omp u tr. AwtAziA9 rou um& IiONDAT 11011NING, JANUARY 4, 1857 Tobn) & eoqql.9 nsaitr•ril • p•mhi g. A formal opening of the Railroad from New Oxford to Hanover will take place on Wednesday next, in which the public are codially invited to par ticipate. As stated lust week, a train of oars will leave New Oxford about noon, upon which all may take a free ride to the Hanover Junction and bask. We expect to see a goodly number of the citizens of the county present on the occasion. The enterprise is one of the highest importance—and this open ing should, hence, not lack in interest. Leetisres. On Monday evening, Prof. STIZVgiI addressed the " Young Men's Chris tian Association," in the German Re formed Church—theme: " Washington —a model of self-culture." The next regular Lecture will be de live'red in the Presbyter:an Church, this evening., ea 7 &dock, by Rev. Mr. 7.llLULLa—sabject :—" Counsel to young AKA." • Xtrwr Cowry* Illegatra. TttiiConnty Commissioners have se cured,6oiiirtrioes of a first class Arch'. tett IlibAk D. Brno's, of Philadelphia, to prepare plans and specifications fur thepair Cciart-lionse, the whole to be col t J vi te ed fa fear weeks. ful, wall designed and *ablaut t ial liitikling, combining ovary advan tage-which the limit of means may al low, will no doubt be had. The rough (Int& already submitted by the Archi tect gives high satisfaction. IforThe ladies of the Presbyterian Chureh of this place have presented their Pastor, Rev. G. P. V. WYCK, with a certificate of life-membership in the Young Men's Christian Association, and twelve volumes of late Theological works, valued at $BO Rev. S. H. GIEBY, Pastor of the Ger man Reformed Cbureb at. Hagerstown, had a Christmas surprise by finding in his - study an elegant full suit of clothes laid a purse of motley. wiirThe property of MARY Ifewirir, deceased,-about 10 acros—near lien dersville, w•assold by the Administrator, Attn. T. WRICiIIT, on the 19th ult., to ...low( Ift IlerroN, for s4379—one half in malt on the Ist of April and the rest in two equal annual payments with in terest. We take the following from a recent publication in New York of Geo. Fran ' cis Train, entitled " Young America is Wall Street." In an off hand manner it deeelops a very substantial truth : " A month hence, and the capitol is full.—Now,as the everlasting discussion of negro slavery has occupied our statesmen, our press, our pohticians, for so many years without seeontplish ing anything but to extend it, I would suggest, as an experiment, a littleprac-; tical legislation on our national laws, our foreign relations, our internal iin provementa, our currency, and all sub pets of vital import to the American people. "Since my remembrince,this country has been agitated by legislating for the , blacks. The whites have been neglec ea"i""ll- ted There-are about influent' of Wheretue it has pleased that God who ! the . one, and twenty-five millions of the is tOce.sitisa to err, and too good to be other. Now, while I have the beta. ankind - ," to remove fro:n our midst, in ; Dessaile feeling toward the ‘.blacios; the militant church, our venerable and I have also the highest respect for the estimable brother CitsmagatiN, who furl %% bit es; and as twenty-five milliions of, snore than a quarter of a century has the latter have been requested to stand been connected with us in chnrch fel-; aside, so ,that the. three million, of the' Jewship, and for marry yea" sustained former' mi 4it'be attended to,l i am an the office and performed the daties of Ladeeeate sow for a c h ange i n our echo . lteward, leader and-trustee on this eir- sTeationai policy. - i-uit. Therefore— "Leave the 'blacks' alone for' the Resolved, That while we lament our next tea years, and take rare..of the riwn deprivation of his goodly counsel The whites dtaierve more at- And tz Sly religious life among us, we , tcntion than Congress has devoted to bow in resignation to the divine will, ; them, and, having le„gitiated for the firmly believing that our loss is his gain.llblacks for so long a time, they have at Resulred, That a coiiv of the above) least the 'Democratic right of the rna preamble and resolution be handed to i ) ority to protest against anything more the family- of the deceased, entered on eing done for so tneonsiderable a min the journal of the conference, and pub- erity in numbers, to say nothing of lished in the papeN of the town. the question of equality, at least for some few years. " There has been enough talk on the question'to fillthe British Museum with reading matter; yet, after all, no one has discovered any invention to bleach a black man white. Next Winter the slaves of the south will be sheltered, clothed, and fed, while multitudes of free-born Men are pale with want, de manding lab,ir to purchase bread. ." In seek times as these the futile dis cussion of the slave question had better be thrown under the table, not to be taken sip again till Congress has legis lated on some of the practical questions of the day. The whites demand a hear ing." The following preamble and res- Autions, passed by the Quarterly Con terence of the M. E. Church, which met in this plveon Saturday week, on the, doddt of Itr. DAVID CIII.III/LRLIN, have been-handed to us for publication. Mr. euAstassun at the time of his death was in the 6Stb year of - his ago--having el s man of Must ezernplary eharac ier saiitioOela rc-poeted Ma. STATILE—I - Dear Sir:-1 find in your paper of the 14th inst. a note made of "the largest corn crop on record.'r You will find this "headed otr if you will take the trouble to examine the report of the Commissioner of Patents for lgirt, (Agrieulture,)•page 25. T :41t Is shown that of nine conapeti WOO, Matson, of Kentucky, raised, oP ;axis, 189 bushels and quart of eorn per sere; and Mr. Pesivof r iketsirte State, 198 bushels to the acre;- Tours, PAim EH. Morin/ ' .y, Deo. V, 1857. Ise Us Oimapliair. .-4111khLeal Enigma. am comp:ware 23 letters, • My 13 b 18 9 isa town in Pennsylvania. ":18141 13'13 0 1 4is A county in New York. w10,11"31 13 isa rtt'er in Arlaussas. " 12 2 X I, 12 3 is a county in Virginia. 4 `..42,41-Alk VI /8 1/ 15 is a river in Loonistawa. 411 14113_1a a town in Spain. 1111 , 4 le iv conaty in N. Carolin.s. .ii)11 3 32 is a rifer'in South ifierica, ‘ / 3.4411.2 39 Las town in Africa. 2,4 :161 a eonsty in Tennessee. •• 'l2 i 9 13 is brims in Asia. vg 43;11 (. 31A - 139 fa a county ha S. Carotins.. 11 7 or*ist itotimate at a celebrated sat ittkiiiblbs4.B4os• '7 . r - .ierttismrer week's !::/44 111 1 10 tf hist Fernandes." - .firtuAnaWy lats:o4 West.--abe litialierat beastly* from Ohio, saki Keaboaky that the eorn ie Ayr a itleastaawlextent, both that 4 14iitti bi on the siallidnuirk in the cram m . Sligo o ethe Den . vierntla s matter of 4,Bloablpartasae., 11004,41, A writer in the 'Baton Ntinator • are lie. rot about JAxu.AJIT, I 10 17 24 31 FrsarAltT fr . • '7' 14 21 28 IfAseu, Ann., MAY, Jcst, Ii:LY, A voila, 1 Szpr'Bra, OCTOBIB, 8 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 /2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 31 Noviws'a, 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 80 DECEMBER, Coelsos nical.“ Education in the .Vary.—Certain of our naval officers have addressed a memorial to Congress -asking for the adoption of a ytigtitir system of °dace tioa on board,meu-otwar. They desire that sehooltnasters shall be appointed by the federal government, at a fair salary, to superintend the instruction of the boys and such men among the crews as are anxious to avail themselves of the opportunity to learn, Thu addi tional expense incurred,t;lie,tuomorial ista think, would be-doubly repaid bi the rapid improvement in the personnel of the navy, and the increased facility of shipping men sad. boys at our recruit ing stattens. Wherrit is possible to ob tain an elementary English education aboard ship, a very grave objection to the enlistmeht 9f ?out in the service Rill have been removed; ,airl the im proventaul id the intelligenea of weirs mutt greatly ineresee the ealcieney-of oar lithe navy, CM! The Atlantic TetegrapA.—•WAnnll443- Tem, Dec. 150.---S• try Toney has sent a letter to C. W. Yield, ,Esq„ in lummoLiarr ' forming - him .that the United States frigate neer* nil be again dAtailad to lay the Atlantic Telegrao sable, Chief llnginter Everett has been given )save 40/smace to, ere ilia acrviaaa to tie telegraph company. ThePraslidenteda --- 'Ulna St* both Ertorahls;)o. tilsolesillstrinlk tutiit 4, s• tett" ImslX Ttiimk4.,Ns . bormited- minims of raid sail oddly egos, ifielethavo of Pansies. L r.-, 4 coq 20 0 T. al E S.' A a., e --.4 7 ii ii• t. t i 5 ' 2. .1i; ".:4 Q. .;-' t. ch 15 - z cc 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 28 13 20 27 4 5 6 11 12 13 19 19 29 25 26 2'7 1 2 9 9 15 16 22 23 10 17 24 1 2 8 t# l 5 18 29 - 18 4 5 . 6 11 12 18 18 19 20 25 26 27 , • .0 • 10 17 24 11 0 5 6 12 13 16 20 26 " ..21 15 22 29 , RI 14 21 IS El 11 , 18 25 10 17 24 31 12 19 26 18 23 80 .10 17 24 13 20 27 15 22 29 II 16 23 39 15 22 29 13 20 27 11 12 19 26 10 17 24 31 12 19 26 M 16 23 30 M 16 23 30 15 22 29 M 18 20 27 12 19 28 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 •20 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sot Mad. =3 Charles Feasts Irofinan.—A notice Is - _ going the "rounds" of the press that WILL be offiiitt 144114 e,, at the late of Joww Museum Charles Fenno Hoffman, the celebrated in Fraresidual* iddia towisaisape . Adana aamity.a.° Je poet, who has for some time been an one mile from Maramasburg. es the road inmate of the Pennsylvania Hospital, leading from M im mast xar lC Shippamsberg• on Mnday, ate I$(A day et Jeallikafif rs 4„ the near llarrisbarg, is lying dangerously following property, via : 3 heed of 11011'4.5, (un e of them • fait-rate Brood Mare,) 1 Cult. ill. The Telegraph, of that city, says that so far from this being the fret he 5 head of Mulch Cow.. 3 head of Young Cat istle 8 bead of Sheep, Sow and Pigs ; $ sar enjoying most excellent health, and row trend Wagon, with bed, bows, °over. hopes areentertaincxl that at no very and feeding trough ; Hay Ladders anal distant day, with the treatment now Wood Ladders, Ploughs and Mures's, Wiu observed, the distinguished gentleman mowing Mill, Cutting Boa, two-horse Sleigh, may be restored to that poaition in so- Wheel-barrow. Horne Gears, Grain Cradle. ciety of which he was an intellectual H w ban the ton,Orain bT the bushel and in the orhament. groom). Also, Household and Kitchen Furni ture, such as Beds and Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Kitchen Cupboard, Ten-plate Stove, Clock, Pots and Kettles, with a variety of ,anther articles 3or 4 Slaps of Bees, a Grind ' stone, Weaver's Loom, Pork in the pickle by the lb., Lard by the lb., kc. ger Stile to commence at 100 ' clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by SUSAN WILDESIN. “liar um* lie lakaair, soca slat a oar sown We'll stand by ash ether lhowrair It bluw.” MARRIED, Oa the i;th tilt, Mochanicstoirn, Freder ick county,. lid, by the Rev. Mr. Station, Mr.' TIIADDECS J. S. STUTZ to Miss MAJLTI.II Liatmca, both of Adams county. Oa the 29tb ult . by Her. S. Sento:mu, Mr. ArtirSTCS uARNErt to Miss ANNA KetklA, eldest daughter of Mr. Jacob Kering, all st i Adams county, Pa. On the 24th alt., by the Rev. S. W. Seibert, tigsr - - 3 9 10 16 17 2 4 3 24 341. it RI 22 l Mr. CORNELIUS BINDER, of Sandersville: t o w Adams eonnty, to Min MARIA VLINE, of Pinetown, Turk county. ON the same day, by the same, M the rein- 5, donee of the bride's father ' Mr. MINRY J. 12 • CRISSWRLL to Miss ANNA MARY MYERS, 19., both of Knatingtoto township, Adams county. git On the 24th alt., by the Rev. M. J. Allman" Mr. EDWARD RECESS, of York county, to Kim ' ANN LORA, of A.denut eoenty. ' On the 32d ult., by the Rey. Jacob Stockier, Mr, JACOB A. BISHOP to Miss MARA.NDA R. , SLA.CGENRAUPT, both of Adams county. On thi 24th ult.., b,y the name, Mr. HENRY STOCE: to Mies MARY E. DUTTER.t, both of 1 Adams county. On the moods!, by the same. Mr. WILLIAM H. REEFER to Mom CATHARINE HAHN, both of Adams county. r On Tuesday last, it the Conowago Chapel, Mr. JOSEPH . KUHN to Miss SARAH CARLIN, both of Adams county. 3 4 111 10 17 24 31 16 23 30 I M 10 17 24 M .•1,1k• {was oa train tos roes of sae la famed ; Nu► Immo la yoallk, nu► ►ltbarlal oa tiro gruand... 1 At an early hoar this mornipg, January 4, JOHN B. 111 . 11ERSON, Esq., Cashier of the Bank of Gettysburg, iu his 69th year. A faith ful officer, a good citizen, and an honest man— he sinks iuto the grave with the esteem of all who knew him. The funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon nest, at 2} o'clock. On the 26th ult., at Chambersburg. MOSES D. MEALS, formerly of Bendersrille, Adams county, aged about 35 years. At Taneytown. Carroll county, Md., on Son day. the 20th ult., Mies ALICE VIRGINIA. eldtist daughter of Thomas Radii's!, Esq., aged 17 years and 1 month. , In Centreville, Wayne county, Indiana. on the 9th nit., ISABELLA, daughter of John and Margaret Myles, aged about II years. i4jqtkei Repoiris. CeMstedifies the tale"( Ileltlloo7ll, Tart A Usaerer papers Baltimore—Friday last Flour, per barrel, $4 5:1 ® 4 5G Wheat, per bushel, 1 00 (C - 4 1 13 Rye, 4, 68 (9 76 Corn, " 45 (4 53 Oats, o 30 gi) 34 Clover -seed. " 5 50 (4 5 62 . (-1 Tintothy4teed," 2 25, 2 51 ,-.. Beef Cattle, per blind., 600(4 8 *I tinge, " 4 6 00(#4 Co .7l 11sy, per ten, 12 00 @lB 00 Whiskey, per willow, 20 ® 22 Guano, Peruvian, per ten. 65 00 Samorer--TAureday last. Flour, per bid.. from wagon", $4 37 Do. '• from stores, 5 25 Wheat, per bushel, 90 (3, I 05 Ave,o2 Corn, 66 eat'. 10 - Clerremood. " Timothy, " Ramat. per ton, Fark—rPritiag /as& Flour, per WA, from *mons. 14 50 Do., " from storm, 525 Whestoar bushel, . , 95 4 ] l',) Rye, • 65 Corn, " 55 Oats, •• 25 Clammed, " 4 75 Timothy. " 251 Plaster. per ton, • , 650 List of L'etteril V KMAINING in the Poet price, at Getty*. burg. J" 4,1858. . • Ake Jewels(Miller John Alwine TllOO2llll r,Millef Isaab Arlrinh. Adam 'ltionhenny J. K. Bushman Mary ?Cu 'Mc.Clentock James P. Bucher Samuel ,Keever Wes. Dysert David 'Roth Kline Dryfoos Jos. ;Sine/Iwo A. L. ML.. Eckel:m . )4e Mary Miss Stinson jeressaiah Hoke Flemming 'Shank Usury Hart. Peter ISath Cornelius Holt Orphin :Stockalager Jacob Hunter Albert - Stoner Johu FL King, S. 'M. Mitis Settle Mary A. Mies Keno Benjamin 'Thrall T. Gust lets Mary Iris' Weber Matth. F. ' Megillieuddy John Wineherger James Morgan Geo. M. Wolf Luba Mrs. Morgan Peter Wolf Daniel M., McCreary G. Maj. Young h. Mrs. GEORGE GEYER, P. M. air Persons taking for letters in tho above list will please say they are advertised. Littletdown Railroad: THE Seventh Monthly Instalment of Five Dollars per Shirt on the Stook subscrib ed, will be due and payable to the Treasurer of said Cautestiy,on the 244 A day a, Joe. ies€. air-By a ttesolution of the Bdarl of birets tors, poised ou Saturday, July 25th, all per sons in arrears after Aug. lath will be charg ed interest at the rate of one per cent. a month on their back payments, in accordance with the Act of Assembly. E. F. SHOttlit, Secretary of the Board. Jan. 4, IASB. td N. B.—Any of the Directors will receipt far payments on Stook. If You WANT to bee Ladies' Dress Goods at eost. call at GEORGIC ARNOLD,'II where you can buy 25 out U. Detainee at, Ifif eents 14 " do. 121 " 50 " Coburg Cloth 871 •• 371" do 25 •• 100_.''75 ••, ,T,llka Call afti - then:. . . , imil4A - DeC ' . - . Agents :Wanted. A ICELLE NT DM Wald slew etßea dusty Neu, *sellAgriealtinul ngtbelaresers. very firtereble terese Will be eyed.. With enreiteatiee, emote Iglus ne per month, , above ail eltpeaSee.lare be realis e& A tyre e4anee to alike twisty withoet risk. For particulate. apply immedistelito A. 6. WORN, Agrieultatal Book Publisher, Ne. 1.40 rattan Street, NerfrYprk. Jan. 4, 1.858. 64' arGelio jest vedel Tod 4 . 1, milky oar Glatstrmee Tama; fin, I Sawa. gsakina 464 s tyhmnd priosa, at (,'OBE Dic ftiiqP. the lohb. DIED, MIS Al•Wril, of •U kiwis, * Jk 1 , 4 XTON Jan. 4, 1858 Orphan's Court Sale. IN pursuant* of three several Orders of the 's Court of Adams county, will lie offs at Public Sale, upon the premises. els Saturday , Ms 10IA day of January next, (A. D. 185 A,) the several and respective in termits of Jane Dell Galbraith, Margaret Gal braith and Ann Galbraith, in A TRACI' OF LAND, situate in Butler township. Adams county, adjoining lands of William O, A R /f aith. heirs of John Galbraith, deitmased, George Weaver and Michael Deatrich, containing 106 Acres, more or less. The land is all un der gond fence; about two and a half scree are in Meadow. and about thirty or thirty-Ave acres are sutured with Timber. iiiiiirif4ale to oolanienes at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day s when attendance will be given and terms rinds known by JOUN B. (ULM/A/TU. Attention! i Wly dieted hiehe titeeklans. Any perk* VIVE. HCSDifp..I4,I4.N ANTED-- 1 desiring an losuranoe can ,apply to any, Utl4lo 1 : To Lo y - Over-Costs from ' PICKISU ; 1 above named Managers for" flatter lams O tiny Ortn:-coats'froni 'PlCiting; 1 matron. . A. • iTu bay Oraysioata from Plaiting; • liarT h 0 ltitecuti!eCuastaittee atpOt at tbe TTO buy Over-conta from P,ieldur; (lire of the comp ; tny on the last Wednesday To buy ar'irleolits front Pitting;' in dteiy`iti&tit,' at 2,'P. M. To hay Detail-emits kwal.Plekitig 1• , i - Septtat , MIL i , , : ' ,. .1. ' • • ,'' - I To buy Dress-coats from Picking; , - Ti::1 - .1i iida - 0 6 - 1 0 inquiet ~• ' — TO buy Dress .coataftatu Picking; 1 A . 14;trig Dross-coats from, A i l l i ng #., a linith Wordier., • vs. Snaahmt) InitheOmill To buy tinsiness-cogis from Pickin ;' - liellei..Rebeemt.M,Yent, Juliana 'of Comir • t n , b uy g ni ; i iegikkee , hi m * pai n ~ g 7 fluke. John Myers, tonne My Mese of 4. rimy Dresta omit Conitnuo,Voitte 4tom _ ems, Wesley Myers. Mary Atliiratiltuilill y , Picking ; Lloepsa, , Aary Catbarinellarts I Su. 11101110. TO buy Dress and Coltman Chats ream eloeh. riettekee liettreek. Jobs vilMbiteeti_ T. -1. • • ~, , J ~: , , . bkp t ir : Wesley liartsoch, 31artin 'Lit- ) 185. Writ TO buy Buffalo. ,mul.„(lum, 4 ,4015 , (41,,,,,k ii , they lterteivek: Jeseirlditrehilll 4opeperilikest Violuoi and Aecordesins &in ' Picking ; Meetettek•llieutteLAeteffart"ilkP• i . 14, 1 0 4 . TO hay' (a wa y, 'ff # 4; e o y , pngh,.. 'l mm o* ~ utice is hereby given to the Defendants 1 I 'finlike and Citneg Fankafrom Riolung ; t named iri thie 'eii4r: that In'ptirtunnee of We TO buy Cinbrellas end Canes from above Writ; du inepeese trill ba held spun 11 1 1tASKLIN It. PICRIX&." 1 tip. P,rVekle e r 4 eeur, ihetkii the said , AV,ltts,„? N o , 21, Ism. ,-, , ,-, 4 , ! , 47 .• , -, ! , ineram, ha an day of January nest, A. 11.• - -- - --- - -,--..,--- ...--,--- --..- .183/t . ft Bielreepoire rifwfaking pinkie,' -4 ' ' Court Pkciplartusgdit ' :•tissirt4tadesentmil id OM.. pdtweldriispitdo WII 1.: HE Af4 the non: Itiiiiitil. lonia:lL ;4 4 4 1 t,L , T e ri; vrilm : ,hlnein Pr u "• 114: 57 4. p ro w s , ' (4. dm sev e n az in i s sr e om. 1 pig ) . Q tr it Teta all. reepeet te, man Pleas in the Coin 'e: eimppsinesks42o, ' t r i e i' r t m rt i c i t ier .a .. n e l n l d u G 4t e i n c e e-A-- iTtU nrt .l h a e i e:ltiri l tieli g ve h r W y t r r a t l ee ..17) .t u j j'il4Pi rl s'°4- i titermat": " 4"4".°rdiwu r i'b =i t. *11.14 Hien& allVattiteil itti4f6thei"olleittkife the '‘ iim 7,' !r e( an Lt. Y °ll Ini " I " '11 " 'Aid ,disutirti and Dar) enwliehrto ' 84 . 11 " " 311. 1Q T A 7 ,-:. ' tirrkra_ i _Am Howes. Estirr.,Juilps,of the Court,* of Cu-m ..' i i i i :H li, e .l4*` ti l c i. 'l '7 44 ' 4 ' won Pleas, and Jii.tttess Isitlietorleis of Oier :' nerl .2.. ..„'- i . t attY 6 , rii , 1 , end Teritrittir. add thitteral Jellikliverycllir '. . ' ''' • '"' ' •'' ' r the•trial of all nepjjalAnd cttlitir, ofsmdsre..ip . T.' ''ii , ,aiii, - 14 3 - h o - - -iii - h i r - 7 the Cott nt Y leAllanl3—uhare issued thei, pr -4 , ,„6 1 ,,,,„,i, 4 1,4,,,,,,,,j ~,tor, hive ; ceptiliesrlst date -tfits Ilth dar'efilitriodtAireV, I ..(i r "..__ ; "' - ', r " ' "t"'",,„,., ''.,-,#.,,' 1 7 # ' 1" :" I iii theoluir af.luttr.Lorti .oeket * dummied , eight' ', "•'""; 1 _ "...1.."'r,`',,,„ ,'" I4 I' SI VI, 11111 l Itundroil mut tifiv-seveu , and to ,nte directed, . target etuee'Pl :"' 4 "lv" - ' ll L.' Vir. for hiiiiiirg.t. Cottrt ore...wit* row and (14/ of °wntfteing up, na de out " w Ge G e ts l,goo rter . linaiona, Pact(, so d i tisin.illetka; an warranted tube iitoielik liee genßrftt Jj,,i I, ;OW very NW Coqri, o f D i rmr, 4 ,o ' riery.teeoA smatter arttalyie, plionw ITerminer, nt flettyiburg, on *highly, die ism I Dress Coats of every variet. Over-ea h4 V. (fay of January wt 'Vs iittegay 'lkanono, ' Vert'', Monkey Jaeteebt,' Se 4; P alle Gtrey to all the Jimetees of the Peace s , the stack. like , OH "' /3 "' n ' Uh4r * Dril " lll t t'ornner and' C. pristatilme within the add Min- i QrPes Cloths , fur ther•elOttat with triewkillP ,le of,Adauts, 4,4 mu lt b e ,i,h o p lin 4, g m ", i n 1 t 4.1 suit, sold cheap; also cheap Cesilieeree, dieir proper persons with their Wills ite• Castanets : Jeans , Cords and man's weer pro ends, Iggstiottionlr, isaininutions,:iimenthtlr , *Fa. .0. Welbsytt,..iast, rsoeiv ,ll tb°, ARAI*" Remembnutees, toils those Wags seblejsen 1 le fill ) .044 Wire minas uutleterwZ •mpt i lig dici, offices and in Hint belpirappitxtain to be , etutthS out and making up, 'and if we done • and eats, they wild vrill'proseelitil - agalitst tlileeteo Too ip 41111101 1 . 10 1.0 111 7 low* **will the primmer* Was %WV, thietabeitiki lathe litakt.lPW tuPtLettre 4 . 14 4 /milt' 7qu a "Mr ,Jail of u s . a s id . 44 Bo g 7 .0 m mo4 , ri wh e iehort notice. Calf and see as . Monogr then and doge to jnosfocille slainet shim es r t6HiSitirilf• lie mid cheep - far e.t.a. e,., f' , ad' b e j u k t .„- ..' , • • - :1•• ,ioeir./p.„141101,,,i a 1;, • • ' .r: “. • , • ' ~ ISAICIDUITNLit o ,,Sher4i s .- NOW GkxWitt - ' ~. - v i r'' ' .S'ileeLfre Otrw% coeta.shorg# 1., , -,, „ De:ieni her 21 ' V 57 le 1 ' •'"' '. ITATINOSTOC HI • , BROII4IIIIIIIt ) kali j. sat t , ...4 - "-.4 - 4. 4 • , T 40.1-4.440.- 4- * . '/.1 54.11 n , vetteierei 144,Pe40,141u1S,ItuPel 14 1 1 Ai ministratere .lieties , .., ,", ^ owe is . 44 , 4 vii : we an aii dlYl o nter Gt2t: lb to which the Inv to the 14 TOSEPH CHEAtail.:B ES ['AT-E.—Letters WIN ndrainistrodow etalieLlatsteordideeph . 1.411 hi"- will b. 11°4111"ri 41111"1". crcot.vr. hue of Prlmivln tOwtith I ~ itt4 tr***Liett,!tt' 4'• digs of e t fed •ronL • i.:onnty, deeetteeii, having been gran i o'a ~, . .—.1....-..........t- i . 1 , ...est . iiwierrigssed, she liratoilatnee,:rieeidifitir ;,,...7iiii~xcls-Vaitle & BYTOM; ft tkiconkatiwaihetrietrEtimjimicit mu , and the last flamed In FrWiiin nit ; ,,,, i , ~, ..k wittiL,Nag.k. xii,sLitit4 L ii IA liviiir they - hereby glee tititisti ifti:till 4tisi.fliiilikeZ D I 9, TS. ST l , l cg;', CA P S i & 1 1... t et] up said eoteeeotompbelisoperilial Oxeye*, r ;66 11, k ; ALliei n ls' rAsitrotritlV l "' 11114 thWir having 041,nAlialuet , At Affe to 21rettkkhz, ' Sta.' •P'elt lailf , ; -Mar 11114 . prtilefiTitieht properly 4011hentierth.1 - rof Bet, il • .':3l. M. o.r. szt.tilitOU ft UMW' Ari el 7. ,,, d el loo l vol OOTA VWS A. OREACItIe,'. 7 / I Teltiant,B, Winger t !, . .. '4 1 ,10.P.Ur Me aliZoktirritl .1 . i INiiiet S. irli;)e, i . //./L7710/12; SD. . Dee. 21., 18;i.. 4._ Ado. rs. ;ro ut A.. Seape. ' 7-- - - ' — ' 4 l - inifitstthiiiiirdeli -- -TtE - 1 . ._,A"'' ii 557. , I 1 „,---- TIAVTIII VITTLER'S ES T 11,TEPsflletters 1, ' ' Real Goode. ' ° , h r AJ - 4•4midisintli-p op the Name. utlitetid r 'r?‘..:o. 'Aft*IOLTI &L,efl: hare jepeeviteekiel Ditiller, late of Berwick township, Adams • itA 1 ' 1a - arve .stuck of Neer 4 1 0 erktowtimeir •ehtinty, deCeasea. %swing boon viletea - to n 14i4 are bodies' preet Goods in gel rill f - tie ordiuNigneek,..aioioireir ,in MU imilester t .1 .. (1 it firo lie e l -Abilit y , , 1..1 r 0 Ix. r-co 1 o, 4 ,141,45,, : I.;,,,rrup cluiu.y.. ~*.1., ,he . hereb y-'l nert, Jeans , Sti.tinbes. 'Cords; lir paha giot noti ce Di ell I.,er‘inis 114 , 1,0v,i to mi..0l m a i , ,sh aw i s . c arp ci li . , i#l .4 isemesto t se *Kati ' si , ' tnike ' iminoilinte psi -meet, filhfcl i di . ' , il l, a l arge At ,,, K .4 ; o f Itee: i li3ra t e .M. - I i Ttle . D in e:c co ... l :t ;2l . 2 i v dmaist : . : l l4. J a t tr i 4 e n : a 4;l ol. l3 . l44. l B i l7: l L , : t i ll i ms. "l , .f i l s tl q ,•:: ~ illt.L.:aerli.l,4:fvfe.44()l":sif°;:bvicmie,Wkiotilit.:6:7:4"l""4:l.s:l:4l:4:::: prisiont them pruperlq limbo!' tie3tiNl fir Set- -, *pH m ode Aw l s o I t we n, a lto ajarg.sersik o f cash. (1.',,a1 aril' sea us . • ' - -------• ' - t *-'.• ---, ___ ---A---- ' efoT, 11, No% -- •. : . . -• ' r,, , , I _lAm/iv., kaii'AX4u-s.'s *4..0. .g&—Let- , 0," 1 ,,,,, , , 1. , t.” Jars of a• ltitiuirtrati”n yi t the ,estate of __ - ___ _ _ ...: •_ . 7__.._!.___,. .... .. ~ .E.i t rie, vratorion: late ~f Itanirtten'te,irnohir, 2 Coln , Making.. ~* 1,11 'Adams einnity, (claims(. haling been gust- Tit; F, ine uer ib er r e , voc ic a ll y inf aimq , 4 0 ed ti tl,e lin.:Prhi t znel, residing in ltrading 1. pui , l i.„ ...1., he.. 6. prepared to ma k e township. he hereh,A,gives tome to itll par- covileig likfm aik iit o miat m ilit , ,Amak „ . sal i wine i rode bled to cod estate tutitn4",linetattliete,et sesdiersispmisok.,. ; llg,6l44oo, I tetwith bli . o t , ., c:lnre.y eoOpierli h idlnt" t P h nn e l it e m ist e . tr ik , n. p l re i . l or ''' ::/1 1 1 1 ; ; e v m ing pro a rL i rt ni ; sT i tt l ie n u st . ' " 7"Th "1. 14.1" ne r . " ARSE Yrk l kePhtitl tiuste , l f or sotttentent. ~, .. ..1 , I , i 1 4 1 od i mat . 11 1 4 14atabtlidIMOTIfo.“04004,4 1 , , 1 lE.Nili A. rich.txq4,/,‘4•,. . r .. , I,lo :m.Trbip, Adam , P.C. 21; 1-::,`, - . tlt ' fieltei 's ti re, end ttWut onriraltriii .' '-'' ."' '4- t 1-- ..--4-'''...4 - P'fr titillvw oqo *.i. WW2* St I thltsk4rl ll l o6 t 0 , .! ' Uover ' s Li c lultd..4 lo DY4. , r wad...toil** libentiatiere If RIAU e. • T ii l; 6 rilrek t le u Ve n t :l airi C i l ;l ' iliVrti' a p n it i tir P eti r : ).- ,z) tif'il'..) :!., j , . 1 3,6- -7 ' l° .!"-At -A M ' ed. the folln.nine 111 trilli added- - 1eu...........1.1 _.....,.....5.........- i?, -10iF,,,,---„-it-mr t, Pnrrie Pr,fi.Vret 6giiiatemierii } Pral6.4, ~ ~. , ThAt. lof Theory and PratUcir uf lifieritoine , aer the • • ()overlay T'r osniiihrf. I Prepare for Winter. , FeoWe I . lelikg!iiiCV3f Pee} ora I yft)ie l pn.i. PorneP hi' nilifillYn'ttildn ItiOdoSIVENIo, , r ow LI et r ~, late Pr,, e.s r of • pry lo 'ale it'inerinctu ; , ~ ;, ; l a ! via Leipludwit hit ~t , d ei 4 ... - • .. I t t . , ' . , ... ."' ' e , 5... 0., . fst e mith #6 ll ."t :': ' --C /I,i , 1 • 4 .g, . 1 . * Akin. UO I IIOOI - - - , , polka ' . ~.. w . -.11. 4 1 04 7 9443 f 41419 i; RfAr Itois re 4... r , . WndWlifrlr.ontfifiet ' '...,--` ''. • . 11311113ra "... " ?4 , Il r'a l . t bvi l l P - jrl'nrinerient an ••• '', ' " bl ' TahlreAjti g - tict *Yi ntlit tr ir;44 . • ' ll 'A if ti 7 ia'-' 21 T 11 " 41' .? 31 : jn' rill nanilletir. ' 'I "en. 1 . 411 --; 0,0 C , ' la " and L4 'i m-in ok,tiesi. that it is a wife:4:444 1 4; 5 ;: ) , "eliaal6l44l)dalig-4114°.°* . 4w ( Railroad Election. . ~ ." - ' ;, / short , even •• ht." r ~ , , uol., A , ..,. style of 0 4,,,,,, ocort-fpriparatimt......ll,leite items utlient. le " f i - ,,,, t 6 5 4-:' -'-' ' Ilis kr irsgftmoi n ' VOTICE is hereby givetitu the Stockholders* -.1 . • .:",',..:,-. , sun „ this in aerimilis s t a a d esopro s b a kiebig e j 0 . 4„,. , tr,i,7, - , '„,., 1 1 .... _, 1 ,... 4 ,4 4 .„,,.. __ -. 1 in the Gettysburg Railroad Company that i and Busing*" ( Pik ' '', - i.V"irdelfll.o.arteet.,R ' I V& ' ' • . _ sue Court- ... . - Administrator of the totates at Jane Bell Galbraith. Margaret Galbraith curl AOl3 Galbraith. deeeased; By the Court —II. G. Wour, Ckrk. Dcc. 28, 18157. to • A T KEW SALE.—In parsnance of a Al* Orrice Or4sr of the Orphan'. Court of Adams county, wrll- be exposed to -Public Sae, on the premises, en Saturday, the PRA day of January nee, the Real Estate ofJscoa Ssaosni.s, late of Liberty township, Adores county, deceased, consisting of A TRACT OF LAND, situate in said township, containing 7 Acres and 37 Porches, more or talks ' adjoin ing lands of Hon. James McDivit, Michael Kelly, Emanuel Brunei, and others. The improvements arm a MI one-and-a-half story LOG ROUSE. I (Lathed and Plastered in the side,) Log Stable, with a well of excellent water, and a pimp in it, near the house.— There is oo the premises an Orchard of choice fruit. The laud is well mot in grass. lkir Sale to etmuience nt I o'clock, on said dny, wliffn attendance will be given and terma made known I.y ABRAII 4.M K RISE, of A., Adm.'''. By the Court-11.G. Woi.r. Clerk. sia"lf not sold, the Property will be offer ed for Rent on said day. December 2t3, 1+57. u Personal 'Property T PUBLIC SALE.—The subscribers, Ad ii.t ministraturs of the estate of Jose's Casatme, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, at the late residence of said deceased. in Free- dim township , Adam. county , half a mile from Weikert's Store, ea Wednesday, Me GM Dec. t€ 5 .7. day fif !unwary acrd, the following property ' of said discussed, viz: HORSES, Cows and I R e gi s te r ' s .Notice. Young Cattle , It'ge• narrow- NTOTICE is hereby gives w all iegeteeken4l trend Wagon, Lime Bed. S'ed, Horse-Gears, Pl.:Lien; and Harrows, Iterolvineflarßa i k n e . .: islyß Z i t , ll9 , n r i ir co r r in t: v b : l rti ee ntt rn il ed ,, c l4l : 4 lci t i l t 7 r. A c d , i lig w in ii i Winnowing Mill, Grind Stone, C " ir be resented at the Cirhan's Court 44 Adkins Grain Cradle, Rakes, Forks, Le. Al4o, P C:unty for confirmat ion Awl. alloralicP, on Wheat, Itye,'Oats and - Corn by tits bushel ; mund , c - or the u ll , „ 4 - J us „, ry Hay by the ton—and Grain in the remind.— 1. The o f Samnel . Little, Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, such aeconn a. Bedstead. and Beddiiig, Clock, Curlier:in!, Administrator of the estate of John Store and Pipe. Le.; 6 Scapa of Dee.: Shall Little, of sfountjoy township, dec'd. Gun, a lot of Carpenter Toole, and many 2. T he account of Jacob Toot, other article*. too numerous to mention, mar sate to zommence at 10 o'clock, A. M., Guardian of Mary Harman, a ndoor on Said day, when attendance will be given daughter of John Harman, deceased. and term. made known by 3. The tint' and final account of OCTAVWS A. CtitrEGER, Eliaa Mayer, Administrator of the JOSE Pll u, CREED ER4 . Dec to • estate of _Edwin L Stonesiter, dec'd. 4. The account of Phitip G uardutn of .Daild Luther Plank tiLid Anna Mary 'Louisa Plank, minor children of John Plank, deceased. 5. The account elf William !toss White, AdntidistratAir of the estate of Joseph Oradorif, late of Ikpiler townehq), decaaaed,.. • • 6. .The tival account of,.fiamnel Martin, Guardian Malinda Beard, .11 minor child of joedula Beard, dec. ZACIIItARIA.I/ 34.11:11S,'Rivirler: Regioteeol 011 Ice. burg, Dec. 21, 1n57. 40 24 4 50 1 50 6 50 'Sheriff's Sale. • 1 IN puranance of a writ of froutititnei tx pants, Memos out of the Cons of tatin mon Pleas or Adams connty. Pa.. and to me directed, will be exposed to Palle Si).. it the emrt-llause. in the borough of Gettp borg,'on fAe IGIA day oflaaaary, 1R53, it 1 o'clock, P. M.; the fullcrwing &- ecrilied Real Estate, rig: A TRACT OF LAND, coutaining 17 acres, more or les., situate in Reading town ship, Adams onunty, Pa., adjoining hinds of Jaoub Myers, Glees' Chrunister. and isthers, on which are ireeleo a two-story t o g MUSS. Log StablA a n d ilt Sheds attached. a well of water . 1 near the door. and an Orchard of _ fruit trees. Seised and taken in exemitiou as the property of.losime Muiteree. ISAAC LIG/ITN ER, ,Silrijr: Sheriff's Moil, Gettysburg, I Dee, IE, D 57. is J atiO-Ten per cent. of the purchaie mosey up in. &Reales by the Sheriff meat be paid over immediately after the property is struck, down. and ou failure to • comply therewith, 4 the property will again be put up for elle. , -- Attention! - -INDEPENDENT BLEES,—You vriU meet Cheap Good e fur parade, at the Armory, on Friday nest._ - Q TIM CO NI IM}- AT . 1 0 !iorpnekte.=— 4114 * 6030 at /4•14)'°1°4. A . M.. with Wo hive just rereired cretin NetiVivrittand , ascoutreatents in oninp.wite order--ea •ft pv,hoo rh i n ." ‘ „ t h tr in,pplit of etiftptioeittx, member Prosideld with 13 rounds blaak.cart- to which we invite the attention rifite pstb ridges. 13y order of the Captain. i lie. Wen prirehßsed at , asetion resets!. kkere C. X. MAltriN, 0. S. of I'Vr% ohm}, Tick inp, %Lich we CEA Deli at Jan. 4, !Rib. —a hargain. Littlectown Railroad Thirty-one cent Ticking. for t'S cent. Twenty-Eve • 1.4 f pLECTION XOTICh.—An Election for; Eighteen and thectLfoorths at 15 " 1 - 4 President and Twelve Directors to man- . w u Karp yet linirrtct .frmye of the.. eh (•;, p age the affairs of this compary during the Mullins and Prints which hove IS1:14. Anal a sliming year will be bell at the house .1 ~„,1„,,,,,;‘,„0„,4g,.;,, o f 11,01,4 Joseph Barker, in Littlestovrit, on bye Second 1,e..n in thetnty attaost 4.,oretymtle dixiiato the Zombi* of Jaripary, l Kit4, between the hours • list few ta,,athe. we w're enatdetWo xatrh of lU uelock, A- M. eel a o'clock , P. Al. opp ,rtonities for obtaiiang bargaine r and us Section rich of the lieneral Railroad Lew I ntAir propose to give euv numerous casitinaprs provides that no Stockholder shall be entitled the bermitlt of them.. Dust't fail te emeriti) I' to vote at any election, nor at any general or 4 Dee.. 28. 1857. FAIINESTOGLS'.• special meeting of the Gonparty, on whose share or shares any instalment or arrearages mac be doe than thirty days preeedieg Baia election or meeting. . EDM UN D 611011.13 f Seer. f Littleittawn Railroad Delos, I December 28.1857. id j - _ . there will be sist Xteic.).iun ' bald at CIJIIrt, -'nets.; 1 1 ..-, 0 •- • ••• - if" -16 _ , Pi; ;1i • .."1 • 1 ~ . Ilpsir to VI 4 Pa t n teen te an io :dVeS tia l. of inn td itm an Orlib4o l 4tllol7tvd ' f t i e st v . %kw . . ' n' t A i j r . i e n Vr ili d itrireattiii t il Tg fl iV i g t ,l ee rrl i.: lo .lo2 LlA W at foc i. house iu the BisTotGefirsrhurg. un Mos-, day, the Ilia day o .kumary ea:4as IsVelapk. ; „,„P li en • Thr the ..,,,, int' fur 6 0 4 : T A i tht 4, • • ~.. •, i •Nary ..,reereptg,". ~ :, • • c. 1„...• A) 1 410 ,,odywe i mga i . i gigi r os i i m omai mv eloi r : P. M.. fora Prod eat sad twelve DtreotoreAto • - " . 1 ".'• • • 10 . 1 w . ei -- a. 2 ,h,„ ALLLOVILLT, 31. 1 , - At the same time are to 'he bad at the vet" est 4 6 r eirt , . , , ,44 „ ,gt _ edietnel:ith. ,Iptut fi her ~,} ._,11 . 1_ . ; 5 . ~ , ~, ~ MI Deese fur the estorleir yam. Ott. 26. . s A m,„ .. .. , . ...• J, -... , 1 1 1. f WM 1.!: .. 1 6 , sad plass site bo bait the anneal sleeting of ; . • • : _Orliottrr s irriitaf isks...JcIATI - JrnereetA ; 7„.... 0 ,,,,, . . Steubbedders. DAVID WILLS, &est i ! Tfl•frhir, 'Pfeil.' sii4' AAA. ifogreftbla . fair, tydoek • ' r‘ b c g ot lit Deo. 211, Ifib7. td . . kiektelatrstoes SUMO; • '..taill , mai muds their hiscle 'hamper. y 11140400 efin fi dno t hat k they ~,, i ll bi . --.•• r‘.. . i r • OrX B 4 iiii•SPEA-4 1 ! foSTATZ. -- Lasers always dietiagaishisLaseas, mut the extensive , aminettee or the 600 , 11 .,, jt i 1 ll l4, Fresh Grooeries i acc., xi , of adatioiattatios. yr* tbs 'altiagmexti, ? Net- ~;AtiestO 4ww.et5.4004,4 somiiw•do *A t "' I „ f air • ins - A T NORBErIcS-IClmee dad ;See !—,I. Nor.' nn. 1 4... 11 .40 1 . 4, 442=1". wile of ,_ T ?steed aw!,il_clfs Mena , I. . • •ii TObaa 4- 1 - beck has jets rteelied from the cl it t i F !SkUlla illiler.) !WA gg AfnraPhlP.AMllan r Orders adee“w'to - rnii Mamtfactalo..4 ih r . u rge l e t ,t o ff ro A t G oo d, is- ticuti o .. 8 4 , , en., dee' ~ haring beeturrasteii tp . the seder- an sikap,s essi gt a b ois ,i pawky& ( 0 , ,r., of all qoalitirear and ptioee ; Molasses ere ft signed , residityr,je the awn s toweshir, babel* 114.) l'biladelpitill rewire _prompt at•-* feriae kinds: Dollen, Westin& I , Tesis am-,t l l aim, fiaf ticetoll4 l . mil isdrhis4 Allti , tastiest, bT , ••.)o p ry x, . f ..t. 1 ' - - ,4 L i t bracing wary variety ; Clieede. °new% -, ista.4o P.) mato 1 istiogisient; *IA NMI JOrtaPti E. [al) , 4.l4TtiFfilfro ' : L ialtaz i t i el Maekarsl, !imam Brunet. ao., ha.-, herder 1 tufting 4a o / 18 . ifisi Ow !mial.e• o Afirftrit, ; Dee. 21 , iEis;- [it • 13 : In - - : sad iibet, Pewits, sad a witsietySf Pettey Also p (157 7. Ibli ni tel I " T " Illet n . U . 1 4. AiapiL.wojPliit, Articles. C MABSUALL. .I.k4igratiaX-ItearOCWll6l6 Or Itioetrasi 76•4 always 4:44431411,. taut- odd se. , ,_i4litatir zed timi sidAitreasofg. i " nabi, an tty (Sit ~,, st - tberwaraltsttyroft% ~ - , ;- . l e 1 ; 18, VW- AL ... , . ; , ..., :, ( • i band and inn be eoldelellaplty Bo~rser , f. iv„,....,.,..,,t.." A supgaget spod e o r Dm* - 0 3 ; F kAti.; inliAr r..... . XV 1.. , 2 1112. nmni — Wocl4 ..k zs. blacken*/ Sanilia. cores& by • • -, • : yew Bent ever starer mth p.see, to he , STO% E—sbosP• -w•-t- w- *-, ise.',l, fiIiILADO . HUMOUR. i icsmi 0 • 2ro/181:CX • 1 ' ler' drab. ' - bur. 30. et . • nNaMMOMNM/NON the 274iibenitiallyki1843/110 following l i V il je=i l sl l l 4 eVisilit • l i rlil i titmioners of Adams ooatity, which exhillita the autuuot, descrlitt and value of the Real and Personal Property : Trades, Orcupatitps, and Proll.strione, dale triable by .1160 ierroral Actx of Agtoombly of tine Conumnrwrolth : - - - RomigAs aid Toscpishaps. Oettysbarg, Coroberbtud, Genitally, Oxford, fluntingtos, Latirnore, llamiltonban, Liberty, !ganglia, Strabaa, Franklin, Conowngo, 'yirune; Mounticy, Mount pleasant. Reading, Berwick tarp., Berwick bor., Yreedow, Union, Busier. i 4511747 V 126131 7146i:9703J ,554.1300355.' 500 49591" C• 350 . New beiliiege ifflik,6l)l,eledal is Real Estate' column Hitßwr t. MCKIM), t JOSIAH BONNElits - J,lOOll ILANY/iNSPEAGER, Ctie an i4sipmers. Atteed—J. N. Watrta. ekrk. December 21; 1557. Collictors, 'rake Noticser :fruit Colleen:ors of Taxes la the different township* of Adams eeunTire hereby notified that they will he required to settle up their Daplieates on or before ilusaday, the 18th day litanvary alert, on which day the Cosa- Inissiewers will meet at their olftee:Stestiweithe necessary esonoratioes, &e. If the Duplicates are not settled up is fall by the above data, the Collectors will be deals with according to law, without regard to persona. HENRI' A. PICKING. JOSIAII JAOOli RAFFENSPERGER.. Coransieuuners. Attest -J. M. Wavrice, Clerk. Dec. 21, 1857. Tax Appeals. ►nt Commiukinere of Adams county here. "A" by give notice that they hare flied upon the frillowins times fife, the Itoldim, of Appeals for the seteral ft.oringlie an.l Townnliio of Adams court", at 'the Aloe of the (Lunt/ Commismitanere, in fiettyrhorg, -when arid where they will attend to hear eppeshr, be tween the hewn of 9 o'clock. A. 81. i and 8 M.. of emelt day, as follow 1 The Appeals fur Germany. Olfdrdi, Union, Berwick borough, Berwick towriallin, Como , walen. Hamilton and lteading, on 11 , c;inewiag. the '2 4 3t4 of January serf. For Huntington, lettiMore, Tyrone. Libels ; ty, mtio n rjoy, Munetpleaaant and Freedom, ! on Thararitty, fite Org af.fonnary nee. Fur Gettysburg borough. Cans Lettered. !lentilhoiden,. Meant:an, Butler. Franklin and Strelonn. on Friday. the ?: biltrJantsary ne.a. By order or the Cianniissioners. • J. 31. WALTER, Clerk.. r, Tavern Licenses. TR Pilkt-big 'tpplielidnus •to lreqep . V.4l4ie 'tonnes of Entertainment here beta Med in my oflce,with the requisite Illanitlir . ar si4 n ? . era, and will Le presented at the ,court of Quartile Sessions; ess i x titili l o4.innary nest r , - i!T Neste Buses, Franklin townekip,::; thwar Micstar, " •••!:.•. • ~,! Itiac Rgsas, HENRY O. WOLF, -Cia*.• •Dec.„2B, 1R57. • • I P -1 4 , ci,i, '.i . 1 . 71 :7-: A' ,le s a . 1 '•;:.• ce 3* gr..,;g• 3= •-•=•':1"" 7 ' ,L''' . = 3 7-.• ; 3 4 , ; e 7, . 6„ b - • a . ,7% a .1 '-- ; F. ' a L . . r.- ..= • g g ; , '...' 7 E • ' ( zL . =4.• 13 4.1.41 1 ,.ir c ./ .4 ,e t4i' * 0 4...... 9 , ...., 9••••.• =Pe 1 1 1 ..cb . s:= ~,r1".• •::!_t i l gj - t : St •g` i. - 2 5 17,f1h- r; 4 - ,., .., ci.: -..„,. ,g. e i gs,l.tell $ 2 t . . 0 '.' ..:...._'____ • 193303 1 45cA 516037 ! !68 419' '3., izio ) M 2431; 15319 t50.58' 5820 W 11 ' 7 ' 12(1983 9644 1 2921*, 656.5. ,•2251 173681 92961(11510; 9005. , 509: 2120KE, 18264 66684' 11070" 'VW: ( t 156134! 12374, 32141; 465• - 3 ( 2)48673% 16634 27A09), 114/0, ' 140457 1 9617" 14059, 4170 175609 11335 26925 i 7858 t 164716 195180 14:V51 8845' • ( e 3. _ ) 236467- 4±708 . 3543.3$ 600 , 4p, -Hi" : tj ) 2136,38 27944 • 38/93! 10715 : ! 1 , 1. i• 1515n82: 1309i' 2410 r" OM ; ' •7 . 'TA: ' 4WW12264 7741 .Mlo', 'l, 1992024.L194.. 129. L 4 3840; 1Q361(11414 8272 Ti 0015' 18996117462 Mb O 6 51811 , i Arinct 4974, /', 1823; 1316 X 350; 79253. 3995' 14412 3165, T ; 11=-.11• 9491) 75384; 4910: ( t 1.57226, 16961 24523 easti 945 1950 :no 200 .9148• 500 250 1817 450 £4OO • IWO 1.11) , itns r 5 • •• 2051 318 iii 100 $ 1 01 -1 171(i i - • 1 43451 • 'ls3g; o .4246*: r a , 4 1 , . • - . ; t-11 - '1.4•.. 1; i; IN 1500:, 150 I • 27fa 100 Oil T L. SCHICK vroish‘sogil hi teals " • wed i uliet i•fmolikliatud ty and public in ponard, that he has samitiodi from the cities the hilted and mad stock of UM( 4.)00014,p1i5i1l it WA= your pleasure to esainivt• is this pima 11111 which hag bran ticketed with View liismaltrima cure, and aria* favaliesisolstes 11l Ihe watts CA wawa ofeheyeeople of this loeslity. foul which f i tly freaky atatlia an* he challemzeg emupeiition., In'ame ritvAirmitxt, hn% *lt *styling!' aliade , .., and *Mulls of Ilnods,sallabit IRA* mamma. yo itariten the Ladle; ,to• take a look thrumgh Lie liekkatiatift l ia i r alirhaat eoutettiett TIMA*I.IIOIII ME X, lea lout clink* eke* of (.3u s iq ii were.% Vn' eatins, Lc., Lc. all good oaf Don't papa B..blet';--be ertft shalt found tretuty to show thou loud tatsl thuille•••• among the very chaaprAt. Gettytthurg,Oet. Adams County Mutual, oak: 1N SU RANCii COMPAiIiY..-440,- "-- prated Mardi 18, 'lB5l. ornccas. i'eraii/ast--.Ganrgib Strops l'rciideml—.S. R. Ruxscll. ', l leiirciarl,—D. A. Buehler. •'Tresoorrer—DaTid M'Cresty. Eltrecwil ye Cuouriass liutpert 314/Csi4, &idols Thiuttehaan, Jacob King. ' MAN; tut RS. et ,rge Swope. D. A. Biiiilefs R.. M'Curdy, Jacob Nis,. A.- all'ereary. J.J.Kerr. M. Eicballaaript. 11, liate.e.ll, A. B. Kurtz, Andies Fifilixeitoet, Win. 8. - Wilson, U. A. I %the& 11. M itall n. J ,hn Wolforxi, R. G Ik. 4,1 c 0gry.,,,,,t i a Moller. E. W. Stable,-J. Aleliel F. Hitt. ger" his Cempanv is limited in it, avers. duns to tn. county Adaa. ltbse bees is succeswfaJ operati;.ii for more than mi.; jean. and is &bat period flax paid ali leiixes mufti puities,leithout uay aissesspent, hating:4in a large maple* capital in the Tres/wiry. The emapcitiy employe no Agentx----1111 faisßicoi beingilone by she Mummer'. Ale re anneal- .MiNiiie= MGM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers