The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, September 19, 1914, The Patriot, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 French Gommander Who Has
Won Great Viclory
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Photo by American Press Association.
Some idea of how the Germans were
han-dsseu oj artillery fire during their
retreat was obtained on a visit to the
fields near Meaux. The German in
fantry had taken a position in a sunk
en road on either side of which were
stretched in extended lines hum
mocks, some of them natural and
some the work of spades in the hands
of German soldiers.
Beside many bodies were forty or
fifty empty cartridge shells while frag
ments of clothing, caps and knapsacks
were scattered about. This destruc
tion was w-ought by batteries little
more than three miles distant.
Straggling clumps of wood inter
vened between the batteries and their
mark, but the range had been de
termined by an officer on an elevation
a m'le from the gunners. He tele
phoned directions for the firing and
through glasses watched the bursting
The sunken road was littered with
bodies today. Sprawling in ghastly
fashion, the faces had almost the same
greenish gray hue as the uniforms
worn. The road is lined with poplars,
the branches of which severed by frag
ments of shells, were strewn among
the dead. In places whole tops of
trees had been torn away by the artil
lery fire.
Servians Win Another Victory.
Nish, Servia, Sept. 12. —The Servian
army occup ed Semlin after the blood
iest battle of the campaign. The Aus
trian loss was very heavy.
The Serbian army took Semlin at
the point of the bayonet. As a result
of this conflict the entire Austrian
army, which three days ago forced the
Servians, under the command of the
crown prince, back across the Save
river at MProvicza, is now retiring,
panic strii ken. Thousands of Aus
trians have been killed and captured.
Many stands of colors, cannon and
large quantities of munitions of war
have been taken by the Servians, who
are following up their advantage.
There were 150,000 Servians in the
attacking column, all veterans of the
Balkan war, and they resorted to cold
steel, many not even firing their rifles
as they rushed madly forward cheering
wildly. The Austrians could not stand
the bayonet and broke and fled,
abandoning their equipment in wild
Semlin is an important town of Aus
tria-Hungary in Slavonia. It is located
on the tongue of land formed by the
Junction of the Danube and the Save,
opposite Belgrade, Servia, with which
it was conn cted by a railway bridge
across the Save.
British Had Narrow Escape.
London, Sept. lz. —The Times ex
pert concludes his analysis of Field
Marshal Sir John French's dispatch
as follows:
"We can little doubt that nothing
but prompt retreat, cool leading and
hard fighting qualities saved the Brit
ish army from destruction, but at
great loss to itself. The l. v .ie army
fulfilled its mission, for the Ger
man t-> ; s swarming southward on
Aug. - iot come up against the suc
<veastve barriers presented by Sir Joliu
French, they would in all probability
have crossed the Sambre by Aug. 24
ft-nd would have crushed the French
armies retreating from Charleroi."
Freight Tax Opposed.
Washington, Sept. 12. —Opposition
to the freight tax provision in the ad
ministration emergency revenue bill
has reached a stage where it may be
necessary f or President Wilson to
make an effort to compose the differ
ences among his party colleagues.
Two Killed In Auto Accident.
Mercer, Pa., Sept. 12. —Two men
were killed when an automobile ran
into a ditch near here. The dead are
Frank Byerlv, Baltimore and Ohio en
gineer, Mahoningtown; Charles John
fon, New Castle.
One Parisian Surrenders.
Paris, Sept. 12. —One Parisian,
seeing his supply of absinthe was re
duced with no chance for obtaining
more, drank his last bottle ala./*st at
•ne drink and died.
Russians Falling Back Before
Their Advance
Situation In East Prussia Said tc
Have Became More Favorable tc
Germans Because of Arrival of Sev
eral Additional Army Corps —St
Petersburg Admits Russian Advance
Is Now Retiring to New Position.
Washington, Sept. 12. —"The forti
fied position of the Austrians at
Opolie and Turobin (villages between
Lublin and the San River) has been
taken by our troops," says a cable
to the Russian embassy.
"Sept. 10 during the pursuit which
followed our success some of our
columns in one day covered twenty
miles, fighting all the way. Our cav
airy is in the rear of the enemy. To
maszow has been taken by our troops
after a stubborn battle.
"Serious fighting continues along
the line from Rawarusska to the River
Dneister. On the east Prussian front
the Germans continue to advance.
Their main effort seems to be directed
toward the region of the Mazur lake.
