Some of Uncle Sam's Sub Craft A small part of our fleet of submarine* of the K class, which would enter active service immediately in the event of war. Work at all Navy Yards has been accelerated, the force at the Brooklyn Navy Yard alone having just been increased from 6.500 to 15,000. »'aS£SESESia£ESiIS , StLSZSESHSHSHSHSHSESSS2Si2SaSHSaSaSM SHSZSHEiL' | The Patriot Job Printing Department | ' tj Is prepared to do all kinds of Commercial S S Printing promptly and in an up-to-dnte S manner. Call and get our low prices for fi S. the best of service and workmanship. S | 15 CARPENTER AVE. INDIANA, PA. | tr I DIED OF EXPOSURE !■ PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa., Feb. ■ 13. The body of John Jordan, a well-known farmer of Perry township, Jefferson county, who disappeared five weeks ago, was found yesterday about a mile from his home. He died from j exposure. Napolaon'a Tlrst Lev*. The little French town of Aaxonae la not associated In the popular mind with Napoleon; but, as iliss Betham- Ed wards reminds as In "Unfrequented Prance," he spent some years of his cadetshlp there. "In the Saon« he twice narrowly escaped drowning, and here, too, as narrowly, so the story runs, marriage with a beurfaoise maid en called Manesca. Twe irory counter* bearing this romantic name in Napo leon's handwriting enrich the littfe ma te una-" A. skeptic is a man who wouldn't trust the wheel of fortune until he had equipped it with a nonskid tire. —Phila- delphia Record. Sixty miles of the fine thread woven from the fiber of a species of Italian nettle weighs only two and a half pounda. 1 b-biìibbì __ |iiii _ ibiiiiibiiiibb|-b^^ / Casa Stabilita nel 1895 PROVATE I L'Olio Marca "La Siciliana" Sii i i|gip;jl V: f libili M MARCA "GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI" Prezzo speciale per ordine di 25 casse in su Grande Grosseria All' Ingrosso Prezzi Ristretti per Generi Garantiti Pasquale Giunta IMPORTATORE D'OLIO D'OUVA 1030 So. 9th Street - - - Philadelphia, Pa. ! ~ ■ La macchina del I business man I Macchina unica a caratteri visibili I 10 GIORNI DI FROVA GRATIS I La macchina Woodstock ha un valore di SIOO e si da per | soli $59.50 a sola titolo di reclame. E L'Unica Macchina da Scrivere Negli Stati Uniti Con 1 Pagamento Facile di Soli 10 Soldi al Giorno. Agenzia Italiana i 15 N. Carpenter Ave. INDIANA, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers