PAGE TWO College 'Platiiiiinj Vat'd in --130uary. General plans for the new Col- ', curriculum of the College of En loge of Arts and Architecture were I gineering and Architecture, Rack m copleted last surnmer, culmi- ley added. . I noting almost six months of dis- Organizational, book keeping cussion, John R. Rackley, vice] and admissions matters are being president for resident educatiolironed out now, he said. said yesterday. Planning began, he said, after . • President Eric A. Walkgr received Bus to Run Today a letter from Ben Euwema, dean r, of the Cohere of the Liberal Arts,{ For Senior Outing • ..., and Jules Heller, director of the School of the Arts. The letter in-) Bus tickets are still available dicated all was not working well for the first annual Senior Day, in the school, Rackley said, adding! which will be hi , ld this afternoon that he was asked to look into,at Stone Valley;:Norman Vincoff, the problem. <I, chairman, said yesterday. _ THE IDEA. of joining the three Tickets wile be sold.for 50 cents departments of the ScltOol of the 1 from 9:30 to 11' a.m. today at a Arts—art, musk apdlheater arts— i booth beside the Hetzel Union with the landscape architecture: desk. _ - curriculum of the. Department ofl Buses were originally scheduled Horticulture was accepted in the:to leave from the State College early planning, stages. - •J Hotel at 15-minute intervals be- The landscape architecture cur-i tween 12 noon and 1 p.m. flow riculum had been surveyed as..a I ever, if enough tickets: are not 1 part of the University's self. : eval-• sold this moming, there will be a uation program; a 'recommenda- single bus trip at 1:15 p.m. ; Vin tion of the evaluation was that it coif said. The buses will return be raised to department status , from Stone. Valley at 4:30 p.m. and relocated. lln -case of rain, any postpone - . A similar change fhad Plso been Iment will hae announced over the far the :trehiteclurellocal radio stations. iieiieeeweee•die`eeeiii...~~iiiiaeeeeeseiee~~eesei • at Hillel 00004111.8000(1.00,0114100110% 6 FM ALL RIGHT. JACK • Atioalosvoomite•aiireimmee • (English Film) TONIGHT - 8 p.m. at HUE; 'FOUNDATION 224 Locust Lane . - - All Welcome Don't Forget! Break-the-Fast Dinner Monday 7:15 PM. i. • • • • • ‘:"..•••••• BEST PICTUIOO Winner of 10 Academy Awards! Paying Tickets may 'be purchased in advance for any evening performance. Four Shows Today at 1:15, 3:54, 6:33, 9:12 NO RESERVED SEATS Prices •Today— Adults $1.50 Inc. Tax. Children under 1 Q yrs. 50c Sun. Mat. 2:.00u Eve 6:30. 9:06 STATE THEATRE, Stale College, Pa. NORTH HALLS VICTORY 111 RECORD HOP WARNOCK LOUNGE TONIGHT 8:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M. p DJ Present =Mlilii THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK.. PENNSYLVA4±4IA THIS WEEKEND 0t41 ; . CAMPUS TodiFy Artist - s Series The piano concert by Jo h n Browning at 840 tonight in Schwab will be broadcast live by WDFM. No concert tickets re main. Tomorrow Hollidaysburg Orientation Students interested in spending weekends visiting, patiehts in the Confucius say, sae day 10 fna, To a Weed ad limber Oat Sae, - "With m 1 StriagGaa nil use ♦oarmost kaaaratile wit'Ut3 ettUfe taro hada we better filo over SWINGLINE STAPLER -1 .11111.°ig49.36' .;i44144 ,, 9 i 099, 9441494 . 1 4 4 i..94 4 ' 5 49 ate t" rbk $4z944 , 4:44, el 49 Fi • 11 . 41 bier thaii a ParS et telt • Onciariditionally gtiaranteedt • Refills available anywhere' , ' • Get it at any stationery. -variety. or book store! • fora onifout o.n s.o.o4iniqat4 "Wires for %our usld •E • 1 10fd. ISLAND bre .. . . 1 1 - THE UNIVERSITY THEATRE 1 . CASTING TRYOUTS • 1 CREW HEAD PETITIONING • CREW SIGN-UPS i 7:15: to 9:00 i P.A. ; ' WT . JNE THEATRE OCTOBER 8 and 9 ' _ 11 'OLD' MAIN ; 1 - ... , 1 for ' . • • • • 1, . •• E IRIVALS I '.. _ -- : an d 1 18th'ceiitury comedy by Richard Sheridan 1 _. 1• - 1 to be ,presented•in Schwab Auditorium - 1• , , - . . 1 1 NovenA4r 15, 1607 I, State"; Hospital at Hollidaysburg should attend the orientation'pro grain as requested by the 'hospi tal staff. Cars will ; leave, the park ing lOt between Pollock and South He'll 'at 11:45 alit 1 - Monday - - itinbojersity ilbei!ter , Casting I- try-ouis, crew. head petitioning and crew sine ups will to be n id .m. f° l6ll The y ß . nral tril ni irg Y7:2 Tc l iday 2:00-2:4V-5:3S-7;i25- 4 3:15‘ S . aday I `TERRY-Tll.lo* . - As Luelitousias ever!" i t - _ '.Y.: Post The Laughs Are 4.11. mum Rimammial - mom -Special - Sunday Evening S NEAK PREVIA UNDAY at 8000 P.M. Come as early as 6:40 or as late 'as 8:00 P.M. and both the PREVUE plus our REGULAR ATTRACTION I.t SATURDAY, • • OBER 6 1962- • •- - " the Little Theater in the base merit of Old Main. Eve!lts - Skim.% Delta aiti 6:0 11;1176 Suadai, fl. Dan, CoDeella t 4.._ • Tea for interns "et:admix. t- p.m. tomorrow. Helm 1 Eakin . 4.ieenbosrer Theta Sigma I '" ;Momiercnr, PeLtu • Zeta suite, Ponsdr.l2. —CA .- THAI UM I a NOW-1:3% 4' 1 05; 6:40, 9:15 SUNDAY 400, 5:35; 8:30 *** *lipst Ratings in Cinerizagcope: & Color I starring Richard SEYMEIt Diane BAKER Arthur Kennedy j Ricardo Manta Thief Paul NEWMAN: as 'The'llattler" Tt ie s. I httuical Operetta ' MERRY NriDow. .* Starts IWEDNESDAY * World's idoit Outstanding Motion! Picture! Charlton Sophia, HESTON 1 t LOREN • ' • "EL CID" • Techn 7 irarna & Color-, - i
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