—The Daily Collegian Wednesday, April 6,1977 Only their guru knows for sure Klaatu: new Paul-is-dead rumor Continued from page 1 Somehow, State College has escaped the media blitz so far, which came as a great surprise to Leighton. “There are pockets of people all over the country going apeshit over the album, ’ ’ he said. Local record merchants report that sales of the Klaatu album are “slow to average.” I think the lack of airplay has a lot to do with it,” said Marge Crowley of Schoolkids’ Records. “The album sales are slow, though some people are starting to notice it.” Jan Patton of WQWK said that while that station hasn’t yet aired cuts from the album, they plan to feature it on the “Midnight Album Hour” sometime this ' PTAe 'metnAebb cf? tt&e % cttA, fuendb: lAtcvtt tJt&ndbea, tAliclctlefan SRdtfaefrt - ¥ % stud earrings... ySaL ... capturing the moon and stars, butterflies, salamanders, frogs in sterling silver at the End Result 109 SOUTH ALLEN STREET STATE COLLEGE • To test the receiver's tuner section, listen tcffiow many stations it pulls In, and how clearly they're received. Then compare Ihe receivers you're interested in, feature forfeature. Should you have any questions, rely on your audio specialist for help. • We're Kenwood. We make receivers for all your needs'. Including a super-powered receiver that delivers 160 watts per channel, minimum RMS, at 8 ohms, from 20 to 20,000 Hz ) more than 0.08% total harmonic distortion. And regardless of the power, each model has the tuner we're famous for. 1 . Consider us if you're shopping for sound. We've madeour reputation by making great artists sound great, every time you listen to them. Answers (n6l)„uoDiejasaiißi\i3qx„ 'II oi (IS6I)„U33n&UBOUjvaqx„ '6 (0S6I) ..pjßAajnoaiasuns,, '9 (Zm) „BOUB[qBSBO„ •i '9 (££6l) , ( 3uoh3uiji„ 'S (£961) „J9uuiq oi Suiurop s.oqM ssanp,, -jr •£ (£E6I) <|dnog Jjona,, 'Z (O{'6I)„qiBJAUOSOdBJO9qx„ ’I St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 250 E. College Avenue Maundy Thursday Holy Communion 7:30 P.M. - Easter Sunday 7:00 A.M. Early Morning Service on Steps of Old Main 9:15 & 10:45 A.M. Worship Services arts trivia