PAGE TWO Misfortune LONDON (AP)—Fire broke out last night aboard the . S vri s s freighter Celerina as it sailed to ward Antwerp with 44 Americans rescued Monday after their chart ered Flying Tiger . airliner had ditched in the Atlantic. The British Air Ministry said at least two men aboard the, small freighter had been badly burned. It was not specified, whether they were crewmen or' included any of th - , disaster-dogged plane crash survivors. There )vere no immediate _de tails on the extent and cause of the fire. The Air Ministry said the Royal Air Force rescue control unit had gotten an emergency call to take off two injured survivors from the Ceterina. But the spokesman added: "It wasn't clear whether they meant -survivors from the plane or sur vivors from the fire aboard the ship." The RAF immediately mounted a new air-sea rescue operation to help the burned men, It started soon after the abandonment of the joint U.S.-British• search for the missing among the 76 persons aboard the airliner that crashed into the stormy Atlantic Sunday night. The Air Ministry said two RAP. Russia to Finance Port Located on Cuban Coast 'HAVANA (AP) The Soviet 'Union and Cuba plan to build a port somewhere on Cuba's 2.500- mile coastline as headquarters for a joint Atlantic fishing fleet. Fi del Castro announced yesterday. The bearded prime minister un veiled The plan in a television speech , after signing a fishing treaty with Soviet . Fisheries Min ister A. A. IshlCOv. He said the -Russians will use_ the port under a 10-year conti act "which su - r - i!ly will continue much longer than 10 years." Castro said the port will cost 12 million pesos. BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto New Bikes—l yr. Guaranlee 112 S. FRAZIER ST. AD 74982 Attention All Women Students!! AWS COMMUNITY COUNCILS are now available at the HUB Desk. for the return of Application Blanks Wednesday - Oct. 3 Strikes Crash Surlivors helicopter were ordered out at dawn to pick up the injured from the Celerina somewhere off west ern Ireland. The RAF also t ordered a Shackleton reconnaissance plane at Ballykelly, Northern Ireland, to take off before dawn : to search for the Celerina, pinpoint it, then guide the helicopters to it. Plans called-for the helicopters to ferry the injured to Cork, in—southern Ireland. The Celerina rescued 48 survi vors from the' plane crash, but four of the most seriously injured were transferred to the Canadian aircraft carrier Bonaventure. ' In that operation , . however, the Celerina picked up a doctor and a medic - al aid from the Bonaven lure. The slow-moving Celerina had been expected to reach the Bel gian port tomorrow night. ' . The Bonaventure was headed for Shannon, Ireland, to discharge Its survivors. Senate Committee WASHINGTON (AP)—The Sen ate Judicial Committee yesterday quashed contempt of Congress charges brought against nine steel company executives accused of defying a subcommittee headed by Sen. Estes Kefauver, Kefauver, who has been direct ing an inquiry into steel industry pricing practices, protested that the K e n n e d y administration should have been '..more helpful in pressing the charges. The Justice Department, headed by Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy, followed- a liands=off attitude on the contempt case being consid ered in the Senate. It would have begn upto__the department to sTATE, Now . 1:15, 3:56, fi:37, 9: le: How did they ever make - a movie of I . _ ...01.11 FOR _ Koos CNER 111 entenctborrebera mots • moos ret SIM FIXACTOIS 06.65 E rsimil,,422o"s•l4loLlTA _ TAMES NIASON.SHEIM WINTERS - PETER SBIERS;.,-/...z.eSUE LYON-Lai.- APPmed by the Production Code Adrnmistration mem loriceme NEXT ATTRACTION "WEST SIDE STORY" APPLICATION BLANKS -Deadline 5 p.m. at the HUB liesk. THE DAILY COLLEdIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA for The Bonaventure and British and American military planes broke off the search for other survivors about dusk yesterday. However, it was , presunied any commercial vessels in • the area were keeping a lookout for sur vivors. Sixteen persons remained offi cially unaccounted for; the evi dent feeling among bone-tired and discouraged rescue workers ;was that all!of tnem were lost. With 12 bodies already recov ered, indications pointed to a death toll of 28. Courage 'and heroism while the • passengers went through a ditching drill as the plane plunged toward • the stormy Atlantic Sunday night was credited with saving the others.' "There are a total of. 48 people who are miraculously alive," the; l Canadian aircraft carrier Bona- f ' venture radioed shortly before it, left the search area for the ,Shan-.1 non estuary. - !ears Steel Execs prosecute the case in court if it had reached that stage; By a vote of 10 to 5 the Judici:- ary Committee washed out, the contempt citations brought by fauver's group against: four steel companies —‹ , Bethlehem, Repubj. lie, National Ind Arrnco —; and nine of their top officials. The steel executives'refused to comply with kefauver subcorrimit tee subpoenas calling for the prci duction of cost figures. They con tended the figures were trade se. crets and that a public disclosure would damage -their firms corri 2 petitively. Kefauver pledged that individual firms' figures would not be publicly disclosed. • Berlin, Cuba Ignored By Rusk, Grolnyko - UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (A') US. Set. etary of State Dean Rusk .and Soviet Foreign Minister An drei A. Gromyko met for more than three hours yesterday but appareMly failed to come to grips, on the vital issues of Berlin and Cuba. • It was the firl meeting Of the two foreign ministers since the conference on Laos in Geneva last July. It is expected they:will meet again in New York, but no ,date has been set. . Robert Manning, assistant sec retary of state for public affairs, who'. briefed newsmen on the meeting, said that only Laos and a nuclear test ban had been dis cussed and that both subjects had been brought up by Rusk.. .Asked specifically if Cuba and Berlin' had been discussed, Man ning replied .no. "The subjects were not brought up," he said. • He said that the United States is inulertaking a Military with drawal from Laos as a result of the agreement reached in Gene va, and presumably this was touched upon. On the nuclear test issue the United States has proposed a ban on tests in the atmosphere and underwater which woutd not be subject to inspection. Manning gave, no indication of Gromyko's La Vie CANDIDATE MEETING 111 Boucke Thurs., Sept. 21 1:00 p.m. OPERETTA SERIES 'orld•s Best Loved Operettiii , Beginriing Oct. 2nd._ at the CATHAUM Theatre MATINEE PERFORMANCES at 2:00.4:00-40 P.M. SPECIAL DELUXE PERFORMANCE at 8:30 P.M. Tues.. Oct. 2nd: Rudolph Ftimle's - Rose Maxie" Oct. 9th: Franz Lehar's Merry Widow" Wed.. Oct. 17th; "Johann Stra4s"The 'Great Waltz" Tues.. Oct. 23rd: Victor Heibert's "Sweethearts" Tues.. Oct.' 301 h: Oscar Straus' "Chocolate Soldier- Nov. 6th: Sigmund Romberg's ?Girl of the Golden West" *You'll Thrill to the *MEMORABLE MELIODIES! - *SCINTILLATING STARS! *INCOMPARABLE VOICES! Series Tickets Now On Sale ALL 6 OPERETTAS for Only $4.50 Save By Buying Series Tickets Now . lanythal • ! Adults 96C Young WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1962 attitude on that proposal, which has not been accepted by the So viet Un on. I GrotTko was affable but not very cotnmunicative when he met reporters upon emerging from an elevator in the Waldorf Towers. ' "Matters of general interest, in cluding the work of the General Assembly, were discussed," he told reporters in English He :greed with U.S: officials that he and Rusk would probably meet again. CONDITIONED'" ATI/A Ull O l Hjirryl Last 2 Days! at 2:20 5:25 - 8:30 P.M. # r hi tegit ae/ Mai ler THE WIT WARMS MOVE EVER WAN - TECOMBIr• MEM IT WE MIX. ;Bo rt Preston - Shirley Jones Buady i Hackett - Herrnione Gingold *•Starts FRIDAY,* Mai Ts skisouria • Wiese , Best Performance • Camas Rl= •- .5' Festival 1962 • .1! VT 1: 4 a *DURUM WaNNUNOR"T." IA O Wiley M 4 British 110 =1 Wool tal bm1.41 If Tin 011611.1110 A Cakmili 044•60/. kg, a.l. NEMAIMENEMIL.I.-• • a `; l ; r NIT TA iii:] ToNITEt 7:00 & 9:15 P.M. ; d e Pe n tft I nc nm the e Y O r m ni :Vet 2 * Begins FRIDAY' * A; TOP FRENCH IMPORT! ; - "LA BELLE AMERICANE" "Ili—Octane 'Hilarity:" —N.Y. Timeti '!One of the Year's Funniestl" —N.Y. World Tele - Ntt Sun announcin discriminating theatre goers of State College WORLD RENOWNED ^ r --' ' ors 50c
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