g =B 1= GREAT |i Inter-State Fair 1856 INDIANA, PA. 1916 "SIXTY YEARS YOUNG" Bigger and Grander Than Ever ._ . % Spectacular Free Attractions - Matsuda Imperial Japanese Troupe Aeroplane Flights* 5 2 Bands 2 t 1 Finest Grounds and Accommodations in the State-Special ft « Excursion Rates on All Railroads RACING PROGRAM $4,000 IN PURSES J t \ September 5, 6, 7 and 8 77 Sheriff's Sale By virtue of certain writs of Fi. Fa,, Vend. Ex. and Lev. Fa., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court of Indiana county, and to me dir ected, there will be exposed to public vendue or outcry at the Court House, Indiana, Pennsylvania, on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1916, the following described real estate, to wit: AT 2 :o'Clock P.M. All the right, title,, interest and claim of the defendants, MARY FORENCE WINEBERG, SAM UEL WINEBERG and SAMUEL WIN EBERG, Administrator of LAW RENCE MILLER WINEBERG, of, in and to all that certain tract of land situated in East Mahoning town- j ship, Indiana county, Pennsylvania, j bounded and described as follows, to-wit: j Beginning at a stone in the original \ line, thence adjoining land of David Pollock's heirs south two and one-half degrees west one hundred and ten and six-tenth perches to stones, thence ad oining lands of said David Pollock's, heirs south eighty-seven and one-half degrees east one hundred sixty-three and six-tenth perches to stonefc; thence adjoining lands of Miss M. M. Mclsaac north two and one-half degrees east one hundred and ten and six- tenth per ches to a green sapling; thence adjoin ing lands of Robert Pollock's heirs north eighty-seven and one-half degrees west one hundred sixty-three and six-tenth perches to the place of beginning, con taining 113 acres and 14 perches, be the same more or less, excepting and res erving unto the parties of the first part, their heirs and assigns forever. First. All the rights and privileges of the Oakland Reformed Presbyterian church or congregation in two acres of the above described tract of land as ful ly as said rights and privileges are ex cepted and reserved in the deed for the' above described tract of land from David Pollock, administrator of R. L. Pollock, to J. L. Crocier said deed being dated May 3, 1893, and recorded in Indiana county in Deed Book "A", voL 58, page 646. Second. All the coal ,oil, gas and other valuable substances situate and lying under the surface of the said described tract of land together with all rights and privileges necessary to the develop ment and removal from the said prem ises of said coal, oil, gas or other val uables so excepted and reserved, the said rights and privileges to be exercised in such manner as to do the least damage to the surface of said land consistent with the reasonable exercise of said rights and privileges. The above premises being the same which became vested in Mary Florence Wineberg and Lawrence Miller Wine berg. two of the parties of the first part, by deed from Mrs. Mary Mclsaac and husband, dated May 2, 1904. and record ed in Deed Book "A", vol. 86, page 566. Taken in execution at suit of William M. Hamill, Lev. Fa. No. 38, September 1916. C. F & B ALSO —All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, JOHN H. BUTERBAUGH of, in and to all that tract of land sit uated in Grant township, county of Indi ana, Pennsylvania, bounded and descri bed as follows: Beginning at a birch on line of lands of Josiah Buterbaugh, thence south seventy-seven degrees east one hundred and fifteen perches to white oak; thence south one-half degree west seventy-six perches to a post; thence north seventy-seven and one half degrees west forty perches to stone corner; thence south one and one-half 4egrees west one hundred perches to a post; thence north seventy-seven and one-half degrees west eighty perches to chestnut; thence north two and one half degrees east one hundred and seven ty-six perches to birch, the place of be ginning, coptaining one hundred and three acres and twenty-eight perches, more or less; having thereon erected a two-story frame house, frame barn and outbuildings and having thereon growing a large apple orchard. Being the same land title to which be came vested in defendant by deed of Peter Reithmilier and wife, dated Nov ember 1, 1902, and recorded in Indiana county in Deed Book "A", 81, page 656. Excepting all the coal underlving the above described tract of land with the Tight to mme the same as excepted by Peter Reithmilier in said deed of Nov ember 1, 1902. Taken in execution at suit of John B. Siverd, Fi. Fa. No. 47, September Term, 1916. JACK. ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, MRS. MORNA LAIRD, executrix of John H. Laird, deceased, being also widow and heir of deceased, and Wal lace Laird, son and heir of said John H. Laird, deceased, and of Mary J. Laird, late wife of said deceased, i of, in and to all that certain piece, par cel or lot of ground situate in the bor ! ough of Blairsville, county of Indiana, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post at the corner of lot No. 80 on Campbell street; thence along said lot 150 feet to Sugar alley; thence with said alley west ward 45 1-2 feet; thence northwestward by a line through the lot which is num bered 81 and a part of which is hereby conveyed and also parallel with the line first mentioned 150 feet to the place of beginning, being the same lot of ground the title to which became vested in tie said John H. Laird by deed from Charles W. Johnston and others, bearing date the 28th day of March, 1907, and in the said Mary J. Laird by descent from her father, George H. Johnston, deceased. Taken in execution at suit of G. L. Clawson, Lev. Fa. No. 55 September Term, 1916. WIGGINS, i NOTICE.—Any person purchasing at | the above sale will please take notice I that at least $lOO.OO (if the bid be so much) will be required ks soon as the property is knocked down unless the' purchaser is the only judgment creditor, [ in which case an amount sufficient to | cover all costs will be required, and the« balance of the purchase money must be < paid in full or receipt given by the' judgment creditor on or before Monday of the first week of Sept court. In der' fault of payment the property will again) be put up for sale at next adjourned I sale and the purchaser in default shall' make good any deficiency in re-sale. No deed will be offered for acknowledg ment unless purchase money be fully paid. The sheriff reserves the right to return his writ "property not sold for non-payment of purchase money." Ad journed sale will be held Sept. 8, 1916, at jil*® w hen purchasers, lien creditors and persons interested may be present to protect their respective interests in case of re-sale. H. A. BOGGS, Sheriff. SheMfTs Office. Indiana, Pa., Aug. 9, 1916 Sheriff's Sales i T B j v *f tue °? certain writs of Fi. Fa.. \ Ex. and Lev. Fa., issued out of J£?.„9? urt of Common Pleas of Indiana county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public vendue or outcry at the Court House, Indiana, Pennsyl vania, on Friday, Sept. 8, 1916 AT 1:15 O'CLOCK. P M the following described real estate, to wit: All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendants, CHARLES CICERO and FRANK CICERO of, in and to all those two certain pieces, parcels or lots of ground situate in the township of Pine, county of Indi ana and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows: Beginning at a post in the middle of the public road corner of lot belonging to Sara Lipscher: thence along the middle of said public road south 35 degrees 35 minutes east 53 feet to a post; thence by other lot of party of the first part n south 49 degrees 56 minutes west 259 feet to a point in line of Weaver Coal Company; thence by land of the Weaver Coal Company north 85 degrees 25 min utes west 42 feet to a post and corner: thence by same north 4 degrees east 28 feet to a point; thence by lot of Sarah Lipscher south 49 degrees 56 min utes west 271 feet to a post, the place of beginning. * The second lot beginning at a post In center of public road; thence bv cen ter of said public road south 35 d'egrees 35 minutes east 70 feet to a post: thence by lot conveyed to George Casora south 4» degrees ob minutes west 184 feet to a point in' line of Weaver Coal Com pany;thence by line of Weaver Coal company north 85 degrees 25 minutes west 9>s feet to a point corner of the B*3SyX. ,, »*SSS! Sf e bee*nnln" "" t0 * ">*• <he Being the same two lots of ground i conveyed to Frank Cicero and Charles Cicero, by deed from Luigi Matagrano and Marie Matagrano, dated February 16, 1906, and recorded in Deed Book, Vol. 93, page 216. Excepting and reserving all the coal underneath and all the minerals, also excepting and reserving to party of the first part, his heirs and assigns the rigjit to the free and uninterrupted use of water from the spring on the second lot contained in the above grant so long as he, his heirs or assigns shall occupy the three-cornered lot adjoining the se cond lot above described. It is under stood that the use of the water from said spring is only for domestic pur poses to the party occupying the lot adjoining as aforesaid. Also, the right of ingress and egress to and from said spring. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situated in the township of Pine, county of Indiana and State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post in Leon ard's Run on line o£ lands of Samuel Misener, now Penn Mary Coal Company; thence south 87 1-2 degrees east 37 per ches, more or less, to a post; thence by land formerly of George Roser, now coal owned by Penn Mary Coal Company and surface by Dennis Roser south 2 1-2 degrees west 55 perches, more or less, to a hemlock; thence by meanderings of Leonard's Run to the beginning, con taining eight acres, more or less. Being the same tract of land which became vested in Charles Cicero by deed from L. H. Maloy and Rose, his wife, .dated November 28, 1911, and recorded in Deed Book No. 126, page 160. All that certain piece, parcel or lot }of groijnd situated in the township of Pine, county of Indiana and State of ( Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post , corner of Roser property, in township j road; thence along center of said road south 32 degrees east 206 feet to a post; , thence by same south 35 degrees-35 min utes east 34 feet to a post; thence by lot of Max Friedman south 49 degrees 06 minutes west 202 feet to a post; thence by land of Weaver Coal Corn beginning. t0 a P ° St ' the place of Being the same lot of ground con veyed to Frank Cicero and Charley Ci cero, by deed of Sarah Lipscher and Emil Lipscher, her husband, dated Jan- R ai ?L ist ' - 1 , ' and recorded in Deed Book No. 101, page 207. Excepting and reserving from the above described lot of ground all the coal underlying the same and all the minerals and all the timber. All that certain messuage, tenement or parcel of ground situated in Mont gomery township, Indiana county, Penn sylvania .bounded and described as follows; On the north by street leading to residence of A. B. Clark; on the east by Market street 80 feet; on the south >Z tl°' fe lock 28, and on the west and l g ht-of-Way Hooverhurst and Southwestern R. R., and known as # S "i a * d 12 Block No. 28 in the plan of lots of the first party, duly re corded in the recorder's office. Being the same two lots of ground cSro hv°/ r l nk # Ci u ero and Carles Cicero, by deed of the Wilgus Land company, dated February 1, 1905 and recorded in Deed Book "B,» Vol 89 page 483. 4 ' Excepting and reserving the coal, coal • £ a s. fire clay and all other minerals; also, all the timber with the right of rf^I ing /i the • s^ me ' to & eth er with the rights and privileges which are reser »t tn w/, d dee T d °I John w Clark et V i} il& us Land companv. ♦£ certair L lot of ground situate in the village of Millford, South Ma honing township, Indiana county, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol }?™S^ B £ gi, i nin& at a » ost on north line of High street, being the southwest \nt n nnrth ?°* 14 ' thence by said lot north 5 1-4 degrees east 150 feet to a post on the south side of an alley *>o the nce Jby the south side of said alley south 9o 3-4 degrees west 50 i® + ?° st ° n the e ast side of an <fnl thence by east line f ♦ e y sou th o 1-4 degrees west 100 feet to a post on north side of said High street, 40 feet wide; thence bv the north side of said street north 85 3-4 degrees 50 feet to a post the place ! of beginning. Being Lot No. 13 in plot of lots laid °"l t bj; William M. Wilson and being part of a larger tract of land, the title j to which by sundry good conveyances and assurances in law dulv had and recovered became vested in William M. Wilson. Coal and coal rights and privi ly?®® reserved as contained in deed of W llliam M. Wilson to Joseph Barbers, recorded in Deed Book No. 91, page 59 Being the same lot of ground which I became vested in Charles Cicero, bv deed from Jacob Wettling, sheriff, dated De cember 4, 1903, and recorded in Deed Book No. 92, page 86. Taken in execution at suit of First National Bank of Cherry tree, Pa., Fi ra. No. a 4, September Term, 1916. Banks. ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim of the defendants, J. E. PHILIPS and LIZZIE PHILIPS of, in and to that certain tract of land situate in the township of West Wheat field, county of Indiana and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the stones on a rock at lands now of Isaiah Brendlinger; ! thence by said lands north 85 degrees S east 39.8 perches to stones at edge of i an old dam; thence north along public | road 29 degrees east 237.4 perches to a ; corner at lands formerly of Joseph Mack Jr.; thence north 26 degrees west 46 perches to a stone corner at lands for i merly of Elizabeth Shaffer; thence north 85 degrees west 51 1-2 perches to stone corner; thence north 25 degrees west 9 perches to stone corner at lands of Nipcamp; thence by said lands south [ 17 1-2 degrees west 277.9 perches to the place of beginning, containing 105 acres, more or less. Being same tract of land which became vested in Lizzie Philips et al. by will of John'Maites, deceased. Having thereon erected a two-story frame house, log barn and other out buildings. Taken in execution at suit of C.G. Maites and H. H. Maites, executors of the last will and testament of John 1 Maites, deceased. Fi. Fa. No. 56 Sep tember Term. 1916. MACK. ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, MI*E WAZDECKY (or MIKE HODES KY) of, in and to that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situated in the township of Pine, county of Indiana and State of i Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point between lands of George Hoffman, deceased, of which this was a part, and running east 100 feet, bounded on the north bv lands of Penn Mary Coal companv; thence running south along lands of same; thence running west 100 feet to a corner, bounded on south by lands of George Hoffman, deceased; thence north 100 feet to place of beginning, contain ing nine-fortieth acres, having thereon erected a frame dwelling house and outbuildings. Being the same lot which becajpe vested in Mike Wazdecky (or Mike Hodesky) by deed from Joe Rog ers, recorded in Deed Book 145, page 132. Taken in execution at suit of C. T. Lewin, Alias Fi. Fa. No. 1, September Term, 1916. MACK ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant. FRANK PALMER of, in and to that certain lot of ground situate in the township of Burrell, coun ty of Indiana and State of Pennsylvan ia, bounded and described as follows: On the north by Church street, on the I east by lot No. 3, owned by Margaret Wilk; on the west by lot No. 1, owned by L. O. Johnston, and on the south by a 15-foot alley, being lot No. 2 in Block No. 5 of plot of lots as recorded in Deed Book "B" 83 page 620; having thereon erected a one story frame h'ouse. Taken in execution at Suit of Davis A. Palmer, Fi. Fa. No. 48, September Term 1916. MACK. ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, J. K. MARSHALL, of.in and to the following described lot of ground situate in the township of Montgomery, county of Indiana and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a post corner of lot No. 0 and No. 1 south 3 de grees 45 minutes west 142 feet to a stake at alley; thence along Railroad street south 73 degrees west 25 feet to a stake; thence along alley 86 degrees 15 minutes west 276 feet to stake; thence No. 2 3 degrees 45 minutes 100 feet to Chestnut street; thence along Chestnut street 86 degrees east 50 feet t° ?r a 9, e of beginning, being lot No. 1 in J. H. Smith addition to Gipsy. Except ing and reserving coal and coal rights as contained in deed to defendant, re corded in Deed Book 98, page 550. Hav ing thereon erected a two-story frame house and other outbuildings. Taken in execution at suit of Wash ington Camp No. 616 P. O. S. of A Fi Fa. No. 63, September Term, 1916 Mrvrr & CREPS and MACK ..NOTICE —Any person purchasing at the above sale will please take notice that at least $lOO.OO (if the bid be so much) will be required as soon as the property is knocked dpwn unless the purchaser is the only judgment creditor, in which case an amount sufficient to cover all costs will be required and the balance or the purchase money must be paid in full or receipt given by the judg ment creditor on or before the second Monday of Sept. court. No deed will be offered for acknowledgment unless pur chase money is fully paid. The sheriff reserves the right to return his writ not s ?. id for non "Payment of purchase money. H. A. BOGGS, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Indiana, Pa. Aug. 16, 1916 ' I trade marks and copyrights obtained or no I II fee. Stud model, sketches or photos and de- I *| Bt ' r,pt^ n ta f b o f FR^ E k s^ ARCH an<t repo,t H E PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES for I ; I you. Our free book-lets tell how, wliat to Invent | and save you money. Write today. |D. SWIFT &ce,f | k3o3j>eventh St., Washington, D. C. FOR SALE Hi WANT ADS. Advertisements under this head lc a word each insertion. I would exchange my 11 room house with a large Store Room, also, a good stable located in Clymer, for a good size farm any place in the County. Apply at this office. I ■ ■ 1 Local Phone, Office, 263-z, Residence, 246-y. DR. C. J. DICKIE DENTIST Room 14, second floor « Marshall building INDIANA, PENN'A. j When a Dead Whale Sinks. It happens on rare occasions that a dytng whale, "sounding" deeply, fails to rise again to the surface and re mains in the sea depths after death. The "fish" is not lost, however. From some unexplained cause the gases set free by decomposition inside the car cass find their way to the whale's tongue. This organ becomes inflated, resembling a huge balloon, and by its buoyancy brings the body of the dead" whale to the surface, when it is picked up by the crews. The process of infla tion and flotation commences within a few hours of death, and the lapse of two or three days will generally suf fice to bring the body of a 'lost" whale up from the sea floor.