DON'T MISS THE > "INDIANA CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION" JUNE 19 - 24, 1916 Five Days of Entertainment —Parades, Fireworks, Historical Pagaents, Athletic Events, Firemen's Contests = INDIANA WANTS YOU = An Inspiration. Lionel was at a matinee with his fa ther, and when a trapeze acrobat fail led to catch the object at which he flew through the air and fell sprawling into the net the boy was greatly excited. "They are never hurt," explained his Ifether. "It is a regular trick to make such a miss once or twice to give the fetidlence an idea of the difficulty of the feat and thereby intensify the ap plause when it has been successfully performed." Lionel thought a moment and then, .With a bright smile, said: "Papa, do you think I could make a hit with my teacher by following this Circus stunt and missing my lessons once in awhile?"— Puck. His Secret Died With Him. One man gave up his life in the Search for a new explosive a few years ago. He was a scientist named War tenberger. He had spent years of his life in the midst of awful perils in search of a new explosive. He found one at last which the experiments of the United States government experts satisfied them was even more power ful than dynamite. The government offered Wartenberger $1,000,000 for his Invention, provided he could perfect a method of firing the fearful stuff by means of electricity instead of a fuse. [While he was engaged in these experi ments an explosion occurred which killed the unfortunate inventor.—San Francisco Chronicle. Rain Hats In Korea. Korea is a country of strange head dresses, but perhaps the most curious headgear of all are the immense rain hats worn by the farmers' wives while working in the fields during the rainy season. These extraordinary coverings are often as much as seven feet long and five feet broad and protect the body as effectively as any umbrella could do. Bedouins and Water. It is not unusual to hear a Bedouin upon reaching a camp where water is offered him refuse it with the remark. "I drank only yesterday." On the Bedouins' long marches across dry countries the size of the water skins Is nicely calculated to just outlast the journey, and they rarely allow them selves to break the habit of abstemi ousness, as this would be sure to make their next water fast all the harder. They are accustomed from infahcy to regard water as precious and use it with religious economy. ♦ 4 !TRY SMILING. J Soowling and growling will make f a man old; l Money and fame at the best are i beguiling. Don't be suspicious and selfish I and cold; j Try smiling* J —John Esten Cooke. | ♦ I 1 ROSTONMNS 1 Famous Shoes for lien. kJ For those who demand the finest in style I I and workmanship, we offer this high 111 grade oxford. Made of tested leathers II and strongly fortified in every way. Collateral for ultra-service. Hartsock's Shoe Store 662 Philadelphia St., Indiana, Pa. || To the Heart of Leisureland where woods are cool, streams alluring, vacations ideal. Be tween New York City (with Albany and Troy the gate ways) and LAKE GEORGE THE ADIRONDACKS LAKE CHAPLAIN THE NORTE AND WEST The logical route is "The Luxurious Way" Largest and most magnificent river steamships in the world DAILY SERVICE Send for free copy of beautiful "Searchlight Magazine" Hudson Navigation Corn y. Pier 32, North River New York 44 THE SEARCHLIGHT ROUTE " Wounds of the Heart. In wounds of the heart itself the es cape of blood is never In large quanti ty, and the lethal consequences are due to the fact that the escape of blood from within its cavity of cavities into the surrounding sac of the pericardium mechanically interrupts the alternate contraction and expansion by which Its pumping action is maintained. Ac cordingly the results of the wound of the heart are usually identical with those of gradual suffocation- Ex change. Rescuing Napoleon by Submarine. In his book on submarines Frederick A. Talbot tells us that the submarine Is "practically as old as the sailing ship," though he passes the fact over with the statement that the majority of these efforts were fantastic in con ception and crude in design. The most daring expedition ever sug gested In the early days of the subma rine was that proposed for kidnaping Napoleon from St Helena. It was suggested to a British mariner, Cap tain Johnson, who was to get £40,000. The construction of the boat was be gun, but on the day when the work on the outer shell of copper was to be started NaDolr * Get the Direction. "The wise thing to do nowadays Is to invest your money in a going con cern." "Yes, and it's also a wise thing to first find ont which way the concern i» Koinff."— Judge. Wise Precaution. "Good night. Jinks. What are you stuffing all that raw cottton into your ears for?" "Well. I was told not to stay out late and 1 believe in preparedness."— Kaliimore American. Olive Oil. Spain is credited with producing more than three-quarters of the world's sup ply-of olive oil. y ■' m 9 9 • i •• 9 m • A PITHY SERMON. i i < i Here is about the pithieat s«r mon that wae ever preached: "Our ingress into lifa is naked i and bare, our progreee through life ia trouble and care, our > egress out of it we know net wherei but, doing well here, we <> ahall do well there. I could not tell mora by preaching • year." I*— * Casa Stabilita nel 1895 PROVATE I L'Olio Marca "La Siciliana" I Il MARCA "GIUSEPPE GAR^LDI" Prezzo speciale per ordine di 25 casse in su Prezzi Ristretti per Generi Garantiti » incile CjiuritcL IMPORTATORE D'OUO D'OLIVA 1030 So. 9th Street - Philadelphia, Pa. «
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