PAGE EIGHT 8 Attend College Debate Tourney Eight members of the men's de bating team are representing the University in an intercollegiate debate tournament at William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va. The contest began yesterday and will last until Sunday. Eighteen colleges and univer sities from the Middle Atlantic states, including some from as far south as South Carolina, are de bating the topic: "Resolved, that the non-communist nations of the world should establish an eco nomic community." John Sebastian (11th-mineral economics-Duquesne), manager of the team, and Mark Schwarz (Bth liberal arts-Reading) will take the affirmative view for Penn State. On the negative side are Edgar Snyder (11th-arts and letters- Pittsburgh) and Charles Brewer (Bth-arts and letters-State Col lege). Each side debates the op posing team of every other college. .I:EAUX. ARTS BALL • in celebration of the NEW College of Arts and Architecture FRIDAY . . . FEBRUARY 15 <*ti • refreshes your to air-softens every puff The William and Mary trip in cludes a tour of the historic sites of colonial Williamsburg. There are approximately 30 members on the men's debating team. This total includes 15 var sity debaters and 15 novices. Eight varsity debaters will take part in each of the debating trips. The women's debating team participated in a three-round de-: bate with the newly formed Potts ville campus men's debating team last Saturday. DOC Council President Michael Franchell (2nd-educa tion-Munnsville, N.Y.) was re cently elected president of the Division of Counseling student council. Philip Krause (2nd-coun seling-Landenberg) will serve as vice-president and Frances Bell (2nd-counseling-Beaver F a 1 I s) was elected serretary-treasurer. Announcing THE Sponsored by Stuclent Chapter of AIA ~/ Wee: a./.96?-7F„ (Lc 5/4fte, • With every Salem cigarette refreshing taste is yours. Salem's special cigarette paper breathes in f to smoke fresh and flavorful every time. Smoke refreshed...smoke • menthol fresh • rich tobacco taste ••modern filter,t \\ \~~fl~iilYlCl THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA ,;~:,.~. Okt :k*Al; Inter-Faith Dating issues Discussed The key issue in inter-faith dating is inter-faith marriage, The Rev. Donald Mcllvride, resi dence halls religious staff, said. "Although these marriages oc cur, no one encourages them," he said. The Rev. Mr. Mcllvride spoke on the problem of inter-faith dat ing as the first part of a discus sion sponsored by the Pollock AWS religious affairs committee. A 'panel of students, represent ing the three major faiths in the United States, started the student Attention Town Men! Don't Forget BRIDGE LESSONS Every Tuesday & Thursday 6:30 - 8:30 P.M. HUB Cardroom Sponsored by TIM COUNCIL • • • •: t '• •••1 • IP.) • „•:. ale 01962 R. L Ceynoltla Tobacco Company participation which was continued with questions from the floor. The students were Nancy Hartman (11th-home economics-Danville), Marie Rineman (sth-German- Hanover) and Doni Teitelbaum (11th-arts and letters-Englewood, N.J.) The problems of inter-faith marriages include the faith itself and the complication of a faith for the children, the Rev. Mr. Mcilvride said. Discussing the faith, he listed the differences in philosophies of life, forms of worship, observ ;WY:* • ............ ft • S*l FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1963 ances such as holidays or eating and drinking and attitudes toward such matters as family planning. Children can complicate any marriage, he said, but the parents in an inter-faith marriage must ask themselves whether they wish to foist off their compromise on the child. Such compromises may be for one parent only to supervise the religious upbringing of the child, to divide the family religiously or for the parents to withdraw and allow the child to make his own decision, he said. 'NeWtollog6:Diner Downtown 'ffie:.ll4oyioi HILLEL CALENDAR FRIDAY EVENING SERVICES Tonight ... 8 p.m. Speaker: Dr. H. Liebowitz "Religion & Psychology" Sponsored by Phi,Sigma Sigma Sorority LOX & BAGEL BRUNCH Sunday-10:30 a.m. Sponsored by Phi Sigma Sigma • Members 45c Non• Members 75c DYNAMICS of JUDAISM Tueiday, Feb. 5 8 p.m. "The Dynamics of Modern Jewish History" Hillel Foundation 224 Locust Lane
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