Irks Suremisilla lir 11/4.450. Horrible Ikon (tad /acuieats.—Our foreign files Nrnish many additional particulars of the late terrible earth quake in Naples. As ststed yesterday, 3,955 bodies hal been dug from the ruins at tho last accounts, and the num ber of lives lost WWI notimated at front 13,040 to 15,000. A letter dated Na ples, Jan. 2, says : The off:lei:a journal of Wednesday night enumerates 61 places which had suffered in their buildings, and many in their population. Under the name of each place is given a description of the disaster, and this last report alone gives the number of several—say 4,000 or 5,000 additional known to have suffered. Then are described the other casualties, people mained, crushed, others drawn out alive after a fearful sepulture of eight days, reminding us of how many more might have been saved had prop er exertions been made. The latest ac counts, too, awaken considerable appro. bensionsof furtherdisaster. The whole district of Sala is agitated by continual movements of the earth, stronger by night than by day, and these are preced ed by fearful detonations. Moreover, about 9 o'( lock p. m. of the 28th nit., and 6 and half past 7 p. m. of the 29th ult , three strong shocks, lasting 10 to 1:: seconds, were fen., followed by otters less intense. I have also reports to give you from private persons who have visited the scene of ruin. They describe the coun try in many places as crossed with fis sures which at first had been very wide, but now had much closed. During the whole time of their visit the ground was Leaving beneath them. There was uni versal panic and grief, and no light part of it arose from the fact that there was - nu one to search beneath the ruins or to bury their dead. I speak of tho 21st and the 22d ult.—that is to say, of six days after the date of the disaster.— Letters front Brienza, of the 31st ult., say that no relief-had been as yet re ceived. My informants, in wandering through Polla, could get no food, and even bread was wanting in many pine. es. Those who were dug out alive— some after six or eight days of living burial—awoke to famine •and death.— The details which I receive are more horrible than can be easily conceived. Since writing the above other and more afflicting details have arrived of the desolation occasioned by the earth gaaka. Laurenzana, Tito, Brienza and Marsicannovo, have almost entirely dis appeared. The king himself says that upwards of 15,00 t) have perished, and, from what I have heard, says my very sensible - informant, the real number must be nearly double. People who have come from the spot report that the groans of the sufferers were heard from beneath the ruins several days af ter the disaster, and that, horrible to relate, on some holies b.'ing taken out, it vies found that they had devoured a portion of their arms. There were none to aid them, none to excavate the dying, none to bury the dead, poLe to give bread to the famishing. lomposiiiiat tram Itextere. New Oaciams, Jan. 26.—The Pica yune has Siteritatn dates to the lfith.— The news is highly important. The capitol bad been bombarded, with bloody fighting, for several days, in which over one hundred were killed and many wounded. The partisans of Santa Anna hold the citadel and San Domingo and San Augustine convents. A truce for one day was adopted. On the 17th a coalition was marching on the city, and civil war was inevitable. A Iloyal Lady. Our lady readers will be interested in the following description of the Eng lish Princess Royal, %"ictoria's eklost daughter, from the pen of a correspond ent of an Aberdeen journal : .4 With the remembrance, as if It had been yesterday, of the boom of the guns 'which announced her birth, I was scarcely prepared to find her a full grown woman, taller by a couple inches than her mother, and carrying herself with the ease and grace of womanhood. She is perfectly lovely. The regularity of her features is perfect. Ilcr eyes Are large and full - of intelligence, im parOng to her face Mit- sort of merry Aspect which indicates humor. The nose and mouth are elicately and exquisitely- formed, the latter giving effect of great sweetness. The Princess is more like her father than her mother. She is like the queen in nothing but her nose. In all other respects she is a female image of hn• father. I should add, as interesting to your lady readers, that she wJari her hair slightly off her forehead; n.)t, rishe I back in the Eu genia fashion, but brushed latitudinally from tho temples, and raised at the bides above the ear in bandeaus (really the ladies must excuse me if I aintalli ing nonsense, for I have not given that homage to shion whieh would enable inc to speak ex catludra.) Well, at, any rate, the Princess is fair enough to be the heroine of a fairy tale, and Prince Frederick hold consider himself a lucky fellow." A Furtune Chasing a Pretty Woman by Telegraph.—Some two weeks ago there arrived in our city a beautiful young widow of twonty-tive, (a Hungarian by birtb,) on her way to New Orleans, es torte to Havana, were she intended to engage in her profession as a female fhysician. She was alone -- an exile rom' Hungary, where her husband had lived and died a patriot. On Friday last an agent from the house of Itoths- . childis, the great bankers, also reached our city in chase of the beautiful young self-reliant widow, who is intent upon her journey - to Havana. He had been dispatched from Ettrope to seek out the wanderer and bear to her the "glad tiditiss" that she has reeently come in to immense possessions at home, and to invite her to retrace her trip. With the aid of the telegraph he learned that she had arrived safely in New Orleans, andwas stopping at the St. Louis Hotel. A second dispatch, urging her to await his arrival, was forwarded, and he has hastened on to bear to her the informs tioat that she has a fortune of eleven m cins at home awaiting her disposal. —Lestisiille Dem. iiibripititay.—lt is an old saying that ao - apan winter makes a poor bay crop; gra in . nne with which some of the !once of New Bedford, Masa. - Who be baying op and storing tbi arlielli• . . .. in the United State OW hundred and anvil tes. 871:01AL NOTICEM -- • --•---- ' VOTICE is hereby given to all the heir* 10 , -wik. this is trout4sl with say of Diem disecreskils Cemplainta, mock as Jesadiee. Dyspepsia Cr Liver Di*. ' LI an d l ega l representatives o f D AV ID been. of Sar 16.4, tut mite fits to toot, oft matt/ DITZLER, late of 13.,rwick township. Ad rot tile.' un......a'.7 *ultatams ' W• feel that se are clots' 11M11 ouunry, deceased, t..) wit: Mary Diu oJr lora!14 readers an te•alnabl• sonic. If se eau taloa Uwe to get • bottle of Dr sanforl'e larlgarator •ast take ler, wiflow,--Jaeob Ditsler, David Dits it. for ce knee trona pe-soots •sper, item th It it m else of l er, John Y. pi ta t er , Ge,,rge D , ttler, tee grotto.' remedm•for gene,' letntity, tat otm•equeat i•letI•111 boil!) , p 711,1 • • 111 r b•Orli Cl ...... 4 It. gni CM .KI S tog u4Ol Dits.ler, Elisabeth, widow of John perfecta'st complete as to glee mime( UM drat uses wise. Bates. Susannah Ftsler, Mary Dozier. Re se! If it aka to other. so it bas dose to us. ball a Mottle beam, intermarried with Samuel Little, ism be all Mgt le 0..,vi0 I Wo ka..e of sotblei we coo ~ , . nonot mai vr, tit such wallets**, se • Wally takielk, se t...ttriartne, intermarried with Daniel flap/et% Um le•sgerater . Jill I min, intermarried with Daniel March, and ssar.t.. D. Baehler, Agent for GettviOdurg ; S Irak, itite. mirrio , ! with ..I. , hri S. lteisin;:er— Win. Berlin, Ilan ,m er ; and;es It. lieu- a il „,, :, in -a d c. ,..„„,„ „ f Adam., as, C'''- ry. Al),,,tt.stown. Jan• li. 4 w ill in:, Ja...4,1, aq.l E. : i'w•• , , who re‘ide i:, (7" - Flita Ritrrmirtrs —Barr cum Cll. writ thleY. agree voth os 10 the °pluton that the Mamma task is the natural ornament that 1. po••••••• mther by • strotl•han or a lady Jost meet as apparmitly rod loot. itut awl ter leatoom!. II the street pm 'Amite les fee. tore*, whiskers. mat opera! henries, hot lo h. I tfts bu bat is raa,tto.t/on of your boor, sal th• Mama& has •aa &Mimi fur lehatio.l a wratea on hie bald heel, oat the glory to.. departed er,th the loon. that Os,. doer lobed luourtou!lr U.,. I o lb., caw of • lady. the Mai"". pooi,o• r woo es.. remind:as 0011 of lb. cot. oa weld' the f..linirtas spasms is leesee4 • • ' pre ma, fair Mauna, a luck of your hair," A baahtol y”an{ lor,r took cascara ea! sighed : .• 't was 1110 {AI ream, alea • ul.ktest req•est foo take rigs wolLi Ind," the afar. ciumitore replied. Nov, to prevent each • catintropiie, Is mitten the power of .very lady sad senttehno for, by smog Prof Weed*. Hair Esrtoruits••• hour ta out noty pr•rwited hoot tallies oft or tames gray. but the artiel• will restore hair tablet! places; ••••i a it barn ellaesed emor amt hewn. gray, it wilt bring it beck to its prttao• [oust/ awl lea snows.— These who are aosaalutol with the anatomy,athyskilegy tad pathology of the hair, mast be well aware that sorted' sehatesion Imre& spicier setma epos it; and II is h • ie. oumbt•atuie of Moot that krt.( Wood ha, pecap.l,4 in compoaniftes • maters p0re...44 of remultable —Ellfaverly flasavue mol Literary (tuella. S /LIP f ALL LiccuJisrs. Jau. 25. 2w. irr A PIIIIFICT COLS rr ICILD emit —Prom the tor a tb• ?Cow York Mirror, Log Y —AM , it four weeks lines. oho of the eenntomistoro of the omos woo asadOriasit as bell, from a Soo gb that be was teiabl• to shop isiwbtit. and too we to Mond at bin cue. Ho beams miry pal. oat this. util gars isper.owia of fella; • •ietim to quiet eon imorptioa We rommansemiled to him ransom mostieinet. which bad so salmi /Sadly. wo giro blot oast bola* of Wtotar'• Bahasa of Wit 4 Murry. It atfordtt bi m iso ale relief, eel he is mow • ••11 mu. end ant tag olightmt apsoptout of a sough. Thew are facia. awl forth*, par- Ueetar• may be loomed at thloodloo. We email rid that the meth in lb* atom* awe was weencopoomd be profiles opettieg of Mood. hoesigeasiao IMAM oo tbo wrapper. Sere W. Fowti it Co., 13R Washington street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their a•rente everywhere. A. D., Gettys burg.r Jan. 25. 2vr Die, itit4l.. "Tlurw *wars the will 6s4tluor, °maw wliwl or some snow; Wall stood by. our Giber however It blow." MARRIED, On the 14th ult., by the Rev. A. .1. Murray, Mr. JACOB LIVINUSTON, of Adams county, to Miss RaIECCA HULL, of York county. Oa the 21st alt. in Petersburg, by Rev. S. W. Seibert, Mr. JAMBS NICKEL to Miss BAR BARA GARDNER, both of Huntington twp. On the same day, by the same, Mr. SOLO MON GLATFELTER to Miss SARAH ANN BENTZ, both of Warrington township, York county. Oo the 19th ttlt., by the Rev. Mr. Jo 8. BOWLING to Miii SARAH JANE 11cCONNEL—both of 114miltonb.An township. TO Iaq!). 104/011 00 trete, the matt of mu le roost ; Noe go Neu is loath. sow oltbertng 40 the truant." DIED, On Monday morning last, in Liberty township. this county, Mrs. CA THARINE, wife of Michael Correy, in the 7341 year of her age. As a wife, parent, friend or neighbor, the subject of this notice was truly • model worthy of imitation, and p3sseised in • remarkable degree the virtues which are calculated to adorn the true Christian. On Thursday last, in Emmitqbtirg, Mr. WIL LIAM T. HOW) , aged ♦2 ye.trs, late of Har per's Ferry, Va. [Frederick papers please copy.] Ou the 22d ult., GEORGE WASHINGTON, son of Mr. Samuel Lohr, of Franklin town ship, this county, aged 8 years 6 months and I' days. On the IGth ult., in Franklin township,, SUSANNA. CATTSIJALL, in the 76th year of her age. Ou the 25th ult., Mrs. CATRARINE LOWER, wife of Mr. John Lower, of Arendts►ille, aged 57 rears tl months and 5 days. Very suddenly, on the 17th ult, in Mount plmtoant township, Adams county, GREGORY SMITH, son or Mr. Peter Smith, aged 18 years 2 months and 10 days. The deceased possessed excellent qualities, and was 'atomised by all who knew him. Died, at Quiebrahacha, Cuba, on the dlh of November, in her 23d year, Mrs MAIII:t R. LRISEN, daughter of Col. J. J. Kuhn, of this county. She was married in July, and soon after removed to Cuba; where she was taken with yellow fever, (at that time prevalent on the Island,) and sank tinder. that fatal disease. Thus in the bloom of her youth and hope, has been called asr.ty one, whose worth and talent had endeared ler to a large circle of friends. from whose hearts Death alone will erase her memory. Truly, "She was the loved of all, Yet none o'er her lone grave may weep." Ma, she rest in peace. ON THE DEATH OF MRS. LICISF.N. cosier SWAM. Thou'rt gout, sister, thy trials are o'kr, Thy spirit is now with the blest; Thotert forcer gone from this desert shore, To the land where the saints are at rest. And they've buried thee, dear, 'neatla the cross You luv'd so the bless'd grave yard— Where the gentle showeriwill cool the sod, And elothe thy grave with a vernal sward. Bat we're lonesome, mournful, sad, sister, Since thy gentle voice we'll ao more hear— Thine absence from oar circle, sister, Fore'er has buried oar joy and cheer. Oh little we thought, six months ago, Ere you set sail from your native strand, That this sad day you'd be 'Lipping low In the cold, cold grave of a foreign land! But we must. must not murmur, Maria, At the decree of the Virgin's :.;012. But we rather should be blithe and happy, To know and serve him beyond the tomb. C. E. E. ig4Pket Aepoiis. Co rreirtird from' the latest &LIU atom . Yortrk• Miswrite papers Budtinture--Frida.y last Flour, per barrel, $4 50 45 4 62 Wheat, per bushel, 1 05 (5 1 30 ltye, • " G 8 (.5, 75 Corn, 51/ 56 Oats, 31 33 Clover-seed, " 5 50 5 62 Timothy-seed," 2 00 (4 - t 2 25 Beef Cattle, per hand., 600 850 Hogs, .. 662 687 Hay, per ton, 12 00 16 00 Whiskey, per gallon, 19 (4 20 Guano, Peruvian, per ton. 05 00 Hanover—TU/11day last. Flour, per hbl., from wagons, $4 12 Do. " from stores, 475 Kheat, per bushel, . 90 41 60 e, 62 Crn, .45 ~ Oats, Cloverseed, " Timothy, " Plaster, per ton, l'Ork—,Fridety fort. Floor, per bbl., from wagons, $4 00 Do., " from stoma, 500 Wheat, per bushel, ST (i) 1 05 Rye, 411 65 Corn, ~ {ft 45. Oats, ~ 28 Cloyorreed, " 5 00, Timothy, " 200 Motor, per toe,, 6 50 AL Bargain Olbred. yawl, a irst•rate Bose-body Carriage, tbayery bag lay* bandsoin•- be eokt at • BAB, (CUL Ili lasing seam" liataire mon at ria Cbesipeiar oleo, in Ciatejsbars. Feb. 1. rid cowl ty, M 1., Manchester, and Sarah Reisinger and husband, George Ditzler and Rebecca Little and husband reside in and near Galion, Crawford county', Ohio, and Jahn Y. Ditzler, who resides in Huntsville. Logan county, Ohio—that an INQUEST will be held on the following property. vitt: A Farm, situate in Berwick township, adjoin ing l ands of Samuel Baugher, David Bucher, Charles Scbrtscht, Frederick Ls,ughatan, Jacob Wolfurd, and Peter Klunk's heirs, containing 73 Acres and 33 Perches, more or lea, with the appurtenances ; also, a Tract of Wood land, in same township, adjoining lands of Samuel Ditzler. George Null. Spangler. and otbers,oon min in g 15 Acres, more or him-- ow Wednesday, the 24th of February init.. at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said premises, to make par tition thereof, to and amongst the heir. and legal representatives of said deceased, if the same will admit of partition, without preju dice to or spoiling the whole thereof; but if the same will nut admit of such partition, to inquire how many of said heirs it will con veniently accommodate—and part and divide the same to and among as many of them as the saute will accommodate ; bat if the same will not admit of division at all without pre judice to or spoiling the whole thereof, then to value and appraise., the same, whole and ndiT Med-- wit or eof all persons interested are hereby notified to attend. ISA.iC LIGHTNER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Feb. 1. td TILE subscriber , intending to remove to the AL West, will sell at Public Sale, at his resi dence, in Cumberland townihip. Adams county, on the Millerstown road, 2 miles from Gettysburg, ea Thursday, the 4th of March nee, the following property, viz: I Horse, 2 C .we, One.hurse Wagon, Wood Ladders, 1 Buggy, 2 B:acks of Hay, 1 set of Blacksmith Tools. 6 *caps of Bees, 1 Cut Rifle, I Soot Gun, Grindstone, Wheelbarrow, lot of Shingles and floartls. &c. Also, House hold and Kitchen Furniture, such as Tables and Chairt, 2 Bureaus, Bedsteads, 2 Corner Cupboards, Clock Case, Mantle Cluck, 2 Stands. Case of Drawers, Cooking Stove and Pipe, Copper Kettle, Sink, Tube ; S de &ladle. Cross-cut S tw, and many other articles, too numerous to mention. 'Sale to commence at no'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendant,e will be given and terms made known by Feb. 1, 1858. to JOUN BUTT, Sr. Public Sale. T ITS subscribers, Executors of the estate of HERIIST, d °ceased, will sell at Pub lic S de, on Me*day. the 21/day of .Vareh next, et the late residence of said dot:tithed, near the Millorstown road, one mils west of Gettys burg. the following roloolde personal proper t•. H mass. 2 :Pilules, 7 fine Cows, 3 Steers, Young Cattle, Hogs, 3 Wagons, one broad tread with bed, bows and cover, one narrow tread, and a one li..rse wagon. a Cu'. tinge, Steigh, S'ed, flay Lulders. Ploughs, harrows, shovel ploughs, corn forks, horse rakes, grain drill, grain cradles. scythes, winnowing mill, rolling screen. forks and rakes, sp:eadert, log and fifth chains, cow chains, horse gears, 3 Ay nets, fuddles and bridles, crowbar, wheelourruw, jack screw. grind stone, liny by the ton, grain in the ground, L. Also, household and Kitchen Furniture, such as tables. chairs, cupboards. case of drawers, chest.,, clock and case. beds and bediling„ carpets, wool wheels, spinning wheels, reels, c o pper and iron kettles. pots, cooking stove, ten plate stoves and pipe, lot of bacon, bird, apple butter, a variety of books, with many other articles too numerous to mention, air SAO to commence at 0 o'clock, A. M.. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by SANICP.F. HERBST, JJIIN HERBS". February 1. t■ Ezenitors. COVVVYiCATZD OF VALUABLE PERSONAL ESTATE.— N.' The subscriber, Administrator of the e - tate of Jostra Smila. deceased, will sell at Public Sale, at the late residence of said de ceased. in Mountplessant township. Adams county. on the road loading from Gettysburg to Hanover, 4 miles from the former place, on Tktraday, Ike 4a of ifareA next, the fol lowing Personal Property, viz : 8 head of Horses. (including a mare with foal,) 6 Milch Cows, 6 Heifers, I Bell, Sow and Shoats, a broad-tread Wvon, with bed, bows and clov er, 1 narrow-tread Wagon, Hay Ladders, Stone Bed, 1 Carriage. Ploughs and Harrow", Winnowing Mill. Cutting - Box. Cloverseed Stripper, Horse Gears. fifth, log, halter and cow Chains. Forks, Rakes. Grain Cradles. Szythes, oke.: Hay by the ton. Corn by the bushel. and Grain in the ground. Also, Household and K hottest Furniture. as tollows : Tables and Maim, Beds. Bedsteads and Bed ding. Case of Drswere,• Cooking filtov• and Pipe. Iron Kettle. with other articles : Bacon ant Lard. by the pound, 2 nape of Bees. 1 smooth Rifle. a lot of hogsheads, with a varie ty of other articles, too numerous to mention. Mir Sale to commence at IA o'clock, A. M.. on said day, when attendanoe. will be given and terms made known by GEO. SMITH, ddia'r. Feb. 1, 1868. is New Lumber Yard, AT NEW OXFORD.—The undersigned would inform the public that he has opened a LUMBER YARD, on a large seale. in the town of New Oxford, Adams county, to which the Gettysburg Railroad has been all. ready extended. llis assortment embrinsta all kinds of Lumber—Panel. First and Se w if COlllllllBll and Calling Boards, First Second Common and Culling Plank, Hem • Fowling Boards, Hemlock Joists, Scantling, Plastering Lath, headed - and plain Paling, Ac., Le., to He invites calls from those in want of Lumber, feeling a.vsured that in quaky or prior, his stock CAN'T BB BILAT. He will en deavor to deserve A large share of public pa tronage. JACOB AULABAUGIL Feb. 1, 1858. THE undersigned would reap/eh:Illy request all persons indebted to him, by note or book account, to make immediate payment. All amounts unpaid on the first of April next, will be placed in the hands of Hamar A. PICCING, gsq., for collection. Yob. I.:t JACOB AULABAOGII. JOAN B. McPHERSON'S ESTATE.—Let ten teltamentary on the *stew of Jobn B. McPherem, late of Gettysburg, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same place, he hereby gives notice to all persons in debted to said estate to estate immediate payment, and those having claim* against the same to present them properly ultimo dotted for settlement. EDWARD McPHERSON, Es'r. Feb. 1, 1868. 61 25 5 00 1 60 6 60 Terra Culture Meeting. rfttlIZRE will be s meeting of the Menailet; 1 Terra Culture Society, held is the public School House, in Bendersvilia. on gatarday, Lie 28LA of February iasf., at 1 o'clock, P. M. A❑ persons wbo have been Waimea on Terra Culture by Professor Comstock are in ♦ited to attend. Br Qua' Qv Socarraar, Feb. 1. td WM. B. WILSON. 11010113 NT amid Seep Meow he is it NORDIVE it. Notice of lzurnest. Public Sale. Publio Sale Notice. Es.eoutoris Notice. Public Sale. rill Subscriber, having sold his Farm. sad intending to go West, will sell at Public Sale. at his residence. hall a mile south of Iliddletown. Butler township, Adams minty, Pa., on Wednudny, Thursday and Friday. th• 171/1, 18th and 19th days qf Mara nee, all his movable property, (which bss hews bat a few years in use)—.l well selected lot of Farming 1m plea:tarts, a good lot of Horses and Cattle. a fullest of elegant Cart,entur's rOOl4, (ail good as new ;) and, intending to quit house-keeping, nearly every article in` the hu ise will lie sold 11 ,, rges, Cattle. efr.-1 heavy Bay Draught liorce, 1 heavy Brown Draught ItLire. 1 heavy Brown Draught Mare, with foal to the Com pany Cobham. new owned by J. Y. Bushey, Esc' , 1 Bay Horse. 3 years old, 1 blood-bay Scallion, (blooded stock) 2 year, old. 1 Black Mare, 2 years old, 3 Stall-fed Cattle, 2 of which weigh upwards of 2)00 lbs. each, 3 Mitch Cows, S Heifers, 1 extra Roan Dothan, 8011, 1 small Enll. Farming llissuat.-1 broad-tread four. horse Wagon, (u good as new) with bed. bows and cover, 1 marrow-tread four-hors. Wagon and time bed, 1 spring Wftoo, for 1 and 2 horses, with bed, bows and cover, 1 Carriage, for 1 and 2 hJraes (new,) 1 Buggy, 1 Cart, 1 posh Cart, 1 hand Wagon, 1 extra MeCormac Reaper. 2 Wheel-barrows, 1 With trow Plough, 1 Lloyd Plough, 1 Woodcock Plough, 1 single shovel Plough, 2 doable shovel Ploughs. 2 corn forks, 1 new three horse harrow, 1 new two horse harrow, 2 three horse trees, 2 double trees, single treacoleri•- ma, 3 pair spreaders, 2 mattocks, 2 digging irons, 5 shovels, 2 spades, a lot of hoes, corn rakes, 2 keel trough?, sled, doable ro!ler, horse rake, heavy log chain, light log chain, filth chain, sixth chain, 3 jockyi tag sticks, jack. screw, 10 oil-cans, extra Thrashing Machine. Lancaster Wheat Fan, corn *holler, 2 grain shovels, 2 grain cradles, 2 eover cradles, 4 scythes and lunches, sickles, bay rakes. 5 rich forks, 4 manure forks, 9 slacking forks, mg wagon, extra cutting box, bay pitcher, ro t e and ponies, 3 ladder., extra giinalstone, hay by the ton, wheat by the bu4hei, corn anal oats by the bushel, a lot of boards, a lot of oak joists, a lot of p:ne joists, plank for stone bed, 2 sets hay carriages, extra post b mug machine and auger. a one wagon bed, a lot of begs, an assortment of baskets, lot of brick, harrow siod,..with a variety of other ar ticle.. llurse Gears, (as good as arm )- -2 sets t breech bands, 4 sets front gears. 2 sets heavy ' harness for spring wagm, *tits carriage har ness. (new;) 1 sat bug&v harness, 9 horse col lars, 10 pear bames, 7 pair long traces. 4 pair butt chains. 4 housings, 8 blind bridles, 4 riding bridles, wagon line, plough line, pair check lines, single line, wagon whip. 2 riding saddles, wagon saddle, 2 side sidditis, 11 leather halters with chains. 4 leather fly nets, 2 fancy do., a lot of cow ehains,sleigh Skip nots.—Mall and wedges, poet axs, rail pointing axe, 4 falling ales, broad axe. hand axe, hatchet, 8 hammers assorted, 4 , drawing k nives, 2 spokeshaves, shaving horse, work bench and screw, iron vie_, anvil. 14 extra angers assorted, extra brace and 45 Wits, lot of tiles. full set tenant chissels, full set morticing do. c atiparis and caliber. cross cut saw. 2 hand sows tenant saw, whip saw, co iipass. jack plain. double fore plain. single anwoilimg pleiu, double smoothing plain, tin t shears. spirit level. tai e tine 4) feet. squares, cornar chisse's. saddler's bench and too.s, shop stoic and pipe. bridle bits. buckles and rings. extra monkey wrench, pruning hcok. I bmseludd and Kiteken laraiture.—Tables, chairs. settees. beds.eada, bedding. cooks use' and pipe. ten-plate stove and pips. bureaus, wash stand*, a vane y of carpeting, looking glasses, copper kettle. iron kettle, holiow-, ware, qu ens-ware., steel. ya ds, (correct, weighing 400 lbs.) scales and weights, barrels, tuba. weal *ease's, churns, milk crucial. apple-be ter, lard, bacon. 2 extra ; butf.,lo robes, vinegar. a lot of fruit dryers, shot gun, potatocs. and so forth. s:"Oli the first day, 1 Mt, will be sold all the meek, Wagons, and continue at Panning Tools ; on the second day. 18th. commence at and co itinue until d me ; and on the tbr,nd day, 19th. will be sold what is left. t In the voters. of the 1 itth it will be pi:lmbed at what ti ion the sale of Shop Tools wil l roommeiCe. tO"Sale to commence •t 81 o'clock. A. M . of each day, wben attendance all! b. 3 given ■nd tensed made known by A LEX.V.ADER HOSER. Feb. t. 1858. to Timber-land and Farm, ATP UBLIC SALE.—WiII be offered at Public Sale, on /'ciilay. Me 51h shay of .3f4rck ne.ri, on tho premises, a Tract of Tim bsr-land, containing 1 - .5 Acres, situate in Franklin township. Alums county. 21 miles southwest of Cashtown, and well covered with Chesnut and Chesnut-Oak Timber of the best quality—the tract to be sold in ,Lote of from 5 to 10 'Acres each. Sale positive. Tie subscriber will also,nn said day, offer at public outcry, his FARM, adjoining the above. eon tnning lOQ Acres, with a Two- • Story HOUSE, Frame Barn, 290 •-• n Apple trees audother fruit there- 'if 11 on. birPertypswishing to view _ _ the premises. are requested to cell on tue subscriber. residing on the farm. ItirSole to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on said day. when attendance will be given and terms made known by WILLIAM BOLLER. SiirSix or Seven hundred Locust Posts will be sold on said day. ' - Feb. 1, is Notice. T" plaoe of seeds, of the Gerirrsatto Bassricrit. AmoclArtoathas been chang ed fr.itti Malmaughy's Ball to II e Eagle 1-I.)tel. The members of the Aettociatioa, will, therefore, meet at the latter place oa the evenigg of Saturday, Feb. Gth, at 6 o'clock. .• R. G. HARPER. Sec's/. ser.thoor Ow adjournment of the meeting s numbweif Caws, Table. Caudle-stick', Pitcher, Umbiers, &c., will Wield at pub- ha outcry, for the cash. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees sad +A other persons concerned tgat the Adhnia ietration 'amounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's aunt of Adams C.maty for confirmation and allesranee, on raeaday, the 2.3 d deg February sex!, at lihielock. A. A. vat .**- 7. The account of 11 in Brough, Ex ecutor of the last lie - Mut testament of Michael Hanes, Intact Hampton, Adams county, deceased. 8. the first account of Albert W. Storm, Administrator of the estate of John Felty, deceased. 9. The first account of Daniel Golden, Executor of the last will and testament of George Golden, deeeased. 10. The account of Isaac B. and Peter Trostle, Executors and Testamentary Trustees under the Will of Abraham Trostle, deceased—of the heirs of Sarah Stoke, deceased. 11. Tile first account ofJohn flowery and Abraham Bixler, Administrators of the estate of Adam "Mowery, deceased. 12. The account of Anthony Dear dorff, one of the Administrators de boats non cum testacy:go annex° of John Arendt, Esq..llate of the township of Franklin, Afton county, Pa., dec'd., settled by Besimin Deardorff; Admin istrator of ¶b. *tate of said Anthony Deardorff; Ic,tejliatheased.•• ZAOff 411111.1111 MYERS, Regirter. Register's OfEes, Getty,- t burg, Jan. 25, 111.59. I fiLTEBNSWARE.—Person wishing to pur- W., chase Qimensware will do well by examin ing the large and well selented assortment at H. S. & E. IL Minsmas'. aROOKRIZS. —lf you wont a good assort %74 'sent of Groceries, such as Syrups, Mk- Wan, Sow sad Coffee. you will do Iran by izemehdag th aeoettioess at H. 8. b E. U. XissioliVe RECEn'TS & EXPZNDITIIRMS OP ADAMS CO., FOR 1857. COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, ADM'S Cotrwrr. Pa. AGREEABLY to an Agit of Assembly, entitle I "An Act t rake County Rates and L - vies." requiring the Commissioners of the respective counties to publish a Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures yearly, We, the C Inpn:stioner. of rage, of said ( L k Report as follows, to wit : from the 6th day of January, A. D.,18.17, to tiro sth day of Janu ary, A. V., 183 S—butte days incdasive : J. L. &Luca, E4q., Troasurer, and the COILMSSIONERS, in account with tho County of Adams, a. foltows : Disibt. cis. To Cosh In hands tf Treasurer pt last settlenunit. $Bl6 90 Outstanding County Taxes to hand' of Collectors, • 6,439 40 " Qait Bents. 178 AO County Rates& Levitt asseresdferlB67. Borough of Gettysburg. 61.209 77 do. Quit Buts, 178 60 curubmland township. - 1,145 67 Germany 4, 718 28 Oxford " 1.221 79 Huntington " 1,193 61 loatinsore ' ", 864 20 Hamiltonban • " 1.44)6 44 Liberty S 4 714 09 Hamilton .. 900 69 Mermllen ei 869 78 Straban " 1.033 24 Fraullin "' 1,164 42 Conowagp '' an 16 Trrone .. 620 56 liountjoy .. 883 $5 Mountplesalint " 1,253 74 Reading, " 1,040 49 Berwick • Of 172 96 Berwick Borough 391 73 Freedom G. . 397 08 Union 4.11 1,183 94 Barlett; .. 836 30 •• 20,551 19 Lnan from Bank &sundry persons. 2.500 00 Abatement OR State Quota fur 1857, 684 ::.1 Cash frim H. Thoions, Sheriff, for By orders paid out as follows By auditing st settling public accounts, 42 00 R. S. litgreiri, IN.. Auditor, nful ' by digerati. to audit pub- CL (Aces, 1 15 00 Printing, blanks, kn., 357 12 Shard's bills of Court eats, 927 83 Clark's par, V3O 00 Abatemeni to Colleetbre ofs per osat., 981 00 Fe: and Wild Cat scalps, 56 44 General Jury and Tip Stares' pity, ,1,033,171 Assessors' pay, 541 05 Jailer's fees fur keeping prisoners and Turnkey, Wood, stone coal, hauling, Lc., for public buildings, Rflpsirs at public buildings, Grand Jury and Tip B:aves' pay, Register, Prothonotary, and Clerk of Somiuns, fees, - ISO 28 Tau refunded to sundry persons, 40 98 Court Cryer's pay, 109 - 50 Certificates of Constables' returns, 88 79 Counsel fees and extra suits, 50 00 Treasurer of Alms House, 8,400 00 Postage and stationery fur Comn4a sismers' unite. -'-- N‘.tes and interest paid bank and • sundry persons 2,517 67 Quit Rents p Lid duo. Hitnes's heirs, 200 George Myers, Esq., Commis's pay, 175 50 Henry A. Packing. Esq , " 175 50 Josiah Bonner, Esq., " 175 50 District Attorney's fees. " 27 00 Keeping prisoners at E. Penit'y,(lBss,) 7 77 Henry Thotnay. Sheriff, conveying prisoner to E. Penitentiary, Reward on horse thief, (one ease and mileage,) Coroner's and Justices' &e lm for in ! quisition, Justices' and C sustables' fees fur I committing vagrants, Judgment Docket repaired and re bound, New Furnace at County Prison, (G. s W. Wants.) S irreyor's and Commissioners' p i y $30,997 06 for running division line of Frank ====''''t lin and Alenallen townships, The outstanding County Tax and Quit Betas John Finley. Esq., contract in full appear to he in the Anal,. of Use following , for Conowa 40 Bridge, 1,274 00 Colledors, to wit : !Jonas Itsatzahn, Esq., contract in Trans. ootiostoos. Townships. full for Big Conowago Bridge, 1,120 00 1854. Sohn E. Helices. Huntington, Ft 53 Jacob King, Esq.,iPsatzas6 j3,,..part 1855. Michael Crawl, Franklin, 67 'es ' for Muddy Itun Bridge, 93 00 .. &nand Sadler, Tyrone, 141 28 Of .zers' pay at Spring election, 413 86 1856. S.unuel Weaver,dettvehurt 8., 203 2 3 : , t " Fall Election, 501 79 4. '• Quit Rena, 178 50 ire , lors of the Poor pay, fel 00 " henry Sloyhaugh, Butler, 220 . ial damages and damage views, 747 62 1857. Hairy U. C. Gettysburg 8., 528 77 Repairs at hrid 4 es, 634 52 " " Quit Keats, 178 50 Henry Thomas, Esq., for summon " William 11.,.. , Cutniterland,t 851 32 i tug jurors. " drwoh Klustk, Germany, 1 4 1 28 Ex"nerations to Collecters, " I)Ast;el Ileluell, Oxford,* 276 79 C acetone fees, " Peter Mill ~r,lllntington,t 216 61 ;Outstanding TAX a n d Q u it Ra n t s in " Jacob Stitsell, Latimore, 194 21) I 11.unlv of Collectors, 6,700 10 " George Krise, Liberty, 116 Is 6 , Treasurer's Salary, . 331 96 •• Daniel Lynch. Ilamliton, 1)0 69 " David D.lll, Menallen, 169 78 " John MoCrenrv. Straban,f 512 66 " Morn Itebert;Pranklin, 219 20 " Anth'y mowago, 573 . 16 " Jacob Pittenturf, Tyrone, 250 56 " Moses Hartman, ,N 1 suntioy,* 322 33 " John 31c3laiter, M'tpleasant,f 653 74 " Samuel Orndorif, Readin4,* 107 43 " W:.n. Bittinger, Berwick,* 91 73 " Francis Wilson. Berwick Bir.,• 37 93 " Peter Long, U.iiiin,t 433 94 " lisrkliart 'dart, Butler,t 500 30 Jury fees And fines for 1857, 61 00 Dividend fr.►m Water Company, 24 00 Camh from .15'pli Martin, cost refunded, 15 00 on Judgment of D. Taylor and on note of M. Cash from M. Gets, no, inquest held on the leely of A. Kituhen, Cash front A. [Life, road damages re funded, Cash from O.LMvers, and IL A. Picking, Em., for Lumber, 10 25 Alditiliial Tax for 1857, 90 07 Exonerated Tux from sundry persons, 10 50 Balance due Treasurer, 519 87 Those market this (*) have pat 1 in full since settle.nezit. Those !narked thus (t. ) hare since pail in part. S.nee the settle• went the aunt 4113,1 tJ vi has been pa:4l lo tto the Treasury. leaving in the hands of C4l - s3,t 75. 'rile Csiunty is free from Jabs. • T+ tie Hotnrssl4 144 Judges of Me Cuurt , t 1 CUMINOIS Pleas of Ades*. County. WE. tho ullerlignod, duly elected Auditors to souk ana adjust the Public Accounts of " the Treasurer and C.nomissiocers of sai d convey, having been motif" or affirmed agreeably to law, report the following to he a general oaten:mad,' omid aeootents from the Bth day of January, A. D., 1851, to the sth day of January, A. D.. I!tsB—both days in clusive : J. L Scnicc, Esq., Treasurer, and (2.,rnossromitas, in account with the County of Adams. Cash in' hands of Treasurer at last settlement. 815 90, Outsteuvling County Tar end Qait Rents in handi of C.llectors, 5,617 90 'Amount of County Tax and Quit Rents assessed fur 1857, 20,501 14 Loan from Bank and sundry persons. 2,500 00 Ab atemen t on st a te Qauta for 1857. 634 21 Cash from 11. Thomas, Sheriff, fur Jury fees and fines for 1A57, 01 01 Dividend from Water C.nuoauy, 24 00 Cash frnui,lo'ph Martin, Gist refunded, 15 00 Cash on Judgment of D. Taylor and on note at M. P 59 59 Cash front M. Gets on inquest held ' on the body of A. Kitchen, 17 58 Cash from A. Rife,, road damages ' refunded. lO 00 ICa•k front o.lfiers and fl. A. Pick y ins. Esp... for lunther, 10 25 Ad4itioa4 Tax for 1857, 90 07 exonerated Tsx' from staeolry persons, 10 50 Balance due Treasurer, 519 87 WE, the undersigned, ,Auditors of - the County et Adam% Ponirryfranla. elected and sworn " in pursuance of law, do Report, that we met, Old smsdi4, settle and adjoin aceordingto law, the account of the Treasurer and Commissioners of said County, commencing on the Old' day of January, I fibl, and ending on thelith day or Janaittc.lBsB —both - da' inclusive : that mid abowass, a. settled shore, and entered of resoniuli Sittle:ucit Book, in the Coin laissioawnia 464 of Arierms.aranty, ia corm* and that we Awl • balance due J. L. &hick. Log., Treasurer of Adams County, in eirsb, by said County, of rive Hundred and Nineteen Dollars and frigtrty-seren Cent. ($519 BT.) and the Outetanding Tages, Sis, Thous and Seten lloadred and Ninety-niu• DAlars and Ten Cents, ($8.799 10.) JOHN HAUPTMAN, CHRISTIAN CASHMAN, Auditors. ISAAC II ERETER, Jib. 1 February I, 11458. 4t New •Court H0U1513. SEALED Propoaals will be received at th e Aloe of the Commiseiosere of Attains county, anti! 3 o'clock, P. M., ea liresekv. h. 23d day of February accf, hr the erec tion, in the &rough of Gettysburg, of a new COURT HOUSE, 50 by SS} feet, two stories in height, With cupola, &e. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Ootnmissioners' Once, on and after Monday, the lit of February. 'HENRY A. PICKING, JOSIAH BENNER. JACOB RAFFENSPERGER, Attest— Coosmissionsrs J. M. WALTst, Clerk. JAn. 2S, 1853. A Large Supply of Lumber, PICLUDING eery quality of River Pine. Ljust received, and for sale, at very low prices, at the Yard of SHEADS k BUEHLER, ors the Corner of Washington and Railroad Streets, jnst in the rear of the " They have also or hand a large variety of Plasterina Lathes, Shing/isty Lathes. and Real Hnsite. (for gimlet' fencing.) which they will sell low. Orders for any amount can be promptly tiled. Builders, before per. chasing elsewhere, will find it to their ad vantage to examine qualities and prioes.— Also, • superior, article of B&A , .kvesilh Coal, at 33 ate. per bushel. Gettysburg, Jan. 25,1858. ALL kinds of Cedar and Willow-ware, for rololow by GILLESPIS b THOMAS. oton Au s sad Oonfeedons, Me* sad k s Fjun mnit ow shy. so be bad et GMLESPIE & THOMAS. • 4•111111001. • ••• ••-•••• DR. EME 17 58 10 00 SC; ,T 9 AUDITORS' REPORT. DEL Delta. Cil6 $.3(3,997 06 L CIL TES CI3IONY thst the toreT,aing State moi.t of the ll...zeints and Etpsnditures [se•tiesnihited at the ee of the Treasurer of said C enty. it a correct and true corr. as taken from and compared with the original rein Lining in the Emits in this Offiee, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of raid o.see, at Gettysburg, the sixth day of Jaaoary, one thourand eight hundred nod fifty-eight. /I SNRY A. PICKING, • JO if All BENNEIL . JACJd KAFFENIPERGER, C114,4144119i4er1. Attest-4. M. Ws unit, Clerk. 11)44 4. By outstanding r3x for' 1R54, 8 96. 58 " . It'sl, 210 53 .. " i ißid, 423 62 " Quit Rents, 1R56, 178 50 '• On titan ding tax 1817, 5,977 87 " /leg fur 1455, 14S 04 1. " 184, 709 11 0, 0. 1817, 90 16 " Exoneration* for 1855, 23 09 0 0 1816, 336 .66 i. " . 1857. 21 74 Treasurer... 3 Conainissina, 333906 Diabursesueuts vu Cvuuty orders,.NlMl 20. • ;:-..,...-:.......;,:: EGSI I Grand Jury Report. rpo the Honorable the Judges of the Court of A Quarter S.issions of the Peace, in gad for the County of Adams : ! The Grand Inquest, having visited the County Prison and the Alms Mune, take ' pleasure in making Report to your Honors, !that they have found everything in a condi• tion calculated to leavers favorable impression on our minds. The new Furnace in the IPrison seems to work well, and admirably an ( ewers the purpose designed. The prison wall iwe And insufficient in several places. The I Prison exhibits evidence of cleanliness and I proper attention, on the part of the Sheriff land his family. At the Alms House, we also found similar evidepce of devotion to dutv on 'lmpart of the Steward and his family. 'the buildings and grounds are in good order and every effort seems to be made to carry out the bOeficent purposes of the Institution. It gives us pleas ure tbds to be able to testify to the good I management of both Prison and Alma Rouse, and to tender our acknowledsmenta to both Sheriffand Steward for their courteoni de t portment in furnishing us every facility to examine the department++ under their charge. Jan. 85. 1858. J. J. KETEIN. Foresees's. The County Map 'WILL be delivered m the Subscribers in Idcentpl'eant,Ostbrd, Berwick, Ham i I ton , .to.. in *few clays. Those wishing Maps who have nut subscribed must give me Douce lin la*liaug.T, es the lass odium' will soon be printed. & OLDIVEBSE. Feb. 1, Int Si (10111EAN & PAXTON hays all the Utast litylai of Plash, Par, aad Cloth Cap. OT' V AMY All LE PERSONAL PROPERTY. —Tile so Isseri bcc, intending to discontioue farmin4. will ~ fror Pablic Sale, at his mi. dence. trrilsliorg Milk,' in Liberty town skip. Adele 4 emttlty,•.! miles west of remit.. burg, Mil., on the W.tynesbnro' Tatupikth on dlotulay. rkr 15ti day of itsrrh, sea. till f0i 1.," ill: : valuable per.c.nril property, via TEN HEAD OF ilOl2: 1 1%. 1 4, „r are draught horsed, of superior nuality—the others are fine driving horse., well broVen ; 12 Mach Cows, 1 young Mull, of rare Wood, 20 head of Steers soul Vann; Cattle, 50 - bead of Hop. Is a which are fat, 33 Shoat sad Breed Sarn o 32 bead of Sheep; 1 broad-taad Wagon. with fixtures,. 1 Plantation Wagttd, 3-ineh tread, 1 narrow-tread Wages. 1 ens horse Wagon, with spring s , 1 log Wa g on, / two-bone Carriage and harness, 1 Cart, 2 sets of new Hav Carriages, of 'superior "Ma ture, 2 pair Wood Ladder., 1 Lime Bed, 1 Threshing Machine, (Davenport's Patent.) 1 new NVliimt Fan, Grain Drill, Cutting Box. H a nd Screen, Corn Sheller, Hors* Bake, horsepower Hay Pitcher, 2 sets heavy Break Bands, one pair new, G seta Cruppers, Hone inv., Blind Bridles, Collars, Halters, 3 Fifth Chains, 4 sets Spreaders, 3 Log Chains, Plough Chars. Rough Lock, Ice Cutter, Car rying Chain, I pair heavy Lock Chains, 30 Cow Chains, large new Jack Screw, 1 Jack arter and Lever, a number of two and three* horse Ploughs, double and single Shovel Ploughs, new hill-side Plough, 3 Harrows, a variety of Forks, consisting of pitch, bay, grain and manure Forks, n lot of Rakes, Mat tocks, Picks, Shovels, Sledges, Corn Hdee, Grain Cradles, Mowing Scythes, Siokles,with other farming implements., Also, Corn and Oats, by. the bushel. Huy by the ton. 2 Scale Beams and Weights, I Smut Machine, (Young's patent.) a largo lot of flour-barrel Staves. Lap Shingles. lot of Locust Posts, le. Alan, Household and Kitchen Furniture. such as Tables. Chairs, Clocks, Beds, Bedding and Bedsteads, Stoves and Pipe, Cupboard", \Vnul and Spinning Wheels. Kettles, Puts and Pans, a lot of Bacon, Meat Vessels, a number of tight Barrels, 2 iron-bound Whis key Hogsheads of large site, together with e vent variety of other articles, too numerous to mention. Dons. Cta 2`.500 158 89 20.588 421 59 73 97 55 00 ET3 29 17 kir S.tle to commence at 19 o'clock, A. M., on said day, and to continue from; day to day until all is sold. Attendance Risen and terms , made known by JANIES McDIVIT. 32 37 1 .Ino. 25, 1858. to , SKI 171'25 pin subscriber, intending to remove. will bell at Public Sale, at his residenoe, in Mountjoy township, Adams county.. three miles from Gettysburg, on "ff'erfaesday, the 24th day of February nezt, the following i property, its 1 4 IiORSES, 4 Mulish Cos, calve two are expected to before the sale ) 1 urham Bull, Young Cattle, and Rip= narrow-tread threo-horse Wagon. with Bad, Hay Ladders, Ploughs and Cultivators. Winnowing Mill, Horse Gears, and other farming implements. Also, a Sleigh, Grind. stone, &c.; together with Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as Cupboards, Bed steads, Iron Kettles, and other artiohni,• too numerous to mention. 85 50 73 50 341 49 94T 3l air-Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A.M.. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by MOSES _SCR WA.RTZ.- an. 25, 1858.' is 5W.991 11. and Farm for Sale. • T WILL sell at Privat•Ssle. my MILL. AND -A- FARM, situate in Germany township, Adams county, within one mile and a- half of the Littlestown Railroad, and when the Railroad is extended to Taneymwtt it will in all probability pass close by. The farm con tains 37i Acres. more or less, 10 to •12 acres is heavily timbered sod about 10 sores ofised meadow bottom, the land is mod, oi tha slats soil and very susceptible of a high state' of cultivation. Lime sow well airs, it, and limestone is near by. Poseestion given INS of April next. GEO. ARNOLD. Jan. 25, 18.58. et iiiirJamt&Statile who is In pseudo* d the pr.Apertfarill show it. - Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE.—The utidereigaed Ants at Private 2.1 e, all his Real &tat* as follows : 1.-3ty late residenoe in Gottobutg; fronting 30 feet on Cliamberaburgetzeet, with Brick Dwelling,. Sseble, and other improve. : manta. Nu. 2.—10 t adjoining above on the Week fronting 9 feot on West, with Feeble, Ike. • No. 3.—Lot adjoining No. 2, froatim 8$ feet on same etreet. with large Coach 151t0p,, • and other improvements. • No. 4.—Lot adjoining No. 3, &Oldies feet., with dunhle Brick Dwelling, SU*, Slop, Ice. No. s.—Lot west of the roandry. Steam Saw and Grist Mill. No. 6.—Lot Adjoining No.-5, oonAslii4 abont 3 Ames. ' No. 7.—Three Lots fronting gosh 30 feet on ebambereburg street. No. 8.-I,lt in Baltimore street, with Leg Dwelling, 1e: No. 9.—Lot northeast of town, containing about lei Agree, I.o.—"TiacCof Land in Hlunlibiriban towiuship, lying un 31arsla creek, containing L iam plark.oleitreLl and part in first-rate ; - 310.;10t—eisiseh Xstiblishment in Shop. g,„ Fz i witit good will, Au. The lo sist" •rnbie one for business, and ot.der. t tiOrg it Jims . good end terms to suit pereba g quire of D. A. BUILFILER, EM., Get tiebert. or tho undersigned residing inShep. hen, Va, U. W. HOFFMAN. MI 141,,8.--1r not sold by the Ist of March, eh* above properties will be fur Rent, Jan. 18, 1858, rip lIE subscriber, iutssuding to quit fartaiaig. 4 . will sell at Public Sale, at his'residences on the matt leading from Mcillteeryatosrp to the York Turupike, about I miles (ruin •tilste latter, on Thursday, the .sth %/February mil. the following property, viz: 3 itIORB2B. Cows and Young Cattle, Three-horse Wagons II tree Gears, Ploughs and Barrows, Cultivir tors, Winnowing Mill, 2 Grind Stones, Cow Chains, Flakes, Forks, tkc. Also, Household id Kitchen Furniture, such as Tables. Chairs, Bureau, Stoves, Bedsteads and Bed. ding. Chesty, Shot lion, and many other *r. ticks. vs, numerous to mention. air Sate to COMLLICUCti al 10 o'uloek, A. M.., on said day, when attendance will be giveu sod term. made known by . Jan. IR, 13.58. is THE third account of &smelt, 1.01114 Co inittee of licsay LOUR. (Lialtita4t) been tiled in the Curt of Common Pleai-14 Adams twenty, and will be confreased said Wirt on Taesclay, the 23d day qf Faionrc ary unless cause he shown to the outer. trary. .JACOB BUSHEY, Pittfey. Jan. 18,11558. 4t ('LOVES !—Ladies' and Gents' dark, light and blank Kid Gloves of alt Also, Silk,- Cotton, Worsted, .141 i. 40047 Buck Gloves, can bo found at the cheap dry Roods store Of 8. It &IL 11. krninMe R. ' COMFORTS ISCARES.--Issdiew &I WO.*** will do well by calling and suisaiß4C the splendid assortment of worsted sae' *cliental Seszfa at the cheap mint et• H. S. & K. H. biIIiNIGIL plp len EMBROIDERIES.—A hap *44 heautifulassortment of riabirenoh work ed Collars, and many other new and "oilier*. able goods, just received and farailiki, latOA prime at IL 8. JD .8.11,41118124/804m1; Ting EltetrifilD.--A butioA; V sad a nblosahed Siserfivir • all °P 11 .0. 11 *stair • to-- • AIL lit 00BEAN hams OW Ilike011;. NI Winter sty', its alilk Public Sale Public) Sal& Public Sale. Ell A .1 4 : CEt GOLDIN. Notice.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers