PAGE SIX Ed, Psych Building Completed for FaII The personnel of the College of Education are now moving into Unit l of the Education and Psy chology Center recently com pleted on _the former site of Bea ver Field. ,THE FINAL BUILDWG in •spection was done by both rep ,rentatives of the _University and the General State Authority. 'With the beginning of the fall 'term, classrooms and all parts- of the new structure•will be in full use. Some classes have already been transferred to the new unit. The building, started two years ago. viiis a part of , a,52,334,114 GSA project that also included horticultural research - facilities con s silting of two laboratory of fice units and a greenhouse near Tyson. 'The .campus horticultural re search .facilities as well as the -units west,of Pine Grove Mills were also included in the inspec tion: These units have been in use. The Education and Psychology Center includes classroom and an.adminiStrativp office unit. The ;classroom unit extends 332 feet Along Curtin Road with the main entrance facing Curtin Road. The administralive unit, about 128 . For On *or Off the Campus • • MENS - fp WISP'R GAB COTTON SLACKS By FARAH of TEXAS • Sizes .98 29 to 42 • Neat, with just- a whisper of a pattern, this fine 100% super-combed cotton makes the season's favorite trimline slacks. Wash 'n wearable. Pre cuffed. sanforized. Belt loops. • Colors: Antelope, Black. Beige. - DCldinbri •• Ca State College feet„by 146 feet, is located north of the classroom unit. One of the horticulture build ings provides areas for plant chemistry research, graduate .re search, plant breeding, olericul-; ttire, plant nutrition, soil prepa-1 Lion, laboratories for systematics.; and .offices.' - The second building has lab oratories for soil physics, soil and radioactive chemistry, assay, crop physiology, viruses, climatology,, graduate research and inocula- tion. 'lt also has office- space and cold storage. A new greenhouse, 31 feet by: 147 feet, was built in the center of a , row of existing greenhouses, with an enclosed corridor cori-. fleeting it with the other green-, houses and the head house. THE FACILITIES on the for-. mer Maude Miller farm near Pine Grove Mills .414 made up of three: uhits, each 40 feet . by 40 feet.; They are used for machinery re-' pair and storage, seed cleaning and storage and for agricultural' research. There is .also a green-; hriuse, 28 feet by 104 feet, with three hot beds, each about 6 feet by 84 feet, paralleling the green-i house. SUMMER COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK: PENNSYLVANIA •1 Fallout Shefftr Built Power Plant Controls Protected In the event of a nuclear at tack, University personnel will be able to operate •the central power plant that provides heat and elec tricity to the nearly 980• major campus buildings . on a, limited scale. Climaxing nearly a year of planning, a fallout shelter-con trol center has -been built within the- plant and has been; equipped to enable. operators _tot keep the boilers fired :by remote; control. g CLOSED-CIRCUIT j television cameras will read. uges -and keep operators informed on ' the coal supply and other data in. the Fire Strikes+ 1, (Continued Irrrm page one) floors were extensively ;damaged by water. Records of the Division of Aca demie. Research and Services, which moved to the. third floor a week ago, and of the Depart ment of Management 'Engineer ing were comptetely, gone, a loss th:lit cannot be determined in monetary figures. The tiles of the Division. of Counseling, including the records of 4,500 entering freshmen, ' : escaped damage. t DOC was "open for business" the morning following the fire. Two other fires in th- area kept 1 Alpha firemen busy wring , the ,evening. A home on the Rev. Samuel Martin estate at 220 E. Hamilton Ave., was g tted by a fire started by a lightning bolt. A barnon the James lE. Brooks farni along Rattlesnake 4 Pike, about one and a half rOles north , of Unionville, was destroyed by -fire after it was hit by lightning at 5:45 p.m. Monday. ATTENTION STUDENTS" Special Buses will be operating Wednesday, August 29 to points Both East & West Coll AO 74181 for further informotiol By LINBIA SMETS contaminated area of the plant, From this information, the oper ators can utilize remote control buttons to keep the plant in ac tion. 7With an enrollment of .18,000 students here and with 10,000 of them living in campus r es idence halls, the- University for the past year' has been working on a plan tot provide protection in- the.event ofj a, nuclear attack," Stanley. H. Campbell, Vice 'president for busi ness, said recently. , • Construction of the shelter area in' the Power Plant arid the re mote controls• to keep the plant operating is the first major step to be taken to provide such pro tection. The maintenance of heat and electric power on 'the campus will help to solve some of, the problems faced in working out - a plan, Campbell said: . i Many of the campus buildings have interior and underground •areas that would provide shelter from fallout and. the continued operation of the power I plant would provide electricity to these areas, as well as heat that may be needed. THE MAINTENANCE of elec tric power is alio essential for the operation of deep well pumps that supply water and also the Movie Will Repoli 'On TV Education The Division of Academic Re search and Services at the request of the U. S. Office •of Education will prepare a film rePort of the experience of the University with instructional television. The agency has allocated, a $19,1,63 grant for the case study project. THE UNIVERSITY has done original work in the development and adaption of closed-cireuit television for the teaching of Uni versity courses. The instructional television was inaugurated in the fall of 1955. At that time - three teleVised courses were presented to 367 students. The program has grown so that by the .fall of .1958, 15 different courses were taught on' closed circuit television to more than 5,400 ,students. During the past Bermuda. Rule Changed The Association of Women Stu dents Summer ''Council will susz pen&the ruling banning bermudas in the dining halls during part of the last week of classes,, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The AWS Council will also have coffee and doughnuts available. _in each women's residence hall rec reation' room or lobby after 10:30 p.m. on thise days. A donation of 5 cents per person will be asked. THURSDAY. AUGUST-23. 1962‘ operation of the sewage disposal plant and the power plant itself, he said. Harold E. Byers, head. of the Division. of -Utilities, said that it is anticipated that after. the first day or two, it would be necessary for men to leave the shelter area to check some operations -in the power plant or - possibly in other buildings on campus. Under ground tunnels that carry utility lines to the principle buildings would provide relatively safe passage to the various buildings, Byers said. This network of tun nels is entered from the shelter area. • WHILE THE REMOTE control panels, .radids, food - stores and other supplies are , stored in a locked room, much of the , shelter area is space used daily, by per sonnel of the power plant, in eluding washroom facilities and locker room space. Confident that the new facility will make it possible to maintain On a limited basis the essential services of providing heat and electric power as well as water and sewage disposal in the event of an emergency, Campbell said that he hoped it would never:be necessary to utilize the facility. academic year, about. 20,000 stu dents participated in the program which offered some 27 differ,ent televised courses. • ' Extensive -research has been conducted on a wide range of specific' problems 'of televised in struction by the Division 'of Aca demic Research and Services. The' Division has been in charge of the • educational 'television pro gram since its inception in 1955: The University's program Of televised instruction has attracted the interest of many educators throughout the country. Other ed= ucational institutions have -adopt ed the University's system for their own use. - • THE ICO-DIRECTORS .of the film 'project are C. R. Carpenter, director of the Division of Aca demic Research and Services, and Leslie P. Greenhill, associate di rector.' Participants will include administrators, faculty members, production personnel, engineers, students and others associated with the television project. • Fire Crowd— • (Continued from page one) ladders and hoses. Others were permitted to enter the first floor of the building and salvage some of the records and equipment. A - Continuous paiade of students ca r r y,i n g typewriters, chairs, desks, loaded bookcases, file cab inets, electric fans and other of fice equipment emerged from the first floor. The students put most of the equipment and papers on the lawn near Walker .Lab. The tons of water poured onto the building during the two hour blaze caused "terrific water dam age" on the floors .below, a fire man Said liter. At one point the water was pouring off the roof of the : first floor_ porch like a Waterfadl. New College Diner C.owntowir Bardeen`ti-e . les BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES . Western Auto Neu? Bikes-1 yr. Guarantee 112 S. FRAZIER ST. AD 7.7992
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