PAGE TWELVE Research Review Use of Rare Metals Exa Rare earth metals . of the West ern temisphere and their role in the composition of heavy metals for space agency and industrial use are being investigated by the Department of Mineral Prepara tion. . Columbium, molybdenum and tungsten, , plus their alloys, and `chromium are being examined in laboratory scale tests under the supervisum of H. B. Charmbury, head of the department. "WE ARE SURVEYING a way COLLEGIAN FOR SALE its••••••iw•••••••••••••••••!••••••••tprn•••••••••• 111114 BUICK --oyener in Medlterronegn. Good, safe ear. Working Wit in Steel iest condition. Will um-Me* for 8295. AD 8,9689. 1960 VGA, excellent condition. Call AD 7-7787. . MOTORCYCLE Wof, Harley "Itf." to (raeilfied for scrambling) $176 or Melts' altar. MUST SELL. AD f. 38215. N.G.A. TWIN CAN divisional champkm 4.1 Northensurrn 'United States le 1961. Undisputedly ,fastest N.G. In United States. Suitable - for road or track. Contact Steve Dursy, Room 211, Hotel State College. BICYCLE: brand new man's Raleigh Sports with Dynabuh generator, lights and horn. Worth $7910, selling for $6O. Call AD 142.81. 1962 RENAULT Dauphin Delux. Cond.. lion guaranteed-11 months remaining -on manufacturer's warranty. Priced to sell. AD 7-44,12. MOTOR SCOOTER .1961 All State Corn poet, practically new. Low inlleage. .parr Una 1196 or heat otter. Phone changed. Coal Al 'AD '94904. LOTS:4OR JIALE within mile a Tint-- varsity Dion. Call 'Standing Stons, $0 7. 11420. Have a real cigarette-hqve a THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UN of taking ore as it is minef and Pating 'it into a _ form . that can be used by all heavy metal in dus tries," Charmbitry said. "The extent to which these metals may be used can be expanded if we discover a more economical way to prepare them," he added. The project; supported by the Molybdenum Corp., which sup plies metals from Canada, New Mexico and South America, is in its fifth year. Previous -investiga tion has,resulted in the prepara tion of a rare earth salt now being FOR SALE •••••••••••••PW••••••••••••0111110011•WPOMMO.•••••••• MOTORIME, excellent condition. Legal for Freshmen. See it and price It. Al) 8-10.73. TWO PENN STATE-AIR FORCE football tickets. Cheap. Call Marion UN 1.-1.8152. PHONOLA RECORD PLAYER. Excellent condition. Hell price. Call AD 7-2111. 11153 STUDEBAKER Commander Cm/PC Needs work but runs UAL Can AD 5- 2206. _POCKET 411AGNIFIER-14X—Bausch ind Lomb fail Rocks and Minerals comma AD 74203, Bob Dinaock. LIGHTWEIGHT AMERICAN BOY'S Mkll, !Ike new. Reasonable. Call Pete AI) 1-2060. TERRIFIC BUY! Gies Roasts Rude, Bicycle. excellent rimming condition. Oriti nani 1,66. asking VAL Make otter. Call UN I-8000 after 11. Gail Radcliffe. DRESSERS, breaktost 'bets, bads L UM , * and _sofas. Hogs Used runifttink, Lemont. Ope 84 p.m. MOTORCYCLE for eel*. 140 cc No reasonable offer refused ill ili accept bicycle u -part payment. UN 11.- 67467 BilL TWO TICKETS for Air Fore* SIMI CHEAP II AD 7-702 C. The best tobacto makes the ined used commercially I • steel MUM- facturers. MINED- ORES e tested in the department's la • • :tory then sent to the Molybden Corp., where the alloys are tes on a large scale. Steel Manufprers utilize cloy - strengthened 1 in indus try and recently ' conjunction with U.S. space projects. A- project which. aims to elim inate air - pollution 4 resulting from burning mine refuse is also being conducted by the Department of Mineral Preparation. CLAS'SITF FOR SALE WEIXARANER PUPPIES (5) 5 wks. old A-ILC. reerfitratian. Reassemble. EL 6-9867. FOR RENT HAVE APARTMENT— Want roc/Inmate -114 North Atherton St. Call Harvey, AD S-16311. DOUBLE ROOM, and half a doable room at Friends• Student International Rouse. Close to eampus, - tooklng privileges. Phone In the PAL to AD • 15-41147. Plowll FIVE WAITERS wanted for meals six Am a work. Call AI Harris AD 7-4444. PROEM COSTOWS VIOLATORS In The Customs Board. Violator slips available at HUB -desk, Waring Weave and Pollock Main; hall. - ROOM WANTED desperately._ Stork or ow/4mM of double. Non-smoker. Ca Al, AD 7-21/1. _ WANTED: A DISHWASHER and a Walter for Delta Sims PAL • MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Thermo dynamics by Mooney. Call AD 1-SlBl be tween 1 and 4 p.m. :, =333 PARK. PENNSYLVANIA Woikei to Mi At Anqual Er President Eric A. Walker moderate a panel on "The. C of Engineering lEducation" at 30th annual meeting of the gsneers Council for Profesi Development I ' The. meeting will stress need to stimulate increased i neering enrollments .in colleges. it will be hekt Oct 1 and 1 2 in Philadelphia. • OTHER MEMBERS of thepanel which Walker twill moderate in clude James L. McGraw, dean of the Technical'. Institute ..ot the University of Payton; George A. E emeommeno•••••••••••..., MIMED Ipsommaisonsoresort•••••• NEEDED: FO : MAN for a• nt at 1000 S. Allen Bt. Call Sims Ferri! AD 84210. DORY CONTRAIL'', must be sold .r East Halls roam. Contact Stan Selkowlla UN 0-8129 if you are Interested. I CASH FOR Used Motorseooter. 14X1 to 11125. Call UN 5-2204. HELP MARTED •• i WAITERS AND Dislwaabors WUXI Call caterer AD 11-80211 ONE BOY to yolk In Boarding' onse t meals each daf except Sundal. Call AD 7-7247. )[AN' WANTED 4 toll or port4l4, 22a-* perieneed in cab • work or flow wood• work. to, do p aro ' tramming. Income adjusted to ability 741442. TWO WA " work for meala. Call , or AD - .8962. Beet .1 sainS. E.E. STUDENT • art-tlme. repair, work. AD • S-9602. HELP WANTED Assaf:go opening', per i boar. Choose AD s49n. t smoke! I • • erate Discussiclin gineers touncii Hawkins, dean of ingineering:;and mathematical 'science, Purdue University; and Joseph M. Pettit, dean of .the School of Engineer= ing, Stahford University. :.- ,Featured speakers at the con ference will be Jaipes IL J. Tate, Philadelphia mayor; Dr. S. Ray din, vice , president in charge of medical education at the Univer sity of Pennsylvania and capcer research • specialist; and Abe Silverstein, director of space flight developthent for -.the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis tration. will the En onal E Si, DRUMMER. ripe:kneed, &vanilla zunii diately. Call AD 84362. LOST: MAROON PURSE at Phi Kappa Tau. Jimmy Saturday. Reward. Calt 'Sum AD 7.4969. LOST: TAN RAINCOAT Saturday c night at S.A.E. Please call Irene UN LOST* GOLD ORLOFF :Wristwatch-- skinny of B. Alien. Reward. Call fihirley . LIN 643570. TAN RAINCOAT In -Osmond taken mistake on' 'Monday. I !says you*„ Call Elko. UN. 11-8849. LOST- ON Eat alibt— , faidedst revegninil46 light Mu* dealm, with madras Saint. Reward. Call ;Jackie LIN 5-43110. LOST: BORN-RIMMED Gleam in:green ease near Tyson on Real. UN' 114110. LOST: BLACK RAINCOAT at R.A.R. Sat. night. Call Nancy UN 14644. • Jar roromai. 'FI far Tart-4lmo Ivor $l.O own howl. Pbcce LOST, MAN'S GOLD • wrist watch with black leather bane is -the vicinity el Douala .ittward. Call UN 6-4044. LOST; •BROWN STRAW Puna. :Please return to RUB leek. Papers important. JAM SIMISION - Saturday at - KDR 6:30-7 go. fraternity magi. and dates arty Waited. sad KDR. PM (OS TUNED. malted. 'Dick ;Etna. bower. Call AD 11-2102, evening*. FOR M A BETTER PENN STAT.:. Enforce Eas - - • . SOCIAL- CHAIBIdENt Tho COLLEGIANS ars back on campus with a 04W sad dy namic sound. Rock seaskras or riedy. formals. Limited boaters still aseilablob Contact Jeff Brows AD 7-71D4. THE MUSIC /LARD--Tye Complete, - /lusts Store Guitars and Guitar aoneasoriss. Sheet Musts and a . Complete tratruzurnit Repair &trim Also tikes, UDR*. sad Mandolins. - • BOOKSTORE at Lewisburg. VA N.: Frond' St. two blfteks at Market, 17.0041 selected tOlOllll6ll foe. your brerwriniti - .- • um. Used: -Ear._ Oa-a-Print- '• • ' prises.- Open dahr sad remiss& .2 • LEMIN YOLK GUITAR. • P • etruetlon In rlglit4sand styles. prieea. Call Neal Al) $-3119. NOTICE IS hereby elven that Campus Patrol. :on, The Pennsylvania Stets Uni versity is In possession 'et a number of blades found on or about the campus, owners nnknown. Owners are invited to claim theft bicycles at' address below by furnishing proper identification. Bicycles not claimed be considered" abandoned and subject to sale at nubile 4:auttian. Signed i Carnets Pia*, Spruce Cates*. University Pa* Pennsylvania.. ALPHA Pm OSSEGA.; .mea's aerie* fra ternity. invites ycni to a Rushing ;Smoker on Oct. 1 at 7:30 in ;HUB dining rooms A and , SAXOPHONIST, double clarinet and plane, experienced la all Sipes cl mask. CaH UN t 1-6740, ask ter Steve. Available kn. asedisely. SOCIAL. CHAIRMEN: - Watch cart. here •re ao sgata Tbs-Cataltnui ayes Providinit those sounds for another year. Contact: _Ed. UN - 64837. BACKGROUND GUITAR degree! Combo work. Experienced. Can .take lead, play all R&R progresaloni - indjbeats. Eontset Bob lbatil. UN 6-611111.' a ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA: Meeebership •Dim, certificates for Spring initiatO able at 129 Grange. limns: 9-12. NEWMAN CLUB of the Pena_ Stat. Catholic Cotter-Yell picnic 149 Stra., Sept. SO, Hoboes Foster -Park. ;Garoor food. CATHOLIC CENTER—Pizia Parts-Oct i. First Friday after 5:15 Ma ms,;- Chapel Lounge. WHICH- ARE ~ YOU—o. Dada' cr a ft& Sweet If you're' a loafer, and pro; ca rolled in Army ROTC ae a; froehmsm. sophomore. or junior, there's Gulp: ono thing ybu eau do •to develop 'tor eic/110. Come to the rushing 'smoker of -the Mao—. elation of the C.fl. Ana, at 3 pad:. Mn... ; day. Vet.l In 24115 Wagner.- Son a : dennno-l t , et:ration - at Army weapons and entlinnieado and erdelr- T , M4o.O.mnsts later. ; NEED - IMCERCISEI • i 7 . , •-• ••=ql 2 . with Outing Cub Ms Sunday. WO Ree -Rail. FREE EMI! • NIKE' HIKE HIKE! Shingletotou Gap tor, Route 1116.1 - Sunday.' pairs' Rae • So/1 2 pm.-Shim tap —HUB desk. , FLYING - CLUB lieetkes llipudioV. Ott .1. 7:3* cIp..IIUPL Allistermtc*. imams Invited idillabers t 1 Dom will le iiolletted. PETE SEECER—grreeentod Flak Lora Segiatr Ans tUI. 2 pm. Strollo , . MID AsseiWy. gam; Mortise g NEWMAN CLUB et the Peen Stele CAB'. ells' Cestire beldam= uneetteer red Warmed brakfast. Sen4hiy , pat 4. MIS . , • FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 11962- WORK WANTED LOST NOTICE
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