TUESDAY/NOVEMBER 6; 1962 Theta Xi Captures League H Title j By S> CARKNTBI Biesecker then added the first of | Within the past seven weeks to , “fke the ! score the' names Untouchables, Go , e , nded o**y Team, and Chinese Bandits have m ? re touchdowns, one gained .increasing fame in colie- ®“ ■' i s '?*™.. pass Johnston giate football cirdesHfor these are a J^i? rard J pit l: h the three platoons f that Army to v^ b f j **** coach Paul Dietzel used with tre- * 1 n held mendous success at liSU.- manding Bead of 21-0. | However, if these; names are League Stifle mentioned to a Penn State Theta Phi> Xi. he will most likely think of of the first half came on his fraternity’s IM football team. Celd goal by Sl^ t For. as at West Pomt. Uiese three Gerard with 1:30 to go m-oups, along with) the JJolden They added a touchdown Gophers, have beep used very _ successfully at Theta Xi. In fact, these four jgfoups com bined forces in swamping’ Beta Sigma Rho, 31-0, last night The victory completed ah undefeated season for Theta Xi and gave them the League Hj title. It also marked the fifth game in six that the opposition failed to score. ■ The scoring barrage was led by Gary Kirby who scared three of Theta Xi’s four touchdowns and Bill Johnston who Iscored once. ; Theta Xi’s first score came on a ten-yard- aerial from quarter back Marlin Biesecker to Kirby. PRINT r lettarpru* • | Commercial P 352 E. Collega | •"'V- v /’“j. . | V-; r ,v 3®> '-J* ~„V> ' Si* '•*r. SK ! YW ' * \ < ': ■ i 8:30 i REV HERBERT GERNERT . Will Speak on What is Expected of YOU as a Special Ed. Teacher ING •rinting AD 8-3025 I'. Many engineering and scientific graduates have that as an objective achieving it is a reality at UAC’s Corporate Systems Center. CSC was formed to'bring together under one management the vast technical resources of United Aircraft (one of the nation’s forty largest corporations) and its world-famous divisions. A young, relatively small organization, CSC is engaged in all phases of systems work in areas such as stellar inertial guidance, mobile ballistic missiles, weather technology, bio-science systems, orbital ren dezvous and satellite navigation and control. Bapid expansion in programs provides exceptional advancement, potential for capable graduates. CSC’s “small company” environment coupled with the ;*tability and benefits of a major corporation provide an ideal climate for professional growth. In the heart of picturesque New England, we are located almost exactly midway between Boston and New York City orly brief parkway hours from each. Investigate CSC career advantages during our visit. If you are unable to see i wir placement representative during interviews on your write to Hr. R. A. Fuller, Box 1047, Broadstreet Station, Manchester, .Connecticut —an equal opportunity employer, j I Opportunities for Chemists, Physicists, Biologists, Mathematicians, Civil, Aero - nautical. Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineers,Metallurgists, ; j Meteorologist*, Geophysicists and others. CAMPUS INTERVIEWS-Tuesday, Nov. 13 ?ji i ; i M ■1; i- :i ' Sea yoar College I llr|jtoCl : ETSSSS I o'—*. CORPORATE systems center MritaappoiainirtL B HlFUTclll Windsor Locks, Connecticut THE 3 DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA •’Mrrswji: - CEC TC Meeting - NIGHT i -me rr s r jrtnwt.i 5:20 to go in the game on a 25- yard pass from Wendy Wear to John Menichello which climaxed a 70-yard march. t - -p In other fraternity action My ron Kerstetter caught three touch down passes to lead Delta Chi to an 18-0 victory over Sigma Chi. Sigma Phi Epsilon scored : a first down in overtime to edge Alpha Phi Delta. 1-0. Phi Sigma Kappa tripped Zeta Beta Tau. 1-0. also on first downs. Sigma Alpha Ep silon scored a first period field goal on a 25-yard kick by John Gander to defeat Sigma Pi, 3-0. 217-218 HUB Dietzel, Donelli Disagree NEW YORK UP) Two of the East’s leading coaches Buff Donelh of Columbia and Paul Dietzel of Army disagreed yes terday on the question of playing college football games in miser able weather conditions. “When we- have a day like last Saturday—rain, cold and 40 mile an hour winds—l think the game should be canceled or postponed," Donelli told the New York foot ball writers. COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FORTY MILES TO t'.ALLON 19ft* Renault STI’DIO COIVH. dre«»cr*, d*Jk''TitV*. Daaphine Delude. Condition guarat)te«d - table* and chair*. tet*ewrjter de»k*. • »itigl« four month* by manufacturer** warranty, or double bed*. davcni*ort and ehait. Excellent in mow, Private owner. Will' l’*ed Furniture. Ju«t off Mountain Str#*4, aril *r consider trade. AD 7-441'.!. I l.rmonl, AD H-lU2O. Open p.m 4 j ONK TAME SQUIRREL MONKEY .ml S'xS* cagf. I'riff 145 00 fur ciga and mon key. CafITAD S 043*. BANJOS, UXKSL Guitar*. Piano.. Ham. roorid Organa—-.tring;., b*«ok«, all mn.tr auppltea. IMffr Mu.ic Center. Hennrr Pike. Ov«m **il t p.nc daily Wednesday*. PW« KL A-A441. THE !+•% NKW TRANSWAVE Hith prrforMAca t-tran*wu>r radio*. Perfect CkrtitiaM gift*. $15.00. Call Tom AD 7-ZJU. PORTABLE ” MAGNA VOX STEREO, apmkrr. and aland Ihh. Kirrllrnt corn ditioa. Graduation fore*** eo-ownrn to aril. Call UN Min. DUNLOf fold-aoaietl lira. whilrw.ll. MT*-ir’. New. never mail. Gall KL &.340.V BUY ANT AVON CREAM Sachrt-re ceivt any second FREE. Spray Cologne also on aala. Call AD *-*7l*o. I $ 'Tm happy we played it tje* cause we won." Donelli addict, "but it’s unfair to the players and to the fans to play in such bad conditions." Columbia beat Cor ncll. 25-21. ' |- . Dietzel. whose Army teira downed Boston University 26-0 [in similar conditions in Boston, voiced a dissent. j "The elements are there. ,we should be prepared to play iin them." he said. ‘ FOR SALE 30*0* HIHI.K, fintom dock with cIlMk P»«t. drilled «ml tapiiftl for *co|i#v Mnm<(*4 with Kvcnan receiver niffht, Mauaer KH. action. on# year. I*ric# IMt jkhn Hlair, Ml. UN &.4M3. . \ I'sV.D I'KOKKSSION \I. I.ih Mkrowltp* for •«]#. Ktctllrnt condition. Many tfr%- turea. Mor# than adequate for moitleti •rhool nr graduate work. Call fo* detail* al» s*r:n. j TWO TU’KfcTS for th# Wwt Vinfltti yam#. t'.o««d *eat«. 14.00 *arh 4 pitt*. C all AH Jt-rtlM after 7.10. j NITTANY HAU-S Dorm Contract. £»ll Jerry UN S-&477 hetwern ? ft 12 ».mi KTKHKO IU-i'l » - *HINKT *»U» Ull* R|>eakem $7O ' Call UN 5.7C7J.. j FOR RENT 1 HAVE APARTMENT: need r«Mnn«lA .Tw»* block# from camjm*. N. Street. Call Harvey' after 4 «hl g.m. AIJ h-Ml*. , j KOK KENT, Quirt S-room apartn|cnt jfar ,lwo. available wmlrr ternL Rea*on4hl« price. Call AH H..IWJ. WANTED ONE HOY to work in hoartfing: bob*#/ Call AH 7-7;* IT. i WANTED: RIDKHS To T«w» trfrma. Ri<|#r« wantinf transportation (nth way* pp*frrr«t, ('all il«b I'N TYPINfI. >*••!. efficient imt - rrotiußifa'al. wni pick-up and ilrlorr Call AD' RIDERS' WANTED»for Ihrl.tm.ii vW«- Uon lo Colorado Spring* nr point* ftm* rout a. Call Arlene fN (1-4770. * TYPING' TheaU. Termpapera. RepdrU. Rea«»n*Me rate*. Call AD 7 211&. | TO SHARK APARTMENT with female graduate; or undergraduate Rtoderit begin ning winter Addrena rnrrr*r«iml4nte to: Nancy Yale*. 101 S, Hwarthmoff Ridley Park. Pa. ' ; , TYPING WANTED ; I imiiaM PART. ACCURATE Typing aervtfe. Call AD V H-07P7 after 4 p.m. } HELP WANTED PART TIME WORK Mmitnl numhe# oT qualified ati'dent* now being accepted t* ahi large national in prowodfoa work. Applicant* mini l*e frr* two after- 1 noon* per week. Salary |1& |»er day. jEor peraoaal interview rail Mr. (Jubin ? M p.m. AD 7-7111 .1 STUDENT WITH CAR. Kirellent *.m mU*km. Evening work. Apply Dean*# Walk-In. WORK WANTED wa—eaamHWHHMWMtWWHWWWmHHWtIIIIW FART. ACCURATE: TYPING Service. Call AD M 797 after 0 p.m mi rn nif mm nll ull mi n 111111 nimi mu Him O—m PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASS KM with Mark frame* In tan »uap«upen ra*e Rawfeed. Call Doa Maurer I'N t WMJ or AD. 7-IS4O. PKARL AND Diamond Earring in vicinity of Sigma Nu nr Alpha CHt Sigma .fra ternity during Homecoming Wwkro4. Reward. Contact 1* Gel it 7 4-4 Dr4*eL kruttk Drive. I>rev! 'Hill. Panna. • BLACK TRENCH COAT taken from #tlß Mat the 27th .pteaae return. Call ClMhf at UN \-b\t*. PERSONAL TO THE CIKI. who returned r»ty kryt and n*a*y la the Ill'll <ie«k Th'tmiky— THANK YOU. Kar. MISCELLANEOUS THR MUSIC MART-Th# Complete ftftitlg Store Guitar* and Guitar aereaatirUa. Shwt Mwik and a Complete |n»trqi|tenl Repair Service. Aim Ukw, flanjoa, ; aad [Maaddlfo. CHKMUrntY TUTORING—Avoid gratia* that varrwed feeling. Call AD t-MW.I .TUTORING: Phltowiphe, Eronomka, tap .ehology. Political K#i*nr*. Get eeperf 'help : before It** too late. Call AD Mil*. | ; RED** CROSS fHoodmobile, N«rvew»hei| I* and 14. Sign op In HUH Oct. H thra Nee. «. , P.VIC v CAMS •»-! TRAIT,' iM«tia< Wed. Nov. 7th. Movie* and itldag 'of Shenandoah National Park. We i«||E make plan# ft* »»if winter romping (trip te HKenaaduah National Park- j PSOC SKI DIVISION meeting Thuritay. Her. I. * W p.m; in 10 Spark*. Prep pra~ tlavs for between term *ki trip. Notej the mom ha« been changed. • j ? . • i ; NEWMAN CLUJS premia the .cron* hi Fail Pornm S»ri«, 'litttrgical Chandra - PloikUHjr Within tW f hurrh" by \ Dr. ~ > William Htoroy. To«a. N<r». 4. T lia., * ‘w. M.r. j KNOW the' FACTS- UUn Vmfin educator* 4Urv** "A I»ok At flail* * Africa: Kducalion and Culture/* (9)4 •i»d new mrmbwr. wrlcejm* 1// " atodrnt PBEA mnatiag, 11Z Chamber*, 4, Bn*.. * -Noe. 7. j *JL~ BOCIJCTY MKMBEKS—fWwry, )m thfre-wtll bo an moating on Mavtitkirlf— • •* aoertlarr a +r**rr. J PAGE SEVSN
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