. Di, MA, sm. arcutrut. ICIZIIT 111011/111. Family Grocery and Provision &ore. CLTLLESPIL k THOMAS respectfully in the people' ofOetty•burs imeran and the public gy, that they bare past return ed from theeity with a ireneral assortmeat o( GROCERIES, PROVLBLONS sad VEGETA BLES, which they are prepared to 'ell as low se the lowest. nowt and FlKEDalways on blind, and wild et sinali profits. Sloe on York street, one door out of Wate tle4' Geuriburg, Aug. 3, 1A57. . Great Excitement! k lEGHLISINI Mil AHED! EKE NOTICE that we hare jest received Ta new arid splendid lvt of JUTS, CAI'S, BOOTS & SHOES, which we offer to the public CHEAPER than aver. having put. down our stock to the Lowest living prollte..-- , Under the., arrangements we oust put our gnoiis within the reach of ALL. as to style, quality and PRICE. Our motto is qstsck sales and small profits. Cull and examine our stock of I,Poods before purchasing else where. Remember the sign of the " BIG BOOT," Cliambersburg street, below Bueh ler's Drug Store. serp.t. and Shoes made upon the short est notice and by the best of wOrtlcian. Outober 19, 1857. Removed to Hanover. VRANeIS J. WILSON,. late of tit; wash i Howie at Ahhottatown. bat taken H DISH EY'S OLD AND POPULAR STAND. m Hanover, where he will be happy to enter.. twin all who may patronise him. His Table ie supplied with the beat the market and gar den can afford, and bia Bar with tbe choicest of liquors. Ilia Stables comcoodlous, and attended by careful Oialeca. Give him a fttr. You will a:ways find Plant. on the spot, ready and willing to make everybody eow• fortable. [April 27.1857. C ON rzeno-ss.—A fine assortment just received, urging which are Mint-, Lemon, Hoarhoesd, and Coach Candies. Alec, Cordial, Wine, Gam, Licorice, Strawberry, dream, Acid, PiaiNtpple, lienay Lind, had Wm. Drups,• besides ih large supply of stick ma gi." at • • WM. Ill.tY.Eit di SON'& PANItLES AT If article didould Candle, slqk Id wog par potted, NOlol , olt. old 00114 r. ..... . v-dLiat/iNfillieloSs, Brasil Nuts, English ACL 'of SWIM CLOTHING; • •""'W•brata, stittlPas • Nuts, sonstantry on Audi Imm o . k i • •• . • %sad and ‘4lllbnsidstaap by Borst A No*. - • • • ANA pxrrora • R Babbitt *Mob are bud to beta. Call and see for;oar she oast. selves 110Y2R A ISONA 1411 1:1E it rittliNal bi , arraix, tx. JAM • • i 1. . t. • Jjhn Y. Ditz.ler, who resides in Huntsville, Logan county, Ohio—that an INQUEST will be hell on the following property. viz : A Farm, situate in Berwick township, adjoin ing lands of S irnuel Baugher, David Bucher, C:i tries Sebrech t, Frederick Laugh man. JacoL Wolford, and Peter Klunk's heirs, containing 73 Acres and 33 Perches, more or lee.. with the appurtenances ; also, a Tract of Wood land, in same township. adjoining lands of fLimual Ditzler, George Null. Spangler, and others,containing 15 Acres, more or less— on Wednerday;the 24th of February inst.. at 10 o'clock. A. M., on said premises, to make par tition thereof, to and amongst the heirs and legal representatives of sail deceased, if the same will admit of partition, without preju dice to or spoiling the whole thereof; but if the same will not admit of such partition, to inquire how many of said heirs it will con veniently accommodate—and portend divide the same to and among as many of them as the same will accommodate ; but, if the same will not admit of division at all without pre judice to or spoiling the whole thereof. this to value and appraise the same, whole sad undivideti—whereof all persons interested are hereby notifiod to attend. ISAAC LIGIITNErt. suni. SherillisOffice, Gettysburg, Feb. 1. td Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persons concerned that the Admin• istration accounts hereinafter mentioned will he presented at the Orphan's Court" of Adstni County fur confirmation and allowance, on Muddy, tie 23d day of February next, at 10 o'clock. A. M., vi:: T. • The account of John Brough, Ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Michael Hanes, late of Hampton, Adams county, deceased. 8. The first account of Albert W. Storm, Administrator of the estate of John Felty, deceased. 9. The first aticount of Daniel Golden, Executor of the last will and testament of George Golden, deceased. 10. The account of Isaac B. and Peter Trostle, Executors and Testamentary Trustees under the Will of Abraham Trostle,deceased—of the heirs of Sarah Stoke, deceased. 11. The first account of John Mowery and Abraham Bixler, Administrators of the estate of Adam Mowery, deceased. 12. The account of Anthony Dear dorff, one of the Administrators de bonis non cum testamento annexo of John Arendt, Esq., late of the township of Franklin, Adams county, Pa., dec'd., settled by Benjamin Deardorff, Admin istrator of the estate of said Anthony Deardorff, late deceased. ZACII ARIA!! MYERS, Regialar. I Register's Office, Gettys burg, Jan. 25, 1854. Neur•Court House. SEALED Proposals will be received at the office of tho C untnissi pliers of Adams many - , until 3 o'clock, P. M., on Tuesday. the-23d day of Kbruary ate, for the erec tion, in the limough of Oettysberg. of new COURT HOUSE. 50 by etii feet, two stories in height. wish cupola, o. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Commissioners' Office, on ana after Monday, the let of February. HENRY A. PICKING, JOSIAH BENNER, JACOB RAFFENSPERGER, • Attest— • • . - Cussesivaioners. J. M. W•trut, Clerk, Jan. 25, 1e53, The Grand Show! .AT OLTITSUCISG, PA. .31. Samson, Manager & .Proprietor Doors open at 6 u'4lock, A. M.—Performance tu commence immediately after. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Adults, Children. (under 12 years of age.) Half Price GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT • TO TUE PUBLIC! The subscriber, thankful for put favors, respeltfially informs the inhabitant' of Get tysburg and surrounding country, of the fact that he has just nmeived from the New York Auctions s SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS! which' be is determined to sell at astonishing ly low rates for cui. In return for the Tiber al patronage bestowedmpon him, he will give a Grand Complimentary Benefit, on wirloh on esaion will be presented , TITO MAG%LF7CENT PIECES! Oa Wednesday. October 28. • and every day until:further nncia, will bo protected the vory popular Tragedy of GOOD FITS! with the following unrivalled cast : —Fashion able Clothing, front the finest to the lbweet priced qualities. Gentlemen's tarnishing (lafs.. in great variety. Boots, Shoes, UM., Caps, ko., to suit all tastes. An intermission of Ten Minutes, to allow those making largo purchases time • for Loa d, he., &c. The whole to conclude with M. Samson's •ue ceuful Play, entitled VARIETIES! the beauty of which will cause great excite ment among the Ladies and Gentlemen. Oct. 26,1857. tf Cheap Clothing. GEORGE ARNOLD 4k CO. have now on hand, at their Clothing Emporium, a large stook of READY-MADE CLOTUING, all of oar own getting up, made out of our own cloths, and warran4vi to Loaned° in the very best manner and 'style, among which are Drees Conte of every variety, Over -omits, Pan taloons, Vests, Monkey Jackets, ito., also Black, Blue, , Olive, Brown, Claret, Drab and Green Cloths, for Over.coats, with trimmings to suit, sold sheep; also cheap Cassimaree, Cpusinets, Jeans, Cords and men's *ear gen- J ertgly. We have/just received the fall•tash• tone, and have bends constantly employed cutting out and snaking up, sod if we cannot plosee you ibet garment ready made, we will take your measure and make you a suit on short noticee. Call and see us. The above goods will be sold cheap fur case. Oct. 12, 1857. • SPOUTING.—thott and Ilciry \Vampler wino/stake House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash or country produce. Far mers and all others wishing ;heir houses, barns, Ae.. spouted.' would do %well to giro them a call. G. 11. WAMPLSIt. April 18.1853. tf ing depaites every Saturday. from 9 A.. M to 6 P. M. A•esident, GEORGE TIIRONE. Treasurer& Secreft ry. 0 EO ROE ARNOLD Directors, John Horner, (}gorge Arnold, Jacob kftteselman, D. McConanghy, John Mickley, John Throne. Jan Brough, Samuel Dn-borsw, A. Heintselman, D. sfeCreary, William Calp, roiiert H April to, 1837. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—lneor porased March 18, 1851. onuses. President—George Swope. Pa l'tesidenst—S. R. Rumen Sseregary--D. A. Buehler. , • Ntaserer--Darid M'Creary. Emma's Coutstittee —Robert McCurdy, Andrew Heintselesan, Jaeob King. MAtrassas.—George Swope, b. A . Deshler, R. M'Cur4y, Jacob King, A. Lleintselman, D. M'Creery, J. J. Kerr, M. Nickelherer, S. R. Russell, A, B. Kurth. Andrew Pulley, S. Fahnestock, Wm. B. Wilson, If.. A. Picking, Win. B.' M'Clellan, John Wolford, R. GI. Mo- Creary, John Horner, Z. W. Stable, J. Augh inbaugh, Absliel F. Gitt. afirThis Company is limited in 'e s opera tions to the county of Adams.. It Ilea been in snecessful operation for more than six years. and in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, without any assessment, having also a large surplus capital in the Treasury.' The Company employs no Agents—all buSiness being dune by the Managers. who are atinuall ly elected by the Stockholders. Any person desiring all Insurance can apply to any '‘)f the above named Managers fur further nfur metion. la`The Eseentire Committee meets at the office of the Company on the last Wednesday in every month, at It, P. M. Sept. 28, 1857 910 JACOBS & BELO'S., Baltimore Areet, near the Diamond. to see the *twills of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings. 4e., whicH they have just received from the city, as well as the first class lot of Readv-made Cluabing now nn hand—Over Coats, Drell', FrociF and Sack Coats, Paats and Vests. Don't forget that for anything in the lien's line of wear, you can never go amiss by call ing at Jacobs'. If you want afine cost,-or pants, or vest, rely upon it you cannot be better accommodateo anywhere, either as to quality, make or price: So with middle, or low priced goods. They offer a varied stock, and defy competition. They will sell Ready made Clothing, all of their own making6tsp, at rricee as low as city clothing, Which are so apt to rip and give N ay. They ere practical tailors themselves, and hence turn out nothing but what they know to be well gotten up.— Give than a call—look at their stock—and if you are not pleased, there's no harm done. No trouble to show goods. serThe latest New York and Philadelphia Fashions received. • ' Gettysburg, Nur. 9, 1857. Cheap Goods STILL COMING AT FAHNESTOOK'S. We have just received from New York and Philadelphia another supply of cheap Goode, to which we invite the attention of the pub. lie. We purchased at auction several mums of very cheap Ticking% which we can sell at a bargain. Thirty-one cent Ticking. for f.'S cents; Twenty-five " 181 " Eighteen and three-foarths at 15 " ke. We have yet on hand some of those cheap Muslims and Prints which have made such a noise among judges of cheap goods. Having been in the city almost constantly during the lest few months, we were enabled to watch opportunities for obtaining bargains, and we now propose to give our numerous customers the benefit of them. Don't fail to come to Dec. 28.1857. FAIINESTOCKS'. TH E undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they have commenced thee abi net and Chair-making business. in Baltimore street. near Middle, where they will manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE, such As Dressing and Common Bureaus, Tables of va rious descriptions, Bedsteads. Wardrobes. Stands. and every other article in their line— ALL of the best workmanship 'and good ma terials. which will enable them to warrant their work. Also. every variety of CHAIRS. FREE Corrxs made at abort notice, and in the various styles. /base Painting and Papering attended to, and done in the beat manner. Their prices will be ex low an the lowest, as all who may patronise them will acknowledge. irrLoatber and country produce taken in esolmage for work. NORBECK 4 MILEY. ilettysbmg, Feb. 23, 183 T. ly john W. Tipton. " MAW ATRIAN." al) to Tipton's—go to Tipton's— Go to Tipton's in the oorner— In the corner in the Diamond— . In the Diamond near McClellan's, If you want your hair dressed finely— If you want your face shaved smoothly. Bachelors who never knew it— Tip's the fellow that can do it— Du it in the latest fashion— Do it quick and do it neatly, And improve your flue to iks greatly, Make you look so young and sprightly, Make you feel more young and brightly, • Mak• you f,el like going nightly To call upon some pretty damsel. Who before would not look at you, At you as you passed her daily, Daily on the public street. And young men who wear monstaches, Who want some one to sew patches— Patches where your breeches tear— Tip's the boy to make up matches— Matches with some lady fair. Then depth to Tipton's shop, Dandy, Fogy, Flirt and Fop. Jan. 11,1858. A T NORBECK'S--Cows aml See:.—,,T. N or . 1 •A'• beck has just received from the eity a large lot of fresh Goods in his line. Sugars, of all tralities and pines ; Molasses, fire dif ferent kinds ; Coffees, three kinds; Teas, em bracing every variety; Cheese, Crackers, Mackerel, Brooms, Brushes, Lc., lc.; Powder and Shot, Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Articles, Floor and reed always on band, and sold at the smallest profits. Dec. 21. IRAVI' been giving notice for the last year to all thou who are indebted to me to call mad pay the same. No attention has been paid it. I now give notice that suit will be brought on all notes and accounts that arenot paid on nr before the first day of April nut Feb. 89 '5B- tf ORO. ARNOLD. TIRING OS YOUR MRS.—Fair prices 4- Paid ilk Gosh or tracts, for Fos. ILsennim a lootoro, :Mitik.iliositsas end Rabbit akin& at Briars I Agibiabaseh'it; fta.it lb* ' '1 MTMMMR!‘y,MM Great Rush Cabinet Ware & Chairs. Fresh Groceries, &c., Last Notioe. OINIUMISIONIEr MICR, Anise flotratnr.-Poi. A OREEARLT to au Ad of Asownbly, *stifled , " A* ACt to'raise County Rates salL ioll. -Dm- vies," requiring the Oossesissiesters of the respetnite eounties to publish a Statemout of the Receipts and Expenditures yeast', Ire. the Coutuatosioners of Taxes of »id twenty, di Report as follows. to wit : from the 6th day of January, A. D., 1857, to the sth day of Janu• try, A. D., 18:4—both days inclusive : J. 14. SCHWX, En., Treasurer, and the CoMXISIIONZRS, in account with tho County of Adams, as follows : DR. To Cash In hands of Treasurer at last settlement, $Bl5 90 Outstanding County Taxes in hands of Collectors, 5,439 40 Quit Rents, 178 50 County Ratu (I: Levies assessed for 1857. Borough of Gettysburg, $1,209 77 do. Quit Rents, 178 50 Cumberland township, 1,145 57 Germany i '• 718 28 Oxford .. 1.221 79 Huntington 44 1,193 61 Latimer. IS 864 20 Hamiltonban .4 1.405 44 Liberty II 714 09 Hamilton ~ 900 69 Menallen IS 869 78 Straban 41 1,283 24 Franklin 66 1.164 42 Conowago 46 953 16 Tyrone ' 4 629 56 Mounijoy .. 883 85 Mountpleamant " 1,253 74-:-. Itaadittg, id 1040 , 49 Berwiek 172 96 ~ Berwick Borough 391 73 Freedom 61 397 08 'Union " 1,183 94 Butler fil 835 30 20,561 19 Loan from Sank & sundry persons. Z5OO 00 Abatement on State guts for 1857, 684 21 Cash frflm 11. Thrms., Sherif, for Jury fees and fines fur 1807, 61 00 Dividend from Water Company, 24 00 Cash hem Jo'nh Martin, cost refunded, 15 00 Cash on Judgment of D: Taylor and - on note of 51. P%.•well, 53 59 Cult from 31. Gets, on inquest held on the body of A. Kitchen, 17 58 Cash from A. Rife. road damages re funded: 10 00 Cash from G. Myers. Esq., and H. A. Picking, Esq., for Lumber, 10 25 Additional TAX for 1857, 90 07 Exonerated Tax from sundry persons, 10 50 Balance due Treasurer, 519 67 The outstanding County Tax arid Quit Rents app tar to be in the hands of the following Collectors; to wit : Tows. Collectors. Townships. 1854. John E. Ileikes, Huntington, 858 1855. Michael Crowl, Franklin, 69 25 " S.unuel Sadler, Tyrone, 141 28 1856. Samuel WeaverSiettveburg 8., 203 29 " " Quit Runup, 17 ,4 50 _ Henry Slavbaugh, Butler, 220 33 1857. Henry G. Carr, Gettysburg 8., 528 77 Quit Rents, 178 50 " William Rosi, Cumberlanitt 331 32 " Jacob Klunk, Germany, 121 28 " Daniel Heltsell. Oxford,* 276 79 " Peter Miller, 11• inti ngton,f 216 61 " Jacob 3citzell , Lttinsurs, 194 20 " George Krise, Liberty, 116 86 " Darqel Lynch, llam:Iton, 1)0 69 " David Dull, Menallen, 149 78 " John McCreary, Straban,f 512 66 " Adam Hebert, Franklin, 219 20 " Anth'y Strasbaugh, Canowago, 573 16 Jaoob Pittenturf. Tyrone, 250 56 " Moses Hartman. Mountiny,• 322 33 John. McMaster, l'tpleasant,t 653 74 •" Samuel Orndorff, Reading,* 107 42 " W.n. Bittin "er , ,„, 11;.trwick,• 91 73 " Francis Wilson, Berwick Bir.,* 37 VG " Peter Long'. ti.lion.t " Berkhart 11ert, Butler.t sthose merited thus (1 have paid in full since settle.nent. Those marked thus ) have Plum paid in part. &nee the settle ment the sum of $3,110 35 has been pa'd in t 4 the Treasury, leaving in the hands of C col lectors $3,689 75. The Cuunty is free from debt. T 3 the HutoraUe the Judges alike Court of Common Pkas'af Adams County, W E, toe undersigned, duly elected Auditors to settle and adjuat the Public Acmunts of the Trearurer and Commissioners of said county, having been sworn or affirmed agreeably to Myr. report the following to be a general statement of said accounts front the Wm day ufJununry, A. D., tes7, to the sth day of January, IS4B.both days in clusive : J. L. ScutcK, Esq., Treasurer, and Covfattsstoxi.as, in ageount with the County of Allatus. DR. Cub in bends of Treasurer at last settlement, 815 90 Outstanding County Tax and Quit Rents in bands of Collectors, 5,617 90 Amount of County Tax and Quit Rents assessed for 1857. 20,561 19 Loan from Bank and sundry persons, 2,500 00 Abatement on Susie Quota fur 1857, 6$ 21 Cash from H. Thommi, Sheriff, fur Jury fees and fines for 1857. 61 00 Dividend from Miter Company, 24 00 Cash from Jo'ph Marti*. cost refunded. 15 00 Cash on Judgment of D. Taylor and on nofe of M. Powell. 69 59 Cash from M.. Gets on inquest hold on the body of A. Kitchen, 17 58 Cash from A. Rife, road damages refunded, 10 00 Cash from 0. Myers and 11. A. Pick %jug. E T , fur lumber, 10 25 Additional Tax for 1857, 90 07 llsoderated Tax hos estulty perseag' 10 50 Bslaseedue Treasurer, 519 87 WE. the undersigned, Auditors orate County of Adams, Pennoryhrsnis, elected and orn e in pursuant:For law. do Report, that we reek did audit. itettielawd adieet Iwo" leg to law, the ac-otmt of the Treasurer and Commissioners of said Conitv, eenstnencin on the Gth day of Joon:17,0861, and ending on the kb day of Jansen', lan —both day* ittolusive : that said soeutint. as uttled above, and entered of record in 83tileasent Book, in the Com missioners' office of Aems county, is oorrect, and that we find a balance due J. L. Schick, Esq., Treasurer of Atkins County. in enNh, b 7 said County, of Five Hundred and Nineteen Dollars end Righty-seven Cents ($Bl9 814 and the Outstandltg Taxes, Six Thous and Seven Hundred said Ninety-nine Dollars and Ten Cents, ($8.799 10.) JOHN HAUPTMAN. ) CHRISTIAN CASHMAN, Auditor:. ISAAC IiERETSII, February 1.1858. 4t Attention IIIVE HUNDRED 11111 N WANTED— • To buy Over-Costa from PICKING TO buy Over-omits from Picking; Tu buy Over-costs from Picking; T O buy Over-coats from Picking; To buy Over-coats from Picking; T o buy Dress-coats from Picking To buy Dress-costs from Picking; T borDresi-coats from Picking; . 1 - To buj,Dress-coats from Picking; VI buy Hissinem-costs from Picking; A To buy Bosiness-ootts from Picking; TO buy Dress! arid Common Coats from 1 . Picking ; To buy Dress and Common Coats from Picking; TObay' Best° and Gum &hoes, Clocks, Viohns and Accordions from Picking ; To buy Gloves, Hosiery, Shirts , Drawert, Trunks and Carpet Sacks from Picking; TO buy Umbrellas and Canes from FRA.NELIN B. PICKING. Dec. 21, 1857. Wingerd, White & Awdpe, WROLUALZ IMALI&S 11 BOOTS, saws, CAPS, '4lr, STRAW GOODS ; AL&O, 111 YAIII;LIONABLI Mok.skix, Felt and .eur Hats, Jr. sr. ow. SALIIWASJI & 11 1 ZWASLD Ado.* B. Friserd, Asaiel 8: Whit*, BALTIMORE, YD. Jain A. Aug. :sat IttelliVED..::-A large lot ad bleashad Ij. allo 011#000104 altdatiag sad shirt u& al whisk vs adiar at rode :11144.1,* IMIII Dolls Cta. nous. cu. By orders paid out as follows : By auditing k settling public accounts, 42 00 R. G. McCreary. Esq.. Auditor, ap pointed by the Court to audit pub lic Am. 15 00 Printing, blanks, &e., 3i7 12 Sheriffs bills of Court costs, 927 83 Clerk's pay, 200 00 Abatement to Collectors ofs per cent., 981 00 Fos and Wild Cat scalps,* 56 44 General Jury and Tip Stares' pay, 1,033 71 Assessors' pay, 541 00 Jailor's fees for keeping prisoners and Turtikey, 225 00 Wood, stone coal, hauling, &c., for public buildings, l5B 89 Repairs at public huildingi, 205 88 Grand Jury and Tip Startle' pay. 421 59 Register, Prothonotary, and Clerk of Sessions. fees, 150 28 Tax refunded to sundry persons, 40 98 Court Cryer's pay, 109 50 Certificates of Constables' returns, 86 79 Counsel fees and extra suite, 50 00 Treasurer of Alms Roust, 8,400 00 Postage and stationery for, Coattails stoners' office, 1 73 97 Notes and interest paid bank and sundry persons, 2.517 67 Quit Rests paid Goo. Rimes'* beim 200 George Myers, Esq., Comesis's pity, .175 50 Henry A. Picking. Esq., • " 175 50 Josiah Benner, Esq., " 175 50 District Attorney's fees. 11l 27 00 Keepingprisoners at E. Pi c i , ey, ( 1855,) 7 77 Hang - Thomas. Sheriff, nveying prisoner to E. Penitentiary, 55 00 Reward on horse thief, (one case and mileage.) Coroner's and Justices' fees for hi- quisition. 29 17 Justices' and Constables' fees for committing vagrants. 31 22 Judgment bucket repaired and re bound, 32 37 Mew Furnace at County Prison, (0. W. Wants.) Surveyor's and Commissioners' pay for running division line of Frank lin and Dienallen townships, John Finley. Esq., contract in full for Conowav Bridge, 1,274 00 Jonas Rautrahn, Esq., contract in full for Big Conowago Bridge, 1,120 00 Jacob King, Esq., contract in part for Muddy Run Bridge, 93 00 0111.ers' pay at Spring election, 413 $0 " - Fall Election, 501 79 DireAors of the Nor pay, 6 1 ) INI Road d.tmages and damage views, 747 62 Repairs nt bridges, 634 52 Henry . Thomas, Esq., for summon- $30,997 06 mg Jurors. Exooerations to Collectors, C 'Hectors' fees, Outstanding Tax and Quit Rents in hands of Collectors. (4799 10 Treasurer's Salary, 337 913 IN TESTIMONY that the foregoing State-, meta of the Receipts and Expeaditures [sahl..]exhibited at the °rice of the Treasurer of said C.iunty, is a correct and true corky. as taken from and oomparod with the original remaining in the books in this Office; we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of raid Office, at Oettysliurv. the sixth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. - HENRY A. PICKING, JOIIA R. BENNER. JACOB It IF FF, N SPERO ER. Commissioners. Attest—J. M. WALTU, Clerk. 433 94 500 30 $5.799 10 AUDITORS' REPORT. CR. Dolls eta. (voutatanding Tax fur 1854, Kan " ' 1851, 210 53 •' •• 1456, 423 62 " Quit Route, 1856, 178 50 " Outstandiug tax 1657, 5,977 87 " Fees for 1 , 45, 14R t► 4 •• 1816, 709 11 Della CU 64 " ", 1857, 90 16 " izonerntioie for 11315, 23 09 CI 1856, 836 66 s 1857, 21 74 Treasurer's Conissisition. 35T. 96 Disbursements on Countrsesieem 22;881 20 $30,097 OG JOB WORK JOB WORK JOIE WORK JOB WORK JOB RORK Cheap at this Office. JOB WORK JOB WORK JOB WORK Blank Deeds, Bic. vOMMON DEEDS, (single and double se. knowledgmeat,) and Deeds for Executers and Administrators with the will annexed, just printed, on superior paper and with new type, at Tax Coariuta °Ace. Summonsaw, gubpaßnas, Bonds, &t.., also on hand and for sale. Dee. 21, 1x57. Notice. HAVING sold my Store, end intending tol 3 - 1 . change my business, I hereby notify all who know themeelreslndebteil to me by Dote or account to call end settle the saute on or before the 20th of Msreh "next, as after that I will collect all claims se Moon as the law wilt allow. I must pay mi liabilities. hiss look out and MVO costa, fur I awn what I say. slan. 18, '5B. of, JOUN 11OKE. _ Ultetniften.lik air( rEt, - nOISS. F—The undersigned bare porebetted the Gitto• eery Store of N. S. MINNIGH, on the :Northwist corner of the-Dinesend, lernierly gocupled by A.B. Karts, where they Insist the attention of all who may Wish Groetriett, Confections, Fruits—Coffee. Us. Seger. Mo bilises, Wt. Starch, Sods, Sputa of Letoons, Figs, Cumnlls, ax. Also, riliSfee. 'torment of chews and Ilegsm. Sant ie. Predisee ts 6 ken is embassy for Vim. kw= - a-scar. September 7, 11157; _ . . . . $:30.997 O 3 IMlNlMlkaa==aCt ~ 1 i30.997 oa .....—.... . ._". „. ii ' „ . . 1 ... . . ,1 _. .1- i lin Good and Cheap ! T IIE undersigned would inform his friends and "the public geheritty.lhit The can tinues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSI NESS, in all its branches, at his establish ment, in East Middle Street, (near the east end,) Gettysburg, Pa., where he has on 'bent I first-rate lot of work, and is prepared (d)PO. up to order whatever may he desired in i3is line, viz :—Rockaway nod Boat-Body • Carriages; Falling-Top,Rock away & Trotting Buggies, Jersey Il'agons, vsfa i ritti Withgood workmen and good material.. be esti pledge his work to he of the best quality: ...and his prices are among the lowest. SErßepairing done at short notice. and at reasonable rates. Country produce-taken-ia , exchange for work. Call I. JACOB TEO= L. June 15, 1857. • 0 - JEWELRY. Watehrii. Tlrtobt, Yintins qui./ tars. Aocordeona. Hartnonicans.Y. Thirty-hoar and Alarm Oloeirtr. nr to bo had at " SA NlM".°l3._ 2A48 171 25 85 50 DEMME! Lumber, Coal ithd - to . Vetr. 1:1:1?—t,„ TIP: undersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of Gettygleirs anti mteinity. that they have entered into a co-partnership. and intend opening a f'o.l r, YARD, on Washington iitreet;iri the year int the Eagle Hotel, where they will trit lierppr to gee ail who may firm them rrith a call. They will furnish every variety of Iflcieksmitn awe Lifiteintrnei x VO.l/ 9 at the lowest porrai b'e wholesale rates, in order to intrartnce it into general use. They alsrl intend keeping a fizll and general a..sortment of L 1 MBER. Is goon as the Railroad is' completed. They 1011 keep continently on hand every-estrirtyef Ci)AL and WOOl l STOVIIS, awning whir& are the celebrated William Penn. ..-fiebte Cook, Royal Cook and lea Snell Cook Stung. Also the 'Charm. Capitol. Victor. Planter, Premium and PAHor Coale Stove'. Air-tight„ Star.. Prankiin, llot-air Parlor ate. Lady Washington. Oak. Onion. Air-tight flare C) tinder, Tropic and Harp Cannon Stoves. Persons wishing to examine their etnek will please call at their Stove IVare Rolm on Went Middle street, et the mill:weer Robert Shreds. 73 50 3 ,1 1 49 947 31 o;7orders prompt'', ottendell to. SH E.% DR, •• C. itElltit BUEHLER Gettysburg, Aug. tt, 1837. The Largest Chair A ND Furniture E.tal,li*llmeliiu Baltinvw• MATIHOT'S GAY S'l'. WAREILMOIS No. 25 North Gely sheet, near Fayette, where are kept nlAya nn band. or mid@ to order, erertAtvle of French TETE-A-TETES, ir. Plush, Hail, Cloth or B roca telle. French Full Stuff anti Me , lallion Parlor ARM CITAIRS, in Pluili, Hair, Cloth or Brocatelle. French Full Stuff Carved PARLOR CHAIRS, in sets, with Plumb, Hair, Cloth or + - SOFAS. half Frenclipring ogapy, and Walnut Parlor. ^CHAIRS, In Hair, Cloth or Pluxh. ROCKING CITAIRS--various designs, in Hair, Cloth and PiMAL • Stuff Spring L0CN01 7 .5 1 --a lar( mitnil ruent alvrnys on lanti, or any pattern made or covered with any .^-'sod` to order. CHAMBER SfllTS—'n Mahogany or Walnut. complete. from 'i;j4 up. CANE CHAIRS and Rocking .dn.--the largest assortment ready muds in any one house in the United State—frona SI2 a doz en up. Bar Room, Office and Dining CHAIRS, in Oak, Walnut or Malioaany. with Cane, Weed or Stuffed Seats—an assortment embracing over sil dozen. Wald seat CHAIRS and SETTEES and 11, 34 .ki nz Chair..—..,vor 100 ilusen. • A. MATIIIOT, 25 North Gay Street, near Fayette street. May 18, 1857. ly • One Dollar & Seventy-five Cents, - - PATD - VP • ' ATM Will Secure the -Regithet- Visit of " Re, eoffipilei." to the Home of-- : any ,Flunily in the Coatntst ITS PERUSAL WILL : . Afford Instrnoticm and Annisonaent. MR, rAvaltS, MOTHERS, BROTITERS AND SISTERS,. OLD Afar E 00; O. - 31-A;/li AND .F.43laUFir• , ~, .iVo family should k without the Conytilor; 11111.111,7 5 oould be. spent in no more : profitable manner thnsrlipaabserikiag ti p ter the - "Conru t En l " which ill furnish you with all Atte T4es oti . ~ Ow nieltets, the marriages an 1 a et . 0 1 14 4 _ Oeetirring iti the eommunity, ; • 6 .ta .', Jo selections of literaturf ir reilif,_ And hunker, . and ,all that go-te.natka ewari ly 3 Mss-rate Family N ~v,Ali. draw the Editor and Prop' g low J. ST • • Li. ' • . l a 18. • - ~ , C. if. SVEITLIIII:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers