PAGE EIGHT South Hans Alters `The ANOS voting procedure for the South Halls Area Council has been changed becatuse -of Ewing Ball's designation as a women's '-residence hall. -- In the primary elections, 21 candidates will ;be chosen as voters select three coeds from each of the seven residence halls. Ten of the 21 candidates will be Miss the convenience of home ? ? QUALITY CLEANERS will take its place. —PICKUP & DELIVERY ON CAMPUS Laundry • Repairs & Aiteratitins while u wait • Dry Cleaning & Pressing moirwiesewwww . We give GOLD BOND Stamps • CLIP AND REDEEM THIS COUPON NOW! ritat/WOOWW.GOLD BOND COUPONAmmotiol e e 30 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS 40° at the Quality Cleaners NAME IO9 S. Pugh St- State College I - A DDRESS AL Good thru Oct. 6. No Purchase Necessary. L a ir MAAW, ctiP AND REDEEM NOW! I i AMMAM I / 4 4 4 ) .4 109 S. Pugh St. AD 8.0992 Tastes Great ' . f: • '?/.;.-i::Y'.-because the . actOi• , 'S;tt: ••' 2.. GREAT TOBACCOS MAKE 20 WONDERFUL SMOKES! Vintage tobaccos grown, aged, and blended mild ...Made to taste even milder through the longer length of Chesterfield King: F.*il: : THE DAILY CQUIGIAN, UNIVERSITY I F'ARK: 'PENNSYLVANIA oting Procedure Chosen as council members on the final election day.. - - The seven women polling the most votes in their respective residence hails will be named to the council, and"the two freshmen and one ppperElassman receiving the most votes among the remain ing 14 candidates will be elected the council's members-at-large. town and Campus Any student, whether he lives on or `off campus, can ;obtain a copy of The Daily Collegian with: out to muchi'exertion. - Collegians Axe distributed Tues day through Saturday at the north end of Sackett, the Iffetzel Union desk, residence hall - inning areas and 10 points in State, Col- *COLLEGIAN CL FOR SALE 19511 BUlCK—owner In If editerrknain. Good, ute tar, Working parts in excel lent condition. Will sneaks fort $296. AD 8-96811. 1960 ALGA, exa - Bent eonditio•. Call AD 7-17E7. M.G.A. TWIN CttM divisional clutmytkm of Northeastern United States in! 1961. Undisputedly fastest M.C. in United States. Suitable for road or track: Contact' Mere Dusty, Room 210, Hotel State College. 1982 RENAVLT Dauphin Delon. Condi tion guaranteed--8 months remaining on manufacturer's warranty. Priced to aelL AD 7-4412. , MOTOR SCOOTER 1961 AR State Com pact, practically new. Low ailleate; spare tire. 1196 or best offer. Phone charmed. Call Al 11,13 11-21504. / LOTS FOR SALE within % tittle of TJni-- eersity Dam. Call Standing Stone, NO 7- ,A2B. MOTORBIKE. ocellent condition. , Legal for Freshmen. 115ne it and price It AD 11.6873. rHONOLA RECORD PLAYER. Excellent condition. Half Drice.• Call AD 7-2111. DRESSERS, brtakfast meta. beds. -tables and sofas. Hoy's Used Furniture. Lemont. Open 6-9 p.m. - MOTORCYCLE lor sale, 600 et 4-apeed A.J.S. No reasonable offer refused- , Will accept bicycle SA part payment. UN 6.- 6745. Bill. TWO TICKETS for Air Yore* MUM CHEAP II AD 7.7026. STEREOPHONIC A.m..r.x. Radio. T.V. and Record Plover. Call John Hay.. AD 11-92.32. - • Reg io n Distribidi • - lege, Phillip • Guest, circulation manager, a*. The circulation staff alto • tributes papers to various fra ternity houses along an established route, he added. • In State College students may pick up Collegians at the campus •Restaurant; The College Co-op, 1992 HONDA ' 1 60" Motor Hecate starter, windaideld, luggage ewer. 260 miles. Cost 130 new for $3OO. Ken Adams, AD 84119, FOR SALE: Auto insurance at can afford. Erie Insurance Excba Mr. Temeles AD 144623. FOR BALE: Ws English Bike, i,rseticall new; must sett; Call UN 54232' WEIIiA.RANER PUPPIES (I) $ wks. 01. A.K.C. resistration. Reasonable. EL' &.9667 HAVE APARTMENT— Want 124 North Atherton St. Call 84526. ' DOUBLE ROOM and half a dOable roo at Friends •Student Interna ". al Ho Close to campus, 'cooking grief' ea. Phon in the P.M: to AD 8-6667. STUDENT TO share a small house with two atudenta, 124 W. Logan .' a month vita' fuel: and 'electricity. AD 1142. I NINAIO• OHIOIN10010•••••••••• WOHNOMIN. ONE BOY to' work In Boarding House a meals each ' day =rept Supday. Call AD 7-7247; TWO WAITERS—work for vitals. Call AD-8-0402 or AD 8-8062. Beet food going. STUDENT—iwirt-tiroo, regale work. AD 84602. 16.ITCHEIT HELP—Dishwashers j and Walt ers. Theta Delta ChL Call AD T-4402.. s 4 for cook or caterer. I - WAITERS WANTED. Call Lambda Chl Alpha, AD 7-26' . . FO.Ft A GE. E. 14, SM MTHER ORMARY CKAREITES ,t 1 tactGEB £E IHOf • The crake of a Chesteatti . metbws.and softens as if - - ONG enough lizegixtertib...:l,l •••` vothirtdritletoyour' FOR SALE Electrfc, ek, and Sacrifice, 1 rates sag se. Monti rbn RENT 1 :~L'I anip4.ll SZE OIIATERTIELD ru TURDAY. SECTEMBER ,29. _1962 n Points Given The Comer Roam, Graham's, Me-- I 112 Yea, The New 'College Diner, The ;Nitiony Dell, Nittany Sews Agency, The Thiii Diner and The Penn State Diner, Guest said. Guest estimates student lation at about 8,000 and the num ber of subscribers at about 700. SSIFIEDS * l'alkOiloo. WANTED: A DISHWASHER rind a WaHair for • Delta Sigma Phi. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Thermo dinandes by Mooney. Call AD 11-3581 bei• tween 1 and 417 am. NEEDED: FOURTH MAN for apartment at 1000 8. Allen St. Call Steve Ferri► AD 8-0310. ' CASH FUR Used Motoneooter. $lOO to? $125. Call UN 5-2204. , DISHWASHER. Call caterer. Pi Lambda Phi. AD 8.1612. WAITERS WAN'TED. Call AD 1-4964 ask for caterer. emeelassew es. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••4••••••.•.•••••••••• WORK WANTED 11111011010110.10•••••••••••••, 111••••••••11? DRUMMER. Imperieneevl. available inime:- diately. Call AD 114362. LOST LOST: TAN RAINCOAT Saturday night at S.A.E. Please call Irene UN 154093. LOST: GOLD ORLOFF Wriatwatai 7 -. vicinity of S. AlJeri. Reward. Call Shirley UN 5457(1. TAN RAINCOAT — in - Osmond taken b mistake on Monday. I have yours. cal nen, UN 6-8848. LOST ON Sat. night—raineoat. reeeraiblt. light blue' denim with madras thaw,. Reward. Call Jackie UM 6-5330. LOST: HORN-RIMMED Classes to green itas• near Tyson on Monday. Call Rani UN 54850. LOST: BLACK RAINCOAT at S.A.E.. Sat. night. Call Nancy UN IS-BM4. LOST: MAN'S COLD. wrist watch with black leather band in the 'vicinity et Bombe. Reward. Call UN 0-3044. LOST: BROWN STRAW Purse. PleaN return to RUB desk. Pawn important WHITE WRISTWATCH. black string band —between new 'Education Building and HUB. Reward. Call Lyn UN it.-8228,; GLASSES WITH blue frames itr -- nitys blue leather ease. Call Marcia UN 5-2073. TAN , RAINCOAT. Thursday noon. Saelltati Bldg.. Call Brant. UN 6-8965. •••••••••rnsummownsemerraimersomosomnweseems NOTICE •••••••••••••1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JAM SESSION on Saturday at KDK 5:50-7:30. Cadets. fraternity nun, and dates are Invited. TKE and KDIL 111 - MISCELLANEOUS PIANOS TUNEXis repaired. Dick Eisen hower. Call. AD 5.2102. evenings. SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: The COLLEGIANS are back on campus with a new and dy namic round. Rock !sessions or pledge formals. Limited bookings still available. Contact Jeff Brown Al) 7-7683. THE music MART—The Complete Mails Store Guitars and guitar accessories. , Sheet Music and a Complete Instrument. Repair Service. Also Ulm, Hardos, and Mandolins. BOOKSTORE at Lewisburg. 00 N. Front St. two blocks off 'Market. 11.000 critically selected volumes for your browsing Pleat , . ure. Used. Rare,' Out-ot-Print. Reasonable prices. Open daily and evenings.. ALPHA PHI OMEGA. men'• service fra ternity. invites -soli to a •Rnshing Smokes, on Oct. 1 at 7:30 in HUB dining rooms A and B. SAXOPHONIST, double clarinet and piano, experienced in, all types of music. Call UN 5 1 6740, tab- for Steve. Available Im mediately. BACKGROUND' GUITAR desires combo work. Experienced. Can take lead. Plat' all RAIL progiesaions and beats. Contact Bob Ruth, UN 641818. ALPHA. LAMBDA DELTA: Meraberehip Dins, certificates for Spring initiates avail— able at 129. Grange. Haan: 9.12, 1-6. .WHICH ARE YOU—a leader or • fol. .lower? If you're a leader, and are en rolled in Army ROTC as a hman, sophomore, or junior, there's on one thing you can do -to develop your skills. Come to the rushing smoker of the Asso ciation of the U.S. Army at 8 p.m.. Mon day. Oct t in. 206 Wagner. See f, demon stration of; Army weapons and equipment and enjoy iefreshments later. NEED EXERCISE? Come_ Rock Clluting with Outing Club thb. Sunday. 9:30 a.m., Rec. EMIL • TREE EATS!! - HIRE! HERR I . HIKE! Sitingletosin Sap by Route ISO. Sunday. Leave Rae Hall 1 p.m. Sign HUB desk. FLYING CLUB Meeting Monday. pet. L 7:30 p.m...7.11; HUB. All interested persons invited... Members: Awn will be colleetet. PETE SEEGER—presented by Folk Lore Society on film. 2 p.m. Sundsl. RUE Assembly Room : meeting olkrws. - WILL• CONNIE. Secretary? of P.3.U. /tid ing Club, :Please call Ralph. UN 5-4109. PENNA. STATE Education Association Presents - The Church and The State - Dr. VanderMeer Wed., Oct. 3, :30 p.m. 112 Education Bldg. • GAMMA SIG SIGMA. National Wont: en *s Service Sorority; is having a mem bership rushing lax Sunday. Snit. 30. , 1 2-4 ' p.m. in Simmons lounge. All second tern • freshmen and above are invited to attend. PSOC CANOE DlVHAON—practiee ,trip to Stone !Valley Sunda,. Sept 30. .Rio manners welcome. Meet Ree Raft, 1150 p.m. PSOC ROM CLIMBING Division Medicos` 7:00,1263 Ni fused. Everyone welcome.' Teton elides.
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