The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 22, 1857, Image 4

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    The Law of Trees.
At :vreeent in evtitie, of t le‘ :slow y,,, k
Farmers' club du. ,ukieot of trc, 31. mm
lines frave4, ovviiciiiLtiog the v,rotio , k of
uoiicklbor, tli•wirk..44.(l tub! the fol•
lowenrimportaiit raets elicited :
to ifihoro
ii 4' to pmrvent iiijor y of
grow u; 1.0)1 :11,,1
extettilitig, the Lim)." oy,•r I th e
the relive, great It to
:hetrrithborsL•uul. Mr. 1.3111011
td to know if tllvrk. W.1 , 31iy law to pro
vent aY porptoii 111 mi t tree:. on Ilk
rani land, finite Ilp to the line, whet...
. 1 10 rimit24 Loth to in
Ahviher nuquber wihhvd to know
who owned the fruit of over6attigin4
Solute ttntiftrson -ttrt-,ivered that ques
ion. It is now a welt settled law, by
evendiudiviell deei.iimps 4liat, it's tree
Towing - upanlity hind: orertiavileg tt
:round or nay nei g hbor, the fruit be
pitga to me, and 1 may etite - rcipbn his
rpd for the purpose of gathering it,
provided I do no damage boyond what
may bent(esKary in carefully gathering
shy crity ,
Xt i the front. time, it is, egialry good
:qv that my nei4lihor may via, oil' all
overhanging liuiLs, and all roots that
grow .in his ground; but while he per
;nits than, to grow, I am to enjoy the
utige Liringmt en the (+airman , eon
firtned this view or the c:ete.
• ,
Appointments by the President.
- William A. Richardson,
- Covernqr °rill,. Territory or Ni.bra+kka.
in place of 31.:1•1: W. li.util, ti' proNont
JoOrli A.- Wright, of Indiana.
Envoy Extraordinary Minister
Plenipotentiary . of the United States at
the court of his Majesty the King of
Prussia.ln place of Peter 1). Vrooin, of
New Juri,e), recalled at his oun re
Henry Murphy, of New York.
31inigtcr Resident of . the United States
at the court of his Majesty the King of
the Netherlands, in platy of Auguste
,Belmont, of New York, recalled at his
owe, /roost,. -
lime R. Diller, of Illinois, Cowell of
the Unita' States at Bremen, in place
of Wm. 11ildebr,util, the present in
- ‘Villiam Tlinmpqon, of NeW York,
Consul or he - Nice,' states at South
ampton, ( :ngland,) in place of Joseph
IL Croskey, the presentsincumbent.
Gabriel G. Fleurot,of.New York, Con
.of-the United States ttt lordeaur,
(France,)to fill an existing. Vaettlley.
Joseph Williams, of lowa, Associate
Justice of the Suprone Court 01'K:ins:Is,
in Owe of Thomas Cunningham, re
- Calvin F. 'Burns, United States At
tOrney for the easttrn district Missouri,
Vim, Thomas C. Reynolds, resigned.
An Up-hill /3usiness.
'no Pettuqlra du n has commenced
the herculeae task of attempting to jus
tify the infamous act of the last Legis
lature, in giving away the Main Line
to the Central Railread Company. and
strongly eniiirses that provision of the
bill which exonerates the . eomlany
from tonotege and other taxation. Our
friend gtos'will find it to be an execeil
inglydiffieult undertaking, if he experts
to eonvinco any considerable portion of
the' people that it is either fair or hon
est; to rub the tax-payers for the pur
pose of enriching am overgrown monop
oly whida is niixinly composed of fu rigs
stmkholthirs. line thing is very cer
tain, that he wilt fail in making any
pression on the ‘morraey of the inter
ior of the &at r Wilt) look
p pm' the
measure as a fraudupon the rights of
Itho people, and as a gross outrage upon
public sentiment generally, and they
will not itesikite to denounce it and in
sist upon its utioonditional repeal by the
next Legislature. Some few of the
Black Republican newspapers attempt
s defense of this bill of abominations,
but, ire believe, ,the Pennlyhnnion is
"solitary Met alone," if we except, per
haps, the Keening Argot', amongst the
Democratic journals of the Common
we.alth, in its advoeaey of the sale and
in opposition to the repeal.— La nc. had.
inkirm the Ladi e s of town and country,
that the is now prepared to execute Millinery
in 111 its branches, in West Middle street, a
few donna below Mr. George Little's mare.-
Work done cheaper than elsewhere in town.
Please call and see..
April 21, 1856.
)5 4 petculittion4 in Ircstern Lands.-4t ap- , - —_ _ .
locum .crttin the Chicago Tribune that, Ilanover B. Railro:td. it
w hil e lopeel a t k, n h as b een c h ec k e d i n 'IMAMS over the Ilanovei Branch Railroad
Illinois . and. sduthern Wisconsin, the -.- now nin as funalr 14 :
ir.e.see fiercely ie niunesots. It First Train leaves llanover at 9A. x.. with
-1 Passengers for York. Harrisburg, Columbia
satrie '' ' • • ' • • anti Philadelphia. This Train also connects,
In . .11itinimnta the epidemic is at its with the Express for Baltimore. arriving th ere
height; and since the wild days of 1355- at 12 s.
6 ton couutr4 . • has seen nothing to equal Second Train leaves at 3P. X.• Witt PILVXIk•
it. . The IXlsis Of all operations in Min. Rena for Baltimore and intermetliat plans,
nolvta is crxxlit; and ilisni it them are and returns with pasiengers . frourlfork, &c.
.. ,
buillAlS Mintnetilds of fortuatst that April 21. ape,
--- - ---4
to gliair-posvessors, solid as rock, hut to ' - --
more- _ .1. LElld.. Agent
m ew st oc k . ,
others of clearer vision :et thin as raper. ilticii Merinos. a l l m i en . r,,hi mk hi e
The territory's resources are in embryo; ' F Cloak Cloths • • Fell Silk's, di; now styles;
it no agriculture_ which furnishes a magnitkent new DeLaines: heat styles Fall
our ti. 3 for ev,portoto Inlyiutllvtures, no Calieows- very large meek of , sew - Shamir;
ivonnerw. The Money--aud live per Flannels. Welsh. Engligh" snit Athe'lleint e
Chubs, Vesting, snit all kinds Nfen'a IVoar ;
cents a _month the common rate of in-
Sheetivt, Table linens. Toweling s. Ate.
tereet is atillicient testimony that there
is bat little of that—in circulation f EYRE & LAN DELIA
rom F.,nrtai and Arai itreetl ' l'Agfulelphia
Landlo' hand is that carried in by 11 '-'w I rP - r -- Storekeepers are invitee to eXamine our
emigrants: Credit is the basis of all— Sew Goods. Families can be well suited in
credit viiiielthas only purely imaginary • every kind of Dry Goods. We make Black
valuations of hinds and town lot.a as its ,Silks and Shawls leading articles fur whole
weing. P. ti—dossrvccived daily from the
fdandation.—The bubble will hart.. s •
UA.III. in New York and niilmielphia.
Thongkj i t has been blown up to a ridie
'alone diameter, and - is Arohl-4.-Mored to so I '-'
December 15, 185 ti. Gm
many eyes, it will burst. 'A year of
short crops in the northwest; a year of
cbolQr!i, by which emigration will be
kept Nutt ; a d pai i i .11
i the money mr
kat, . produce .by whatever cause, will
let the gas outof it in a site lc summer.
Splitting iek4 without blasting.—
Some-French inveilitors have taken out
• a putout in England lltr, splitting rkieks
by, the gpie,ration of heat without ea us
exPlosidu. They used a sub
staeotroarmposed of 100 p.trtx of sulphur
by weight, 100 of saltpetre, 544 or ,VlW
dust; 5) of horsA3 ht.tuure, and 10 of
owasiou ,salt. The saltpetre uttd vont
mint,liah. are dissalvti in hot w•tter, to
whieb four parts of ttolatises are added,
aud,the„whole ingredients stirred until
they e :re thoroughly . incorporated' W-
ti n o n e nu o ,x, \Odell is then dried
bf a. g entle heat in a room ‘lr by ex
posui^e to thu stm, and td tit for axe. Io
ta9iped iu the holes bored for filasti4
!Mk -in the same manner us powder,
. issued by a fusee. .I,t does uoti
eau.ddtY eXpiosion upward like guit.k,
rim*, but_ generates a great
, latat„ i
• whit* spiiti the rock. .
aiiii;•Somo ono recommends a mall
lie tore!' to marry u widow. us by mu
doing he may be tcrined the'. watiovea
Chair & Furniture Establishment
31 .\T . IlLityr \ IS ri t h L
e VI A i 1 ,4 1.};:11 ,, 01 ,0 1 , 3 44 15 e:
Witerc are kept aLwara on hand. or mole to
or.lor, cry style of Prenoil TSTS,A-TEMS.
it. Pleat, CkAlo or Itruratelle.
French' Fall Stuff wad Nlcibillinn Parlor
ARM ellAlltS, in Phials, Hair e Moth or
}reuel' Full Rut Courvrii PA ILLOIL
CII AIRS. in Ket.o, witti Plush. Hair. Clitl. ur
tsruentplle. i
SOFAS. half•Frenalt Spring Mahogany, nod
Walnut Parlor Cl11.111:S, in Hair, Cloth or
'K I N 1 ell AI ilvt , ignm, iu
!lair. 'l.lll mmi
Sluff Sipriug larfe asmimmrt
rmie.m: a.l % mmil bawl, i.• mak% 14111cria amm.a.le
mmr with ally r.mmumilmm km or.lar.
.t )1 BE It SUITS—in Allatiogany or
Walnut, complete. front 4 , 34 up.
CANE CHAIRS anti Hocking do.--the
largoict inunirtment foxily niaile in ;my one
Mame in Lim United Staten—from $1.1 ) a doz
en up.
aim. Office anill (711 A II:S. in
Oak, Wannt or blulusisiitty, with
or Stiffed Seats—sa ansortmetit embracing
dyer &U dozen.
Wood .icat and SUTTEES and
Rocking; Chairs`—over I<W dozen.
A. mxrilityr, 2.5 North thy Siren,
Dear Fayette nines.
May IS, 1537. ly
New G 004114.
IVOCT,l)re,peetfullif inform their cugtom
or and the public generally, that they
have just received the largest. and Lest gele,t
ell Mtn ek of Spring and Sammtr Goods ever
offered to -theta. Ha% tag pnreltased for the
GASH, they are prepared to offer such in
ducements tis to defy all competition. Give
1 / 1 1 bl call—nn tretulile to qh..w
FA lIS F:STOC K II 1110 T I I F.P.S,
Si pi of ae '&11 F.,,,tt.
April 13, 1857.
Samuel I. Ileculchen,
Mil-wriyia ufat/ Barr .1641 Shine Manufae
QOLE Proprietor of Jonwsow's highly ap.
pmved and mach improved Slim . AND
MACITTNR: impmvecl how tkINCA vie
llttaw Dusrca.,lllllPREYlClll XACIIINK FOR MIL
NO. &4 QUEEN Street, (18th
Ward,) address Kensington Post ()nice.
11,ArYDOUK Street, below Front,
Vocalic° Mill Stones. Mill Imns.. Smut Ma
i chines. Patent Mill flush, Portable
Mills, Stretched Belting. Cu
menA and Screen Wire,
SQVARg 3fMllllO BOLTING CLovns. •
March 2. 1857.. 3m
Now Lil the Time !
NOW is the only time to make very pirtty
and cheap selectiOns of Spring and Sum.
mot Goods: I tell you the truth is, that if
you want cheap and pretty Goods, to call at
the north west coiner of the Diamond—the
only place to get them. Also. h'eag-,sade
17/.,thin , / et:distantly on hand. Ml goods cut
free , !I charge. Call anti see before purchas
ing elsewhere, &Ellin Cheap Store - of
April t 3. JOHN HOKE.
Removed a Vow Mors south oftheßld.ltand.
j mite' ctfully inforins his old
OP • eustinuers and the public genendly. that
he continues the T-11/, iilS(; Ili %SUESS,
near his old • stand, in South Baltimore street.
where be will be happy to accommodate all
who may patronize him. All work entrusted
to his care warranted to fit and beef mno.t sub
stantial make. Thnekful for past 'favors, he
solicits a continuance of public patrourgu.
rjj• 7h# 21 - , ri,rk .:.ring n,NI Sommer
Agfahinn-t are received. tall and gee thew.
Gettysburg. April 9, 1855.
?Few Millinery.
10 Per Cent. Interest.
a. you want to invest your money with a
certain return of good interest. and at
in th
same 'furnish to your familica that whic h
protitable and Vtietul—buy all
They Goode at Pahnestocks' Cheap Sto - e. They
hare received, and are cowitantli adding'
every thing uew and diAiralale to their .8100114.
April 27, 1657. tf , _ .
pm?. andetaignel. being the anthm+scid pert
Mau to wake removals into Ever Citet4
Cemetery. hopea that such s. , otttemplate the
removal 10l the reumma rvlatave,
or frientlq, will avail thenAelves this seititij
of 11 4 yeFtr to have it ilorrr. 114, terilia are
tuoilarate; and every effort is mile to please.
Piar:ll TIIt)I4N.
./Cor t xr (9 , Wt. (.4,4107,
Febrotry . :9. 1857
( All order* promptly attended to. and great
g ',MLitt IPtGE 'frimininga can • elviaiyo' 14 care taken in the selection And picking of the
li nought' lower, and a tamer aakortmetti tattle. , 7 1lc haa,reileiveil dnring the Nat, 1i
i - than elsewhere is always ta •fie lied. at I yeare more Medals than any other waker.franr
FAJINE,yrocKs% i the Pranklin rnaliwte : Mao ?rat Preiniums
• . _ at 13okun. and k'nituiutua at New Turk ,and
' I EIVIILT:if & ST ATIoNERT —airy e t rot, n - lui t i mpr i 4 .
wAy tits and the hest .took ever brought to . Wereroonsi remov'edfrom s', S. Fourth tci":Co.
this. plave. if you - Adtt IA •i t% enn• in lull lIC r 4180 ARCH *treat. • bel9w. Pghtb. gougl sijiii,
fur youraeltee—aa . SCIIIO.IC. 1 t s PhiladelphiaA .
FriIIIESIX3. Pins. Ne llea. Thimbles. t.a. March 16 1857. 3m
1 dime and other ()mil llotions. !looks • etIiILDfIFAN'S Stems of every variety. ani
And I , :yrot. ?tank licasheN. ad Penellar, l - ) size. at Hervartatt• di Aelintwitautitelt
41.4 tea, cheap .26: N,: ' I.;ECIC.S. r7titiwcs.wrs to IN . W, l'allon
New titiodii.New 111Plein,
.4 NI) ?'lf e".
leofif;r, ARN 11.1) CO. have inat redi
Gell fmm Philadelphia S. han , lioretia assert
ment tiaiiitatile fur the season. Our
Ready-Made Clothing,
and all Goods in that line, is c ttencti ye. ('trap
Cashmetalt,. 'hap Dilate.
Vttsiin•., 'Pint: , A, Call and
If r c..anunt pica..r pin tit a garment
rt-ady-made, wr tut‘r our ron.nantly
cutting, tint *nil twit intuit,. and em make you
a cartnent upon Abort nutiee. and in the Ter?
hest manner, Our prices cannot he beat.—
titre u 4 a eall. Marrh .3 1 , '57.
P. S.-1 hare given Mr. J C. thrnn an Wl
terest expect:sly for the purptiete of set ling up
try old buttinetet. 1 have now ht."en operating
3' years and hare never mad new determined
to settle pp my W.:Mewl generally. Stio , k
ithervtore who are indebted to me, either by
Bond. Note or Book attount, trill phase call
and pay Ow wan. 1./ AILIVULI/.. •
Margit 74. 1857. tf
Do Ton Wish DargaimlN?
11 all, al It,
Corner of the ifiamot e d and Atltiaore /greet.
•talLSCllloKtift..iiist ieturned from Pltla
• delploin with a full anti homplete amok ment „f s pr i n o. hods, consisting .of Black and
ranev rolore.FOtot.l6o n tiV tlwootinveraSeof nIl
st v ino. and patterns Satinetts.
47M - tan/tiles %MI I , I 11l ror wear'
: t ad Silk, awl
awl 4.; pricer to snit the tione.—whirb,
r leatliiiitert a ;shin?, a e•imph•Le. outfit. would
do Eery well to et:union..
FOR Tat Ltl)lC.t.—ltp4t reveived alnperior
which will 14 aiiki
low *lmo. Ilitregy .le Lantos, Ilimihotta•..
Itrillimito,Ualirolous. Irish Linens, Swim,
and Catabolic Muslin*. lh.tted Swiss awl 1%4
Itololoons„ Collars. Dress
'friminings, ok.e„ which Cur variety. ex
eellesiee awl cliamilutsa canwit he vourpamtud
in this market.
iteirgeoolleet, that although there is
great &t Seitie hargains. nth CUAI IN
fteconun•Nhtt(hl. No trvnblo 1, 0
TherefOrll roll in. and EXiIIII . IIII3 large 4.
richest and ulioapust sWek you e%er laid your
eye' nu.
tivttysburg, April 13,
Attention, One and All:
‘„IAIUEL WEAVER having provided him
1. - 1 sell with an entire new and coetly appa
rattht. is now prepared to furniAh
Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes,
in every style of the art, which he will war.
rant to give entire satihfaction. Ilia long ex.
perienee and - superior apparatus give him
advantages seldom tarnished by Ihignerrene
estaldtshinenut out of the city. lle has a large
number of soseituens :ait, his Gallery. in Chun,
bersburg street. which the public are reqwnit
ed Local) and examine.
rj-Chorges from 50 cents to SO. Hours
of operaunm from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Hold
Lockett., lfreastving, ru►table for miniatures.
always on hand. at the very lowest priors.
la - Children will not be taken for lm than
$1 00.
CrAMIIROTYPES taken from one dollar
and upwards. and in the he style._
Dee. :22. 1856. tf
Diamond Tonsor.
JOAN W. T trrtni. ukiiinabie ll,iebre
awl /lair Prrxxrr, can at 41 times be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the people. at
the in the Diamond. adjoining the
County Building. From long experience, ho
tletters himself that he can go through all the
ramifications of the Tonsorial De
with each an infinite degree of skV a istl
Meet with the entiresatisfaction of all who may
submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his ra
zors. He hopes, therefore, that by his atten
tion to basilicas. and a .lesire to please, he will
merit as well as receive. a liberal share of pub
lic patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their private dwellings.
Gettyiburg, Jan. 8, 1855. tf
Susquehanna Hotel,
Oppmdte Calvert Statifies.lteltitnere. Md.
►fill F. undersigned having leased the above
I Hotel and put it incomplete order. is pre
pared to aocompodate his friends and the
travelling public. The proprietor will be
pleased to are his old friends, and Promises to
make their stay comfortable and satisfactory.
Baggage taken to ar.l from Calvert. Station
tree of charge.
- JOHN 13.11211, (forratthr (?r Penn'a.,)
July 9, 1855. tC rROPRIrroa.
Osage Orange Premium riedge.•
rH & undersigned having made Hedging hia
I exclusive basilicas. is now prvpitred. with
his tau:naive fat:aline*. to do any amount of
CM the most reasonable terms, in any part of
Pennsylvania. New York. New Jersey. Dela
ware.- Maryland. and Virginia. The
Orange lit besnti rat. ornamental. zris p=
tiW, proof against stock, high lambi, back
water. do.
I will furnish Mats. Plain taut Trine until
the Hedge will tarn all kinds of tam stock, at
from tit to St 511 per end. one-third to be paid
when phoned. and the balance when it in do
elated s good fence by disinterested pertains.—
Those getting the Hedging done,.inwrequired
to prepare the ground by deep ploughing, and
cultivate the hedge row a* directed.
Hodges net and Phone tarnished at front 50
tort cents per rod, parrot to be nude when
the Fledge is met.
U7I•LANTS at Wholesale and Retail.
firmed at the Railroad Station at this place.
seeorely boxed, as :
When frn,thai are ortierrd in one order. 84.80
per thousand for. No. .1—54.01 for No. 2:
5.0 0 0 in one order $5,00 for No. 1-8:4.511 lot
No. 2 ; Less than 5,0(10 in one order 56, 0 0 fur
• No. 1--i5,00 fur. 2.
SEED • .fres4 and of the best quality, at
Wholemale and Iletail,at market price%
The value of the ()gage Orange for Hedging
ia now settled. its aimless. with proper maw
ag,ement. is beyond doubt. Nature WIN do nut
work i u tnaL t og it an ilia pervious Hodge, if MAR
will do ills in tut outtore.
ricr‘tiorieas—it.Th Jnmw Gowen. Ptuldent Pain
•vlrams m..tte 14ncult•ril Strietr; M. Kelm,
heachltz. I. , Jediti 114. A. MCVO)t..ll,Samiel
Nagmer, Cbier ; 11.3 :igi
le ii
r, tr. ti
s•uallnr limn l'en.)lvlnitt, I; eu K C I 14111 mlelphiA,
; lien 11 .n Kell, , Nm. A. t3A.Aes, KAI ,
licvelubu l's
ire re 0,,,,„, ro.
Dec. 15, 'SG
The World', Greed Ethrbitum Priv Mciftil!
Fur his Two Pianos, London, Oct. 16, 1851
,CMEYER respectful!) informs his friends
• and the public ;morally, that he has
constantly nn hand PINNOX conal to those
for which he received the Prize Medal in Lon
don. in 1851.
fir II F", undersicneil revpectfully inkirrn their
frtenths and the paidie in general, that they
hare commenced the abi net and Clutir.mak
humrielet, is Rsltimoru ntreet. near
where they will manufacture all
of Fut:NiTunk:. Ortsaong
antl Common Ilitresug Tlbleh of va-7.,--"1
w ar d ro b i .,,
Stand:. and every other artyle in their line.--
A LT. of the IKwt worhutan•thip and good ma
'ieril4.4. which will enable them to warrant
their work. Ako, ever` variety of Cli ALIN.
CoYviss made at short notice, and in the
various stiles.
lluum Painting and Papering attentleil to,
and done in the tent manner.
Their priors will be sx low 14 the lowest, as
all who may patronize them will scknowlerige.
1.17 - I,ntnher and country produce taken in
exchange for work.
N01111 , 140K RETLLEY.
Gettysburg, Feb. 23, 11 1 37. it
New Family Grocery.
11"PEeTFULLY informs the citizens of,
Gettysburg.inil the public generally,
that he has opeisesa a new
Grosery and CogfeAtionary Ettore,
on the Nophewelnorner 6f the Diamond, for
merly occupied by A. B. Karts, whet !N) will
have onnstantly on hand a choice eafiety of
tlittVl.llllM. QONPBOTION_kIa6S,. and..
CP:I/Aft %.2F,' and everything in his line.
Kvery article that the P.a,stern Market can af
ford sill I.e kept on hand or *supplied at the
Filmiest notice. A share of public patronage
is respectfully fioliefted.
All kinds of country pnxluce taken in et
change for floods.
Februarr2t, 1857. tf
lit.gurance f,onipany,
. A NT.% L 39. 586 area* instimmxe in
any put of the Stale, against fowl by tire :
prudently adapts its operations to its re.tottr
era : - affords ample lade 'ty, and promptly
adjusts its losses.
Adams county is represented in the Board
of Managers by lion. Musts NIXIJIAS.
N'M. MrCI,l N. .1 irnt.
(Inge* Qf W. Uceleas,thettylderig
May `2ll, 1 sSG.
300 Dot. Anives and Forks.
• 1 - rAVING jest received of onr own impar•
I I tation, from England, tt larg••• and ex
tortive filsortment. of Cutlery, we I irate dui
atttintion of those in want of any style of
Knives and Forks, Carvere, Nut Pies, &.e., - to
come and examine. We will sell at such
Prices as will defy tvimpotition. Alen, a large
flrigorttrumt of Table Pocks, which will V mold
separately. Don't fori ' uu to extnnine the
stockk at 1 FAIINESTOCKS*.
sarConntry 3ferebants'ean be supplied at
a small alliance. • May lg.
Ladles, This way
flO1;E.1N do 1...1yr0s hare always on
j hand a large awl well selected sweit of
Ladies'. and C6ifJire n'H
Suomi., thrums •xil Prilt4.
Of an icinthi, and at all ?ritses. No troublo
show Goods. May 18.
Scythes! Scythes! Scythes!
-- tAllNr.s . rocKs have
.itißt received •the
large -4 lot of SC YT ever offered itt
the c.,unty. They couipriso ti variety of makes,
including S V Fat STEEL ,01EEL BACKS.
,te., to which the attention of Farmers wed
other.; is invited, itssuring them that wo will
theme cheaper than elsewhere. Iflay
J. Palmer
Dealers in Fish and Provisions,
'HAVE oonstantly on hand an assortment
of Mackerel. Shad. Herrings, Co.nisi),
Beer. Pork. LAM, Shoulders, 11.tuni, Sides,
Cheese. Rice, &c.
Ilarch :.)3, 1857. 3m
Bonnets! -Bonnet''!
V.IL/ISS Nice REARY has just" returned from
.1. the city vrab a new and beautiful &mon
ument of
IiDIINT,73<ez 2.037 Q3oDit,
of the most fashionable styles, which t h e in
vites the ladies to call and examine, confident
that they will he plesseil with her selections.
Miss Slcereary will carry on the MILLI
NERY business. in all its branches, and hopes
by her superior work and reasonable prlcus,
to merit the patronage of her friende.
Gettysburg, April 20, 1857. 3m
Bringman & Aughtdbatigh,
WE are just receiving a WWI lot of
Cup*, Boots Ai, Shocall
—of the very latest Spring styles. awl/
intend selling at Buie,' protits. Call and gee
them betel, purchasing elsewhere. Remem
ber the 'place, Paxton's old stand. Chambers
long street. March 23.
I . lWho ham had 10 years experience as a Bank
s.; er SWAM` ,
&nes AV Les:dotes tO tkt Broatioroy Ta
Li when. for 10 mireemive nights. over •
.0- 50,000 People ,co
Greeted him with roundel of applause. white
he exhibited the manner in which Coun
terfeitent execute their trends. and the
it surest and shortest siesta .of
Detecting them !
The Dank Note Engraver* all asy he is the
O greatest ;fudge of Paper Monet! living.
Descnbing every Genuine Bill in existence,
Ga mad exhibiting, at a glance, every
Counterfeit in Circulation!
Ariangeil so r.dmirably that RKPEREXCIR TS
ri . ...)11:1 index to examine ! pageq to
pt , hunt up! But so simplified and arranged
C that the Merchant, the Ila:dser and Business
E Luau tan tar all at a Gluttc,:.
la 1.7 ~ , /,',7 1. Fe, nrti aO,l o'o-win.
6, rt 117.9 EACH SI IS RR 11) T/11 1 ! a‘+ll: IN 1113 OWN
fa? N ATIV k; Tuhlieli.
iml Also, II 111 4 1 of
ii) ALL Till ritivari ISLIAxas is AmtraCA !
A Complete Suunuary of the Finance of
• Europe and America will be published in
!bleach edition, together with all the iippur
taut News of the day. Also,
Fran en old Manuscript found in the Ea*.
.It teruisiwa the roost Complete History of
al:Describing the most Perolosing Sitnations
w in which the Ladies and gentlemen of that
country have been so often found. These
1 4 Stories will continue throughout
the whole year. and will
:prove the acet•enteruining ever offered to
. the public.
7: - .7 Furnished IVerkly to Subscri
e only, tall a year. All letters :oust be
dreased to
JOINT S. DYE. Broker,
Publisher Out Proprietor, 70 Wall street,
April 27.1857. ly , New York.;
f/P)ILGE and Henry Wasnpler will make
tfoube Bpotiting triditnt up thermic:4i low/
loft:alit . or country, produce. Fartnent End an
others wishing their houses, barns. lc., spoit -
ed. would k wcll co give them a oall. • r
April 18. 1853. tt
/11404.11ti5. Letnens. Candies. Crackers
V Spiess of all kinds. ?Juicy and Cothnion
80144 Itsar . Oils, Le., a Nth:MEC lII'S.
irTmagELLAA, Par:rats and Pita t hei be
IL) (Quad, kmd and cheap, at SeIIICICS,
One Dollar & Seventy-five Cents
Will Secure the Regular- yiAt of
it E lie eaippilei*,"
to the Horne of any nntily . in the County.
Afford Instruction and Arakiscrment
fatoruzas, naurnEas •an starrzas,
ohn ANT) YoUNti,
.21 - n land! y Should In. without ti4e COYiler ,
ae1.51,75 could he spent in nCVnore
profitable manner than by subscribing
for the "Comcfmt," which will flirnish
you with all the news of the day, the
markets, the marriages and the deaths
occurring in the community, with choice
iiclectiiins of literature, poetry, wait and
humor, and all that will go to make up
a tirst-mite Family New spapgi. Ad
dress the Editor and Proprietor, II1:N
J. fir kut.x. -- May , IS.
- -----
TIRE underhigned having purchased from
1. Win. W. Paxton, Esq.. his entite Stock
of Goods, will continue the business at the old
stand, In etiambersburg street, a few doors
weat of the diamond. uni!er the firm of 111UNG
-111 1N & AUGHINIIAUIiII, and solicit the
patronage of their friends and the public gun
orally. We hare made arrangcgteuta largely
to increase our stock/of
Jl4ll. Cspf, Apar and ~clieer.,
and will always keep on hand a full artMrtment
of all kinds. suitable to the season, which will
be sold at the lowest possible prices. Moping.
by strict attention in business,. to merit a lib
eral pa tfonage, we invite alt needing Anything
in our lino to call and examine oar goods be
fore purchasing elsewhere,
GEO. E. ItittliGNl AN,
Gettysburg, Jan. 12. 1857.—if
staufrer & liarivy.
Clitrtp Watches slut Jewelry,
IVIIOLESALY, and Retail. at the Philadel
v phis Watch and Jewelry Store. '.o. 'XI
North Second street, corner of Quarry, Phila
Gold Lever Watches. full jeweled, ,11i carat
cases, $2B 00: Gold Lepines. 10 carat. 124 00;
Silver Levers, full jeweled, 112 00; Silver Le
pines, j ewels, t 59 00; superior Qoartiers. $7 00
Gold Spectacles, 17 00; tine Silver do. 11 50:
Gold Bracelets, 53 00; Ladies' Gold Pencils,
$1 00; Silver Tea Spoons. set. 55 00: Gold
Pens, with pencil and silver tiolaer. 11 00.
Gold Finger Rings, 374 cents to $80; Watch
Glasses, plain. 124 cents: patent 181: laniet
25: other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
On hand. some gold and silver Levers and
Lepines. still lower than the above pria:s.
Oct. 20. 1846. ly • ,
Removed to Haiwver.
VILANCIS J. WILSON. late of the it'ash
-11. tngum House at Abbottamwn. has taken
in 11am:slur, where he will be happy toenter
tain all who way patronize bim. flip Table
is supplied with the best the 'market nod gar
den can afford, and his liar K ith the choicest
of lit - piers. Ills Stables - are tornitiodenis, and
attended by careful Ostler-s. Give bird a call.
You will always - find FKANK. on the spot.
ready and willing w wake every co t e.
furtable. [April 27, 857.
Hover* Liquid Hair liye.
/THIS HAIR DYE needs only a trid Nat
i imfy all of its perfection as a Dye i 'and the
following testimonial from that emineit Anal
vtle. Chemist. Professor Booth. of tie U. S.
dint, will only confirm wbas.thousiods have
previolisly borne testimony to.
-Philadelphia, Feb. •
I.ll4ling well acquainted with the sileitances
composing Unter's Liquid !)yell unsat
isfied that by following the ailhpb lirectiona
given for its nee. it wils. not injurelde Hair or
Skin, but will give a natitral and amiable color
to the Nair. If
JAints C. Bonen. Amager CI
II ire's "lid, and iforer's iAiLtu
too well known and introduced to
additional testimony of their char
sales have been inizeesing sines ti
troduction. giving evidence that
truly poetess that intrinsic merit
first for them by the IlannEsetere
Orders, addressed to the Mint
416 RACE street shove FODlt'l
145,) Philadelphia, will reweiWi
Lion by
April 13,1857, ly
Filucr Bou of the Bati System of
t• mitier. 25 eta.
Tim Sawxi) 800 of the ional System
of ifsiglish Grammar, &sic': to teach the
process of Analysing the Et ish Language
with sound judgment ; and art of using it
with grammatical propriety. 31 eta.
These works are now u •in the Public
Schools in du: First School tatriet of i'enu
Tlta TIIIUD Boor of the nal System of
English tirammar, designt to enable the
learner to become moot tlrtri ghly acquainted
with the nature and use (f t u PIO:POSITIONS.
and may be read by hit tiler in or out of
school. 50 eta.
1311.0WX . R 011 LA NMATICAIR6IaiIiL This Book
nets aside the old lima, swats their de
fects, dentunatrates the Jule is of attending
to therm, irnd presents to the eaeher the un
erring and only way 0 the tGratuinsr of Um
English I.angetage. 37} eh,.
For 'mit) by PliTlMGatles, 11S ARCII
Street, l'lsiladelphia.
Msrott 2, 1837. Od
JUSr FBOK Tll4 c'irr
With a Larger Steel, than Ever!
,COB NORBECL h.ts j,ist recolTed front
tho city et 'argil stook 4' GROCERIES,
FISEI, Luzest he Pus yet otFe.rotl to
the public, and whfeh he ionow opening, ut
his new Ineathm, Krr'.q ("voter, on 13.1ltiinore
street. Give biros call! linu will find his
Coffee, Si:mar, golasse, Salt, Teas,
,rmil everything air, the bst and vhe cheap
en to b e h a d in wn-lic tilling bought at
low rateg, itnl b4tng detedained fast
at small profit ,t.eeolleetgerr's old &orner,
Baltimore and ITO Stree
tiettyptlittrg, .114. y 11, 1
Al ym
11).Sjast rcteived at hi
.thing Stare, on 'furl
4site the nlc. the t
user Wear , opened in
want a well-isacle Ccat,
thing in thelinec of ltea ,
lees cost that they out
city 1
1, clinsi
I: I 2
(Office removed to one door West of Bnehler's
Drug 800k -store, Chatnbersburgstreet,)
Attorney & Solicitor for Patents
and Pensions,
OUNTY Land Warrants, Back-pay sus
-1J pended Claims.and all other claims against
the Government at Washington. D. C. ; also
American claims in England. Land Warrants
located and sold. or bought, and highest prices
given. Agents engaged in locating warrants
in lows, Illinois and other Western Suttee,
LPApply to him personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1833.
Wm. 11.
3ttaruni at raw.
()FPTCE on the south side of - the Politic
A Square. 2 doors west of the Sentinel office:
Getayaburg. August 22, 1853.
Edsf.lll. Buckler, ,
"Attiring at
WTI faithfully a 4 promptly attend to
all business entrusted to hint. De
speaks' the German language. Office at the
same place, in South Baltimore street. near
Forney's drag store. sod nearly opposite Den
nerka Ziegler s store.
Oettyshurg, March 20.
`I A S his Office one doer west of the Lntbe
ran church. in Chambersburg street. and
opposite Grammer's store. where those wish
ing to have any Dental Operation perform
ed are respectfully invited to call.
aItIiaVICKS : Dr. D. Gilbert. Dr. 0. N.
Iktlnehy, Dr. D. Horner, Rev. C. P. Krauth,
1). D., Rev. 11. L. Rougher, D. D.: Rev. Prof.
William M. Reynolds, Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs,
Prof. M. L. Stoner.
Gettysburg, April 11,.1853. tf
/1"111E undersigned will attend promptly to
tho collection of claims for Bounty bands
under the late act of Congress. Those w
have already received 40 or 80 acres, can n
rtetive the balance, by calling on the imbue '-
bur and waking the necessary application.
Gettysburg. March 12, 1855. tf
New Hardware Store.
subscriber* would respectfully an.
nounce to their friends and the public that
they hive opened a Hardware Store, in Balti
more street, adjoining the rotidence of David
Ziegler, Gettysburg, in which they always In
tend to offer to the public a large and general
assortment of
104 MIM /3. ) ; 4 2 n 9
t'cbar—wart, Sljoc .fitOings,
Paints, Oils, and I)ye-stutts,
in general, including every description of arti
cles in the above line of business, to which
they . invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet - makers,
Shoe-makers. Saddlers, and the public genet.-
ally. Our stock 'having been selected with
great care and purchased for cash, we guaran
tee (for the ready money.) to dispose of any
part of it on as reasonable • terms as they can
tail purchased anywhere.
We particularly request a call from our
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public
laver, as we are determined to establish a char
acter for selling Goods at low prices and doing
husiutssou fair principles.
Gettysburg, June 9, tf
JACOBS & BRO. respectfully inform their
friends and the public generally. that they
hare opened a Merchant Tailoring .
Establishment, in the room recently 00.
copied by A. Arnold, in South Baltimore street
near the Diamond. where they will at all times
be happy to accommodate all who may patiron.
ize thou. Their stock of Cloths, Cassimeres,
Vesungs. Cassinets. Cords, Sumner Goods,
;U.. Le.. is large and selected front the latest
styles—all of which they will dispose of at
prices as low as they can possibl i t *Word, thet
system being to sell CLIEAP, fur cash or joists.
try produce.
They will make op garments of every de.
scription hi the moat substantial and desirable
manner, all warranted to fit and not to rip.—
Goods bought of theta not to be made up in their
establishment will be cut free of charge. They
are making up a lot of READY-MADE CLOTIL
ING, in the best manner, which they will sell
as cheap as the cheapest.
They have also un hand a large assortment
of Hosiery, Suaperatrt, Skirts, SAM Collara,
&e., to which they would call the attentitm of
the public.
Inks. am
quire any
ter. The
41. Brat in
he articles
claimed at
fTbe Latest Fashions regularly received.
Cash or ()outcry produce always current for
goods or wo..b. Don't mistake the place.
March 17. 1856.
, (old No.
pl, stkui-
dersigned returns his thanks to the puhli
for the encounigement heretofore extended to
him, and takes pleasure in announcing that he
has completed strangemento by
clort ,
Coaches will run between Gettys. •
burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains
to and horn Baltimore, York, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia. &c. Prroons desiring tickets or
information will call on the under.igned, or on
CHARLES TAT", 'ticket Agent, at the - Eagle
Hotel, in Chan bersburg street.
(17Siweial attention given to all packages,
ho.. or other business entrusted to the under.
signed between Gettysburg and, Hanover,
which will be promptly and carefully attend.
ed to.
IThe undersigned has also effected ar
rangements by which lie will be nble to supply
Coaches. Stages, &c., fur Funerals and other
occasions, at moderate eltoirgex.
Gettysburg, April 13, 1857.
lITILL find it - to their adranta,ge to call at
Fahnestoek Brothers. and see their
large and cheap stock of Silks, Challis, Lawns,
Ducals, Tantartines, I)elairics, Calicoes, Ging
hauls, Se., are gelling cheap at
Sigo of The Red Frost.
April 13, 1R57.
Flour! Flour
Fr LIE undersigned continues the Flour/Lai.
near as heretofore. 114 sells by the arrel
or any smaller qualitity. 1.3 y Lakin SMALL
ritorrrs he can buy as high and sel as low as
anybody else, and by always endeavoring to
keep none bat the best. he ho tomerit and
receive a continuance of liberaWiatronaze.
Oct. 8. 1855. - At the Poet Office.
Hay liyinted.
'DEMONS haring/thy to sell will do welt
1 by calling ouAlba. i subecriber, in tiettyo ,
burg, who is dasirottlL of ,purchasing. The
highest roarketifriim will! be paid st,all times,
ij7-As he • mix baring the flay, after be
ing packed, anted either to Hanover' r Balti
more, t preference to haul will be given to
those , whom he may purchase.
lircemberll. 1852. U
F Ready-made Cto
treet, nearly op
; t amsortment of
r Spring and Sum
'hie place. If you
t t Paull, or any
made Clothing, at
had otttNide of the
fillL'irEß.—A, fine lot of Silver Spoons and
1.7 Silver Forks, m hew Si city prices, now
to be bad at SCHICK'S. Call soon, as they
BCH rapidly. , •
I D ONNE'N. Ribbons and Plumlrs. in large
a,bortmolit, at SCH ICK'S.
!,•• irtment of Sum
e of 11. its, Cups,
km, ITrethr4.ll:V. and
D. WConaughy,
lttortini at taw,
J. Lawrence Hill, M. D.,
.G _ i
Bounty Laud Claims.
Hardware, Ina, Steel, Groceries,
New Good*:
The Ladies
A Medical Revolution!
lioTloWay's ointment"—'tea QUA"
Telt !MUTANT !—..1 he virus' of disease OIL
ten makes its way to the internal orgies three
the pores of the ',kin. This pesetratidg faints
ment. melting under the hand as it is robbed
in,is absorbed through the same channels, and.
reaching the Real-of inflammation, tnemptly
and invariably 'stilxidesil, whether located la
the kidneys, the liver, the-lungs, orate other
important organ. It penetrates the surface to
the interior, through the, countless tithes that
communicate with the skin as rammer rain
passes into the fevered earth, diffusing he cool
and regenerating influence.
&lie; Manses rued Glandular Seedling*.
Every species of exterior irritation is quickly
reduced by the anti-inflammatory action of this
Ointment. Angry F.ruptions, such as Salt
Rheum. Erysipelas. Tetter, Ringworm... Scald
Read, Nettle Raab, Scabies (or Itch) Sc., die
out, to return no more, under its - ipicatiost.
Hospital experience in all parts of t heworld
proves its infallibility in diseases et the skin,
the muscles, the Joints and the glands.
'lcer', Surer, and 11ineorr.
The effect of this unrivaled external remedy
open Scrofula, and other . 'indent ulcers and
sores, is almost miraculous. It first discharges
the poison which produces suppuration and
proud flesh, and thus the cures which its heal.
tog properties afterward complete are safe as
well as permanent.
Wounds, Bruises, INA", and &We.
Delicate Females.
All irregularities and ailments incident to'
the delicate and sensitive °moat of the se are
removed or prevented by a few doses of these
mild, but, infallible alteratives. No mother
who regards her own or her children's health
should fall to h{ve them within her reach.
A4Pritißc 'Endorsements.
The London ..Lancet," the Landon "Medi
cal Review," and the most eminent of rim ham
nit) , in (;rest Britain, France and Getaway,
have eulogised the Pills and their investor.
Heellieway's Pill* are Me brit remedy Inseam iR ;
the "curl(' for the flollowiafi tiisetlate
AstetmtDabtlity Livor Cavatetlatee
Boatel o.pplainta lover sad Ana harass& of • Shiritt
Cu omo Vernal* Cu,.- Piles
plaint+ • ewes and
Cheat Diassaaa lleadacttes. ?°°• 446 .7 $7 l +lP.
Clartivenass Indiatattua • toms
Dysynpaia inatt•asa A Irenered Alliifina•
I ofiumnntlim Wen. 44 41 Masts
Dropout Inward Weakneaa
*.*Sold at the Manufactories of Prtforoor •
Ilen.i.nwse, 80 Maiden Lane, New York:Alma,.
244 Strand. London, and by ell reepeotilds,
Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughues
the United States and the civilised world, in'
boxes at 25 cents, G2i cents, and SI each.
11:7There is a considrable raring by taking
the larger loses.
N. B.—Directions for the guidance 'of-pa
tienta inevery disorder are affixed to each 6m.
I:7Cnutlepu I—None are gennine.anleei .
the words "/Galloway. New Turk and Loada.e."
are discernable as a water-mark in every leaf
of the book of directions around each pot or
box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding,
theical" to the li A handsome reward will.
be given to a e rendering such information
as may lead lie the detection daisy party or
parties counterfeiting the medicines or vend- •
ing the game. knuwing them to be spurious.
Aug. 25, 1556 . . eowly
THE Illinois Central Railroad Company
is now prepared to sell about
1,500,000 Acres
t""' kr"li LAND.%
'tv:tl /1114" ts
in tracts of a boutreoirrx SCRIM, unloolo erectile
wet al 10 PC roles of list .-
These land.i were nee d by the (lovern
ment to aid in the eon ruction of this Road,
and are among the richest and most fertile in
the world. They extend from North &stand
North West. through the middle of
,the State.
to the extreme Smith, and include every varie
ty of climate and productions, found - between
those parallels of latitude. The Northern
portion is chiefly prairie. interspersed with
tine groves. and in the middle and. Nontbern
sections timber predominates. alternating with
beautiful prairies and openings.
The climate is more healthy. mild and equa
ble. than any other part of . the country—the
'air is pure and b , acing, while living streams
and springs of excellent water abound.
Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, and
supplies a cheap and desirable fuel. being fur
nished at many points at 12 w•s4 per-ten—
and wood nen be had at the same rate pertord.
Building Stone of excellent quality also
abounds. which can be procured kir:Witmer*
than the expense of transportation.
The great fertility of these lands, which - are
a black rich mould from two to the feet deep.
and gently rolling,—their contiguity to this
Road, by winch - every facility is furnished for
travel and transportation, to the ?clinical
markets North, South. - East and nest. and
the economy with which they can be. cultiva
ted, render them the most valuable investment
that can be found: and present the most fa
vorable epportenity, loin persona of indoetrioue
habits and email meant, to acquire a comfort
able independence in .stew years.
Chicago is the greatest grain marked is tbe,
world—and the facility and economy with
which the products of these lands can bo
transported to that mtrket, make them much
more prAltable. at the prices asked, than
those mere remote at government trans.-1d
the additional oast of trriportation is a per
petual tax on the latter, which must be barns
by the produder, in the 'educed pike be re
ceives fur his grain. ic.
The Title is Perfect—and when the Reel
payments are Amide. Deeds are executed by
the Trustees appointed by the State. and in
whom the title is vested. to the pnrchemirs.
'which convey to theM- absolute titles in Yee
Simple. free and clear of every incumbnincir,
lien or worigage.
The frieet are front .6 to 5:10 ; Interest
on/' 3 per rent. Twenty per cent. will be
deducted from the credit price for Cash. i
Those who purchase on long credit, give
notes payable in 2. 3,4, 6 sea G year.; alter
date, and are required to improve one-tenth
annually for five years, so as to have one-halt
the land in cultivation, at the end of that
' Competent Surveyors will accompany those
who wish to examine there Lands. free et
charge, and aid tbein in making aelections.
The Lands remaining unsold are as rich,
and valuable as those which have been dirk
posed of.
Ty.s . ...ct;ona/ Yips will be sent to any one
who will enclose fifty cents in PostageSiomps,
and Books or Pamphlets - . containing tinnier
ous instances of successful farming. signed or
respectable and well known farmers living in
the neighborhood of Railroad Lands. thicogle
out the State—also the cost of fencing, Prim
of cattle, expense of harvesting. thrashing.
etc.—or any information—will be riseerfully
given on application, either personally or by
1. ter, in English; French or German. addres
fermi Coonniaimer of the Illinois Canard Y 111. Co.
37"tittice in Illinois Ciaatzol godsend De
pot. Chititgo. Illinois.
April 20, 1857. Gm
te-Tire are better' prepared,.
evor to execute Jos .leauFrulto. A .
various branchtes. With r:reisypi t ,
and an unusually large aaportAcqpf
jobbing letter and other materials,
public may rest assured thatil, 10.1)neal
ness and expedition in doing,wor, Oke
" COMPILES " Cffiee " 1i beat."
Codar-irore'iod *lege
Not, 'milky of HoOliebold'ortkioo. td` be bed'
very cheap at FA H N /STOCK BROMINE',"
DOWD/at and 8110 i, the
lured, to be halif. NORMAN.