PAGE TWO Barnett NEW ORLEANS (AP;—Missis sippi Gov. Ross Barnett won a 10-day reprieve from federal pun ishment yesterday for his vain opposition to Negro Tames H. Meredith's enrollment at the Uni- Versity of Mississippi. The justice department suggested the delay. INSTEAD OF SENDING Bar nett to wbrison or fining him on the spot, a federal appeals court gave him a -dorm of probation until Oct.. 12. As the courtroom drama ended -without a showdown, Meredith quietly completed a second day's round of classes at the university campus in northern Mississippi. Students by the hundreds, es pecially coeds, fled the university campus at the height of the seg regation 4isorders.of the past two days. Late yesterday, Chancellor J. D. Williams appealed for their return, saying: "I HAVE BEEN informed by-au thoritative sources that , the `Ole Miss' campus is now secure, and parents can be assured of. the complete _safety ' of sons and daughters." Twice last week, Barnett per lona-lly blocked Meredith's admis sion to the university. But ih the face of federal troop intervention, the governor made no intrusion yesterday when Meredith finally was registered. THE GOVERNOR'S legal aides argued - that this non-intervention at the climax amounted to com pliance with the court's integra tion order, that therefore Barnett had purged_himself of contempt and any punishment attached to Postal Hike Bill Moves to Senate WASHINGTON (/II Senate }louse conferees agreed yesterday on a bill raising postal rates $605 million a year and -increasing the pay of 1.6 million federal workers. The bulk of .the ,postal rate rises, including a penny increase on letters and airmail, would take effect next Jan. 7. The $1.049,000,000 pay raise, af fecting one million classified civil service workers and 590,000 post al employees would take effect in two steps—one later this month and one in January 1964. The civil - service employees would getan average 9.6 per- cent raise; the postal workers 11.2 per cent. . The ;decisions by the conferees are subject to approval by the Senate and house. The Senate will act first , On the conference report and .may _take it up today. Congress Passes 6111 WASHINGTON (AP) —,Kapid fire House and Senate passage esterday sent President Kennedy y his tax bill, much revised froth what he asked but retaining- his key request which was an invest ment credit designed lo spur busi ness to modernize its plants. Missing is the second most im portant feature the President re quested, a proposed tax withhold ing plan on dividends and interest income. This had been counted up on to make up the Si billion the incentive figure is expected to cost the Treasury next year. New College Diner Dc 1,•• ". 4 ,.c, 4 SUPERIOR AUTO SUWICES, INC. en S. ATHERTON ST. AD 8-3041 Students & Faculty Cell Dick Hoy far an appointment to hers your car put fa top ihapo for this fill season. Motor Tune-up • & Complete Winterbries &Weil* ilTwilnwrmriw/rvri7'ME7-• Given ReOrieve his earlier defiance. able only to ,a f me, rather than The same argument was ad- timprisonment in the contempt ci vanced on behalf of U. Gov. Paul tation the court levelled against B. Johnson Jr., who stood in for him. Barnett on one occasion last week Neither Barnett nor Johrison to bar Meredith from enrolling came to. New Orleans for the However; Johnson was made Ii- hearing. Explorer 14 Satellite Put GAPE CANAVERAL, Fla ffPi— An Explorer satellite soared into orbit last night to measure radia- . tion streaming from the sun, bow it affects conditions on earth and the threat it poses to space ex plorers. . The Explorer 14 payload shot aloft from here at 5:11 p.m. En aboard a towering Thor-Delta rocket. ALL -THREE STAGES of the booster fired with precision and drilled the satelliteintb space at a speed of nearly 24.000 miles an hour. Project offiC•ials announced at a By. Bus - By_ ar - FOot • All Penn State Students are heading for ' SENIOR (LASS DAY • at STONE VALLEY Sat, Oct. 6 . 124 P.M. .::. - 11( 1. * . i. ::::i.l. - :.* : -,' . :-i.: New in-Othit news conference anThour later that the 89-pound-satellite had been injected into a•flopping orbit which was intended to 'take it 53,000 miles away from the earth before it swings back as close as 185 miles. . EXACT ORBITAL • FIGURES cannot be confirmed for several days, bui. Robert Gray of the Na tional Aeronautics and Space Ad rninis;ration, said, "I see no reason to beeve that we got anything but a noble performance." Gray is chief of the field project branch of the space agency's Goddard Space Flight Center. =EI 1 - ~ gastro - Concesston -Ri 1 • WASHINGTON OP) Secre- U.S. o rlidy laid down at the open taiy of State Dean Rusk was re- ing a 20-nation Inter-American ported yesterday to have ruled Forei g n " " Conference on r9blem. m the Cu.... it any deal by which Moscow Rusk • . WiS reported to hayo would abandon Fidel Castro in ma d e e t : th a t the united states exchange for Western concessions win make every effort to deal in Berlin or elsewhere. • with Cuba through the Organiz' &- Fills was one of the points of tion of American States. A 1 , 1 , - 1 i Business Can Thursday, Oct. ** * I HIGH es ft* , Rosana ' NOW SHOWIN Feature Begins 1:31111154:404:151 _ L. /11VAI. s tliVitr! .: 0 flor Mitt Affre -- "—. '' WEDNESpAY, OCTOBER 3, ,1962 Announcing COLLEGIAN School 7:00 P ciom 109 S.' ring paper and ... __l COLOR! 20 . JERRYWALDu CinernaScopel Pair* t 4 11891 WAYS ,EMES OF iss APIs. Adams kid Out ids* I 4,1962 ckett' pencil RATING 1 lEMARKk FORMANCE!" -N.Y. DAILY NEWC elnl wsvi as I'm vitae- GU e
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