Eli ght Compiler. MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1858 'To* & ecitmill ilff4iiss. Comm a .... Propos&Nu •ts7`Proposals will be received for the building of the New Court House up to the 23rd of February, instead of the 16th. Dr. CEEMILLT.B I:IOkNER. delivered aLec ture before the Young Yen'• Christian Association on Monday evening last, in SL James' Church, on " Hygiene." Prof. F. A. 3funt.ENEEtto will Lecture this evening, in the Methodist Church —subject "Edmund Spenser." On next Monday evening, EuwAan McPurssos, Esq., will deliver a Lecture, in the Ger man Reformed Church. 13=1 The number of eases disposed of in Court last week was larger than usual. Although most of them were of an un important charaeter,t wo in the Common Pleas neeessarilj• occupied a good deal of time. That of John Tudor, Jr., and Isaac Tudor, against Aaron Cox, tres pass for cutting trees along a disputed line, took up more time than any other, and resulted in a verdict for the plain. tiffs of 81 50 damages, and costs. In that of Samuel L. Linah vs. John Eck enrode, replevin for ono bogof the val ue of $25, the jury rendered a verdict for the plaintiff Eli damages, and costs. The most important case in the Quarter Sessions was the Common wealth against Henry Bitr.er, for selling liquor to minors, and for selling liquor without license. Defendant plead guil ty on the last count, and was found guil ty of the first by the. jury. The Court silnteneed on the first, a fine of $lO for the use-of the county, 85 for expenses of prosecutor, Benj. Deardorff, ten days' imprisonment in County Jail, and costs; on the lust, 810 fine, and costs. Court adjourned on Friday night. adld Sobberi. The Store of Mr. A. T. Witham., in Benderscille, this coatity; was broken into on Monday night we4k, and a small amount of gooas carried off, and some money taken from the drawer. Thu object of the thief, or thieves, seems to have been money, but they only obtain ed a small amount. They effected their entrant* by boring through the front door. It is thought they intended to break into thettax MINNIOII'B also, as •the tools they had need were found on hie porch next morning, but were alarm ed by the dogs. The robbers have not been caught. 0,151;- At the usual estimate, since the first of , January, 1857, there have more than Tatar:- ons ku.s..rosa stva termitic, eiocaann of the world's population gone down to the grave. A few days age a slave in Gates county, N. C., killed three white men. He was mne- Property Sold. fluently pursued and killed on the spot. Mr.DAvw GAMBLE has sold hie Farm, ...tThe Belfast (Me.) , Fre• Pres* states that a company of . volunteers Is being fo rmed in 160 stores, near Eintnitsburg, Md., to . Camden, and will o ff er their services to the gov lir. ELI Ilea:1m, at 16) per acre. ernmeat for as Utah expedition. The Farm of the Misses MAarz.AL, I Mrs. Margaret Purdy, aged 108 years, 12 acres, near - Now Chester, has been lately died at Spencer, N. Y. She had been • .old at $4B per acre. DA.4tat.GROSCOst A , widow over eighty years, her husband hay purchas.or. ♦ Carlowlty: A daughter of J.A.XES RUSSELL, Dol., residing in Mummasburg, recently took from the gizzard of a half-grown chicken a white flintstone, measuring II inches in length, I inch bio.td and f thick. A digestible piece of gravel, that • Ilift - S ts:ust..k. Flan sa, Esq ,of Rock- Indiana, formerly a resident of Gettysburg, has favored us with a Lithograph of Fort Harrison in 12512, - for which he has o tr thanks. iliiiir-The following was- intended for our hut week's issue, bat reached us too late. We cheerfully give it place 1201 W : To tie Officers and Spectators of the Joli~featton held at Rider's School Rouse on Jan. 2, 1858:—Allow me to say, throngs The Compiler, that the words spoken at that Jolification, on the re sult of the !ate election, and on the fu ture prosperity of party and party principles, were rather off-handed, and are not sufficiently- fresh to my recol lection to enable me to note them down now. If my words spoken served to edify any of those presen t, I am grati fled, and must think my friends from my heart for the kind reception given my remarks, as well as the resolution, tte. Gentlemen, I again thank yon for the unhooked for compliment which you ex tended to me at the above meeting, and again am wilting to meet with you on any future occasion. Yours, &c., JESSE D. NEWMAN .ht a issetiag of the Board of Directors of the Gettysburg Railroad Company held at the Mk* of the Secretary, January 11th, me, it was anaaimonsly Basolswi, That the members of this Board have beard with profound emotion of the de cease of Jam B. licPuzasos, Esq., one of our &mbar, mad, as well in the discharge of a pub lie duty, as in obedience to the dictates of our prima feelings, we think it proper to mark this otesaion by some attempt to record our es timate of his pro-eminent general worth and hlreirrecter: red, That this Board, in the °facial in tercoms with the deceased during the past amesserabliryear ?or financial difficulties, hare always listened to his wise counsels and Limo nitioae with profound respect, and attached great weight to his opinions and judgment, aaewiag Om to come from a mind naturally rimer awl vigorous, and matured by a Long life of valuable experimental knowledge. Resolved, That while we deeply sympathise with the family of the deceased In their loss of -$ kiwi and devoted husband and an exempla latar,Nre morn the loss of • wise coansel -her is Our °Mail capacities, and of an Weill rat, *Pritht anti iatinential, citizen in our in dividual- relations, whom pleas Saamot soon' Apia be supplied. , _#T° 4 4 The these Resolutions be entered - the teleutes of the Board, sad also pub - Au, the papers of the Borough, and that eoutnatalcate a copy to the feat s[ the Board. together with the respect . DAVID WILLS, B.c'y lIP Alum' Band were pat sawn t last 'reek, Acid . y entartained at Krt. trek's and Mr. Jno. Weigle't "?R1 WOW) IN • UT /SILL." Seven then/and rebels were killed at Lueknow Mosey is so plenty in Bost*a at prevent that It does not commond ass per sent in- 1=33 As attempt to get up a filibuster meeting In Charleston, a few days since, proved a com plete hille!e. The first railroad ever built in Venezuela wee opened from Puerto Cabello to the interior oa the 24th ult. ......The scarlet fever is prevallLng to a fear ful extent In Greene county, Pa. One gentleman, near Waynesboro', had buried six children In Len days. Indemnity for the past—pay up. Secur ity for the future—pity down. Rer. Jacob Norcross died at Billerica, Mass., on the 19th inst., aged 93. He was the oldest surriring graduate of Harvard Col lege. ......It has not yet been ascertained what members of Congress received those $87,000 for aiding in the passage of the last tariff act. Costly Ice.—it is said that contracts have been entered Into for supplies of ice this season at three times the price paid for the article last year. The claims of Americans against Mexico amount to $20,000,000. Brigham Young, in his speeches in the Tabernacle, continues to preset' treason, and declares his determination to fight. Dr. Albert Ritchie, a prominent: pby -1116112, of Frederick, id., died on Saturday week. There is • serious dieltenity in the No breska Legislature; • majority of both Howes adjourned to Florence, but the minority-11 members of the House and ft °fps Conseil— remain at Omaha. Col. Cross, as American, has arrived In England from India, where he amassed a tor ture of $7,000,000, and is said to be In treaty for the purchase of large estates in that coun try. Charles Dualism, of Orland, ML, while on a gunning excursion a few days eines, with his young friend Edwin Saunders, mistook him for a deer and shot blue. Poor Saunders died in a few minutes. The fishing season is about commencing, and some of the proprietors of landings on the Potomac are now In Washington employing hands at $l2 per mouth sad board, for tbs win ter season. The number of persons employed on the Paris Proem, lately sisepended--editors, re porters, correspondent", compositors, folders, carriers, ke.—was 774. is as large as the whole of the New England States, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Tennessee. The late decision of Judge Goodie*, I "that all foreigners, whose naturalisation pa pers had aot bees issued by United States Courts, were not entitled to vote," has been unanimously reversed by the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. ing been killed in the revolutionary win 1777. - 3 titan named 'Esteban, on whose prem ises, in Cincinnati, a carpet bag was found a few days ago, containing $3,0110 In counterfeit lives on the Central Bank of Frederick, lid„ and York County }tank, Pa., kas been held in $l,OOO ball. A young . man lamed Stone, escaped from Carroll County Jail one night last week by forcing off the locks of the door and sealing the walls. American travellers expend /a Earn Pa tea minions of dollars annually. Thomas Unbone, the late absconding President of the Bank of Pennsylvania, has re turned to Philadelphia. ....-Married men are less troubled with the rheumatism than are baetzelore-Dr. Praia cis assigns u the reason—They sleep warmer. Somebody says that a wife should be like roasted lamb, tender and nicely dressed. Somebody else wickedly adds : "and without I=3 mance." --Nothing can be so kind as a woman's heart, and less likely to indict a blow ; and yet strange to say, it is never so happy as when it is heating. •4TThe Territorial Legislature of Kamm, composed of free State men exclusively, have recognized the Le compton convention as a legitimate bo dy, and a considerable portion of these men are members of the Topeka Legis lature. The chief ground taken against the neceptanoe of the Leeompton con stitution is, that it is not legally consti tuted nor organized; and, if the public bodies representing the free State party, besides a large majority of the inhabi tants of Kansas themselves, have got over this objection, it cannot be sus tained in Congress. The free State party of Kansas have certainly done much to embarrass their friends here in their opposition to the Lecompton constitution. By calling together the Topeka Legislature, they have showed a revolutionary and disorganizing in tent, which will do no good to their cause.--.-Waak. Cerrespoictent of Batt. Outrage by the "Deviates" is %was. —Col. John D. He nderson, the former editor of a Democratic paper at Leav enworth City, was taken from the stage, a few miles from Leavenworth City, Kansas, a few days ago, by a party of six or eight men, without any process of law, whp carried him to Lawrence, there to be deal with u they might determine. His friends apprehend-that he has fallen into the hands of the Dan ites, a fteoret sworn band. atirEz-Gov. Powell, l)entoorst, has been eleotal IL S. Senator from Ken tecky---the only one of his party chosen by that State cluing a quarter of a amt . Sir Answe r to List week's Beiiims-- " Atemader the Great." PACT AX7O WANICIL =En!MI The Keaton Argus of Thureday week says : The Democracy of the old 10th Legion which gavo our noble old Presi. dent over 7,000 majority, and which has always stood by him in days gone by, DOW STANDS BY HIS ADMINISTRATION and will continue to do right. On the Kansas question, every Democratic pa per in the district, igurs in number, ap prove his policy and support his meas ures, and the same unanimity exists among the rank and file, the bone and sinew ephe party. The Democrats of Carbon county had a glorious meeting in Mauch Chunk on Monday the 4th inst., which was at tended by every prominent democrat m the county. Hon. Asa. PACKER presided, assisted by Dennis Bauman, Conrad Kocher, Andrew Grover, W, D. Tombler, and Francis Reed, Esqs., Vice Presidents, and Enos Tolan, and P. Speersnyder, Esqs., Secretaries. The following resolutions were reported from the Committee appointed for that purpose, of which Maj. Shortz was Chairman : Resolved, That the Democracy of Car bon county have, and ever had, full confidence in the firmness, integrity, statesmanship, and Democracy ofJames Buthanan; and that confidence has steadily increased with the progress of his Administration; and looking to his recent meneage to Congress as the ex position of the principles upon which he proposes to administer the govern ment, we desire to express our cordial and unqualified approval of the princi ples tlferein enunciated. Resolved, That the Democracy of Car bon county stand on tho platform where they hare alp ays stood. They main. tain that the principles of the organic law of Kansas and Nebraska are right and Democratic; that we support the doctriqe of non-intervention, and there fore shall not dictate to the people of Kansas, or ally other Territory or State, bow or in what way, they shall make their own laws, provided such laws, rules and regulations are republican in form, and not repugnant to the Consti tution of the United States. The resolutions were unanimously adopted, showing that the Democrats of Carbon are sound and true to the Con stitution. i ,Huzza, for old Buck 1 We are prouaiittlie Democracy of this Dis trict in tho unyielding attachment dis played for the Chief Magistrate of the Union, and for their firm adherence to the principles and platform of the par ty: The following resolution was unani mously adopted at a recent meeting of the Dcinoerata of Allegheny county: Resolved, That tho administration of President Buchanan has thus far, met the highest expectations of the Democ racy of Allegheny county; wo confi dently rely upon his character, experi ence and integrity, which led us to vic tory in 1858, for an honest and faithful administration of our national affairs, and for a fair and impartial settlement of all public questions entrusted to his care. ,'The Democrats of Ashland, Ohio, held a spirited meeting on the Bth inst., in commemoration of the groat victory at New Orleans. John S. Wh4e, Esq., was called to the chair, and Dr. John Sheridan appointed secretary. A com mittee having been selected to report resolutions, submitted a series which were adopted by acclamation. We se lect the following, which relate to as tiotud politics. "Resolved, That in a crisis of immi nent I s ril, which is putting to the se verest t the strength of our political instil one, we regard it as a fortunate event for the country that the chief ex ecutive power is lodged in the hands of a statesman who, by reason of his long and faithful public service, his wisdom and prudence, is justly entitled to the confidence of the Democracy of the whole eountry. " Resolved, That the Democratic party of Ashland county adhere, with un shaken fidelity, to the doctrine of the sovereignty of the people, within the limits of the constitution and laws, and as defined in the organic act of Kansas, in the resolutions of the Cincinnati Convention, and in the annual message of President Buchanan." A supper was also partaken of, during which sentiment" and speeches abound ed. Mr. J. Sheridan offered the follow ing, which was responded to by T. J. Kenny, Esq. : " The Administration of James Buch anan: The Constitution, the Union, and the creed of the Democratic party are safe in its hands." Dr. D. S. Sarnpsel offered this, which called out Gen. J. S. Fulton, hi re sponse : " The Kansaa Polley of the Administra tion : The most speedy, peaceful, and statesmanlike mode of adjusting the difficulties in Kansas, and of restoring peace and harmony to the country." Several other sentiments were offered and speeches made, all of the same tone. The Democracy of Ashland seem to have celebrated the day in a most agreeable manner. B sr 111 . Plaine liebeel Limns limmothopred N Sesek. Naw Yoax, Jan. 19.—The public school house on the corner of Concord and Navy streets, Brooklyn, was burnt this afternoon,_owing to some defect in the beaten There were five hundred children in the building when the fire broke out, and the most intense excite ment prevailed. In their eagerness to escape six children were either smothered or trampled to death ! Many were only saved by being thrown from the windows and caught in the arms of the firemen and others. The bnildinic was the finest school building is the city. It was entirely destroyed. The children killed were all killed epos the lower landing, by suffocation; not one was ber.Aed. fierNaniortntsPetitkate are being pro asatiol to the Legiabettire for the repeal or isediAostion of the Tavern Lit:ovule Law. iw'~iifte i0:M...~, The hill matured by the Pacific rail road committee of the Senate, and re ported to the Senate on Tuesday, pro poses to locate the railroad betweqn tho Big Sion.: and the mouth of the Kansas river to San Francisco. Al terr ate sections of land on each side of the road will be granted for the purpose, and $12,500 per mile will be advanced, on the completion of every twenty-five miles, till the sum of $25,000,000 be reached. The amounts thus advanced to be returned to the government in mail service and the transportation of men and munitions of war. Five per cent. stock is to be issued. The Presi dent is to receive the bids and make a contract fcr twenty years, and locate the road, having a view to economy and the best route. iiiir/1011. SAMUEL BILL. , of Westmore land, who represented that county sev eral years in the Senate and probably ten years in the House of Representa tives, diod suddenly at his rlsidenoe, in Washington township, on the 9th inst. He was a man of high character, a use ful citizen, and respected by all who knew him. He was- in the neighbor hood of 65 years of age. tiirßank reform has engaged the at tention of the board of trade of Pitts burg, and that body has adopted reso lutions asking the Pennsylvania Legis• lature to restrict bank dividends to eight per cent., and the contingent funds to ten per cent. of the capital stock of those institutions. Pickpockets at Harrisburg.—During tho inauguration of Gov. Packer on Tuesday, Mr. Calhoun, of the Homo, had his pocket picked of some $225. Mr. Drake, reporter, also had hie pock et picked of a large porte-monnaio and some SW. Col. G. T. Himmel lost a pocket book containing $BO and some valuable papers. Mount Vernon.—lt is stated that the sum of serentr.five thousand dollars has already been raised, and put oat at interest, of the sum (V20KI,000) re quired for the purchase of Mount Ver non. lerWhy suffer from a protracted cough when relief may be so easily ob tained. Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cher ry is tindoubt4..dly the most reliable of all preparations offered for the cure of throat and lung complaints. Try it. SPECIAL NOTICES. irr Who tbst Is troullod with any of tholes dleagreoablo Complaints, such as Jaundice. Dyepepela or Liver DIA. ~wire any kind, bat would like to know of • remedy foe Uwe anaiiien'y ' We feel that we are doing our invalid readers to invaluable mirk, If we can iodate them to get a bottle of Dr Sordoni's Invigorator. and take It, fur we know from personal expensive; lil.t at t• on. of the greatest reinodiesfor germ al istolity, and coosegsmot loactli• bodily powers ewer beflrs oast It. *Won is so perfect and complete Sed to give relief the drat time t•kea, •red if It dons to others as at km drew to as. half a battle will be all tb‘t is puede.' We know of nothing we can rocenoneod with ..eh confidence, so a thirdly medicine, rie the invigorator. 110/F-1. L. Buehler. Agent for Gettysburg; Wm. Berlin, Maurer ; awl Charles It. Hen ry, Attbottstown. Jau. 11. 4w 11 tia Itaerm emirs —teary me will. we think, acres with as In Ow opinion that the human halt Is the greatest eataral Grimmest that Is penseased either by a itentleman et a Moly JIM meet so apparently reed leek , . inp mut. for Lustaaos, l■ the street: you admire his li,►- larM, whiskers. &al general Waring; hot 10' be lifts his bat In racesmities of rear how, sad the chum mu lish/NS, far lebabed Is arraign 101 his bat bead, apt the glory has departed with the fluent; locks that unm dear- Mind luzuriamly them. lathe ow dr a lady. the matter Is, If ramble, wersa—such same mending sum of the cir cumstance on which the following epigram la foarrled re 0 give um, fair Emma. a luck of your hair: , ♦ Ombral raven lever took estursl rJ 11(1124 : "ruse a sia to reran, each • me&st Bo take Tee wtsoui via," the dux erwature nplied Nov, to prevent much a catastrophe, La within the power of every lady and!milkman; for. by using Prof VI cod , . flair Reiterative. hair Is wit only praramted from failing rigor taridge gray. bet the article will restore hairto bald planes; and even If It bas chalked cmor awl become gray, It w il l bring It back to Da pristine bendy sal luxuriance Those who are saxprainted with the anatomy, pbyeiology and pathokagy of the hair, mut be well aware that cerwai eabstanees haves spreile action spout It; sad It hi by a jot dielensoambinatiea of thew that Prof Wood has marcevieed In soruponsdlog a mixture porieftwit d remarkable vir tues —(Waverly Magasloit and Literary Duette SJLD IT ALL Utteutilt , rt.. Jan. 15. 2w. (CPA PIII,IICT Cara IT WILD CamanT.--From the Edi tor of the NOW 'Tort Mirror; aag. s.—About four wombs dem& one of the comrsitone of this ales was 'offering so belly boos a oessit test ►. was amble to sloop bights. and tan west to stood at bis ease Ho became very pals mid Ibis. sad grans symptoms of failings victim to quick oda samption W. reoesanmnded to him various medians., which bad no d ud Piwlly, we gave him one bow. of Wistar's Wood of Wll4 ISbsrtv. It afforded bin imusedt at• relief, and be is now . well man, aol not to. alighted N mptom of • cough. than. are facts, and further par- Onside may be horned at Wised's*. It. should odd that the cough in lb. above coos was acenmpoiniod to profuse spitting of Wood. bone sectinw unless signed I. Isms on the wrapper. Ssru W. Fowt.r. I Co., 138 Washington street, Buxton, Proprietors. &id by their agents everywhere. A. D. 13ustilsa, Gettys bury. Jnn. 25. 2w li!e b,110%. "?boo come the gelid heather. ee ne sleet or entne show; Weil stool by each other !winter It Wow." MARRIED, On the 7th inst., by the Rec. Mr. Bishop, Mr. JOHN D. HA.RTZEL, of Monntjoy township, to Miss EMILY S. S. DUTTEREIt, of Calimns Branch, Fretacritk county. On the 14th inst., by Rev. J. R. Warner, Mr. CORNELIUS LOTT, of Cumber!And township, to Mist MARY .1., daughter of Mr. John 11'11.- henny, of &ration township. At Caslitown, on Thursday morning, by the Rev. J. Bowen, Mr. REUBEN F. KUHN to Miss AMELIA JANE HENTZEL, both ofthis county. At Conowng,o Chapel, on Monday last, by the Rev. Mr. Enders, Mr JACOB CODORI to, Ali s BARBARA, daughter of Mr. John Weigle, all of this place. On the 12th inst., by Rev. Mr. Denecker, Mr. JAME'S P. TOPPER to Miss MARGARET E. ASHBAUGH, of Frederick city. On the 14th inst., at the Mansion House, Fairfield, by the Rev. J. 11. Crawford, Mr. EMANUEL BURKETT to Miss SARAH ANN lIARTMAN, both of Franklin county. On the 10th hut., in Fulton, Patton county, Indiana, by the Rev. Mr. Duman, Mr. WILLIAM J. MILLER, formerly of this county, to Miss JOAN ALLEN. On the 14th irut., by Joseph Kepner, Esq., Mr. DAVID NULL to Miss REBECCA GRIM, both of the ricinit♦ of Abbottatown. On the 11th of Oct.., by the Rev. Mr. O'Neal, Mr. LEWIS BURNS to Miss MARGARET KUHN, both of this place. /0, Icob. .•Liks lasses on trios tha race of toes le fossd ; Now gross is yeeth, saw withering we the groasil." DIED, On Thursday last, in Emtnitaburg, Md., Mrs. MAGDALENA HOTTER, widow of Lewis Hot ter, deceased, aged about 80 years. Very suddenly, on Saturday week, Hr. JOSEPH CATER, of Hampton, aged about .10 years. ' On the 12th inst., near Senldersrille, ELIHU, sou of George MuGrail, aged about 1 gear and 8 months. On the 14th Mat., near Benderrrille, Adams county, lir. JOHN RICE, Sen., aged about 73 years. la itoektille, Parke county, Indiana, on Sao day, Doe. lON, of owlet fewer, BARAS AD LINE, youngest daughter of Idanniel A. Shut Adeline Fisher. (Ibmerly of this place,) aged 4 years 3 Routh% and 31 days. 1 )1 4 T 14 0 4,1 0. 1416 ffiet. 41t., e Oeneelloarosia Lb." lahost ailtiablice, York k Halloref . papa rg Dultimore--!Friday last Flour, per berrel, $4 50 4 02 Wheel, per 60941, 05 (0 1 35 Rye, It 68 ( 75 Even, 55 ' 60 Oats. Clover-seed, Timothy-semi," 2 25 C9l 2 5) Bea Cattle, per hand., 6 4.00 9 00 Hogs, 44 6 (10 (.3 SO flay. per ton, Whiskey. por gallon, Guano, Peruvian. per ton, Ilawoocr—TAuralay last. Fluur, per bbi., from wagons, $4 25 II). •' fr,nu sturos, 4 75 W heat, per bushel, 95 ® 1 95 Rye, 62 INGE =I Clowarsood, " Timothy, " Plaster, per ton, York—L-PriLlay last Flour, per bbl., from if Aguas, $4 25 Do., " from 'cores, 500 Wheat, per bushel, 1:05 (st, I 10 Rye, 41, 65 C. .ill, 64 1 50 Oats, 44 28 Cloverseed, " , ' 500 Timothy, " 2OO ton, ` t i Plaster, per w,, f 6 50 New Court House. RE ALED Proposals will be received at the office of the Comalssioners of Adams county. 'until 3 o'clock., Y. 31.. on Tuesday, the Z/ day or iorbrunfly next, for the ereA,•- tion. in the Ftmoue! of Oettyaburg, of new COrltT HOUSE. 50 bylifil feet, two stories in height. with cupola, Ake. Plans and specification may be seen at the Commissioners' Office, on and altar Monday, the Ist of Febrnarv. • HENRY A. PICKING, J03141t BEN N ER. JACOB RAFFENSPFAGER, Attest— CoMilini.rsiolters J. M. WALTER, tk,k. Jan, 1853. • • Register's Notice. MOTICE is hereby Riven rush legatees and J- 1 other persons cancer/led that the Admin. istrstion ammunts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams County fur confirmation and allowance, on nestle/A the 23d day vat February next. viz : 7.. The account of . John Brough, Ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Michael Banes, ate of Ilamploa, Adams county, deceased. 8. The first account Albert W. Storm, Administrator of the estate of John Fel ty, deceased. 9. The first account of Daniel Golden, Executor of the last will and testament of George Golden, deceased. 10. The account of Isaac B. and Peter Trostle, Executors and Testamentary Trustees under the Will of Abraham Trostle, deceased—of the heirs of Sarah Stoke, deceased. 11. The first account of John Mowery and Abraham Bixler, ,Administrators of the estate of Adam Mowery, deceased. 12. The account of Anthony Dear dorff, one of the Administrators Ile bonis non cunt testantcnto annum of John Arendt, Esq., late of the township of Franklin, Adams county, Pa., dtafd., settled by Benjamin Deardorff, Admin istrator of the estate of said Anthony Deardorff, late &wailed. ZACIIARIA II 11YERS, Register. Register's Office, Gettys burg; Jan. 25, 18.5 i. .1 Grand Jury R3port. 1 1 3 the Honorable the Jelges o: the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peaos, iu and fur the Ctinnty of Adams : • The Grand Inquest. having visited the Cout►ty Prison and the Alms House, take pleasure in making Report to your Honors, that they hare found everything in a condi• tion calculated to leave a favorable impression on oar ailed,. The new Furnace in the Prison seeing to work well, and admirably &n -ewer' the purpose design& 1. The prison wall we find insufficient in sr.veral places. The Prison exhibits evidence of cleanliness and proper attention. on the, part of the Sheriff_ and hie family. At the Alms Houite, we also found similar evidence of devotion W► duty on the part of the Steward toil hie family. the buildings and grounds are. in good, order and every effort Seetnil to he mule t, carry out the boueficent purpose' of the Institution. It gi yea Us pleas ure thus to be aide to testify to the good management of lath Prison and Alu►e House. and to tender our aekuowie•l;;ments to both Sheriff and Steward fur their courteous de portment in furnishing us every facility to examine the departincia.tunder their charge. Jan. 23, IS SS. J. J. IC URN, Foreman. A Large Supply of Lumber, TI'CCLUDING every quality of River l'ine, -I- just reoiivell, and for Pale. at very low prices, et the Yard SH FADS & BUEHLER, on the Coraer Washisigton tuicl Railroad Streets, Pullin the rear (demi " Eagle Hate)." They have also on band a large variety of Pialierio7 Laflyi, &Wailing Lithes, and Picket licad.y, (for garden fencing.) which they will sell low. Ordei-s fur any lunettes can he promptly tilled. Boildors, before put , chasing elsewhere, will find it to their ad vantage to examine quelitie4 and prier...— Also, a superior article of Blacksmith Coal, at 33 cts. per bushel. Gettysburg, Jan. 25, IssB. Executor's Notice. JACOB 3IYERS'S ESTATE.—Letters tes tamentary un the estate of Jacob Myers, late of Reading township, Adams cinnty, deceased, haring been granted to the un dersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice told! persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and things having el.li a againit the same to present them properly authenticate(' fur settlement. ISRAEL MYERS, Ex' r. J , in. 2.5. 1858. tit. Pay Up ! NOTICE is hereby given thetJacob Mickly, 11 of D. of D.. the proprietor of the " Or phan Boy" and "Cobfiam" during the season of 1b56, has transferred the accounts fir ser vice of said horses to the undersigned.— Paymen is may be made at Danner & Ziegler's store, in Gettysburg—by those more conveni ent, to myself, residing in Franklin township. As the accounts are already of selciently long standing, prompt payment is earnestly urged. If nut paid before the Ist of Marc ii, the accounts will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. JOAN lIARTMAN Jan. 25, 1858. 3t GLOVES !—Ladies' and Geode' dark, light and black Kid Gloves of all go/dicing.— Also, Silk, Cotton, Worsted, Berlin and Book Gloves. can be found at the cheap dry goods store of 8. IL LE. 11. IdINNIGII. COXFORTS SC.lll.FS.—Ladies and (Juin' will do well by calling and examining the splendid assortment of vrorsted and schema' Scarfs at the cheap corner nf IL & k Z. H. ItUNNIGII. Tip ICH • ZMBROIDERIES.—A large and -Lb beautiful assortment of rich French work d Cullats, sod many other new and season abyi good*, jags reserved and fur sale at low prises at t . IL S. kY. d. MINNIOII,,, TUT LIZEIVED.—A bop tot a bleached tr lout oabloashoi 6hootleg iud Shirtiage all et *blob isoi alba IA reduced prices. IL & & S. IL *INNICIEL offs: - tvgagio eau OT VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. —The subscriber, intending to disconttutte farming. will-offer at Pablic Sale, at hi, resi• dunce, '•C trrolaburg Mils," in Liberty town ship, Adams county, 2 miles west of Emtnits burg, Md., on the Waynesboro' Turnpike, un Meaday, the 15th day of Marcis nest, the fol lowing valuable perstmal property, viz : TEN HEAD OF HORSES, 8 of which are draught horses, of superior quality—tho others are fine driving horses, well broken : Much Cows, 1 voting Devon Bull, of rare blood, 20 head of Steers and Young Cattle, 50 head of Hogs, 15 of whit+ are fat, :i3 7 Shoitts and 2 Brood Sows, 32 head of Sheep ; 1 broad-tread Wagon, with fixtures, 1 Plantation Wagon, 3-inch tread, 1 narrow-tread Wagon, l one horse Wagon, with sprin,g,s, 1 log Wagon, two-horse Carriage and hsrness, 1 Cart, 2 sets of new Hav Carriages, of superior 'true ; ture, 2 pair Wood Ladders, 1 I,' me lied , 1 Threshing Machine, 1./ttvenpirt's Patent,) 1 new Wheat Fan, Grain Drill, Cutting Rim, Hand Screen, C ,rn Sheller, Horse Rake, horse-power Ilay Pitcher,2 sets heavy Breech Bands, one pair new, 6 sets Cruppers, Hous ings, Blind Bridles, Collars, Halters, 3 Fifth Chains, 4 sets Spreaders, 3 Log Canine, Plough-Gears, Ranh Is 4, lee Cutter, Car rying Chain, 1 pair heavy Lock riming, 30 Cow Chains, largo new Jack Screw, 1 Jack arter and Lever, a number of two 8.111 three horse Ploughs, double and single Shovel Ploughs, new hill-side Plough, 3 harrows, a variety of Forks, consisting, of pitch, hay, grain and manure Forks. a lot of Rakes, Mat tocks, Picks, Shot els, Sledges, Corn Hoes, Grain Cradles, nosing Scythes, Siekles,with other farming impletocitts. Also, Corn and Oats, by the bushel, Hay by the ton. 2 Settle Beams and Weights, I Smut Machine, (Young's patent,) a large kit of Hour-barrel Staves, Lap Shingles. lot of Locust Posts, tke. Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as Tables, Chairs, Clocks; Beds, Bedding and Bedsteads, Stoves awl' Pipe, Cupboards, Wool and Spinning Wheels, Kettles, Pots and Pans, a lot of Bacon, Meat Vessels, a number of tight Barrels, 2 iron-bound Whis key Hogsheads of large size, together with a great variety of other articles, too numerous to mention. IfarSale to commence at 10 o'Aleek, A. M., on said day, and to continue from day to day until all is sold. Attendance given and terms made known by •• JAMES M.:I/INIT. Jan. 25, 18.78. is 1 3 . 2 36 5 50 5 62 _,_ , _ 12 00 416 00 PJ (4 20 G 5 00 5 00 1 50 0 50 Public Sale. rp lIE subscriber, intending to remove, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, in Mountjny township, A lams county, three mile* from Gettysburg, on Wednesday, 1h 24th day of February next, the following property. viz : 4 119118 ES, 4 51ileli Cowe, (two are espeoted kalve before the sale,) I Durham Bull, Young Cattle, and II»o: one narrow-tread three-horse Wagon, with Stone Bed, Hay Ladders, Ploughs and Cultivators, Winnowing Mill, Horse Gears, and other farming implements. Also, a Sleigh, GI lad stone, Ac., together with Household and Ki Furniture, slush as Cupboards, Bed steal Iron Kettles, aua other articles, too numerous to mention. 'Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 31., on said day, when attendance will be given aud terms made kuown Jan. 23, 1858. is Mill and Farm for Silo. T WILL sell at Pri ftti? Sale, my MILL AND FARM, situate in Germany township, Adams u'wnty, within one mile antta hilt* of the Little t, Railroad, attil when the Itailruad is exteeded to Taneytown it will in all probability pass close by. The farm con tains 37i Acres. more or lois, Iti to 12 acres is heavily timbered and about acres of good meadow bottom, the land is Tisostly of the elate soil and very stigee;)tible of a high state of cultivation. Lime arts well up 'n it, and limestone is near by. Pue.ession given first of April next. GEO. .%ItNOLD. Jan. 25, 1858. siiir James Stehle wh ) is in possession of the proprty will show it. • T be delivered to the Sabseribars in Butler, Menallen, Tyrone, in.a few days. Those wishing Maps vrho hare not stilmeritied mast give me notice immediately, as the hint edition will soon tie printed. Jan. 25, 1858. 3t M. S. IIIINVT..IISE. Atonesr Lost. 117 - AS lotah by the saletwiber, on Wednes• tiny last, between Gettynburg and Iltoug Tavern, on the Turk Turnpike, a Leather Puree. containing upwards ofs3o, in notes and opeoie. The tbader . will be suitably rewarded by leaving . the money and panto at 7/ee Compiler office in Gettysburg. iii/OLl l llg. KLOEPPER. Jan. 25, 1858. 3t • WAS stolen or strayed away from the soh " st•riber, in Gettysburg; un Friday night last, a yellow Dog. abont month, old, of heavy build, and had a loather band. with a black ring in it, around his neck. A imitable reward will be given for the return of the dog, ur information of his where:shout& • JOIDI L. I.IOLTZWORTLI. Jan. 25, 185. ------- Administrator l a Notice. HESTHERSPONSELLEIt'S ESTATE.— Lettere of administration on the ea tate of Heather Sp inseller, hate of Mountpleaannt township, Mama county, deceaaed, baring been granted to the undersigned, residing in the *awe . township, he hereby gives i,otioe to all perb,,na indebted to slid e.tate to wake immediate payment, and those baring claim, against the SUMO to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JAe."01.3 SPONSELLER, A•ier. Jan. 25, 1858. Gt THE Gettpluirg ILL;'road Company will re ceive fur transportation, at the Warehouse of their agents, nesse.. Baring; and Whiter, iu New Oxford, ell kinds of produce, mer ehandize, &0., and receive, at the Ple,wo place, all consignments made to their cure, It. McCUIWY, Pre:V. Jan. IS, 3t AME to the premises of the subscriber, c in Biter township, several months ago, a White Boar, weighing, abJut 125 firs, lire weight, but without special marks. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take it away. DANIEL MARCII. January 11,1858 s 3tp THE third accountof BAI/car, Loge. Cnn tnittee of LIVIIIT Lose, (Lunatic,) hal been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be txonfiruied by the Raid Court on Tatsdny, yxe 23d day of Febru ary nest, utile** cause b 4 shown to the con trary. JACOB-BUSHEY, Proth'y. Jao. 18, 18U. 4t n USENSWARE.—Persons wishing $o per obese Queensware will du well by esainin ing the large and well Below:tel assortment at IL 8. & E. IL Mtiimidits'. G ' ERIE:i.-If you want a good assort ment of Groceries, such as Syrups, Mu lasses, Sugar and Coffee. you will du well by es.amiuing the assortutens at B. S. & E. IL 3ltsstues'. F!WITS and Confections, nice and fresh, just front dot citls ,tin be hail at CIILLCSPIE 1 T.110.1118'. A LWaNDS, YtWorts. Brazil Nata i litaglipb A ITAlauta. and Pos Num!, covpiaptly on hand sod wiUbswldahesp by bulge& But PARLOR COWL-4Mo Stiywo r ia ispoomall co Dinh* Raw .oialiilVro. eoutui lii toolf oa dive:sort of ocosotol and ammoniate*. it ilt as 'itery Orsoroot ER. sod NO it. 8 ADS A R BUE Oseivieao.4 MOSES SCH The:County Map Dog Lost. To the Public. Entrap. Notice. "-T PHI VATS SA LE. —Tke: salier44 4 offer* at Private 34 S le, all his W. 11.3 rUlinW!. : NJ. 1.-3ly Lite residence in fronting 30 feet on Charaboreburg Brick Dwelling, Stehle, and other improve. ciacrtta. 2.—Llt adjoining stove on the W4st, frouting.29 feet on street, with Stable. 2s, 37—Lut adjoining "No. 2, frontin 32 feet on same streot, with large Coed 'Shop, and other improrements. No. 4.—Lot adjoining No. 3. fronting 29 feet, with double Ilrie e k Dwelling, Smith Shop, tte. No. 4.—Lot west of the Foundry, with Steam Saw and Grist Mill. No. 6.—Lot adjoining No. 5, containing Mout 3 .lcres. N. 7.—Three Lots fronting each 30, Ant, on cliamberslnirg street. N. s.—L,t in Baltimore street, with Log Dwelling, he. No. 9.—hot northeast of town, containing about 4} Acres. No. 10.—Tract of Lind in Tlamillanban townqup, lying nn Marsh creek, containing ." , 1 Acre., part cleared and part in flest4sie timber. N. IL—Conch Establishment in ghsp berdstown, Va., with good will, ke. Thw 4►- cation is an admirable one fur business, and improvements in good order. re-Titles goo.l 'mil terms t , .; suit purohs ser4. Enquire of 11..1, licrimes, Esq., Get tysburg, or the undersigned remitling in Skew lierdstown, Va. .C. W. HOFFMAN. N. B.—lf not 801 l liv the let of March, the uh,,re properties will lid fur Bent. Jun. 18, 1658. Public Sale. TRuhscriber, intending to quit farming, will SOU at Public Sale, at hie reeidenee, on the road leading from McSherryetown to the York Turnpike, about miles from the latter, on Thursday, Ike 25M of fe&ruary nevi, the following property, via: 3 HORSES, Cows and Young Cottle, Three-horse Wagon, H woe Gears, Ploughs and Harrows, Cultiva tors, Winnowing Mill, 2 Grind Stones, Cow Chains, Rakes, Forks, &c. Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as Tablas, Chairs, Bureau, Stoves, Bedsteads and VW,. ding, Chestv, Shot Gun, and many other ar ticles, too numerous to mention. ;®"Sale to commenco at 10 o'clock, A. M. • on said day, when attendance will be gireu and terms wade known by Jan. IR. 1858. Ls • rpilE subscriber intending to remove; will -I- offer at public sale, on the premises. on 81211 u -day, the 30th day of January hist., a HOUSE and LOT, situate in Mountioy township, Adams county, 2 miles from Get tysburg, on the l3altim,re Turnpike, ad joining Hoks's Gate. The Lot contains 7 acres, more or less, of improved Granite Land, well limed ; the llll HOUSE is a one-and-a-half-story, roughcast; there- is also a Bank Barri; a well of never-failing water, a beauti ful young Apple Orchard of choice fruit, with pears, plums, peaches, gages, &c., on the premises. Persons wishing to view the pro perty will please call on the subscriber, re siding thereon. sir Bale to commence at I o'clock. P. M., on said day, when attendance will be givpn, and terms wade known by N. LIGHTNER. Jan. H, 1858. to Agents, Attention! • D° you wish to find good employmenkiiiial i . make money with little or no nv and without interfering with your business? • If you do. read this advert' t. C. E. Tons k Co.. of 392 Broome street, New York, are manufacturing and selling massive gold Pencils fur $5 eac h, - (which are cheap at that price,) and they throw in a gift or prize with each Pencil, worth from $2 up to $.5, $lO, $l5, $20,525, $3O, $.50, $75,.5100, noo, and $5OO. Don't cry out, " Humbug! Littery I" It's no such th tug. The Pencils are sold at their cash value, and all the profits over the first cost are thrown into the gifts, which - setually cost the purchaser nothing.— The prizes are distributed on a simple plan of drawing, which would take too "much room to explain, but which has never failed to give complete satisfaction. We • hare drawn and sent to purchasers 183 gold watches of various prices, 74 purses of gold dollars. 238 gold lockets, 850 gold chains, and & oor responding number of other prizes, within two months. THERE ARE NO BLANKS, but every purchaser draws a prize worth $2 certain, and it stands thousands of chances to be a higher figure. We want a good agent in every neighbor hood throughout the c iuntry, to solicit pur chasers, and any agent, to be successful, must have a Pencil and prize to exhibit.— We pay agents I cash for each purchaser he obtains, and the first person in any neighbor hood who applies for a Pencil and. gift, will rekeire the agency for that locality. • Should an agent obtain a valuable prize to exhibit with his Pencil, he wool I have little difieul ty in obtaining scores of purchasers; sad making it a aling business. A NEW I p DEA ! READ!! READ!! !—We ask nobody to send their money till they knew what prize they draw. Any person wishing to try their luck, can first send us their name and address, and we will make their drawing and inform them by return mail what prise they drew, when they can send on and take the Pencil and prize, or not, whichever they chuoqe. We give this privilege only WM to a purchaser. Ater the first drawing. every purchaser will be required to send in adrinec, through the authorized agent. We willssend with each drawing the number taken: out. with full description of the plan of airuWissis, Address C. E. TODD it CO., 392 Broome Street, New York. • Jan. 18, 1853. Littleatown Railroad! 9111 E S'etentli Monthly Instalment of live Dollars per Share on the Stook sulincrib ed, will be duo and payable to the Treasurer of said Company, on the 28th day o Jam. ixst. iiiirßy a Ke4olution of the Board of Dire& tore, passed on Saturday, July :::sth, Au. per sons in arrears after Aug. 28th will be charg ed interest at the rate of 'me per cent. a nmanth on thoir•back payments, in aeoerdance. with the Act of Assembly. E. F. 51101113, Secrelary of the Boon!. _ _ Jan. 4, 1858. td N. B.—Any of the Directors will receipt for payments.on Stock. Administrator's Notioa . , TOliN WILDESINIB ZSTATE.---Let ters of administration on the estate of John Wildesin, late of Yranklin township, Adams county, deceased, having.been.grant ed-to the undersigned, Teeiding in the some towushiN he hereby gives notice to all-per suns indebted to said estate to make immedi ate payment, and those Invingclalms aptinst the same to present them properly snwibenti cated fur settlement. HENRY WILDESIN:44wir, Jan. 11, 1858, Btp Dividend. nevus' it Mecums - ice Elarritas- N STITIMON Of ADAM 011111X.V. pilE Predidentaad Directors or tkidtbatityk i• don have declared a Dividend a 44 pit' cent., pmeble on or utter the lit itiliefirede. nazyrinnn. ORO. laftoSllll 4 Nrift.', tho. daSOLD, - • Jan.,11., 4658. ; EMANUEL GOLDEN. Public Sale. Notice. • 11 II ta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers