WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26.1962 Campus Patrol to Inspect Student Bicycles 'Oct. 6 A general inspection and regis tration of student bicycles will be Conducted by the campus patrol from' 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ' Oct. 6 in campus parking area 46, Capt. John Galaida, patrol chief„ said yesterday. Students may, not ride bicycles on campus or in the State College borough unless their vehicles have been inspected and registered by the patrol, he added. GALAIDA SAID students who cannot be present Oct. 6 may bring their bicycles to the patrol office at Spruce Cottage from 9 to 11 e.m. and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. any Wednesday, Thursday or Friday before the end of the term for registration. Students will receive a li ce nsee plate and tag for their bicycles at the inspection. The plate and - tag i~ ill facilitate identification of the COLLEGIAN 'CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FRESHMAN ENGINEERS goad used drawing instruments and other drawing equipment. EL 5-9292. • 1955 QUlCK—owner In Mediterranean. Good. safe car. Working parta_ in excel lent condition. Will sacrifice for $295. AD 8-9489. 19:4 GREY RENAULT—cIean. excellent running •condition, seat belts: Asking $423. Will consider best offer. Frank, AD 8-3739. FOR 'SALE PERILLA, leas than one year old, 250 ee. Call Howard, AD S-C7lB, GIRL'S ENGLISH Bike—like new. Call AD 3-9842 ask for Cary. 1960 ALLSTATE 125 cc 61. C. $125. Call All 7-4125 between 7 and 5 p.m. SET OF Dietzgen Drawing Initrumente, used in Freshman Engineering courses. Call UN „SASH, 190 MCA. excellent condition. Call AD IWSO AUSTIN HEALEY 3000. 21.000 miles many extras. Excellent thronzhout. $lBOO El. 5.9674. 4 ' MOTOR SCOOTER-11161 Allstate com pact; practically new; low mileage, spare tire. $195 or bet.t offer. Call Al AD 7-3250. MOTORCYCLE 195 Harley •'165• et. (modified for ..serambllnfirl $175 or highest offer. MUST SELL. Al) g-312t. - 1957 MGA, perfect condition, new - tire% new' clutch. Call Walt after, 7:30, AD 7- 24894 COMPLETE SET .OF Army officer's uni forms. Blues. greens. TWA, dacrons trousers—waist 83, length 2fi4',, blouse 41, cap 7'4,- Call Bernie AD 7-203i1. • HARLEY-DAVIDSON Moterricle. 126 c.c.. tam passenger. Call after 8 p.m. UN 5- E 044; Jpha. M.G.A. TWIN CAM divisional champion of Northeastern United States in 1961. Undisputedly fastest M.G. in United States. Suitable for road or track. Contact Steve Derv. Room 21.6, Hotel State Coll BICYCLE. brand new mates Raleigh Sports with Dynabub generator. lights and born. Worth $79.60, selling for $6O. toll AD 7-4268. J. C. HIGGINS lightweight bicycle, one year old. very good _condition. Call AD 8-Ins. POCKET MAGNIFIER-14X—Bauscb and Lomb.' for Rocks and Minerals courses. AD 7.4203, Rob Dinsock. ENGLISH HIKE—S3I, like new; 26-inch bike for $25. Call Ted. UN 6-2369. FOR RENT GRADUATE STUDIZNTS. Uppereignimen. Comfortable rooms; running water. pri vate bath. central. location. (Double or ainfrie.) Quietly, conducted for resr and study. The Colonial.. 123 W.- Nittany. Al) 7.-7702, AD 1-4850, Mrs. Cox. HEATED GARAGE it. Beaver Ave. and Atherton St. $lO a month. Call AD 7-4344. ROOMS TOR RENT: Near campus. 241 S. Pugh.' Singles. $lO per week; Doubler. $l5. Still available. AD 8-31.51. i'd; 04;14 “.•••••••••••••111111.11•111011441•11”. FIVE MEN to ;work in kitchen. Call AD 1-23117. ask for Jim Spahr or Pia. KITCHEN 'HELP at Alpha Epaikra Pi Call AD 7-2941, ask for caterer. TO BUY Fall Dorm Contratt. GII Henn , 'AD 7-3844. ' WANTEDI WAITERS and Kitchen help Call AD 84021. WAITER WANTED tie week tor mesh Call enterer AD 7-4334. FIVE WAITERS wasted for •eneah six days a week. Call Al Harris AD 1-4444. THIRD MAN needed to shire rented house on SP Creek. laths from campus. Winter eipensei about Pt per month. Call EL 54124 after T p.m. ' "3 • •131 C . ... 11 I e wants work :with experienced rowel,. AD 1-2926. eyt for Tom- THIRD MAN for three room apartment. 25 Metzger Building. AD -114640. PROM CUSTOM'S VIOLATORS 117 Tka Customs Board. Violater. Was available at HUB desk. Waring bonny" and pelloolc dining ham ALPHA PHI OMEGA. lords t•rwlee Mk ternlt7.l invites you to • Rznititur Snooker on Oct.{ 1 at 731 In NUB dining near A *ad D. SED GiRL'S Ban. Cali Eve. U / I "*IML I gA.IOIPIIO Room WANT IM davenatir- Singl° ,oae-halt of - doable, Naa-aagokarr. Call Al, AD 7,211 R. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY- PARK. PENNSYLVANIA vehicle in case of theft, Galaida said. ,i He said students who expect the campus patrol to retrieve their stolen bicycles must register their vehicles 1 since it is almost im possible !for the patrol to locate and identify an unregistered bike. THE INSPECTION and regis tration are valid in State College borough j as well as on campus, Galaida aid. The registration ex pires after the 1963 summer term-. Lost Itiems‘at Willard Articles such as tuition receipts, student identification cards or meal tickets lost during registra tion main be claimed from 8 a.m. to noon! and from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday, through Friday or from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday in 4 Wil lard. i HELP WANTED WAITERS AND Dishwashen wanted. Call caterer AD 8-3021. • TWO BOYS to work in Boarding House: 3 meals leach day except Sunday. Call AD 7-7 '417. K ITCH EN HELP 'wanted. Call evok at ATO. Al) '7 -7683. MAN WANTED full or part-time. Ex perienced! in cabfret work or fine wood work, to; do picture framing. Income adjusted to ability. Al) 74142. • KITCHER llELt—Dishwashers and wait .ers. Theti Delta Cbi. Call AD 7-4402. ask for took or caterer. • - TWO , WAITERS—work for meals. Call AD n-0407 or AD h-M962. lust food going. MAN TO WORK in kitchen for rends. Call ?JD 7-49117. r~nrr+ur~„ (WORK WANTED . _ DRUM3I4:II. teNperieneed. available Imme— diately. Call AD B-3362. ••••••qpn •••••••••••••••044.111 lOTA ALPHA PI sorority pia at AEPI Saturdayt night. Call Lois UN • 5-400. LOST: TAN RAINCOAT at fraternity party Saturday nite. I bare yours. Call Diane UN j 2337. CAMEL BOYCOAT taken by - it m istake at Pi Kappa Phi on Saturday night. I bare yours. Chß UN 57706. LOST: iCLASS RING left in It 6 Car negie. White , =old with green stone, 85.00 reward. !Call Dorothy UN 5-8751). LOST: ENGINEERING MECHANICS 12 book outaida lUDA. Monday morning. Ros ter inside. ,Call AD 14-13622, ask for Rich. NOTICE JAM SESSION on Saturday At EDE 5:30-7:80. Cadets. fraternity men. and dates are invited. TKE and ICOR. PERSONAL sams••••••*•••••••••••••• WILL JOI.TRN major who borrowed blue ballpoin4 in Journ office Tuesday. Sept. 19 please esll 54349. 0110011101101111111. - k MISCELLANEOUS • PNIV) TUNED. repaired.' Dick Eisen boar . Call AD 8-2102, evenimpi. YOUNGI I DEMOCRATS Meeting W.L. Sept. 26th, 7:, 0, HUB ROMS 218. OWNERS 0 Pentax Gmeru please call Urizent. Bill. AD 7-20:4. FOR A BETTER PENN STATE. Enforce Customs. ' 3061A1i CHAIRMEN: The COLLEGIANS are back an _campus with a new and dy namic sound. Hoek etvisions or plectra formals., Limited booking , " still available. Contact( Jeff Drown AD 7-70 M. THE 110JSIC KART—The Complete Music Store —t Guitars and Guitar accessories: Sheet usDi u, ie •nd a Complete Instrument Repair Service. Min Ukes. Banjos, and Kandoll . , . BOOKSTORE at Lewistura, SO N. Front St; two Maks ctft Market. I i. 0041 ethical e selected 1 volumes for your browsing plea,- ore- Usk, Rare, Out-of-Print. Reasonable prices. Open daily and evenings. WHO XNOWS ABOUT "A Petunia in an Onion Patchr Dean Frank Simes will ■peak Sept: 27 at 7:00 p.m. in the HUB lounge. Sponsored by University Christian Association Student Connell. - _ LEARN) FOLK currAß. Professlonal la otruetloa it, right band styles. Moderato prices. Cell Neal AD 8-2119. NOT' IS herd", given that Campus Patrol. on The PeassylvanLa State Uni versity s in possesakrn of • number of bkycles found on or about the campus. onmers t ir i tlinown. Owners are invited to Claim r bicycles at address below by furaisking proper kieatificstlon. Bicycles nbt dabbed will be considered abandoned and subject to sale at public suet/w. Signed:: Campus Patrol. Borneo Cottage. University Park. Fermi/yank. double••trisr., clarinet ant par orwa in .n Was iii anarla Phi a UN /-4740, mak for Stave. Available far . mediatelr. Dußois Fund Nears Top The Dußois Educational Foun dation - has now raised approxi mately $535,000 in its campaign to secure $600,000 for the con struction of two buildings on the University's Dußois campus. Kenneth L. Holderman. coordi nator of the CoMmonwialth cam puses, said yesterday that plans are being made to begin construc tion of the first building, a class room-laboratory and faculty office combination, in the late spring or early summer of next year. THE FUND-RAISING drive be gan May 16 with a kick-off dinner, Holderman said, and intensive ef forts in the next six weeks pro duced the bulk of contributions and pledges represented, in the $535,000 figure.! • 'The drive, he added, Is now in its final stages. Additional con tributions are expected after con et Lots More from LAI more body m the blend •1 more flavor r_, 4l < - in the smoke c 1 6 .131 more taste through the filter It the rich-flavor leaf that does it! Among L&M's choice tobaccos there's more of this longer-aged, extrakured leaf than even in some unfiltered eigaiettes. And with L&M's modem filter— the Miracle Tip only pure white touches your Get lots more from L&M the filter cigarette jai people who really like to smoke. struction of the first unit is bevxrt, Holderman continued. Preliminary plans for the build ing have already been drawn by the architectural firm of Hunter. Campbell & Rea of Altoona..These preliminary plans are now being inspected and some modifications may be made before the final plans and working drawings are made, he said: AS PLANNED NOW. Holder man said, there will be four lab oratories biological sciences. chemistry, electrical engineering and physics six classrooms, two large lecture halls.. faculty and administrative offices in the building. The building will get its first use with the start of classes for the fall term 1964, he said. The architects. Ifolderman said, have estimated the building will cost about $481,000. A physical I==INE education building, roughly esti mated to cost 3150,000. will be the second part of the building cam paign on the Dußois campus. "MOST OF THE substantial support for the campaign." Holder man said. "has come from business and industry." The success of the drive at Dußois, he also said, has stimu lated several other of the Com monwealth campus advisory groups to think about similar pro jects. The ;advisory group at the New Kensingtoß campus, for ex amples is ' also contemplating • fund drive, he added. WDFM WOrkshop The student-operated radii) sta tion. WDFM. will hold a workshop at & tonight in 121 Sparks for all students intervited in-working on the staff. PI LTIPI I warn it ammo ietmabio els. PAGE ELEVEN
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