The Law of Trees. At :vreeent in evtitie, of t le‘ :slow y,,, k Farmers' club du. ,ukieot of trc, 31. mm lines frave4, ovviiciiiLtiog the v,rotio , k of uoiicklbor, tli•wirk..44.(l tub! the fol• lowenrimportaiit raets elicited : to ifihoro ii 4' to pmrvent iiijor y of grow u; 1.0)1 :11,,1 extettilitig, the Lim)." oy,•r I th e the relive, great It to :hetrrithborsL•uul. Mr. 1.3111011 td to know if tllvrk. W.1 , 31iy law to pro vent aY porptoii 111 mi t tree:. on Ilk rani land, finite Ilp to the line, whet... . 1 10 rimit24 Loth to in ttrious. Ahviher nuquber wihhvd to know who owned the fruit of over6attigin4 Solute ttntiftrson -ttrt-,ivered that ques ion. It is now a welt settled law, by evendiudiviell deei.iimps 4liat, it's tree Towing - upanlity hind: orertiavileg tt :round or nay nei g hbor, the fruit be pitga to me, and 1 may etite - rcipbn his rpd for the purpose of gathering it, provided I do no damage boyond what may bent(esKary in carefully gathering shy crity , Xt i the front. time, it is, egialry good :qv that my nei4lihor may via, oil' all overhanging liuiLs, and all roots that grow .in his ground; but while he per ;nits than, to grow, I am to enjoy the benefit. utige Liringmt en the (+airman , eon firtned this view or the c:ete. • , Appointments by the President. - William A. Richardson, - Covernqr °rill,. Territory or Ni.bra+kka. in place of 31.:1•1: W. li.util, ti' proNont incumbent. JoOrli A.- Wright, of Indiana. Envoy Extraordinary Minister Plenipotentiary . of the United States at the court of his Majesty the King of Prussia.ln place of Peter 1). Vrooin, of New Juri,e), recalled at his oun re quffst. Henry Murphy, of New York. 31inigtcr Resident of . the United States at the court of his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, in platy of Auguste ,Belmont, of New York, recalled at his owe, /roost,. - lime R. Diller, of Illinois, Cowell of the Unita' States at Bremen, in place of Wm. 11ildebr,util, the present in cumbent. i - ‘Villiam Tlinmpqon, of NeW York, Consul or he - Nice,' states at South ampton, ( :ngland,) in place of Joseph IL Croskey, the presentsincumbent. Gabriel G. Fleurot,of.New York, Con sul .of-the United States ttt lordeaur, (France,)to fill an existing. Vaettlley. Joseph Williams, of lowa, Associate Justice of the Suprone Court 01'K:ins:Is, in Owe of Thomas Cunningham, re signed. - Calvin F. 'Burns, United States At tOrney for the easttrn district Missouri, Vim, Thomas C. Reynolds, resigned. An Up-hill /3usiness. . 'no Pettuqlra du n has commenced the herculeae task of attempting to jus tify the infamous act of the last Legis lature, in giving away the Main Line to the Central Railread Company. and strongly eniiirses that provision of the bill which exonerates the . eomlany from tonotege and other taxation. Our friend gtos'will find it to be an execeil inglydiffieult undertaking, if he experts to eonvinco any considerable portion of the' people that it is either fair or hon est; to rub the tax-payers for the pur pose of enriching am overgrown monop oly whida is niixinly composed of fu rigs stmkholthirs. line thing is very cer tain, that he wilt fail in making any tim pression on the ‘morraey of the inter ior of the &at r Wilt) look p pm' the measure as a fraudupon the rights of Itho people, and as a gross outrage upon public sentiment generally, and they will not itesikite to denounce it and in sist upon its utioonditional repeal by the next Legislature. Some few of the Black Republican newspapers attempt s defense of this bill of abominations, but, ire believe, ,the Pennlyhnnion is "solitary Met alone," if we except, per haps, the Keening Argot', amongst the Democratic journals of the Common we.alth, in its advoeaey of the sale and in opposition to the repeal.— La nc. had. MISS LOUISA KATE LIT'CLE wishes to inkirm the Ladi e s of town and country, that the is now prepared to execute Millinery in 111 its branches, in West Middle street, a few donna below Mr. George Little's mare.- Work done cheaper than elsewhere in town. Please call and see.. April 21, 1856. )5 4 petculittion4 in Ircstern Lands.-4t ap- , - —_ _ . locum .crttin the Chicago Tribune that, Ilanover B. Railro:td. it w hil e lopeel a t k, n h as b een c h ec k e d i n 'IMAMS over the Ilanovei Branch Railroad Illinois . and. sduthern Wisconsin, the -.- now nin as funalr 14 : fee* ir.e.see fiercely ie niunesots. It First Train leaves llanover at 9A. x.. with -1 Passengers for York. Harrisburg, Columbia satrie '' ' • • ' • • anti Philadelphia. This Train also connects, In . .11itinimnta the epidemic is at its with the Express for Baltimore. arriving th ere height; and since the wild days of 1355- at 12 s. 6 ton couutr4 . • has seen nothing to equal Second Train leaves at 3P. X.• Witt PILVXIk• it. . The IXlsis Of all operations in Min. Rena for Baltimore and intermetliat plans, nolvta is crxxlit; and ilisni it them are and returns with pasiengers . frourlfork, &c. .. , buillAlS Mintnetilds of fortuatst that April 21. ape, --- - ---4 to gliair-posvessors, solid as rock, hut to ' - -- more- _ .1. LElld.. Agent m ew st oc k . , others of clearer vision :et thin as raper. ilticii Merinos. a l l m i en . r,,hi mk hi e The territory's resources are in embryo; ' F Cloak Cloths • • Fell Silk's, di; now styles; it no agriculture_ which furnishes a magnitkent new DeLaines: heat styles Fall our ti. 3 for ev,portoto Inlyiutllvtures, no Calieows- very large meek of , sew - Shamir; ivonnerw. The Money--aud live per Flannels. Welsh. Engligh" snit Athe'lleint e Chubs, Vesting, snit all kinds Nfen'a IVoar ; cents a _month the common rate of in- Sheetivt, Table linens. Toweling s. Ate. • tereet is atillicient testimony that there is bat little of that—in circulation f EYRE & LAN DELIA rom F.,nrtai and Arai itreetl ' l'Agfulelphia Landlo' hand is that carried in by 11 '-'w I rP - r -- Storekeepers are invitee to eXamine our emigrants: Credit is the basis of all— Sew Goods. Families can be well suited in credit viiiielthas only purely imaginary • every kind of Dry Goods. We make Black valuations of hinds and town lot.a as its ,Silks and Shawls leading articles fur whole weing. P. ti—dossrvccived daily from the fdandation.—The bubble will hart.. s • Auctions "MS N6TT UA.III. in New York and niilmielphia. Thongkj i t has been blown up to a ridie 'alone diameter, and - is Arohl-4.-Mored to so I '-' December 15, 185 ti. Gm many eyes, it will burst. 'A year of short crops in the northwest; a year of cbolQr!i, by which emigration will be kept Nutt ; a d pai i i .11 a i the money mr kat, . produce .by whatever cause, will let the gas outof it in a site lc summer. Splitting iek4 without blasting.— Some-French inveilitors have taken out • a putout in England lltr, splitting rkieks by, the gpie,ration of heat without ea us exPlosidu. They used a sub staeotroarmposed of 100 p.trtx of sulphur by weight, 100 of saltpetre, 544 or ,VlW dust; 5) of horsA3 ht.tuure, and 10 of owasiou ,salt. The saltpetre uttd vont mint,liah. are dissalvti in hot w•tter, to whieb four parts of ttolatises are added, aud,the„whole ingredients stirred until they e :re thoroughly . incorporated' W- ti n o n e nu o ,x, \Odell is then dried bf a. g entle heat in a room ‘lr by ex posui^e to thu stm, and td tit for axe. Io ta9iped iu the holes bored for filasti4 !Mk -in the same manner us powder, . issued by a fusee. .I,t does uoti eau.ddtY eXpiosion upward like guit.k, rim*, but_ generates a great , latat„ i • whit* spiiti the rock. . aiiii;•Somo ono recommends a mall lie tore!' to marry u widow. us by mu doing he may be tcrined the'. watiovea TUE LARGEST Chair & Furniture Establishment 31 .\T . IlLityr \ IS ri t h L I ST. e VI A i 1 ,4 1.};:11 ,, 01 ,0 1 , 3 44 15 e: Witerc are kept aLwara on hand. or mole to or.lor, cry style of Prenoil TSTS,A-TEMS. it. Pleat, CkAlo or Itruratelle. French' Fall Stuff wad Nlcibillinn Parlor ARM ellAlltS, in Phials, Hair e Moth or Brocateller }reuel' Full Rut Courvrii PA ILLOIL CII AIRS. in Ket.o, witti Plush. Hair. Clitl. ur tsruentplle. i SOFAS. half•Frenalt Spring Mahogany, nod Walnut Parlor Cl11.111:S, in Hair, Cloth or Vlnah. 'K I N 1 ell AI ilvt , ignm, iu !lair. 'l.lll mmi Sluff Sipriug larfe asmimmrt rmie.m: a.l % mmil bawl, i.• mak% 14111cria amm.a.le mmr with ally r.mmumilmm km or.lar. .t )1 BE It SUITS—in Allatiogany or Walnut, complete. front 4 , 34 up. CANE CHAIRS anti Hocking do.--the largoict inunirtment foxily niaile in ;my one Mame in Lim United Staten—from $1.1 ) a doz en up. aim. Office anill (711 A II:S. in Oak, Wannt or blulusisiitty, with or Stiffed Seats—sa ansortmetit embracing dyer &U dozen. Wood .icat and SUTTEES and Rocking; Chairs`—over I