PAGE TWO ,Gromyko Refuses to Comment On Possible Khrushchev Visit WASHINGTON VP) = Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro myko said last night he .had a "useful" talk with President Ken nedy about the Berlin issue, but he declined to say whether Premier Khrushchev will come to the United States. Gromyko gave this' word to newsmen after a 2-hour meeting 'with Kennedy at the White House starting in late afternobn. The Russian foreign affairs leader then headed for the State Department, where Secretary of State Dean Rusk served a '"work dinnern att which the- Berlin crisis—and possibly a Kbrush ehev visit--were slated for fur ther discussion. THE . SOVIET foreign minister was ; asked if he had brought a letter from Khrushchev to the President. Gromyko would say only that, tried to convey to the Presi dent the greetings and best wish es .of the head of the Sdviet government." Through the new US. ambas sador at Moscow, Foy D. Kohler, Khrushchev has sent feelers to Kennedy' about corning to the United Nations and also talking with Kennedy about the Berlin .dispute sometime around late 'November or early December. • -Asked. after the White House session iv het her Khrushchev would come, .Gromyko replied only, "I have nothing lb say on this at this moment.' "'ME PRESIDENT and I dis cussed several important matters, among them the question of the German . peace settlement," he added. Wife of Czech Diplomat Found Slain in Mission NEW YORK (AP)—A Czecho slovakian diplomat's wife was fOund slain in the Czech United Nations mission on Madison Ave nue yesterday. The slain victim was the wife of Karel Zizka. an attache of the Czech mission to the U.N. earlier Thursday Zizka was wounded critically after New Jer sey and Pennsylvania state troop ers pursued his black Cadillac which had diplomatic license plates across the state line from New Jersey to Pennsylvania at speeds up to 110 m.p.h. M P : .7 r . ,r 4 N.: y , : . TONITE at 7:15-9:15 P.M SAT.-1:30-3:20-5:20-7:20-9:15 "INTENSE . COMPELLING . NERVE-SNATTERINC" NEW YORK TIMES Ss icrattm ammo RED IItITTONI3 In "SAYONARA" TECHNIRAMA & COLOR THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA ANDREI GROMYKO . talks with Kennedy "I think that the exchange of views on buch matters was use ful." There was no immediate com- 3 Doctors Sha STOCKHOLM,t Sweden (A') An American biologist' and two British scientists were jointly awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize, for medidine yesterday for a break through into the mysteries of heredity. Among other things, their work gives clues .to some of the funda mental secrets of life: what makes a man a man, why are blue eyes , blue and points to ward new studies into the causes of such ailments as anemia. • SHARING THE award were Dr. James Dewey Watson. 34, of Har vard University; Dr. Francis Har ry Ccimptnn Crick, 46. of the Cav endist Laboratory, Cambridge, England:, and Dr. Maurice- Hugh Frederick Wilkins, 46, of the Bio physics Laboratory at King's Col lege, London. This year's prize is worth $49,- 656, to be shared jointly. THE NOBEL AWARDS were established by the will of Alfred Nobel, Swedish inventor of dyna mite who died in 1896. The medi cine prize is the first to be an- -NOW SNOWING 1.13P-:%n-5:25:7;30-9:30 • "A SICIE-S!" —Bosley Crowther. OM TIMES "GREAT FUN!" —4iteilf %tato, n.y. Post " MIARIOUSP I • Cook ! ILY. 11101MTELECIVJO F "A BESTMUMS!" • —Jodie iliburt, 1111$101 ; emit roma 41101/ am wit IWNIVWPAMILWANIII Oar MIRA OLIJAT wear or SOHO ment , from the White House or the State Department,on the Gut come of the talks, which began at 5 p.m. and lasted until about 7;15 p.m. The White House press secre tary, Pierre Salinger, sought in advance of the conference to play down - the possibility of a Ken nedy:Kbrushchev meeting on the Berlin 'crisis. . Alta A DISPATCH! from Mos cow quoted diplomatic sources as saying the Soviet premier ac tually has not made -up bis mind about coming to the - United States. He and Kennedy last met at Vienna in June 1961. It was understood' that fot prac tical reasons in the diplomatic maneuvering over Berlin, -Ken nedy and his advisers would not want to emphasize the likelihood of another two-man summit meeting, which might raise false hopes for a settlernertt of the ex plosive German question. Ken nedy, aides still voice - concern at the possibility of a dangerous deepening of the crisis in the next few months. e Nobel Prize nOunced. Others to be awarded later will be for literature:chem istry, physics and peace. • The three award winners were cited for "their discoveries con cernir' ig the molecular structure of nucleic .acids" which dictate the growth and- development of the cells of the body. TV RENTALS l' by day, week, month 11533 , TELEVISION I , 1 SERVICE L CENTER iJi at State College TV t 232 S. Allen Street IT:tow-art wnrzr. L'Ir:ILIM11: 4;l4TaAazi-4 -- • -- _ Navy Jet flghters Sent fo Florida To Combat MIG Buildup in tuba WASHINGTON (A United States has moved some of itsastest and most heavily armed Navy jet fighters to within four minutes flying time; of Cuba. A Defense Department spokes man said yesterday a squadron of about 12 F4B Phantom 2 fighters was ordered to Key Med, Fla. on Oct. 6, three days after' Coiigress was told of a buildup of MIG jets in Cuba. - NEWS OF THE quiet shifting of New College Diner the Mo t, * STARLITE DRIVE IN , -THEATRE Benner Benner Pike Between Slate College & Bellefonte 3 Feature . All Technicolor Horror-A-Rama SHOW TIKE 7:45 SNOWING FRI. SAT. SUN. I.—The Curse of- Frankenstein 2.---Phantom of the - Rue Morgue 3.—Norror of Dracula (Meet the Stars under the Stars at STARLITE) CLOSED MOM. thru THUBS: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1962 Navy jet fighiers to the southern most tip of Florida was related by the Defense Department spokes man to a report by Under-secre. tar of State -George W. Ball on growing MIG strength in Cuba. Ball told Congress that Castro eventually will have probably 25 to 30 of the most modern Soviet built MIG jets which normally carry air-to-air missiles. Already Cuba was believed to have 'one advanced bIEIGI. en -one or. C..di gree •Candy Party? It's set. Monday, Oct. 22. When we open our cious Barton's Candy De.. partment. So remember the date and remember to come ort'down ...hungry. The candy': on the house. B A RIO N r g 04 1 1,64tiVii, NEW YORK • LUGANCESWITZERLAND fly ,„ 7 O'clilorte) s 110 East College Ave.
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