PAGE TWO Justice Department Asks Court to Fine Barnett NEW ORLEANS. La. Wi—The Justice Department asked the federal appeals court yesterday to fine 'Mississippi Gov. Ross R. Barnett $lOO.OOO for defying court orders in the desegregation case of James H. Meredith. In addition, the Justice Depart ment asked ; for future fines of $lO,OOO a ddy until the governor satisfies the court that he is 'com plying with the court's orders. THE—veGiirtr HELD Barnett and Lt. Gov. Paul 'B. Johnsop Jr. in contempt for blocking the. en rollment 'of Meredith. 29, at\ the University of Mississippi. But the court put off imposing any pen alties to give them a chance to purge themselves of the con tempt. - In its J3l - ief submitted to the sth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Ike Campaigns for GOP In New England States BOSTON (AP)—Former Presi dent Dwight D. Eisenhower made a campaign swing into New Eng land' yesterday and said America "desperately needs" Republican :administration in states and com munities. In a 10-minute speech at Hart ford, ;,. Colin., • be- f6re • flying to 1 4 Boston for ak;-.N 1/... . ' ', 3 ,' $lOO - a - plate,,, . 4 ' , ... t. ' t ' : , birthday dinner,?! • "" *.- ' Eisenhower criti-' 1. , 1,4- cited what hei called "sophistit .; . ' cated nonsense"Vt from the crists inW ,,,. Washington. 1 - +' - The former Aill"• president was 72 D. D. Eirenhowsr Sunday. - The dinner is expected to pull half a million dollars into the gampaign chest of MaNstieliusetts Republicans. - Shortly before the former presi dent was to speak, it was dis closed that $70,000, in checks and cash—representing collections for the fund-raising dinner—had been stolen' him GOP state headquar ters. Most of the theft. some $60.000 in checks, was found in a garage in Boston's West Roxbury section. Police said the robbery apparent ly oceured,over the weekend. PRINtiiIG Letterpress • Offset Commercial Printing 952 E. College AD 8.3025 VlllMlNMNlMEtimemossits. Fresh Seafood Dinners featured each Thurs day and Friday night at 'The C4431-22firmau, As a Highlight of Homecoming Weekend - The-State polle g e Community Thedtre Presents LI 0 M IT The Play frail . Which the Musical 'Carouse' Was. Made 8 p.m.;, Fri. and Sat., October 19 and 20 State College Senior High School Auditorium Tickets Are to BePurehased at the Door No Advance Reservations Are Needed SPECIAL STUDENT PRICE $l.OO Others: $1.50 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA the Justice Department said the United States "has suffered im mense financial as well as other harm" from Barnett's defiance of court orders in the historic case. THE GOVERNOR still has not "fully" purged himself of civil contempt, the Justice Department said, even though Meredith now is enrolled as a student at Ole Miss. The proposed order drafted by the Justice Department named Barnett as an individual, with no reference to his title. It remained in question whether any fine—if imposed—would have to be .paid by Barnett personally, or whether' the state could pick up the tab. The Justice Department's pro posal made no mention of the lieutenant governor. An attorney for •the National Eisenhower flew from Hartford to Logan International Airport in Boston where he was met by Re publican Gov. John A. Volpe and Massachusetts GOP Sen. Leverett Saltonstall. As he rode through downtown streets en route to-his hotel, shop ping crowds waved and called greetings to Eisenhower. He in turn waved to them and heard calls of "We like Ike" and "You'd still get my vote." _• Police estimated 25,000 heard his talk in Hartford, in which he criticized the present administra tion.: "SPECIFICALLY." he said in Hartford, "they want a ,Washing ton where Congresi is controlled by one party, where one party gets its orders from the executive, where the executive gets its goals and purposes from a clique of theorists whp specialize in experi mental tampering and tinkering and talk." "Left to itself. Washington can create nothing by paperwork, red tape, regulations and restrictions, but a--sophisticated Washington, left toitself, presents a picture of confusion, indecision, timidity in everything eic4ept in spending money," he said. STATE LAST DAY! "WEST WOE STORY" STARTS TOMORROW -FEATURE -1:00, 3:44, 6:32, 9:20 IMINES HATAR e n* JOHN WAYNE tte- ?Amid .n ‘ , TeKonnta. *from An -- i t,,, L . 1 I :01111100I0R , --. A PAR AMOUNT V RELEASE Association for the Advancement of Colored People urged the court to order the arrest of both Bar nett and Johnson. Constance Baker Motely, chief of the NAACP legal team, said both should be held in custody of the :U.S. attorney general un til they comply with the court's full integration order. When Meredith came onto the campus Sept: 30, riots , brought two deaths and injured scores more. To show full compliance, the court had instructed Barnett to notify -all law enforcement offi cers and other state officials :to: •Cease all resistance and in terference with Meredith at Ole Miss. •Maintain law and order in the campus area.. •Cooperate with court offiders to see that Meredith remains a student. In .event of failure to comply, the court earlier set,possible pen alties at $lO,OOO daily fines and jai', for Barnett and $5,000 daily fines for Johnson. Dilworth, Scranton Speak Jointly At Pittsburgh Chamber Luncheon PITTSBURGH (AP) Guber natorial candidates Richardson Dilworth and William W. Scranton appeared jointly for the sixth time yesterday as their campaigns headed into the final three weeks: The candidates each spoke for 10 minutes before a Greater Pitts burgh Chamber of. Commerce luncheon, then answered questionS • i from the floor. Dilworth told the gathering that` , if elected he would "select as department heads the best career men available, regardless of party." In answer to a question later, the Democrat said. "I naturally prefer DemocratS, but in our city, Philadelphia. half of the depart ment heads are registered as non partisans or Republicans." ' Rtpublican Scranton_ eve Ihe !TRU k RA, GR. RUCH IKLIONEL Dinned TOMORROW - I DAY ONLY! :..:.:. - C4* : ., - 44: : . :: ::...:: . . Thurs.: Peter Sellers "Only 2 Can Play" ;;0 RROW at e t "INTENSE-COMPELLING..-.NERVE-SHATTERING!" Last Tunes Tonils-7:15.9:15 P.M. "GUNS OF DARKNESS" Gomulka, To Confer BERLIN OF, Wladyslaw Go mulka, Poland anti-Stalinist Com munist leader, arrived yesterday fora week-long unity visit with Walter Ulbricht, the head of the East German Communist regime and one of the , , . : chief holdovers - i from the Stalin- ' :• ,1 ist period_ Gomulka went ' li l right down the , , , a Communist line ' ; ' on Berlin in his 1 N t „ .: arrival speech . ' -j . ,, , H e ..• denounced - • ' ' " "uninterrupted provocations" which he- said 1 - • 7 came from West W. Gomulka Berlin. "That is why we are fighting," he said, "for a peace treaty with Germany, in order to do away with lawless ness in the form of the remnants of the occupation regime, in or der to solve the West Berlin problem by turning West Berlin into a free, demilitarized city." Gomulka arrived with Premier chamber details of a 'Program of Progress" for Pittsburgh which he said he support if elected. Dilworth said the Leader and Lawrence Democratic administra tions straightened out what he called the financial "hodge-podge" left by previous Republican ad ministrations. , Scranton called for "improve ment of industrial development through building x better indus trial climate by - providing. honest, efficient government." The "Congressman also cited a need for community development programs, including a new cabinet - -rank department of community development. The state must make new efforts, he said, in the fields of race relations, neighbor , hood development and transporta tion planning. Altr TA Al V The Musical That Makes Your Heart and Your Eyes pancel 4 SNOWS: 2:00-4:15 6:20 P.M. Deluxe Eve Performance 8:30 P.M. THEATRE TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16„1962 Ulbricht on Berlin Josef Cyrankiewicz by special train at .what used to be called the Silesian station. The Commu nists renamed it' East Station be cause the former German prov ince of Silesia has now been in corporated into Poland. Gomulka embraced •Ulbjicht and Cyrankiewicz kissed the Ger man leader on both of his beard ed cheeks. They inspected a steel helmeted, jack-booted honor guard while a band: played old Prussian marches. After a visit to party head quarters and two wreath-layings, the East German and Polish lead ers went into' conference. THE VISIT is widely regarded as the Communist answer to the popular trip of President Charles de Gaulle of France to West Ger many last 'month. The Poles are spmetimes considered the "his toric enemy" of Germany in the east- as is France in the west. U.S. Denies-- (Continued from . page one) standards by the Allied command ants .to aircraft entering Berlin.. A THIRD NOTE, White said, repeated Soviet protestations over seizure of a Cuban sugar 'cargo in Puerto Rico. He noted the Soviet Union already has entered its claim in court there, as the State DepaVment had suggested. He voiced hope that the "long and tedious exchanges" on these mea-, .sureevvas now ended. Specifically ruled out at, this time were a ;U.S. invasion of Cuba, a blockade, recognition of a Cuban government in exile or creation of a North' Atlantic Treaty Organization type inter- American military command to deal with Cuba.- (DI los! Gasp..o%.
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