PAGE EIGHT Smith Appointed Henry L. Smith, professor.. of journalism and former director of the School of Communications, at the University of Washington in Seattle, has been named distin guished visiting professor of jour nalism for the winter term $63. The 66-year-old historian and educator will teach a course in the history of journalism and com- ' LISTEN TO U.S.G. REPORT This Week "The Aims and Purposes of USO” THURSDAYS 7:30 TO 7:40 ! WMAJ-AM WDFM-FM k- • _ I - : ' | , ‘ /• Results: Up to 30,000 miles between filter changes In Ford-built cars for ’631, The 1963 Ford-built cars you see ori the road these days can , eat dust and Keep coming back' forjmore, thianks to improved (carburetor air filters. j j j . -In our continuing quest'to build total quality and «aving features into Ford-builrt cars, our engineering research : jstaff explored the entire field of physical chemistry for new. * iair-purifying properties in materials. j *,i : ' I |The result: a filtering tr atejial made of chemically treated (wood pulp and paper that! permits Ford-built cars under jnormal operation to go jfrorn 24.000 to 30(000 miles before, • jcarburelor air filter replacement is required. ' ' ]The new, tougher filter p'aper is accordion jolded to increase Isurface area'four-fold, permitting higher filiation in a smaller ■ (package. The more accumulates, better it filters, (right up to its full rated service life. It saves owners time and jmoney. It Keeps Ford-bui|t ejngines livelier longer. Another conr plated— 4nd anoth iFord Motor Company prc vides engineering iAmerican Road. " - . .1 ;-nC! .• Sllfe' '-‘4 '* - &*?;#->! j* ssfy i i > ; • i. THE DAILi COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA isiting JournProf ' munications. : : i -- Smith is the author o i three,his tories. —■ | His latest, "The Press and America,'” written 1 with Edwin Emery, has been the required j text at the University for the course "'.mith will be teaching. f Smith’s other books are • aero nautical ; histories. j Warmer Temperatures Expected Tomorrow Afternoon , Pennsylvania will continue un-least as Ohio. 1A the central states varied frdm tht der the influence oi cool tem-j The milder air should make It- 6(/s in the Dakotas to the 70 j peratures and mostly cloudy skies self felt in this area tomorrow, from Nebraska southward, today, even though bright sun- and a high of GO is expected. To- Locally, tonight should be pari shine will boost afternoon mer- day’s high will be near 48 degrees, ly cloudy and chilly with a lotr cury readings into the 60’s as far Yesterday’s temperatures in:of 30 degrees. % ★ COLLEG FOR SALE FORTY MILES TO GALLON M 2 Renault D<4ui(. Condition 'rutrantrai four month* by maDufacturen' warranty. Excellent in enow. Private owner. Will Mil or consider trade. AD (7-4412. BANJOS. UKES. Guitars.; Piano*. Ham mond Organ*—strings, bdok*. all tnuxlc supply*. Pxter Murie Outer. Bennrr Pike. Open 'til 8 p.m. dally except Wednesdays. Phone EL 6-3441. j SAMANTHA COATI Muddl. Lons noee. warm feet agd very affectionate pet. 180 new, going for $26. Sitondhand. Call Dave AD 8-2074. _ _ j STERECTtaPE RECORDER and Record Turntable combination plus two external Speakers. Call Al. AD 8-|F>B7B from 6-11. ‘SKIN DIVING*EQUIP : fTank. _ wet suit, etc. All in good condition. Call Ijirry AD 7-2193. STUDIO COUCH, drefnurs, dealt light*, tables and chairs, typewriter desks, single or -double bed*), davenport and ehair. Hoy's Used Furniture (just off Mountain Street, Lemont). AD 8-0420. Open 8-9 p.m. CLASSIC 1963 MG-TD. Yed. g«»d body, excellent Interior, six got d tires, tonneau. Ed, UN, 8-2170. FURNITURE AND Miscellaneous Items at Gray'* Auction Thursday yvening. Nov. J 6. 6:48 pm., Rt. 68 'between Bellefonte and Pleasant Gap. Call EL &9720. S. Johnny Gray, Auctioneer. I . GIRL'S- ENGLISH BlCYCLe!~ln*good condition ; equipped with thorn and 2 bas ket* on bark. Call UN 618437. >r example of how j leadership for the , leary dual clouds to chick Hr plti MOTOR COMPANY Th« American Road, Deartocm. Mkbioan PMDUcra roa thi amuucan aoad . th« hoik THI FARM • INDUSTRY • AMO THI All OF SFACI lAN CLAS FOR SALE I*l* BUICK. 4-door hardtop. P.rf»ct con dition, red and a bite. Phone El* 6-64th VM TA PE _ RECORDER.. 2- spoed, record, and play, monaural, playa two track itereo. UN 1-29*6. GKANOE HAI.L contract lor aale-130. lor taker. Call Kick UN l-*422 after 7 p.m. 1966 METROPOLITAN. new top, aew paint. 1295. Call AD 8-9046. WEEKEND FOR TWO—Treadway Inn, Dover, Delaware —Includes breakfaat and dinner. Vacations Hillel, Nov. 16, 8 p.m. BRAND NEW' Sewing Machine atill In box. Prlee lees $lOO, now $49.96. 86-year guarantee. AD‘ 8 8367. DORM CONTRACT—Men ; 16 reward. Call Sal at UN 6-234*. MOTORBIKE. MOTORSCOOTER* both In top condition. Legal for Freshmen. Rea sonable prices. AD 8-8805^- * r • NHHMUHIINHHtHIIHIUUIHMMIIINMMHMHMtIII ONE BOY to work In boarding bouse. Call AD 7-7247. SENIOR RE-ENTERING State want* sin gle room In West Halls. Call Raynor Dick at UN 6-6177. Beat Pitt. TW'O MEN have apartment. On* more to make It eomplete. Call AD 6-2928 after 6 p.m. , RIDE TO PHILADELPHIA, Wednesday. Nov. 21. Call Chris, UN 6-4400. Please 1 WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 196? SIFIEDSA WANTED ROOMMATE FOR winter term for ta apartment across from Atherton Dorms. Call Stan after C. AD 8-0271. ’ - - TYPING TO DO in my home. 'Cali afttr five. HO 6-4672. MHUIIMMMNntIHHHHWIININUMNIMMIMMnMMM FOR RENT BASEMENT APARTMENT. One f living rcOm, batnHritb shower, * private - .* entrance/ all Utilities included?-$76. Tiro; students or working- men. Call AD 7-231'8. } NEW ’THREE-ROOM and Bath FurnishVd'- Apartment; fireplace, private entrance,: paved parking space; situated 1 mile from town on nearby farm. Available to married couple without children bin exchange tor doing chores and some farm work. Bor additional information write P.O. Box 112, State College, stating age, farm experi ence; also state beef cattle experience If anj. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION STU DENT'S— Afternoon . and evening work with new products of National Corpora tion. Grade average must be at least 1.0. Call AD 7-7312. RIDE TO ROCHESTER, New York oa Wed., Nor. 21, immediately after !trd period. Desperate. Call Bob, UN 6-3337, RIDERS TO FLORlDA—leaving _on or about December 7; going to Fort Lauder-" dale. Call Bud, AD 8-6166. HELP WANTED iMkmMMIINHIHIIIUIMHHMIIIIMNInMMtMriIHiN PART TIME WORK—Limited number of qualified students now being accepted to aid large national concern in promotion work. Applicants must be free two after-, noons per week. Salary $l6 per day. For' personal interview call Mr. Quinn 9*l p.m. AD 7-7112, KITCHEN HELP WANTED. Call AD~7- 2218 and ask for the cook. WORK WANTED FAST, ACCURATE TYPING Service. <>ll AD 8-0797 after 6 p.m. • HIMMINUHHHINHinNNHHINNHINMHIHIINIMS LOST MW,„MHnmMHMIIWHm*HI,HMM»*IMM,IWI>IIH IN* 1964 CLASS between Alpha Phi Alpha and Acacia. Initials H.C.W. Inside. Triangle is ''engraved *on stone. Cali AD 8-1691, ask for Herln BLACK LEATHER GLOVES, Bou.;ke. Nov. 2. Warning—the black comes off on your hands. Got to have Ihfm by )fov. 14. Call UN 6-6753. PEARL BRACELET lost near Willard Bldg, on Sat. afternoon. Reward. Call UN 6-4149. ONE TENN STATE Jacket, white lea'ber slt-eves with checkbook .in pocket. Call Frank, TJN 6-6905. ONE PAlR'Contact Lenses In black piaa tic case on campus last week. Rew.ird. Call Trie, AD 8-2194. . ' c . A DARK GRAY Raincoat with a yeilow lining was taken from the HUB Room last Saturday night. Please return to 131 North Barnard, Apt. 8' or call AD 8-3609. <- m LOST—BLACK RAINCOAT, initials >WF on label Sunday at ZBTr*, Call - Alan. UN 6-8723. GOLD MESH BRACELET Sunday evening, between Phi Sigma Sigma sorority and East Hall C. Reward. Call Pat, UN 6-886 L MISCELLANEOUS THE MUSIC MART—The Compete MuaU Store Guitars and Guitar accessories. Sheet Music and a Complete Instrument Repair Service. Also Ukes, Brfpjos, and Mandolin*. - TUTORING: Philosophy, Economics, Psy» chology. Political Science. Get expert help Before it's too late. Call AD 8-8818. RED CROSS BLOODMOBILE, Nov, 14 and 14 in HUB. Walk-ins accepted or call AD 7-3162 for appointments. BEFORE BLAST Cabin Party for mem* bera of the SKIN DIVING CLUB. Fr;d*y. Nov. 16, 7:80-777 gt the Lion's Cabii. off N. Atherton Street. Sign up at HUB desk. SEAMSTRESS DESIRES work. Ladle* and men's clothing. Reasonable prices/ Call AD 7-2812. % A.C.E. MEETS TONIGHT at 7:00 la Whit* Hall Dane* Studio. Mra. Burger* ford, gueat speaker, on games and rhythms for J ckildren. Please’ wear' slacks or ber mudax. ROBIN MARIE, 6 POUNDS S OUNCES,' BORN TO' JIM AND AMY PEPPIER. 11/10/62 NEWMAN CLUB features Lecture *S« rises Dr., Richard 8.-Glde* apeaka oa *'M< dens Catholle Fiction" Thurs. Nor. 16, 7, 111 Boueke. / ! THINKING. ABOUT THE'DRAFT? Heat William-WWdom of the Philosophy I>epL speak about the draft tonight, 109 Otnpnd, 8 p.m. Sponsored by'S.E.N.S.E. / PENN STATE OUTING CLUB, PSOC SKI DIVISION: Threw *.ml Rack*, that b! Stene th rewing Ale Sanday 'at SkJment, Leave Rec Hall at 1:99. Free chow. PSOC SKI DIVISION t Renting :>kU Uk winter? and werk eo” the rental‘skis this Saturday, liM at the Water - Tewer. Refreshment*. PSOC CANOE DIVISION: Canee trip. Red lfeahaamen Creek. Class lll—niga ap Hak Desk. Sanday, N’mnktr It— Meet Rec jHall —9:J9 e'cleck. PSOC ...Rack . Giakixf trip Sam lay. 9:89 a.». Res HalU Getag to Ckikwet Hel lew if anew b leas than 4 feet drep.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers