PAGE EIGHT INTRAMUR Basketball ; Independent Schuylkill 38 Cumbria SO. NlUany 81-3 47 NlUany 21-2 23. Mltlany 83-4 28 NlUany 28-80 21 Nlttany 36-8 88 NlUany 27-8 27 NlUany 26-0 21 Nlttanjl 30-7 - 20 Fraternity PI Kap A 1 24 Pel chi - to 8I« Al Mu . 2l Slh Phi Ep 18 Phi Kap Pal 26 Th Del Chi 22 Phi Del Th 1 30 AI Chi Hho 26 Episcopalians! Canterbury Meets Sunday at 7:,15 p.m. In Small Lounge, Eisenhower Chapel The Chaplain will speak on "Summer Work Projects and Vocations in the Church" Security! Must It Destroy Liberty? Philip Luce, Emergency Civil Liberties Commission Mon., Jan. 28 8:30 P.M. Presented by ■ SENSE: Students for Peace HUB Auditorium ON CAMPUS LUTHERAN SERVICE OF WORSHIP SUNDAY 10 A.M. EISENHOWER CHAPEL SERMON: "WHY JESUS HAD TO BE A JEW" I ■■■■■ ■■■——.■■ I * "CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY" AT THE LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER 6:30 P.M. SUNDAY FREE ADMISSION COLLEGIAN FOR SALE PIKER MUSIC CENTER Music head quintera for llnwnmml Organs, Pianos, all immicnl inulrumentH mid accessories! sheet music, and complete music books foi edu cation. Open daily till 8:00 p.m, except Wed, EL 5-84-11. 40 WATT KNIGHT Stereo Amplifier (plus-minus Idb) 25-28,000 cps, 5 inputs, 31 tubes. $OO.OO or best offer. Cnll UN 6-1075. 3058 MARLKTTE Mobile Homo. Excellent condition. 40x8, two bedrooms, automatic washer. Phone AD 8-1800. DORM CONTRACT. Person can make ten dollars. Contact Joe, UN 5-4493. FOR RENT Ml Mini • (limit* GRADUATE STUDENTS, Upperclassmen: Comfortable rooms, running water or pri vate bath, centra) location. (Double or single.) Quietly conducted for rest and Htudy. The Colonial, 123 W. Nittany— AD 7-7792, AD 7-4860, Mis. Cox. VERY COMFORTA ULE Single Room, close to campus. 322 W. College Ave. Phone AD 7-4050. WANTED WAITER WANTED. Call caterer, AD 7- 4933. RIDE WANTED MtiiiHimiiit mmiHHiiimiHMiMmiiHiiHiimiMi RIDE WANTED to Philadelphia on Sun day afternoon, Keb. 3. Please call Rob, UN 6-4307. HELP WANTED MEN: LARGE NEW YORK holding corpo ration hiring nude students for part-time employment. ?45 per week for 15-18 hours. Management positions available to grad uating business and L.A. students. Cnll AD 7-7112, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. WAITER WANTED at Sigma, Pi. Call AD 7-4928. . ""LOST REWARD FOR Rust Suede Purse left on Simmons’ Dining Hall coat rack Sunday evening. Identification and glasses needed immediately. Reward. Cnll UN 6-G169. STOLEN: Rust Suede Purse from Sim mons’ Dining Hall eont rack Sunday, eve ning. Keep money and leave purse and contents at HUB desk. LADIES HAMILTON WATCH Sunday, Jan. 20, downtown State College area. Reward. AD 8-2337. GRASSES IN bine case taken from 204 lioucke Jan. 24 between 2:30 and 3:00. Return to HUB desk or call 5-4320. Re ward. GOLD CHARM BRACELET, four charms, one a Princeton basketball medal lost between Education buildings and HUB. Sentimental value. Ketvnrd. Call UN 6- 6707. . 3 LOST ’&"pound COAT MIX-UP nt ATO .Tnn. 12. I have yours. Call- Carole, UN 6-3247. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. RI Bowling . Independent League fC „ Lackawanna 8 Flvo Guy» Cedar 8 Crawford ' 6 Playboy# 4 Bradford Cheater ComnneherM 4 Cottonwood Splinter# Fraternity League C Phi Mu Delt 8 Sl# Tau Gam 0 Kota Beta Tau 8 Al Gam Bho 0 Chi Phi 6 Kap Del Rho 2 Phi Cam Del 4 Slb Al Mu 4 Lam Chi Al 4 Slr Pi 4 LASSIFIEDS ■ ATTENTION "SECURITY: MUST IT Destroy Liberty!” by Philip Luce, E.C.L.C., Jan. 28, 8:30 p.m. HUB Auditorium. SENSE: Students for Peace. WHERE THERE’S LlFE—Thcre’fl Music l Penn State Singers and the University Symphony in concert Jan. 26, 8 p.m., Schwab. MISCELLANEOUS ••Mlallllliiiii iiiitiMta(MMetM,,tl Mil**, TENNIS SWEATERS —handmade to order. Cnll AD 8-8842 after 8:00 p.m. Other styles on request. SEE “CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY” film, Sunday 6:30 p.m., Lutheran Student Center, 4J2 W. College. Free admission. NEWMAN CLUB Winter Forum Series. Topic: Religion and Psychiatry. Speaker: Father Hagmaier, Associate Director of Paulist Institute -for Religious Research. Tuesday, January 29, 7 p.m., HUB assem bly room. THE HILLEL Graduate Association Is presenting Dr. J. Mitchell Morse speaking on “The Talmudic Mind of Samuel Beckett.” This Sunday, 8 p.m., at Hillel Foundation, 224 Locust Lane. There will bo refreshments and discussion after wards. All grad students are welcome. “SECURITY: MUST IT Destroy Liberty?” by Philip Luce, E.C.L.C., Jan. 28, 8:30 p.m. HUB Auditorium.' SENSE: Students' for Peace. NEWMAN CLUB Pizza Party following 4:15 mass on Feb. Ist. Free to all New man Club members. NEWMAN CLUB Mardi Gras Semi-for mal, Feb. 2nd, 8:30 to 12:30 nt the Nit tany Lion Inn. Featuring Duke ‘Morris band. Free to all Newman Club'-members. LISTEN COEDS! Up for an interesting and different weekend? Call AD 7-3989 of AD 8-3185. “INTERESTED IN Leadership, Friendship, Service, and Scouting?” Attend Alpha Phi Omega, Men’s Nntional Service Frater nity’s Hushing Smoker being held Feb. 4, 1963 nt 7:30 p.m. in HUB dining rooms A & B. WESLEY FOUNDATION Worship Serv ice Sermon: “Who Is My Neighbor?” 10:46. Sunday morning seminars, 9:30, Founda tion Building, 2&6 East College Ave. PENN STATE OUTING CLUB Again the PSOC will go tobogganing. Cars will leave at 1 p.m.' Sunday, January 27, from Rec Hall. .Sign up at the HUB desk. Everybody come to SKIMONT Satur day. PSOC challenges The Pittsburgh Intercollegiate Ski Association in Ski races. * Banquet and Ball at Holiday Inn Satur day night. Banquet 6:30 p.m, Ball 9:00 to 12:30 p.m. Tickets at the .HUB Desk. Dress casual (ski clothes). Lifters Hold 2nd Meet.. The Penn State Barbell CLutj will hold its second lilting com-: petition 'of the .term tomorrowj Unlike last Olympic-type meet, tomorrow’s competition Iwill be an odd lift meet. It will feature bench press, one-half squat, land the dead lift. Once again: the competition is open to all Penh Staters. • . | . NEWMAN CLUB’S Winter Forum Series "Religion & Psychiatry” Father George Hagmaier TUES., JAN. 29, 7 P.M. HUB Assembly Hoorn 3011(1 Tickets for tomorrow night's OSCAR BRAND 'Concert will be on sale at the door clean-filling, smooth-writing, -saving Parker cartridge pen...only *325 Now a mone New PARKER ARROW : v £f~ '„: > ' ~ t *),^t''?*' c l * T ’ fi - ) %'y*''> - W'- "''' '""'. v “■■ . S > '" " '''' ' '"'' y ; ' ' V .>,,;'l:' >'* '"VV' " ” /',. \, - >4;..r; ':<% : vr ■ ■' - ' This pen can'save you Important money on car tridges. Ours are BIGGER and last longer (each Is good for 8 or 9 thousand words). But, even if you didn't save a dime, this pen would be worth the extra price. It's a Parker. And only Parker gives you a solid 14K gold point tipped with plathenium-one of the hardest, smoothest alloys ever developed. It should last you for matter how much you use it. The pen won'J leak the way the cheap ones do. It has a built-in safety reservoir, and it must meet most of the tough specifications we set for. our PARKER Maker of the world's most wanted pens ENNSYLVANIA For Results Use Collegian Classifieds ' Vs' s'' -4 Ns , s s ' \ '°' , Vv ' S V s ' J, s' ?” '< s ' ' ' 's s' ' V »' * J» ' v s sfer V ' „ ir ’ \" iV' ~,<V'' /' ■' s \'' ; -* -A„" *" /5, M , / s <" o-' * ' , ' > c '* s ' ' ' v s' ' 'S' . s' ' ' ' ' s ••' •• W+fit; :••••:v;:: ij* ; <*yV'-Si.»^: : .v: ; :.:^:ft; Vftft?:*•'= : •:V:'*•••> s ft•: ft?vftft-Vi'V: * • ”•, :.• *'' a Z a *\‘W--'%Z:&- V. :; ft : IPs;V ; s s' ;s \. v / % N ; :•' ] :'.‘£':s. : ft*' . siiVi’: ::..i;>^i-iV :"■ •ft'ftft* sftftwftftxft/Sftft'ft .•/■ ■:■ ■ •: ■: <■>■<•/. <>:•>* &**•.■;<•:&, £ - : k> lt<ts »ii:? '•ft'.ft/.y'ft !•:*' *•:•:$• * $-:: :•?* ft •£??•->.V?. : :V:?:v'x';':'?S y¥ftS; ,0k - , v >4, ftV* w,% . - y'i■.• A->. :xi• » ' 'v V U S A s •!•«'•• u» M« /r.Aj...''.... .. a r.-.v..-, .•. •• > = ••••: "AW -• •* + s w , v \ '-f v ' /' ' - ' %I'ix'y*,' \ s „ '**<' wv' ', ' ' ' „ ' 5 ''* '' * ;is '' ' 'V ' ' f'P, s'- Sx v ....- : v .;•:; .•-• ■; ••• •••• vv::•••••• •.; :: ; :'yxg:•v : £ ,'S/'<■ ' ft. W',' ' " <• \ . , >J4 (."V'!, V 1 'V s \ w - ' - ' ■ VfC, *>„, h ' '' ' %■"' "■' " ''' -* : \ & \ ‘' REMN •k~ $lO pens. you have trouble saying it, say it with a Parker. If you're a little shy and have difficulty saying "I love you" or even "I like you very much"—say it with a Parker. The new Parker Arrow makes a beautifully ex-; pressive gift and looks as if you paid a small fortune. The new Parker Arrow comes in black, dark blue, light blue, light bright red/with a choice of four instantly replaceable solid 14K gold points. Gift-boxed with five free cartridges. ' ~ - SATURDAY. JANUARY 26. 1963 Mr, K ' _ ' -; m
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