PAGE EIGHT Limon To Instruct WRA Dance Class Jose Limon, noted dance artist, will 'instruct n master dance class from 3:30 to 5 p.m., Sunday in the White 'Hall gymnasium. The Woman's Recreation Asso ciation Dance Club under the di rection of Helen Hungerford will :ponsor the class. All women stu dents and University personnel who are interested in obseivihg or participating may attend. Participants must wear leotards or gym suits, Mrs. Hungerford said. Women from the College of Physical Education will host the class. "The purpose of the master dance class is to enable this critic-acclaimed artist to illustrate and explain his dance technique to students," Mrs. Hungerford said. NITTANY FLYING CLUB MEETING Monday, Feb, 4 6:30 p.m. 214 HUB .IJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII6IIIIIIIIIIIIIIi6IIIIIIIIIE- TV RENTALS by day, week, month TELEVISION SERVICE E. CENTER 1: I 232 S. Allen St. 51111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E7 UP,vITV; S'A;;IA4'. :MV "Will I find exciting, rewarding challenges at W. E.?" They happen to be our specialty. Consider Just a few of our project areas in Western Electric's role of developing manufacturing techniques for Bell System communications: miniaturization, electronic switching, computer-programmed production lines, microwave radio relay, tele. vision telephones, optical masers, data trans mission. Working closely with our research team-mate; Bell Laboratories, W. E. engineers are even now creating and implementing corn• munlcations progress planned for the 1970's —and beyond. You will start participating right away in unique, creative challenges. Oppor Western Electric MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLY UNIT OF THE BELL SYSTEM . An equal opportunity employer Principal manufacturing locations in 13 cities.. Operating centers in many of these same cities plus 36 otheri throughout the U.S. Engineering Research Center, Princeton, N. U. • Teletype Corp., Skokie, Little Rock, Ark. • Gen. HQ ' /95 Broadway, N.Y.7, N.Y.. THE DAILY,COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA P„ • ,q w Live horn -Schwab 'Auditorium SUNDAY MODEL UNITED NATIONS DISCUSSION ON DISARMAMENT Presented Over WDFM-FM wsgsrowzmovapswmpiwayszwyeafammanyammusanamssal ALPHA GAMMA RHO THETA XI JAMMY with the Ivy Rocks at THETA XI Open to 8 30 12 30 Rushees Only For Results --- Use Collegian Classifieds tunities for rewarding careers are open now for electrical, mechanical, Industrial and chemical engineers, and also for physical science, liberal arts and business majors. For detailed Information, get your copy of the Western Electric career opportunities booklet from your Placement Officer. Or write College_ Relations Coordinator, Western Electric Com pany, Room 6306, 222 Broadway, N.Y. 38, N.Y. And be sure to arrange for a. personal Interview when the Bell System recruiting team comes to visit Our campus this year —or during your senior year. ' 4:00 P.M. • . • •.• 4.:;* •• • - :AUKS AppliCations .for Community Area Elections Chairman now available at the HUB Desk Deadline: Noon, Saturday, February 9 If there are any questions, please call UN 5-4459 COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE PIFER MUSIC CENTER Music head quarters for Hammond Organs, Pianos, all musical instruments and accessories, sheet music, and complete music books for edu cation. Open daily till BWO p.m. except Wed. EL 64441. GEM STONES—OpaI, Jade, Agate, etc. cut to order. Many on hand. Bill AD 8- 1554. FOR SALE: DORM Contract. Will sell immediately. Contact Bruce UN 5-4679. 1960 WHITE CORVAIR 600, standard transmission, radio, 4-door, 27,000 miles. Original owner. AD 8-1315. DORM CONTRACT. Person can make ten dollars. Contact Toe, UN 6-4493. 1961 50'x10' TRAILER, excellent condi tion. Two bedrooms, automatic washer. See owner Julius l3arthelme, Lot 44, Woodycrest Mobile City. Must sell before March 23. DORM CONTRACT for Spring Term. Con tact Glen UN 5-2955. WOMEN'S FIGURE SKATES, size's, used only once—sB. Call Judy, UN 5-8741. NAVY OFFICERS UNIFORMS, one new, two used. SD blue and one new khaki, 6 . 1" 190 - lb. Call John, AD 8-8156. FOR RENT GRADUATE STUDENTS, Upperclassmen! Comfortable rooms, running water or pri vate bath, central location. (Double or single.) Quietly conducted for rest and study. The Colonial, 123 W. Nittany— AD 7-7792, AD 7-4850, Mrs. Cox. LARGE SINGLE ROOM for rent 8 1 h blocks from campus. Free parking. Some kitchen facilities. 420 S. Pugh. AD 8-9460. ROOM IN private home, walking distance to campus. Parking available. Call AD 8-2363. FOUR ROOM Apartment. Suitable for four boys. With private entrance. Call AD 7-7218. oft WANTED WANTED: A USED- Typewriter in oper ating condition. Call Joel UN 6-6451. GIRLS INTERESTED in touring Europe this summer by car, or organized tour, call Bambi UN 6-8472. TO RENT: Heated garage or garage which can be heated by wood or kerosene stove. Call AD 8-8062, WANTED DESPERATELY: Text kir Econ. 323 by Due. AD 7-4933. - DECORATION SCHEME for Mil Ball-825 prize. Deadline—Feb. 8. Further informa tion call UN 5-7127. ==l2l HELP WANTED MEN: LARGE NEW YORK holding corpo ration hiring male students for part-time employment. $46 per week for 16-18 hours. Management positions available .to grad uating business and L.A. students. Call AD 7-7112, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. WAITER WANTED at fraternity. Call caterer, AD 8-9463. KITCHEN HELP wanted. Call AD 7-2218 aak for cook. WAITERS TO work in fraternity. Call Fred Diem AD 8-9067. PASSENGERS WANTED RIDERS WANTED to N.Y.C. Wednesday, Feb. 6, 1 p.m., return Sunday, Feb. - 10. Bruce AD 7-2941. LOST ONE ':PAIR- GLASSES, In blu* ease. Call Nancy, UN 5-5265. -• SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1963 LOST TAN CONVOY COAT, Delta Tau Delta Saturday night. Matric card in rocket. Reward. Call Marty AD 7-4933. VPI CLASS RING (1961) with name en• graved Richard G. Rice. Delta Sigma Chi on atone. Phone UN 6-2574. TAN RAINCOAT, gold lining, black gloves, at Delta Upsilon Saturday, Jan, 28. Please return, Pm cold. Reward. Call Bob, UN 5-6746. ==l PERSONAL TIM THE BOSS won't like it if you fruge with his daughter. Take the T.I.M. Dancing Lessons and be discreet. ==l MISCELLANEOUS INDIA ATTENTION GRAD STI.ANTS: Any student who was at Berkeley during H.V.A.C. riots please contact Jon Geiger AD 8-6063. NEWMAN CLUB Open Business Meeting and Informal Breakfast Sunday Feb. 8, 10:16, Chapel Lounge. RUSHING SMOKER of Alpha Phi Omega, Men's National Service Fraternity, Mon day! Feb. 4, 1963 at 7:90 p.m., HUB dining rooms A & B. NEWMAN CLUB'S Winter Forum Series, Tues., Feb. 5, HUB Assembly Room, T• 8:30 p.m. "Rational Beings On Other Planets," Mr. James Harford of the Amer. scan Rocket Society will speak. WESLEY FOUNDATION Worship Service, Wesley Foundation Building, 256 E. Col• lege Avenue, 12 :45 a.m. "The Laugh of Existence," 9:30 a.m. Sunday -morning seminars. k COMMUNION LUTHERAN Service of Worship, Sunday, 10. a.m., Eisenhower Chapel. Sermon: "Love God and Do As You Like" by Rev. Arthur Seyda, Campus Pastor. RECORDS: ALL LP's 20% off list' Large selection I Why pay more? The Groove Room, 227 East Beaver Ave. URGENT: WITNESSES to accident, 7 p.m. Thanksgiving eve on Rt. 22, 18 miles east of Harrisburg. Driving (dark?) Volks wagen. Needed to give statement of scene for insurance purposes. Please call -Bob, AD 8-0951. AT THE PRESBYTERIAN "University Cen ter—four seminars are being held at 9:80 a.m. Sundays, throughout this term. LOOK HAMBURGER STEAK. French Fries, peas, salad, garlic bread, $.89. La Gallatin, 233 E. Beaver Ave. RUSHING SMOKER by Sigma Theta EP' silon, service fraternity, Wednesday, Feb, 6, 7 :00 p.m. Wesley Foundation, 266 E. College Ave. - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Organizations Win ter Reception, Sunday evening, :10 p.m., main lounge Chapel. All interested ere invited. PENN STATE OUTING CLUB Do you know what to do for frostbite? Come to the Rock Climbing Division Meeting. February 12 and find out what to do. Sign up .at the HUB for the return ski match with the Pittsburgh Inter collegiate Ski Association two week ends from now. Outing Club Members interested in 'Ski Instruction—call Kitty at UN 5-5507. The PSOC will go tobogganing again - this weekend. Also we will have a Hot -Dog= Roast on the slope. Cars will leave Rec Rail on Sunday, Feb. at Sirrn kup at HUB desk.
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