PAGE IWELVE Ag Seminars To Begin Today Research policies and programs in the agricultural and biological sciences will be the main theme of a series of ten seminars spon sored by the College of Agricul ture scheduled to begin today and to continue through May 17. Ernest M. Allen, associate di rector of the National Institutes of Health, will open the series with a talk on "Agriculture and Public Health—Two Fields with Stay bright. Fight drowsiness and be at your brilliant best with Vervk continuous action alertness capsules. Effective safe, not habit-forming , . ' . rta,l7lt ..•ftliop,f hot, to.od s,otow”:, il !Sib •;•• - ritsi — '4 ~ ,!, indivno . ;l/okkl :ttor . hoi cviv2 , 411 , :: 2 , .4 0 ,, ,, , .* , ! , ' , P.. '',-:',.. '..•••, ' -;; • N ...,,, ss, ~,......,,,b.„,....p,a,„.„,,„. la pnt.fif ."Pion NiN*69:44,...•:..,. ' •7 55" . 0 ) ,. • . :.:.. 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Current. projects include the APOLLO Navigation-Guidance System, TITAN II and THOR Inertial Guidance Systems, B-52 (C&D) Bombing Navigational System, POLARIS gyros' and accelerometers. Challenging projects are available in Milwaukee, Los Angeles and Boston for MS and PhD candidates with interests and academic backgrounds in the inertial guidance-navigation field. Milwaukee—BSEE, ME, or Physics and Math graduates joining AC are offered a 32-week Career Acceleration Program which moves them rapidly into an actively productive position. The two-phase program consists of: PHASE I ... Eight weeks of formal engineering classes in the areas of: Servo-Mechanisms • Semi-Conthictor Technology •• Theory of Inertial Guidance • Related Inertial Navigation Topics. PHASE II Actual work in the organization's three main technical areas: Engineering • Reliability • Operations. Following this training period you will be reassigned to AC SPARK PLUG THE ELECTRONICS DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS MILWAUKEE • LOS ANGELES • BOSTON • FLINT • An Equal Opoorlunity Employer INTERVIEWS -- WEDNESDAY, THURS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA Many Common Goals," at 4 p.m. in the Hetzel Union Assembly hall, Under. the direction of the col lege's Research and - Graduate Study Committee, the series hon ors Lyman E. Jackson, dean of the college, who will retire June 30. During February and March the seminars will be held in the HUB Assembly hall at 4 p.m. CHI PHI presents The , Scotsboro Singers Saturday, February-2 10:30 p.m. All Freshmen Welcome Formal Other speakers for the next two months include H. C. Knoblauch, deputy administrator of the Co operative State Experiment Sta tion Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Feb. 15; and Robert H. White-Stevens, Research and Development, American Cyani= mid Co., March 1. Panel discussions featuring members of the faculty will be held March 8 and March 15. .......: . SEND 'FOR THIS%FREE'At , OPPORTUNITIES...;BROCHtifit . . x-~- .~.t-.~: ,_~~,... "'~~f: " .1. t '‘!* t r 5,A, your original department in Design, Development, Manu facturing or Reliability. - Boston—Advanced Concepts Research - and Develop ment On-the-Job Training Program—AC's Boston Lab oratory is engaged In development of navigational systems for manned aircraft, - ballistic missiles, and space vehicles. Los Angeles—Advanced Concepts Research and Devel opment On-the-Jab Training Program—AC's Los Angeles Laboratory is occupied with advanced guidance research for space vehicles and ballistic missiles, plus research In special purpose digital computers. CONTACT you' : College Placement Officer regarding a General Motors•AC campus interview, and send for the informative brochure, "At AC, Navigation is Our Businbss.". For your Free copy of "AT AC, NAVIGATION IS OUR BUSINESS" fill out coupon and send to: Mr. G. F. Raasch Dept. 5753, AC Spark Plug Division Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin NAMF STREET CITY AND STATF SCHOOL DEGREF AVAILABILITY DATF :AY & FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 7 & 8, 1963 AWS Applications for Community Area Elections Chairman now available at the HUB Desk Deadline: Noon, Saturday, February 9 If there are any questions, please call UN 5-4459 • COLLEGIAN FOR SALE PIPER MUSIC CENTER-- Music head quarters for Hammond Organs, Pianos, all musical instruments and accessories, sheet music, and complete musk hooks for edu cation. - Open daily till 8 ;00 p.m. except Wed. EL 6-3941. GEM STONES—OpaI, Jade, - Agate, etc. cut - to order. Many on hand. Bill AD, 8- 1554. , FOR SAVE,: DORM Contract. Will sell immediately. Contact Bruce UN 6-4679. Ha WHITE CORVAIR 600, standard transmission, radio, 4-door, 27,000 miles. Original owner. AD 8-1315. DORM CONTRACT. Person can make ten dollars. Contact Joe, UN 5-4493. 7961• 50'x10"111.AILER, excellent condi tion. Two bedrooms, automatic washer. See owner Julius Barthelme, Lot 44, Woodycrest Mobile City. Must sell before March 23. ROLLEIFLEX 2.8 F Camera with case and light meter (new 1961), $240. AD 8-0473. REIMINI .5';;;•;';: - 5; . :. ::::;.•'::•!1;?:"..t.z•:-,::' : • • , • 7.1• Ace,:,:::,: • • • DORM CONTRACT for_Spring Term. Con tact Glen UN 5-295&. GRADUATE STUDENTS, Upperclassmen: Comfortable rooms, running water or pri vate bath, central. location. (Double or single.) Quietly conducted for rest and study. The Colonial. 123 W. Nittany— AD 7-7792,, AD 7-4850, Mrs. Cox. LARGE SINGLE ROOM for rent 3 1 / 2 blocks from - campus. - Free parking. Somo kitchen facilities. 920 S.-Pugh. AD 8-9460. ROOM IN private home, walking distance to campus. Parking available. Call AD 8-2353. FOUR ROOM Apartment. Suitable for four boys. With private entrance. - Call AD 7-7218. WANTED TWO STUDENTS to share four-man apartment. Eseellent living conditions. Quiet environment. Very- inexpensive. AD 8-2759. WANTED: A U ED Typewriter in ()per. ating condition. Call Joel UN 54451. GIRLS INTERESTED in touring Europe this glimmer — by car, or organized tour, call Bandii - UN 6-8472. _ _ TO RENT: Heated garage or garage whiCh can be heated by wood or kerosene stove. Gall AD 8-8062. WANTED DESPERATELY: Econ. 323 by Due. AD 7-4933 TYPING _OF any kind. Reasonable rates. Call AD 8.3764. • HELP WANTED MEN: LARGE NEW YORK holding corpo ration hiring male students for part-time employment. $46 per week for 15-18 hours. Management positions available to grad uating business and L.N. students. Call AD 7-7112, 9 a.m. t 6 2 p.m. KITCHEN HELP wanted. Call AD 7-2218 ask for cook. WAITER WANTED. Call caterer, AD 7-4933. PASSENGERS WANTED RIDERS WANTED to N.Y.C. Wednesday, Feb. G, 1 p.m., return Sunday, Feb. N. Bruce AD 7-2941. LOST TAN CONVOY COAT, Delta Tau Delta Saturday night. Metric card in pocket. Reward. Call Marty AD 7-4933. •LOST: GOLD STONE Earring in or near Schwab Saturday.' Reward, AD 7-4060. PARTY WHO TOOK tan raincoat: gold lining, black gloves, from Delta Sig Sat. night, return same, Last owner ,of coat you left -couldn't find you. This time you're known. Bruce, Rooin 14, UN 5-4923. LARGE JADE . RING, oval shaped gold setting. Reward - offered. AD 8-3684. GLASSES WITH tortoise-shell frames lost between HUB and Buckhout Lab; in_ black case with "Dr. Alexander" writ ten on outside. Urgent! Call UN 5-8008. V. <%*{ V TIM -- THE BOSS won't like it if you -fume with his daughter. Take the T.LM. Dancing -Lessons and be discreet. ,tiny, _ .t ~.,V NEWMAN CLUB Pizza Party following 5:15 mass on Feb. Ist. Free to all New man Club members. .. - ICE SKATING PARTY. Meet . et Wesley Friday, Feb: 1, 7:30 p.m. Return for re freshment 4. ATTENTION GRAD STUDENTS: Any student who was at Berkeley - during 11.V.A.C. riots please contact Jon Geiger AD 8-6063. NEWMAN CLUB Open Buaineaa Meeting and Informal Breakfast Sunday Feb.- 2, 10:15, Chapel Lounge.- RUSHING SMOKER of Alpha Phi Omega, Men's National Service Fraternity, Mon day, 'Feb. 4, 1963 at 7:30 p.m., HUB dining -rooms A - & B. NEWMAN CLUB'S Winter Forum Series, Tues., Feb: HOB Assembly' Room, 7- 8:30 p.m. "Rational Beings On Other Planets," Mr. James Harford - of the Amer ican- Rocket' Society will speak. WASHINGTON PEACE LOBBY—"Coun cil for Abolishing War".. discussed by Daniel Singer, tonight 8:30, 214 Boucke, SENSE and W.I.L. FILM "COMPLICATED APPENDICITIS" —Alpha Epsilon Delta pre=med honorary. All interested persons welcome, admission free. 26 Mineral Sciences, 7:30 p.m., Thurs day, _Jan: 31. _ • • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I,_ 1963 LASSIFIEDS FOR _SALE FOR - RENT PERSONAL MISCELLANEOUS PENN STATE OUTING CLUB Do you know what to do for frostbite? Come to the Rock Climbing Division Meeting, - February 12 and find out what 'to do. - - Outing Club Members interested in Ski Instruction—call Kitty at UN, 5-5507. The PSOC will go tobogganing again This weekend. Also.we 'will have a Hot Dog _Roast on -the _slope. Cars- will leave -Dee 'Hall on_ Sunday, Feb: 3 at 1:00 p.m. Sign up at HUB - desk. - Text for
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