'Advertisements. • 131 PROqUMA,TION. WHEREAS the Hon. JOHN REED, Esq. President of the "several Coioirts of Common .Pletis, in the counties compos ing the Ninth district, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said District—and DANIEL SffEFFER and :WILLIAM M'Cbl: gsq'sbilges of the Courts olCom mon Pleas, and Justices of the Courts, of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the 'trial of all capital and other ofMnders in the County of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing date. tile 27th day of Jan uary, in the year of our Lord One thousand, eight hundred and thirty, and to me direct ed, for' holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of theYeace, and General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, On Monday the 25th day of April next, At 10 o'clock, A.. 31, Notice is hereby Given, • To all the Justices of the Peace, the Coro ner, and Constables; within the said County of Adams, THAT they be then and there, in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions ) Examinations and other Re membrances, to do those things which to their offices, and in that behalf, appertain to be done—and also they who will prose " cute:against the prisoners that are, or then shall be, in the Jail of the said ounty of Adams, are to be then and there, to prose cute against them as shall be just. Dated at Gettysburg, the lath day of March, A. D. 1830. WIVI. S. COBEAN, &mum BELLOWS, WAFER & SUGAR BOXES, PLBIDIV24 f ) aCg NEST BOXES AND BARREL COVERS, 10000 cane, suitable for reed makers 500 nest sugar boxes 5.00• barrel and half barrel covers - SPINNING WHEELS, - Wash Boards Candle wick Leatp wicks Baskets and brushes %gar bories Fishing-lines Weavers' reeds Brush handles Sifters and strainers Fishing rods Shovels and twine Butter prints Clothe•pins Bellows and spiggots WILLOW BASKET CARRIAGES, Bed cords Fishing hooks Plough linos Marbles and tops Shoe brushes -Lemon squeezers Weavers' brushes . MARKET AND FANCY BASKETS, Rolling pins - Shoo blacking Potatoe mashers Butter trays, spoons 'anti Muddlers . paddles Towel rollers Trenchers Wash and cake boards Crabbing & cabbage nets Tubs and butter bowls. The above articles are offered for sale, on rea sonable terms, by V ALERIUS DUKEHART, No. 101 i, Baltimore between South &Calvert sts. Baltimore, 3d mo. 16th, 1831.* 4$ APPRENTIVE WANTED. A N Apprentite to the liouse•Joiner and Cabinet-making Business, is wanted. Advantageous terms will be efliired, if im mediate application is made. • JES SE, MARK. nunterstowt, March 23,.1831. 4w-50 or gQO TAR CANS WAMED . . • VALERIUS DUKEITART, No 101, Baltimore-st,Baltimore City. -3d mo. 16th, 18:31.* tf-49 *2O WIE IN iklit " l AN .A WAY from Hagerstown. about -mmr a Month ago, a negro.woman partied T Aged 40—has projecting teeth - and a sal low, wild, unhealthy look ;much addicted to intemperance; and is partially deranged when drunk—has a dress of new crossbar Linsey. She was decoyed away by her hus band, who is a short, bandy,legged old man, with a sore mouth and a high forehead 7— loyes whiskey. $2O will be given for in formation respecting them. J. REYNOLDS. Hagerstown, Feb. 1-,—[o] 9t--44 1111104 LING, PINS, Lemon Squeezers, Potatoe Mashers and Muddlers—For Bale by VALERIUS DUKEHARt. /No. 101 i Baltimore-et; Baltimore City. •mo. I.6th 1881.* 49 WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, A GIRL, capable of nursing or taking care of children -liberal wages will be given for such an one. Further information can be had by address ing a note to "Y. Z." and left at this office. ----- 1 -Mirck 9, 1881. 4t=4B fiIIFTERS, strainers, Spinning'Wheels, ~!s7 Buy! Boxes, Barrel and Ilalf Barre :p*CifirE----For sale by , VALEBIUS DUKEIIART, -- iiCioll,Battiatorc.st:, Baltimore City. taltjapre -344 mo. leth,-1831g* 49 :11 MO THE ANTI -MASONIC STAR AND REPUBLICAN BANNER. OEIZX INUMZMIT , The subscriber beets leave to inform the in. habitants of Gettysburg and its vicinty, THAT HE. HAS ON HAND Ali' ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN AND FANCY C/ZA: fr. 7 1 9. Z I LZ WARRANTED TO BE OF THE HE . ..FT 'QUALITY, And will be sold on accornmodaLing terms, at his Stand in South Baltimore-street and next door North of Mr, David Little's Coach Factory.' Ho also returns thanks to former customers, and hopes they may not find it to their disadvantage to continue their favors. HOUSE & SIGN PAINTING will be done in the best manner, and TURNING Of every description, a:3 above. HUGH DENWIDDIE. March 9, 1831. 4t-48 NOTICE. ALL persons having any - demands, nfany kind, against the estate of JOHN FICA - ES, Esq. late of Huntingdon town slup, Adams County deceased, aro request ed to present the same to the subscribers for settlement -= and all persons owing said estate, are notified to call and pay the same. JACOB FICK ES, • PETER H. SMITH, Executors of John Fiches deceased. March 30, 1831.4t-51 • Disolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers will be dissolved on the lst, clay of _April next, ;and IA one of the - partners intend leaving this place, it is necessary,•that their business should be dos ed---Therefore, all persons having claims against the firm" are requested to present them for settlement on or before the 15th day of said month—and those indebted will' pleasecomo forward and make settlement. JACOB BRETZ, ENOS R. WHITE. March 30, 1831. • 4t-51 Liberty Riflemen !—Attention ! yrou will parade on the farm of Samuel Eichelberger, in Libertylownsh ip, on Sattirtlay the 9th of April next, at H) o'- clock, A. M. By o,rder.ofthe Ist Lieu, JOHN EYLER, 0. S, March 30, 1831. 2t--51 Cd . UPERIOR Boot and .Shoe Blacking, Long and Short Brush Handlesi - Runt ming Tops, &c.—For sale by VALERIUS - DUKEIIART, • No. Baltimore-et:, Baltimore City. --Baltimore T -434-moT-1 , • IVEA FIER' 8, SCRUBBING, PUS ting, Shoe, White-wash, and other BRUSHES—For sale by NALERIUS DUKEHART, , No. 1,01 Baltimore-et., Baltimore City. Baltimore, 2d mo. 9th, 1831. 44. TO MY CREV WAKE NOTICE, that I have applied to the Judges of the :Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws, and that the said Judges have appointed Monday the 25th day of April next, for the hearing of me and my Creditors at the court-house in the bor ough of Gettysburg, where you may attend if you think.proper. " . ELIJAH. SEABRbOKS. March 6, 1831. 4t-48 TO MY CREDITORS. WAKE NOTICE, that I have applied to . the. Judges..of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of th(Ansol vent-Laws,and-th at-the-said-Judges have appointed Monday the 25th day of April nest, for the hearing of me and my Creditors, at the court-house; in the bor ough of Gettysburg, where you may attend if you think..proper. JACOB BORKERT. '4t-48 March 9, 1831. TO MY CREDITORS. WAKE NOTICE, that I have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws, and that ,the said Judges have appointed Monday the 25th day of April next, for the hearing of me and my Creditors, at the court-house in the bor ough of Gettysburg, where you may attend if you think proper. I/ JOHN REED. March 9; 1831. • 4t-48 TO MY CREDITORS. rtiEKE NOTICE, that 1 have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit of therlnsolvent Laws, and that the said Judges inwAy , appointed Monday the 25th day of "April next, lei- the hearing of me and my Creditors, at the court-house in the bor ough of Gettystirg, where you may attend if you think pioper. HENRY LITTLE. March 9, 1881. - 4t-48. TO MY CREDITORS. WAKE NOTICE, that I have applied to Ja- the -Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, for the benefit •of the Insolvent Laws, and th,atthe said Judges have appointed Monday the 25th day of April next, for the heFing , of me and my 'Creditor', at the court-house in the bor- ough of Gettysburg, where youitnayattbncy if you think proper. •' • - March 9, JAMES TIMMONS. • 4t-48. AN ORDINANCE For the regulation of the Market, in Gi3ttyaburg. §iaar. 1. Be it - Ordained by the Tenon. Council of the Borough of Gettysburg., and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, Tliat Wednesday and Saturday of r-yweekbe--the-daysfarAkfkeir inafter described. That no person, or per sons shall be adinitted to buy any article o provision, (groceries, bread and grain only excepted) between the hours of sunset of the evenings of the days preceding the Mar- Iket days, and eight o'clock in the morning of the said Market days, except in the pub. _ lie Market house. And that all persons shall be prohibited from retailing in shops or houses _within the said• B i -trough, all 'and every article or articles of provision, (gro ceries, 'all kinds -of grain, and broad only excepted) without having first obtained a license for that purpose from - the Burgess of the said Borough for the time being, which- license the said Burgess is hereby authorised to issue,and to make an entry of such license in a book kept for the purpose. And if any person or persons shall put chase any articles of provision, except as before excepted, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, every person so offend ing, and being thereof legally convicted, shall forfeit and pa y to the use of the cor poration; the sum of Two Dollars. -And if Any person or persons shall, -after this act shad be legally in force, sell. or expose to sale any articles of provision in shops or houses within the • Borough, wine t provis ions had been.bought for the ptp>c of sale, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act,.without having obtained a license as aforesaid, such person or persons shall forfeit and pay to the use of the borough the sum of Five Dollars. And all such persons as shall have obtained license as aforesaid, shall be' prohibited, and they aro hereby prohibited and restrained, from purchasin_g all and every article of provision as afore stid, within the market hours aforesaid, a bove the quantity herein limited, to wit: two dozen of Eggs, four pounds of Butte., one peck of Potatoes, one peck of Fruit, twenty pounds of smoked or dried Beef, Bacon, or othee meat, (except a single piece should exceed twenty pounds.) And ifany person or persons having obtained such license, shall purchase ony provisions exceeding the quantity above stated, he r she or they, so offending and beiu.gthereoflegally convicted, shall forfeit and pay to the use of the borough the sum of Five Dollars, for every such offence. And that all persons aro hereby prohibited and restrained freitn purchasing within the mar .:et hours herein limitechany greater number than three fresh slaughtered hogs; and if any person or per sons shall purchase any greater quantity of fresh slaughtered hogs, againsts the provis ions of this ea, and being thereof legally ennvieted, shall forfeit and pay for the use • • . • ODTM - Dronars. And it shall be the duty of the High Con stable, Town Clerk, Clerk of the Market. and all other cfficers and good citizens of the said borough, to inform of and prosecute to conviction all persons'sooffending against the provisions of this act; and the several officers 'before whom such conviction shall be made, shall cause the several fines so in curred, to be levied agreeably to the charter, and paid into the hands of the Treasurer. (And all persons obtaining such licences as aforesaid shall pay therefor to the Treasur er for the use of the borough the sum of Four Dollars per annum.) SECT. 2. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall hereafter sell, or offer for sale, anv Butter', which shall be found net to be of full weight, such Butter shall be forfeited for the use of the borough, to be sold by the Clerk of the Market, and the proceeds paid over into the hands of the Treasurer. Sr.cT. 3. And be it further ordained, That if any person shall bring to market for sale, unwholeilome, -bad- or-unmarketable provisions, he; she, or they, shall, for every such .offence, pay a fine of Five Dollars, to be recovered for the use of the borough, and that the said provisions shall be removed by the Clerk of the Marltet,at the expense of the ovvner,or petion offering the same fol . sale. SECT. 4. And be it frirther ordained, That the Town Clerk be directed to record in the Town Book, the occupant and number of all the Stalls in the Market }tense, and that he deliver a copy of the same to the Treasurer, and tliat no butcher or.victual ler be permitted, from and afler.the first day of May next, to occupy any stall or Walls therein, unless he obtain every year, or every qnarter, license or written per mission therefiir, to be signed by the Chief Burgess or Assistant, and countersigned by the Treasurer, which • same shall not be countersigned by the Treasurer before tho payment in advance, for the term of said occupation, by the said butcher or victualler, to the Treasurer, at the rate of Five Dol lars per annum for each stall he shall so cc,- cupy, nor until the full payment of all ar. rearages if any such there be. And if any butcher or victualler shall occupy any oF said stalls, without having first obtained such license or permissiOn, signed and counter signed as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay to the-use of the borough the sum of One Dollar for each Market day he shall so oc cupy -the sante.• , SECT. 5. And be it further -ordained, That to secure fairness in buying and sell ing, and /4preserve peace and gotid order in marke-What any person using any fraud, force or violence, in the act of purchasing any article or articles of proviSion, or who shall TOMOVO or attempt to remove the same without the-consent of the owner, he, or she, shall rftetly. be obliged by the Clerk of the, Market, upon the ‘ complaint of the owner oiany other• perien, to restore—the same, and shall moreover pay for every such offence the sum of One Dollar. • Sur. 8. :Ai-2 be it further ordained, That if any person or persons shall use any other fraudulent or dishonest practice, either in buying or selling during market hotrrs, (not—hel 611 Ciptaially _ _ . provided for) and being thereof legally con victed, shrill forfeit and pay the sum of One Dollar for every such offence. SECT. 7. And be it further ordained, That the Clerk of th Market shall keep al ways for the use of the corporation, exact standard weights and measures, as at pre sent fixed by the laws of Pennsylvania, and that it shall be hissitity once in every three _rannths,. or oftener if he shall be thereto re quired, to try the weights and measures of all the inhabitants of the said borough, who buy or sell by weight or measure, and all and every weight, or measure used in the said borough either for selling or buying, which shall be found either greater or less than the standard weight or measure, shall be taken into the custody of the said Clerk, whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the Burgess or either of their, to reduce or to increase the same to the true standard, and the expense of doing the same shall be paid by the person owning or Occupying the said weights or measures, and if any person or persons within the said borough shall knowingly sell any article by weight or measure under the just standard so to be kept, or shall buy by any weight or measure above . such standard, he, he or they, on being thereof duly convicted, for every such offence • shall forfeit and pay for the use of the corporation the sum of ten dollars, and shall also forfeit the said weights ,or mea sures. And if any inhabitant within the said borough, using any weights or mea sures for the purpose. of buying or selling, shall refuse,. on demand being made in the day time by the said Clerk of the Market, to produce or deliver the said weights or measures by which he either buys or sells, to the said Clerk, for the purpose of being tested by the said standard weights and measnres, and being thereof legally convict ed, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the use of the said corporation the sum of twenty dollars. And it shall be the duty of the Clerk -of the Market to attend every market morning in the Market-House, where the said standard weights and mea sures shall be kept, in the house provided for keeping the same, and all artieleA offer ed for sale (other than butter, put up in precise quantity) the price of which shall depend upon weight or measure, shall, if brought to the said house, be by him justly weighed and measured, and he shall be paid by the seller for weighing each draft not exceeding ten pounds, one cent; and if over ten and not exceeding twenty poundS, two cents; and if exceeding twenty and not ex ceeding fifty-pounds, three cents; and if more ThitiFfiffnifid - rier - eideeding - ofici hundred pounds, four cents; and if more than one hun dred pounds six cents; and for measuring all kinds of articles sold by the bushel, or less quantity, he shall receive under half a bush el, one cent for each measure; if above half a bushel and not more than one bushel, two cents; and two cents, for every bushel he shall have so measured in addition.. And if the said Clerk shall be called upOn by any person or persons buying or selling any ar ticles by weight or measure, to weigh or measure the same at any other time - than on the morning of the prescribed' market days ' and within market hours, the seller shall' pay to the said Clerk double the rates above mentioned. (And the said Clerk of the Market shall be paid out of the borough Stock; twenty five cents for'each Market day that he shall duly and faithfully .attend the. said Market and perform - - the duties herein prescribed, Ifsides the fees allowed by this act for weiOing and measuring.- -A-nd-the-said-Clark---shafibelfflowed out-of the fines and forfeitures incurred under the provisions — of this - :act; - the - further sum of five dollars per annum, as a full compensa tion for testing all weights and measures, as herein prescribed. And it shall be the duty ti)f the Clerk of the Market to cause the MarkOt house to be swept clean-on the day preceding eaclrslfarket day, for which he shall be al lowed the sum of five dollars per annum. SECT. 8 And be it further ordained,, That no butcher's/blocks or benches shall be suffered to remain in the Market-house ex cept in market hours, unless the same shall be so fixed under the stalls of the Market; that no filth or uncleanness can be attached to them And no person shall bring within the Market-house, or within the lines of the posts or, foot pavements set round the same, any carts, drays, cars, or other carriages; and every person offending in the premises, shall; on information being made to the Clerk of the Market or on view of the said Clerk, forfeit and pay the sum of two dollare. 'And all wheel-harrows shall, as soon as the burthen carried on them into the Market shall be discharged, shell be removed to some place without the - said lines of posts and foot pavements, under the penalty of one dollar. And if any person or persona shall bring into and leave within the said Mar-.' ket-place' or ree.,Publie square, anylioad; !:ect or other offal of any animal, he or she, 'to offending, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum offiye :dollars. : Sect. 9. And be it - further ordained, That nohucksteror seller of cakes, shall be permitted to occupy aty stall, or sit within the said line of posts aril toot pavemenis_puf round the Mtrket-house, with intention to sell during thi market hours, under the pen alty of one Mar, to igepaid forthwith to the Clerk of fie:Alnrket. Eriactod &ordrincid in townspuncil,Mar. 7,1821. WI. MqVIERSON Pres% Atteit 7 lß.l3mrrn, • ,Cleris. Geityaburg March 30. .All7l-1/14.001TICS COUNTY CONVENTION, • THE, Central State-Committee have giy , en.-notice of a State Conyelltion to be held at Harrisburg, on the 25th of May next; ierriaese-ef-appoinfing-LEtel • represent this State in the National Con vention, at Baltimore, on'the 26th• of Sept. next—Therefore', - We respectfully request all those opposed to SECRET SOCIETIES, to meet at their usual places of holding Town ship Elections, on Saturday the 30th' op April next, and elect Two DELEGATES, from each township, to meet at the house, in the borough of, GettySburg, on Monday the 2d of May next, to elect THREE persons to represent Adams county in the State Convention above mentioned. March 23, 1831. VALERIETS DUKEHART, No. 101 a 'Baltimore-sr., Baltimore, Has on hand 4- constantly keeps a supply of REEfIS & SHUTTLES. Baltimoie, 3d mo. 16th, 18.31 . .* 49 ' Offies of A merican & Foreign Agency tsr / Claims, 49 Wall.st. N. York, Jun. 1831. i PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all peons whom it may concern, hav ing Claims, Debts, Inheritandcs, Azc.. paya ble or recoverable abroad, that this Agency has established, under the special auspices and patronage of distinguished individuals in this country, a regular corregpoudenco with eminent Bankers, &c, in the principal ports and capitals of Foreign GovernmentS, in commereialzelations _with the _II. States; through the mediation whereof such valid claims as, may he confided thereto, will be expedited for settlement, and promptly and efThctively recovered ; when furnished by the claimants with the suitable legal,proofs and voucherS, together with the requisite PoWer Or Attori\ey, to be taken and ac knowledged befor6 \ any Judge of a Court of Record, or other competent Civil Magis trate, Municipal Authority, or Notary Pub lic; and the whole duly authenticated by the Governor of the State or Territory in which the same may he perfected, and (le galized by,the appropriate For ign ConsUl. Having also established a 'miler correa pondenee throughout the Uri ed States and BrifishAvnerica, the like clai for recove ry in any part thereof respectively, will be received and efficientlytattended to in be half' of American as well as Foreign claim ants. Orders for the investment of funds on Mortgage of Freehold property ; or the _par. ClG.se OfPahlieSe - 6iirties of tii(4.7.Btates, Canal Loans of the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, &c. punctually and faithfully executed. Applications addressed to this Agency in cases requiring the investigation of claims, search of records, or the intervention of le gal proceedings, should be accompanied with an adequate remittance to defray the preliminary charges and disbursements at tending the same, and all letters must be post paid. AARON 11. PALMER, Counsellor of tho S. C. of the U.S. ACTUARY. January 19. 3m--4I THE CONSTELLATION, t.._ A paper devoted to ligh Literature, Entertain ing Miscellany, and the . "rit of the Times. ruausnEn WEEKLY, IN TIIE ITT OF NEW YORK. AT THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM T HIS Publication has now been establish. ed more than a year, and the l objeets proposed and the course pursued are too well known te. -require a- word from us on that subject. Our only design at present is lii - solrcit That increase of patronage which we trust our work deserves, and which we shall continue our endeavors to merit. Testimonials in favor of the CONSTELLA TION are daily returning upon us, in the shape of numberless requests for exchange from our brothers of the press, in flattering notices of its quality, and copious extracts from its pages. But with all these demonstrations of regard which delight the ear and please the eye, some more tangible proof of admi ration—a proof which especially-commends itself to the sense of feeling, in the shape of silver dollars or bank bills, accompanying the command—"SEND ME YOUR PAPER !".-- would be most acceptable. In saying thisove would not be understood to complaining of a want of patronage. On • the contrary, we are bound to say it is very flattering, and is steadily on the increase. But, like a man who impatiently watches the growth of a young and thrifty elm, Which is'. as afford him shelter and comfort, we it to increase faster. The form of the CONSTELLATION WU/ changed at the commencement of the pre sent volume, from the folio to the quaff°, which renders it convenient for preservation and binding. It is also printed on a larger sheet than during the. first year. With these improvements and the engagement of an additional Editor of acknowledged talent, we cannot help thinking , our - paperat the low price of three dollars, as well worthy or patronage as any other now before the "pub- LORD& BARTLETT'. iNzw.YoRK, March 16, 1831. fErSubscriptions received at this Office. HORSE BILLS . • 3 011" PRINTIM G • or svoty ,ozeoltirrunt • DIEfct(TDD WITH .NDATICZENf AND toarcrea, •AT TON 01114,D OP ItNE STAB- • 3t-b1 BERNITART GILBERT, JAMES RENSIIA W, JAMES ROBBINETTE, JAMES WILSON, ROBERT SMITH, . County Committee CIRCULAR. I'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers