" I TURDAY. SEPTEMBE4,29.. 1962• alker Submits Un • Eric A. Walker •MdaY presented ,to Gov. rid L. Lawrence's budget sec . the University's I.o63:budp request, Walker announced ut tement yesterday. . statement said the request .resented a tubstatitial increase the current appropriation of Attention All Women Students!! Awl COMMUNITY COUNCILS are now available at the HUB Desk. for: the return of Application Blanks Wednesday - Oct. 3 5 p.m. at the HUB Desk . i, ~ ivirsitys-Increcised $2O million. The exact amount, however was not disclosed. WU mom E. Ken worthy, executive as sistant to the President, also declined to deiiiie what a sub stantial increase would be. ' The increase was guested, the statement said, primarily for sal ary raises, research and to offset APPLICATION BLANKS . -Deadline THE DAILY COLLEGIAN.j UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA for udget ,Request the cast of increasing enrollment in accord with the University's long-range, plan. The University requested $24 million for the current fiscal year; which ends June 314 1963 but kereived $2O million. Walker said ha had .full oPPGE tunity to present the request. DID IT AGAIN I 2nd-Stniight Jammy Tonight at Sigma Phi Epsilon with The Pillifits Closed Sorry, no Freshman man ELECTIONS COMMISSION . ANNOONCEMENI • • Petitions for candidates for U.S.O. Congress, Freshmen andSephomore class presidents will he available at the HUB desk from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Today. Return them to 202 HUB by October 4 at 10:00 A.M. 11111.1111111.1111.1.11. :70 Kr rr" * " l',P r . A * ;"` 4, r CLIP THE FALCONS ! _ =um. --u.mmovatniimr.rokoiLom SE M= PAGE FIVE
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