3IpIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII9IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItI 1 - Telephone C#l7l, • qny i "Rpiects Stiff Actiltni = . . By STEVE CIMBALA Diplomacy, not harsh penal action, will be employed by the = Bell Telephone Company to collect delinquent charges from stu dents for long-distance calls made from residence - hall pay tele phones, J. C. Walck, manager of the company's State College = office, said yesterday. Stringent penal - measures such as removal of all pay tele phones = from the University dormitories were never considered by the company, - he added. _ The diplomacy which Walck hopes will extract funds from = negligent students includes notices with bills explaining the = = company's position, meetings with students to discuss their prob lems and a- generally cooperative and lenient attitude on the = = part of the company. THE PROBLEM arose last term when the number of stu dent violators of company coin-box telephoning regulations = zoomed to an all-time high, according to company figures. Specifically, many student offenders placed long-distance = calls, paid their initial charges for the first three minutes of . conversation and left without paying full overtime charges. = These students repeatedly ignored subsequent bills far these charges, Walck said. E . Last November, the Dean of Men's office issued a bulletin = = •which stated that all male student offenders should pay these = -bills to the company before a Nov., 23, 1962, deadline. The E bulletin added that students who did not meet this deadline E = might be subject to office action, such as consultation to deter- E mine why the student was not paying the charges. THE DEAN of Women's office encouraged women residents Er-- - S to pay delinquent charges. - Response to such official encouragement was rapid, Walck E said, since the vast majority of students holding delinquent = charges promptly paid their bills, leaving a small minority of = E .students still owing - outstanding charges. . = •-• fIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIF Assistant Dean of Men To Resign To Complete Work for Doctorate Wilmer E. Wise, assistant to the dean of . men in charge of fra ternity affaifs, will resign from his position at the end of this term to complete his doctorate in counseling in education. Wise, who has held his present position since 1559, said last night that he will remain available for advisory work with the Inter fraternity Council. However, as a full time graduate student he will not be able to spend as much time with IFC as he has in the past. "FRATERNITIES have many night meetings — , and it's impossible to do both things," Wise said. Until now, he said, he has di rected most of his efforts toward fraternity affairs and has found that both his graduate and fra ternity work suffered. Wise said he does not know who his successor will be, al though he can think of several qualified people who are inter ested in the position. He said he will talk over the possibilities for his successor with Dean of Men Frank J, Simes, and he hopes to help Simes choose a replacement. "I hope to be involved in the selection process," Wise said. Sorority Rush Greeks. Ribbon 513 Rushees Formal sorority rush ended last night with the ribboning of 513 rushees by 27 sororities. Phi Sigma Sigma and Sigma Delta Tau each ribboned 30 rushees, the highest number rib boned by any sorority. Those ribboned are: Alpha Chi Omega (scarlet and olive green): Judith Aita, Darlene Armand, Marjorie Bechtel, Janet Blair,: Michele Boardman, Cathleen Bruen, Cynthia Clark, Janice - Leptich, Judith Lyle, Judith ;Mc- Cann, Susan Mann, Marsha Metzger, Paula Narut, Barbara OhlsOn, Lynda Peterson, Mary Purse], Carol Reed, Claudia Schwag er, Ann Schwartz, Jacoueline - Seckler, An drea Simone, Joan Strohmenger, Margaret Voshell, Mary Westermann, Lee Zeisloft, Alpha Delta N (azure blue and white) t Mary Abraham, Joan Anascavage, Allyn Bailie, Jeanne Bernell. Mary Barr, Susan Bartholomew, Barbara Bishop, Linda Black, Linda Butcher, •Virginia Cunning ham, Eileen Frawley, Linda Gutshail, Alexandra Lusak, Mary McMahon, Mari lyn Price,Gretchen Ritter, - Jacqueline - Sav age, ;Jue Schrider, Dorothea Tomasian, Sharon Walker, Carole Wiberg, Gaylen Willett, Susan Yant. Alpha Epsilon Phi (green and white) .70:08 BaradOn, Joyce Barmach, Judith Bialosky, Jackie Dashevsky, Arlene Finkel, Julia Gold, Nancy Green, Elayne Kessler, Diane Kohn, Jayne Langener,_ Marjorie Merwitzer,' /ferry Neuhaus, Linda Plofsky, Prances Reisier, Arleen Rosen, Susan Schenkel, -Barbara" Segal, Carol Simon, Susan Smiley, Leslie Stein, Hans Weis bergfer,, Phyllis Yavne, Reggie Yeskel; judy Zweiu. - Simes refused to comment last night on the vacancy. Wise graduated from Penn State in 1953 in agriculture edu cation. He received a master's degree in education administra tion in 1957 from Temple Uni versity. HE ENROLLED as a full-time graduate student at the Univer sity in 1957, and in 1958 began working as assistant to the dean *of men for off-campus students. In this capacity, he acted as ad visor to the Town Independent Men's Council. Wise said he hopes to complete his dissertation by August. This is the only requirement remain ing for his doctorate. His disser tation is a comparative study of the characteristics of students living in residence halls and fra ternity houses. Wise said he has been collect ing information on his study since 1961, and must compile it for his dissertation before it is outdated. Althought he, has considered working with industry after he receives - his doctorate, he will probably perform student person nel work at another university, 'Wise said. Alpha Gamma Delta (red, buff and green): Joan Adelman, Rebecca Bartholo mew, Darlene Brezzo, Katherine Cowan, Jane Faber, Patricia Guida, Diana Gurnett, Carolyn Hassel:ruin, Mary Kerns, Diana Kisinger, Joanne Kisner; Suzanne Marmo, Philippa Matthews, Michal Meyer, Barbara Moorhouse, Joy Sabella, Judith _Smith, Karen Walsh, Theresa Woomer. Alpha Kappa Alpha (salmon pink and apple green): Diane Mcßae, Carol Paige, Evelyn Robinson, Brenda. Searles, Jane Snuffer, Carolyn Sykes, Larae Washington. Alpha Omicron Pi: (cardinal red): Catharine Alderfer, Ruth Boyer, Judith Carlson, Janet Coldren, Sheila Collins, Yvonne Cougnenc, Deborah Detz, - Linda Doolittle, Deborah Ellis, Barbara Fear, Glenda Fry, Jennifer Gross, Carol Jame son, Nancy Keller, Anne Le Breton, Mary Lewis, Linda Loose, Barbara Mahaffey, Sally Phillips, Kathleen Power, Catharine Rothermel, Joan Simington, Anna Tom bras, - Joanne Volk. Alpha Phi (silver and bordeaux): Fran ces Bell, Lenora Bohren, Mary Casteel, Polly Curry, Diana Gershkoff, Judith Green, Sharan Hahn, Susan Hardie, Nancy Homer, Marilyn- Howard, Canilla Hum mel, Juyne Kaupp,_ Patricia Kelly, Ann Kennedy, Ellen Knies, Barbara Lyon, Vir ginia Nalbandian, Joan Orr, Donna Tim mons, Nancy Winter, Judith- Yohe, Ann Zavacki. Alpha Sigma Alpha (crimson and pearl white) s Carol Bair, Penelope Bedell, Mar sha Bender,. Carolyn" Blake, Cheryl -Bond, Ann Brewster, Lani Cayot, Merrie Dolge, Patricia Duda ' -• Kathleen Ebling, • Sharen Gibbons, Carol Cossaid, Elizabeth Mypae, Priscilla Jackson,_ "Susannah Jamieson, Janene Le Francois, Louanne''McKelyeY, Patricia Miller,' luaith - Scaring, Alenette Walton. • -- VOL. 63, No. 56 UNIVERSITY PARK, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY .15, 1963 FIVE CENTS JF Tax At $13.5 WASHINGTON (iP)—Pr esi dent Kennedy asked a divided Congress yesterday for an un precedented $13.5-billion tax slash to help assure cold war victory against a Communist empire which he pictured as in "disarray." -- Kennedy said that tax reforms would be aimed at recovering about $3.5 billion of the $13.5-bil lion reduction, FIRST REACTION indicated the President will have trouble convincing the 'legislators—not of the desirability of the record-size cut but 'of its economic wisdom and feasibility. Applause broke out many times as he delivered his third State of the Union message to a joint ses sion of Senate and House but handclapping for the salient fea ture of the 4,500-word address— the tax revamping package—was only scattered. Many legislators have called for economies to offset any tax cuts, 8 Take Preliminary t- 1 1: For Election to CcY • ress Eight students have taken at least the first step toward securing a place on area ballots for the Jan, 22 elections for six new Un dergraduate student Government Congressmen. Three candidates were nomi nated by Liberal Party at the meeting Sunday night. They are Whiton Paine (10th-psychology- Dallas), who is running in the town area, David Kopp (Bth division of counseling:Evan City) and Terry Weirback (7th.business administration - Perkasie), who seek the two vacant West Halls seats.- TWO SEATS are also vacant in North Halls and one in Nittany. Five prospective candidates se cured self-nominating petitions at the Hetzel Union desk yesterday, the first day petitions were avail able. By returning the petitions with the required 100 signatures and a fall term transcript before 5 p.m. Alpha XI Delta (double blue and gold): Kathryn Andrews, Carol Becker, Margaret Maier, Janice Crouch, Susan Crowe, Eloise Foster, Marcia Freed, Elsie Herbein, Jen nifer Hess, Carol Kearney, Barbara Keiter, Carolyn Kepler, Patricia Lloyd, Mary Mahoney, Sandra Mark, Barbara Martin, Ethel Means, Marianne Park, Susan Platts, Elizabeth Rost, Elaine Rupert, Elaine Schuster, Carol Spannuth, Margaret Whit ing, Judith Williams. Chi Omega (cardinal and straw): Susan Raney, Eleanore Belcher, Sandra Berg, Louise Burger, Beatrice Dorrance, Linda Dunkerton, Carra Ferguson, Holiday Frey, Deborah Goodridge, Barbara Gott, Nancy Goubleman, Susan ("robes, Suzanne Grun nngle, Donamaria. Honley, Michele Horns by, Janet Jones, Sandra Ludwig, Deborah McFerran, Bonnie McManus, Marianne Schaffer, Anne Bloat, Elaine Suwko, Pene lope Speirs, Sally Tannery, Barbara Thomas, Diane Walmer, Susan Willis, Marilynn Yenehko. Delta Delta Delta (silver, gold and blue): Susan Adams, Mary Ambrisco, Marilyn Beck, Cynthia Cameron, Joanne Davis, Lynne Ely, Olga Fartueh, Susan Gawlo wicz, Jeanne Gobble, -Harriet Hutton, Karen Jones, Mary Krauss, Gretchen Krott, Ellen Lesher, Susan McCullough, Stephanie Mooney, Anne Pilsbury, Gisela Rank, Sally Rearick, Carole Ritz, Diane Rogers, Mary Sleichter, Suzanne Small, Nancy Taylor, Sandra Wathen. Delta Gamma (bronze, pink and blue): Judith Addison, Winnojean Bechdel, Bar bara Bell, Ellen Blakely, Barbara Bren ham Joan Burkhait, Nancy Coggeshall, Dorothy Cowling, Ann Davis, Deborah Eddy, Kathleen Garvey, Judith Good, Mary Gwin, - Elaine' Hall, .Barhara Hampton, (Continued on vaae six) A-"?' d p., qt, 4r i t ait 41-;:kag.).; FOR A BETTER PENN STATE but Kennedy took the position that this cannot be done right now. He predicted, however, that his plan would lead in time to "a balanced budget in a balanced_ full em ployment economy." The tax reduction would become effective in three annual. stages, between 1963 and 1965. About $ll billion of the savings would go to individual taxpayers, the rest to corporations. The first-step reduc tions would take effect this year and would be at an annual rate of $6 billion—but the reduction for 1963 would not be that much un less it were made retroactive to Jan. 1. Present indications are Ken nedy will not ask such retroactiv ity in his detailed tax requests. THE PRESIDENT, in his view of the world, combined cautious rejoicing over Communist discom fitures of the past year with a strong warning against compla cency or any relaxation of cold war efforts, It is true, he said, that the West can find no grounds for rejoicing in the Soviet-Chinese disagree ment, since the dispute is "over how best to bury the free world." tomorrow, these five will gain places on their ballots. Town area candidates need only 75 sig natures for nomination. Candidates taking out petitions for the Nittany area seat are Terry Igoe (2nd-business administration- Warrington), Paul D. Miller (Bth arts and letters-Sunbury) and Da vid Tanner (3rd-education-Erie). Lawrence Linder (2nd-architec ture-Bradfordwoods) is seeking the North Halls seat and John Blish (sth-division of counseling- Washington, D.C.) is seeking the town seat. Several other candidates seem destined to have their names ap pear on ballots via the party nomi n a t i o n route. Campus Party Chairman Bob Perugini said yes terday that his party will nomi nate a full slate of six at its meet ing at 6:30 tonight in 119 Osmond. University Party will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in 121 Sparks but will not nominate candidates, al s 14 4 4 - s 4 ' : </ . ...)", 4 ' • .. , . 111I II • . i .. . . -„, . ~, ...: • .1 . ' I :. • :.: i„.O ,„ 3 • I". \. , -, %+f' "Nevertheless," he said, "while a' strain is not a fracture, it is clear that the forces of diversity are at work inside the Communist camp, despite all the iron disci plines of regimentation and all the iron dogmatisms of ideology. "Marx is proven wrong once again; for it is the closed Com munist societies, not the free and open societies, which carry with in themselves the seeds of inter nal disintegration." But he coupled that encourage ment with a warning. "But complacency or self-con gratulation can imperil our secu rity as much as the weapons of tyranny. A moment of pause is not a promise of peace. Danger ous problems remain from Cuba to the South China Sea." THE MESSAGE was studded with many recommendations, ranging from a domestic Peace Corps to a renewed call for health care for the elderly under Social Security. Above everything else, he said, there should be a quick overhaul of an obsolete tax system which checks growth. - though endorsements may be voted at that time. Campaigning for all vacant seats will begin Friday. Liberal Party business Sunday included election of two party officers and appointment of four committee heads and a parlia mentarian. KAREN FAY, former party chairman, was elected executive secretary and Barbara Fleisher (9th-chemistry-Elkins Park) was elected treasurer. A vice chairman and recording secretary will be elected at the next meeting, set for Feb. Pl. George Gordon, Liberal Party chairman, made the following ap pointments: Paine, parliamentar ian; Anne Morris, publicity com mittee; Harry G race, platform committee; Alan White, projects committee; and Robert Clepper, membership committee. Grace and White are congressmen and Miss Morris formerly was a congress man.
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