Near Mishinetz and Horjele our
troops have repulsed the Germans, in
flicting on them heavy losses."
Petrograd, Sept. 12. —German troops
which have been transported from the
west have concentrated along the
banks of the River Alle and are now
marching in long columns in an east
wardly direction and crossing the Ma
surie lakes. The Russian advance
guard is retreating to the east.
London, Sept. 12. —The Berlin offi
cial \ersion of the fighting in the
eastern war zone is as follows:
"In the •- thcatfr of the war
the battle .fenced at
the Austr. "e
fensive in P
iDg the nine
mated that the liu.v
gaged 560,CJ0 infantry,
1,600 machine guns a~_
In a dispatch from Copenhagt.
correspondent of the Iteuter
gram company says that General Vo
Benckendorff under Von Hindenburg
has defeated the left flank of the Rus
sian army in east Prussia with his
eastern army, and has thereby opened
the way for an attack on the enemy's
The Russians are said to have
abandoned their resistance and to be
in full retreat, with the German east
ern army pursuing them in a north
easterly direction toward Memel.
General Hindenburg with the east
ern army outflanked and defeated the
left wing of the Russian army still in
east Prussia. The Russians gave up
fighting and are now retreating every
where. The eastern army is pursuing
the Russians in a southeasterly direc
tion toward the River Niemen.
A correspondent of the Bourse
Gazette, the Reuter man continues, re
counts that at Bendzln, Russian
Poland, the Germans compelled some
Polish miners to load the coal trucks
of their trains. The miners did so,
but concealed high explosive in the
fuel. The results were appalling. It
is said that one military train was
destroyed and that an ammunition
factory was wrecked. Cossacks are
credited with having wrecked a Ger
man armored train carrying quick
firing guns at a point northwest of
Chenstokoff. A small detachment of
Cossacks fired at the train while a
big force remained in the rear.
The Germans backed the train up
and it was derailed by the Cossacks
behind it. The cars rolled down an
embankment and the Cossacks there
upon attacked the enemy with their
swords.- Th- Germans were annihilat
ed, the correspondent of the Bourse
Gazette declares, and the Cossacks
captured the guns.
Reuter's Telegram company has a
dispatch from its correspondent at
Petrograd, who says that after the
recent fighting with the Austrian left
wing the enemy's rear lied in such
panic that regiments became inextric
ably mixed and blocked the roads and
bridges. Those furthest behind resort
ed to the strength of their arms to
force their way through the men aherd
of them. The roads were littered with
overturned carts and the harness cf
the transport, the horses evidently
having been used as mounts by the
men in retreat.
Many Russian hospitals, the corre
spondent continues, harbor more Aus
trian wounded than Russian.
Copenhagen, Sept. 12. —A dispatch
from St. Petersburg announces that
the German military governor of Bel
gium has ordered that all Belgian
reservists under youths liable to serv
ice by the end of 1914 be taken to
fight for the Germans. This is regard
ed as another outrage on international
rules of warfare. The authorities of
St. Petersburg are furiously indig
nant over this action of the Germans.
The Belgian reservists are believed to
be en route to a remote part of south
ern Germany.
Motorcyclist Dies.
Cumberland, Md„ Sept. 12.—William
Ansel is dead from injuries received
when he was thrown from a motor
Selection Due Largely to That
Fact and His Age.
"Chosen Because He Was Recognized
as Safe Leader For Church When All
Europe Was In Arms" —Is of an En
gaging Personality—Combines Char
acteristics of Last Two Pontiffs.
Pope Benedict XV. is the two hun
dred and sixtieth occupant of the
chair of St. Peter. Like most of his
predecessors he is an Italian. Of fifty
seven popes since 1378 only four have
been foreigners. There were one Greek,
two Spaniards and one Dutchman.
As Benedict XV., if fate deals as
kindly with him as bis predecessors,
the new pope is apt to occupy the
throne for many years. He was fifty
nine years of age Nov. 21 last. Pius
X. was sixty-eight at his election, and
his pontificate lasted eleven years.
Leo XIII. was the same age. and he
reigned twenty-five years. Gregory
XIV., who preceded Pius IX., was
sixty-five years of age when elected,
and he reigned sixteen years. The
youngest man to be chosen pontiff in
the last three quarters of a century was
Pius IX. He was only fifty-four, and
his pontificate covered thirty-two years.
It is believe*! that the age of the new
pope had considerable to do with his
choice at the present time. It was
deemed wise to have a pontiff not
weighted down with years or infirmity.
Also it was realized that Cardinal della
Chiesa was well versed in all the
diplomacy of the Vatican, an especially
important consideration now, with
half the world at war.
Choice of Name Indicates Policy.
"If we can judge," says the Rev.
John J. Wynne, S. J., editor of the
Catholic Encyclopedia, "of the intention
of the new pope by the choice of his
name, Benedict XV., he will combine
i ry happily In his administration the
liaracteristics of the last two pontiffs.
Leo and Pius, the former distinguished
for his temporal policies, the latter for
his spiritual.
"Benedict XIV. was famous as a can
onist. and a canonist is needed now to
bring to completion the great work be
gun by Pius X. of codifying and adapt
ing the laws of the church to its mod
ern conditions. The last Benedict was
also a great liturgist and perhaps tlw
most successful of all the popes ir.
conciliating the eastern churches. It
is very likely, therefore, that Benedict
XV. will insist on the liturgical re
forms, particularly in church music,
established by Pius X., and there is no
doubt that he will imitate the late
pontiff in attempting to bring about
the unity of churches of the east and
of the west."
A man of diplomacy, a cool, level
headed, leader, a man of even temper
who can face a tremendous emergency
dispassionately, a man of the school of
Cardinal Ratnpoila, with a keen rever
ence for all the traditions of the Vati
can—that is the impression Tope Bene
dict XV. made upon an American who
had a chance several years ago to
meet and to know the man who Is now
head of the Roman Catholic church.
It was in 1907, when he was then
Mgr. della Chiesa, holding a minor
post in the Vatican, that the present
pontiff was in a position to meet men
from foreign lands. One of these men
was Amasa Thornton, a New York
Regarded as Safe Leader.
"The present pope," says Mr. Thorn
ton, "never lost his head and was
never angry. He was one of the kind
est hearted men I ever met
"I think that he was chosen not be'
cause he was a builder or u construc
tive genius, but because be was recog
nized as a safe leader for the church
when all Europe was in arms. At an
other time I believe be would not have
been considered.
"The new pontiff has a most engag
ing personality. He convinces one at
once of his earnestness. He is familiar
with important issues He is quick to
grasp and quick to act He is courte
ous and at the same time guarded in
his response.
"Pope Benedict is a strong believer
in everything American."
Wedding Rings and Keepsakes to Re*
lieve Distress In the Fatherland.
Hundreds of wedding rings, brace
lets, baby pins, earrings and keepsakes
of all sorts of gold or silver have pour
ed into the "melting pot" of the Ger
man Historical Society of the State of
New York from patriotic Germans.
The metal will be converted into
money and sent to the fatherland for
the relief of soldiers' families.
One woman, who said she was a
widow, entered, accompanied by her
five small children. She took off her
wedding ring and placed it on the table
with the other contributions, saying
that it was the only remembrance of
her late husband.
Charles Stolberg, a veteran of the
Franco-Prussian war. gave a heaTy
gold watch to the fund. lie said that
it had been presented to him by his
superior nffWrs after the battle of Se
dan, when lie taptnred a French stand
Dumboy, Their National Dish, le
a Gastronomic Wonder.
The Sticky, Cement-like MeBs Has to
Be Bolted lr. Lumps, Washed Down
With Soup—When Allowed to Stand
and Harden It Is Used For Bullets.
Dumboy. tbe national dish of Li
beria. is one of tbe world's gastro
nomic wonucrs. If allowed to stand
long after being prepared for tbe table
it becomes very hard, broken pieces of
it being a favorite kind of shot for use
In the long muzzle loading guns of the
natives. A casing of dumboy is also
used to stiffen the leather sheaths of
the native swords and knives, accord
ing to G. N. Collins in a communica
tion to the National Geographic society
at Washington.
"To attempt the description of some
novel food is like attempting to de
scribe a landscape," writes Mr. Col
"The constituent parts may be de
scribed and the manner in which they
are combined, but it requires some
thing more than accurate description
to reproduce the sensation of the origi
nal. The principal ingredient of dum
boy is cassava, or 'cassada,' as it is
called in Liberia. The edible roots of
this plant are the source of tapioca
and some forms of sago.
"To prepare the roots for dumboy
they are peeled, boiled and all fibers
from the center removed. The cooked
roots are then placed in a large wood
en mortar and beaten with a heavy
pestle. This beating requires consid
erable skill and experience. In the
hands of a novice the result is lumpy
and inedible.
"The beating requires about three
quarters of an hour and is hard work
As the beaten mass becomes homo
geneous the pestle produces a loud
crack each time V is dr , *"!i from th
mortar. These s rn I
heard Inn -tunc,
est a r* l
the o.
"Who. em
stage thi ' n
injury to < . pro
beating is carried pasi
must be rapidly comp.eloii ...
dumboy eaten at once. The natives .->a.
it is actually dangerous to oat dum
boy that has stood for more than a
few minutes after it is beaten.
"As soon as the beating is finished
the dumboy is taken from the mortar
and placed in the shallow wooden
bowls. The native method is to place
the entire quantity in one large bowl,
from which all the partakers eat. If
divided the customary portion for each
person is a piece about the size of an
ordinary loaf of bread.
"A soup which has been prepared
while the dumboy was being beaten is
now poured into each bowl. There is
great variety in the soup, which im
parts most of the taste to the dish.
There is always a stock of some form
of meat. This may be either chicken,
deer, fish, monkey or even canned
beef. To this nre added as many vege
tables as can be obtained.
"As soon as the soup is added tue
dumboy is ready to be eaten, and,
while the ingredients are somewhat
bizarre, the method of eating strikes
the traveler as even more startling
The mass of dumboy, which can best
be described as a sticky dough, will
adhere instantly to anything dry, but
Is readily cut with a wooden spoon if
the spoon is kept moist with soup.
"An incredibly large piece is cut off
with the moistened spoon, taken up
with a quantity of soup and swallowed
whole. No one thinks of chewing it,
and it is customary to caution the nov
ice by tales of the frightful operation
necessary to separate the jaws once
the teeth are buried in the sticky mass.
"As might be expected, few Euro
peans like dumboy on first acquain
tance, and with some the initial dis
taste prevents further experiments. If
a second or third attempt is made,
however, and the dish has been prop
erly prepared, the habit is usually
formed, and before long every night
spent in the bush without n meal of
dumboy is counted a privation. Among
the white residents of Liberia fond
ness for the dish amounts almost to a
cult It is regarded as a sort of guar
anty that one's tenderfoot days are
0 Prince of Peace!
O Prince of Peace, to thee be given
The homage of the warring world!
Let all the clouds of wrath be riven
And all the battle flags be furled.
Let peace prevail where war enfolds
The millions In its blighting breath.
Assert thy sway where hatred Loids
Its awful carnival of death.
The village homes, where love and life
And laughter recently held sway.
Are desolated by the strife
And shattered in the fearful fray.
The harvest fields with blood run red.
Where sheaves of ripened grain should
And Death, the Reaper, piles his dead
In furrows strewn with agony.
The widows and the orphans weep
For those they never more will see.
The loved ones gone to their long sleep,
The victims of this butchery.
Oh, pity the bruised hearts of those
And bid war's dreadful carnage cease!
Make friends of them who now are foes,
O Prince of Peace! O Prince of Peace!
—New York Sun.
" •
Copwright, 1314. by American Press Association.
This shows a pile of saddles, blank ets and small arms gathered after the
i! ;
" ;:v * —all:
Copwright, 1914. by American Press Association.
Bi. 'ided Grosbeak*
The b'• >Kd grosbeak >f '
west taU ice of the rosi
in tl. e it '■* x
ster. "li- s. apricots
other t. d ••!■{' damage
green pio -• ■- ' it is so j
tive a foe • ;• boral pes
that we .". • '"look it
suits. ! !•'. •! '-nit con
~d it <h s n ■ k more
t ir> e and ah •!' < - 'lack
•\ e „ ..a w;\ it -wer
h. -*!. I.i • geu* • olity of
vujlu •, moth pupae am, • nUei worms.
Always Dreaded the 14th.
Most dismal of all men off the stage
was Grlmaldi. the clown, and his fa
ther fathered him. He had that curi
ous dread of a certain date which as
sails so many. The elder Grimaldi lat
ed the 14th of the mouth, and when
It was passed he regarded himself as
safe until the next. He was born,
christened and married on the 14tb of
the month, and, being discontented
with all three events, we will hope his
death on March 14, 1788, satisfied liim
—London Tatler.
Hannah More's Strictness.
For real Sabbatarianism we must go
back a little. There was Hannah
More, for instance, who refused to
dine out on the Sabbath and retired to
her own room on the very hint of
music on that day. And more. Ex
pressions like "christening" a ship, the
"salvation" of a country or the "ascen
sion" of a balloon were quite against
her idea of the fitness of the use of
words which had been exalted by their
religious associations.—London Chron
A Doleful Mood.
The proprietor of a Paris cafe no
ticed that after he had refused to give
his pianist an increase of salary the
nnmber of his customers dwindled
rapidly. It wis only when all but
one diner had deserted him that he
discovered that the pianist had been
inflicting Chopin's "Funeral March"
on the audience nightly. The pianist,
who was proceeded against in the law
courts and was fined 5 francs, pleaded
that he played according to the mood
he felt In after his request had been
A Demonstration.
"I distinctly saw you with a police
man> arms around you."
"Oh, yes, mum! Wasn't it nice ot
him? He was showin' me how to hold
a burglar if I found one in the house."
Bcenting Scandal.
"I understand that demure little
Mrs. Jinks always crooks her elbow on
a certain occasion."
"You don't say so! When was It?"
"When she carries the baby on her
arm."—Baltimore American.
Proof of Affection.
A man doesn't really love women or
children unless he lets them impose on
him.—Atchison (J lobe.
Flies' Eggs.
Eggs of files are so small that you
must use a microscope in order to see
their real peculiarities. Each female
fly lays on the average of 150 eggs.
For her cradle she selects a heap of
garbage or refuse. The eggs hatch
into minute maggots. In five days the
maggots turn into little chrysallds, or
pupae, shaped like miniature beans.
Within another five days these give
birth to flies, which develop with
amazing rapidity into adult insects,
and then the mischief begins.
The Pessimist.
The pessimist stands beneath the tree
of prosperity and growls when the
i fruit tabs on his head.
Japanese Cniid Jugglers.
Among the Itinerant street entertain
ers in London are a number of tiny
Japanese children, usually hoys. They
make their way into hotel and public
house bars, saloons and restaurants
and. producing a sheaf of knives from
their pockets, suddenly begin juggling
with them In the most expert manner,
accompanying the performance with a
monotonous- singsong whi'-h seems to
be inseparable from the exhibition.
Being very small, they seldom depart
without receiving a shower of coppers,
to which tbey respond at the doorway
with a little chant of thauksgiviug. It
is difficult to guess the age of Japa
nese children, but none of tbe tiny tots
engaged in this business appear to be
more than seven years old.
Wireless Help Signal.
The symbol "S O S" as used in
wireless telegraphy simply means
"Hurry up! Drop everything else and
get help to me at tbe earliest possible
moment!" Apart from this there is
nothing to tbe call. Tbe letters were
selected because tbey are the best cal
culated to carry tbe hurry-up call.—
New York American.
Too Much Wit.
An East Cleveland man who likes to
tinker about bis home pulled away the
steps to his side door last Saturday
and took them into the garage, where
he added sundry nails to their makeup.
He was lugging them back when his
next door neighbor looked over the
fence and said:
"Hello. Brown. What you doing?
Repairing your house?"
"I'm taking steps in that direction,'*
Brown replied.
He was so much pleased with his
wit that be forgot his caution, tripped
on a croquet wicket and, falling over
the steps, cut his nose on the scraper
—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Lincoln's Religion.
I have never united myself to any
church because I have found difficulty
in giving my assent without mental
reservation to the long, complicated
statements of Christian doctrine which
characterize their articles of beMof
and confessions of faith. Whenever
any church will inscribe over its altar
as its sole qualification for member
ship the Saviour's condensed statement
of the substance of both law and gos
pel. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind, and
thy neighbor as thyself," that church
will I join with all my heart and all
my soul.—Abraham Lincoln,
Where Ignorance Is Bliss.
"Was that your intended that you
•were walking with?*' "Yes, but ho
hasn't yet caught on. H —Life.
Dark Eyes.
Only twelve men In a hundred have
dark eyes as compared with twenty
women in a hundred.
Causes of Divorce.
Wiggs—What causes divorce? Wagg
—Men, women—and marriage.—Club
To Wash a Greasy Bottle.
To wash a bottle or a glass that has
contained oil use very hot coffee
grounds. If the glass be badly incrust
ed wash it with a mixture of bichro
mate of potash and sulphuric acid in
equal parts, being careful not to get n
drop of this upon the fingers, as it is
a powerful caustic. Then wash in sev
eral waters.