—Exchange. I DwMi t He w lie noli Aiiii D. Have you read the Consti ! tution of the United States T R. Yes. D. What form of Government is this? R. Republic. D. What is the Constitution of the United States ? R. It is the fundamental law of this country. D. Who makes the laws of the United States t R. The Congress. D. What does Congress consist off R. Senate and 1 House of Rep resentatives. D. Who is our State Senator? R. Theo. M. Kurtz. D. Who is the chief executive of the Ujrited States? R. President. D. How long is the President ! of the United States elected? R. 4 years. D. Who takes the place of the President in case he dies? R. The Vice President. D. What is his name? R. Thomas R. Marshall. D. By whom is the President of the United States elected? R. By the electors. D. By whom are the electors elcted? e R. By the people. D. Who makes the laws for the stete of Pennsylvania. R. The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature consist of? R. Senate and Assembly. D. Who is our Assemblyman? R. Wilmer H. Wood. D. How many State in the un ion? R. 48. D. When was the Declaration of Independence signed? R. July 4, 1776. D. By whom was it written? R. Thomas Jefferson. j D. ' Which is the capital of the United States? R. Washington. D. By whom are they elected ? R. By the people. D. For how long? R. 6 years. D. How many representatives jtre there? .. ii-' A Grewiome Bequest. What is probably the strangest and at the same time the most horrible be quest ever made is to be found in the will of Lieutenant de Pap, formerly an officer in a smart regiment of Aus trian hussars, who was executed by strangling some years ago for the mur der of his brother. Previous to his execution the mur derer requested that he might be pho tographed while hanging on the gal lows aad a copy of the ghastly picture sent to his father. Not Alarmed. "Oh, Mr. Robinson, somebody bee stolen your car!" "That's all right The thief will bring it back when he finds out how much gasoline it takes to run It"—St Louis Post-Dispatch. To the Heart of Leisureland \ where woods are cool, streams alluring, vacations ideal. Be tween New York City (with Albany and Troy the gate- a ways) and LAKE GEORGE THE ADIRONDACKS LAKE CHAPLAIN THE .NORTH AND WEST The logical route is "The Luxurious Way" , Largest and most magnificent river steamships in the world DAILY SERVICE Send for free copy of beautiful "Searchlight Magazine" Hudson Navigation Com'y. Pier 32, Worth River New York "THE SEARCHLIGHT ROUTE" R. 435. According to the pop ulation one to every 211,000. (the r*tio fixed by Congress after eack decennial census.) D. "Which is the capital of the state of Pennsylvania. R. Harrisburg. D. How many • Senators has each state in the United States Senate! R. Two. D. Who are our U. S. Senators! R. Boise Penrose and Georg« T. Oliver. f . 4 D. For how long are they elect ed! . R. 2 years. D. Who is our Congressman! R. S. Taylor North. D. How many electoral vote® has the state of Pennsylvania! R. 38. D. Who is the chief executive | of the state of Pennsylvania! R. The Governor. D. For how long is he elected! R. 4 years. D. Who re the Governor! R. Brumbaugh. D. Do you believe in organized government! R. Yes. D. Are you opposed to organiz ed government! R. No. D. Are you an anarchist! R. No. D. What is an anarchist! R. A person who does not be ieve in organized government. D. Are you a bigamist or poli g&mist ! R. No. D. What is a bigamist or poly gam ist! R. One who believes in having more than one wife. D. Do you belong to any secret Society who teaches to disbelieve in organized government! R., No. D. Have you ever violated any l«'vvs of the United States! R. No. D. Who makes the ordinances for the City ! R. The board of Aldermen. D. Do you intend to remain permanently in the U. S.! R. Yes. A Baaaball Raoord. One man in baseball history placed himself in the hall of fame by deliver ing just one ball, calling for probably only a few seconds' actual participa tion in the game. He was Manager Childs of the Ports month (O.) team. In a game with Marion June 20, 1910, Childs went Into the box and pitched one ball. It resulted in a triple play, and Chiids got credit, of course, for pitching an entire inning with one heare, the only time it has ever been accompJ is lied.—Chicago Herald. But Net Unpardonable. "Don't yon bring that man here again. He's unspeakable!" "Why, did he insult you?" "No, but he's dumb and wants to talk with his fingers." Baltimore American.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers