ì ! \y Programs ; ' Our Specialty TRY US Patriot Publishing-'Company 15 N. Carpenter Way, Indiana, Pa. Thre« Rlv*rm. Mfcaeemond, the name of a rtrer In Virginia, la from the Indlaa word Kawneehlmund, "the place from whieh 've vere drlven a way." The Flint, In yightgan, waa cali ed by the Indiana Perwocigo, "the rfrer of the flint" from the abnndance of thla itone on Ma benka. Humboldt rtrer, In Nerada, vm named by Fremont In honor of Barai Humboldt ——__ 1 The Outiet. Phy*k>)ogy Teacher —Clarence, you may explaln how we bear thlnga. Clar ence—Pa talla *em to ma aa a aecret and ma gire» 'em a way at the bridge club.—CWreland Leadet. AVETE Bisogno di carte stampate ? ■ Per lavori nitidi, precisione e mo dicità' di prezzi, rivolgetevi alla Tipografia del Patriota 15 N. Carpento Way SE9E3E9E E3E3 23E3E9E Refuge Ni the Ofi». **What makee BUggine in neh a horry to getto work In the mornlngT* "He Isnt getttng to work. HI» fam- Jy moved and they'Te fixing up the feooee. He'» getdng away from work." —Washington Star. The IHeh Bee. The Engllsh channel la nowhere more than 000 feet deep. The Irlah sea la 2430 feet Analeoy* j "Thu»a, what la a politicai baeeT* "Well, eon, ali rea bare to #» le ti tttok of how yow motbar wooKI rtn 0» wbole dty. w -xlifk HER SPRING HAT SUFFRAGE MAY DAY TO BE MADE BRIGHT WITH FLORAL TOKENS ; ' :. ' v a » »• ■ • ?■* r». • . Women to Gather Sprlng Flow ers and Leave Them on Door steps of Tenement Tota, Friend» and Nelghbort FESTAL CUSTOM REYIYED It there ia a banch of bloaaoma OD your dooratep May 1, do noi auapect a vialt from the Roman goddeaa Mala, worahlpped In othar days, aa the aource and cauae of fcrtillty. Why? Becauae the vlaitora will ha va been a flower-ladan auffraglst, and she will be legion throughout the State that day. In brief, lt waa recently auggested that instead of holding meetings for The Cause this year aa in othera, the battle for the ballot b© halted, for the nonce, to give fiorai cheer to as many as possible by gathering May flowers and diatributing them, anonymously, to neighbors, friends and others. Following endorsement by county chairmen of the State, the pian was adopted enthusiastically. Accordingly, in the big cities, on the doorsteps of those who seldom if ever have flowera, there will be de posited fragrant bunches of blossoms. Weary little lads and maids, who do aot know that aunahine elsewhere becomes transformed into color of apring blooms and their fragrance will have the clusters of sweetly smeli lng blooms laid on their doorsteps. In Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and the larger towns there will be tours into the country for flowers of the flelds and woods. Others will be contri buted or purchased. Somehow, some where, the blooms will be gathered uid speedy trips will be made to the homes where they will be appreciat ed most. In smaller towna, where the coun try is nearby, practically ali the flowers will be gathered by the suf 'ragists personally and clustered with ferns and early leafy boughs. May 'ng parties—suffragista ali —will the woods from the early dawn until their harvest is satisfactory. Then what was gathered will be tied in slusters ready for distribution. Those who cannot join others will ùe asked to have little distributions of their own among their neighbors so as many as possible, may have a bunch of flowers with which to re member the suffragista* May Day. Ali the gifts, as far as possible, are to be anonymous, and every suf- Jragist is expected, according to in structions issued by the State aaao ciation, to give aomeone else at least one flower. The Booat of Democracy. Mra. Carrie Chapman Catt, nationS! woman suffrage leader, aaya: "It is a curlous thlng that in the cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg there ia no woman suf frage, and yet in the capital of Fin land there are wocen sitting in the city council, as there are also in Stock holm and Copenhagen and In many cities in Great Britain. In Dublin women may become members of council, although no woman has yet been a member. Ali these cities are in kingdoms and kings preside over their governments. Yot our boaat ia DemocracyI w ♦ 4 ♦ TIMPORARY STATE 4 ♦ CHAIRMAN CONTINUE* 4 ♦ BUFFRAQE WORK 4 ♦ 4 ♦ That the work mar be eoa- 4 ♦ tinued throughout the SUt« a> 4 4 1 vigoroualy aa lt was begun, Mra. 4 ♦ J. 0. Miller, Alleghany county 4 ♦ leader, haa agreed to take the 4 ♦ chairmanahip of the Woman Suf- 4 ♦ trace Party untll a percnanent 4 4 1 chairman can be aelacted. The 4 ♦ taeancy wu caused by the rea- 4 ♦ lgnatlon of Mrs. George W. Dl* 4 4» bert of Johnatown, becauae of 4 ♦ lllneaa. 4 ♦ "I accept, temporarily, the 4 ♦ «tate chalrmanahip of the Wom- 4 ♦ an Suffrafe Party only becauae 4 ♦ there are now well under way 4 4 plana which cannot be atayed 4 4 cren for a little while," aald 4 4 Mrs. Miller. "Theae plana I wlll 4 4 endeavor to carry on In the vlf* 4 4 oroua manner in which they 4 ♦ have been inauguratad. We have 4 4 with ua in Pennaylvanla more 4 4 than 365,000 faarleaa men who 4 ♦ roted for our amendment. In 4 4 ali counties our plana are ma- 4 4 turing rapldly, according to our 4 ♦ reporta at State headquartera." 