q You can afford to ride a Motorcycle as the cost of "gas" and oil is less than one fourth cent per mile cheaper than walking any speed or distance you wish to go. CJ Come in and learn why the Motorcycle is the cheapest known way to travel. CJ We have one to suit your pocket-book. INDIANA CYCLE CO. GOOD READING FOR JULY 4. The time is near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans ase to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can toll their own; whether their houses are to be pillaged and destroyed and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human effort will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, un der God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our enemy leaves us <mly the choice of a brave resistance or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die. Our own, our country's honor, calls upon us for a vigorous and manly ex ertion, and if we now shamefully fail we shall become infamous before the •whole world. Let us, then, rely on the goodness of our cause and the aid of the Supreme Being, in whose hands Tictory Is, to animate and encourage lis to great and noble actions. The eyes <lf all our countrymen are now upon vis, and we shall have their blessings and praises If happily we are the in struments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.—From Washington's Adduess to His Troops Before the Battle of Long Island. Political Note. "Pa, what Is meant by 'emoluments of office?'" "That's a high sounding word used frequently by politicians to denote their pay, my son, and it's like char ity." "How's that, pa?" "It covers a multitude of sins."—Bir mingham Age-Herald. Mrxed In Her Mythology. Mrs. Kawler—Do you consider Alice very good looking? Mrs. Blunderby— Oh, Alice is pretty enough, but I wouldn't call her an Adonis!— Boston Transcript ■ ■ 'i 11 (i A PITHY SERMON. 11 (i Here is about the pithiest ser mon that was ever preached: "Our ingress into life is naked " ' 1 I i and bare, our progress through <> 1 t . life is trouble and care, our <> egress out of it we know net 11 . . > where; but, doing well here, we shall do well there. I could not tell more by preaching a year." " ii * "Hmerica, y<d r~"'C*l c " i A duly 4ik. c Poetri {6y Hen n/ fine to see the old world and travel np and down Among tlie famous palaces and cities of renown; To admire the crumbly castles and the statues of the kings, But now I think I've had enough of antiquated things. So it's home again and home again, America for me! My heart is turning home again, and there I long to be— In the land of youth and freedom beyond the ocean bars, Where the air is full of sunlight and the flag is full of stars. Oh, London is a man's town; there's power in the air, And Paris is a woman's town, with flowers in her hair, * And it's sweet to But when it man fir woods, But, oh, to take your hand, Butf o h, to Take my dear, and Your Hand, Dear, ramble for a and Ramb,e a day Day ' In the friendly western woodland, where nature has her way! I know that Europe's wonderful, yel something seems to lack. The past is too much with her and the people looking back. But the glory of the present is to make the future free— We love our land for what she is and what she is to be. Oh, it's home again and home again, America for me! I want a ship that's westward bound to plow the rolling sea To the blessed land of room enough beyond the ocean bars, Where the air is full of sunlight and the flag is full of stars. HOW ONE "SIGNER" DIED. Button Gwinnett of Georgia Was Killed In a Duel. The following account by an eyewit ness of the duel on May 15, 1777, be tween General Lachlan Mcintosh and Button Gwinnett, a signer of the Dec laration of Independence for Georgia, is contained in a letter that was pub lished recently. George Wells of Richmond county, Ga., was the eyewitness. He says: ' "Late on the evening of Thursday, the 14th May, a written challenge was brought to Genl. Mcintosh, signed 'Button Gwinnett/ wherein the said Mr. Gwinnett charged the General with calling him a scoundrel in Public Convention, and desired he would give Satisfaction for it as a Gentleman be fore Sunrise next morning in Sir James Wright's Tasture behind Col. Martin's house, to which the General humorous ly sent in answer that the hour was rather earlier than his usual, but would assuredly meet him * * * with a pair of Pistols." Wells, who wa§ evidently a friend of Mcintosh, then goes on to describe the meeting, the "polite salutation" and examination of the pistols. When they noticed a crowd of spectators they agreed to go farther down the hill. Some one proposed they should stand back to back. The general answered: "By no means. Let us see what wo are about" •'lmmediately each took his stand," the affidavit continues, "and agreed to Are as they could. Both pistols went off nearly at the same time, when Gwinnett fell, being shot above the knee, and aaid his thigh wts broke. The general, who was also shot through the thick of the thigh, stood still in his place, and, not thinking his an tagonist was worse wounded than him self, asked if he had enough or was for another ehot, to which all object- To the Heart of Leisureland where woods are cool, streams alluring, vacations ideal. Be tween New York City (wit-li Albany and Troy the gate ways) and LAKE GEORGE THE ADIRONDACK^ LAKE CHAPLAIN IHE NORTE AND WEST The logical route is 4 'The Luxurious Way" Largest and most magnificent river steamships in the world DAILY SERVICE Send for free copy of beautiful "Searchlight Magazine" Hudson Navigation Com'y. Pier 32, Worth River New York " THE SEARCHLIGHT ROUTE " Mr. Gwinnett, "and they botlT~§irooT: hands, and farther than this Deponent saith not. Gwinnett died twelve days later. Rain Hats In Korea. Korea is a country of strange head dresses, but perhaps the most curious headgear of all are the immense rain hats worn by the farmers' wives while working in the fields during the rainy season. These extraordinary coverings are often as much as seven feet long and five feet broad and protect the body as effectively as any umbrella could do. Glass Solvent. Hydrofluoric acid is an acid com pound of hydrogen and fluorine. It may be prepared by the action of sul phuric acid upon cryolite in an ap propriate apparatus made of lead or platinum. It may thus be readily ob tained in a liquid form and is color less. Its vapors are exceedingly poi sonous, and the liquid itself, even when mixed with more or less water, causes severe swellings on the skin. Great care must therefore be taken in working with this acid. Hydrofluoric acid dissolves glass, forming hydro fluosillcic acid with its silica; hence it£LHSe_ for making etchings on glass.- His Secret Died With Him. One man gave up his life in the search for a new explosive a few years ago. He was a scientist named War tenberger. He had spent years of his life in the midst of awful perils in search of a new explosive. He found one at last which the'experiments of the United States government experts satisfied them was even more power ful than dynamite. The government offered Wartenberger $1,000,000 for his invention, provided he could perfect a method of firing the fearful stuff by means of electricity instead of a fuse. While he was engaged in these experi ments an explosion occurred which killed the uufortunate inventor.— San Francisco Chronicle. Wounds of the Heart. In wounds of the heart itself the es cape of blood is never in large quanti ty, and the lethal consequences are due to the fact that the escape of blood from within its cavity of cavities Into the surrounding sac of the pericardium mechanically interrupts the alternate contraction and expansion by which its pumping action is maintained. Ac cordingly the results of the wound of the heart are usually Identical with those of gradual suffocation. - ** CflSfl Stabilita 11895 PROVATE I L'Olio Marca "La Siciliana" I WM MK Jor JStgK Mmm jjfffife jllr w' JÉ*' |B§II B B flp&* B B ■ K B _ BBm B « IÌÌili!|l' Hr#l :i 4 j J HV B V J_M|H JBBBL *éBBBBÉ* MARCA "GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI" * ✓ = : = Prezzo speciale per ordine di 25 casse in su Grande Grosseria All' Ingrosso Prezzi Ristretti per Generi Garantiti Pasquale Giunta IMPORTATORE D'OLIO D'OLIVA 1030 So. 9th Street - Philadelphia, Pa.
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