SRTEMBIAI 16. 1962 Women Students Schedule Intramurals RierY woman student becomes a member of the Women's Recrea tion •Association upon -entering the ' University. She may then decide whether she will be an active member. -The WRA program is divided into three parts clubs for in dtvidual sports, intramurals and specialevents. The WRA intramurals are open to residence hall and sorority teams. Trophies, are awarded to the win ners of the , intramural games which are usually held on Monday ,through Thursday nights. 1 IIitRAMIIRAL competition is held in badminton, basketball, bridge, softball, swimming, tennis, table tennis and volleyball. In 'addition to these intramurals, there are coed volleyball matches held each year. The WRA clubs are open to all womep studenti. The bowling club and field hockey club meet in the- fall term. In the winter term, the basketball, fencing, gym nastis and rifle clubs Meet. The tennis, golf and lacrosse clubs meet in the spring term. ; - • Swim club, dance club and of-. ficials club meet throughout the regular school year. Many of the clubs sponsor special events. Each spring the tennis club sponsors a clinic featuring some of the nation's famous women tennis players. THE - DANCE CLUB presents a dance workshop'or a concert each year. The swim cltib has a special synchronized swimming group, Councils Initiate Added Services College councils have been in strumental in opening classrooms -tor night study, setting up stu dent lounge areas and allowing the individual college libraries to remain open longer. Several councils also have tra ditional events such A the Liberal Arts Council lecture series, Busi ness Administration Council Ca reer Day and Home Economics Council Spring Weekend. COLLEGE': COUNCILS discuss any questions concerning their colleges at meetings, usually held twice a month. MeMbers are chosen through self-nomination `and subsequent selection. JAny in terested students may complete applkations. Council elections for all colleges are held on the same day, but students may vote only for rep resentatives from their respective colleges. Activities among the college councils are coordinated by the Inter-College Council Board. The •10 student councils are Agriculture, Business Administra tion, Chemistry-Physics, Diviiion of Counseling, Educilion, Engin eering-Architecture, Home Eco nomics, Liberal Arts, Mineral In dustries and Physical Education. A ilentyWeloeme to the Clau of 1966 THE CONVENIENT CORNER Fine Food Sinre the Class of 1930 WELCOME! Delicious, Handmade Candies B;Fiidge Lots of Goodies THE CANDY CANE "Betvieen the Movies' klittimy Dell hoilse delicious sandwiches Lox and Bagels Serited Sunday Tiff 2 P.M. across from girlidorms THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA the Naiads, which presents an asivacade each year. WRA's special events include Co-Ftec nights when coeducation al groups can use thefacilities of White Hall. Throughout the year, WRA holds ,open houses every weekend. Swimming and bowling are among the sports offered for women only these nights. During the year the WRA has sports days with other colleges 8111111111111111111111111111111111111111411111111111111111111111111111111111111,111111111111M1E Mai = Tryouts for MN On ... mot MN 41 MD OM WM OM t.• ei I•=ii OM ... ••• .... MO /NM THE UNIVERSITY READERS Thursday, September 27 Candidates I Should Prepare 5 Minute: if FavOrite Prose, if additional . Information Is wanted; call &Agile Gould*, president, UN 5-8739. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111011111111111Ii11111111111111111MME • menthol fresh • rich tobacco. taste • modem filter, too and universities. 'Thee sports days offer competition .in seasonal sports. The WRA Cabin; 'located near campus, has many na..l . con veniences. It is open to . WRA club group, women's in • ependent groups and sororities. These groups must have an adult chap erone. Reservations for the cabin can be made in the WRA room of White Hall. 10 Sparks Bldg. 3:45 p.m. Ptietry, or Drama Selection when you discover the cool - air-softened"taste of Salem Rockwell Named F. Prea dent of the Rockwell Manufac turing Co., of Pittsburgh, has been named . chairman of the 1963 Alumni Fund by the Executive Board of the Alumni Council. Rockwell, a 1935 graduate sue ceeds J. E. Holtzinur, president of the Mirror Printing Co.. which University Creamery Dairy Products Sales Room ke Cream Pasteurized Milk Chocolate Milk Butler Milk Creamery Butter PAGE THIN lumni Fund Hea publishes the Altoona Mirror. Rockwell. has served the 111 versity as vice chairman 'of C Alumni Fund and as co-chairma for its Special Gifts program du ing the past two years. He is cu rently serving as vice chairman I the Penn State Foundation Boat of Directors. , kick Cheese Cheddar Cheese Cottage Cheese Trappist Cheese Grade A Large Eggs
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