4 CONCERNINQ CONGRESSMEN AND WOMEN'S OPINION "Our congressmen are elected upon the basis of representation of ali the people. So are our legislatore, our civic councils and our officerà. We are represented by these gentleinen but when it comes to saying who shall represent half the people, we are no longer people. Three hun dred and sixty-four days in the year, 365 this leap year, every woman of the land possesses the same freedom as mento develop her mind, to edu cate herself that her opinions may be worth while. She is free to ex press those ideas in every and any way. But upon the other day of the year she no longer is able to express her opinion except 100 feet away from the only place where an opin ion ls worth while—the voting polla —and this is' inconsistent of our gov ernment." This is an observation by Mra. Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the National Woman Suffrage Asso ciation. SUFFRAGE, STILL LIVE ISSUE, DECLARES VARE Afflrming his faith in woman suf frage as a "live issue," State Senator Edwin H. Vare has issued from Phil adelphia a denial of a report circu iated by those opposed to suffrage that he had announced, in a recent speech, that "Suffrage is a dead la sue." "I voted for the suffrage amend ment in the last legislature," the senator aaid, "and I hope I will get a chance to vote for it again. I be lleve that the suffrage question ls aa live as ever, and that the people of Pennsylvania should be given anoth er opportunity to pass upon it. "At the last election, the ballot was so long and so complicated that the suffrago question, I believe, waa lost sight of by many voters. I want to make it plain right now that I never said suffrage was dead, and re ports to that effect are incorrect." How That Chlld Growa! In the new World Almanac for 1010 woman suffrage occupies two pagea of fine print. lacking 8 linee. In the 1915 Almanac it occupied just about half this space. The Almanac tot the current year recorda 40 datea during 1915, marking as many imporr tant suffrage eventa. Itoli II fl M Cimi Sii KiW. D. Have you read the Consti tution of the United Statesi R. Yes. D. What form of Government is thisf R. Republic. D. What is the Constitution of the United States f R. It is the fundamental law of this country. D. Who makes the laws of the United States! R. The Congrega. D. What does Congreas consist off R. Senate and House of Rep resentatives. D. Who is our State Seuator? R. Theo. M. Kurtz. D. Who is the chief executive of the United States? R. President. D. How long is the President of the United States elected? R. 4 years. D. Who takes the place of the President in case he diesf R. The Vice President. D. What is his namef R. Thomas R. Marshall. D. By whom is the President of the United States elected f R. By the electors. D. By whom are the electors elctedt e R. By the people. D. Who makes the laws for the state of Pennsylvania. R. The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature consist off R. Senate and Assembly. D. Who is our Assemblyman? R. Wilmer H. Wood. D. How many State in the un ion? R. 48. D. When was the Declaration of Independence signed? R. July 4, 1776. D. By whom was it written? R. Thomas Jefferson. D. Which is the capital of the United States? R. Washington. D. Which is the capital of the state of Pennsylvania. R. Harrisburg. D. How many Senators has each state in the United States Senate ? 1 SAIE 11 II IN. Advertisements under this head le a word each insertion. FOR SALE— Corner lot in Chevy Chase, 65x150, for further informa tion, apply at this office. WANTED—Slavish or Polish men, well acquainted in Indiana and mine camps. Can make $25 to S3O per week. Cali 15 Carpen ter avenue, Indiana, Pa. FOR SALE—Good automobile, 1914 Yulcan Roadster. A-l run ning condition. Will demonstrate. Sacrifice, $250. Need money. Cali or write J. M., care "Patriot." 15 Carpenter avenue, Indiana, Pa. Wanted— Girl for general housework. Small family, no chil dren. Foreign girl preferred. In tuire at Patriot office. I trarie markl and copyright» obtaioed orno I ■ fee. Stnd model, «ketches or photo* and I ■ AERÌPTION FOR FREE SEARCH RMVORT | ■ on patentatility. Batik refertne* PATENTS B4JILD FORTUNEB for | 1 yoo. Our free booklet» teli how, what to uivent ■ j I and save you money. Writetoday. ■ D. SWJFT & CO.l Seveath St., Washington, D. C. " R. Two. D. Who are our U. S. Senatoref R. Boise Penrose and Georgi T. Oliver. D. By whom are they electedf R. By the people. J D. For how long! R. 6 years. w ' < D. How many representative* Are there f .. R. 435. Accordine to the pop ulation one to every 211,000, (the ratio fixed by Congress after eacfc decennial census.) D. For how long are they elect edf R. 2 years. D. Who is our Congressmanf R. S. Taylor North. D. How many electoral rote» has the state of Pennsylvania ? R. 38. D. Who is the chief executive of the state of Pennsylvania! R. The Governor. D. For how long is he electedf R. 4 years. D. Who rs the Governor t R. Brumbaugh. D. Do you believe in organized government f R. Yes. D. Are you opposed to organi*- ed government t R. No. D. Are you an anarchistf R. No. D. What is an anarchistf R. A persoli who does not be* ieve in organized government. D. Are you a bigamist or poli gamist f ! R. No. *' * r | D. What is a bigamist or poly gamìst f R. One who believes in having moro than one wife. D. Do you belong to any secret Society who teaches to disbelieve in organiaed government f R. No. D. Have you ever violated any L'ws of the United States T R. No. D. Who makes the ordinances for the City ? R. The board of Aldermen. D. Do you intend to remain permanently in the U. S.f R. Yes. ? I Theres a Flasit-1 tight made to fìt ycmr needL I I ! ■ are made in many styles that sell at a wide vari- ■ 5 Sig P service I are^guaran mum satisfaction. That's why it pays to get a real LBEIKIG)
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