BY Wr LE'\/ATIS. % ~i •FaI7NTIN'GDON GLOB M, , • • 'Per annum, in aciVanee, ' s7. 50 ' - " if not paid in adranee -2 00 No paper discontinued until arrearagcs a re paid. A failure to notifira - discontinuance atthe ez. piratiott of: the tetra subscribed for be con. sidered a new engagement. • • , • Terta.s' of -Advtirtisittg. - 1 ins. 2 ins. 3 ins. Si:: iinas or'iess, - 25 ' 871aQ Isquare; 16 . iines,:tire'vier, 50 75 '' 100 ' 00 '1 50 • 2 00 ' 5O 225 300 • ' • 3m.- 6m. 12 u. 6 4 11 art's, • • S 3 00. :$5 . 00 SB-0© fj.^. • • 1 ' 5 00 : .;':8 00 12 00 3 " • • • 4•!• , 750 10 00 15 00 1 ° 11, 900 HOO , 23 ,00 5 11 15;00 25 00 38 , 00 1.0 _Pp)Tesiional anal Businesa Cars nnt,exceed ing 6 one year • • - • $4 00 APeht,s - 'for the Olobe ,The following gentiernein a. authorized to receiv . e - the names of all, who may desire to be.. come .sutiscribers to the . GLOBE, and to receive advance:payments .mud receipt for t.he'same. • liENlt'2 2 2lNlNlElimmsi, Esq., Coffee Run. JoliNv B. Givclv,NVCenneiistOwn. BENJ.' F.-PATTak, Warriorsmark.' .rong'OvvENs; Esq., Birmingham. 'R.. r. EIASLETT, p'ruce Creek. B. ilirrmar,a, 'Water Street. t.351;, , ,s- A. Caltsssvm.n, Manor Hill. DAvro BAnnicK, West Barree.. Tiros. Oicon.N, Ertnisville. Gruar.r.T CuA:vF:.v, Esq., East Barree. Dr. I. 1 1 4.14..1.E a, Jackson. tp. .E.44SIEEL 11 1 VITTY, Shirleysburg. - S. B, YOUNG, Three Springs. M. F., - CvnrnEr,t., Esq., IVlapleton; J. R. f - I'UNTEIi Petersburg. S Shade Gap: • ',13. H CA'mrsrr,,T„ Mzirkiesburg- H . . C. WALKER, Alexandria.= '"3. E. SEEDS, general Agent. 16,i4(0tt..6.h - s:of ':th6.:`‘.lllllolE,lggliii Globe." iitatTUJAIMII RSSS: Another,eyele of time is sped 'A:nail:lei- year to the past has iled=-- And the Carrier comes with his strain, To greet i s Pith his patronsUnd friends again ; Togladden your hearts. Wit h, his simple,lay: - And to wish you - a happY New`Year's bay. He has served you well, through. "the yeAr now 9'er3 With Abe latest and best from his- weekly btore The,tveather,ls change he must undergo, In its surnrner heat, and, its winte,r sno tv ; 'Miti the chilling winds 6f the Autumn `drenr, brf the huridinc , charms 6f:the opening 3-ear— ilSTOth.ttic-genial sky of the.flowpry May, A)-ritheiblinding.7; sleet :of a . winter's day— , . . weekly•rraulld , 'to your holies' be'en miide - rrd its bndget-nev; . -s at ‘yonr doors:been , ' - - • -,- . . , And' he comes with the ,hopi that 11"girri all. re- lal'a`rd .ify,:,yr,cfpf 'Donn tepup, handsis for him prepared. -Now the blasts of,wioter all'dark - rind drear requiurn sing o er the-burie year s• idicnieht as the„,storm went hoWlirio• piet We knew that her life was ebbing fast.; - As the wind in fitful gusts swept by, It borete firewelisigh— As at.raded'aWay iii a !inflow niiian It :told that.. her *Lenient's, were nigh hand -•. : • floWn„ Then the clock struck twelve, and we, heard Of_ -Eacummx HurtnRiD'AIiD;FIFTY-FOUR . she 'has paSsed—with - her bbrden of hopes • • t~td feats She has gone to the Faye, of fornler years ; And- many- indeed hare the changes heel/ That have= taken place on this shifting scene, TfieSunsliineOfjeY 64 the ciondso vir' AttoroortPlY.,P.4.g; COor, our. way below Thevoice of Love; with her wooing breath, , IntertniMielaft - iiithfEet *ail of deitli;" And'ihe pates of Peaces with the 4 wiUning • )1 .tharras: Ilavd been :Strang - ely hlended with =war's _••• . 4 .4 ll 4 3: iiu*pet's blaqtalltio?e cazinoa'a roar Hare shaken. .old EuroperfrOm shore to shore: The;Biisiiarißear,:from Isis fro; zone, , HalitVeajecii7dthe*sleinii fettering ttirone. The Allie,d Rowers in their strength unite, Arid j&save-their crowns 'ltalie espoused, 'the To humble the Czar in hiS ;Fit e pride, They .haye marshalled their troops by the Danubele:side, - • • • ' ' Their flag now waves to; the Northern breeze And their navies float:o?er his frozen seasi The middle ground ltwilit the Russ and Turk; Ras been the bc ene olsome bloody work. There the bleeding. ranks; of the.Cossaek reel ilNT'eath the Briton's charge and Ufa :Frei:mil - - I:Z., : •• lierbkhe erirttsfos `flood' fore the fount of life; • Jopea Aeely pared on the field o strtfe beilOokicelifetblood: of many soldier brace, fried itmttne - wiql`the-jilritit's ivaVe ealierit iieirt Hsi - - ;#l4 *owning base of Sebastopol. 11111 E Whilst the widow's wail and the orphan's iry Are ascending hp to a throne an high. But now to return to our own loved land, The blesSings of Heaven, with liberal hand, Have been scattered freely, on every. side; And Plenty reigns thrpugh her border wide. -Whilst the plains Of Europe are drenched in • blood, • , - And - thousands are rolled in its wasteful Our Eagle still, from his azure throne, behaid the carnage and stood alone; . And the Dove of Peace, 'mid .these cenflicts wifdr Has lOoked calmly - down on our homes'and smiled. - Yet eVer, here are the foot-prints seen, Where the Angel of • Death in his flight has And the shadow cast by his raven-plume, Has enshrouded a part of our land in gloom. The Pestilence dire, has amongst us walked, And the wasting Plague has at noon-day stalked. - Whilst thousands have sunk to their anal sleep 'Heath the briny' veaves of old Ocean deep, 'For gallant vessels have left our shore, And gone forth on the deep to be seen no more. Oh,. many a noble ship and brave, Has been swallowed up in the greedy wave ; Some have been wrecked on - a foreien strand Some burned in viewof the tempting land, And loving hearts, have been left to mourn For those who can ne'er to their arms return. The tears of affection can ne'er be shed O'er the cheerless gloom of their ocean-bed, Now the sea-bird's wail is their funeral strain, As it blends with the roar of the stormy main. But our story already,. has grown too long, And we close for the present our simple song; We 'have given our' patrons a friendly call A ," ".happy. New- Year" we have:wished you -. ail— And:We avant—but no matter—we need not ,For the word we would enter, you know full well. The Roor of EVIL we crust is due To the Printer's Devil as well as you. , May the richest of blessing your path Way crown, Till we come again ;n our, annual round. .May _they lighten yoee hearts and your• fire , side cheer,. - ' - Through tite passing scenes of 'another year. May the tears you shed be the tears of jny, Is the prayer and wish of _ -- • THE CARRIER. BOY. .IViTS , U.E.-ILL ANE O,IJ-s:i From:the-Little Pilgrim . trallt:' nat. ECUNCEEBACk: • MARX. SHkMECG for, shame !" ; ./0, treat a delorined chid su 1" Why esn'tyou look ; man, at what you're treading tippit ,'?”' • - Such were a few of the ejaculations poured out by a. group of men, on the outskirts of a crowd assembled to witness a grand exhibi tion of fireWOrks, on the eve of the Fourth of JOY. The first speaker had picked up from the, dusty grass a child, who had acci dentally been knocked dawn - in the general crowding' and jostling, and who now Jay ap patently senseless in his arms. "Who is it I--what is it I' 7 inquired one and another.' • "It's Joe PattersOn's little hunchbacked answeied. the Man " and • pity 'tis they couldn't havekept him ciut of this crowd. He has been knocked down and banged about, till lam not;siare -Whether '-therei - i.s any life left in him.4"- Bring hirii here,*sir!" eiclairaed an ele gantiy dressed lady, whose carriage had been driven :Fist nu.tside of the 'ring. which encir cled the crowd: “ pli,-rriarrima! he is, !the poor boy!” Cried the youngest of her shildreo,;with tears in her pifying:4lufs eyes., ft Just as well if he were, 7 ) - isaid-another la dy in the carriage. "It is cruel kindness to let such a deformed ttkgrow up.” " flush!. sister," - 'returned the first lady, "he is awning to. .Remember,. the `child probably has-a mother, tn. love him, if he hunchback'!" • " And he 'has a: _lota, - too- nty," - spoke_ nP reproaChful look eyee., cc You are a strange - child Lila' Look at the fireworks P' Bat 'the blazing Fnalieta hadlast tbaiir attraction f0r1,i14a.9 and when her mother proposed leaving them'fora Minutes; to take the defornied boy home;,* balkirca Tai'Y'Vantl3l; she fanioarkt4 , l4 4l :Y. I. , deetare, , neier iron. tv ' au nt,. - .At" again, sister nstan, sold e nt,. HUNTITGDON„ JANUALPS 1855. fully ; "you are. always -picking p some ob ject of distress to shock ray nerves. I shall llot get this creature out of ray dreams for a month 1;7 Lille. glanced at the boy,_ Whose lips and eyelids tren26.l(l, - jhough he lay'perfectly still - On the cushions. _Hugh had heard all 3 but it was nothing new to the deformed child to hear ridicule and scorn heaped upon him.-- Yet it wounded Jahn not less deeply, for he had a sensitive spirit, which had grown sore in its harsh contact with a selfish world.- In one thing Mrs. Winstan had guessed wrong'; he had no mother in tins wo4l, but as cared for in some small measure by a tins- serous, drinking father, and a rough,' but well meaning sister. , - Dorothy, the sister, came out to receive him, soon after the carriage stopped at their dwelling—a tumbling-down block in the dir ties street;: of the suburbs. She lifted him out in her strong, red arms, thanked the lady for her kindness, in a loud, shrill tone, and then stood to watch 'the horses as they trot ted away. "Oh `Dolly!?' moaned the boy, " please carry me up stairs ?" " Yes, yes, you silly child this is what you get by going to _such places! How long, I wonder, before you will learn that you are , not like other folks, and can't go amongst ' em P " Not like other folks !" repeated poor lit tle Hugh, when his Sister had tucked him up carefully in his warm attic, and gone down to prepare a wash fo.r his sprained wrist. He for;ot for a moment his bodil' pain, in the pah - s which shot throtto 3 l his heart at these careless words. a Not like, other folks! no indeed, lam not.' But , how atn , /to blame for it I didn't make Myself ! Why did God ;make me, se I" " lie raised the blanket from his face, and peered into the darkness with.a hind of SU perskitious fear :at the 'question he had invol untarily asked, for he had not forgotten what his dead mother had taught him that God was good, and that he did everything for the best. -; 4 il don't know what We shall do With Hugh, to, keep hint out of hasn's way," said his father, the next morning ",lie has Such an inteleiable curiosity to see all that is go ingn on in the World, , that he'll get his.neck broken among, these city boys... Ulf send him to ray , sister's cousin in the country to learn a shoetitaker's trade." " The best trade in the world for such as he," replied Dolly. --And so, as soon as the sprained wrist-was-strong again, little Hugh was packed.oif to a country. cobblerCs elose leather-perfumed shop. - , • It was a nevi_ thing-to him- to be imprison ed from morning until Tlig,hti Waxing ends, whittling pegs , or driVing• thern into the tough soles ef shoes, new or old. ...Not a kind srprd ever fell on the poor boy's . ear. If he did his work faithfully - , he received no word or look of encouragement. If he fell to musing, as he sometimes did, he was roughly aroused by a shake, and a growl to the elfeet that he " didn't earn the salt to his victuals ; should like to know what he expected to do in - the world ?" One Saturday, Hugh had the unusual pd . vilege of half holliday. With the village bays he could not go to play ; for they had _once driven him from their green with shouts of scornful laughter. So he turned down a shaded Jane, that led to a dark pine wood.— Through the heart of this wood stole a still stream of cool water. Upon a mossy knoll, an: its bank Hugh threw : , himself 'down to cherish eltd.thouo - hts. • ." To be . a: shoemaker all my days, and stay in a stived-up shop!" thought he;-" I can't hear it But what else can Who cares, for me! Who is there eliat do6snot laugh - at me? I wish i waedead—so I do.” He laid his pale < cheek on the soft moss, and watered it-with bitters tears. As he rai sed his eyes' at length; they lighted on a. clear blosSom of the,fringed- gentian. As he took the _flower in his hand, it seemed " to him as though its fringed blue* eye looked lovit3gly into his, saying, "God made me 1 .” " God made = yoli—yes ; made - you sweet and beautiful, ; 'but - how did he make mi.?" reasoned" the beWildered boy, whose rebel lions feeling-a had by ;--- , no , means left him. Still he.loolted - fixedly into the flower.' • I don't . lic.2gh, at your htinched shoulders, Hugh," it seemed to him again to be saying softly No--:Nots don't r and if there was'one 'iv : . ing blue eye that looked as kind as ,yours"— he stopped, and thought for a moment of.lit r tie Lills.and . her mother. "But that was on ly pily ,j-even land people can iteVer love me. I ;vender if the augele '.Heaven will love 1.• My mother I know".--:and bis lips- trembled But I afraid 6 never shall be t to'Fbto ha, t4ise naughty iitatings staY 41 - 1. Ty, heart r g-iret It mast #fsGod . ,rtilio me for sornmhing; as went's' thi's' dest # tls 40`sror ri** . pitve me a sot4-the little girl said-that I TerhaPs my soul can do something in the world,. though my body, is poor and crooked. Pll try!" And with these little magic words, Hugh ETrang up from his knoll 3 buttoned the flow er it his vest, and made his.way homeward to his work. Five years, have fiown. In the hall of a village academy, a ,knot of Gphool girls are discussing a weighty matter, The young men of .the -&cad.erriy have been .deliverinff orations' of their own composition, for a prize ;-and the result has astonished every 't Is it not too ba.ti 77 says Sarah c'that sicch I a, should win the prize?" - gc Why, has he nOt as good a right as any of the.rn '1" asked a blueleyed girl of fourteen at her side. " Oh , rirtht " to be sure I but I shouldn't think such a deformed piece of humanity would be - very -forward to push himself be fore other people F." " Should'he not Make the most ihe gifts God has given him ? It _is unjust Sarah l-- He won the prize fairly, and spoke nobly .you ought not to be so unkind !" " I suppose gott think no prize too great for him," responded Sarah, with a malicious -little laugh. ."Perhaps he will offer his ser vices in escorting you to 'the plc-nic next Monday, in return for your eloquent defenCe cf his rights. 'The Lily of Lisbon- Acade my,' as Professor R. called. her, would be `nonored by such company.'" " She would indeed be honored, Sarah, by any, mark of esteem from one whose opinion -is worth something I" riplied the blue-eyed girl proudly arching her • graceful neck.— . "Did you never learn those lines of Watts--- I would be measured by my sou/ ; The-mind's the stature,orthe ma.n ?' " You are a most unaccountable girl, Ulla Win Stan But, good, evening?—l must net stand foolinn , any lonaer." And away went ,Sarah, followed by most of her:mates, while Li returned to the school-roote,' to search for a missincr book. Thani; you, Miss Winsta.n !" These words, s'Oken dmost in her ear, as she'was (leek, comet! her to lift her head with a start and a blUsh of, surprise.-- The deformed Hugh, now a young man of some seventeen years, stood by her chair, ga -zing at her with those mournful, deep, black eyes, which had often won her sympathy. "Bless - you for your words of kindness! they have done more for me than . a hundred prizes cduld ! I have leerned that there is at least;one in the world who, will itidg' truth—not —not:; sight !" In .the pulpit: one ,of the principal churches of .1) rises Sabbath by Sabbath a pale-faced, high T brewed man, whose defor ,mity is the first feature to catch the eye of a stranger. It is not until you hear him speak tirtil you catch, the fire froin his eye, and the qu,tbusiasrn from his lips, that you forget w pity the speaker. You do not wonder them; that he, is willing to come' before the public eve weekly 'even 'with, the weight of his natural defects; for who can .think of these, when once carried away by the tide of his eloquence '1 ' Yes Huah has gained .;his end. He is "measured by his soul" in the sight of. all who know him. >He has Striven nobly, by the help of his Maker, to fit that soul for ... - ,oinpaitionship with the spotless apostles and angels, and a ray, of their own pure light seems to have fallen upon. it. If any one wonders at seeing, after the chnreh services are over,, a young, proud, ,beautiful wormin, lay :her: white hand: upon the 'deformed preacher?s 'arm, to walk' down the richly-co.rpeted aisle,- .they have but to look into face, for , the solution of the mystery.., Lille. not. only „loves the crippled form at her side, better than the most match less ones of earth; but she is proud of -her noble husband! woman has sued fora divorce in In diaaa on the ground :that her .hushands feet .were so cold that it , distressed Post. - ' - - -`-- _We have heard of divorcee on . accetinf of incompatibility of temperature,: vita temper ance too Pic.. • ' • • 'This reminds 'us of the Complaiat of ' : a. heatt•:broken woman, at observing a change in her husband in refesing to warm her: feet of a cold night against - his-legs: ,'"'Yes, thatia • • . lust the Way With you men," sobbed the des pairing lady, "when we - were first married you used to say. "put .your little footsy tooties up to mine and keep 'ern wariny parrny," now its nOthingbut "take , away them cussed cold hoofs of yottr'n;" ir74 4 tar Trial:7lin aboat to enter the alrmy, siras,asked by .. .ohe9rAhu- requiting offibers.: sti; when ,ctu g into b.9.itle, will you fightar rim . 4 13y ... ink fa.v.h," ,replted a , with "a eolaie twist of themmtemartee, "PH ha afther , cloie : yer honor, as the majority of ye G.L.11,1171TG8 PROM TEM PRMSS. I LEARNING TO SPELL.—Bad spelling' is dis creditable. Every young man should be a master of his native tongue. He that will not learn to spell the language that is on his tongue and before his eyes every hour, shows no great aptitude for the duties of an intelligent observing man. Bad spelling is therefore a discreditable indication. It indi cates a blundering man—a man that cannot see with his eyes open. Accordingly we have known the application of more than one young man, n - tade with great display of pen _reanship of references, rejected for his bad spelling. Bad spelling is a very bad indication. Ho who runs may read it. A. bright school-boy, utterly,incapable of ap preciating Your stories of science ; art and lit erature can see your Wonders. You will find it, hard to inspire -that boy with any great respect for your attainments. Bad spelling is therefore a mortifying and incon venient defect. We have' known men thrown into very prominent positions so ashamed of their deficiency in this respect, that they never venture to send a letter until it has been revised by a friend. This-was, to say the least of it, sufficiently inconvenient. We say again, learn to spell. Keep your eyes open when you read, and if any word is spelt differently from your mode, ascertain which is right. Keep your dictionaty before you; and in writing,' whenever you have the least misgiving about the spelling of a word, look at it at once, and remember it. Do not let your laziness get the better of you. Avery relie.ble correspondent of the Spirit of the Age vouches for the tiuthfalness of the following laughable incident which cc cured in his neighborhood recently; A aentleman whom we will call Mr. P residing in one> of the eastern counties of North Corolina, had raised a patch Of water melons, but was so much annoyed by the marauding visits of persons to him unknown, ;that he determined tri find them, oat. On one night he armed himself with his trusty fire lock, and took his seat among the vines in ihe patch to await the approach of the'thief ; but be unconsciously fell 'asleep ; and while enjoying a comfortable snooze, "all.seated 'on the ground," a darkey entered and filled a large bag with choice melons. Looking around and finding the coast all clear, he con cluded to sample the - fruit. So he gathered up one of the largest he could find, and walk ing up:to what he supposed, to ;be .a stump, he raised up the, melon ,and ; .left it fall with smashing force mi . the bald. pate of its right- ;fad owner r thus uncerinooniOnsly awaking him and frig,htening almost to death.---,- 'Forgetting all about-the thief, he ran to the 'house in the•thost dreadful agony, hallooing, `as he burst open the door—"old woman t old woman ! ruined ! I'm dead ! my bead is, brOken open and mY brains - running out! ! !" —and - to convince his trembling'and ao'cini ,. zed spouse, he, be ,, an to • gather from his hair less head - what he supposed, to be brains ; when lo he found it only the pulp of a wa."- ter:melon. lie rushed out then to pursue the' thief, but the bird had flown. A HAPPY. EXPERINENT.--A friend told rue, that, 'among other symptoms of high nervous excitement, he had been' painfully harrassed for the want of sleep. To, such a degree had this proceeded, that if, in the course of. the day, any occasion led him to his bed-cham ber, the sight of Ins' bed made him shudder at-the idea of the restless hours he had pass ed uponits In this case It was recommen ded to him to endeavor to fix his thoughts on _something, at sthe same time vast and simple —such as the wide expanse of the ocean, or 'the cloudless vault of Heaven—that the lit- Ile hurried and disturbing images that flitted before his mind might` be charmed away, !a i r' hushed to rest by the calming influences of the absorbing =thought.' Though not at'all a religious man at the time, this advicesiaggeS ted to his mind, that if an object al once vast am', simple was to -be selected; no,orie could: serve his purposes so well as that J ot He resolved te make the, trial- and'lliihk Hhn. The 'result exceeded his most sanguine hopes; in thinking of God he fell aeleep.- - Night after night he resorted to the same ex Pe client The process became delightful, • much so, thatle -used tc , long- fel. the usual time for retiring, that, be might fall asleep, as he tanned it in - God. ' What began'as'a mere „physical operation, grew, by iinpefeep tibia degrees, into agracious influence. The same God who was his repose by nighty was in all his, thoughts by da.y. To Yotrim LAnits.—lf your love dies, make; loudiamentatica and swear you'l) wear moo ru litt at days. ':,Be melancholy and 'abstracted enquire The regulations of don vei) fs - --.whether tin+ are: r ufficietitlysecluded and. severe for who- desires to from4he=world f course you Make pf tbe poor' /I- you wi 4.40 7 .liat' att. Win` aro frisently trapped in this V0L..,.:.:J0 . ,.....N0'',:: -. 29"; - - carne. manner. I have lino,,n several di.scon , solate and broken , hearted girls get fine hus bands by -a f j udicions play on the sympathies of masculine fools. A. young widow's chances are sometimes hotter than a maid's. The latter is inexPori enced, but the former has been through the mill, - as the sailors say ;• she knoWieVery rope and when` Pali: Widow's should be cautious, howeVer;for men are beginning to' fight shy. When you have got a paan to the stacking point, that is when he propoies don't turn' away your head, be affected, ,reter to papa, or ask for more time—all those trieks are understood new—but if you love him, look' him right in the face,' give hina'a kiss, and' tell him'to order - the furniture: EXPANDiNG s CFIEST.—Those in weal thy- circumstances or who pursue, sedentary employment' within &Ors, generally USE; their lungs very liltle, breathe hut verly little into the chest, and thus, independently of posi tion, contract a wretchedly narrow, small chest, and lay the foundation for the loss of health and beauty. All this can be perfect ly obviated by a little attention to the Man ner of breathing. Recollect the hings - are like a bladder in - their Construction, and can be stretched open to double their ordina.ry size, with perfect impunity from consump- - tion. The agent, and the only agent requi red is the cairimon air we breathe;suppCSiiiz, however, that. no obstacle exist; eiternal to the chest, such as lacing, of tying - around with stays, or tight dress, or having shonl- - ders lay upon it. On rising in the morning,' place yourself in an erect posture; your chest thrown back ; and shoulders entirely off the chest ; now inhale or 'suck in all the air you can, so as to fill the chest to the very bottom of it, so that no more can be got in ;' now hold your breath and throw your arniu off bchina, holding in your breath as long az' you, please. Done in a cool rooni is much' better, because the air is much denser, and Kill act more powerfully in expanding the chest. Exercising the chest in this manner, it will enlarge the capacity and site of the. lungs. Whimsical Hen. Nothing seems so aimless and . simple aca hen. She usually goes about in a vagtie and straggling manner, articulating to herself da eophoneous remarks upon various The greatest event in a hen's life is a corn; pound, being made up of an egg and a cack le: then only she shows enthusksm, %Then she deeends from the nest of duty and pro claims her achievement. - you chase her, she runs cackling ;if you her wfih stones, she screams through the air caakling all around till the impulse has rult out, n , and ` theta she subsists quickly into ' a silly,' gadding ben. ... . , Now and then an .eddentrie . hen my' do found, stepping quite beyond' the limits'of 1 hen propriety, One such had persisted in. flaying her daily egg in the house; . .she would ( steal noiselessly in at the open door, walkup !stairs and leave a plump egg upon the chil dren's bed. The next day she would lionOr the sofa. On one ac.dosioh she selected'my writing, table, scratched my papers about and. left hgr card, that I might not' blame the, chil dren'i.• servants for scratching my . Manta scripts. Her determination Avas'arraueing. One Sabbath morning We drove her` out Of the second'story window, then' again from the' front hall- In a' few minutes she was heard behind' the house,' and on; /nuking out of the windoWi she was just disappearing' in to the lied=room' window from off the ground floor. Word waigilien; but before any oriel could reach the place, she had bolted'diti. rl,f The window with vie - Writ:qt . & male,' andlier ' - white,'Warrir egg lay upon the lotinge. , . I 1 propoded to open vr; the pantry windosetlhe egg dish within her reach, and let heel:at tliem - tp herself, bat thinfe iii authority would not permit such a deviation from preiririty. Stieh a breed of heniwould heist be papa- Aar with' the boys', it' would =spoil that died -1 ous sport of hunting lien's bests:=-L-71 * Otry 14'ard' BeechtY. - Four Gooa Habits: There were follf geed h'abittf:tiwiie-and good man; ea neatly' fecOiri*itt:4ll'':ih hi; . . -ozainsel, and also by his ciwri, - eiattillile, and . which - he -enusillefed.esSerutially neeess ' - rity for nianagerrient : Yeriiporal 'concerns: i" These are Punctuality, ,_,Ancurac'y, Steatlintias•thd Dispatch.' .Withoutlbe.ficit cf th use time wasted ; the setrititl, rnii•talceithe most burtfcil to our Own ctedit ipla interest, a.nd that of others • may tie coMillitted - with: out the third nothing can. be 401 ilone ; arid Wit IV:lnit the foti opport tiattles of great 0 4.:' vantage are:lost which ,)ruppssible 11:77/larste Marcls are like . .haiUtiniet' - zunirrier, wader plants they batter di:Mtr: ' MEM ' ".. " " 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers