The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 06, 1977, Image 6

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    —The Daily Collegian Wednesday, April 6,1977
Only their guru knows for sure
Klaatu: new Paul-is-dead rumor
Continued from page 1
Somehow, State College has escaped
the media blitz so far, which came as a
great surprise to Leighton. “There are
pockets of people all over the country
going apeshit over the album, ’ ’ he said.
Local record merchants report that
sales of the Klaatu album are “slow to
average.” I think the lack of airplay has
a lot to do with it,” said Marge Crowley
of Schoolkids’ Records. “The album
sales are slow, though some people are
starting to notice it.”
Jan Patton of WQWK said that while
that station hasn’t yet aired cuts from the
album, they plan to feature it on the
“Midnight Album Hour” sometime this
' PTAe 'metnAebb cf? tt&e
cttA, fuendb:
tJt&ndbea, tAliclctlefan SRdtfaefrt
<m t/ieto tfl. SP. ( S. 'M&tcbieb.
iP&ruiipime a bfiecicd diaatfA to
who made itcdihafi/ie#i.
■ Is Klaatu the Beatles? Probably not.
Granted, some of the tracks have slight
Beatle traces. Use your imagination and
the voice on “Calling Occupants” could
be John Lennon, the one on “Sub-Rosa
Subway” Paul McCartney. Add a little
more imagination, and you might even
hear George Harrison on “Doctor Mar
vello.” The album’s excellent production
hints of George Martin’s wizardry
throughout, and the intricate string and
horn arrangements bring back
memories of the “Sergeant Pepper”
days. In short, it’s all very tempting.
On the majority of the tracks, however,
any similarity between Klaatu and the
Beatles is noticeably absent. “Anus of
Uranus” and “True Life Hero” might
just as easily have been recorded by any
British rock band of the last 10 years. On
"California Jam,” the closest similarity /
between the voice on the track and that of
any Beatle is that both have British ac
cents. “Little Meutrino” sounds as much
like the Beatles as Black Sabbath sounds
like America
This, however, doesn’t necessarily
dispel the idea that the Beatles could
have played on selected tracks. Whether
or not the Beatles have anything to do
with Klaatu remains to be seen, but at
any rate the media has a new toy with
which to play. The Klaatu controversy
has become the most intriguing media
event since the death of Paul McCartney.
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Name the movies which featured these famous lines,
l. “Can’t wipe us out. Can’t lick us. We’ll go on forever
‘Cause we’re the people.”
2. “We’re fighting for this woman’s honor, which is more
than she ever did.
. 3. “I’ll live to see you all of you hang from, the highest
yardarm in the British fleet! ”
4. “If what they feel for each other is even half of what we
felt, then that is everything.”
5. ‘ ‘lt was Beauty killed the Beast. ’ ’
6. “Do me a favor, Harry. Drop dead.”
7. .“I’m only a poor corrupt official.”
8. “I’m still big. It’s the pictures that got small.”
9. “Mr. Allnut, dear."
10. “Hello Gorgeous.”
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neck.” 1
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