\ ' Casa Stabilita nel 1895 PROVATE I L'Olio Marca ''La Siciliana" I MARCA "GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI" ) , j / Prezzo speciale per ordine di 25 casse in su I Prezzi Ristretti per Generi Garantiti - i m IMPORTATORE D'OLIO D'OLIVA % • 1030 So. 9th Street ... Philadelphia, Pa. FRIEDA HEMPEL m « The matcliless voice of Frieda Hem pel, one of the costliest and most noted stars of the Metropolitan Opera Com pany, will sing the notes of Waldvogel, the woodbird, whìeh lure Siegfried lo the spot wliere Brunhilde. the Val kyrie, lies sleeping in the magie cirele of tire, when Richard Wagner's music draina "Siegfried" is perfornied by a splendid cast of Metropolitan singers Thursday evening, June S, in Forbes Field, Pittsburgh, Fa., home grounds of the "Pirates." Metropolitan soloists and orchestra will appear in a concert June 10—the second half of the Sieg fried Festival. A New Disease. An excuse to a Chicago schoolteacher read: "She was sick she had a head egg and a tooth egg and a ear egg. She <jould not go to school, she was laying ali the time in bed."—Chicago Tribune. Descended From the Crusaders. The Touaregs, a Sahara desert tribe. whose members wear veils so contin ually that near relatives are said not to recognize each other if the garmeut in question happens to be removed, are direct descenciants of a party of cru saders who were lost ou the way to -conquer Jerusalem and Mecca.—Detroit Free Press. To the Heart of Leisureland wliere woods are cool, streams alluring, vacationß ideal. Be tween New York City (witli Albany and Troy tlie gate ways) and LARE GEORGE THE ADIRONDACKS LAKE CHAPLAIN THE NORTE AND WEST The logicai route is "The Luxurious Way" Largest and most magnificent river steamships in the world DAILY SERVICE Send for free copy of beautiful "Searchlight Magazine" Hudson Navigation Com'y- Pier 32, North River frewYork - THE SEARCHLIGHT ROUTE " Ernestine Schumann-Heink Hundreds of thousands of persons in 1 this country know and love Ernestine Schumann-Heink. perhaps the most popular grand opera star today, whose rich contralto voice will lend itself to tligJyateri>retaiioiL al tliti Earth motììer, Tu li iella rd Wiigiìer's fried," which will be produced Thurs day evening, June S, by the greatest cast of Wagnerian singers ever assem bled. in Pittsburgh's big ball park, Forbes Field The music drama, with a concert Saturday afternoon, June 10. by school choruses, with Metropolitan • soloists and orchestra, will constitute | the Siegfried Festival. — Nfw York'# Tallest Building®. The live tallest l'nildings in New i York, with the height of each, are as follows: Woolworth, Broadway and Park place, 750 feet; Metropolitan,. Madison square. 700 feet 3 inches; Singer, Broadway. near liberty Street, 612 feet 1 ineh; Municipal, Centxe Street and Park row, 500 feet 1 ineh; 1 Bankers' Wall and Nassau ; ; streets, 530 feet. — York Times. David and Solomon. The contributions of the people in the time of David for the sanctuary exceeded $30.500.000. The immense treasure David is said to have collect ed for the sanctuary amounted to about 54,445,000,000. The gold with which Solomon over laid the "most holy place,"' a room only thirteen feet square, amounted to $190,- 000,000. MME. JOHANNA GADSKI "%:&'• ' * « -'., f *■ 's?'■ " ~■ . ; < :'>"'. : v' s NOT often do school children have opportunity to sing with famous grand opera stars. That is why there are 1.200 proud youngsters in the grade , schools of Pittsburgh. They have been r-hosen for the festival eh orila | which will fcave Johanna Gadski, one of the greatest of the Metropolitan Opera Company's singers, as principal soloist in Forbes Field, Pittsburgh, Saturday afternoon. June 10, when the big Siegfried Festival Concert will be given on an outdoor stage, followiiig the performance of Wagner's "Siegfried." Thurs day evening, June 8. Mme. Gadski will not be the only soloist. Lila Robeson, also of the Metro politan Opera Company, and Clarence Whitehill, the famous basso who is to sing Wotan, the Wanderer, in the "Siegfried" performance, also will appear. There will be a chorus, too, of 500 men and women from the evening schools | of Pittsburgh. Both choruses will sing to the music of the Metropolitan Opera House Or chestra of 102 pieees, while Will Earhart, director of music in the Pittsburgh public schools, will conduct the choral numbers and Artur Bodansky, emi nent Wagnerian conductor, the orchestrai and solo numbers. TOTS AND OPERA STARS. Pittsburgh Business Meri Back Young sters In Festival. Pittsburgh, Pa. [Special.] Realiz ing a project of a group of Pittsburgh business men, the Pittsburgh Festival Association, 1,2u0 grade school chil dren and 500 evening school pupils here are rehearsing daily to appear in a great outdoor music festival in Forbes Field, Saturday afternoon, June 10, with Johanna .Gadski, Liia Robe so'n and Clarence VVhitehill of the Met ropolitan Opera Company. The Metropolitan orchestra of I(T2 pieces will accompany the schooi choruses, and the director of music In the public schools, Will Earhart, wili conduct. The Pittsburgh Festival Association was organized by William C. Hamil ton. a locai business man. four years ago to give fitting importance to pub lic school music. With this financial backing the school choruses held May cliorai festivala for three succeedi*"* years. Tlie business mcn had planned to make possible a fourth May Festival this year, when the big outdoor pro duction of Wagner's "Siegfried," given in the Harvard stadium last year, was engaged to appear in Pittsburgh'» big ball park, Thursday evenipg, June 8. It was decided to use Metropolitan stars and the Metropolitan orchestra, and give a sehool festival on the out door stage to be erected for the opera. WAGNER—NOT HONUS—STAR. Great Composer to Eclipse "Pirate" Wonder. ' Pittsburgh, Pa.—[Special.]—The star of Ilonus Wagner—"The Flying Dutch man"—all-around wonder of the IMtts burgh baseball team, wiU-suffer a rno nientary eclipse in Forbes Field, Pitts burgh, Thursday, .lune 8. The star of another Wagner—Richard, this tirne— will be in the ascendant. The event at which the eclipse will occur will not be a baseball game, however, but a performance of the aforesaid Richard Wagner's great mu sic (lraina, "Siegfried." There will be a whole constellation of stara in the per formance— ainong thera Melanie Kurt. Ernestine Schumann-Heink, Frieda Hempel, Johannes Sembach, Clarence Whitehill. Albert Reis.s. Otto Goritz and Cari Braun, famous Wagnerian singers from the Metropolitan Opera Company. Wagner's music will be plnyed by the , Metropolitan Opera House orchestra of 102, under the baton of the famous conductor, Artur Bodansky. The music drama, with a choral con cert by sehool choruses and Metropoli tan soloists and orchestra, Saturday afternoon, June 10. will constitute the Siegfried Festival. Love For an Hour. What is it that rnakes people so mucb better company at a masquerade than under any other circumstance? In the circle of the black mask and the domino we bave no name, no past. no future, u<> self to live up to or down to and the mood that is uppermost need never impose itself upon a later mood. We can be spontaneous and genuine. No wonder we are geod company! For on the whole our spontaneous impulses are kindly and gay. We are almost ready to love our fel low men for an hour if we are not thereby committing ourselves to lovlng them for a lifetime.—Pittsburgh Press. A Cali on the Walter. Hotel Clerk—ls this SI,OOO bill the smallest thing you have about you? Departing Guest—l am afraid it is. Clerk (to beli boy)—Here, take this bili to one of the waiters and ask him t# change it. —Judge. I
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