PAGE EIGHT Schedule Deadlines Set The deadlines for filing revised schedules for the spring term at the registration section, 4 Willard, arc: graduate students and sen iors, Monday;' itiniors, Jan. 25; sophomores, Feb. 1; and fresh-, men, Feb. 8. In order to file a revised sched ule for spring term, a student must report to his adviser and list his revised spring term sched ule on a new’ official registration form (No. 2 card), obtain his adviser’s signature on the card, print the word "revised” and the date in the lower right corner of the card and turn the card in at the registration section, 4 Willard. Students who did not file a spring term official registration form (No. 2 card) when they §9 ZENITH Television, Color TV,~ ~ FM-AM Radios, Stereo Hi-Fi •= ~9WOLLENSAK Tape Recorders^ = 9 GARRARD Changers, etc. ' TELEVISION 1 SERVICE | CENTER r r 232 S. Allen St. '(iiuummimmutuiiiuimiimi l :;:f: . 1 . ; . '; . ;•'1 . ”.',.'.• ; :,•:,;:',. , - , :, 4 ', , '-'' ; ;..; . .s.':,? : `::'* , : . ; : ; ':'.:`:.:i..rf k:A.; ,. .. „ , ;:p4!":.:',:-..:•..•:A:s .'..<•:;,!,:5;..j.:.,..5-,,,L11-.<..i•i':?:::,r.ZlTi• Speaking at the*.. IN YOUR FUTURE yolir living-room may have a wall of light! Electronically controlled, it can be daylight bright or dimmed for decorative mood lighting-turns on at dusk, off at dawn. For your wall of light... PLENTY OF POWER WHENEVER YOU NEED IT This "wall of light" is just one of the ways you may use electricity In the not-so dlstant future. But ho matter how many such wonders enrich your life, you can count on your electric company to. pro vide plenty of power to run them, - WEST Investor-owned, tax-paying - -- serving Western Pennsylvania 4fcii\V? , ‘t v registered for the . winter term may' file one according to the above schedule of deadlines and the above procedure. However, in such cases, the cards should not be marked "revised," but should be dated. Craig To Fill Vacancy On IFC Control Board Edwin Craig (Delta Tau Delta), has been appointed to the Inter fraternity Council Board of Con trol to fill the vacancy created when Gary Stiles was named chairman. * SPECIAL Newman Club Presents Father Charles W. of the National Newman Club, Washington, D.C. Communion Breakfast Sunday, January 20 at 10:00 A.M. Chapel Lounge Free to members THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA "AT HOME" Memorial Lounge at the Chapel FRIDAY Afternoon 3-5 P.M. Conversation Open Fire Refreshments Music EVERYONE IS INVITED In fact,.all over America, investor owned electric companies, like this one, are building new plants, and lines that will double the supply of electricity in the next ten years. We" can supply all the electric power the.nation will ever .need! PENN POWER HUB Gallery Fe An exhibition of 73 photographs Illustrating • the industrial archi tecture of Switzerland opens today in the Hetzel Union gallery and will continue'through Feb. 10. Entitled “Swiss Industrial Architecture,” the exhibition was organized by the Federation of Swiss Architects and was first New College Diner ’Downtown Between the .Movies Albright afvres 73 Swiss shown at the Royal Institute-of British Architects in - - The Pro Helvetia Foundation of Switzerland; and , the Embassy of Switzerland, ■ Washington, /D.C., sponsor the exhibit. It is circulated in this country under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service and TKE THETA CHI The above named -social fraternities of the Penn sylvania State University are concerned over increasing social discord on the international scene to day. It has been said that the origin of the international melee existing throughout the world can be traced to the covetousness and mistrusts between meii of the same country, state, and town. This, it is said, is the essence of international insurgence, is this essence that we all must do our part to. correct. The Brothers and Pledges of Tau Kappa Epsilon and Theta Chi, realizing that this is v not a job that can be, done overnight, feel that it is time they, take a step in the direction of better world social relations and are hereby proposing a Combined JAMMY at Theta Chi SaturdayNigEit OPEN to Freshman Men with Music by "The 5 Marks" iaii*«i«»»iMMaa*t(»Maßa»*iaiiiat«aatMiiMiiiaa*BaaiiiiMMiaiiiiiasi(ataiaiaaßa*»aiaiiiataaafaaMiiaiiiaaa«*iiiMiiaMA> COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE DORM. CONTRACT available immediately. Contact . Gary TJN 5-8860. m PIFER MUSIC CENTER Music head-. Si quarters for Hammond Organs. Pianos, all \ musical Instruments and accessories, sheet j music, and complete music books for edu «£§ cation. Open daily till 8:00 p.m. except M Wed. EL 6-8441.’ . •' • “BREAK OUT THE CORN GRANNY, and let's celebrate! I just bought a new Folksways Monthly magazine at Nittany News.” 76 pages, only 25e. Authentic folk songs, tales, articles. Also at Graham’s,. Pennsylvania Book • Shop. ~ IMPORT JAMMY BAND with Frugebeat, two electric guitars, electric organ, sax and drums.* $l6O. Bart, AD 7*7683. • REVERE Bmm MOVIE. Camera, mag load, 4-speed, in-good condition. Cheap—highest offer. Call Mike UN 6-6213. - GUITAR, Western style. Must sell. Fair condition. $12.00: Call Ken UN 6-6796. > *1966 DESOTO' Seville four-door, hard top, white; above average condition; many extras. Call'HO-6-6607. • MERCEDES BENZ 190 SL. Red with black top, black leather. Perfect condition. Can be financed. Mr. Paul; ~AD 8-2242. 1 RACOON COAT. Call AD 7-2930 any afternoon. ABk- for Gary - or call Alpha Sigma Phi and leave- your number. ' , FOR SALE i BxloxB Wooden Building, Ideal storage. Like new. AD -8-6633. T • ONE USED New Home Portable Sewing Machine $lB. AD 8-8367. FOR RENT C miiliaiKiiiinnmiiiimiiiiMiiM'iMi'iiiMiiiiiuiiii GRADUATE STUDENTS! J Upperclassmen: Comfortable rooms! running water, private bath, central location. (Double or single.) Quietly conducive-for rest and study. -The Colonial, ~123 W. -Nittany—AD..7-7792, AD 7-4850, Mrs. Cox.; '' SINGLE AND Double Rooms, two blocks from campus,-225 S. Atherton. Call:AD 8-1011*. - :- . ' , WELL. FURNISHED Single . Room, nice and big, two blocks from campus. _Off- Btreet parking. Rented cheap. Call AD 8-3802 after 6 p.m.- FURNISHED APARTMENT—four , rooms and bath, second'floor. Private entrance. Free parking. $75. Centre Hall EM, 4-1495. SINGLE ROOM, • second’ floor, - 242 South Atherton. Call. AD V 7-4126. TRAILERS, FOR.RENT. Call AD or come to/Woodsdale.Trailer Park.- j . WANTED taaaftiasa iiaiaian atiaat TWO STUDENTS who ‘want to make $lO apiece. Boh and. Dick have;a double dorm contract'to sell. Call us at UN-6-4123. ROOMMATE WANTED to share- apart ment ’ with two girls.: One- block .from campus. ...Call: Diane .after 6," AD;B-3722, WANTED: NAMES OF those who helped at the T.I.M. Las Vegas Nite. Sign up now for banquet at HUB desk. ' . STUDENTS TO WORK in .each campus dining hall over the. lunch hour. Apply directly to Foods Supervisor •in Dining Hall'ln which -you" eat; : If nothing avail able, apply to Dining Hall of your choice. Students living off * campus may] , apply in any area..; 4 ■. f : !- / - : . HELP WANTED HHHuiitHiiMimiaiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiMiMaiimiiaiMn TOT : BO.Y wanted at Delta Upallon. A«ll for'Smiley. \AD 7-3398.’ M « r ,’’ FRIDAY. JANUARY 18. 1963 Photographs sponsored- at the -University by the Department- of Architecture. The-photographs show the high industrialization of Switzerland, in an attempt to dispel the popu lar image, of Switzerland as solely a country of yodelling herdsmen, mountain climbers, cheese, choco lates and watches.. laaaaiaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaatataaaa HELP WANTED PART-TIME. WORK. Students ’with" car! 15-20 hours per, week, $2O-860 weekly. Scholarships awarded. Three openings available. Contact! Leonard Shemin. TIN 6-6372. - THREE MEN needed for kitchen help. Call AD 8-3022. iMaiaaiaatataaßaaataaaißaaßßaßaiaiaaßaaaaaaßaßaaßßßaßaiiaiiß RIDE WANTED RIDE TO Johnstown, Wlndber area. Leav ing Saturday after 1 p.m. Gall Marg!« AD 7-2897 after 6 p.m. BLACK- RIMMED GLASSES on Short lidge. Call AD 8-2536. Reward 1 DARK OLIVE. Tirenchcoat, zlppered wool lining. Left In coatroom, 11:16 Mass at HUB Sunday. Call Don, AD 8-8151. GOLD CHAIN BRACELET of sentimental value "only. No .monetary value. Reward. UN 5-8461. . - . WILL THE PERSON who ewapped a green trench coat Sun.' at Lambda Chi Alpha, .call Tom UN 6-8795. GOLD RONSON, Butane Lighter in Edu cation Building. Hns sentimental value. Reward. . Call Lee UN 6-8959. V . LOST & FOUND T.I.M. LAS VEGAS NITE helpers: Sign up. now at the HUB desk for banquet.. LIGHT . BEIGE. COAT stolen from HUB Cloakroom. Sunday morning. You were seen. Return to HUB desk. '■■■aaaaaaaißaaaaaaaaaßaßaaataaaaaaMataaMMaiMHMtmMH .TRAVEL ALL ; EXPENSES PAID* Week imßermudß. - Includes transportation, meals, and lodg ing. Take at your convenience. Call Ron UN 6-8078. ? WEEKEND FOR 1 in Washington, D.O. Meals* and room in Washington's Newest Luxury Hotel. Less than half actual cost. Gary, AD 8-1567. MISCELLANEOUS ttnaaaaßßtßaaaaaaaaaaf (■■itiitaiatf ••*aaatt,itiea*itti>Maaa YOU MUST SEE Folksways Monthly No. 2 to" believe it!’- .■ SAXOPHONIST, Double Clarinet * and Piano, experienced In all types of music; Call UN 6-5740, ask for Steve. Available immediately. ■' NEWMAN CLUB Communion Breakfast: Special guest' speaker. Father Charles Albright, Sun. *2O at 10 a.m., Chapel Lounge. Free to members.* WHAT ‘DO .YOU know about the Catholic Mass? Hear . it. explained at the "Dry Mass" Frl., Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. Our Lady of.. Victory Church. - Transportation from HUB lot near phone booth. STUDENTS: Auto” Insurance at • prices you cart afford. Erie Insurance Exchange. Mr. Temeles. AD 8-6633. - -v WILL' TALL, dark-haired boy- witlf'bag return,books .to Waring Information Desk! PENN STATE r OUTING CLUB .GO TOBOGGANING—The Outing Cluh will co toboggan ng on Th. Old Ski Slop* on Sunday the 19th. Leaving; 'He« Hall 1 at 1 p.m.- Sign -up at- the .HUB Desk.’ ;v 1 . ; ■ «... f - ; -.. , t ■j , _ ■ ;
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