6 THE FARMER'S DEPA RTM ENT. Frosts Badger's Weekly Messenger. ntrom.A.N . DIZA.IIIO CONG. -midst yellow crops of waving grain, Mr-GOR; I - TRIMS the - humble st These s lcgales, how soft they blow, ow sweet the murm'riug waters tlow,--, Yonder blue skies, how bright they shine 'How rich their tints—and lrn divine! Barth groans iieneath her ponderous load, The bounty of a gracious GOD! W hat unbelief my heart hetray'd, When I beheld the tender blade! My Throbbing bosom heav'd with fear, ,Lest aught should taint the golden air— But mercy kept the precious grain, Nor suffer'd man to toil in vain— Bade the soft gales breathe gen,tly forth, And_elubld.the fury.of Th e -Nord]. Wake every soul—with rapture sing The praises of a bounteous King-- For lo! the God of Nature pours In soft lap his golden showers.— Sec where the loaded boughs appear, See Eshcol's vine transplanted here— And Canaan's fruits luxuriant grow, While stream9,efquilk and honey flow. Jesus! the smiling scene around,— Owns not a spot of barren ground— So shall my soul, if thou be there, Fruits of the finest flavor bear. Sow the blest seeds of grace divine, Anil thou, dear sun, arise and shine, Ripen the crop, new strength impart, -And-reap-a harvest in my heart. .. _ BUTTER. Butter forms an important item in the produce of the farm, as well' as the necessaries for the table. It is of the utmost importance to the farmer who resides near a large town to establish his reputation for bringing to market fine Butter. Having been acquainted with the course pursued by some eminent dairy-men and women who preserve their butter through the season fine .and fresh, we give the following directions: let. Let your t dairy room . be kept cool, and not only the room but every utensil used in it be kept from any rancid, sour, or __,unoeasant _meth "' • 2d. Let the , milk with the cream be put in the churn as boon as sour, before any p ull) fermentation takes place. . Butter is found to be of better flavour when churned with the milk, than when the the cream is churned separately. Let the churning be - einitinued until 'the butter is well coltectdd, after which it should be ta- ken out with a ladle and set it in a cool place to harden; it should then be worked • over with a ladle until perfectly freed from the buttermilk. In no part of the progress should the butter be touched with the hands, but handled entirely with ladle and paddles. In hot weather it is sometimes worked with paddles in clear cold water, which assists in extricating the buttermilk. After the but-, ter has been worked a sufficient time to give it, as the dealers say, a "good grain," salt it-moderately 4 If to cacti pint of salt 1 oz. of fine sugar be added, it improves the flavour. • If the butter is designed to be ta ken soon to market, let it be worked in small cakes of half and one pound each, handsomely marked or stamped and put by in a cool place, and taken to market in the morning. But if it is designed to be kept • -om_let..-it—be—packed_in—a. firkin and set by in a cool place for a few days, when the butter will be found to have shrunk frum the sides of the firkin: the head should be put in, and through a whole bored in it, the cavity should be tilled with strong brine, the hole stopped, and the firkin4e _versed; after which the butter will cleave from the head which was at the bottom, and becouie quite surrounded with a streak of brine; in which situation it may be kept sweet through the season.L Genmee Farmer. WOOL.--The - Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) Journal mentions that the competition a ' mong wool-buyers l 4lfitinues with unabated spirit in that county. The greater part is already engaged, and the rest daily 'pa.ssing into the hands of the manufacturer or specu lator. Before the end of the month it is lhopglit that none will remain in the first hands, and it is estimated that upwards of 100,000 lbs. of different qualities. have al ready,been taken in' by the different pur- N. chasers in Poughkeepsie, besides large • "quantities bought by .persotis,, residing-in different parts. of the countyi-and by manu facturers and speculators from abroad. One house in Poughkeepsie had taken in about 40,000 lbs. and would probaly swell this. amount to 100,000 lbsi . "The.following" says the Journal, ".stay be - quoted as the present price of wool in our market, viz : 50 to 58 cts. for native wool; 62 ,to cts. for merino; 80 bo 90 cts. for mixed and full blood Saxony. We saw-one beautiful lot i. last week, the shearing of a gentlenian of d o As tng o a tut- ...I i s. of which one third was merino, 'and 'the resi- due mixed and full blood gaxotty, which .hasv,since been sold limVo cts. all round cash. '"- Thpse prices are high, compared' with those *fibs two past years ,but it is generally be- Nei*" by those Oho ariibest informed on the subject` that they will be, fully maintained; ..thdess there should be unexpectedly large , i stations of foreign WOdi.S.", z t ~ - irk 2Cii' ro 4 i , , s 4 :dole. twO since a Philadelphia paper • 4 ffie - 9t) (ill machine invented for lamee ' ..or bakera, Which worked main* in ',,ckaigh'and .t'turned out seve 111- t: 'f . , z.,.-.. - , , - s '': ".' . :' . ' , • . ~„ - , -0' mom= _ , TiIIeANTI A MIN lU - ST 4 k`4,it MT h -WM H. AN N ER. hundred fairly proporkioned crackers in a minute.. It is not improbable'ithat it may be on the same principle with a ,machine lately 'Contrived in England, by a Swiss mechanic, for making bricks. A Leeds paper, in describing it, says that flit prin ciple on. which it i constructed is very sim ple, and that it will. shape I2o'bricks in a' Minute, fit finr the kiln, Ivithout any drying, which is necessary in the'ordinary process. 100 bricks mal lie made by it for 6d. instead 2s. ddb, the prtrent price in,Englanti. The machine is worked by two men and two boys and cost two hundred pounds sterling. A labour and time saving machine like this -would-be iiinch' more valuable here - , -- where] - the e is •o laid ing_to tat done, and-- 1 whe're wages are so much higher, than England. • [N. V. vemnAr Post. Advertiseinents. *2 0 ItVlar Alt . IF ACOB CLP, an indented apprentice Uto the Cabinet-making business, had my leave to go out one week- harvesting—he left me on the 2d instant, and was to have returned on .the Monday week following-- h aving' nit yet returned, I am: induced to think that he has absconded. I will give the above reward if said apprentice is taken at any time within 30 days from the 11th inst. and brought home. I hereby caution all persons. from harboring or employing said apprentice, for, as he absents himself froM me without any just cause, I will posi tively prosecute all those who may harbor or employ him in defiance of this-notice. DAVID IIEAGY. Cottysburg, Pa. July 19, 1831. - =_Ta Y_C_RED 'Tans. 'WAKE NOTICE, that I have applied to the .Judges of the Court Of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws, and that the said Judges have appointed Monday, the 22d day of Au gust next, for the hearing of me and my creditots, at the court-house in the borough of Gettysburg, where you may attend if you think-proper. GEORGE CROMER. 4t...15 July 19, 1881. 4 615 UMW AnD. RANAWY from the - subscriber, living , near Taneytown, Frederick co. Md. on the 21st of May last, a negro man named JOHN HOWARD, Between 30 and 40 years of age; skin.. not - very dark; - about stx feet nigh ; tolerably slender; surly countenance; round chin, and shows his teeth very much when, laughing; he has a very large scar on one of his legs, between the antile and knee, occasioned by the cut of a scythe—l think it is on the right leg; ho is tolerably fond of whiskey, and has some pretensions to the Shoe-ma. kingbusiness. He went away with a ne gro who has had one of his hands taken off, belonging to Maj...lno. SicKalub of Taney town—no doubt they will be in the slime neighborhood. Should any person give information, through the medium of a letter, respecting the above negro, and the subscriber be suc cessful in having him taken, he shall re ceive the above reward, without his name being disclosed if he wishes. DAVID KEPHART. Pipe Creek, Md. Juiy 19, lB3l. GENERAL SYNOD OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH, IN THE UNITED STATES. THE clerical and lay-delegates appointed by the (1; &rent District Synods, are re quested...to. assemble at Frederick; Md. on the 30th day, and last Sunday of. October next. As this Synod will be called upon to transact buqinesi of vital importance to the Church t advisory brethren will be cheerful= 1:y received, if due information of tlyir inters tion to be present s be given to the subscriber. ; DAVID F. SCILEFFER, -Seeretary, of the G. S. in the U. S. July 19, I§l3l. 4t-15 =I LIST OF LETTERS R EMAINING in .the Post Ot fi ce at York Spring, Adams county Pa. on the first of July, 1831. • Win. R. Baker. Richard Ilammand Elizabegi-Bealis Jonathan Miller John Duffield .Charles Mitman - • " Anthony Deardorf Henry ,Arandoif George Diem David Myers, .Efq., ,Miirger.9 Donahay Jane Ann Neely rhri,stian.Deardorf Roii. Richard Rush David Eicher - John B. Smith ti Philip Group . Amy Wierman. Phebe Griot • Burkhart Wanner Peter Grist,•2 Oen. 6'am'l White, 2 Rebecca Griest Samuel Zeigler HERMAN WIERMAN. P. M. • 5, 1831 4t-13 ED ,_ ... NOTICE IS . HEREBY Glili2N. f , VINO all persons concerned, that the Sub- MIL ' scribers havefb‘3en appointed AUDI TORS, to settle and apportion the' remain ing . Assetts . of tiiipoEstate . of. THONAS DOA NET, itce'd among the Creditors- of said 'decease& and that they will meet, for that purpose, at theohouse of Phil eagy, in Gettyfibun, on .Saturday the 13th of Au gust neacerlVe'clock„ A. 111.-”-whentall persons intdresited^will please attend. T.HOS. C. MILLER, • ' . .INO." B: 7 .111ePlIERSON, k .. 7 - ,1-IVO, AI ;IT,E ERNSUA, I , . ii • .'' :Ic i ly 2,. r -' -..' [ t.--14 PROCLAMATION. ' 1 ,717 - lIERF, AS the Hon:Jorry REIM, Esq. V President' of the several Courts of -Common-Pleas, in the Counties composing the Ninth District, and - Justice of the Courts of Oyediorminer i and General Jail De ' livery, firtv . frial of all capital and other odimders .the said District—and DANins; SHEFFER and W3I.III‘CLEAN, Esq's Judges_ of the Courts of Common Pleas, and Justi ces of the Courts , of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, firr the trial of all capital and other otlenders in the County of Adams----have issued their precept, bearing date the 28th day of April, in ihe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one, and to me directed, for holding a Court ofCommon Pleas, and General Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, and General Jail Delive ry, and Court' of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, On Monday the 22d day of August next, At 10 o'clock, A. M. - . Notice is hereby Given, To all the Justices of the . Peace, the Coro ner, and Constables, mithili the said -County of Adams, THAT they be then and there, in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, xaminations„ and other Re-_ membrances, to, do those things which to their offices, and in that behalf, appertain to be done—and also they who will prose cute- against the prisoners that are, or then shall, be, in the Jail of the said County of Adams, are to be then and there to prose- cute against them as shall be just. Dated at Gettysburg, the 19th day of .1 uly, A.D. 1831. WM. S. ,COBEAN, Sherif. :Tilly 19, 1831. tc...15 VALUABLE PROPERTY • ron SALE. Will be offered for sale at public vendue, On Saturday the 15th of . October next, on the premises, at 1 o'clock, P. M. that va luable property, late the estate of John Stephens, deed, known by the name of the Bermudian Creek Woollen Fac tory, and Farm, Situate in Huntingdon .township, Adins county, 2i miles south of Petersburg, (York Springs.) The improvements are, a 2 story 1 ., 2SE CM 111.: VY 2 Tenautiiouses,..with Stables, a. bank _Bain, (stone. tinder and log above,) stone smoke-house and drying, kiln under one, and stone spring-house, and foun tain pump at the back door; two APPLE ORCHARDS— one of Which is young, bearing and thriving; and a great number - of Peach trees. The FACTORY HOUSE is a two-story STONE BUILDING, seventy-five feet long—which contains the Fulling Mill and all the other neremary machinery=a good stone Dye Shop convenient. The Stream is_goodmd_standing- There are 225 acres in this firm, with a sufficiency of meadow—about 1-0,0 acres of it are covered with timber. It will suit well to divide, at the ' , great road leading from Car-lisle -tt) -Oxford -runs-through said Farm - The terns will be made linoWn on the day of sale trY .. - 6t-15 rHO:IIAS STEPILENS, Survivng. Ex'r: or John Stephens, dec'd Petersburg (York' Springs,) July 12..1831. - ihe above Property .-is not sold on said clay 4 will then be olliffed for Rent for 1 year from the first of April next. T. S. TO pnoTERs -sr. EDITORS. A N ANTI:MASONIC, PRINTING -tn. OFFIO.E, situated in the interior of the State of P.mnsVviinia, is offered for Sale, with a subsciption list amounting to nearly five hundred good subscribers, and a steady increase. The county, in, point of health and wealth, 13 believed to be inferior to none in the State—and believed to be decidedly antimasonic The preent.gditor lial-been at consid erable expere in fitting out thA establish ment with rrw type,, in part. Any person ilesirous of,Fircha:sing - may 'rest assured of getting a bagtiin. • (Er Terms esale made known on Personal ap plication, Or hr letter [pcist paid] to It. W. Mid- Editonl the "Star," Gettysburg, or John Clarke, lichtmof the '•Sun'," • v PiTFA ILA &AV .=. AS:SEDat the last Session of the .Le. received at thi's Office, and arc ready for delivery. • G EO. WELSH, Proth'y. Prothonotary' Office, Atlarna t. county, Jun 14,1831. Yennsivania' Telegrap . h. • The holder of subscription papers for the Pety r isylnani. Tefrgrpp (except. in Lan caster counqYa t ."' . requested to 12irward the I Dames o . th patrons received, toihe sub• scriber; at firrisburg, Pa. as sopa as possi TO, to iiiebt tie, arrangements now makin Tor theimmtiiate issue of the peer/ • . -14 1 1 110. 1 1 F ENN. -July 18'.1. • - ill. to-14 4w-10 who she,supposes catne to this country from Germany,about 7or 8 years ago. If the.said Mary Anna is any were in the United States this is to inf9im her that the subscribe,, her ,nother e is a resident of Freerick-Jown, Ma. illand, and . longs to see her. • Krtditors ip, every part ofthe U,nion, will cOnfq, a favor byiiiving this notice an 'in teetien. ° • ,CRISTIANA KREgtE. ! bay 5; 183 i. , 44-13 ~:. ~, PH E__E 4GLE 110T14:14. T HE undersigned respectfidly informs his old friends and customers, and the public in general, that he has taken that well known • TAVERN fOr . 4l‘l3 1 THE • E A GI LE • HOTEL, Situate on the corner of Baltimore and Mid dle streets,Jorinerly oempied by Mr. B. 61 - I,IIERT. The ,house is large and con venient. His Bar is well stocked with the best of Liquors, and his Table will always be furnished with the best the market•etin affurd. The stabling is good and roomy, and attended by an attentive Hostler. Travellers and others are assured, that h_c will INP every . exertion _in hispower to render both Man and Horse coinfortable. April (3, SA:UVA. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court IN Court Of Adams county, will be exposed to public side, on the premises, On Saturday the 20th of August'ne.rt, t ._. •.: •-.,.1,::-, A LOT OF 4u - 1° -.---:;.if.,:', ::, •; , . 2: GROUND, - . _ ... .„ . _. Containing 28 Acres, adjoining lands _l,f John Collins and others. Likewise a. Mt of Ground in the town of Heidlersburg No. 89, in Tyrone township, Adqms county; all the estate of Arthur Nickel, deceased. sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. on the first described lot, and the last described lot at 3 o'clock P. M. on said ditr:. WILLIAM. NICK P.L, lin'r. May 31, 1831. ts 8 • BRIO C, sTroum. DR. .T. GILBERT, Bogs loavo to inform his friends and the public generally, that he lIAS At.sy/ixs ON HAND A SUPPLY OF THE FOLLOWING AICTICLES: VIZ Acid Muriatie do Cubebs do Nitric . do Juniper do Oxalic do Pennyroyal do Sulphuric - , do Sassafras do Tartaric do Amber -.--- .. 'Ether do Sallad Alcohol do Sweet Alum ' ~ do Worinseed Annatto -- Pearl- At i ii i, es • Bar y Antimony do Arsenic . Pepper Balsam Copaird Precipitate Red do Sulphur Prussian Bluo - do De Mukha Pumick,Stone 'Barks Patent Medicines Bitter Ingredients Anderson's Pills Black Lead Itatenatt's Drops -, Blacking British. Oil Blue Vitriol • Fial:tee Pills . Borax Ilooper's Pills Boxes Pill Dyott's Pills Brimstono Leo's Pills 'Brushes Paint - Lyon's Pills Calomel ' . Godfrey's Cordial , Camphor - Opodoldoc Castor Potter's Catholicon Chalk Golden Tincture __. Chrome Crean Stoughton's Bitters do Red Red Lead ~ do, Yellow do Saunders Cinnamon Root Arrow Cloves - do Colombo Cochineal do Gentian Cologne Write - do Rhubarb Confectionary . - de Snake Copperas do Squills Corks Rose Pink - Dragons Blood Rosin Emig/ _Rotten _StOLILL Essence Bergamot Sal JEratus do_ Lemon do Epsom do Cinnamon do Glauber - • • do Peppermint do Tartar Flour of Sulphur Sash tools assorted Ylowers_of Chauuno- Seeds Anis mile do Caraway • Fol Digitalis . `do Coriander do Senna - do TiTnnell ' Glue . do Fennugreek - Guni Aloes do Mustard White do Arabic Soap4l.liiiVing do Assafictilla __.- - do• Castile do Cupid Spanish Brown do Guniactim ''' Sponge ' -do Myrrh . Spirits Nitra--- 1 .-•-L__) do Opium do Hartshorn do Shell Lac - do Turpentine . • do Tragacinth Starch Hive- Syrup Tartar Emetic Ink Powder Theriac . do Liquid Trusses de Durahla Umber Indigo I . . Varnish Black Oil Lump-Black ' do Copal , . • Litharge . Wafers Madder White Vitriol _ Magnesia • do Lead f A Manna - inc Antimonial Mineral Green pt. do Bitters '. . Nutmegs • . Wood Brazil ~ Oil Anifieea do .Fustic • do Cajtor • do .Log . do Cloves • - do Nicaragua . , Togctlier with a variety of ,arliclos trot men tioned above, which ho will sell on REAS'ONA.. DIE TERMS. . • - - Baltimore-Arcot, Gettysburg, May 18—oow3m* DOCT. S. M. TUDOR ; OFFERS his Professional services to the ‘--F public generally, and can always be found at. his father's residence. ) at the house within one mile and ,a half of Hampton. Fair Mount, June 14, 1831.:. • tf--710 INFORMATION WANTED: THE subscriber is desirous of acquiring information ofherdaughtet MaFy Anna ME PHILIP IIEAGY. If 52 , 0 John Carson Adam 'Oyster Henry Coffin 2 liarbarzt_Oyler--3-:' Patrick Callan 1114. Cunningham, Esq. Sarah A. Pearson Maria Carbaugh . Samuel Pattorsoiao John Clouso Joseph Pleimyor I.) Ishac Paxton Michael Docliordy Henry Prico Eliza C. Dunn Emanuel Pitzer Smarm! Deal Augustus Prutarnan Mary Paxton or Robert Ewing Hannah Adair Henry Vply R„,%3 Nicholas Eckenrodo 'Thomas Reid Rachael England Win. Rath 2 F Hannah Russell. Patrick Friel, jr. Patrick Friel, son. Jacob Sanders Philip,Fail Sentinel Robortor David notch: John Slontz or . l'aninaV.Smith Valentine Fale;sen. Wm.Sadler 2 H • / Nicholas B. Schrivor John N. Graft glichaelSchcemihrUck Adam Guisleinan ;limos Stafford Catharine Groff Robert Stewart H Christian Stautlor Joel Harman David Sheets Christopher I folobaugh Adam Swope Catharine liersh T Henry Hoffman •Rubert Taylor Mar Ifxson Mary. Hencel John HentliOrn John Hunter S. Wools Jowl; Hartman ' Enos R. White Solomon Hartman Henry Welty. J James Work r artin Judy • Adam Welsh Nancy A. Johnson Samuel Wisler 'l;bonres John - John Walter K 4 ' John Wilson • Sampbon S. king, Esq: Robert Wilson:... , • Adam Walter Andrei , Kerrigan ' " Y . • 1 ;9, Edniund L. Yonne. John, Lou4Kore John Yeagy , Johnllindbt',. • I. Alexander P Young ~hr • Janine H. Young Z 1 ' • ;. .14orrew • ' asecittot Ziegler' .0.1831 i IVAEJ:Lf Nano James dolt ME =BE VENDUE. The subscriber, bein g shout .to remove fronts . Gettysbur g , will expose to public sale, On Saturday the 6th of August at his dwelling,it,quantity of 1 COCONINO STOVE,' TWO TEN-PLATE STOVES; ONE COW, so , With a variety of other articles. Scle to commenc e at 1 o'clock, when attendanc e and a credit will be given by : JOHN N. STARR. July, 12, 1831. tr) 4 4 4-1 :I itiEM‘7MT74 . , AN ORDINANCE, 11_,suppk4,„,,, diwy "An Ordinnnre for (lie regulation of the Market in Gettysburg," pissed the eith day of March, 1831: SECTION it ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Gettysburg, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same,, That the hpur of closing the Market shall ho ,Sl: VFW. O'CLOCK. in the morning of each Market. Day during the months of Mu y, June, July, and u„zusi—airy thing contained in the ordinance to which this is siipplementary to the contrary, not withstanding. SEVTION 2o.—And be it fitrther ordained, That if any pertion or persons, otlinr,than those. who rent stalls in the public Market Dense, 'shall sell, or expose to sale, at any place within die-limits of the Borough of Gettysburg, and at any thno within' Market Hours, any kind of meat, other -- than salted and dried meat, .by a loss qiiantity than thin Quarter of a Carcass—lie, she, or they, so offending, and 'icing thereof legally convicted, shall tbrfeit and pay, lbr each and every offence, the sum tic One Dollar, for the use of the corpora. lion. Enacted and Ordained in Town ell ; Am - 20, - 1821. T. STEVENS, sPresident pro tem. Attest—D. lIORNER, Clerk. Gettysburg; June 28, 1831. CUMBERLAND INN. The undersigned respectfully makes known to the public, THAT HE HAS TAKEN THAT WELL KNOWN PrN urNlT . Nrzy v4i vrm Aso 1 11 1 " - Situate..aLther.soutli-Anulzortlettysburg,- - on. the 13altimorg turnpike, 'called the "CUM BERLAND INN," where Trur ellers, Droners, Wirgoners, &c. can be at all times ccommoda tetloand-every-exertion-made-by-- himself and fain 4 to render satisfaction to all who may favorniin with a 'call. May 2 . 4, 1831. • LOOK AT THIS: FOR THE LAST , wzrigno I call on all those indebted to me, either by bond, note or book account, to come - forward and make settlement—l this notice_has no more effect than my for rner notice, those indebted will have tosmake settlement with persons who will add COSTS to their visits. JAMES K. THOMPSON. April 27,1831. tf--2-3 LIST OF LETTERS - - . H EMAINING in the Post-Office at Get -m-1' tysburg, Adams co. Pa.. July 41831. 11 M—continued. Jacob Bear Peter Moritz 2 Andrew Bott. Jacob Meals George 801 l John A. Miller Benjarnitc - Bilyry John Miller George Boyers 2 Charles M'lntyro John Barrett Peter Marks Rev. James G. Bruck. Sophia Mark • enridge - John 11PGoy Robert Bryns Jacob Making Win. Betty ' laugh M'llhenny • Tobias.. Boyer • N Margaret Brook Jacob Norbeck Win. Barr Eliiibeth 'Noel - 'ferny Biesecker Upton Norris Sarah Bi!rs DavidNewnian 41-12 J. HARBALTGII, - , tf-7 John Una is-14 El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers