00. Muit I. - Nine men involved in three plinary probation and the. fifth cases of misconduct were discidisci-matton office probation until the plined by the Senate Subcommit- end of this term, he said. tee on Discipline last Thursday,! Those involved were two 10th Daniel R. Leasure, assistant dean term students in liberal arts, a 'of men, said _yesterday. 15th term student in the Division TWO STUDENTS' In ! businessbof Counseling, a 4th term student administration, one 7th; and the I. in home economics, and a 3rd term ,other Bth term, were disciplinedistudent in business administra for "disorderly. conduct, entertain-ition. ing women_ in their downtown Sometime on July 8 these men apartment and drinking' alcoholic were seen kicking at a coin [beverages ,as miners,"lLeasure:changing machine in the Vollock !said. I ;area. One ,of the men had lost - 'University,'passingbytold.them i The infractions* of 50 'cents in . the machine and, a [rules occulted during ' a ;party student ' lf the!they kicked the machine, they 'students had In their ,apartmentimuld get some money out of it, July 14. The police haifbeen sum -,Leasure Said. - moni.d to the ecne at about 11, A counselor nearby came to the ,that night to investigate a con-; ,scene when' he heard the noise plaint of a •"Tclud and disorderly .. - 'and found the students in the party. The twelve persons at-1 iprocess ofpicking up some, of the nme tending the party left the reis -- -s tchange which had Come from the of- the first floor apartment anachine, Leasure added. through a kitchen window before; A third case ' involved two Ist the police entered *the buildine I term students, one in elementary 1 Leasure said. ! education sand the other in busi ! Two days after the incident the,ness administration.' two students who helms. the party;s A M AIN TENANCE MAN in the were brought before the Justice ; Pollock area caught the students of the Peace in State College andl tampering with an automatic 'pleaded guilty to the charge ofi iwashing -machine in a residence disorderly conduct. They P aid !hall on July 20, Leasure said. ' fines of $25 each and costs of fsll.so. The students were using a wire to turn the machine on without The case was then referred to4sayieg, Leasure said. When caught the University and: the students, they admitted .what they were were disciplined by the subcom - !attempting, he added. i mittee. Students can be disciplined; The students were prated on' by the University, and the Borou g h idisciplinary probation until the 'because they are responsible for ; end of the winter term 1963. • yesterday . their actions to both the commu- ByCARMEN Z. RAPPAPORT 'Va. y for 760 midshipmen' • • • I The subcommittee handled- the' and the University, Leasure • • Over: 350 cadets and midship-Ifrom 34 colleges and universities. s n a l i t d Y . (situation as a case of misconduct, iln cdmb a t uniform midslun men from ,the University will be • sea-men ended three ' 1 The subcommittee placed ,, !he but if such an incident occurred lin the borough, it would be han-I completing summer training weeks of train ,students on disciplinary probation they stormed ashore at i . Probatmn,dled by the police ait a misde sions in Many parts of the nation ing until the end of the winter term Carnii,i Pendleton, near Little 'meanor, Leasure said. and the •World within the next iCreeki, 11982. . - few Weeks. ~ 1 . THE CASE would then be heard 1 More than 2,600 pounds of con-1 WHEN A STUDENT is placed lin a civil court, Leasure said, and CEREMONIES TO mark the:trolled- demolitions, simulated off-;on disciplinary probation , a nota - ; the persons could be fined as end of a six-week slimmer camp shore bombardment, underwaterit'on isplaced' on his transcript : nscript, Program7at Indiantown Gap Mil i - - demolitions and - a' s . - fat d' i e.he ' i t an . is limited in his participai nin nth s i n much as $2OO or sentenced to 6 tary -Reservation will be held to- atomic: drop added re u alis e m ton in student activities_ A letter . ....... r i..................._ jail or both. day !at the pest near Annville. to the beach assault. iis also sent to the student's parents. One:.hundred thirty-six Univer-, „. The , landing exercise was de- informing them of the disciplinary , sity cadets of the Army Reserve, Officers' Training Corps will par-!signed ; to expose the midshipmen,action. 'to a ,srealistic combat situation.: The' second case involved five ticipate in the exercise's. ' Maj: Gen. Raymond E. Bell, The; Air Force ROTC . training students n a charge of . "malicious f sessions have bee divided divided into mischief,"Leasure said. F deputy . commanding general of. . the Second United States Army two • .gfoups. Thelirst left the Uni-,the men were placed on disci. will be the Main speaker. Iversity on June 17 and returned " home , = !home on July 14. The second • , Daxtes, Koo Crowned i 'TheArm# ROTC Summer Camp' lemma' left for the training sites • in Indiantown Gap is being at-i - ' will on Saturday and return on. Table Tennis Champs tended by 2,000 cadets from 36 Auguit 25. 1 colleges and universities. Some, i • Winners of the Cosmopolitan 'cadets who were unable to attend' THE. FIRST GROUP went to,Club's table tennis tournament the session last summer will re-;'Elgin ?Air Force Base in Florida. are Darcia 'Dazies, women's sin ceive i their commissions at theseiLockbUrne Air Force Base in:gles, and James Koo, men's sin exercises. 10hio.' Otis . Air Force Base in; gles. Both are from the United, The midship Men of the Univer, , Massachusetts: James connaly Air States. The tournament was held, sity's,Naval ROTC have been sent :Force: Base in Texas, Shaw Air July 21 to 31 in the Hetzel Union: td various points for their sum-,'Force‘Base in South Carolina andlgame room. . mer training. Some have gone ,to!Myrtle Beach Air Force Base inl' The awards will be given at the quantico, I Va., Norfolk Va., Cor-South Carolina. .. 'lnternational Night program atl pus Christi, Texas, and Boston,.' The_ second group is attending:7:3o tomorrow night in the IiUB, Mass. , , ";summer sessions at Elgin and ballroom by William H. Gray,: 'A "graduation exercise on the , Otis Air Force Bases and at Lang-tdirector of the Office of Inter-' beacle'swas held in Little Creek;ley Air Force Base in Virginia. national Affairs. i • . —U.S. Navy Pilate CLIMBING DOWN. ROPE NETS from transport ships to landing craft in full combat uniform is a tricky operation for these Naval ROTC midshipmen. Familiarization with embarkation safety pro cedures is part of the amphibious training NROTC midshipmen receive' during their summer program._ . 350 ROTC Students Train in Summer _ . , . . • . . SALES 'ENGINEER , . . 'Undergraduate majoring in - Science (Physics, 1 .1 Chemistry, Chem, Eng., '4(ll.i:stria Eng. or Elec ..-I trical Eng.) seeking a broad technical background i —must have a vigorous command of English, with ..: the desire to enter, technical .sales. Students with six or more terMscompleted,:'and with high aver ages, will be,,,coiisidered on alpart-time basis. dur- -. t 1 / ing remaining terms and full-time after gradu- / - • ation. - 4 ~- • - • :i r . ~/ / Attractive compensation and benefits are avail , l • ( able, _with a rewarding opportunity to enga / ge in - , one of Science's most fascinating adventures— • ,-. ? • : Mass Spectroscopy. . - I- ' j Call AD 8 : 0541 for an appointment o discuss qualifi •, , . ' cations with the Personnel Direcldr of NUCLIDE, 642 I Elul College Avenue at Universty I Drive. . . , . . . SUMMER COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY,. PARK. PENNSILVANIA DiskolineT Action Takpil-Againist 9 New.. College Dinei* BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto New Bikes—l yr. Guarantee 112 S. FRAZIER ST. AD 74992
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