Fate che tutti i vostri dollari facciano * il loro dovere. Perche* non fate che ogni vjcstro dol laro che spendete nel comprare scarpe ne ricavi 100 soldi in valute e servizio? Comprate le vostre scarpe da Har , sock's che vi danno la migliore garen zia Ora e' il tempo Hartsock Shoe Store 662 Phila. St. Indiana, Pa. Bay Rum. Bay rum is maiiufactured from the dried leaves of Pimento acris. Bay rum is procured by distillation, and this in a very simple manner. The leaves are picked from the trees and then dried. In this state they are plaeed in the retort, which is then fi li ed with water, and the proeess of dis tillation is earried on. The vapor is then condensed iu the usuai way and forms what is known as "bay oli," a very small quantity of which is re quired for each puncheon of rum. The Prettiest Feet. A Swiss professor states that not one woman in a score has a perfect foot. -owing to the wearing of high heeled boots and pointed toe shoes. Russian, German, American, Austrian and Dutch women, he says, have broad feet, while those of Englishwomen are too narrow to fulflll classical and healthy conditions. The women of the Latin races, excluding Frenchwomen, have the best forme! and therefore the prettiest feet. the professor says.— London Mail. La FARMERS BANCA | D'INDIANA, PENN A. || Una delle più' vecchie e piti' forti ( Paga il 4 per 100 sui depositi Rilascia libretti o checks. Si accetta qual siasi ammonto da SI.OO in sopra. Se volete depositare il lrutto del vostro lavoro in luogo sicuro, venite fiduciosi da noi e subito sarete ben serviti. NOI VENDIAMO BIGLIETTI DA E PER TUTTE LE PARTI DEL MON DO. SI SPEDISCE DANARO COL MIGLIOR CAMBIO DEL GIORNO. V £ 1 é * 5 ì ~ | fS " jF c t ■ Potete fare i vostri affari parlando la vostra lingua =—= 1 Love For an Hour. What is it that makes people so inuch better company at a masquerade than under any other circumstance? In the circle of the black mnsk ami tbe domino we have no name. uo past. no future, uo self to live up to or down to and the inood that is uppermost neecì never impose Itself upou a Inter mood. We Cttn be spoutaneous and genuine. No wonder we are good company! l'or on the whole <>ur spontaneous impulses are kindly ancTgay. We are almost ready to love our fel low men for an hour if we are not thereby commltting ourselves to loving them for a lifetime.—Pittsburgh Press. Time. Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stufi life is made of.—Benjamin Franklin. Twt> of a Kind. Fathor—What do you think of a boy who throws orange sklns on the pave ment? Son —I don't know. What do you think of an orange skin that throws a man on the pavement?— Philadelphia Ledger. Jealousy. Jealousy is a consumption bred with in the structured house of love when ali its Windows are sealed. When we are jealous we try to shut ourselves up in a shadowed privacy or timid miser liness. We want some one ali to our selves. We fear that if we open thp doors and let in the current of others' affection or the winds of impersona 1 interest our own share of love inay be swept away. A woman may be jeal ous not only of ber liusband's frie:v!s. but of his work and even of bis reli gion. This means she has kept lier Windows closed and shuttered, so fìat she looks always at the walls of lier house of love, never through and be yond them. Dr. R. C. Cabot. / Royal Nicknames. William 1. of England was William the Conqueror. He conquered Hanld and became king of the tìrst Norm .u dynasty that guve England four rwlers. His father was Robert the Devi!. Leopold I. of Germany was calied the Little Man In Red Stockings. Juana, widow of Philip the Fair, w.is the Mad Queen. James 11. of Scotland was the Just. James IV. cf the same country was calied King of the Iron Belt. Charles the Great of Trance, son of Pepin the Short, extended the limita of the empire from the Baltic to the Med iterranean and from the bay of Biscay to the coast of lilyria. His son was known as Louis the Pious. Very Moving Pictures. "Say, old chap, are you fond of mov ing pictures?" "I should say so!" "Then come round to our house next Tuesday and give a hand. We're moy ing that day."—Chicago Herald. 4 Pedagogue. The word "pedagogue," as applied to schoolteachers, is from a Greek word, paidagogos, compounded of pais, boy and agogos, leader; hence paidagogos, leader of boys. In ancient Greece the paidagogos was not strictly an in structor, but a domestic slave who looked after the boys of a family, took them to and from school and kept them off the streets. The boys were put In his charge at the age of six, and he probably sat with them in school. Although his position was simply that of a trusted servant, it carne in time to be applied to the teacher, though al ways with a slurring or contemptuous significali ce. Rain Hats In Korea. Korea is a country of strange head dresses, but perhaps the most curious headgear of ali are the immense rain hats worn by the farmers' wives wliile working in the fields during the rainy season. These extraordinary coverings are often as muoh as seven feet long and five feet broad and protect the body as effectively as any umbrella could do. tip CIGARETTES VK Migliaia 1%.! "E*" HI wV Fumano ■ Perche'? JL 140 whole coupon* Ji i II miglior Tabacco I \ \ Ef i Scelta Mescolanza JKM A \ C ° \ T)C\ Fumo fresco I \ V y Gradito al Gusto Perfetta Maailatturazione IN VENDITA OVUNQUE ] igliter.7swholecoupon» l OI PONK IN OGNI SCATOLA 1 r'(ir/^SV(ì 6ARETTES Domandato il Catalogo dei premi | 1 i-W 183 rf_J c '" < NEBO DEPARTMENT 95 First St., Jersey City, N. J. Lorillvd Co. Inc. EsUblithed 1769. Clock.27swholocoupoM Daylight Darkness. There are a number of daylight dark nesses recorded in history, among them being those in B. C. 205, A. D. 746 and , 775. There was a dark day in England in January, ISO 7 and another on Oet. 21, 1816. There was also a dark day in Detroit on Oct. 19, 1762. On May 19, 1780, there was such atmospheric j gloom over Hartford, Comi., that the ' legislature adjourned for the day. HOPEFULNESS. IHope means the trimming of the lamps and the girding of the loins and the resolute atti tude of strife. It is help and comfort, hope and inspiration, that we want even more than knowledge.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers