PAGE EIGHT 23 Seniors to Receive Service Commissions -Twenty-three seniors will re ceive commissions at commence ment exercises Sept. 1. They have qualified for the . commissions by completion of the Reserve Officers Training Corps program. TEN WILL be commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army Reserve. The* are Donald Bayard and Norman Berman, both in busine'ss administration frpm Philadelphia; Blair Dodds. arts and letters from Natrnoa Heights; Edward Getsy, geology and min eralogy from Woodbury Heights, N.J.• Robert Gingerich, recreation cdrent;on from Seven Valleys; and Robert Hellmuth. mining en ginetfring from Harrington Park, N.J. Others are Jon Lang, arts and letters from Johnstown; John Learn, electrical engineering from Blandburg: John Patrizio, fores try from Muncy; and David P. Shearer; business administration from Pittsburgh. Eleven will receive commissions 9 to Graduate With sine seniors will be graduated with honors at commencement exercises to be held Sept. 1. ' They are among more than 800 candidates for degrees to be awarded at the close of the sum mer term. Two of the graduates will recieve their diplomas with. high distinction and seven will be graduated with distinction. -The honor graduates receiving high distinction are Nancy M. Huber, arts and letters from St. Thomais, and Peter O'Connor, meteorology from Ft. Lauderdale, COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE INABOON.•••••••••••••••••••••••••............••••••••••• PRK'SERS. Meet-of-Drawent. Breakfast Set t, Desks. Tables 111,_ Becht. Hey's Used Furn.ture.jeemont, Phone AD A-0420 after rLYMOUTII SEDAN ivai dltion, low price. Call AD 7,2898. MEN'S GOLF CLUBS. Arkal tape re corder. copy of Ampex), VW, 1061. Stadia, seat helm, reclining seat. Al) 8-11A60. A1.187114, -- _ArneMetelx now velar tires. two sport*. ewe ry th Ing working. n foliar too thor. •ood milewe. Gall George. AD E-417217. FOR RENT GRADUATE -STUDENTS. upperelasamea— rontfortab'e rooms, runnina water, pri vate bath. Crntral location. tflouble , or alnxie.l Qub•tly conducted for REST and study. The Colonial. 128 W. Nittany. AD 74792, 4 1.. D 7-1861. M. Cox. ,[ORAL FOR COUPLE for two students). New. two Num furnished rffiriener, with private both and full kitchen. Close to campus. Free parking. AD 7-7792, AD 7. .411010. Mrs. C ot. _- MODERN FUIt.NISHED efficiency 4 Sep- eember in September.) Central. Parklax. Full kitchen, own thermostat. AD 7-7792, AD 7.4960, . ROOMS FOR FALL for ►tudenu. Very Nose to commie. Phone AD 7 -AOC U 4 IL Alien. _ ROOMS FOR MEN-46.60 per week. Lip- wood. 430 West Heaver Ave.. borough. Parking available. Phone AD 7-2237 or AD 1-20/6. 15114GLE ROOM in private home within walking distance of campus. Off-street parkin,. 'Available fall term. Call AD 1-44.51. ,RINGLE R 0034 for trutuan. Acme to elm- ffaMMSMMiI DOUBLE AND Single. Rooms in private . borne. tor gi►L.' Cooking - privilrforn Ron- . £O6 South Atherton, - . _ SINGLE ROOM IX HAMILTON HALL. CONTACT L. BERGER. tar PLEASANT VALLEY WAY, WEST ORANGE. N.J. 1 , . , . "1 iIiELP 11 Men living in .spertinents, I *tad 4,000 books of green stamps. For a bleecyhurst College bus. Any amount would tpprrciated. Call VW 6-a3ga. mak for Bonnie. WORE Wt_PITED TYPING -- term papers, reports, manu scripts. Roars ricaronable. Call AD 7- Ott Call after 6:00. MULTILITHING AND Typinf oL thesis. reports, torn. papers.. CAD AD 7-70Z.b. • /rBX iff,DIOJ ASSISTANT MANAGER. Work for room. Martins Scplxiolier. Call AD 7479 L Ask _for C. R. STUDENTS—lJndairtraduak and Graduate ISM!EMIMM in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. They are David Bittner, music education from State College; James Dixon, secondary education from Washington, D.C.; David Goodhart, secondary education from Rutherford, N.J.; Norman Hyduck, mechanical engineering from Olyphant; and Wayne Ma gargal, psychology from Hatboro. OTHERS ARE Gerald McNelly, psychology from Murraysvilk , ; Edgar Naujoks, business adminis tration from Philadelphia; Roland Reed, general agriculture froth Port Matilda;.• Barry Stoner, me chanical engineering from Mohn ton; Edward White, liberal arts from Sinking Spring;'and Donald Wocidwell, Industrial engineering from Havertown. = John Bertram, industrial engi neering from 'Wallingford, Will be. commissioned an ensign "iin;‘-the U.S. Navy Reserve, and - Geofge Gay, business administration from Tunkhannock, will be commis sioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps onors September Those graduating with distinc tion include William Clark, -the arts from Clearwater, Fla; Victor Cortez, business administration from Par leesville; Barbara Eun gard, arts and letters from Spring Mills; Stanley Kanoza, business administration from Mc Ke e s Rocks; Emilie Smith, arts' and letters from St. Marys; Marianna Thaden, arts and letters from State College; and Joan Wright, arts' and , letters from Madison, N.J. ..•0.... 000000 11.•••••••••101.10.0011••••••••••••••111.M.•••• LOST: Small black Leather Women's Purse containing• identification. Kath leen A. Moore. Lust I a.m. Sunday. Aug. 19 in vicinity:lief Pugh and Beaver, Streeta. Please newest to HUH desk. Medium 150. n. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MPZ: Hello loser, wish you were here. SNM overhauf.i Lx: ~ • GUITARS, UKES, Rinks and all musks! accessories. Band instrument Mair aervire plus all the latest records. The Music- Mart, 111 E. Beaver Ave- AD S -3711. STUDENT CHECK CASHING Arctic,— Monday through Friday. 9;30 to 12:30, ground floor of HUB. GUITARS UK Banjos and all musical accessories. " Band instrument -repair service plus all the latest records. The Music Mart. Ile E. Beaver Ace. AD 8- Sill. SUMMER COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA LOST PERSONAL Registration for all, eligible voters will be held at the State College Alpha Fire Co. on TUESDAY, If you are unable to resist House, Beliefonte,, Saturd Monday, September 17, fr Funds Granted for Research Three meteorologists at the University have recevied a ;14,- 994 grant from . the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, ' Weather Bureau, to, do research in the area f short-range weather forecastiat airports. Charles L. _Hosier, pro fessor and beid of the Depart-,j ment- of Meteorology, and Hans Neuberger and: Hans A. Panof-1 sky, professors of meteorology, have received.' this grant. THE HIGH SPEED of jet planes I has brought about the demand for these- short-range weather" forecasts, according to the grant recipients. A grant of $5OO has come from the Aluminium Company of Can-1 ada, Ltd: for the Department of Horticulture to conduct research in magnesium: compounds.. • ' Ernest L perginan, l assistant [ 'professor of plant nutjition, said 'that a• magnesium def iciency inl the soil of Pennsylvania is de veloping into a serious problem. Bergman will conduct the re search. - The Department of Horticulture has alio received a grarft i of $6,000 to suppiirt a graduate assistant in the department from The .Lorig tr LooKS LIE A Boolc (of: course, it must be a current edition) 8:45 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. TUESDAY AUGUST 28TH WEDNESDAY - AUGUST 29 KEELER'S The , University Bookstore, MC: 206 E. College Ave. ATTENTION! Have Your Registered? SEPTEMBER 11, 12 noon 10 p.m. Sponsored wood. Foundation of Wilmington, DeL THE GRANT will cover two years and will assist the research of genetics, cytology and breeding of the geraniuni. Darrell E. Walk er, associate Professor of plant breeding and acting head of the Department of Horticulture, will direct the research project. He will be assisted by two graduate students. 'The U.S. Office of Naval Re search is 'continuing the' support of crystal. chemiStry and high pressure research :which it has supported for 14 years at the •Uni versity. • The grant for this year is' for ;30,350. Rustum Roy, professor of geochemistry, and Frank Da chille, research associate in geo chemistry, are in charge of the project. They are studying the effects of high pressures and tempera tures on simple oxides and halides and on' a wide range of silicate structures. • • The Pennsylvania Flower Growers has presented the De partment of Horticulture with a grant of $2,280 to sponsor a grad- - Vat NY 1x... r Tuesday, you may register at the Cou , y, September 15 from 9 a.m. to 9 'P.m!, o I m 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. y The Young Demicrats THURSDAY-;'AUGUST 23. 1962 uate assistant in the ` department. John V. Mastalerz, professor of floriculture, has announced that the assistant for the next academic year "will be Richard Criley, graduate in horticulture from Elizabethtocam. Criley is the fourth assistant sponsored by: the Pennsylvania 'Flower Grtwers. THE ADVANCED - Ttes.earch Projects !Agency of the Depart ment of Defense through the Of fice of Naval Research' has_made a $19,500 grant to the University. to support basic research in the Material sciences in the. depart ments of ceramic technology and geophysics and geochemistry: The grant will be used to pur chase equipment to determine elastic constants of Lewis Given $5OO Grant F. H. Lewis, professor of plant pathology at the University Fruit Research Laboratory at Arendts vine, has received a $5OO grant in-aid from the Niagara Chemical Division, Middleport, N.Y. The money will support research on the diseases of decidlious fruits at the laboratory. , , VI , 70woura
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