PAGE EIGHT Greek Week Thyme :Set ''Greeks Light the Way" has bren cthosen as the theme for the 1962- .83 Greek Week, scheduled for Feb. 10-19. A. revised point system for Greek Week events was also an nounced' recently by Fred Good, .Greek Week co-chairm_a n. • - Under the revised system, more emphasis will be placed on the percentage of each group partic ipating in the events. THREE HUNDRED points will be ! awarded for an entry in the group singing category of the inter - fraternity Council - Panhel lenic Sing if' 75 per cent of the sorority , or fraternity participates. An additional 30 points will be given for each 5 per rent of par ticipation between 75 and 90 per cent. First, second and third place winners in the group sing will receive an additional 400, 300 and 200 points respectively. Quartetentrantsin the Sing will receive 225 points for participa tion:First place winners•will also be awarded 300 points,,second place. 225 points, and' thid, 150 points. A THIRD category, new to the Sing this year, is open to either -vocal or instrumental selections by an individual or group spon sored by a sorority , or fraternity. Each entry in this category will New. College Diner . Downte..,n B. twctn ,the .4? 3 " ,=1 6 .. says; Gaius (Shoeless Joe) Flavius, top discus slinger. "I • I can tell you every 'Pareyron gives me bonus flavor—de g' eigoi-ette. Take a couple of pax vobiscum next time 3,- - ou come to the Coliseum. getter still, buy 'em by the carton." Dual Fitter makes the di f ference ; , , receive 150 points. An additional 200, 150 and 100 points will be given to the first, second and third place winners respectively. A candidate in the outstanding pledge competition will receive 100 points for entering, an addi tional 100 points for being a final• ist and another 100 points for win ning, yielding a possible total of 300 points. * Two hundred points will be awarded if 75 per cent of a group participates z, in the exchange dinner program. Groups with 50 per cent partiCipation will re ceive 100 points. • - BRIDGE TOURNAMENT •en tries will receive 150 points. Twp hundred points will be awarded lo the winners, 150 for second place•and 100 for third. •-:.:, ":"1 . 1;:5,L,4. _:-.2 :'::..,, .... 'A , ± ...."," l'a..• , ::-.l"'''r'.: ' ,L - 40. - '. 4 `.t :.;,':,'-' -*" 4 .- '''''' - 'l3 , CHORAL. EUCHARIST : 5 FOR --EPISCOPALIANS The Academic Community (STUDENTS, FACULTY and STAFF) . 541;;:%;1% "Tareytpn's Dual Filter in d THE pAirr COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA •Fifty per cent participation in the:work project will be worth 300 ;points. Eighty points will be given for eachladditional 10 per cent of a group participating, for a possible total of 700 points. ,The work will be judged only as acceptable or non-acceptable. Par tiiipation points will be valid only if the work is acceptable. WINDOW DISPLAY lentrants will receive 225 points. First, sec ond: and third' winners, will be awarded 300, 27;5, and 150 points respectively. ' , • One ,hundreil pointi will be given f.O" fraternities if their presi dent and chapter adviser attend the IFC-Panhel banquet. Sorori tiesiwill receive 100 points if their president, Panhel delegate and adviser attend the dinner. ANNUAL NATIONWIDE CORPORALE COMMUNION WED. OCT 17 9:15 P.M. EISENHOWER CHAPEL ~- '' , , MIALF7ER I T arevi t on i.,4-44. 1 Z-4-1-44.--,,—,- - Xe...ifts..Adt..m . •• • .. 4r TI = 1 ~ ' ~f~;. ... o, ...c.ix Hungry for flavo Ta reyto got it! s panes diviia est!" • a pack per diem man," says Sho . elts Jo T e, "and bus you never thought you'd get f m any filter COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS '5B CHEVY Impala Convertible. Power steering, power brakes. Needs work. Best offer. Lee Leaeock, 626 S. Pugh. AD 7-2810 after 6:00 p.m. PARILLA LOOO miles, with windshield. $420 new, selling fur $3OO. Ask for George AD 3-94348. TV 10-inch RCA Table Misdel. Fleet $1.6.00 taken it Call AD 8-2168 between 6:00 and 1:00 p.m. Mast sell. SINGER PORTABLE ELECTRIC Sewing Machine, used and in excellent condition. Can be guaranteed. 529.95. Call AD 8- 8267. , ' AGFA 118 so.= Camera—ln good shape and Etalon stipomst exposure meter—new. Call Frank, AD 7-4:58. BOY'S _ENGLISH BIKE for sale. Call Roger, AD 7-4147. ONE ACU-MATH No. 511 SLOE RULE. It his conversion tables useful in chemir try and physics along with the appropriate settings to work them on the slide rule. Contact Jim at UN 5-3217. 1959 MERCURY Monterey 2-door, radio. Dexter. automatic transmission. Excellent condition, priced for quick gale. Owner leaving—must sell. $llBO solid. UN G-602, $ p.m. ARCHITECTURAL AN D . Mechanical Drafting equipment. Large assortment. Call Daverafter 7:00 p.m. AD 8-2415. HAVE TUREE TICKETS to Syracuse. Fair price. Call Bernie UN 6-2638. CRANCO FM Tuner, can be plugged Into • Plumnjaelc. Call Ted AD 7-3332. DESPERATE MUST SELL two dorm contracts Immediately.. Call Stu, UN 5- 8964. $5 bonus for each buyer. 1955 FORD 6 eyl., R 4411. Pa. inspected Call Ralph AD 7-2251 evenings. PLENTY OF red-hot exciting tickets for the. Syracuse game. Call AD 7-3962 be tween II:00 and 7:00 p.m. iii 1111=11 ,FOR SALE 11=1 I WEDNESDAY, !OCTOBER 17, 1962 FOR SALE NNNwN MI MOOD FOR SALE—One ticket to Syracuse game. Call Bob UN b-726/3 after 6:00 p.m. FOR SALE—oet of Golf Clubs, like new, W. Call Chris! AD 8-9434. AQUALUNGS TWIN-3b's $20.00; 31. ineb Wet Suit, medium-large $25.00. Teter Kent UN 6-102. FOR' RENT - • LARGE SINGLE ROOM. private entranan, 5 minute •walki to campus and downtown State College. Call AD 7-7111. ROOMS FOR party of four to six proplit for two nlabta for football frames. Cont plete turnover of Branch Road home. Call AD 7-1_792. WANTED: ONE STUDENT to ■bare • new modern double room next to camptus Fri% ate entranee, bath and parking• AD I-I 327. .WANTED ' •••nwoommosasersommmearme• TWO DISHWASHERS good food! Work for two, get three meals. Call caterer AD 7-2642.- 4 TICKETS to Syracuse game. Call Staa UN 6-4467. KITCHEN HELP WANTED at Kappa Delta Rho. Call — AD 7-2337, ask for Jim Spar or Phil Dereook. ' RIDERS FROM Warriors Mark ,ares--4- will travel through winter. Call V 8-5811. RIDERS FROM Cleveland or anywhere West on Rte. No. 322 for Syracuse week end: Citll between 11 p.m. £ 12 p.m. Man, AD 11.2185. BOY GUEST for Homecoming Weekend has room and wants to share it with male, Call Rosanne 154928. WANTED: TYPING- of any kind. Rates reasonable. Please call AD 8-3764. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... besamamse••=llo WORK WANTED TENOR SAX ' player desires jobs. Will • play Reek. Call Jim. AD 21-9482. •••••• •••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HELP WANTED •••••••• 01101 . - TWO BOYS to 'work In Boarding Hous• meals each day.. except Sunday. Call AD 7-7247 . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••=ll LOST•• PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, return my matric and activities cards. I'M desperate and hungry. Reward. Call Irmgard, UN IS-2436. DIET2GEN SLIDE RULE lost lidonda7. Oct. S. CIS Ron. AD 8-6225. _ COLD PLATED Silver Dollar with gold Plated ring arciund dollar. REWARD. AD 8-1564. PAIR OF GLASSES in coral glass rasa. Loot In Buekhout. Reward. Call Ann UN 541667. BLACK CHESTERFIELD RAINCOAT= Tuesday afternoon at The Infirmary., I bare yours. Call 'UN 5-7077, BLACR CASHMERE Sweater at Alpha Epsilon Pi Saturday night. Reward. Call Steve AD 8-3589 or Judy UN 6-6069. LOST: TAN JACKET Willard. Name King on label: No questions. Sandy, UN 6-8512. • NOTICE • .......„......" GRAY'S AUCTION. Public sale Of furnt. ture and miscellaneous items Thurs. ego :ans. Oct. 18 'at 7:00. p.m. Route 68 be. tavern Bellefonte and 'Pleasant Gap. Call EL 6-9720. S. Johnny Gray, auctioneer. 0 8 1 1 1 •••••••• • 1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - MISCELLANEOUS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OHM THE MUSIC MART—The Complete Must* Store Guitars and Guitar. aetessories. Sheet Musie ipd a Complete-Instrument Repair Service. Also tikes, Banjos. and Mandolins. j CHEMISTRY 'TUTORING—Avoid - getting that .nowed feeling. Call - AD 8-11818. FROSH ! ELECT Walt Wlew•iora class presidentg Ex-high school student council president, second term, dean's list first term. TUTORING: Philosophy. Economics, Pay— cholot7, Political Science. Get expert help before it's too late. Call AD 3-8818. THE STATE COLLEGE Community Thea tre presents "LlHorn," a romantic fantasy by Ferenc 'Molnar. and the play from which the musical "Carousel" was made. S p.m. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 19 ,and 20. State Collette! Senior High School Audi torium. Tickets are to be purchased' at the door. Special student prices 11.001 ethers. 11.50. GOOD DRIVERS: Grad 'Student wishes to learn to drive on instructor's car. $1 Der hotly. Call AD 7-3460 evenings. PENN STATE PACERS. Sbowinx; film 'llianteelm Auto Auction.' Wednesday. 7:00 p.m.„ 11! Osmond Lab. Everyone welcome: ' i PSOC - ROCK - CLIMBING trip Sunday. 9:30 a.m.. Ree Hall. gains- to Chileoat Sisni up sheet at RUB desk. FROSH I VOTE Leonardassquint—class president. Five years • rience. twice student council president; honor student: varsity let:penman. . 'MOD HIKE bth Installment on bike to N.Y. Leave from New Collette Diner, 7:00 a.m. Sunday. Sign ugvat HUB desk. PENN STATE English Club meeting lirtelnesdae. October 17. 1962 at 7:00 p.m. Phi Mu suite. IPolioek 6). Charles instructor in Ellie Nab. will speak on topiet "America's 'Descriptive' Poet: e. e_ evm mingl' - Awareness and Use of Americas Eneirsh." Refreshments will be served.: All are welcome. PENN STATE HORSE CLUB.tforrnertr am Riding ,Clu b ) meeting Wedaeodate, October 17 at 7:30 IX= in 317 Willard. Guest speaker- .
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