Hp|=Ji=£l ; -=j|E=jp= ,^ £ .-. . ,- HT -17 .-.già :. • - '.■'--r-- -f;--Jr=Jr^].=],. Itf » / ' y Partenze dir et t=- per l'ltalia j . * r ■«« ~-«. g ]Ì H. R. MALLORY 8 Febbraio IF. PALASCIANO 12 Febbraio i. oi V enòianiu Giornalmente GUISEPPE VERDI 11 Febbraio | PROVIDENCE 16 Febbraio - , jll H DUCA D'AOSTA 18 Febbraio I DUCA DEGLI ABRUZZI 2 Marzo CARTA MONETA, SESTO PRESTITO I 5 CANADA 2 Marzo | CRETIC 8 Marzo ' w j. j. j. S - AMERICA 9 Marzo X.i ' ALIANO E FRANCOBOLLI Iffl li ' OANOPIC 22 Marzo " V E i! jj BIGLIETTI DIRETTI DI SECONDA E TERZA CLASSE PER TUTTE E' stato maturato i! servizio I jj UE PRINCIPALI CITTA'D 'ITALIA w I 0 D . . _ «CASSETTE DI SICUREZZA ' l jj Partenze via hrancio jj ti france 20 Gennaio i saxonia . 22 Gennaio Contenente ben 500 Cassette. Prezzo di rendita, air anno $1.50 in su jj IMPERATOR 20 Gennaio | SAVOIA 29 Gennaio ISS | ,*SS: . BIGLIETTI DI PASSAGGIO da e per tutti i paesi del mondo I Chicago ìsFebbraio ' • " e R ATE DI CAMBI per qualunque moneta. .1 t Sl&rz fornite prontamente su richiesta. i | SI ACCETTANO DEPOSITI HA SI.UU IN SfIPRA ALL INTERESSE DEL 4 PER CENTO | jj. '' RISERVA OLTRE $3,500.000.00 I | Farmers Bank & Trust Company 1 jj \ INDIANA, PA. I =J P :J lEr l r ::::J r :=l r=ìl=jl=JC= J r =l r = Jr=Jr=='P=Jt=ir=i=ii=Jr=lr=Jr=Jr==Jr==lp=JF=in^-'r-=-l n—Wl ;, ww k marnarne mmwmmàamm mm m wrwm m ♦ -♦ ! ITendesi due fabricati per negozi ! j a Philadelphia St., fra le 5 e 6 t ; • ?.. strade a mezzo block della corte I 1.. ' " , ks * I f Abbiamo un gran numero di case- da v; • riaere in - •( 1 ' . • . INDIANA BA " ■ , . ' I P ~ 1 |"• , I I - Molte- di queste coi bagno luce elettrici-, h-alt r. acquy ' I I ' I I calda e fredda, cernent cullar e tutte 'it comodità' ino- a 1 . -v. » -- • 1* J derne. ' , " , ' i |■. V ' I | Per 1 prezzi e particoìari vedere \ ■ 1 v ' ~~ / • * 8 I ALL AGENZIA B"A M 0 NT I ' 15 CARPENTER AVE. ' INDIANA, PENNA. ! 1 I „ 1 1 » £ : ' I • "IT- if'ìT'lHfcr Tndfri " ' "Mf- '. Wt """"MI 'TI " ""W> " "~W ffc ' dBT ... Few Individuals Honored. France delights in naming its streets after some particular building, or .some happening, or a great victory, and tills is alao true to a certain extent in Canada, where there is only one capi tal city which commemorates an indi vidual. This is Charlottetown. the capital of I'riuce Edward Island. The .Charlotte so remembered was the daughter and only child of George IV, who died only a year after her mar riage In 1817. —Philadelphia North American. Littie Things. Lift' is made up of little things. It is hut <>nce in an age thiit occasion is of fered for doing i deed. True greatness consists in being great in little things. *>' c 11', fi :: ; ;i:tfc*. 44 My ■•!e - ! ,"V> back on me. I ca;i'f :'<i ' I.f.mi';•••"«- v.y m.ijv," "Pheer Up, o 1 i e!vu». v ,i ie only sixty-five. You (. ■, »j;:; lore ;; lot of fun danc- I fng." v. I \ co y Assumption. "A-v » • ; t: at any price?" •.■ f -.ny sufh tliinr. Even If « iilinrr to bargain on that "J. .• or inter you'd get into a ■ • • i.* Jie price." s . I Fortunate Is C> r Country. It Is stated that rli-> Sfa-es has ?> per '••Tit nf the world'* popula tion and per «-enl of its wealth. In other word*, one-twentieth of the peo ple and oii."--ih!rd of the mo?;ej\ of the whole world. I \ Permanent Embassies. It was hot until the close of the fif teenth century that the permanent em- I bassy became at all common, and not until the end of the sixteenth that it became av generally recognized insti tution. In 1487 Dr. ltoderigo Gou desalvi de Puebla was appointed per manent Spanish ambassador to Eng land, and, as he was still in London in the Spanish embassy in the British capital muti b<* regarded as the oldest among the permanent em bassies of* the world. t Not Always Happy. It is customary hut 1 think it is a mistake, to speak of "happy" child hood. Children are often overanxious and acutely Man ought to he man and master of his fate; but children are at the mercy of those around tliem. Mr. K:\rey, the great horse-tamer, has told us that ho has known an angry word to raise the pulse of a horse ten beats in a minute. Think then how it must affect a child! —Lord Avebury. , / > Free Board. A restaurant In Yuma. Arte., riN plays a sign thnt reads: "Free board every day the sun doesn't shine." At first sight the offer of free board every i <].•?> the sun doesn't shine might <eem ;• reckless one. hut. as matfi'r of faet. a day without sunshine in that desert country is far rarer than hind;. I criers ii> May. If if rains at .-ill, i< I l * only for :i very time, leaving I most of tlu» day for sunshine, so that | the sign would only cut eh h tender* 1 foot.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers