TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 25. 1962 House Passes Reserve Callus Bill WASHINGTON , (AP). The House passed and' sent, to Presi dent Kennedy yesterday a bill au thorizing him to mobilize 150,000 reservists if the situation in Cuba or 'elsewhere grows more threat ening. • . The measure was passed by a 341:13 roll call" vote. after. several Republicans questioned its value. On the final tally 131 Repub licans joined. 211 Democrats in support of the measure. Against it were 2 Democrats and 11 Repub licans. DEMOCRATIC LEADERS urged the House to give Kennedy what he asked for to strengthen his hand in dealing with limited erbergencies while Congress is in adjourninent.• • 'The House ,responded by shout ing down a series of amendments and paSsed the. bilL in exactly the same form as it cleared the Sen ate a week ago last Thursday. • , REP.; GERALD R. FORD. R- Mich., :protested that this legisla tion Will have, as much impact on 'Mg. .Khrushchev • as a single leaf falling in a mighty forest." He Guido Receives . Support From Argentine Navy BUEIgOS AIRES (Al') Presi dent Jose Maria Guildo, asserting his ziew-won authority- after a Military upheaval that jolted the nation; demanded tnd received yesterday a pledge of support from naVyi fprees whos alliance had been shrouded in doubt. - Atithe same time, Guido named as army secretary retained Gen. Benjamin Rattebach, 66. outspo- : ken but widely respected artillery officer who champions the line that military should stay out of pol ; • 1 I Giants Trade Gaiters NEW YORK (AP) The New York Giants sent halfback Bobby Gaitdrs to the San Francisco 49ers yesterday in a National Foot ball League trade for offensive end !Aaron Thomas. BREAKFAST SPECIALS Today 2 eggs-any style Ham—Home Fried Potatoes 75c Wednesday • 2 eggs—any style Bacon—Mime Fried Potatoes I - 70c' • I PENN STATE DINER ?'Eat at the sign of the Lion" Attention All Women Students!! AWS COMMUNITY COUNCILS are now available at the HUB Desk. fol. the return of Application:Bicinks *eilnesday - Oct, 3 5 p.m. at the HUB Disk protested enlarging its, Gallup authority from 150,000 to one mil lion men but his amendment was defeated. The House also rejected an amendment proposed by Ford un der which - the reserves called up would be limited to those in the Air Force and Navy. REP., BRUCE ALGER. R-Tex., who detcribed the bill as "a Politi cal gesture," sought unsuccsful ly to knock out the section giving the 'President authority to call tip reserves. This would have left 49 Survivors Rescli LONDON (AP) . 7 - .A SEw iss freighter rescued 49 American plane crash survivors from the storm-lashed Atlantic yesterday. Hope for the 14 still missing, faded rapidly after dark. The 13 'others aboard the downed plane! were reported' 'dead. I A spokesman at the • U.s. Air Force Base at Prestwick, Scot- land, said 11 bodies had been talc en from the churning seas and two others had been sighted but` , not recovered. APPLICATION BLANKS 2Deadline- THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA for only a second provision empower ing the chief _executive to extend present enlistments and duty tours for men now in service. By passing the bill in the same form that it cleared the Senate, the House avoided the necessity of a ,Senate-House conference to iron out differences. The bill, which Kennedy said he `wants to help deal with less tbdn all-out emergencies while Congress is in adjournment, passed the Senate unanimously on Sept. 13. d from Crash In all, there were 76 persons aboard the chartered Flying Tiger Line airliner that ditched in the North Atlantic sunday night with its load of American servicemen and their families on a flight to Germany. A Royal Air Force officer at Plymouth said it was almost cer tain that four of the six life rafts had been accounted for and that the two others probably were de stroyed. - College Board to Allow Enrollment of Meredith NEW ORLEANS, La. (AP) --: I take into account Gov. Pon Bar- Under threat of court contempt, I nett of Mississippi, who has sworn the Mississippi State CoIl e g e t to go to jail rather than enroll_!k Board yesterday agreed to enroll 1 Negro Ina Mississippi school. James s's H. Meredith. a Negro, .in , thirinc* the day, when the es:g ap-white University of MI'sWI iloge board n was being forced into RI. I action, Barnett did these thin; ;: The sth U.S. Circuit Court oil Appeals set a 4 p.m. deadline today for hiS registration. , Meredith would be the first :Ve t , gro admitted as a student at Ole Miss in its 114 years of existence, THE BOARD offered to regis: ter Meredith at Jackson, the Mist sissippi State capital which is 150 Miles closer to New Orleans than cs the University_ of Mississippi campus at. Oxford. • Meredith's attorneys agreed. But these agreements did not FRESHMEN CUSTOMS VIOLATOR SLIPS are available in Waring Lounge, Poi lock Dining Hail and HUB Desk. I ENFORCE CUSTOMS FOR A BETTER PENN STATE ~ i= i i1.:0r,,,L o 2.4 t , t i 1 # r. c I Miss Sue Starbird ... the discriminating as well as the beautiful select bill coiernan EZ=MEMIE igs; •Got. a state court order for bidding university officials from enrolling Meredith and Meredith from trying to enroll. •Issued an executive order Which requires state police to at test anyone who tries 'to arrest or fine a state official. • Just before'the long hearing in New Orleans ended, the Missis sippi 'Highway Patrol 'announced a 24-hour standby alert It didn't say why. ' • I , hffis Bonnie Feheley =Mail EIIII=IEEZI r_:~•s~~ PAGE 'THREE ~ k ,_ • :x.. ; ' : •-ort
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