THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 U.N. Plans To Aid Cuba Despite U.S. Objections UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) —The United Nations said yester day it is going ahead with a con troversial agricultural aid project for Prime Minister Fidel Castro's Cuban government despite vigor ous objections from the United States. Paul G. Hoffman, U.S. manag ing director .for the U.N. Special Fund, told a news conference of the decision. He added that the $3-million project would not re quire the use of "one single American dollar." U.S. sources said they under stood Communist technicians would be assigned, and they would be paid in non-dollar currencies. Hoffman called the conference after the United States issued a statement here and in Washington expressing regret over the deci sion. THE STATEMENT SAID that when the project was first ap proved by the special fund in May 1961, the United States "clearly expressed its views that condi tions in Cuba rule out such as sistance." It added that developments since then attesting to the "chaotic agricultural situation in Cuba" and "gross governmental misman agement and workers' apathy have confirmed the validity of our original objection." The statement asserted that the "massive influx of Communist technicians late last year raises the question as to the priority need for more technicians in Cuba." "THE PERSISTENT POLICY of hostility towards its neighbors t. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:: TV RENTALS by day, week, month = = 1 TELEVISION = F. SERVICE - 1 - CENTER - .. = 232 S. Allen St. F7IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiMtit : 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IE Lady Esquire 1 Shoe Coloring Redeem Coupons Rea and Derick 121 S. Allen St. The Penn Slate jazz Flub ELLA FITZGERALD Sunday Evening February 17 ®MEMBER TICKETS ON SALE AT JAZZ CLUB BOOTH ®NON-MEMBER TICKETS ON SALE AT HUB DESK & NITTANY NEWS only $2.00 pursued by the Cuban govern ment, and its support of subver sion throughout the hemisphere, preclude establishment of those normal cooperative relations nec essary for the implementation of a United Nations project," the statement concluded. PIGGY BANK SPECIAL Shampoo, Set, & Haircut , Reg. $4.50 Now $3.50 •for Pledge Dances ,„ *Every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 0 PERMANENTS 0 During February Reduced $5.00 f. * New! In our salon: a beautiful display of jewelry L* j a „ ... . of the HOLIDAY INN HAIRSTYLING SALON 1450 S. Atherton AD 8-3201 Mon.-Sat.: 9-4:30 Open till 9—Tues., Thurs., Fri. INTRODUCTORY SALE EYECATCHER STOCKINGS VALUES TO $1.35 99c pr. 3 PAIRS 2.98 *SEAMLESS PLAIN co SEAMLESS BUSINESS SHEER • MICRO MESH • BUSINESS SHEER SEAMS tot e SHORT-MEDIUM-LONG LENGTHS • NEW SPRING SHADES Cfr presents 8 P.M. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA FIRST TIME EVER BERKSHIRE STATE COLLEGE REC HALL Rusk Says Troo LOS ANGELES (AP) Secre tary of State Dean Rusk said yesterday that Soviet troops re maining in Cuba "do not insure the peace of Cuba but poison the atmosphere and increase the dan gers." Renewing U.S. notice to Mos cow and Havana that the United States wants the Soviet forces withdrawn, Husk said, "We in the only $1.50 s in Cuba 'lncrease Dan Western Hemisphere can not ac cept as normal any Soviet mili tary presence in this hemisphere:" He said yesterday that both sides fully understand that the armed forces of the United States and its Latin American neighbors will make sure that arms in Cuba COEDS! Applications for AWS JUDICIAL COUNCILS Now Available at HUB Desk and with Junior Residents Return to HUB Desk by Feb. 26 '1"7., a pes Dia n " Miss And again, more new party pictures on view for those so inclined will not be used outside Caribbean island. "Cuba will not become a for offensive military operat against other countries of hemisphere for the simple re: that it gilt not be permitter play that role." 1 ;4; A,,,, Ab...-- , rol uill --- bill coleman one three six e. college ave PAGE T ers'
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