Homicide in Chestar co. On Sat tirtlay Wm. Lync!i. (*on st:11,10 of \Ve.t C:1..••••*.or, tv.) 1 I'. M. I,l‘y man. tiii ,, N;est:lnt, 3 ;1"13 11; a'!l'. 1- • Pike 1\•-•.1 17ii•te4 a very ire, 1 v., 1 an an. opt Lay:lL/7.'7s Coo jaguhlr vein, :t :vas ha t ti co a",..l nlti 1)1.1 , •el i t n wa gon. Tle..v Own ntorte•l for Went Irt3-uvi.l I.loolinz inn-h front his wound. A rt..,- ti : ey gone about a !aide, i.) "!;i:l, you zuu-t care I feel. weak au,/ faiat, a..) I 11°14 out lanai longer." I;au:zil, ‘vas stoat, r , elcless Inal, thereupon sprnitg , npon Lym.h. wlio is not physi rally robust, lint of 4g(rsl pinelc. and not witirstatpliu, he was Iraul:nicreil, " 1 ' 11 ( 1, 4 #l.l<a: , . edt , l ;,y a Ir the fm.Uctinen , in epeting Lynn'.t front toe wa:.;)a an,l wreNtisQ;>ti pistol fr‘no ins h.:via—Lay limn being toi w-nk, temn loss of blocxl, to render eletire ail. Lynrit warn ed Ikaugil lie uotild shoot but lie (I.l.red Lint to shout, and still premed up,m jinn. Lynch then ikulle.44 the trigger, and din enterod - flaugh's heed rear the eye, when he exel4lmtrd, 4 , 3-on hare killed me," am.l firer.fell lle (lied in about an hoar. Littrpna is likely to recover. Baugh was 447e.614:11 for indicting wounds upon negro -with p pitchfork. - At roeitiis ix Kamas.--.llardcrers Ire lig. Sr. Lot;i:, s.—AN•qunts from J•c:ivitirorthtrifinmin ,-, . nn intonse ox citetheg, in anslts,,grnwing ont of the robbc.ry aut.! aiurier of Stereos nu Fri dayoliud tlesubsequinadiscovery of ::n orgamized baud of tulirdcrers. Two men, named Barnes and QT.111,4. Isar° Levu- httrig.--Mnrnes made it ci)nic , sion re , p-ctn! , le citizens as,contltgler4s of tin? bnryi. . Sr: Lucas, ; Aug. G.—.ldwicei fro - n I.4..trenwort: to _V.:wain); 11::tt NVonds *ad JcillOW10)11, Culopailibas those Ann; oa I:rid:4y, %veir uc . nig tr;cd by the indg..4. Thu vii:nance Coltllllll.- t , •O nnd the poldc and nnined pl:,ohcrs. It. J. Srain.r., is a p:,: . t!e2:::tr 111.11,er ' 1 nuitiol , flt e ! 1,•1,0114, h ave h.suetitsie4i bred 5t , . 01:4 , .. 14.,,e, to a • practical course 13,11 . 401 iittuad I t4.ll:tel•- lioll, in seder tin :set u%tv.,11 the itii,i I t th.lt (learner and correetne4c ilecc l / 4 .qtry I;l' . .per el /4 yf ;1:e; Pul ti eet, - tletitte;i ttet e!ttwitt tht:te from: 'Frotu at. 1 ohtioun pr iti cipl et .. 'tap by' 4te l ., with cer tain ant unerring tl-litett in., LL,- wen) efter theoiititt, to the hi,;:iost (loot iitstr.ttions, which, the mr.the•notlos lead. A:11./.Ig 1:10 iir,:ctießl **Os t!,c-e nro Mutt important at t h e pre-t..tt (Inv t't to “Essatmeeeski." 'The art Aoil iperat sonic n, ..t yak:o.k, wi,t.:ll the teetltem ttivt ptasent T••ere pro:111 11`e^ t.l of ha :h••:1 AptiFed, i ' that tif the vktottriletion "f is IC:trot:ls. id " 14114411 1tinli au.l 6:1:IcA;i..11 is int :1. - L•d:Cuitt and. as Arr:toge:o_. : ettalle.-tata, clear- 1 ite.4* - and etterezott.,-. of -ir ;pat,. it, are ttet - e..- sory to tlte proper suhit,o, the t•Nivisil••„" wtei,itt eon thi I . vonstructuitrof ileep tn,. itf x Itailnta4eAtiaette , th.• •ttie.as, pttl;4lle.i wolloaartteti laa4itteze ut lit E. r'i-4 trait rjrni 11l r.Y pl:u/iii..4 t it 4 A..' OP"P"'Ond 14‘.1 . 1..r.iiic Si 11, LI 11 ill. prOpri fist. of the rultr4.t.C.••Siniu..." nitari,s/oly a , - riatrys the id * pt." n I ite are not hoeivrard. ill 11/04:11illr. I•i 11 411 Ili.? "-.111411 ,k 1 ex- 1 vellenee. /f we are tsat pet tattirt; 4/1 n , hulret , the grants And 7"34e iii a 4'41. 114111( 111 the 1'er411441.44Cy.,4V11:Lri• tA. road and Vitalilt. • his tat ri' VIM in tele 106 1 fished anti chtasiu st ele iu udi he rev milts ; his tariallltt reitoinitionoetto-0., empi t , s ed 1.1 the eapateitty , t4f " our eilat.rupoiet Joint tsiuntv has Also I, awakener& tat Atite itupi , rtattee of a ' 31.4..ty •of true! llitieellA 1 4 , A 1. ts t li it, ttrria.ttioti with a hearty Rural \val, and. de- t, void of Sol:htit.,4eelitr o p4s in order to exte•id i•s • Itent4ts *4 touch us po.aiitle, have, lit /LS pleaatus flail curt es, al-u carried it in it i.xtup•e i tttar the ple.troht iiiitt4e of Oxfi..r•l, toctdittrl cit:zeas likewire the '' i-reagreat fietttiollost intatilditiz, the work of '•.IN E..:- NEE!. .In 'recurring to, and rele,ling on,: past avtauts, use of fay il.iat pie.oditg remi- Isievoittuls is, ;lilt 1., ••••imit ears n„4,.. plat r riritleitt of this ph:a-alit Anil dt -4.ltAle village : anJ. in my past ei'lLioP% Call ree4ll, u ate that , exece lin I plemitlttrecellectious the rote years I spent titeti.„" ~Isitereture. in ,snate Jima-ore. also lay elaiut,t i a : soma "f/c"-onian pretliicctio nt and l're4leflceot — Yet. as since my dep.trture remelts!' Litcuce. -it has acquired the cuphoni uus of..'•!,tii:•ir." I 4.• not claim Any a:erit in associatiOn as a "Nita 11..f."-onian. time however there, war at the period when •• Mkuplip : er v e - t ry euus;dere4 tunottg , .. tee ''see plus ultra,7 of nue:loll iatvivettiet it, and ‘‘l?:iejinceritifj" la this county wtut restrieteil tat narrow limits; as the ••Itfs.t.s" of our Turn pikeayet-existiterplainiy demonstrate. Ai.nut the tilts referral to. there was a very respeet able Inn at Osford, kept Ly a mist resilectu hle ittmilurd. At this 11m when iltp . athatluws cd'aiest XrtlVlr d IVA 1..11 3 short-' er—and the eveaings .inne•A :tat dull, the eiti xetuu, td we lowa and neiginsirhisal, of an . evening, would asaendile to hour the news of the Jas . and talk ...ter matters and things in I general, Aiming ;nose i.ssembled, thereeum timely WSL9 eertatn gentleman who would, if chance allowed it, tn.te the attest prinuiltent part leveling the eon; e,- , ..ation. This gea ileum', Mr. S. S., , s limn some of tnc alder rsideuts ut Uxt loth, no doubt, still rt . :me:lll) , r, sinus as excellent mechanic. a cabinet maker, who had read aret was cons..qttentif fund Alf displaying his '•l.lraz.v." watch he, "lid in rattier a p .alp ui a•Itl man-1 ,ssari,..and, Its the Irt•tim.:l says. ma..l souie-1 what "wise in his ow , ' c o n . ate .. , teas, rod at - dose taillia4," if laic at "engineer-i ;tag,. This geut/euiaa'. per' ,rmaz.e, gr.% ea, zest . to these gathertn4., wore 11.) sideywhia indutscuiet.t to t:.e. ',mkt bins thus to, gutless.. It tiat!4penu.l 0 I ,me tlicse e:e,tin ; 43 . that a gentleman, a ;ler f:o.a Fil e put up at this lee tor the n,c.;ht.. too tilts :cpA kin & go 4 , K lly 1111111 ber i.f the cit:zolot hap- Toned it* One and our Mr. S. among the rcpt.', very , tran . .ge gentleman, pon t eg i t, lia . oratorial p ~a 1".2r6 here more than lumasky noel Lie elo q uence fortis, itt a xporetlitulardnurily p ma..ous man ner,:,—and to shvw lofts coneepthm he had of Lis own self, and indirectly to mani fest e l upitaiun a La I of the ignorance of ,his ii th uators—lie started up from 1114 se it and twitig hii fist - iittu'iled up. exklatunsi: •.I t would knock any man &we that u• ouid 'call' A: ean Ignuratuous." Here ha maule a full atop.,Ytwati . g our traveller, who was lei- , al artily ,ikalking up and dun at one end of, the rule* with his bands crossed on his Lack. This gftrtleman on hearing Phis explosion of', the - big „pis," stopped slvrt, and turning euw/irsis oar orator with a Mile and looking sue bias tia instant, with the must artless slim- t Pliciki Via mildness said—" Stranger, I hope your, not hurt a body fur thinking'." 'Terror shake again that pedant wight? he, by no means in gun-cotton light, fire sky-high ?—that Mr. What's-his same r Why, f Back -eye Blacksmith thus did once ate mat lir i taivje . er . "cantra - ago 'Farmer" insig. in iv i x ,!— r >or 4or life we can't ! s: a. s. I A , I ' r'-For rich awl rare fua, to Lae Or p han C,gtirt Aple. Tiwutre, at M mangilr's !Tall, to.,,Tty of dial , Onile tbeflrohan's night. Renefit 4,f Mr. Lefler :Ind 31154 A C tart clf A 1 tnt4 county, Ow+ IftulAerlbor. A.ltaitlitcralnr lif r Cot. 6, deceased. will Clara. bar-Ito beat.' e. •,, Ml rqoy, 14.• I ik thiq of ILeal k.itate till det ,, i , •:it,t i x : I-' .1 , We nnrlers . t::nd tl:at the ' Indorid. eta I n.. , ' at u utoctit,g on Siturday dctormined to ii:l\ ean neany n,,lit on " their ov, on Cite hanks of Murhlt creel:, on Fri.luy the 2.10 - inst., to e-m:inne until tiatur. slat - evenin!. The i ton iq a ! , 00rl one, /4:1 , 1 if inanaze,l rightly, will be the oc ca..,ioil of rare sport. „ ruler the whole- Nonie restraints of niV.ary the %ports which will connected with military dation, will be both plessant and profitable. They will march out on Friday morning, taking with them tents an d proyi.domi, and every thing neces sary for enjoyment. Satirise and sun set salates, morning anti evening drills, gunning, fishing, target tiring, quoit pitching, self-cooked meals, with plen ty' of " Roasting-Ears"—and then the tlieerfril ramp fire at night, with the merry song and well-trld will say that " soltlicring" untlcr Aucji circumstances is not a pleasant thing.— CMUMMlicuttid. • Be.lf , ed Spring'.--We learn from the .PcdfOrd (Pa.) Gazette that the &Aron! Spring% are at present all life and gaye ty, the company being unusually large, among whom are many Baltimore:ans. The President, who is now sojourunn at the springs, is in the enjoyment it excellent health. P,•erurt Mer.—The extengire P.,1- li ng nal lA:longing to the Cambria Iroa Company, near, lohnhtown, Pa., and or,t•upied IT Wood, „Morrell & Cu.,,ecei dem:illy took fire and wn deltroved on the evening of Satnr.lay week, eau-tine: 3 loss which ham !won e , titnated 0)) air S7O,OUU. insuranee about 550,: WO in various Philadelphia otli-ex. ..11,4idr Sorreyiny v. 4.—The City Etitol-ortA.? of the 1,4 anilottitek..4 tho rocepti:rn or lett terA at Lor.o.uptcon. tlutt tivo or C:lpt. Caldw,•ll . 4, I.); r of Cart. Borry's. who!e nnott.or p.wty. have hven he o I E ME For Va. C.,artriler 0,1 the 111. h u;t., lor't , I t.. Nev. L. tritArt. the Nov. A 11 hoot. , 00.. I 4) Mi U.Vrli.\lllNi: l`t,Tl-:ltti, of A,lant. c9utitv Oa . die •nmo .Inc, Lv the ROV. M. J. An, Tnal i , Mr. Tili )3LAS U \I: 1/N ..f B A H. 1L y taz, of L.rtic+n , wll, Aolnin4 Cott lay. 0.1 tlw , 21 by the same. Mr. HENRY cK t., cit.tmEit, tv,t, Now (Iy.f.ird.„ t. laln o,wwwv. 4):t the L'.6th n 1.., giv.iohn roirkllBl.ler, E.g. HELLER tn El,l /„. .1 I::: i 11, v, un,i ,, t 4411. z-woe d Mr. Valentine l'e;il, sr.—all .4 MenaEeit ,oat,s A. roe..? • :,,„...,.... ..._•.:,.......... 7. "L. -•)' ,7.., - f.... orN N5....7.1,.: : , . . •••• A .-• • (In N.-oer I nn•rhinz, in Raltitnurr, 31r. Li:l% I`.; ths, uL . y..itr tilA t-r , vr Tu-s2ay) nitmning. at li; 4.1, 1,71.. ill ti:. tl,r :Aith ult., MI. pi.: rut DECKER, of linnter.toa c. Xear Ar...ottsvillo, nn Welnetativ ingt,Mm. IA CY ANN, Avirr of %Irt.l..bil ll.:ffnian. and lanzil ter of :I - . Abrnli.nn Spungler, tqed y.:tro 9 iumitiv , and 2 On Fri , Lty week, near Ifp"orer•burg, of er c. NANICY. an intereAtir little tirmzilter ui '.11 , „ Ur:i W:tgoer, Whitt 4 y'enrs. On the '25t11 ult.. nt M inle Gr,.ve. York eo.. af.er .h..rt RI:IiECCA ERV A. iiilant daughter of David and Eltz. Cadwal :Our, 11.4 ed dad rro. Our latent aeltat..t.ne, York.* Ilulo re r pain r 4 Flour. per harrel. t,tt7 44 (t I 50 Witeat, per liti,..bef, 1 :8 (al 14V R 0., •• 94) (a 1 4W) Carn, . " 84 (at 92 Oats. .4 1 • 36 (' 61 Beef Cattle, p,4 Intrl., 7 t (a.lO 53 Ilopz, , 9 00 (r: 9 50 Day, Der tun, 16 00 0 7 ,22 00 ll'hi,loy, r ,r gallon, 29 @, 31. Guam., Peruvian, per tan, 62 00 Flour, per 13614 from waguim, D.,. " from stores. 7 50 Wheitt; per bushel, 1 30 ® IRO Rye, 11.6 91) Com, 73 .4 ~ . 0.,t,, IS 1 7 40 Cto‘ertee.l. ". - ' G 00 Timothy, " I 9 50 Plazter, per tan, 0 50 Pork—Kiev 140. Floor, per Dbl., from wir, ma, V) 2.5 Do., " from stores, 7 60 Wheat, per boshel,. 1 60 3 1 75 Rye, 1{ 91 Ct,rtr, di 475 o.ti.d, 44 50 Chrerneed. " 8 50 Tine "3 50 Plaster. per ton. 8 60 Benefit of Mr. teller and Miss Clara, TO-NIGIIT? Three Plays, Singing &Dancing. AuguAt 10, 1837. TACOB 11E1111.S1"S ESTATE.—Letters tamentary on the estate of Jacob Herbst, late of thitaherland township. Adams ea, deceased. having been granted to the signed, the firat•named residing in Gettystmre, and the lion-named In 1 lami I ten ban iv-a. they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent theta properly authenticated for settle ment. SAMUEL HERBST Aug. 13, 1& MU?, Member.' of the "Adams Cottythr MN tual Fire fa/meant. Company," are here hv notified that nn election for twenty-one MANAGERS will be held at the office of the Secretary, in Gettyeburg, oa Monday, Ow 7th day of Srplember ne.e, between the hours of I an d .4 n'clttek P. M —each member entitled t o one vote for each policy held by him. The Eseeutice C4mmittee will meet at 10 o'clock. A. M., on said Jar. letr`Managers having in hands fees due the Company will he required to pay the same into the Tressary on or before said day, to enable the accounts Jro the currant year to be ulused. D. A. BUZIILEII, Scc' y Aug. ID, 1857...".1 Encampment. 1= ecr\,o, - ;7 11 ,i 1 Ps. i)i4riiedt ittipotts. —Fei,:tty /ay! Ifor Afterr— i'llrertday last THEATRE. Executors' Notice. MiiMl NOTICE. silt-Ve in I:1, I`,ree ,•1 rol•oin;nz t 5•C,0 . .1.1 of II 7 , 1•1 t..% it. M tivrell S'.iehie rind ot'or-N, e , w , tain;n7, 111 Ae-e4. r t hont 3 , aereq of which s ee vie- r'l and in a cood state coltivation, ruid In/eh 1,1 the I,llance io eoverei with thriving Ca,..11.it and 11,e1c.4,ak. Timber. Be tween -k) and S ) acres more could enPily he cleared. The 11:17:or"tnr•n•.tare a one and-a-half !tom. I.o'l HOUSE, Loit thl t; Barn, a young 6rchar..! of choice fruit, &c. There are two g0..41 S,tritivi near the 41welliag. The road from Mill to pas.cs thro' this property. wiftilinr, to cew the ptsTeety am requested to call awns the aubmeeihe r . thereon. Is will he offered uodi% or in two parts to snit putchasers. t.o continence at 1 o'clnek. P. M., on said day, when attendance will be g i ven mad torius' made knowii by W.ll. A. COLL. Adna'r. By the Court—J. J. BALuiris, Clerk. .111 g. 10 1:67, tit T. KINGSFORD it, SON'S Pure thiwygo Starch, (POR THE LACKDRY.) IFIAS estal.li•lied a ; renter celebrity than 1.1 has ever been obtained by any utber Starch. 4 This en the result of its marked an periority i quality. and itst invariable uni formity. ' • The rathlicanay he agetired of the canOnn- Imre of the hi Ii it tndard 110 a eitabliqh, , ,l. The production n over Twenty Ten.; d a ily, and the 11(71111311.1 hr extended throughout :he whol e of th e United States, and to foreign countries. IVoAnig thou on i very lirge scal., and und e r a rigid .:ysteln, tlicy are able to , cenre a perfect uniformlty in the (jollity thrwaglimit the year. 7/' it hi • .i, .•n1 ito/J,s 7,, ell-ragtag, la I it zit; ry! ri H o w ji time. The very heat March that can he !tide. and is , . 0 0 01.-,.. is alway. %ranted by comoutters Intl this will he stintilted to them liy the urn eeri. nit wort ra their ett-tourers have le:1:mA whieh in tile hest. aml ask Itr it —otiterwt-e they wool', he 111,ele to get that nrticle on in N loch the rr.,r fc. 4t pr Ice tit a.le. Mr. Kto tord ha, totoneoglgeil to the ntn tot fnetore of tareli continuously for the 11. t '27 yi•-irs. and (hiring th, whol e of th it pentlel ;lie Starch 1111 , /e oink r his stiitervkion lin.; hymn. h e yvn,l Rill • go e .livo. the hect in OR. mirk, t For the first 17 years. he huh the ehAtr,c of Ow IA orlot of Vs m. Coll" . .ttir it I to.. nt whirth Tn•riori he invented I,lte pi oetv of the toanktfictitne of Corn Starch. K up, T•n uy, m•an • 1 ) , IC It /I, •• tilt! yirtheis aw , tv 1.1e14,ry. It is solit by all or the best grocers in near ;y every pin ur the COllllll V. T. NlNasroltil & SONS Omivecro Corn Si orch. (roit et nytm:4, xr .) ISt niitain..d nr. (trial celebrity with , heir Starch for the I.lt.ndre. Th: , article i. perfectly pare. and 1.. in t'. try re•pent. u s ual to the heat Bettntidn rrow• Roo?. b soh , in r nfdi io nitlualiUci Nhi ti retuier u %al:al- Lahle fir the Po run st.ucl) ham been eaten<icelt• ymelo.l and Sold is ( 1111 ' 1 Mnrr h . :11141 h x.• 1a1.4. wiptea,loll3 to the it.ll totrrt. of our Corn Starch. From it. great deli , icy and p•irity. it iv , moing :Os° into e•stcu..n c woe as a diet lor in land kV:11111,, E. N. KELLoG(. S Co.. .‘“ENTs. ALLEN £ NEEDLES. AiiENTZ, i) , A cg. 13, IFI7. :l in CoLtr.:',l: ol .-Iir;);(1NE , t, ',„•• f „ f Session 1857-3. M E Faculty uf (ilia Inaitution loot ronrin dcti to hold hereafter but °Ng Oilltl4l it e Sestinnn in the year : he ,, lnning in October anti te•ruttna•ing in March. Examinationa are given PAILT by the Profesaors at the College. I lospital Instruction, and Material for Practi cal Anatomy. gra! to the advanced dent. Supplementary Lectures are almigiven diming the Rammer. Fonts.—Matrienlation. : nne full course, tl U; Perpetual Ticket. 6150 ; Gratluatioa, 30. A limited number of atudents. of nu wlerare means, and writ reenlTlMetrikti. will be admit tea (Attie Beneficiary List. Fur further i formati.m. dilrets 11. 1101 N ARD RAND. M. D.. Aug 10. at Pr,r, Littlestown Railroad! TIIF, F.,urth Monthly lo.taiment of Five 1) .11.1 r.; per Shlre on the Stock will I*. due awl the rreasttrer of maid (.onpfriy, (.14 1402.414 Ft yn din vt. - BySta a Ite.olotion of th' ll,art of Diree. tore. paced on SA:inlay. L 5 ,11 oh_ all per som4 in arreant atter that time will Le charg ed interwit at the rate of one rr cent. a month MI their Lack paymept,, iu :I , e,,nl:tziee with the Act of Azsezahly. E. F. S3llO It 11, ..i.'erciary tf ti.e. Board. tt. t4l N. 11.—Any of the Directors will receipt fur payuicots on Stuck. EZEEI ' CLERK OF THE COURTS. A T the solieimthio of nuoivrou. frivol., I /1_ offer topelf a. a catilidate for the offi c e td Clerk .if the l'imrts, mnbleet to the deei.hin of then mi wrath: County eon rention. Should I be so fort:mate a. to receive tits notoinittion tiiid lte elevtel, I !Ile Igo myself to perform the lute of the office to the be of my IIENTLY G. WOLF. tlettyslinrg, Aug. 3, 1R57. CLERK OF TIIE COURTS. To the Voters of Adains county :—I offer I myself as a candidate Mr Clerk of the Courts. Should I be nmninsted abil elected I pledge myself to a prompt and faithful dis charge of the duties of the office. WILLIAM YOUNG. 31ountjoy tirp., Aug. 3, 1857. REGISTER AND RECORDER. Iro the voters of Adams county :-1 hereby announce ins •4 • en..dittite for the office of REGISTER at ND RECORDER. sub ject to the decition of the Union County Con vention. Should I he n,xiiinatred and elected. I pledgemyself to a faithful and impartial dis charge of the dune* of the office. ALEXANIWR. cOBEAN. Gettysburg, Aug. 3,1857. WMGERD, WHITE & SWOPE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, CAPS, S STRAW GOODS ; ALritr, IN FASHIONABLE Moleskin. Srlk. Frit and Fur Hat*, N W. Cor. BALTIMORE k HOWARD STS., • Adam /1. Ifitiyerd, ,o, l „i t i 11" hitc, - BALTIMORE, MD. J.hii at. .C . lnqw• ) • Aug. d, PTOILICCO &„ SEG .‘IIS of hest brande, and n..tonisbingly lovr rate. these hiali at the Flour, Provision and Getwery Store of GILLESPIE & THOMAS. CIRANGKS. Lerrions, Candies. Crackers _LP Spices of all kinds. Faucv and Common soap, Hair Oils. Lc.. at NOTIBEC tiiirDUY your Hats, Caps, BUOttl k Shoes, are-x, at Bringtnan k Auzhinhaugles, in Cnamberebtirg ptreet, at the pizn of the ••BIG BOOT." REMO 1.4 L A Rare Clannee ! 1'.11.!...•.18LE FA RM PM: SALE \EARI * GETTYSSCRO. E N parsuanee of authority given in the !net ' will ant( testament of .1.11.,14 de ; e(tnile I. the auteteri hero. tilt. • J•t.,nit lierlitst. de •eattn.ril, will Ri S no the prerni,m.. ton rtresd.e. S i 514. llse., at 1 o'clock. P. M.. the folluw,nr valua;,ie Ite.ll F:-;ate said de 'tubed, • THE FAI:I4, nn wh:ch detirmed resided for thirty yeltra, situa.e outfit. Millerttewn rontl.thn fit-it farm I Getrrithurg. enataininz 169 4.rlt KS and i)}:ItCILES of pittentP4 land. haying a! largo proportion of Meadow and a due pro uortion of 'Timber. - t • The imprmententa entotirr of a • 3 . i . large Twn-st-rry 101 BO( n urge Stone Bank B:u•t)..lVavn • S.Le.l. Corn Crib. Carriage 1114,(1.4' .; ma ell ne(*t.tery nut-buil ; a tir.t-rate. neivr•failing Spring of Wwer amt Stone etria '- I a fine .Ipple On(" II A R i). vrith a rancor of other fruit. The fetter.; are' ,u,(l the hin I in It fine elate of cultivation. Vit—Per•tttn. wi.littig to view Coo prnperty .tre retitiosted ttietill upon the heirs reading thereon. A On, .4' lh , fins.. awl ider , . will AP *old, A Tract of Mountain Land, Amer. and Csiva. Perches, iioing lands of .Ineoli 9 Nß: Swisher, Miehitel Trostie. Sdo- "• mon Young, and'others. Persons wishing to view this trnet ere requested to (sal nt Solo mon Young's, on Ow Gold S ,ring road, On Saturday, the 12th of Sliteni I wr. it 10 n'elrsik, when they will be sholvn the canto by the Exe,:uturs. S.IMITT, TTF.P.TIST, ) ecuto ' n JOHN 11::1:11S'f, Any. I= - .7. ts Valuable Farm, AT PI 31,1,.! SALE. 'lli I E 5,11 , -wrihor. tho In.t J- mid t , ..-11 ,, 10nt 4' .1 .Its ;'t, Sr.. iit•- r4.. 0 ..• 1, v. tI (.I.‘r MI (110 pi S / , 1 .1/". ,1,11/ S-p!•,;tl , r ll' J./. t If. f"IIISI'AiiIA Evo‘to of said tle• /. 1 P.l It M, Itnntr. in ".‘T mutnli.n.Trit tnwittild l t, A Inmtt ennto tr. n.li .I.l , tttr '..zettrt. Peter O'Neil. 1).1.1 . (.1 Knliler. rn !fin.% -r nti,l irnln New (txrn-1. etottainie.: ACIZEq• tnnre wi4ll tn rtre, nr.Mn •I Tt: 1,11..- tretnPritt , aro tt T , ro iinek )1-:441 !., 11L- tt,l o)t.t t , ) it.) an , " all n(• , ..)•-rtry it))')). l'e.t..!) Or) it:l.rd. v.-0;1 fruit t leLa, tb , aro riiii•. 'rho ' I . 0 , rir.t r 3•11. 'rlir.r. tt tia• inp• twsoti notit-iv rli '41)1..1 within the 1:1Kt tow vsitr.. .\i.4o. 10 Aires of gowl •nil t , o tho wi+oino• to %low the , o-opo.tv am roo,oe , :o , I. OI .Idilot II In t:pr, thrreon. 01 lei the sito.criber, too 0...160. r :It 1 .).• I wt. I'. • t.•I , 14Y. , lit." 1 ,1.1110! Mlll gi‘ e n 11,1 tcrLi LI I !,• .1( 5t..1”1 .1 ! • A •I.z. 3, I ri * / f, ~~ ~~~i _c:J Desirable and. Valuable Farm, F RSALI ril II: 4 .,*- in PiTFP rrrrtrr. : f.r Ow .i1 , .‘ 011 . 4 1••• ~f : A F' A I; 11 • I 'to t: f Mr. 1....rr00. sitilito i n t. r I •••!11 ,, 1 .1.1111 • ltd . C. ; 1:11g: kn.]. • , r A .1 , 'I :era, f••rret., JJe.l) t -bfq-2-• 3 , • , 1 nt'ter4„ 242 Acres, more or less, tt•i , tt. Ittcr_t• :tt tttorftttitt , ‘A"tttll rm.] t r T ‘te r..tle , • 'E. .7.74 1 A. „ r• .til. rt,r.t.l% ul .„ 11.n1 T tA:4•A •:\ ‘NT fit st 0.1.. 4.... _ ty;tll it or:. ,o-to o .11.•!. at eueo and tut A:o,.ie 4 orruitril on the ha. rtiway. 'been tylakitle 1 tr. be on. tlw he-t i o • ti t , whole Poritieul wi.h• it, to view it nre requeste 1 to i• Mr. t'oere ort A. the Farm i+ s000•foo.i1.1.• of eon eoie it it will ofiero.l in two port. or in purelin,er• may desire. If the property is not Aoki at nricnte sale t‘ret to .7'4 , ,r.vi0t , , th•lil401 iloy of Sqdras -1,, 4. a•rl. it will he offered at puhlie littery on tliot ilay. the premi.e.t. nt one o'clock. I' M. Atteli lanee n ee! t erm , mm i o W.I. B. ti.lNNl.llt, Ex'r. .1111 v 20. I.:ra;. V A I.l' Alt I, TOWN PROPERTY, .17' Priii./r S.l LE. THE subscriber. tlesirmg to remove, will otter at Public Sale. on the premises, cu Tilt:obi , / Ilir 'rid, (~ .11,Tnvt liwigjja, the fel lowing Real Property, viz: No. I.—.'t LOT OP Cr' ROUND. sit nate on Daltitnore street. in the Borough of Gettyst,urg, adjoining , ploporty of Ifr. Krouth on the stotth and "The l'ompiler" office on the north, haying a two-story Dwelling lit il:SE.with a two-anwe !nick Back IliiilJing, Stable. well of water, fruit , '; ' ,' t ',il trees, &c., thereon. No. 2.—A LOT OF GROUND. sit uate on High street. in said Borough. adjoin ing property of Dr. tirnuthr. thr High School. and lot. No. 1. havine tht reon erect ed a comfortahle tFo•story 1111.1eli DOUSE. and brick Back Buile.ing. No. 3.—'lWo I/O I'S OF GROUND. situate on the enrner of West Middle and IVashington :onsets. in maid Borongh. adjoin inz properly of Salim.' Weave...ma the W elli with a tiro-story Mirk 1101ISc, a one and a half story Weatlierkriarded Bowe. and Ira Dle Blacksmith Stop. therton erected. No. 4.—A TRACT OP LAND, situ ate on the Long Lane. in said Borough. ad joining land.' of Robert Smith and George Co dori. remaining 7 Acres ay 1/2 rerches, hay ing a tirst rate spring thereon. About 4 acres are Meadow. The tract will be uffered in two lots. No. 5.—A TRACT OF LARD, Rito ate theoreen Went Middle street and the Mil lerctew n roe.l, adjoining , lands of Robert Smith and Her. Cuk. eunuimng i Acne, more or less—Lo be offered in duce lute. No. FL—A TRACT OF LAND, situ ate on the Milleratown road, to Cumberland township, seer the Romig)]. adjoining land* of Ephraim tianaway. J4cub Herbst 's beim. and Raw. Burkett. containing 36 Acres. more or kern—to be offered in whole ur in six lout. as may best suit purchasers. CO"These Propel ties offer rare opportunities to make investments. and the attention of all desinng to purchase is invited to the sale.— Much of the land has been limed. leirSale to commence at lo o'clock. A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by 'ftltillAS F. FRAZER. Aug. 3, 1357. is M,n F ic lu a t n ot s a, tu,iihtaraor fromA a Seraphima down to a Jew'. Harp---now on hand and fur pale at SAMSON'S. {EN'S and SUMMER HATS of all ill kind., to wit,:—. 4 traw, Panama, Ottor Skin, Fur and Wool at all prices, ac.curtling to quality, at Mar 1:4. COREA & PAXTON'S. - _ . EISSES' and Children's Fiats of all kinds and at very luw prices at YIBE.IN k PAXTON'S. RUFFS and Confeetiong, nice. and fresh, inßt f rum dm city, hr IM hitt' lit GILLESPIE L TilustAs.. Valuable operties, AT PIiiVATE :4ALE Til': aulArt-ther de.nrirg to remote to the Need. otter' at i Aide Site, his F %AM. gitoxte in Cum hell Intl township, Adams co., on the rim" ha ling front lielo,stint,• - ; to Fair field nix" it 2 in IL from the amour place. arlyunit:7 ;and.; of two it o'p. Frineas Bream. and others. cont. tin ng AC118 . 4„ mom oir leas, w ith die prnporonn4 of 114.adnie and Tuutxr. •I'he m to, kV I 1111• nts consist of a two *tor) STONE 11 `1.;%1 1 1. a 4° it !tarn. Wagon Snell. Corn 471"b d . and all other ne-t.sear)• nut-10111d ', • tor.. a Lever-falling well or water neir the door of tl e d.ovlling . with an e%celletit spring near by. piped in.n the barn yard.— Al.co a tiri.t rate Apple Orchard. with other fruit on the Firm. Fences g•sod. and the latal in tine cult:Tatum .11,), tt Tr , t. t ti f Choler Lqn,l, enntaining a lit•tit 5 Acres, atijiiiiiint: the above. Li with *coitiforta , ile two•atory UN EL.. LING. Stalge, Shop, well of ater. .. -.. fruit !rem ite.. thereon, , making it a II I l' ! , . very ilo.irable home. Persons wisiling to view the properties are retreated in call ou the qiiderbigned. residing on the lent named. July 27. OF V.1T.U.1111,E 11E.11, Al, PIZOPEIZT Y. •VAPeotor the tact 1. and te4tanient of JintN llitaitliniirr. de eeaaell, will offer at Public Sale, un the pre on riven. !q.t. P , , l!lith dm, mr APl, l st.rt rioxl, the following Real E4tate of said deeeini. ed. viz : TIM 11.1N510N r \ 11W. sitivite I t S:riltnn township. Ailattla county. athouttliz Itttla of 9tutel It, utter. ifel , rs- B.tukethofr. V. .1. Reever, an.l othera. emi t-milli:: 16) Acres. 111 On or le.-.., wi t h h ir propo tht u a of 1 itil her and Meadow. The ir r a ;,„,$,.,5,.H.. TIT. erto-i‘o of a tww , Tw....44 1 rV ST 4 );\ 1'; 114 ) Sl' . .. a .... ra go.al Teo , tit )loto.e, rout: ntrr., Vi lk .. ; ; Wa tt on Cht•ila :pal ('nun Ctih. .. . 1 .,;. ~,.ring 110. i 4e, Vii liou.t.„ Stunt p Ilou , e. 11) y and Wotal ifea t .e. at t .l.ll ot V r nert:-.ltry ont huihlinga. with ben never•kilitiz :4:)rtiu,zi: near the Imildinvs. A 1,0, au Apple t trehatti, tv -- , - 7) a rartely of other fruit. Per.oro; ‘Cishing to view tlie property lire re , 1 , 1 ,•,, t ,..1 to r t ,tl ti po, l fir. Dettr.l ,, rlr. re , -i , l•orz ?het eon. or on the Executor, residing in Friiiiklin o , inliqhip. itt the same iieres In 1 pinrr, trill lie nlr red. 1 Tit %CT Or MO! NT 11N . 1..1NI)„ coot...join:" 14 At-reg ttit4 tcin it Anttownrh:p.‘ilattiti (-minty. nil. limb: of heir of Jaeo'i Peter IVetkett. J3rol, Ctri-le•r.":111.1 "the , . Site to rnsunicnrr tit lit n'elttels. A M • nn •iiid day—mike , ' mit iblitlice will lie givt.ll Mild term: lir -.1 "'"Also. at the %num. time and ' ,h et ., th e rnq ?mini ...train , - of the E.tate of SAtt AP. 1):: ttuwaFt, claraned sill till thy fol lowinz I'll9l`E Irr V. viz A fir..o-rate Foully Mare. with a colt. 3 r r o v ei, 4 110.: , , Caryta 1:e and IVI ..at I.y the 1..0.1tul lkdet and B. dritag. hal M. ('n Omni IN, Poireate, Case 01 Draut !..4.eretary. litchi day Cloel. avd Carpetintr.Couk live.: and Iht.e. 'rnti edve ...owe and Pipe, 3 1 f\.'? of 1 1 ecsoorte to Suoddltr(l . 4 pitent box. with . n rattily or otlit.r article -4 too antrerotk. oiention. rt, AUclinianre ve• ani tn-Oe known by 1. 7 :111ERIC K liIEIIL. July 20, 114.57 r. S‘vryl, m rm. deoPi•tql, tt ti! caul' at t•uhlic on the pretui.eg. S 041: I.ti. th- 111, th,y •;/' ober (fortnerlr nornpied ht said , itera , sed ) gitnate In I i.”! 11‘1111 lOW e.moty. adj”in int: :11,1. to 1/nliiel r. 11,qr. John 11,tioia.1 And 40 hen. 111 i'lg et ii 1 1 ,14. or le.:, Ihe hli.l e0,.1 t aniin and inwinretnents of a t.l Hilt sr. 81111, NVa , :nu Sited ...".: = 7`; and t'tqn ('tutu Sprnitr, ll.m•r, and 1:1: •".• other ; tAt o S'priogs at " VA 3 good ANAL, Olt the premi...e... Al , O at 1 11, , a:ne tini.• and plar,. will he 441. mil. Thu T (.11? A Bur T SIX At ' RES, hall Woodland. ~ ituatept. out nnc nnlf arum the ahme, rn the A).b..tr,tom n Ttunt.34 , . nd jmnint: l.iu , la of .1.1. 1t0pi)..1.,1m Grove. and others. .:r Pt Co t the jonotwrtY art 10 opoo \lt 11,ttloa; Jluw tntert. regdni :. .; nn the Ito •it commyril`r mt. I o'elook. P. nn idtbl any, n hen ati. n.lvu c x it! be given and terms made knnvtu 1.1: 4 :1,0110,11i1.11.711MERT, Aug. 3, 1857. is - - wr. \'t TIT 0 41.. Family Grocery & Provkion ri . ILLESPIE & 1110:11.‘S revoctfully in k) forui the iteopta of t;,:tly.hurz and the pihlie generally, that. tiny 1..4ve return ed front the r;tv with a geoera tt., ,, ,rt went of 6K/CI.:RIES, VE;;ET.I.- which ti .v' arf p ropily .•t t., um the ',we-% FLUI.;II. and FEVAlohraym un I.l:ytel. 1 .,1 at S ore on Y.rk itroct, one door eamt of !dote!. lietty.burg, Aag. ototntity of Lard. 21 yards of Carpeting:. :3' A.tlenlittn, One and AU ! tch e . N , e..rerlet.. Quilt., and ether articles ..," NOW 11.1 THE TIMM. toe numerous to intuition. To Hare 3',,,,r l',"fim re Taken. sEt. oND .1111:1V AI, OF 1 Public Stale. CANCEL WEAVER haying pmeidull liim-.„ Cii)ring & liucialmier Goo&o. , MITE siiir.criher will offer nt Ptil•lic Sale.; 0 self with an entire new and splendid SKY. ' \IT E re,pertfully ioi ite the attentton of; g on the premises, on Saturday. the Kik LI a a 11 tOUEItItEAN 111)0 4at his tir.i•- , Ito% ens mid cto.t nuTs both itt cowl . dog ql",ingust Fitz!, the PrOportv on which he dente in West Middle street, oppe.ive Prof. • nod 00tIllt . ry to oar new -nick of Goods. It : re•thle , +.•itt:atri in the Borough if liettrshurg, : Jsetilpt, one square West of Ibilthuore street s eon,,i.t.i of Dry Gaud.. Noti..uft, QUeei,etWare, on the Einniitidoirg rood, ronsititing of o i where he it new prepared to furnish .. • Cedar IVare, Crockery Ware, nod 13r,..cerie. • i . A LOT OF tlltols'.'iD, 1 Ambrotypes and Dwerroolypea, . 1(1.;.IDI-M..11)1: ('I,(ITIIINii :. ' i I . . . ' containing a.b.lin 1; .teres , with a com tortalile • in every , style of the art, which he will war- ClutLing made to order. 4,-,0-Ail GotxlB cut i oar itiiii a tom story 1111112 K .. • 1 , eu of charge, at the it..rt;,- .01-4 ,•"r, +•r x the , ,„, ~ .., ,„; _, , . : g • ~, -,-,e, - 1 rant to give entire satisfactimi. ilia tom cts • . . J,)IIN ii " E. , ~1 , . , . ., 1 , 0 1., g r u ,ta4.it. A. 1711:,. of .44. ill • prrienee and supertor apparatus give bun Dumont]. '•• atm'. and a tariety Hi . cho i ce • ',, '..^. 1 advantages seldom (unvisited by Daguerrran June I. 1N.17 __ . - • ._. -.. _._ L. _ _-1 Frilit Tree., thereon. Posse/06m , - =..,„, ' estaldisliniestsout of theeity. lie loofa largo. Railroad Notioe---Pay Up ! ~,- on the Irli of II Oilliker CILIt II .tee „ 61. i i iiiii i h e r of a p ecluiet ,, at hi s Gallery. in Ch h in. i s i ren giv-Sale to comm.:nen nt 1 o'clock. P. 31.. i b e rt,hu gstreet.where he will continue as here. 11JU1'10E is berth :'l%Ol to t h e S ' )C61.4")1'1- on ~u i tl day. when attendance will be giten! tufttre. which the ptfulic are requealss 10010 1 .1.1 en; of title (lottyabuirg Railroad Company, ' . and terms made known he and esatnine. that the S..irentlt Instalment ou each shut e of , lIENitY 111STIOP, Jr. I CrChargcs from 50cents to $lO. Boors week will lie refinired to he Laid in (4 ' •i"." 1 giarAloin. nt the KIM , : time swot place, a' of operating front BA.M.to 4 P. 31. Gobi 11. '3lcCuttkss. Egq.,•Trawsnrcr, on or hclure , first-rate COW will be offered fur sale. . Lockets, Breastpins, sititatile s for miniatures. Irctlocaduy. eb , 1214 &or o/ Aisynat next. July :20. 1857. to. always on hand, at thtstry lowest priers. By order of the Beard. - - ----- - - --- 3"3"Ciiii - dnm will not be tekeibWr tear thou .D.11'11.) WILLS, Seey. Public-Sale. .1 S 1 uO. . July 27,1857. , i T HE iuhrscriber will offer at Public Sale Garrvsouito, July 27, 1837. I tt the pre:oboes. on Thnrsdayi, the '27lk nerThe Company Inv , purchased 1 - .40 tons 1 V .-tal r ui n ext ' the.l.°ll"ing property. vie : of Rails. which t P Win:Witt to lay l 7 utile" of; A SMALL FA NM. , track, thus leaving a surplus of i mile of Ainslie in Franklin townsh . p. Adams county, Rails for side track*. The Rails are now be- , containing 40 Acres. more or less. lit ing delivered at Ilaaovor. and the laying of i Th e in 9 Pri'veinem" a i r a one and - "e" 1 LOO HOUSE, Log ; t , t the track will be ConllllCllred on Monday, : a luilf story 1 9 August :Ird,rind progress steadily atoll cum- I Barn , ` 4IIO P- Spring 11 "I''`e. Aio. ' ." '''''' pleted to Gettysburg. la order to facilitate ! Also. the ;Auxin,. PERSON AL PROPERTY. tile operations of the Board, it. speedily tone-, viz: 1 . Horse. 4head of Cattle. 7 Bogs. 1 pleting the Road, it is their earnest request 1 .Wagon, Plough. I Irmo. (leant. Shovel Plonghs, that stockholders not only pay the above ! (double and single :) Corn in the ground. Rye named instalment' poriprig, b u t pay o f the ' IV d Oats by the bushel. Potatoes : . ith .11 eighth and last instalment ilso at the same 'the Household and Kitclivn Furniture, such as time, and receive their certifi,ates of stock.—, Beds and Bedding. Tables. Chairs, Bureau, This prepayment will greatly relic., e the CuPhoard. ClICk, SIOVe, Tll l lB and Pots. Board from any pecuniary embariassnicat. ' 17 - Sate - to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M.. and thl necessity of teitip 'rarity burros - 6v- on said day when attendance will be giveu , money 7 e t and terms made known by 51lCH AEL J. HENRY., July 20, 1857. is Pill LA14:1,1'11'1.1 Wood Moulding Mill, iriltar str.et, abort- l'Ir.11?h, th Side. I summer Clothing. o u u u t ve N rs ( : , T morning sutnmer new l t ot fi r ts )f il v i ery on, Wo' ~N 1 from the be s t and 'h0..,m7,h1r and will ooutinue to revei' e every week or ten m alwaym on hand. dry patter, da ys.y mare of different artiek•ia, irain antion. from a drttwiti4. ly £7, 1557. M. SAMSON. - - -- The subscriber haring purchase 1 the entire intere4t, will ei,ntinue tic businem with in This Way I This Way !I, erenteta TUST IN SE ON :—Fly Nets, of . se rious Agents wanted in the various towns in this o styles aotloolore,.crwsp at SAMSON'S. portion of the Sate, to whom opportunities, -- trill be offered for large pr,lflrs to tlitun•ches. F you runt to hay GOODS CREAP, osll SAMUEL 11. at U. F. F.OKENRI.)I)F: BROS. st. litidlersburg, Adams co. July SO. 1,K)7. 'Jiu JOHN BUTT. Sr •ALE FREDERICK MEHL. E.prpoor PEA I, ESTATF AT ru 1) il i c 'ale. Si* w•e. A .I* - 11.z ti - lni, -- - 1 A V.A.T.TYAT/LE Min!' - A -1 -11) • I xr PUBLIC SALL: 1 1.1111111 2'7,, C1""......17. 1 7 i W ILL rem be wri olf . el o l i tl y t in l:::; . :l: i li z e m. S..tl e i 01 7 d t u li; : lw AT PI!TV.A.TI.; SALE. I Z ept i: i ,ii l Haber next, TUE tinglerni,l, in CMlANnetl , * of ad• A TRACTI OF saucing age, and a desire 1..) retire from rerfrothi! Li mi ,..,t ow L itn ,j, ' i business, offers fur sale hi. t elnable liana 1 containing 28 Acres, inJ: e or less, situate in ! ai d , MAI Pr'lK. - tY • milnale on Marsh (' trek, township. Adams ontintv, on the " ~AAdams county, Pa., partly in Cm uherland i i , 1 ran kli I, trm tc.itip.,. The Farm • ' Turnpike tainting from Littlestovrii to Gmtvs.: and l'. : 1 • 411 'f burg, one quarter of a mile from the t'orin'.r :""1"."17:2? A C111.›:, of fit rc.c land, with pronortion of ezeolivilt Meti.l,,w 41.1 plates. id:oirkiug hull's of James Renshaw, ' n full ! Uesrge Myers, anti others. The itu ro, l e. ! T'm b " - Thehler'i..ciiiciits e m.. , meta. , are a good two sto r t . ; aist 0. g O\1•:1.1.11(1 111)t - ti; S s.,!!e :7 r BRICK MUSE. Let Barn,Cori: Lito !): - I -- ! • a 61,1 rate Bank I. inrge I I ! ', , ; Crib and Wagon Shed, nod tither ..N i ic; Cooper Shop, antlia'ecr otitdmild- u ,„ : =. ; !oat buildings : a never failing- ~..- .•• ings; a thriving young Orchard ut ettioAu • well of water at the door, and so cent ,44.:‘,..• fruit, anti other tiniirut cneehts. Also, a i.t: k - failing spring. on the tract; also an Apple r periur ' On of choice fruit, with other fruit trees. 1 GRIST AND SAW MILL, • - Persons wishing t. view the property are . not surpas4ea l.v any in the ('aunty for entn re.oested to call up in the undersigned .Izetit, l Pletwiess .if rnr oil inert. and ads aumgeons lo or on Mr. George Golder, residing t hereon.' el•tion• The MA is i 5 feet try ss, ‘ 6l ll Irm' It is one of them ,st desirable eouttlxv rebiden- 1 11 " 1 ": 3 pair of B rot, a pair 4,f Alleghetiy ern in the enmity. Churning Stonee, wisip two overshot water s, L i e t , comme nce n't 1 o' c l oc k, P. 3 r., on ! wheels of 14 teet diameter, and all the ma said day, when attendance will begiven and 1 ehll't'ry rinuisite for a fi rst deka - Merehrnit terms wade known by ; Mill. The stream on which the - Mill is !mas ted (Big Marsh Creek) is a very *lnstant strewn. the Mill having hems aide to suptikt!!-: 4 eustomers in grinding 'luring the dry spells. . T 64 Mill wits built, in 1641), and all the ma-- , . - • ehinery is new. It is unnecessary to enter into a kngtliy ' .14....trIption of the property_ as persons 41esir ons of purchasing it Treipertv of this kind will examine for themseiv'es. Any persori'wish.. -- -,, , ing to view the premises *lll he shown the• same by tlso suhscriher, residing thereon ~,,:_-_-_,.- The Mill is within three and a half miles of . Gettysburg, at which point a ilailroull is Ito int- built to connect with,.;ie railroads kadiug to Bari :m ... B and Phiholelldl in. it is located in the midst of it line country and can com mand any amount of custom. st-irThe property can IM purchased on • reiviona:ile terms, whinicing age being tlio' only mud% 0 inducing the bilheeni her to evil. Any person wishing to purclove, is invity.l to call and czniniim the property. I think he will sec the Iwo, Mill in Adams count!. - gis.„,rlf not ii .OA by the Ist of October next, ' the Mill nod Farm will he reided 'lit the shams'. . ' (i g 0 Mil: TROSTLE. fit 'JOSEPH L. SHOR IL Afput fur Jaime., E. ,Shurb. June 29, 1557; to zs. ri.,6444.40 At Public Sale. T 1111 Stileteriber, .kihnitthttrator with t will annexed of 51felf %EL MII.I.FR ilert aril offer at Tillie Sale, on the preini%es. ' l / 4 :l l 6"quY. dtr . s "s flag of 'fitensher WS/. the fnlikraing Real Estate of said &Leased. viz: A YARIst 2 sittinte in Cumberland towitoltiri. Adama enuntv. lands of Join I'l urlt, \I ciao 1 )Sa!shnurn, Jilin Sly.ler, nod others, 4 mile.' from (iettyrioirg, contnininZ ACRES :soil anon :nice, with of Mewlier and Titnberlend, The im,• prwvpuiPlaq ere it Two,tory DUI • • 111)1":-1:, Loff Hum, told the ne- ; out-b„ibli,, 4 m: tut Apple t 14! Orchard, and tv4o nererfail in,. r , near the :1 0 t15e..115.1 the bind, pinkly granite, under g r 00 4 .1 eult:ra t If tie4i'retl, n trees of It) or 12 .leres. of IV,HeI-lentl will he offered sepurate tro,u the Faro'. rt-tst — Percant4 tn view thn property arr ret i tto.o,.,l to enll .01 .Ittlin Kitrram or, re thereon:4,r in the snips:Tiber, rvsitlingt 111 nttttv.hurg. tr. - Y*s' l 3le t,. elminienee nt 1 n'.-lork, P. , 31,1 .13y, when attend.uwe will be given ntid terms pule known by - .1A(" 1 11 TIEN: ;:rt. Adminietrator with the will annexed July 13. IS-6" One of the illemt Elan it F 0 1: SALE nwler•ignetl offer. at Prir:lte hiM F.lOl, Alt Mite in Strahnn t"wn•hi:l, Archon. on the lI tn.n cr rt , nd. and the Gettvo,nr , z, 11 t.,11..!:11 line. The r.trn ront, t ile, 1 , ',4 Acre., Inore or 1044. the Lind IM•in~ of the be•t tillidity. timidh of it •• ..4rattite"—lt ith fair ilriirortiMlY of MC:Vio'W Fen, and the Moil in ex eellent cultivation. The impr.,ye r v toat. are it e.niln•rtahle Stone Bank Kan, Wag..ll 5114,1, ratn A iirlo Orehar,l, a, neter-fitiling writ oi eater at the and a nunther of spr:nz. it; IM the tract. It keertainly one of the in e , t de.,irable Ctrtai now in market in thi4 outlay, PI demana4 tae Attention of 1 ' 01 , 1,11+4 wishing to view the are illC , ted to cult upon the itn,ler4ine , l. ing thereon. 1)..1.N1EL July I:1, P.m GOOD FARM, Ar PCBLIC rplIF Sobsrri hem F:xecutorm of ki At! IT Es q, doceasol, will One at Sate. ail the •q$ :4, 7 ,fr in her 3. 1 , 457, tho Revd E.tnte of ,aid IL : Proclamation. . .. Tll l•', F.l 1? 1( I 111 11E111 , 7,AS the Hon. llonmer J. F)smtn. - limn, I x Prescient IA the several Courts of Conl n w hieh deee.t••••.l re , •-idelf all 11;4 1;r. ' , mon Pleas in the Connlien composing the Pith .itintiC ill 1.-sionore town-101P. Adilln. 4 , .1111t_1. DINt OM, and .1 itsti:-e of the Courts of Oyerand :1 .111111 H 11. 4 ,11111 ', of York. Springs, adjoining , To miner and th.nerai Jail Delivery. far tlt land., of Philip Hess, John Brown, (alai As , j LIM( of all capital and other °linden in rho As per, 1-nor MVP ,. ...100ep1l Power, an,' ctiters, ; ,.• , sect aistry.t, .atul DAVID t he and DAVM eontninlng 185 Acres, more or less, 36 ' 1 " , IlmiN Mt. E4cps..Jiidgem of the Courtm of Oyer 1141 of whirls arc farm hiAl4, 25 acres ine.idow, a ii.l Tertniner, and General Jail D elivery. o r and the hal:owe eovered - ii ith thriving tiniher. , the trial of Aril capital and other ofhtelens 111 the The farm is under g esi riiiii ration mil , 1 „ tn° ~ i_ounty of Adman: —have ixistipett their precept. ' fesseing. The .011 1'.° "''''''' t -' ors' • ----' ' bearing date the 22.1 day of April. in the liar • a T., ..-st.,ry [Aug 1 ill" ELL' NG .:1,,,T i; ; .. ' of our Lord one thousand eight hundred end lli . .U.'...., I.ir-.:0 l'Etuk Point, large --T7 ! P' ls i• fifty-six.antl in me directed. fur holding &Collet Slew). Dry 11 nose. ma other out-:•Lz,,,, iti. of Cunitnon Pleas, - and General Quarter &we building - 14; three Apple 4)ra:trill , of choice ;Mona of the Peace. and General Jail Delivery, froit, with Pea eh, l'estr, Pliun and Cherry i and Court of Oyer and Ternoner, at Getty's- -. 'rees. There is a neverfailing spring of sin-. burg. ms mond „ . the 171 k nt..ingNet tort( : ter near the door, and a stream through the ,..,"' aloricm is Moty.By GIVIIN t o all the Justices ts.rtit, it Loin , . (hit* welt watered. .of the Pears. the t'oroners and Comstables ft-.3 - The farm will 14' uttered in whole or' !within the food county of Adams. that they he in two 'tarts. IV 111 . 1 r Ilt , t Milt purchasers. i then mad there in their piper perseme with 249 - Persons wisliing: to view the prni e •rts, i their Lola. ILecords. Inquisitions, Examine arc reline-te.l to . 3 01 on the first -muted Exceu .- - I twos, anti o th er Ileanembrattees. to Jo those tor, resng thereon. 1 things which to their offices — and in that hthelt Sale to h e r rat 10 o'clock, A. M..' appertain to he , done, and elm). they who will tut „aid day. n heu attend:mix will be & vea l prosecute against the prisoners Waters or shall and terms wade known by I ..e in the Jail of the said County of .Aslatua. are 1 COItNELIUS MESS, to be thew and there to prosecute against them .10:tEl'Il lIIISS, as shill be just. July 13, 1557. - is Executors. • 11ENRY TIIO3IAB. S'iserifi:. • the , trsay-Also. ; it the slime time rind place, folioing iv PF.IISONAL PilOP Elll'Y of de- i July 27. 1857. tc - • _ 1 e e a .erl r 3 tons of 'lay, 3 li, run Cr., Iles ;a , -- -------- ___...._—_-_, Ji:ly 13. 1857 IT 'III.IT M Re IN SAMSON CA X o•ell cheaper than I.kly else iterrowt lie hue..; at aavti , ,a, for r.trm. I,‘”,k at hi. lint.., thnt lie bell , ' hundreds ui. t;vultemen e and lA:NJ forquirli 11. It. ruin iu)—but yrun sells tln , :i at !I."). Awl why dues hew 11 thew nu On•up 7 'EveauNe tie lumeit at aneiion. L n of hp! Il.man and :shuns—look nt 1114,, (14i t a;"l , 7:';'•ua king 2..1,1 at. i.th er phaws at ~/ lon a t s4 - : ift — ho -, .. , e11i, ut:sl t , 74 to And why ? 13auxuac tic at; aurti m. , I, ::.1; at his Clothing, and. in feet, event ! thing in his line. lie will sell a Coat. Punts and o.t, some linen 44t0l some- Potion. fur ,front $1 75 to $2 thi per fall suit. Awl why? lit...nose lie bought them at auction. Also, blue.: Summer Cloth Coat, Pants end Vest, he soli* for S 3 M. And why? Be ! cause Ito bought these at auction. I am cootident duo my old friend* and customers will bear uic k outirt the alsive,—. I would say to those who lite at a disttunte front town, suppose you need but at Ilat, ur pair of (,titers. It hy 41:41't you come to Illy I,LaliiiillilliCal? 1 .. .,‘ NI if your lose a whole 1 day l or so doing, you will lie saving front t - $1 12} 1,4. ‘l 75 in -the purchase of maim— ant, 1 th at a : s OS much iii , most .if 111(41 lartka A i‘ .illi by bard work. Beside th is. you C4ll seta , i muc h more in the plachil , a of such Other I articles ii..s sou may steal. llthmlleut. not St , la ja a large and varied one, mid nil articles null astonishingly low. Come to town, get your dinners nod horses fed, and you can 'laser" fitil of saving the price n( a Jay's Lthor by buying at the Cheap One.l'ento Store of M. SAMSON, i July 13, 1857. opposite the Bunk. rEPAMRROTYPES 'alien from one dialler, and upwards. and m the best 24) ic. July 20. 18:)Ci. tf Stone Ware. FAHNF.STOCK BIIOIIIERS have just ro exived the largest nail best lot of STON WARE ever ollereti in the county. consisting of Jars, Jugs, Pitchers, Cream Puts. Apple Butter Potts. Preserve Jam. Milk Pans. To maks: BoAks. Sin! coons. Sec.. to which thil in•ne the attention of the puhlie. and examine at the sign of the UV) FRONT. July 20, 1857. - Still Another Arrival or NEW Gpoos, AT JACOBS it Bito'B. Unitlinore street. near tile Dinmond, where griaater hue gtiiini than es er can be ..ecured. ••Quick sale* and small profit , "--ailwitys better for seller kind buyer—is the motto they practice its well preach. Girc Cheat a mirror anything in. the Merchant Tailoring line—you nun't re gret it. Gettysticir,g, July 13, 1857. • T A DIES' LIGUT KID BOOTS.—ii ant-so -I_4 mortutern of Kid Boots , boa WA' Pullro and Jli.v4lali JUSL MCgived av 4 for July 20. It'WM 114./VElt s .. • Candies and Soap. SPKR3I, Adamantine, Patent aid Meat' Camila', Ca..tile s Olive. Itatnatinimityl sureks, Variegated, wad Rada S.. re .. .f or in o. by E. 11. N 1NN14411,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers