• • NM= 8 BBILILLOWI6Ir , WAFER, & SUGAR:BOXES, WlBUtilrOp aa, NEST AND BARREL COVERS, . . 30000 esne,finitabbi for reed makers 500 nest sugar boxes SOO bine' and half barrel covers SPINNING WHEELS, Wasii Boards . -- Candle wick Lamp wiCks` , - Baskets and tlrusLes Sugar boxes' , Fishing lines Weavers' reeds Brush handles REEDS AND SHUTTLES, lifters and strainers 11 12 . 1yag rods oitgaaaTiirine Suitor pinta Clothe'fpine •-• Bellows and spiggois WILLOW BASKET CARRIAGES • d cords Fishing hooks Plough lines I Marbles and tops 'Shoe brushes Lemon squeezers Wenver4, hr ahes • MARKET,XIifti FANCY matmers, Rolling pins Shoe blacking Potato° mishap putter trays, spooris Muddlers • paddles Towel rollers ' Trenchers Wash and cake boards Crabbing &cabbage nets Tubs andlutter bowls. The above articles are offerid for eale, on rem enable torms, by ,• ' • • VAPENIUS'• D UK EHA R T, No. 1011, Baltimore between South &Calvert its. Baltimore, 2d mo. 9th, 1831. ' 44 NOTICE.. Tilt subscriber, having disposed of his ' IL whole stock to Mr. Samuel S. Mc -Dreary, is about declining business, and wishing, to settle up his concerns in as short a time as possible,. he therefore earnestly requests all- persons indebted to him either by NOTE or. BOOK ACCOUNT„or Otherwise, to call and settle the same.— 'Those thakowe him TRADE of any kind, will please deliver the same without delay. Those whoa, oWe'him on Book. Account and -have_ bathe _money to pay, will save costs by calling and giving their 'notes for the a mount immediately. AtrAll persons owing the subscriber, and failing to call and - settle before the ist day of April next, may, after that time, expect his claims against them to be put in swat, without respect to persons. • JAMES A. THOMPSON. January 12, 1831. tf--40 SUPERIOR Boot and Shoe Blacking, Long and Short Brush Handles, Hum ming Tops, dtc.—For sale by VA.LERIUS DUKEHART, No. Baltimare-st., Baltimore city. Baltimore, 2d mo. 9th, 1831 ' - 44 NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of SAMUEL M. REED; late of Cumber• land township, deceased, are requested to make payment on or before the first day of April next: endall persona having claims against said Estate r are requested to present their accounts, properly authentietited, for settlement, on or before the above .date, to the subscriber, or, if more convenient, to JOHN GARVIN, Esq. Gettysburg. ALEX'n CAMPBELL, Adtn'r. February, 1 1831. ta-43 VAVERIIIS DUKEHART, No; 101 Baltimore-st., Baltimore, Has on hand 4. c onsta nt ly keeps a supply or REEDS & SHUTTLES. Balthnoie, 2d mo. 9th4881. CIRCULAR. Mee of American & Foreign Agency for - Claims, 49 WalL.st-N. York, Jan. 1881. 11117- WIC _NOTiCE is hereby given to all pennons whom it . mayooncerrwlarr ing _Claims, Debts, Inheritances, &c. paya. ble or recoverable abrinul, tha - • has established, under the special mils • : a . painnut — ge — tif di - Eitinguiatredindividu in this country, a regular correspondence with eminent Bankers, &c. urthe principal „ ports and capitals o oreign overnmen =, n commercial relations with the U. States. t tug t- mellation7whereef-such--valici claims as may be confided' thereto, will be _expedited for settlement, and promptly and effectively recovered ; when furnished by the'claimants with the suitable legal proofs and vouchers, together with the requisite Power of Attorney, to be taken and ac knowledged before any Judge of a Court of Record, or other competent Civil Magis trate, Municipal Amhority,or Notary Pub lie; and - the whole duly 'authenticated by the.Govemor of the State or Territory itt -- which she same may be perfected, and le galized by the.appropriate Foreign Consul. Having also established a similar corres pondence throughout the United States and British America, the like Claims for recove iy in any part thereof respeCtively, will be received and efficiently attended to in be half of American as well as Foreign claim ' Ordere for the investment of fimds on ;Mortgage of Freehold property r or the par . chase of Public Securities of the U. States, Canal Ups of the., States of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, &C. punctually and ihithfullyeaxecuted. • _Applications addressed to this Agency in metai requiring the investigation of claims, ' itifirnhorrecards, or the-intervention of law protadragr, should - be accompank with au ;adequate. remittance to defray the 4 liininarY#irgetraiid disburiamente at -tending:theiker, tuul all letters most be - posit pattl, ' AARON B. PALMER, ' - it opw 84 C. or the U. EIt:ACIVAIti• - • J anuar y , Jo. Sm-41. t ras. ~.oir A . . DEED S .., : p....f l , P.-.._ ~. .. , .... "tin ... I. 4 ,,, ,, ,.,.. twopy: moo an .._ _I T g - pYteX Y,:.,.,. , . -, vox itigt. Al'" T II •. Ottnoll. -- 1 MEM THE :ANTI.MASONIC SP tow AND impornLICAN • 4• I •1/4 , V , 454 . 0 0. .c sl 0 -, 2 2 say E ei.sc t tip idi Al 7.•W , G . L.• .8 S' & ao ,, E sz.' s. Z 411 , 1 iSa) 44 41 , .. ....., pe , _a p. gt-. - t 2 ez OP Ce x... 0 poi ''''' 0 ea c•.- r o , --- -1 s ..x. p i ;, 0 ~•:: 2 ..... PR. 28 c 4.4 •2 = els:l,Z: c...:: = ^a, g- 2 c: t— 1-, , , •... 4 , ~.. —. —.4 •... p* c, i • "g, MI E S,. E 4 .-- .1. 2.4 ) E. , . .04 a • - litit a' r ti ..-.E n - 2 "') e, -- ›--.° - - r- ,›. . ci- cv ... • u 2 . c 2 ctl 1.• 2 CZ WI! ia' P cl)• . .c 7, c.. i t til - 0 n s .8 7a b 1 .>_„, z e u) ;4 c :.,... c „ c .., ^,-.._- .-.- a/ tp ~= 17 , en .7. - - ...... !.. 12 ti CO . :-, r: o—i --- ~.19_o •—• ..r. A. —vs 6 c::. c) : c 2 y F., .., kIBCEIPTS & EXPENDULTRES of ADAMS COUNTY. comnasszoNEEsPorrzczi, ADAMS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. AGREEABLY to an Act of Assembly, entitled, "An Act to raise County Rates and Levies , " requiring the Commissioners of the respective Counties, to publish , a statement , of the Receipts and Expenditures - yearly--Wei the Commissioners of Taxes of said County, do Report as follows, viz: From the 7th- day of January, 1S30 ) to the 6th day of January, 1831, both days included : To eqtatanding Tai at last settlement, 3 3 Bents Rents M hands of James Gourley, 66 • 61 C. Chritzman, (arreerare,3 .• , 46 , 1e29. Balance ofr r o Ziegler's Bond, - • Cash on hand ' est settlement, Tax assessed f 30, • Ground Rents for 1830 in hands of C. Chritunen, - Tax - received of tho estate of Benjamin Chambers, dein% - for 1893-4-5-6-7 and 8, Amount of .Tacob Besscrman's Notes, AdditlorforTax Duplicates for 1829, ' --'' Order in favor of G. F. Hoke, unpaid by Treemues. The Tax assessed for 1830, is as follows, viz: Jacob Wortz, Valontino Hollinger. Christian Picking, Philip Voglosong, Jesse Cook, Samuel Lowden, John Marshall; Joh Bream, Sen. Joh Kugler, Sa uel Kennedy, J os Smith, J hii-Illiiek, Jacob Wills, Benjamin dramer„ Jacob Schlosser, Henry Brinkerhoff, Christian Chritaman. The Outstanding Tax.aivears to be in the bands of the following Collectors, viz 1820 John Marshall, 1823 • Micli'ael Snyder, 1825 Adam Swope, 1827 Caleb Beales, " Joseph Lei3ver, 1828 Jacob Winrott,* " Peter Deardorff, Sea, " James White, 1829 Henry . Albert, " Henry Toot,'" " Isaac Wolf,* ' " Michael Kitzmillet, * Jesse Seabrooks, " John. Mcllvain,* " Philip Bishop, 1830 Jacob Wertz,* " Valentino Hollinger, " Christian Picking, • Philip Voglesong,* ." Jesse Cook " Samuel Lowden,* John Marshall,* " John Bream, "• John Kugler,* " Samuel Kennedy,* " James Smith,* ' • • " John_ Black,* " Jacob Wills,* " Benjamin Grainer,* El Henry Biinlierhiig* Chr*AtifulStbilizikisiv g=trit:t="t fr : 0 - REPaRT, To the Honorable' the _Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Ildams.Giuuty. r . • WE, the Subscribers, beinOuly elected AUDITORS to Settle a nd , adjust the Public Accounts of the Treasurer and 'Commissioners of said County, and having been sworn or affirmed agreeably to law, REPORT the 'following to be a - Generaitatemerit.of the said Account, from the 7th day of January, 1830, to' the 6th day of January, 1831—both - daysiniluded Wm. S. Cobean, Treasurer, and Commissioners---in =omit with the County o f Mama. . DR. To.outstanding Tax January 6, 1830, .Deduct Jacob 11osbornian'a Notes for 'Quit-Rents in hands of James Gourley, Do. do. ' of C, Chritsman, (an enrages % ) Do. do. of de. 1820, Balance of George Zieglor's Bond, • • Cash on•hend January 6th, 1830, , Tax assessed for 1830, Quit.lients fbr 1830, C. Chritzman, Collector, Tax received of the Estate of Benjamin Chambers, dee'd, for 1828-4--5-6-7 and 8, . Jacob Bossermants 5 notes, due.2sth january,llloll,/ —9-3-4 and 5, balance r Addition to Tax' Duplicates for Inb,. . • . • i WE. further Report;that weave examined the it-ems ithiclitompor the above Account, and .certify that they are correct—and that the 'Baittuceor o:rTivo Thousao One Hundred and Foety.Nine Dol lars and Eighty-Five Cents, is in the hands of the Treasurer. -• 1 . • , • - JOHN LILLY, • - • NA -} A rD y re n & COPY. , - cumity,EwxualtrtnwELL., • (Feb, 183170 -4*--43) , . 121000 ' 4)lZegOPieZi ACtittiIOOKAIOINVICX3eOb I .c*o. , A,* re , - 4,es. m*- 112MEM=1==2M iiiN 5230 • Conowago, Beading, Hamilton, Berwick, Latimore, Liberty, Hamiltonbee‘ Tyrone, - Germany, --Huntinston. Mountjoy, Cumberland. Mount?leaaiug, Franklin,. Menallen, Straban, . Borougb, Berwick. Germany, Borough, Latimore. Germany, Do. Reading, Liberty, Reading,- Cumberland. Renwick, Conowago, Hamiltonban, Mountpleasant. Germany. Conowage, Reading. Hamilton. Berwick, 2 Latimore,_____ Liberty, Hamiltonbas. Tyrone, Germany, Huntington. Mo tjoy, Cum • Orland, Moun Frank . Montilla Stritbrui; Borough, *Sinai paid in wt.. •IVDITOR , NM APPRENTICES WANTED. N E or TWO -Apprenticee ittinediately, to the House. Joiner and Cabinet-making business. They must be about 10 or 17 years of age. Country boys would be preferred. DANIEL KOZER, Near LahraonTs Mill, on the Pine Prove Road, ,Menalkin township. - February 9, 1881. - 4t*--44 ROLLING PINS, Lemon Squeezers, Potato© Mashers and Muddlers—For sale by VALERIUS DUKEHART, . No. 1014 Baltimore-+t., Baltimore City. 2d me. 2d, 1801. 49 ZO:0 : Dolls: Cia. • 5,040 78 35 08 725 44 63 00 115 00 1,853 556 12,893 30 199 00 S 95 86 81 52 12 6 48 821.076 51i 851 32 818 35 575 66 830 72 529 81 732 73 819 71 466 38 757 85 543 16 600 39 872 23 964 39 984 01 1019 33 967 93 559 33 •12893 30 14 89 1 05 125 46 32 09 64 09 63 78 46 62 2 00 86 92 23 28 16 63 44 82 8 07 905 69 96 00 331 32 93 3.5 300 66 390 72 199 81 42-73 644 71 255 26 257 45 278 26 209 . 30 753 06 527 19 220 01 381 83 83 72 e 5962 77 06127 8 86 81 5049 1 S 5 be 725 44; . 63 00 115 90 , 18.53 55e , 12899 30 199 00 S 95 88 81 82 12 $ 21070 08k - • CUL By Orders paid, as follow, viz: Dolls. eta. - Auditors' pay, - 900 Tuition of Poor Children, 907 61 Collectors of Taxes—Fees and Roles/sm. 481 S 4 Assessors' Pay, 231 63 Treasurer of Poor-house Funds, 4250 00 Sundry bills of Costs paid Sheriff and others, 384 71 Prothonotary's and Clerk's. Fees. . . 29 69 Jacob Fickes, Esq. Commissioner—pay. - 94 50 James Mcllhenny, Esq. do. do. • 91 50 Thomas Ehrehart, Esq. do. do. 91 50 Clerk to Commissioners—pay, . 157 78 Grand Juries and Constables—pay, A" 263 00 General Juries and Constables-40. 902 12} Fox Scalps, 21 67 Road Views, - ll7 00 Constables—Fees, _ _ 7B 06 Work done in Public Buildirim 20 09 Attorney General—Fees, 15 00 . ' Jailor—keeping Prisoners , ace. 864 22 Court Cryer—Pay, &c. - 51 48 Public Printing, , ' • — 2lB 00 Directors of Poor—Pay, 60.00 Sundry persons for Repairing Bridges, 122 65 Wood for Court-house and Prison, 95 37 Coroner—Foes on Inquisitions, 94 32 Officers of Election—Pay, ' '• 357 61 Quit.rent on Lot No. 82 fbr 1829 and 1830, P. HeSummoning Juries up to Jan. 55.1830 inclusive. 87 75 Jno,Ba gy— . M'Phorson in trust for Philadelphia Prison, 102 - 51 -- Bak of Gettysburg—lnterest,- , 65 33 Cash paid for_ Loom for Prison, 35 81 Medical atte ndance on Prisoners, 8 75 G. Welsh, Proth'y, for transcribing & making Indices he Dockets, 200 00 Treasurer of Water Company—Rent, ' ' 22 50 Order issued in 1826 in favor of Bank of Gettysburg, unpaid i 1500 00 till preserkt year, • ..... _ Order in fkvor ofTroaaurer of Poor-house Funds, issued int # 278 06 1827, with interest, unpaid till present year, Oreferi of 1829, paid during 1830, 44 98 Outstanding Tax, ' - 6962 77 Do. Quit-rents in hands of James Gourley' 35 08 Do. do. do. C. Chritzman, cie!rage) 725 44 . Do. do. do. do, 14 00 ..'i u 's 'Balance of George Ziegler's Bond, 115 00 ' Do. Jacob Ro3lloll2llUell NOW', 86 81 Treasitrer's Salary, . - 100 00 _ Cash on band, 214 85 $210741/ IN TESTIMONY, that the ' foregoing Statement of Baez' • and ExPranrruazs, exhibited at the Office of the Treasure of said County, is a true Copy, as taken from and co pa )( red with the Originals remaining in the Books of this Offioe--We have hereunto set our Hands, and affixed the Seal of our said Office, at Gettysburg, the, sixth day of Janwiry, one thousand eight hundred- and thir . ty-one. • JAMES 1111PHENNY, COM.M.TS. I.•-•-ATIIOMAS`EHREHART, SIONERS.• 'JACOB COVER, ATTEST, UOILNEIt, cita • .... , 6 /4kr By Cash paid on Commissioner ' ders, , Outstanding i Tax, January , 1 I, r _ ... Quit-Rents n hands of James Go ey, • Do. do. , of C. Chritzm n, o f Dup.) Do, do. of do. 1830, . . , ' Balance of George .Zioglor's Bond, Balance of Jacob Bosserman's Notes, Treasurer's Salary,.o . • ' • Cask on hand, January 6th, 11, ' I-: II MEIN 11•20 RIEWKWIDA R AN AWAY from Hagerstown. about a month ago, a negro woman named': LETTY.,. Aged 40—has projecting teeth ; and a sal. - low, wild, unhealthy look; much addicted to intemperance; and is,partially - deranged when drunk—hen a dress of new crossbar linsey. She Was decoyed away by her hus band; who is a short, bandy legged old man, witli n a sore mouth and. a high forehead--- loves whiskey. $2O will be given for in formation respecting them. • - J. REYNOLDS. Hagerstown, Feb. I=l9] Bt-44 lEI =3 XIV BAYER'S, SCRIIBBING, v tifig, Shoe, White-wash, and other BRUSHES—For sale by VALERIUS bUKEHART, No. 101 i Baltimore-it., Baltimore City. Baltimgre, 2d mo. 9th, 1831. 44 Mat-rate chesnut timber LARD, Lying in. Tyrone township, Ad ams county, adjoining lands of Jacob King, Conrad Waggoner and others, 1 mile from Whitestown and a bout the same distance from the new Fur 'nace erected -by Messrs. Duncan & Mahon. .0:Tlf the above property is not sold at private sale before the 28th of Febrvary next, it will on iliat day be °tiered at public sale, at the house of John Yeatt in Wliites town, whole or divided into Lots of 15 or 26 acre ,la suitpiarchasers.. Terms—One half of the purchase money be Cash, and the balance in three equal a nnual payments. HERMAN WIERMAN. January 13, [l9] 1831. ts-41 NOTICE IS _HEREBY GIVEN, To all Legatees, Creditors, or other per sons concerned, that the Administration Accounts of John, Bowser, Administrator debonis non of Samuel Bowser, dermaried. will he presented to the Orphans' Court of Adams county for confirmation and allow ance on Tuesday the Ist day of March nett. JOHN B. CLARK, Feb. 2, 1631.[43] ATKINSON'S CASKET, GEMS OF LITERATURE, WIT AND SENTIMENT. EACH No. of this popular monthly perio dical for 1831 will contain 48 or more royal, 81)8: pages of letter press, closely printed on fine type and good paper, form- - ine at the end of the year a volume of about 900 pages. Price $2 50 a year in advance. Every No. will be embellished with ono elegant Copperplate and several handsome Wood Engravings, Music, and illustrations of Botany; besides a beautiful Title Page and a general index for the volume. The copperplates will embrace Portraits of our most distinguished men, the Fashions; views and Fancy Pieces, equal to those of any periodical in the United States: An elegant plate of the latest Fashions will be published in the January No. One of the Figures' a full length Portrait of Queen Adelaide, of England; a Lady in Ball Dress; a Walking Dross, and Cap and Turban, of the newest style. The Febuary No. will contain a splendid - portrait of Washington. An elegant Scrip ture Piece for March, is in the hands of the -- Engraver. The subsequent Engravings will be of the best , quality. " Liberal Premiutus have been ofibred for choice, original contributions. And espe cial care will be taken to have the selections of the trieWinterent T - indintt — ructive mat ter, consisting of moral tales, Biography, Historical Sketches, Poetry, light read ings, 4Sw. The • Volumes of the Casket for 1827, 1828,1829, and 1830, embellished with a great number of Engravings, bound or in • Nos. may still be had, price $2 50 a vo lume. This may be the last opportunity of obtaining-complete sets. - But a small num ber over what is 'required for present - sub. scribers will be published in 1831, Ad. dress (orders post paid.) SAMUEL C. ATKINSON, 11'2 Chesnut-street, Philadelphia. January 5, 1831. \ 99 Oz New subscribers furnished with back numbers HE Pedlar wagon belonging to the . Subscriber_-was-broken open on the night of thii 11th inst. in the town of An. ronsburg, and itolen_therefronlabout_L3oQ. Dollars in money, besides a number of pieces of Calicoes, Ribbands, Laces, Jewelry, En glish Merino for Dresses, and other goods not particularly recollected. A reward of Two Hundred Dollars - Will he given to any person ox persons who will secure the thief or thieves together with the atolgn property, or a reward in propor tion to the above mentioned will be paid for any part of the money or good§ which may be recovered. N. B. The Notes being generally of the United States Bank, together with other bills of the different Bank of Pennsylvania, ,the person may easily be detected in att` tempting to pass the Notes, they being all stained accidentally on one of the ends with the Oil of Spike. JAMBS wmATH. Harrisburg, Jan. '22d 1831. • •11851 08} 5962 77 85 . 08 725 44 44_00_ 115 00 86 81 'lOO 00 2149 83- The subscriber having purchased a good BOOK •IrYPE, Including music type, is prepared t o tom, cute, in a neat,end accurate manner, all or ders in this line.. . He flatters himself Vl*, he is able to do book work as well as *JO done in thecity of Philadelphia or else ti and at a. cheaper Tate, •-• ' • He hes also an eicelleat assortment ,entirely .new .I4SB TYPE, and will executer the. orders of his friend's, and the public , ' generallit, with neatness and despatch, on. reasonalie %Tins. He asks no sba of public paironege:. . (I Q, FLEMIX9.:. 29, 1 ea° 4 $ 21070 03i '1 , FOR SALE,' SIXTY ACRES OF ejl.Stop tliei Thieft 8200 REWARD. BOOK. PRINTING. itsliort mint of Register.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers